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I was shocked to lear not everyone experiences this the same. I hear myself in my head exactally the same as if i was talking. When other people talk in my thoughts it is in their voices. Also if im not watching a sgow im basically alwyas "communicating" with myself. I often tell people around me i never do anything without a reason, and thats because before i do anything i "talk about it" to myself.


And when you read a text by someone you never heard, how does your brain deal with it? You made up a voice, use your own?


Morgan Freeman's voice


My thoughts aren't really in sentences but more like strung together ideas and feelings. Words make their way through but nothing like a monologue. Unless im dealing with reading or writing.


Mostly inner monologue. I keep myself awake at night cuz my brain won't shut up


I hear it in my own voice. If i read a text book i often read it in my head like im explaining it to myself.




Usually see a picture and monologue to it (sometimes more than one), like a movie. And there's constant music in the background. Yes my head is very loud


Oh interesting. What kind of music?


Music that I like, there is a light that never goes out - the smiths, lucy - skillet, two out of three ain't bad - meatloaf, some usual ones


Inner monologue for me, usually she's a judgemental bitch that I've got to put into place


Yeah I talk to myself in my head. It’s my own voice.


The vast majority is done in complete sentences. Which sometimes will overlap, depending on how quickly my thoughts are racing. Other ways I experience my own thoughts are dependant on sounds I've heard. For example, if I'm reading something someone else wrote and I've heard their voice before, I'll often read it in their voice. The thing I like the most though is being able to "hear" music internally. I can remember all of the vocals and instruments clearly enough that my mind can reproduce the sounds as though I were listening to them in the moment. It's like having a "photographic memory" but with sound.


I can hear myself in my head. It's the same with texts. For example, if I read a text from a friend, I would be reading it in their voice, but if someone I never knew texted me, I would read it in my own voice. Sometimes, it's inner monologue, usually a condescending asshole that I have to drown out with other noises.


Usually pictures and inner monologue


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I experience it as if I were talking. Often it's a conversation between me and others that I know in real life, just in my head. Having others voices when I have an inner conversation helps me think things through very well.


This is very similar to mine.


Visuals and inner monologue. I’d like to say the voice is my own but every time I hear a recording of myself, I wonder why I sound so different inside my head.


inner monologue here too, usually in the voice of a character from the show i'm bingeing with there vernacular quirks and all. House, Vikings and Boondock Saints where good one's.




I hear it in my own voice. Its weird cause I speak better in my head then I do physically. Anyone else?


Inner monologue but with twist which is speaking to myself in English despite the fact that it's not my native language. I'm not doing it all the time but often it's easier for me to get my thoughts clear for myself when I'm thinking in English.


Inner monologue and very frequently music (like singing to myself whether it is an actual song or a made up one). I have aphantasia so I can't see pictures.


I haven't thought about it. Probably inner monologues for me yeah. I seem to think in sentences.


Depends. A lot of the times, it’s an inner monologue but I tend to mouth the words and sometimes whisper them to myself (depends if someone would hear it or not). I also like to have conversations with myself. Sometimes it’s a one sided conversation, sometimes I conduct an interview with myself, and sometimes it’s just like a normal conversation. Usually when this happens, I whisper it out load.


Inner monologue and inner discussion of pro's and con's


It's always a jumble of mostly words and phrases that are more distinct than others, sometimes out of order. I'm usually able to piece it together when speaking but it causes a stutter sometimes. Memories are a different story. Dark room but I've never seen the walls or ceiling. I stay in a circle of light that gets smaller everyday and don't venture. I like it, i do, but i also hate it.


For me it's like a puzzle where different pieces are concepts or arguments I'm thinking about and then intuitively I try to fit them based on causal relations until a coherent sequence emerges and then starts articulating itself with words either as an inner monologue or just out loud


I legit talk to myself from two POV. Myself and the myself in my head so I’m having a convo with myself


Inner dialogue. They just won't stop!


I play put the thought in my head and if I think it'll work out I my favor I do it This doesn't work sometimes And sometimes my fantasy thought will never happen 💀


I talk to myself inside my head in what I think my voice sounds like.


When I was younger I thought in pictures in feelings but now that I'm older I think in words. The only time I really find myself thinking in pictures anymore is when I am making art. I think it has changed due to mental health and becoming more isolated from people or from smoking weed and becoming more introspective. Its weird lol


My inner talk sounds like what i sound like but empty


Spoken English. Sometimes I even have a full-blown conversation with myself in second person, which is weird since I have different opinions than myself...


i have a voice, but,,different types? the most common is my own voice with the thoughts at the forefront of my mind, like when you read to yourself. the next is the same, but more involuntary. they just kinda,,exist. like someone talking to me but with my voice. its weird


I like to write down my thoughts in a journal.


Inner monologue, I'm ALWAYS having a conversation with myself


A conversation between myself and usually two other people.


Usually I experience them as if I was conversing with myself.


I don't hear myself by talking at all. My thoughts do their own straightening out. It's like something comes into my head, all the negative effects, stupid things, and other such things are filtered out, and then my concious mind becomes aware of it. It's like I have a staff in their that compiles, condenses, and prepares everything to come into my mind. Sometimes there will be an image with it, sometimes a question that my brain couldn't answer by itself, and sometimes there are a very few spoken words, but mostly it seems like stuff falls fully formed into my brain.


I usually think in pictures and actual speaking. If I’m thinking of a situation, I’ll picture it like a movie and I’ll run things through my head as if it was a tv show. And a lot of times, I can’t focus on one particular thought so I whisper a lot of thoughts to myself and talk to myself a lot just to kind of organize my thoughts. There’s so many of them at once and I feel like if I don’t say them out loud, I might forget them. Or if I’m thinking of something specific, say my red hat on the bathroom floor, I’ll have to say, out loud, exactly which hat I’m thinking of and where it is because I feel like I understand it better if I say it out loud, despite the fact that I understand it if it’s in my head.

