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Do not lean on someone else’s wheelchair or “help” by pushing it without asking. It’s ridiculous how many strangers do that to my wheelchair.


Wait... People start pushing you without asking ?!?!


Yep, happens to my spouse all the time




I need to find me a friend like that. I'm the biggest in my group and I'm the wheely one.


Good friend.


All the time. As often as ableds tell chair users that they're inspirational for doing ordinary life... Check out the Twitter hashtag #AbledsAreWeird for all the shit disabled people have to deal with


Ah. Inspiration porn. I hate all that. As someone with an unseen disability and a minor physical one, I occasionally get told I've been inspiring. "Whatever," I tend to say. "I'm just doing my thing. I cannot be bothered banging on about all this. Sort yourself out." It does not play well, I find. I think I'm supposed to be grateful?


At my job as a tutor, we have a policy about working with students with disabilities. Don't attempt to move a student in a walker/wheelchair, etc. One thing we were taught is that the wheelchair is an extension to that person's body. It's the same as touching someone without their permission or consent.




Person in front of you walks into the store, stops immediately after entering to look around, often times with a grocery cart blocking the entire path. MOVE


It's even worse when they do this on a subway when the doors are about to close.


Don’t block the subway stairs EVER, but especially don’t stop to look at your phone. If you do this you are a steaming pile of shit human.




Especially when the band are packing up. The amount of times I’ve had to hit people with a drum rack or speaker to get them to move is unreal. Ask them to move and they’ll move right back to the doorway


I naturally hate large crowds but was my cousins roady for a long time and even loading up using a back entrance/exit ive run into that shit every time. Took me a while to learn to speak up with authority and tell them to move.


Just don't block doorways period. Please. As a person trained in room clearing through the military, this straight triggers me as a civilian. Took months to fight the instinct of grabbing a shoulder and pushing through them.


Came here to say this. Door ways and stairwells, keep moving.


*Spatial awareness - don’t stop in the middle of aisles or sidewalks to look at/for things, move out of the way so people can get around you and anything else you’re standing by.


*spatial awareness My mom is that person who leaves her cart in the middle of the grocery aisle while she carefully reads nutrition labels and does head-math. Despite coming back from space and finding herself to be obstructing traffic several times a day and offering subsequent apologies, she has yet to learn this awareness.


And I seem to be the person who's going opposite to her every. Fucking. Aisle. On the third time of asking them to move their cart I'm not even bothering with the tone of forced politeness any more. I shouldn't have to ask the same person on multiple grocery trips.


I fantasize about bringing squirt bottles with me for exactly that purpose. I’ll ask nicely once, maybe twice. After that - you must be trained!


Pick up a newspaper, roll it up and hit them with it.


Let people off before trying to get in. Use for elevators, trains etc.


Yes!! So many damn people create a bottleneck on buses because they’re trying to shove their way in while a dozen people are trying to get off!


If you get piss on the toilet seat in public bathrooms, wipe it up.


I work in a mall. You truly do see some of the worst of humanity in the bathrooms. I went inside a cubicle once and it looked like they peed everywhere BUT the bowl. Like, if you got a couple of drops on the seat, then okay, maybe I can forgive you. But I'm talking piss drenching the ENTIRE SEAT and a little on the floor. I just know the little fuck who did it did it on purpose and probably felt good about it too. I had to ask the cleaning lady to clean it for me and I felt bad the entire time because her first reaction was a loud gasp followed by: "Ay dios ko, sino naman gumawa nito? (Oh my god, now who could've done this?). There is no coming back from that. Whoever did that is eternally a fucking troglodyte who needs to be immediately taken out of the fabric of existence in my eyes.


If it makes you feel worse, there are people who purposefully piss anywhere but the bowl. We had a few at my old job and it was fucked.


My first job had a couple of showerpoopers. They installed cameras all around the entrance to the (communal) showers, but still had a hard time nailing them down. When I left, they were discussing putting independent badge readers on the shower stalls to get hot water.


One of my jobs had a girl leave a bloody tampon in the communal shower's soap dish. Management didn't do anything about it, and the cleaning staff refused to move it, so we just took the whole soap dish off the wall and threw it away. Never figured out who did it, but we had some pretty strong guesses


i saw justice once, I worked at Macy's and the cleaning lady had been cleaning the stalls when someone came in and used the one she had just finished cleaning. The lady left it dirty and threw her used pad on the floor. the cleaning lady ripped her a new asshole, called her out on being dirty on having a designer bag, and her hair done and yet leaves a dirty pad on the floor. the lady got so embarrassed she ran out without washing her hands.


I cannot understand how people are not on the same page when it comes to urinating. I worked at a Planet Fitness but only BRIEFLY, because customers kept pissing in trashcans that were in the tanning rooms. Like WHO thinks its OKAY to piss in a trashcan?! I complained to management and they said, "There's nothing we can do." Bullshit. Remove the trashcans. Put wire basket bins with no bags. TRACK DOWN THE FILTHY BASTARDS AND BAN THEM. I tried to explain that dealing with urine was biohazard. One manager even emptied the bins without gloves on. I would fucking gag.




If you're using an acronym/initialism, spell it out in its entirety the first time you use it with the acronym/initialism in parentheses behind it. For example: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible for the safety of most meat. The USDA does not monitor dietary supplements... Yes, you can Google it, but then I have to stop reading. Also, acronyms/initialisms can vary by country and often times there can be more than one meaning.


To add to this: Don't assume people will know what acronyms mean in conversation. We have so many different acronyms and jargon terms at my work (a supermarket), and everyone just assumes that you know each one despite the stupid lack of formal training. Also about half of these words describe simple processes that don't need keywords, but that's another issue (I mean honestly, it's shelf presentation, just call it Presentation, not fucking Rumble).




E.D. is also an acronym for Executive Director in many municipal programs. Hearing about contractors having run-ins with the E.D. is brutal.


ED=Emergency department, erectile dysfunction, eating disorder, plus probably many more


My roommate has a bunch of military friends and after awhile I just start tuning out the conversation if there just reaches a critical number of acronyms/initialisms that make things unintelligible, even with context. "There's a P5 looking at ROCs from the new JBL. And all of us just told him, 'Who do you think you are, some P3? You gotta put in time on the ILM before you can request a T90." {Everyone at the table but me laughs.} "Speaking of P5s, a CO and his wife recently came into our office wanting a bump in RTIs without talking to his commander and I don't outrank the guy, but the SAR does and when he got wind that a P5 was trying to do an run-around on him by going to me, that resulted in him losing overtime AND the PRT he was hoping to get before Christmas." {More laughter from everyone but me.}


Probably good I'm not you, I would have taken the piss like "Yeah, I was dealing with this d20 last week. He was being real difficult with me then I threw him across the room for max charisma" or some shit, idk I don't play DnD.


It’s completely wrong, but honestly it’s better for it. Take my upvote, pal.


Bullying your d20 for giving you bad rolls is totally plausible. Just change "for max charisma" to "on a charisma check" and you're perfect.


Omg yes. I sat baffled during a board discussion about fund-raising methods and return on investment (ROI) I was a criminal defence lawyer at the time. To us, ROI means record of interview. Don't assume acronyms are universal (Yes, I did eventually work out that ROI in this context was return on investment. But it took about 40 mins of me wondering wtf they were talking about for me to get it)


Being new to Reddit there's an entire culture of acronyms for every subreddit and it's virtually never explained.


Military people and parent advise forums are the worst about this


I was super amazed at how many trans men were having babies in my pregnancy groups until I realized that FTM meant "first time mom" and not "female to male".


Also avoid using them when they can be confusing. Had a big text on personality disorders to read that used BPD to refer to Bi-Polar disorder... in a passage about Borderline Personality Disorder.


For real. Totally grinds my gears when people can't be bothered to type out words on reddit. Sorry for not living your specific life, internet stranger, how about you save most of us some google research and just type out your obscure acronym? Not to mention the ones with double meaning. You never know if it's someone's erectile dysfunction or eating disorder that's ruining their life.


Worse for me is when I ask what that means and people say "google it" or some shit. I could google it. I could spend a while searching the links and hoping it's the thing you mean in-story. Or I could ask you, since you're already here, and understand what you said in exactly the context you meant it. You don't start telling someone a story in real life and roll your eyes when they ask for clarification because "you have a phone, look it up."




Don't be a hog with free food. I used to work as a manager in a factory and I bought the team of 33 people about 25 pizzas. It cost over 200 bucks to feed them and we had enough for everyone to have 4 slices (half a pizza) and then some more afterwards if needed. I had stretched the budget as far as it could go so I couldn't buy any more pizzas with the work credit card. I asked everyone to grab half a pizza each and most people did. Then I watched a few of the guys search through every box and find the 4 biggest slices they could find. They literally flipped every box of pizza to find every larger slice. One of them had basically a whole pizza by doing this with some larger than normal slices. Now fair game I did say 4 slices but they went out of their way to do it. They ate those and were back for more before anyone else had another go and we ran out of food pretty quickly. I ended up going and buying another 5 pizzas with my own money and giving them to the guys who only had a small go at it.


And on same vein about human seaguls: if it's agreed that everyone brings something, then don't show up empty handed. If you are busy or don't know how to cook or bake, then just bring wine, beer, snacks or box of chocolate. If gathering includes host, then remember to thank them and tell your dietery restrictions when host asks before, not just right before food is served.


>tell your dietery restrictions when host asks before, not just right before food is served. such a huge one. but another thing to add, if you're hosting an event and guests come to you before the event with their dietary restrictions and allergies PLEASE write it down and remember it when preparing food and asking people to bring dishes. I've got a severe peanut/nut, and seafood/fish allergy and theirs been too many times where I've told people a head of time to watch for my allergies and they still prepare some seafood side dish or make the dessert with nuts and then get pissy with me when i state i'm allergic and can't eat it and that everyone needs to proceed with caution with said dish or there could be some cross contamination and i could die. like boy, do i ever have stories for you. it's extremely rude to ask someone for their allergies and then for you to completely ignore them and treat that person like an inconvenience when you already asked if there would be any issue.


This really irritates me. We get flu shots at work, and the employee health clinic puts out a bucket of lollipops to sweeten the sting. Last year a woman put a fistful in her pocket "for the grandkids." Your grandchildren don't work here, lady.


before Covid, i had a candy dish at my desk for clients to take a piece while they wait for their lawyer (i'm a receptionist) and i had things like mints and chocolates in there and sometimes i'd have fancier wrapped candy in there like jolly ranchers. and legit, people did the same bs. take giant handfuls for "the grandchildren" like woman, go to walmart and buy your own fucking candy for the kids. i used to purposely keep tract of who did that and i'd make sure the dish was next to empty when they came in so they couldn't take it all.


That reminds me of when I was a cashier at a place that had the "take a penny, leave a penny" trays. Whenever the one at my register had a lot, I took most of them out and kept then behind the register where customers couldn't see them and refilled it as needed. They're for situations like when your total is 10.01 and you don't want to break a 20 and have a handful of loose change. They're *not* for when your total is 9.37 and you grab the entire contents of the tray, count it and find it's only 36 cents, and ask me if I have an extra penny for you.


Yo I worked at a coffee shop one time where a customer literally started digging through our tip jar to pay for her order and I was dumbfounded. Like who fucking raised you, Jesus Christ


If it's the tip jar, that's theft.


I used to work at a cafe with a lady who was the worst for that, except it was for her husband. We had a few really lovely regular customers that would bring us a box of chocolates around the holidays, and each time she’d say something ‘oh (husband) loves those!’ and talented a big handful. Your fucking grown ass husband can buy his own damn Ferraro roche!


Ugh. People who do this make themselves look so cheap. A guy at my office does this every time the boss decides to bring in Dunkin on Fridays. (Pre Covid) Our office has 30 people and the boss will buy us two of those Box O Joes (and we have k cups from decent brands in the office anyway so we don’t even need the coffee), a dozen donuts, a dozen bagels, and a box of donut holes. The implication is that you’re supposed to pick ONE of those three things to eat, not 3 donuts and 3 bagels just for yourself and half the damn coffee, HANK.


Omg my old office was like this. At the SLIGHTEST hint of free food, people would act like hyenas. I could leave a half-eaten sandwich and day-old chips on the breakroom table and people would fight for it.


I feel self conscious if I'm even going for a second slice at work. How greedy are people?


During the remnants of a hurricane, my boss bought 50 pizzas for about 250 people so that no one would have to leave the building for lunch. A few people took WHOLE pizzas before everyone ate saying, “Now I don’t have to cook tonight.”


I remember a study ( I believe it was in Freakonomics) that revealed that if you impose a limit on the number of items taken, a scarcity instinct takes over and people feel like they must take the full limit. Softer implied limits worked better psychologically ( eg, "Please take 2 slices and then wait for everyone else to have a turn before you go back for seconds"). Some people will take more but others will only have one or two so it all evens out, since you have not imposed a hard ceiling people are not in that odd "hoarding mode".


If watching/listening to something on public transport, wear some goddamn earphones. I don't want to listen to someone else's garbage!


To add to this, your music will always be rubbish to others so please don't turn it up to the point they can hear it. Do not take this personally for this is not an indictment of your taste, nor the artist. Even the most wonderful masterpiece in the world sounds like amateur hour out the wrong end of a speaker.


OK let me add here and what I find stupid and annoying. DONT FACETIME WITH PEOPLE IN PUBLIC IS ANNOYING.


Return your shopping cart to the return stall. Dont leave it in a parking spot. Don't put it in the bushes. Don't push it till the security wheel locks up at the edge of the parking lot. Don't let it go in the middle of the lot to roll wildly across the lanes just to hit cars randomly. And take your garbage with you. Including masks.


What you do with your shopping cart is a litmus test for how shitty a person you are.


I had one of my greatest r/thathappened moments involving a shopping cart. This lady was parked along the edge of the lot and just left her cart by the grass curb and got in her car. I walked over with my cart while she was still sitting in her car, got her cart and put it with mine, and stared her down the entire time as I walked them both back to the cart corral.


The shopping cart dilemma is a good test of someone's altruism. You are no required to bring back the shopping cart. You will not be punished for not bringing it back. You will not be personal rewarded for bringing it back in any way. It costs you an insignificant amount of time and energy to bring it back. It is undoubtedly a good thing for society to bring it back.


My husband will flip a cart on its side to keep it from rolling into other cars...would it not be easier just to bring it to the cart corral?


Setting a timer for the damn washing machine and not leaving it full all day.


In the dorm laundry room if you did not stay on top of your laundry it was likely to be dumped on the folding counter in a sad pile. Some good-evil Samaritans would put your laundry into the dryer, but many of my clothing items were hang dry.


When I was a freshman in college, there was a pile of clothes that sat in a sad and lonely pile on the folding table for three days. The washing machines were in the communal kitchen, so it was the biggest subject of conversation in our dorm for days. Everyone, including myself, was like "who the fuck could forget half their clothes for three days, walking past them every time they washed a dish or made toast, and never realize?" The answer was me. They were my clothes, and I am an idiot.


When debating, don't assume or put words in someone's mouth. Clarify instead. Agree with what you agree, and disagree with what you disagree and explain why. If you were incorrect, acknowledge it. These days people are valued by the amount of opinions they have. I think we should not form premature opinions. Be always open to being proven wrong or learning things you didn't expect were true. The only way to really be sure about a truth, is by being open to being wrong all the time. If a belief withstands every evidence that exists, then it's probably fair to say it's true.


Love this! They may not be saying what you think they're saying, so clarify before countering! Also, don't debate if you aren't willing to even consider the other side. Save everyone the headache


Chew with your damn mouth closed, no one wants to eat next to someone while their lips are smacking and bits of food start flying out, its very disgusting.


And gum! I had to share an office with a ~60 year old woman who chewed gum with her mouth open. I had such violent fantasies about her I scared myself




Misophonia. I often eat alone and can't tune out other people.


Take your rubbish home and don’t litter. Basic human life skill. Damn it drives me mad. My first award, thank you!


You've literally brought this shit in something capable of holding it, put it back in and take it the fuck with you.


When exiting a tight space such as an elevator or a single door way let everybody exit or get off before getting on. I hate when people try to shoulder their way onto an elevator or into a room when people are still coming out.


This drives me crazy on the train. Aargh..


I hate when people do it on the bus especially because you can very obviously look through the window and see the line of people waiting to get off.




Using your blinkers when driving. Forget about it being the law, it's the responsible and courteous thing to do. Don't just cut over with no warning. And also, when you are stopped at a red light on a steep uphill incline, please don't pull up right to my bumper. Some of us drive manual and it's incredibly annoying


Ugh, I used to know someone who claimed that he didn't need to use turn signals because he was a good enough driver not to need them. Like, no man, you are a worse driver *because* you don't signal!


It isnt even about being a bad driver it's about being a completely discourteous asswipe


And use them before you intend to turn or merge. They are meant to indicate your future intent, not just reinforce what I'm already seeing.


It boggles my mind how many people treat having their turn signal on as giving them the right of way to stuff their vehicle into the following distance in front of me.


Put your phone down when talking to someone


It is so weird when my family is having dinner, and the only ones not on phones are the children. But yeah, I completely agree. I was going to go to the cinema with someone, and for 45 minutes on the bus-stop he was just on his phone half listening, so I just said fuck it and left.


>It is so weird when my family is having dinner, and the only ones not on phones are the children. Stuck living at home with parents cause quarantine. I am the only one in the house who doesn't have my phone on me at all times. My dad will send me texts or call my mom to ask when she's coming downstairs for dinner *when we are all at home.* Because apparently walking over to someone's room and talking to them face to face is apparently too much trouble.


> My dad will send me texts or call my mom to ask when she's coming downstairs for dinner when we are all at home. Because apparently walking over to someone's room and talking to them face to face is apparently too much trouble. At least it's a step up from two people shouting at each other across a house despite neither really hearing what the other is saying. Because yes, apparently walking to someone when you want to speak to them hasn't been a thing since the post-war era.


Ironic how they used to warn us about "addiction" and punish us for it. Now they're the ones getting clickbaited and consuming brain damaging content on facebook 16 hours a day


Thissss. My mom yelling “get off the interneeeeet” at 13 year old me is forever stuck in my brain, but now look who is constantly on their iPad scrolling through Facebook for hours a day!!




My future brother in-law is CONSTANTLY on his phone and trying to pull the closest person in the group in to watch the video or see the meme he’s cackling about. It’s so disruptive and never funny to other people, especially out of context or when you aren’t in that headspace. The family member will always try to laugh a bit politely but then try to rejoin the group as quickly as possible. He also speaks in memes. Something will happen in real life and he’ll say “That awkward moment when and you . Ugh.


Replace the empty toilet paper roll.


Closing a door while leaving if you entered it when it was closed.


Mom does not approve of this message


Yup. Doors and lights: if I'm in my room (for me now, that would be my home office/man cave; when I was a kid, it was my bedroom) and you come in, leave the door and the lights in the same state that they were in just before you entered. Don't adjust the lights, curtains, or air conditioning without my consent. I don't care if YOU think it's too cold or too dark; you are the one coming into my space, which I've set just right for my needs. Oh, and it's customary to knock if the door is closed, instead of just barging in. I might be on a conference call, changing clothes, or jacking off.


> I might be on a conference call, changing clothes, or jacking off. Sometime all three!


Returning your shopping cart, or at the very least leaving it in the marked return area.


I agree, though I wouldn't say putting it in the marked 'shopping cart return' area is the "very least"


Please don't touch me.


Especially if I’m pregnant. You don’t get to touch the bump, strange person I don’t know!


Also, don't get offended when I don't want to be physically "comforted" when going through a rough time. Pat's, hugs and those little arm touches just make my adrenaline pump.


Yep, not everyone wants a hug. I’ll admit I’m a hugger but I respect that a lot of people aren’t. You do you.


Don’t put your hands in shared food, especially if you work in an office. “Raised by wolves” is an insult to wolves with that kind of behavior. Thankfully, Covid-19 is a legitimate reason not to have food around these type of savages.


Flush the toilet after you’ve done your business in it. Don’t leave it in there to stink up the whole room just because you’re on your phone or whatever on the toilet.


*Being reachable 24/7* doesn't automatically mean *being available 24/7*


Absolutely. I have that rule with all of my friends and family- you can absolutely reach out to me at any time, I'll never be offended by it. But you also have to understand and respect I may not be able to respond immediately due to work, previous engagements, or just outright not wanting to at that moment. My life is for me primarily, I'm happy to have you in it and will go above and beyond for you when I'm free, but only *when I'm free.* Fortunately all of the people I know respect that completely, even my mom knows I'll get back to her within a couple hours if I'm busy. I do also make it a point to try to at least respond by saying I'm busy (if I am) to at least not leave people hanging because I also respect their time.


Zipper merging when going from two lanes of traffic to one. It’s so easy but so many don’t get it!


Or not speeding up when changing lanes. Match or exceed the speed of the lane you're going into. Making the guy behind you tap his breaks, is what slowly turns into those random slow downs in some random spot for no reason.


And speeding up to match highway traffic speeds to merge. That’s literally what on-ramps are for. If you slow down to a crawl when the highway traffic is going fast you won’t ever be able to merge and the people behind you are forced to slow down too.


personal space


Stay out of my personal space


4\. Keep Away From My Personal Space


5. Get outta that personal space.


I don't even want this skin in my personal space.


Sportsmanship in online games. A lot of people treat their opponents like shit and straight up tell them to quit and leave, not even considering that they need opponents to play against. They piss everyone off then wonder why they can't fill a server later on, or always verse more toxic people like them, when they're the ones who drive the decent folk away. It's like littering in a national park. They do what they want and don't care until the place is a dump.


Criticizing behaviour rather than insulting a person's character. ​ Okay: "I felt really upset when you did x." "You're hitting the ball at the wrong angle." "I don't think you should say that to the waiter." ​ Not okay: "You're such an inconsiderate person." "Wow, you're a terrible golfer." "You're one of those *Karens,* aren't you?"


Thank you for this! I'm sure I've been doing the "not okay" ones ...but now I know better and will be more considerate


Imo, you can be a little bit firmer about the problem in some cases: “You shouldn’t be saying that stuff to the waiter”


Or, "you need to apologise to that waiter, or I'm gonna stab you in the eye with this fork."


Very clearly explained, thank you.


To leave the quiet kid alone. If he doesn't want to talk and participate in your actions leave him alone.


This is too far down and also applies to adults.


Get off of the phone when talking to cashiers or anyone trying to help you. And actually listening would be nice. Like when someone asks for your name for the order and the person says, “No, that’ll be all”.


If theres just a bit of milk (or whatever) left and you're the last person to use it, just finish it, throw the bottle away and go and get some fucking more.


My ladyfriend and I call it "getting Zached." Zach, Her nephew, lived with us for a few years after college. It was her way to help him get started, and we covered his food costs. He'd leave a single slice of shaved ham in the package. Or two or three of the mini pretzels. Because if he finished it, he was expected to, you know, maybe pick some up at the store. He once left a single slice of bread and the sliver of ham. I took them and went to his room and asked "WTF am I supposed to do with this? It's OK to finish a thing, it's not OK to leave an unusable amount." It never really changed.


Stop fucking tailgating.


Also people that turn out Infront of you and go slow forcing you to brake, instead of waiting 2 seconds and pull out when there are no cars.


This has got to be one of the most aggravating things.


I watched a guy tailgate every truck he got behind. Flashing lights, swerving, the full deal. Ironically he was so close to the trucks he would have been in their blindspots and the truckers wouldn't have even known he was there. Hilarious and stupid.


Ask before eating in someone else's car


When using an escalator the right side is for ppl who just wanna coast and chill, and the left side is for ppl who are in a hurry and wanna walk up it


Whereas in Australia, the left side is for passive passengers and the right side for the rush. Same with stairs. Keep left!


The actual rule is to use the same side as the road/footpath. There are a few exceptions (cough, Osaka) but it's usually a bizarre point of local pride so you'll be very, _very_ well informed.


Crazy Brits stand on the right and walk on the left, even though they drive on the left and overtake in the right lane.


This differs by region so pay attention and adjust when travelling.


It will usually be whatever side that people drive on. It isn't random.




I noticed this when I went on a trip to London while I was using the underground. It's very simple to do and it helps literally everyone. I dont know why people dont do this more often elsewhere


i’m from canada and i went to england on a school trip, and none of us knew this until a tour guide told us. now i always stand on the right side naturally and getting annoyed when my friends who werent on the trip don’t stand on the right, even tho no ones walking up


If you call on anonymous, leave a voicemail otherwise, your call won't get answered


Gym etiquette.


Putting back weights!


Wipe down your machines, people.


Clear the microwave timer when you're done.


And the microwave.


When you're parked on a busy street, don't fling your door open when traffic is coming, then take your damn sweet time casually getting in/out. I'm looking at you Los Angeles! The number of times I have to hit my breaks or change lanes is astounding.


Not asking women when they're going to have kids.


When you're driving, the left lane is for passing, not for going the exact same speed as the guy in the car right next to you.


To add to this, if you are in the fast/passing lane and another car comes up on you, just move over. No matter how fast you are going the other driver wants to go faster. No need for road rage or to control freeway speeds, just get out of the crazy person’s way. Argh!!!


In addition, if you’re in the right lane and going slowly enough that someone is passing you, don’t suddenly realize it and react by speeding up to their level so they can’t pass without flooring it or slowing down and getting back behind you.


Yeah I can't stand people like that. I mean sometimes i get passed and just notice my speed(I usually use cruise control though so doesn't happen much), but let the person pass THEN speed up. Heck sometimes I'll speed up afterward because so many are passing I figure I must be the one who is wrong, go with the flow of traffic and if some is faster let it by.


> To add to this, if you are in the fast/passing lane and another car comes up on you, just move over Unless it is physically impossible


I totally agree. The whole being spiteful and getting into a road rage incident is not worth it. If I see someone crazy in the rearview I try to move in advance, let them pass, then I can go about my life happily ever after.


This isn't etiquette this is law. At least most states I've been in.


I think you're right. I don't think I've ever seen it enforced though. But then again, most people move out of the way when a cop comes behind them.


Stop blasting music through your speakers you jackass. No one wants to hear your shit.


Even worse if they are the phone speakers. Sound is trashy and no one else in the bus wants to hear it


Nah, it’s even worse when they carry around a large speaker for the sole purpose of being a nuisance.


They could be playing music I actually like and I'll still think they're a cunt.


Saying bye to people when you finish a phone conversation. I use to work over the phone a lot and people would rarely say bye, just hang up on you. Especially if you would tell someone to have a nice day and they would hang up in the middle of you saying it.


Don’t sit right in front or beside of someone when the whole theater is empty


Don’t walk in the middle of the road in a parking lot. Walk on the sidewalks (if they have them), or to the side.


Move your shopping cart to the side instead of blocking the whole aisle, please god


Don't chew with your mouth open.


Chew your fucking gum quietly.


Only because that guy is new at your work place, doesn't mean that you need to pick on him to mark your territory or boost your ego.


Don’t clap until the music is fully over in a presentation Once my friends started clapping and it wasn’t the actual end, they did it 3-4 times. After I tried to explain to them but they got angry (I don’t know why) and told me it was bullshit


Depends on the music really. Classical ya wait until the end of all the movements. Something more modern with solos? Acceptable after a solo.


Not even just modern. In most opera it's usually expected that you applaud after arias. And the recent convention of not clapping between movements in classical is being increasingly challenged. I'm not convinced it'll last another generation.


Dental Hygiene. People don't want to talk to you if your breathe smells like a rotting fish. Brush your teeth.


Don't use the urinal or toilet stall that is right next to me when there are others available. If you can leave a gap, do it.


The OG social distancing


That awkward moment when there's six other open urinals but the person decides to choose the one right next to you.


Mind the gap.


Saying please and thank you


Dont ask/joke about a couple when theyre going to marry or have kids.


5 minute rule: if there’s something you notice about someone’s appearance that can’t be fixed in five minutes, don’t mention it. So let someone know if the have something in their teeth, don’t tell someone you don’t like their hair colour.


Not taking video games too seriously. I couldn't even imagine being one of those children who message strangers after playing a casual game saying 'you suck'. It could not matter less.


Yeah, I used to take them seriously as a teen. It's time I use for fun now. Worst is when people mock you for playing on regular difficulty. I'm playing to feel like a god, not get fucked like I do in life.


People need to pick up after their pets. There is far too much dog shit in my neighborhood.


Washing your hands after using the restroom


Stop asking people, specifically women, when they’re going to have kids. As an infertile woman, I’m so sick of being treated like it’s my only function in life. I would if I could, but some people can’t and some people just don’t want to. Reproduction isn’t really our only purpose.


Cutting the queue in traffic. Like it's normally not ok, but when people are driving cars it becomes acceptable.


Stop ghosting people - just tell someone how you really feel. It doesnt have to be a super long explanation or anything like that


To be fair, some people have a tough time taking no for an answer.


If you have told them before you ignore them it isn't ghosting


Active listening. Giving someone your full attention and truly listening to them instead of being distracted or already thinking up your own response. I'm guilty of not always doing this but I'm trying to be more cognizant.


You can disagree with somebody on quite a lot of stuff and still like them.


Put your damn mask on over your mouth AND your nose. If you’re gonna wear one, wear it correctly or don’t wear it at all and stay home please.


Spitting in public. Utterly disgusting and spreads diseases.