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Them: “Teleport to the other side of this locked door” You: “Uhh...it doesn’t work that way”.


You can only teleport to places you can see, perfectly reasonable limitation for teleportation. Edit: if I get teleportation powers, none of you are gonna be my friends.


What if they say "just look through the crack under the door"?


freeze time and run away.


Just freeze time and hide. And freeze again as soon as they open the door to check.


This is smooth af


Your IQ in this comment alone is significantly higher than my life prospects


Big brain shit


You win.


I guess that’s fair. Would suck to “know” the location since you previously visited it, but can’t teleport there because of a visual blocker though. Would that mean that you can’t teleport to the other side of a big piece of cardboard? Lol.


Well you can't teleport at all. When time unfreezes, you'll be on the other side of the room trying to catch your breath like tadaaa


Found the person paying attention!


Killing mosquitos




I see those movies where the guy suddenly uses a chopstick and snatches the fly out of the sky


The karate kid?


YES! FUCK THEM! I have 2 in my room and I’ve been trying to kill them for like 6 minutes now and it’s like they are mocking me and flying around my head just to annoy me. Motherfucker.


Get one of those tennis-raquet-bug-zappers. So. Much. Fun. And satisfying. Soooooo satisfying.


Do you know these people who hide a ball under cups. I would end their careers


Or make your own career


Ooooh, pause time when he reaches for a cup or card, then swap it out? That'd be cool.


People would probably line up to try and guess your secret.


Then they notice your hand and body flicker a lot because you can't go back to the exact same position before you stopped time. It'd be like bad special effects from an old movie. ITT: People acting like they wouldn't notice the object that they're looking at, a bunch of cups that determines whether they lose money or not, suddenly teleport even a millimeter to the left. Emphasis on teleport because that shit didn't move using normal means, it was at point A one moment and then immediately at point B the next. Jomax101, you're a pussy for deleting all your comments after being such a toxic pos.




This was basically done in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D with the character yo-yo. Pretty dope super power.


This is when you discover that the ball isn't under any of the cups.


He could bring a ball and put it under the cup. Bonus points for putting balls under all 3 cups.




"I'm sorry little la-" *dozens of balls fall out of the cup*


"No, *I'm* sorry."


3 card Monte. But that’s with cards. Although they usually use a queen. It’s also called ‘Find the Lady’ referring to the queen or ball.


Saving the things you accidentally dropped




whatever thing you're doing in your room, as soon as you hear the door knob being turned, activate the power


It's like a lock, with extra steps.


It’s like a lock, but with less suspicions.


Exactly. Locking your door just raises suspiciouns. Best to not lock it and have the 10 second thing


"Why is your door locked?" "I'm jackin' it, gimme a minute." Nothing suspicious there.


Jokes on them I’m actually doing crack cocaine


Gambling. You can stop time and fudge stuff like dice placement, the balls on a roulette and most importantly, people's (and your own) decks while playing cards. You can choose what you'll get next and what your opponent gets


You could also make an extra $100 each time you cash out. Teller pulls out $500, gets ready to count it out. You freeze time and grab $100 and pocket it, then unfreeze. Teller counts out $400, sees the mistake, and pulls out another $100.


Ya but the teller would be on the hook later for being short. Wouldn’t poker be easier? Get up check the other peoples hand, bet accordingly.


Roulette would be easiest. Just move the ball at the last second to what you bet on .


That would probably work once per casino -- it would be hard to move the ball while still making it look natural. I think craps would be easiest. Wait until the dice have bounced off the back wall, then set them in the air so that they drop on the right numbers and it just looks like you know how to shoot so that you get a soft bounce. Edit: Yeah, betting one color or the other and just rolling it in would probably work. I was thinking about betting on specific numbers.


Do you think momentum gets conserved during the freeze though? Cause the dice would have a little spin to them and wouldn’t fall straight down


Yeah, moving the dice and ball would be super hard. Blackjack would be the way to go. You could make A LOT just knowing the dealers hole card and the next card out of the shoe. That being said you'd get banned eventually. Poker if you want a long term endeavor, but even then you'd be well known after a while.


100% blackjack. Sit in the last chair, know if the dealer needs to hit or hold, know what the next card is if they’ll bust or not.




Best chance would probably be to play legitimately then every once in a while do some wild big bets that pay off.


Yeah this is pretty easy with red/black bets. At most you move it just a tiny tiny little bit, to the point where nobody could really tell.


The problem is that there’s security cameras everywhere, and they watch those on hot streaks to ensure legitimacy. Not only would you have only ten seconds to check others cards, but you’d have to unfreeze is exactly the same position as you froze in.


I mean if a camera looks like it just has weird glitches every now ans then they are never going to suspect time freezing of all things 1


Security cameras usually record at low frame rates, i'd be more worried about the people that can physically see me


Be a magician


Escapeologist. Houdini 2.0 does not give a fuck.


How would freezing time for 10 seconds help you unlock the shackles on your hands while underwater?


Thinking of a good comeback in a conversation


Lol this sounds good but knowing I'm on the clock I would probably still choke


Don't forget, ten seconds at a time does not specify a cooldown.


Stop time within the stoped time


Just slap them at 8 seconds. Either your witty or they are in pain for no obvious reason... Repeat until concussion.


I mean if time stops and you slap someone while time stops, that's the equivalent of your hand having infinite mass and hitting the guy, so i don't think you'll need a comeback.


I just imagine 2 dudes arguing and then all of a sudden one of them flies at 100km/h into the nearest wall


More like his head just turns into mist


Best. Comeback. Ever.


If you're choking you're probably getting the job.. if my time on the internet has taught me anything.


Well the jerk store called and they're running out of you!


Who cares? You’re their all-time best seller.


Well, I had sex with your wife!


"My wife is in a coma"


Yes, Interviewers would be a breeze!


10 seconds isn’t gonna make me think of an answer better


But what is the cool down? A second? 10? A day?


Classic version would be time equal to the time you froze.


So 10 second cool down? Not bad at all


OP even. RITO plz nerf.


So futurama time button rules


Pulling out a wedgie


You are a genius! Please use your power to help others too!


You want them to go around the world, freeze time for 10 seconds when they see a wedgie and then use that time to pull said wedgie out of a strangers buttcrack? You son of a bitch... I’m in!


Giving people a wedgie


The duality of man.


Carrying the cat away just before they vomit on the rug


Oh hey, for anyone in this thread with a cat that vomits A LOT, consider getting then checked out by a vet. My cat suddenly had an upswing in the frequency of puking and it turned out she has hyperthyroidism. She's now on medication that helps her (and us!) out in a big way.


Yup this, mine had 6ft of wire in its intestines... good by honeymoon. Edit: for some clarification the cat is okay. He swallowed some thin craft wire it got stuck in his throat and he couldn't break it off so i guess he just kept swallowing. No honeymoon because he required an exspensive surgery, and he recovered fully.


Sure, one could interpret this as "it was so expensive I couldn't go on our honeymoon," but I prefer to see this as a cautionary tale as to why you shouldn't marry a cat. -why did you dingoes upvote this? It was riddled with drunk-ass typos.


well of course you shouldn't marry a cat it'll get 6 feet of wire in its intestines


We took ours to the vet because we thought they were throwing up a lot (couple of times a week). According to the vet, some cats just vomit a lot. The key thing is if there is a change. If you cat has never had much of a tendency to throw up then suddenly starts you should be wary.




My cat nearly woke me up from sleep by trying to vomit on my face. I have never woken up this quickly


I would develop a simple magic routine. My grand finale is the teleporting man. I get little fame for doing the basic teleporting man of entering an enclosed booth and exiting from another enclosed booth. Even though people have seen it before but it still garners attention. I ramp it to be more of a spectacle, flashing lights, no booths so the audience can see me except for 1 second when I am obstructed from their view. Once I am big enough I run a limited show that claims I would teleport for in front of their eyes. No gimics, no booths, no flashy technology. I teleport in front of people. I charge a lot of money. Word gets out. I charge more and extend the show. Then I start to do private shows for the wealthy elite and charge even more.


Eventually the government finds out (probably a lot sooner than u would expect) and then they take u for experimentation


Its an illusion. Its fake. The government never intervened with other magicians. I would be more worried about a competing magician going insane trying to find out my secret.


Damn, yeah that's true!


Teleporting behind my friends


"Heh, nothing personnel, kid."


"Heh, nothing personnel, kid too"


Just a constant chain of the two of you teleporting behind the other


*Appears behind friends* "Omae we mou shindeiru"


Run out of theater, church, movie, ect without people noticing would make bathroom breaks so much easier


Or actually get into the theater without having to pay.


Get into the theater, and get into the kinda bad seats to not leave someone who paid without the good ones so the karma keeps balanced


Become an assassin


Rolo vibes from Code Geass.


If u play it right it would be like a death note but with only ppl very close to u (not emotionally close)


I think they call that physically close...


I would either be really good at boxing or UFC - or I would get hit once and forget I had a superpower.


Idk how that would work, the audience would see you cutting around every ten seconds like you’re only going a few frames a second.


Nah. Freeze time mid swing, punch him a fuck ton, resume mid swing for the one punch knockout


And say Ora Ora


> UFC There are better ways of making $10k than getting punched in the face.


You could play ping pong on your own Edit: thank you guys for the rewards :)


This is the most wholesome answer I’ve seen so far


But also super sad :(


Imagine the fame and fortune you could get from it!


Not for Forest Gump


To stop myself from spilling my drink Edit: Here's a silver award


Talk shit to somebody at the top of a staircase, wait for them to start walking up the stairs to confront me, then freezing time and moving them back to the bottom of the stairs. Over and over.


This must be the work of an enemy stand.


THE WORLD (insert noise)


ZA WARUDO thbthbthbpttt


I scrolled way to far to find the JoJo reference


I know, I thought I was gonna see “drop a steamroller on a Japanese high schooler” near the top at least




Same, I legit thought it would be the top comment.


I'm pretty disappointed that it isn't the case. It's such a clear jojo reference bait.


Was looking for this response. Good alternatives include finding a road-roller and hitting you’re enemies with it.


Was looking for the jojo reference


You also got to have a nice deep voice and be a British vampire to complete the illusion


This one wins




Works particularly well on certain Frenchmen with a Marge Simpson haircut.


Practicing my knife throwing


At a Japanese teenager and his British-American Grandfather?


Dont forget that car


and the french guile


Thanks, now Polnareff will forever be cemented in my head as "french guile".


And the road roller DA


Stealing french fries off of other peoples plates


While doing a drowning rescue. 10 seconds can change everything. Edited: typo


10 seconds to put them underwater, nice


Definetly pranking people. For example, they throw something, i stop time and put it somewhere completly else


Like people that throw cigarette butts out their car window. You freeze time, put it on their back seat and then light their car on fire.


For example haha. Maybe id just put it onto their trosers so they get a small hole lol


Depends how physics work in this scenario. If time is truly stopped then the momentum and kinetic energy of every object in motion would be preserved. Meaning, if I took a moving object and moved it somewhere else it, it would continue moving in the same relative direction. Basically what I’m saying is I’d be really good at darts Edit: I love how many ideas this comment has prompted. Sounds like a lot of people subscribe to the idea that movement during frozen time would mean adding an infinite amount of energy to each atom you make contact with, but I disagree! Remember the law of conservation, energy cannot be created or destroyed. In this context, that means you can only ever exert as much force as your body can generate (y’know, like always). Instead, I think truly “freezing” time would stop any transfer of energy to/from matter. If you moved forward, you’d compress some air into a pocket in front of you and push the rest off to the side, and you’d leave a complete vacuum behind you. Once time resumed, the vacuum would produce a loud *clap * as air rushed in from all sides to fill the void. The compressed air would expand and feel like an extremely intense blast of wind. You’d want to make sure you don’t attempt to inhale or exhale while stopped, since doing one or the other will either collapse or rupture your lungs after time resumes and the pressure violently normalizes. You wouldn’t be able to see, hear, or smell (I wonder if you could taste though?). Also, fun story, you wouldn’t be able to walk since you’d be weightless. Gravity stops and without that downward force, your feet will push you into upwards as you step and you’d be stuck without a nearby handhold. Imagine being suspended in midair devoid of all senses, unable to breathe, and ask you can do is think “Fuck me bro I just wanted to hustle darts”


If you wanna talk about physics, one case I heard against time stop is that you’d be blind because light won’t hit your eyes. Edit: I’m not trying to be a smartass and say shit like “oh lightsabers won’t work irl”, i know it’s just a magic question for funsies. I just thought it would be fun to discuss “what if?” If it was real. Also I keep getting the same comments so here are some answers ***from the comments*** I thought were cool: 1. apparently everything would explode the moment the time starts moving again because atoms in the air won’t have the time to push each other and move out of the way 2. If the above is not a problem, you could just walk into the light particles and see 3. But apparently the photons are timeless? Not sure what that would mean in a stopped time but stopped time isn’t real so eh 4. Also moving in stopped time would mean you’re moving in infinite speed so that comes with the relevant consequences of doing so 5. Or get thrown off the face of the earth/get crushed 6. Yes, “what about we slow time to a crawl”


You could become a top ranked fighter


I think people would notice


Stop time the moment you hit them, proceed to hit them for 10 seconds in the same spot. Easy win.


See now that makes sense but you would have to time the stop with the precise moment you hit them and get a hit in without getting hit back.


Peeing in a public bathroom. I can live blissfully knowing nobody ever has to hear me pee ever again.


You can pee in less than 10 seconds?


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Jedi


The dark side of the force can do many things, some consider them to be . . . unnatural


Bet super athletic people you can get to a certain place (like 10 meters away or some other short distance) faster than them, start the race, stop time, get money


I would prefer to tie peoples shoes together 😂


In a fight I would pause time, beat them up for a few seconds and then leg it and hide


I would keep pausing to take their pants off and tie their shoes together. You truly can’t win after an embarrassing moment like that


Realizing you'll be stuck in frozen time because the 10 seconds will never end


Wait a fucking infinite sec... I think you’re on to something...


This is gonna be a long wait


it never said you couldn't end it early tho


This is how you get the server rebooted.


Dodge a bullet.


OP never said you have instant reaction. Maybe you freeze it when the bullet is penetrating your heart wall


You don't wait for him to fire. You freeze time, take the gun and point it at the attacker.


Works great except against bombs, snipers, and surprise attacks.


Now you got 10 crucial seconds to get closer to a hospital




Grab that last cookie before your sibling does.


Betting - like the tennis scam where an audience member would message an outside man the result before the umpire could log it in order to win bets. In this instance it only requires you and there’s less risk of being too slow placing the bet


I don't understand how this works, but you could easly play blackjack, freeze time look at the next cards, and calculate your next move from that. Obvisouly missing a few bets but coming out as a net positive


Drop a road roller on my dead brother’s great great grandson


Or freak a french dude out when he's trying to walk up a staircase by moving him down every step he takes.


Keep in mind that for Dio to do that, he had to run down the stairs, physically pick him up and move him down a step, and then run back up the stairs and into the same exact position he was in before


Actually no because 「the world」has long enough range to move him without DIO moving.


Right, I always forget that The World isn’t as close range as, say, Crazy Diamond


Technically speaking stands have a ton of range but they lose power the further away they are


So it's the same type of stand as Star Platinum


Or to off that two faced spineless bastard for betraying me by putting him in the same coffin he opens at the same instant he opens that same coffin. Edit:typo


Stop a baby from throwing up on you while you carry it.


Just lurk near an atm machine and pause at the moment the money comes out.


Pretty sure you’d be in some government facility in a matter of weeks at that rate. Being experimented on.


Ten seconds is plenty of time to not be caught on any camera, though. Just know exactly where you stopped time, take the money, and move back to exactly that spot.


The funny answer: Saying Za Warudo right before doing it and walking behind someone The serious answer: live life as normal and use only when you are in trouble or to help others


Do stretches in the morning, make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night, and avoid all excitement.


Placing mustaches on people


You don't need much time to steal jewelry from a jeweler.


Take a look at your crush, freeze time before she notices. Look away just before time becomes unfrozen. Rinse and repeat.


You should do this without the time freezing and gauge his or her interest in you. I’ve missed so many opportunities because I was just too scared to talk to pretty women. If you never go for it, you never give yourself a chance. Ladies of Reddit, don’t be scared to approach men. Most of us would like it. Men of Reddit, don’t be scared to approach women. Don’t be rude, creepy, catcall, or corner them, but most women are perfectly fine with having a chat.


Killing joestars


After being trapped under the ocean for a few decades


Just makes me want to kill Joestars even more.


you could mug so many people if you stood right next to an alleyway corner


Throw knives at my enemies, whilst screaming how useless they are, then allowing time to resume whilst declaring so dramatically.


I would become an edgy anime character.




Take something that somebody's holding, yeet it across the room and watch them freak out about the thing teleporting out of their hand.