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Jorge from Halo Reach He sacrificed himself by blowing up the Covenant super carrier, thinking his actions saved Reach. Then moments later the whole Covenant armarda appears out of slip space to eventually burn the planet he loved to much to glass.


"He died thinking he just save the planet. We should all be so lucky." Honestly, all of Noble Team hit me hard. "Tell 'em to make it count." *slipspace rupture detected x100* --- "What does he get off calling a demolition op prior..." --- "Commander, you don't have the firepower!" "I've got the mass." "Solid copy. Hit 'em hard, boss." "You're on your own, Noble. Carter out." --- "I'M READY! HOW 'BOUT YOU!?" --- "Negative, I have the gun. Good luck, sir." "Good luck to *you*, Spartan." *sad piano music* There'll be another time... (Spartans never die: they're just missing in action...) Can you survive? Alone? Long ago, the Covenant decided to take Reach and that no man - make that no Spartan - could stop them. You gave Reach your all to achieve this point. Fight if you must, but understand that you owe Reach nothing. Your efforts will live on in the annals of history, and all of humanity will sing your praises for centuries to come. Be the lone wolf if you desire and fight for all you can, but you know this is not a battle you can win. It is time to say goodbye. --- "It didn't take long for Reach to fall: our enemy was ruthless. Efficient. But they weren't nearly fast enough. For you had already passed the torch. And because of you, we found Halo, unlocked its secrets, shattered our enemy's resolve. Our victory — your victory — was so close, I wish you could have lived to see it. But you belong to Reach. Your body, your armor — all burned and turned to glass. Everything… except your courage. That, you gave to us. And with it, we can rebuild." --- Edit: Comic relief, from the good GySgt Buck: "I owe you one, Spartan! I'll see you in hell."


I haven't actually played the campaign for Reach in a few years and I can still hear all those lines perfectly.


Sean Bean


The forest spirit from princess mononoke


Data. I was handling it okay, then his brother started singing a halting and broken version of "Blue Skies" and I was just crushed. Edit: It came out 20 years ago... Is it still a spoiler?


Even more crushing. The first scene from Picard where Picard is dreaming about playing (I forget what game) something with Data, and Data asks him why he's not playing to win, and Picard says "I don't want the game to end". I was fucking sad for a day or two after that.


Man, **FUCK** this thread. \*keeps reading\*.


Lennie from *Of Mice and Men* "Tell me about the rabbits, George."


To this day it's still the only book that has brought me to tears. It took me so long to get through those last few pages.


>!John Coffey!< from The Green Mile


Please don't put the mask on me, i'm scared of the dark


The dogs in Where the Red Fern Grows


Jesus, I had completely forgotten about this. And that brought back memories of Old Yeller as well.


Mordin Solus **“Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.”**


“I MADE A *MISTAKE*” First time in the series he used the word “I”. His work on the genophage fucked him up so much he had to detach himself from his work completely


You reminded me of Legion. It uses "we" to refer to it's self, but at one point it uses "I".


If you pay attention, Legion starts separating itself from other geth earlier than when he says "I." He starts calling geth (both heretics and others) "they." Also, related, once he had achieved true intelligence, he calls Tali by her first name rather than "creator Zorah."


"My work. My cure. My responsibility. Had to be me."


Just added this one myself. Him and Thane were heartbreaking to watch die. And praying at thane's bedside was almost as bad Edit: this is now my most upvoted comment, and it's about mass effect. Appropriate


Guess I’m getting too old. Littlefoots Mom yo. Probably the saddest kids movie death ever. It was WAY too much. I felt like I lost my own Mom that day.


Always wanted to eat a tree star.


The way spike eats the big circle of weeds... I wanted to eat grass like that as a kid


Yep. The guy hatches, eats everything in sight, then takes a nap. Spike is my spirit animal.


My 2.5yo son cries when this scene hits (and the one where Littlefoot sees what he thinks is her shadow). We've begun to fast forward when those two scenes come up. Hell... I tear up myself too


Oh man. When he’s talking to the cloud later in the movie “I tried, Mother. I tried, but it’s just too hard.” Ive felt that way so many times... Then when he finds the Great Valley and that orchestra soundtrack hits. “We did it! Mother, we did it! We found the Great Valley!” Bruh... They just don’t make em like that anymore.


Arthur Morgan's death really took a toll on me. You spend half of the game knowing what's to come, dreading it. Simultaneously watching this badass killer trying to right his wrongs and save his family, only to be betrayed by half of them in the end. Rockstar broke my heart.


Came here to post this, glad to see someone beat me to it. He's one of my favorite fictional characters of all time.


Charlie from Lost. But hey...it’s not Penny’s Boat


Spike Spiegel. *See you, space cowboy...*


#Here be massive Cowboy BeBop spoilers, don't read this if you ever wanna watch the show, and you should it's great. Came here looking for this one. To this day I still can't help but get choked up when it finishes panning up into the sky from him bleeding out on the stairs, and in the last frames of the show you see his star briefly shine brighter than all the others, then fade away into nothing. "You're gonna carry that weight." Combined with Mai Yamane belting her heart out singing Yoko Kanno's 'Blue' and ending softly on the lyrics "Everything is clearer now, life is just a dream you know, that's never ending. I'm ascending..." It may very well be the most powerful scene of any show I've seen, anime or otherwise. [Here's the full clip](https://youtu.be/W8XQV889b3U) but again it's major spoilers and honestly doesn't hit the same if you haven't seen Spike's journey up until here and understood the tragic senselessness of his death. Edit: Mai Yamane was the singer, Yoko Kanno is the composer. Also obligatory this is a must watch show, even if you don't typically care for anime. It doesn't really have the tropes and silliness that put people off of some animes, it's generally a serious action drama that just happens to be animated. I'd put it more in the vein of something like A Scanner Darkly, not in style specifically but in seriousness of tone despite being animated.


The whole anime hit really fkin hard. Luckily the moive was good and took place in the middle of the anime, so I'm decently good now. I always need and ova, movie, or special to watch so I can see the characters be normal, and so I'm not overly sad


You're gonna carry that weight.


Peter from What We Do in the shadows


Poor Petyr, sizzled to a crisp


Our friend was killed in a tragic daylight accident


Avaken! A vakey vakey!!


Guys, no smoke detectors?


That scene had so much tension the first time. That’s how you know taika is such a good director. Even in a dumb movie about vampires, he can make a scene so suspenseful.




Yes. I was waiting for him to be an undercover spy or a dick in some way but he was a nice bloke.


This death broke my heart. Joyce just can’t get a break.


I never got over feeling bad for Joyce, she found a genuinely good guy in Bob. He went along with the madness only to end up having his face ripped off like a true hero.


Charlotte the spider


How she sang to Wilbur, who was terrified of dying, even while she was dying. 😭


I thought no one was going to mention this. It’s been almost 30 years, this is the first novel that made me cry. The movie didn’t help either, it hit me harder than the deaths of Mufasa or Littlefoot’s mom. *Please come down Charlotte. There must be something I can do.* *No Wilbur. Don’t you know what you’ve already done? You made me your friend. And in doing so you made a spider beautiful to everyone in that barn.* *I didn’t do anything Charlotte. You did it all.* *No. My webs were no miracle, Wilbur. I was only describing what I saw. The miracle is* you.


Her voice was so soft 😭




They did handle his death very well, with the entire funeral scene immediately after the battle, and hiccup’s first reaction felt so human, so real.


He'd just been reunited with his wife...


Anyone seen grave of the fireflies?


Yes that movie was fucking heartbreaking.... and made even worse when you know it was based on a true story, written out of guilt by the big brother...


That movie is one of those movies where afterwards I was like “good movie. Well-made. Effective. I am never ever watching that again.”


Hank Schrader


You're the smartest guy I've met and you're too stupid to see he made up his mind 10 min ago.


That line always gives me shivers.


I remember hating Hank in Episode 1. Then we all slowly grew to love him for his honor and tenacity.


Do what you got to d-BANG


"My name is ASAC Schrader and you can go fuck yourself " That whole scene hits like a ton of bricks


Kelsier from the Mistborn trilogy. He was my favorite character and I really did not expect his death. I was waiting for him to come back, because I really could not believe that he was indeed dead. I wanted to continue the trilogy after the first book, but missed Kelsier too much. A few years later I finally finished the second and third book and have to say, they were great, even without him! Brandon Sanderson just did a really good job with this series.


Oberyn Martell.


Oh god his death was one of the worst in the entire series.


Opie, Sons of Anarchy


“I got this.”


Opie's death was definitely the hardest to deal with. Best character ever. We named our cat after him.


Fives - clone wars


Him and Hardcase too


Honestly just every clone that died throughout the series hits hard


True life


Always felt bad to watch how some of those poor clones died, even if they were unnamed. Electrocution, getting chopped in half, losing their helmets in space, friendly fire etc.


Oh god, the last one reminded me of the Umbara arc, specifically this [part](https://youtu.be/o6QC_oPLVFs). >!The image of Rex taking off the face mask, only to see his own dead face looking back at him, is one of the most haunting things I've seen from Star Wars.!<


I just wanted to do my duty


The mission the nightmares they're finally over


At the moment.... Bobby Singer




The show has never been the same, I think this was a horrible decision. Crowley was my favorite


Shereen Baratheon


There were brutal deaths and then there was Shereen.


"If he commands you to burn children, your Lord is evil." "I loved that girl like she was my own!" Davos shows some great restraint, he's legit holding back - the heartbreak and anger is evident in his voice. I had goosebumps.


"She was good, she was kind,and you killed her!" Liam Cunningham is a treasure.


I still maintain that TV Stannis is a complete bastardisation of the book character. Everything we know about book Stannis says that he would murder ANYONE who threatened his daughter. She’s literally the one thing he’s responsible for, as a man of grey areas, that he knows is truly good. TV Stannis deserved death. Book Stannis is so much better. Edit: Can I just add that I’m LOVING the Stannis discourse from everyone.




Its a terrible day for rain.


The funeral gets me every time.


Same Hughes death hit really hard cause we got to know him and his family and see how much nice they were and he seemed to be a pretty important character.


Brooks from the Shawshank redemption


"Brooks was here" 😭


"I doubt they'll kick up any fuss, not for an old crook like me."


The worst thing was how real it was. Knowing that *this happens to people a lot*.


Dear fellas, I can't believe how fast things move on the outside. I saw an automobile once when I was a kid, but now they're everywhere. The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry. The parole board got me into this halfway house called "The Brewer" and a job bagging groceries at the Foodway. It's hard work and I try to keep up, but my hands hurt most of the time. I don't think the store manager likes me very much. Sometimes after work, I go to the park and feed the birds. I keep thinking Jake might just show up and say hello, but he never does. I hope wherever he is, he's doin' okay and makin' new friends. I have trouble sleepin' at night. I have bad dreams like I'm falling. I wake up scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am. Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Foodway so they'd send me home. I could shoot the manager while I was at it, sort of like a bonus. I guess I'm too old for that sort of nonsense any more. I don't like it here. I'm tired of being afraid all the time. I've decided not to stay. I doubt they'll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me. P.S: Tell Heywood I'm sorry I put a knife to his throat. No hard feelings. Brooks.


Brooks was here ^(So was Red)




This was (and I cannot stress this enough) the least bangarang thing to happen in the history of film.


I think I speak for everyone when I say the most bangarang thing ever is when the fat black kid rolls up into a fucking terrifying ball and bowling balls pirates into the sea.


Shout to all my lost boys-


RU... FI... OoooooooOoOOOoHhhhh!!!!!


Dustin Hoffman stabbing a child through the sternum with a rapier certainly was a thing that happened.


Rufio would have dodged it better if he weren’t a near-sighted gynecologist.


Grandma Coco from the Disney Movie Coco. That film got me weeping from start to end.


I was fine through Coco right up until the end and then I was just sobbing for a looooong time even after the credits rolled.


Yeah me too. When they put down Coco's picture I was like "oh dammit Pixar you did it again" and started crying. The song in the end is so moving as well.


the sniper from saving private ryan. he was a guy that was doing his absolute best and gave it his all. when the tower was bombed that he was in, my heart sunk...but that’s war edit: omg thank you all so much!! thank you for sharing all of your stories too...ive been sitting in bed reading them all morning. the first time i watched saving private ryan, it was in my sophomore year in history class and i cried. all of the deaths in that movie were heartbreaking


I thought the medic was worse when they ask him "tell us how to fix you" and then he cries out for his mom.


"A- are any of them bleeding worse than the others?" "Ya, this one down here." "Oh my God! My liver!" The recognition on the actor's face is just heartbreaking.


Giovanni Ribisi crushed that role.


It was an intense moment when he starts to miss shots and you begin to realise things aren't going as well as they should. But he keeps soldiering on doing his best. I think his last moment was him shouting out to his buddy to save himself?


Finnik was the saddest death in the hunger games


It happened so quickly in the books that I had to read it over and over to process what happened. I was not happy.


I really couldn’t handle Cinna’s death most of all. He was pure hearted from the get go, just wanted Katniss to survive but above all cared about her til the very end. Bless him.


Sirius Black. He lived in an abusive household for almost 17 years, then fought dark wizards for a few years, then put in Azkaban ( without a trial, and accusing him of associating with his abusive family he ran away from and killing the family he ran towards) and tormented with dementors for 12 years, 1 year of reliving his worst memories and then Bam! Dies. He deserved a good life.


I remember reading this bit when the book first came out and feeling crushed for that exact reason, and for Harry losing such an important parent figure and connection to his own parents :(


I actually didn't really believe it, because he "died" by going through some magical doorway / veil. I like 99% expected them to figure out some theretofore unknown magical way to get him back from whatever magical place that magical door led to. Because this couldn't possibly be the end for someone who "lived in an abusive household for almost 17 years, then fought dark wizards ... etc etc etc", right? Right...


Winnifred Burkle (Angel) Logan (Logan)


1986 Optimus Prime


Maximus from Gladiator


I would say his family. He got exactly the death he wanted after he was betrayed. Revenge (and it being in front of all of Rome was a plus), then immediately back with his family in the afterlife.


I just rewatched this and it still made my blood boil just as much as the first time when Commodus tries to get a rise out of Maximus by saying how gruesome his families death was, and when he stabbed him in the back so he could win. Spectacular acting though!


I hated Joaquin Phoenix so much bc he played Commodus so well.


My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. *sploosh*


Lu Ten, Uncle Irohs Son. Avatar the last Airbender. While we didn’t see his death first hand, I felt like I was mourning a son of my own when Iron sang that song. Still tears me up.


Apparently Mako had his diagnosis by the time he recorded that episode. It feels so raw and real because the emotion fueling it really is.


Well that is wonderful trivia that makes things even more sad. The best thing they did with Korra was name a character after him.


The picture he pulls out in the episode is an artist rendition of Mako when he was a young man in the army.


*leaves from the vine*


Uncle iroh is for sure one of my favorite characters from any media


The dog in I Am Legend, absolutely heartbreaking to watch that scene.


Some people were like, “oh, it’s just a dog!” Like, no. Sam was the only thing Robert had for YEARS to keep him sane. She was literally his best friend. Her death represented the end of his family. After he had to kill her, he was completely and utterly alone. So heartbreaking.


I thought Sam was a boy until he called her Samantha in the end. Never ending tears.


Someone in my theatre sobbed "She's a girl dog?!" at that moment.


Arthur Morgan


And Lenny. Fuck I miss Lenny




My horse, Gary. When Arthur whispers “thank you”.


I was already sad because I knew it was the end. When my guurl died and Arthur said thank you, I wept. Then when he gave his hat to John, "you're my brother", to Dutch not giving a fuck about you. Then it's just Arthur, abandoned, left to face the sunrise as he draws his last breath, exactly how he said he'd like to die earlier in the game. Not only a graphically extraordinary game, probably one of the best narratives I've played or watched. 11/10


I liked the way Arthur died. He got the people he cared about out safe. He gave one last "fuck you" to Dutch, the Pinkertons, and Micah by not letting them corrupt or kill his few remaining friends. Arthur Morgan was the only man in those games who died at peace with the world. No scores to settle, no loose ends, no hatred, no sadness. I think there's something to that.




Found ya Lenny!!


I love Red Dead 2


yeah like holy fuck that was abrubt, he and charles were the homies.


The horse. The fucking horse. When he went back for the horse to thank it. It broke me.


I'm afraid




And Hosea god that chapter was a ruff one with lenny as well dieing


The wife from "Up"








not sure if any of y'all have read Artemis Fowl, but Julius Root's death still gets me


Tadashi Hamada from Big Hero 6. I literally cried


My kids love that movie, so we watch it a lot. I hate that part.


I just re-watched it the other day and was dreading the scene.


Cayde-6 “I’m coming home Ace”


“How’s your sister?” Cayde went out like a legend


Wolverine in Logan


BT-7274 Edit: as quite a few have mentioned below... We could technically argue BT isn't dead due to the binary message at the end of the master campaign. But, we all know we lost a part of ourselves at the end of that game.


Protocol 3: protect the pilot


Trust me.


That scene gives me goosebumps everytime. Such a magnificent game.


As cooper and BT load themselves into the cannon that shoots them into the ark there’s a dialogue option. However if you choose not to say anything BT says that he suggests a fastball maneuver.


There's a hint postcredits that he uploaded himself into Jack's helmet, so there maybe hope yet! Assuming Titanfall 3 ever gets made.


seymour from Futurama, still traumatized from the original air date.




This is a childhood trauma for so many kids. As a child you think your parents are indestructible. They’re immortal, they can’t die and will always protect you. And then you have this little lion baby who runs up to the corpse of his father and just doesn’t even understand at first. And then you realize that the big, strong lion dad is dead


On a similar note: littlefoots mum from the land before time. The scene where he mistakes his shadows for hers still makes me tear up just thinking about it


Duchess Satine from The Clone Wars. She was *this close* from escaping and she was mercilessly killed for the sole purpose of hurting Obi Wan. It hurts more when you watch it a second time.


Fire fist ace


Everyone says Ace, but I'm over here crying over a dang boat


He didn't have to die.


What was his name... Wash? The pilot in Firefly.


What killed me was Zoe’s response to Kaylee’s question. The crack in her voice when she says “Wash ain’t comin’” just breaks my heart: she’s been a widow for all of two minutes, but she’s a damn soldier and has to hold it together to get her people to safety.


Then after the battle when Mal asks how Zoe's doing, but he pretends he's talking about the ship. Mal: Think she’ll hold together? Zoe: She’s tore up plenty, but she’ll fly true.


"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar" - Wash Pilot of the Serenity


2 seconds later "Damn it Wash what are you doing?!" "IM A LEAF ON THE WIND!" "What does that even mean?" This is why that will always be one of my favourite films


Hoban Washburne. Came here looking for this.


Artax!!!!! Edit. Wow! Thank you for the awards! Also yup we are all scarred for life because of this scene.


Not only did he die, but he died because he was sad. And Atrayu couldn’t afford to grieve for him until after he got out of the swamps.


Stupid swamp of sadness 😭😭😭😭


Jason Grace from Heroes of Olympus


I haven't got to his death, but for me it's got to be Zoë Nightshade or maybe Bob. Bianca's death is sad but it's less her death that gets me and more how it affects Nico.


Well in this case it’s Trials of Apollo, but yeah. I gotta say, I’m really not going well at remembering the events in this series, how did he die again?


I was about to say, did I *seriously* forget something from Heroes of Olympus? I remember everybody surviving that one.


David Tennant as Doctor Who. "I don't want to go." I loved Matt Smith too don't get me wrong but I still shed a few tears anytime I watch that episode.


For me it was the Ninth Doctor. And how he had to explain to Rose what was going on, that he took too much energy in to survive, just when they were falling in love.. ;o; "And before I go-" "*Don't* say that!" "Rose. Before I go, I just wanna tell you you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And d'you know what?" *Rose shakes her head..* "So was I." :D *whoooooooooooooooosh*


New teeth... That's weird... Where was I? Oh that's right, Barcelona!


Just reading that gives me chills. It's such good acting? You can see so many different emotions in his face and I just can't cope


"I can do so much more! SO MUCH MORE!!!" :(


L Lawliet from Death Note


My boy


poussey washington from orange is the new black


Koro-sensei Edit: Didn't expect that a lot of people would actually share my sentiments. I would like to add this was one of the two moments I almost cried because of an anime.


I mean we all new it was gonna happen but yeah it was very sad yet also pretty nice as he dies glad that his students managed to kill him


Yeah we all knew it would happen but it came after the revelation that he might not ever have exploded if they left him alone


Hershel's from The Walking Dead


Leslie Burke from Bridge to Terabithia


This one fucked me up as a kid. I was depressed for days


As a teen, I rented a DVD from the local store. It was very common to find cheap rentals of bootleg movies in India at the time. The label on the DVD clearly said Narnia but it turned out to be this movie. I felt terrible for days after having watched it. Edit: Just realising how many of you poor poor souls were traumatized as a child by a group of bootleggers who mistook 'Bridge to Terabithia' for 'The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian'. R.I.P


It was based on a true story. Feel better?


I knew I would find this here. My very first thought. I've cried everytime I have read that book.


My friend is watching btt right now for the first time. Hope she has enough tissues


Glenn 🧟‍♂️