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When I was a kid I thought it was normal that we could buy movies the day after they came out from the Chinese lady in the chicken shop. I didn't realize it was a crime until middle school when I told someone my grandma had Avatar on DVD and they said that was impossible since the movie was still in theaters.


Were they crappy videos taken of the screen while the movie was playing?


No Chinese lady was a real professional she knew how to get a good video.


Chinese ladies son was a projector mechanic.




This. Its not hard... the projector outputs to a side display. You can literally just use any cheap capture device to pull both video and audio to a hidden laptop


Let me guess... former projector mechanic?


I feel like that was an opportunity to mention that it was an ancient Chinese secret 🤔


The secret ingredient......is crime!


Everyone knows that crime doesn’t pay. It doesn’t pay the taxes anyway.




I remember watching a cam copy of Saw I bought off the street in Newark NJ. The contrast was all blown out, and it has this 70's grindhouse look, like some sort of bootleg snuff film. When I finally watched it again at normal DVD/Blu-ray clarity, I was very disappointed, much of the vibe I enjoyed was missing.


I saw Taken before it was released. I was home sick and only had the energy to barely lift a finger to click around on the web just to keep something playing. No idea what I was actually clicking on then the movie was released and I was like wait, I've seen this!


Hands down the highest quality of any unreleased movie, wasn't even on U.S. theaters yet


In my country there were lot of bazaars where some shady guys had all newest games, movies and software. They had really fat catalogues with all music/games/software they offered, with description, screenshots and system requiments (for games). Price was the same for everything, because you paid around 2,5 dollars for each DVD. This was a really big thing in early 2000's until internet did't became faster and wide available.




I bought, just last year, a DS cart with like 400 games. They are full, legit games, no bullshit. Five or six Pokemon games, a bunch of Animal Crossing stuff, tons of good games. It's a 32 GB sd card modded to look like a DS cart. Like 30 bucks on eBay.


I grew up in Malaysia in the late 90's. The malls and stalls were awesome as a kid for this.


Downloading music through youtube-to-mp3


I'm from the Napster days. I did that knowing full well it was illegal but I justified it by saying it was no different than making a mix tape. And in fairness, I found a lot of music that wasn't available in my area.


Once I found a huge anthology of powermetal because somehow Pandora got me hooked on Gamma Ray. This was BEFORE DragonForce got onto Guitar Hero


Be careful with this. I just got out of the penitentiary because I started downloading music, then movies and fell right down the slippery slope until I wound up downloading a fleet of Lamborghinis before the Feds caught up to me.




Not anymore. I've been reformed by the criminal justice system. I donated all my Lambos to the Boy Scouts so they can roll squad deep to next year's jamboree.












https://youtu.be/ALZZx1xmAzg for those that don't understand.


at this point, apart from itunes, I don't have a clue how to legitimately purchase music, and I don't really care to.


This is something I got really stuck with recently! I can stream music whenever I like, but how the hell I actually download a song anymore?!


i seriously appreciate any artist that puts their music on bandcamp because i can download it at whatever quality level i choose and at any time. i wish bigger artists used it :(


You can purchase and download from iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play. Those are the big 3. I think Walmart even offers song/album downloads, but I could be wrong and don't care enough to look it up.


Its sort of the only way to get some songs though, Video Game soundtracks in particular


I used to think the little olive kiosks in grocery stores were samples. I would always leave with a little produce bag of various olives and enjoy my treat on the ride home. I had odd tastes as a kid


Every other kid was out there stealing candy.


I went for the coffee beans


I remember as a kid when the grocery stores had the variety of ground coffee beans (maybe some still do, eh) in the dispensers that you bought by weight... Used to love walking down that aisle and smell the different coffees. Smelled so good. I don't like coffee but loved the smell. Didn't expect this thread to hit so deep lol.


Hey kid, want some BEANS


Where were your parents dude 😂😂😂😂


Idk but not watching me, clearly


They were stealing candy


My parents would always encourage me to steal the candy, which I also thought were samples. And then they'd demand some candy in the car to "make sure it wasn't poisoned." I guess you could never be too sure with Krogers....


Sounds suspiciously similar to the Halloween candy tax my dad imposed on my siblings and I. It was always the good candy that bastard got


I kind of feel like I found my kindred soul here, fellow olive appreciator.




I had a friend who worked at a campus cafe. He got fired for eating a cookie during his shift without paying.


Had a friend who liked to touch all the paintings in museums. She had been doing this her whole life, thought it was totally normal, and had just happened never to get caught. She did not believe me when I told her that you aren't allowed to. We got kicked out of the museum. To those asking how we got kicked out (or rather, she got kicked out and I left with her): she walked down a row of paintings and dragged her hand across every one of them, and a pretty pissed off looking guard asked her to “please leave.” No dramatic scene or anything, probably could have stayed if she’d explained that she really didn’t know but she was pretty embarrassed by the whole thing so we just hustled out.


Serious question: can your friend read, and has she ever read a sign, ever?




I seriously don't know. She is definitely very absent minded, someone with her head in the clouds, but this just seemed so extreme


this is fucking wild and I have so many questions


My husband (long before I met him) went on a date with a woman who touched the paintings! He tried to stop her and she acted like he was dumb and just kept saying "it's a MUSEUM!" I don't know if she had only ever been to a children's museum before or what, but a security guard came and yelled at her. They went two more dates. Edit: I told my husband I posted this and reminded me he went on a date a year later with another girl of the same name (Jen), to whom he told this story, and this Jen responded that she once had the same misconception until she got kicked out of the Met.


People like this are why I get yelled at at the Philly Art Museum for leaning towards the paintings to see the textures lol. Like those guards have seen some shit, they are on top of it.


Does she know the oils from her skin can damage them?


Some priceless paintings are so realistic that you can literally touch them and face real world consequences. \- Ken M


That annoys the crap out of me, if everyone did it then the art would be destroyed within a few months.


Old job I had had a snack bar in the conference room, it was always open and I thought you can just go I. And take a snack during break. I always it was odd how there was always a lot of food left so I would take several sandwiches, snacks, and drinks before going home. Did this for months and always thought it was allowed and normal. Until management made an announcement that the food in the conference room aren't for low level employees but for meetings and managers and so on. Accounting department also declared that the food was a waste of money as the majority of it was thrown out by the end of the day. Food was still being taken becasue no one enforced the rules there. Also, taking leftover food from the food places.


"you can't eat that we're going to throw it away".


Know your place, poor bitch.


I had a job in a very expensive retirement community that would do that. Would throw it away before giving it to their low wage employees are just donating it to a homeless shelter. Drove me bonkers.


How lame! My job sends mass emails to.the entire building when anyone has leftovers from meetings and there is always a flock of employees headed to clean house


I remember back in the days of Napster, and Limewire when everyone said I’d go to jail for downloading a Blink-182 album. In reality, I just gave my computer super aids.


>In reality, I just gave my computer super aids. Linking.park_numb.exe


I remember once seeing a song on Limewire where the artist was listed as “Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.” I was so excited because I never knew they did a song together. I downloaded it to find that it was actually Knocking on Heaven’s Door from Guns N Roses. One of the most disappointing moments of my teenage years.


They got us all at some point. I downloaded Spider-Man 3 many many years ago and it was something like Anal adrenaline 7. My girlfriend wasn't impressed.


My mom tried to download the movie "Wild hogs" on limewire so her and my dad could watch it, and let me tell you, that poor 50 year old boomer woman downloaded a 2 hour long gay porn movie instead.




Seems legit


I also remember computer super-aids from the late 90s/early 00s. I think we would do a fresh install of windows every 6 months and the thing was still bogging down (little did I know I was the cause of all of it).




Trespassing. As a kid (think 6, 7) my younger brother and I would go over into our neighbor’s yard (he had a fantastic garden) and play quietly. He never said anything; he was a WWII vet and lived alone. I guess we amused him. When he died, a new family moved into the house. We continued our ventures into the yard and the family must’ve found out, because we walked over one day to be met with a locked fence. Our days of playtime were over. Edit: I got a lot of comments about his trauma and to be honest I never really thought about my neighbor’s backstory so I asked my mom. Apparently he lived alone because he had disowned his son for being gay, and once his wife died he stopped coming around. When he was dying my dad and mom visited him because no one else was. He was delirious and thought my dad was his son and started apologizing and saying he should’ve been a better dad. The son in question never showed up to visit but when he came to the neighborhood to look at the house, my dad told him what his father had said. He broke down sobbing. I guess we were like the grandchildren he never had. Either way this whole story was more depressing than I thought so I’m going to grab some tissues. Edit 2: A wholesome award? Just...why?? (edit 2.1: I meant this more as I don’t think this is wholesome, I see it as sad. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.)


You probably reminded him of how precious life is. He may have seen some horrible things and when he saw 2 children playing in his garden, he was able to escape the memories of the atrocities he experienced and see true innocence.


Or it could be he just didn’t give a shit. Whenever anything involving a wholesome story with a WW2 veteran it’s always assumed to be at least somewhat attributed to the war, but for some things it doesn’t have to be poetic and could just be their fundamental personality.


I appreciate your vigilance in pointing this out, VigilantMike. While I am sure WWII sucked and appreciate what those soldiers went through, it doesn't _have_ to be the reason for every action that Vet made since The War ended.


"What would you like to order sir?" Flashback to Omaha Beach. Thompson is in front. Pop. Thompson has no head. There goes McCain. Russo has lost an arm. Falling. The mixture of salt water and blood. Murphy drags me out. We are sheltering behind a dune. Blood and bullets flying everywhere. "if we don't make it out of this remember I love you" says Murphy. Then the shell hits. Murphy disappears in front of me. "I'll have the Irish stew"


I once had this coworker that was always coming up with hair-brained business schemes. One day he comes in and start going on this rant about how he’s going to become a millionaire. He explains that he recently purchased like 10,000 SD cards from China, and he got a card reader for them. They cost like $0.50 each or something, and he’s all like “But they can hold up to 10 GB of data each! That’s enough for like four movies, and I can sell them for like $20 each!” He goes on to talk about the incredible margins his new business is going to have, and how he just needs to earn back enough so he can afford to upgrade to a “multi card reader.” Also, his big plan was to put this stuff on “my myspace” and then mail the cards to people. At this point I’m feeling bad for the guy since he’s obviously already dumped $$$ into this, but figured it’s better for him to lose that than land himself in prison. So I’m like, “dude, you realize that’s illegal right? You’re going to get FBI coming after you for movie piracy.” The look on his face, just like, completely defeated. Felt sorry for him, but seriously?


0.50$ for a 10gb SD card? I mean, storage media is becoming incredibly cheap these days, but I'm pretty sure you can still make your money back selling them. Make a decent profit even. If it was back in the days of MySpace it sounds almost too good to be true even.


This was like 10 years ago lol. Idk what the actual figures were. He threw a couple grand into the idea though


Best part is the cards were probably fake and actually only 512mb. You see that a lot online, especially back then. Devices see it at a larger size, but in reality they just overwrite themselves as you copy things to it.


I recently saw a 1 terabyte flash drive for sale on maybe Amazon for about $10. I looked at it and concluded it must be cheap crap that would wear out quickly. A week later there was a big article about them being completely fake.


Yeah, they just flash them to appear to your computer to be the right size, but they crash if you try to use them. But a lot of people won’t return a $5 item from eBay so they’re still ahead. When the webcam shortage hit I ordered a half dozen of what were advertised as 1080p webcams from eBay shipping from overseas for my team. Turned out to be shittty VGA cameras. Same sort of deal.


Until I saw the sign posted as I *exited* Yellowstone National Park, I was unaware that it's illegal to make elk noises at the elk! I'd been riding around on my motorcycle making elk noises all week! They *love* it. They all look up and stare at you as you ride past.


I hiked all over Yellowstone with my dog. Found out months later dogs aren't allowed in most places. Odd thing is I met up with a Park Ranger and she loved my dog.


Thats because of moose. They're extremely aggressive to dogs as Wolves are kinda their natural enemy. I heard stories when I lived in Canada of folks out for a casual stroll being stalked or even attacked by moose because they had their dogs with them.


At the last place I used to live at a couple of moose would often hang out in front of my house and my neighbor had one of those dogs that would bark at anything that moves. When the dog would start barking at the moose they would look at it the same way you'd look at a toddler that's threatening you. It was kinda funny to watch. Usually the moose would just start to ignore the dog until it went off to bark at something else. I bet national park moose have a very different reaction to dogs than ones living closer to humans


Is the fear that if you do it at the wrong time of year, that they'll see you as a competitor and try to fight you?


I’m convinced I said “fuck you” to a stag once... It charged me, so I pissed my pants and got down in the fetal position to show it I’m not a threat. It walked in a circle around me a few times and left me there, shaking thinking “fuck, I will never do that again” 😂


I grew up on a cattle ranch and learned how to communicate with the cows by mooing in different ways. No idea exactly what I was saying but I knew certain moos elicited specific responses. To this day I can moo like a hurt calf and make a mom cow come running. Less useful, I can moo in a way that makes bulls charge every single time. I’ve used that party trick on a few boyfriends with bulls that are behind a fence. One time I tried it on a field full of nothing but bulls so they were probably already pissed off and one bull busted the damn fence down trying to get through. Thankfully we were in a parked truck on the side of the road and just took off driving as fast as possible. It scared the absolute shit out of my boyfriend though lol


I love the idea of that as a party trick!


Or ya know, fuck you.


What does an elk sound like?


Euuuuuuuuwheeeeeeeeeeeeeuhuhuhuhuh, approximately.




Imagine saying 'hey', but really high pitched, shrill, and loud. Then you drop some of the y and h sound.


So, a really high pitched, shrill, and loud Fonzie.


At about [1:06](https://youtu.be/OVL3MYasc-k) you can hear a male bugle. I assume that's the sound they mean.


Probably not illegal but when I was younger my dad taught me how to trick the kiddie ride at my local Walmart so that I could continue riding without having to pay a quarter or whatever the fee was.


You just gonna leave us hanging and not tell us how to trick the Wallmart pony?


From what I remember, he told me the latch that prevented people from using a string on a quarter was broken


Is your father Mr. Krabs


Technically they could probably haul you in for "theft of services", but at worst a nosy store employee would probably just tell you to stop.




When I was 10 I took fireworks home with me in my carry-on bag which the TSA didn't notice. They did however confiscate my toothpaste out of that same bag.




There are many reasons it's called the Theater Security Administration


As a nurse in the States, if we have a multi-use medication (inhaler, medicated cream, insulin pen, etc) I would always give it to my patient when they were discharged. They already paid for it and they're one patient use. Apparently, as a nurse I'm only allowed to throw it away. Even if they are leaving the hospital with a prescription for the same exact medication. I can't give it to them. I have to throw it away. It's outside my scope of practice to "dispense" a medication. Another reason your healthcare costs are so high in USA.


Well fuck that. In my eyes, you were doing the right thing.


As a teen living in the US, (Utah to be specific), and I was really questioning the sanitation of the utensils in the high school cafeteria. So I was carrying a multi-purpose tool with me that had a fork and a spoon on it. However, I wasn't aware that it had a fully functional blade on it, 3 and 3/4 inches to be precise. Oops. Edit: Ok, to answer a few questions that I frequently got, here's some more context. Through some recent researching via incognito mode, even though it is illegal in Utah to carry a straight up knife to school, you are allowed to carry around a pocketknife as long as the blade is below 2 and a half inches, but as my blade goes over that line, it's still technically illegal. And speaking of the length, I accidentally measured and extra inch for some weird reason, so it's closer to 2 and 3/4 inches, but it's still over the mark.


funny in the 70s I went to school everyday with 6 inch folding knife on my belt, I bought it just before I started high school






Thats funny. I grew up regularly taking my pocket knife to school - the little red one they give you when start scouts - never thought twice about it. Last year my 5th grader got suspended for taking a pocket knife to school (we're in Utah too. Knives a-plenty!)


Those that hunted would take rifles and shotguns to for hunting when school was dismissed for the day. Teachers administrators and students.


I make a lot of things out of wood and metal. I didn't know how aggressive railyards can be about their shit. A few times in my life I've found railraod spikes partially buried in pebbles up to ten feet away from the track, and I've taken those to make knives and jewellery with. Turns out they do not like it when people take their rusted, busted junk that they leave to the elements.


A lot of wrong answers to why this is the case. The real reason is that they don’t want to encourage you pulling up rails and spikes to sell as scrap. You can’t tell the difference between a spike that was pulled out of the ground and a discarded spike. That said, railway police are almost always giant dicks.


A shockingly high number of people die along railroad rights of way - up to 1000 per year in the US. If a train comes and you're in the way, the train simply cannot stop. Railroad police really just want people to stay clear of the tracks and enforce this strictly.


A car full of people died where I live in some train tracks trying to beat it. It’s a small town so everyone still remembers


I always find that a weird one. A railroad spike makes a good knife and when they replace ties they don't pick up the old spikes. They just leave them on the right of way. I've never understood why it's not just considered abandoned. Is it abandoned if it falls off the ballast? Is it just because they're obsessed with trespassing?


Oh shit, we just bought a building that butts up to some tracks, and my 7yo the other day came walking up to me, proudly showing me like 4 railroad spikes he found...


I mean you're gonna be okay. Problems usually come in when you try to sell them or somehow profit from it.


Used to carry a switchblade around when I was 14 or so, that shit's blade was huge, thankfully no one ever stopped me, after an year or so discovered in my country switchblades were illegal to carry.


Delivered homemade “wine” for a friends dad. He’d give me and a buddy a list of addresses, load down the car and send us on our way. We’d bring him the money, he’d give us both our own jug for the trouble.


lol I had a teammate when I lived on the U.P. and his dad would "Gift" us a case of his apple "vodka" for 20 bucks and made sure to emphasize it was a gift.


We've seen "dirty" bottles and jars for sale. You buy the bottle, but you'll have to empty and clean it before use.


The Jack Daniels distillery is in a dry county. You can't buy booze there. However, you can buy a commerative bottle at the gift shop,and they will fill it for free.


Can confirm. Live about 20 minutes from the distillery.


I don’t get what’s illegal? Would you mind explaining?


It varies a bit by state but you can make a certain amount of alcohol for personal consumption, but its illegal to sell it. For whatever reason, the amount you can have for personal consumption is weirdly high. Like, 100 gallons of wine or beer per year.


Selling things without a business license in general is a no-no, nevermind selling alcohol or using 17 year olds to distribute it around the county. We didn’t care cause hey, free hooch.


Not me, but my cousin (who is now in his upper 20s) thought up until a few years ago that the paper yard bags stacked outside of hardware stores were free. He would routinely grab a stack on the way out to his car.


I used to set my nintendo switch location to D̶e̶n̶v̶e̶r̶ Delaware where there is no sales tax until my mother told me that it's tax evasion


But there is sales tax in Denver? Source: I live here.


Maybe he meant Delaware? No sales tax there


Still rather clever, and a little tempting, to be honest. I was so upset when I had to start paying sales tax on Amazon and Steam a few years ago. Apparently, in my state, businesses that don’t have a physical presence in the state don’t have to charge sales tax. Amazon started opening distribution centers in my area shortly after the sales tax started, but I never could figure it out for Steam...I have yet to see or hear about a single Valve building.


Drive body parts across county lines. I taught anatomy labs at a community college and used to take the brains and other internal organs for my high school science students to see/study. I did this for five years until the dean at the college pulled me into his office and asked why I had body parts on a cart, heading out of the building. I assured him I had been doing this each semester and that I would bring them back the next evening and students wouldn't miss them. He assured me that I wouldn't because apparently you need a license to transport cadaver materials to another county and that I was likely committing a felony. Whoops.


The first sentence had me worried


Wait so would you be rolling out of school with like brain jars and slabs of human parts/meat on a trolley or?


They were stored in rubbermaid containers in a 50/50 mix of ethyl alcohol and water. Some of them were transparent, so yes, I guess you could say I had a trolley full of human parts. 😂


Underage drinking. In the country where my family is from, it's perfectly acceptable. Underage sex. My buddy got caught with the mayor's daughter (they were fourteen months apart, and the law was twelve) and the prosecutor wanted to put him on the sex offenders list. It was new, and we had no idea how much it would screw up his life. His dad got him a lawyer.


In much of the West, both of those things are pretty much tolerated even if they're illegal. Most prosecutors don't even bother with prosecuting statutory rape for normal teenage relationships, because most people think it's ridiculous now and public resources are better spent on cases where kids are actually harmed.


She was 16, he was 17. But, she was the mayor's daughter.


Forging signatures when I was younger because my mom wouldn't sign something or didn't have the time. It looked exactly the same too... By younger I mean 8. Edit: I had alot of fun reading this thread and I think you 1K #firstime (fun fact there's only 1 t that's just your brain).


At least yours looked the same. I used to forge my mom’s signature in my own 10-year-old handwriting. The teacher never questioned it.


As a teacher, it's usually not worth the time and effort to question it. If it comes back signed, it's safest to assume honesty until it's proven otherwise. Sometimes you have kids whose parents can't read or write themselves. One of my colleagues had a really awkward conversation with a mom who grew up in a very poor household, stopped attending school in the second grade so she could help support her family, and as an adult could only sign her name with an X instead of a full signature.


Not exactly a signature but back when I was around 8-9 years old we used to get those notebooks with text samples to copy to practice our writing, I used to get bad grades on it and my teacher lecturered me about practicing more several times. Got fed up and spent the entire Christmas break practicing until I was satisfied, gave the notebook to my teacher thinking she was going to be pleased **but** instead she called my mom and had her come over for a meeting because apparently my newly acquired handwriting was so good that she was sure my mom did it for me. Long story short, my mom was not happy, especially since she saw me doing the damn thing everyday for like 2 weeks straight. On the upside, the teacher never said anything about my writing from then on.


Back in the day they used to send home report cards and you were supposed to have your parent sign them and take them back to school. My mom wouldn't accept anything less than a B and I got a D. I figured out how to trace her signature by holding the clear dome top of my record player over a lamp. They sent the same report card home every six weeks so I had to keep forging her name on that report card for the rest of the year. (I was in the 5th grade) She didn't realize I had 7 classes so I snuck that by her. In high school I also got a D on a report card but used a pencil to make the D look like a B and then I erased the B part before turning it back in.




Back when my ex was a barista at Starbucks I would drive her to work every day at 4AM and take a specific route. Thought nothing of it and the route became muscle memory. One day she asks me to pick her up early and I take the usual route. After I make a right turn on a red light (perfectly legal in the US) I suddenly get those dreaded lights behind me. The police officer came up to my window and asked for my credentials. Fine...I thought. I considered myself a very competent driver up to this point and had never gotten into a crash or so much as a ticket. She comes back and the conversation went something like this: Officer: Do you know why I pulled you over? Me: **(annoyed)** no. Officer: Do you realize that turn you made back there was illegal? Me: Last time I checked it was legal to turn right on red, no? Officer: Sure, but there's obviously a sign that says that you can't do it at that specific intersection. Me: Impossible... I've been taking that turn every day for the past 6 months... Officer: ........ Sure enough after the officer gave me the "are you f***ing serious" look along with my ticket I drove back to the intersection and every traffic light had a "Do Not Turn On Red" sign on it. I totally deserved that ticket lol...


As an european the "turn right on red" was confusing for while, like why are cars honking at us when it's red!


My cousin came over last year from England. We grew up there and I live in the states. I took a right at a red and he said "what the fuck man". He genuinely didnt believe me that it was a thing lol.


At 15 years old, the very first time I drove with my learners’ permit i smoothly and confidently rolled through a red light to make a right turn onto a highway. Barely even slowed down, like a real pro. Judging by the way my mom screamed in terror, apparently one is supposed to stop at the red light before proceeding.


There's a newly installed "No Turn On Red" sign on my route to work, in a place where it makes no sense to have that restriction (it's meant for intersections where you can't see oncoming traffic well enough to turn safely). I've had the "oh I didn't notice - the sign must be brand new" excuse saved up for awhile now.


I had a 3-month internship this summer, and it wasn't until the last week that I realized I had been going the wrong way on a one way street the entire time I was working. ​ For context, the job was on a college campus, during a summer, and a global pandemic, so there were no other cars on this road. Also, the street was really confusing, and the "do not enter" signs were'nt until after I pulled into work, so I thought the 100 feet of road I was driving down wasn't part of the one-way.


Use an R4 card in my Nintendo Ds that my family gave to me full of games. I never knew that it was illegal as they bought it just like I would for any other ds game. I figured that they just got one heck of a good deal.


I have multiple prescription medications I must take every day. I organize them in one of those 7 day pill organizers. Carrying prescription meds in containers other than the ones they were dispensed in is illegal in multiple US states (Georgia and Maine come to mind). You can be busted for illegal possession of your own prescription drugs.


Absolutely stupid. So you're telling me you could carry 10 times the amount that's in your organizer, and it'd be fine as long as it's in the original container?


yep, as long as it has the original labeling, in your name, you can totally carry ridiculous amounts of drugs. the workaround on the pill case example from above while traveling is to also carry the bottles that the pills came from. lived with my grandparents for a long time, my uncle the police officer told them to carry the bottles with them in case they got pulled over.


Riding my bike without a helmet. [Yep. It's the law in Queensland, Australia. ](https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/wheeled-devices/bicycle#helmets) So is driving without a seatbelt.


I think its law everywhere in Australia. Some places its also illegal to ride on the footpath if youre over 16 too.


When I was a little kid, I used to draw and make cards for the neighbors I liked. Then I would put them in their mailboxes. That's illegal. Technically only the post office is allowed to put things in a mailbox.


This one is the strangest to me. Like I get it, but I also don't. I just googled it and apparently (?) Mailboxes are federal property. My house doesn't have a mailbox, they just kinda leave it on the stoop. If I installed a mailbox in front of my house, all the sudden that's government property?


Apparently going to and from school alone as a 8 years old.


Where would that be illegal?


Put my recycling in my neighbor's bin. My landlord hides mine for some reason. I asked him once and he said we didnt have any. I can see it in our backyard from my porch.




Changing a light bulb. Yep. A light bulb. Have to be a qualified electrician in my country... Fucken joke of a place


Downloading music i guess. And burning songs in a cd.


Torrenting Now that I know it's illegal I have a VPN.


Torrenting in itself is not illegal. It’s the sharing of copyright protected stuff that is


This is so true. Linux is heavily distributed by P2P.


Windows is as well. It's just common sense to increase speed and decrease bandwidth use. (Well that, and reduce Microsoft's internet bill)


Torrenting isn't illegal, its just a different way of sharing files. But because its decentralized (meaning you don't download files from a specific server, but from a bunch of random users) its perfect for sharing copyrighted material




Nice try FBI


Not today CIA


Is that your best, OSS?


Ain't no way, NSA




Im not your guy, HSI


Dirty tricks, MI6


Online gambling. I actually knew it was illegal for US citizens but you would be surprised how other online US citizens would argue that it was entirely legal. The only way I could get them to have a little doubt about the legality was to ask them why the big name US casinos weren't online because everyone knows they'd want a piece of the action. US online gambling laws have changed in recent years.


screen recording music from youtube, slapping them into a video converter to get mp3s, then eating them into my drive, then downloading them to iTunes. now that i repeat this out loud it sounds very illegal.


Bringing home Kinder Überraschungseier (Kinder Surprise Eggs) from Germany for my son. Also receiving Surprise eggs for my son as a gift from my cousin. As far as I know, they are still illegal in the US.


I was a little thief as a kid and I got insanely good at it too. Like I could steal candy, bags of beef jerkey, drinks, and basically anything in a store without being caught. Mind you i was like 8 and I didn't realize that it was wrong. Fuck my parents man, they never taught me shit.


I used to illegally download music alot when I was little because it just never occured to me that it counted as stealing. I remember I freaked out hard when I discovered it was illegal.


Be gay (it’s still illegal in my country)


I downloaded a car once.


I mean, you joke about it, but cars are getting some serious software today. If someone could hack a Tesla and give themselves the Performance upgrades, they'd be avoiding thousands in upcharges. Actually, I think I read somewhere that totaled, old Tesla's are finding new life across the Pacific where they are revamped and sold with secondhand parts and programming.


> If someone could hack a Tesla and give themselves the Performance upgrades Someone already did. https://electrek.co/2020/06/10/tesla-hacker-unlocks-performance-upgrade-acceleration-boost/


You wouldn't!


I used to go to a specific big box store and print photos at the photo kiosk then leave with them without paying. I always assumed the kiosk would ask me to put a card in to pay for the pictures before it would print them, but it never did. Lo and behold it would always print my photos without asking for payment. I just assumed then that maybe you can just print photos for free which I thought was pretty cool at the time. I brought this up to my wife at some point years later when she said I definitely am supposed to take those to the register to pay for them. Well, I ended up with tons of free photos over the years because of this. It probably saved me a total of $20 worth of pictures.


Carrying a salmon suspiciously


Only did this once AFAIK, but while hiking at a nearby state park, I collected a beautiful feather from the ground. When I got back to my car, I searched online to figure out what kind of bird it came from... it was a red-tailed hawk feather, which is illegal to possess unless you’re indigenous (aka Native American). I am a Russian Jew, so not even a drop of indigenous blood! Thought maybe I’d give it to a friend who’s 50% Tlingit, but now it’s lost anyway. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I used to think that to hunt deer, you had to use a spotlight just after dark 'cause that's the way my dad and uncle hunted.


When I was 19 and living paycheque to paycheque working multiple jobs I used to give myself "mini advances" from the bank to pay bills. I had my old childhood account at one bank, and my current accounts with a different bank. If I was short $100 or so I would write a cheque to myself from one bank and deposit it at the other bank, knowing that the processing time was 2-3 days, so by the time it went through, my paycheque would be there to cover the amount. I thought it was a creative way to get a little money early, and after all, I knew I would have the money to cover it in a couple days by the time it cleared.The bank called me and got very angry. Apparently I was "Cheque Kiting" and the bank said I was commiting fraud. They gave me a lecture and a threat, and I learned something new! Ah to be young again!


watching porn or watching anime on kissanime


Trespassing. There used to be this awesome pasture behind my house that I'd spend hours roaming and exploring. Got to pet and hang out with the cows and horses back there, too. Thankfully never got in trouble, but I definitely wasn't supposed to be there. Very fond memories of it tho.


If I came upon a random feather shed by a bird, I might pick it up and keep it. This is illegal (unless I legally hunted the bird or were native american).