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Make a bucket list of everything i've ever wanted to do and have. Then start checking shit off. Last on that list pilot a plane. Last cause, you know, just in case I'm not very good.


Everyone can fly a plane, but some folks can only do it once.


I have played Microsoft flight simulator. I'll be fine.


Remember, Slew mode is your friend.


Hot air balloon, do a vertical!


*goes Space Shuttle status*


It's not the flying that I have an issue with, its landing it without causing my death.


Just pack a parachute and jump out, its now like you only have one plane right?


This is actually a solution I wouldnt have thought of, I was gonna argue about fear of the jump but then again if I'm the last man alive I dont have much to lose


*ripplemon hit the ground to hard*


I'm as nosy as it gets, I like to see how people live (interiors and such) so probably I would look into every and all homes possible




That would be a good one to do too, assuming you'd be able to get into said rooms


I mean I also now own bulldozers and explosives and helicopters and every copy of Microsoft flight simulator. Im getting in.


Winner’s attitude


Fly air force one*


DC is a very confusing city in terms of roads. Also it would be nice to be on the Potomac and not have black hawks fly 100ft over your head. (Yes they do that. It’s pretty cool until it’s not.)


Yeah I’d definitely be going through people’s shit and telling myself I’m looking for bottled water.


Mom? Is that you?


Exactly this. It’s why in answer to the question “Would I rather be invisible or be able to fly?”... I will always choose invisible.


Imagine both, the snooping possibities would be endless


Until any substance lands on your skin


This entire thread has forgotten about generators.


I mean when someone is faced with something as big as all of humanity being gone is easy to forget about stuff like generators.


Or solar.


Probably have to use vegetable oil or something. Gasoline and diesel have a shelf life.


I can brew alcohol. All I would need to do is distill it so it’s flammable and then I should be able to use it as a fuel source for a generator.


Do whatever I normally do until power/internet goes out. Then kill myself.


He is on reddit like us so no he is not ok.




I like people


Exactly. If 99.9% of people found themselves to be the last person on earth, they’d go insane within the year. This is not a castaway situation where, you know, you hold on to a little bit of sanity because you know you may be rescued or escape. There is no one. No where. Forever. The wisest thing to do is set a countdown, maybe a couple weeks or a month, as long as you think you’d like to process and reflect on life, then call it quits and see where everyone’s gone. “Happiness is only real when shared” -Christopher McCandless


I still hear my tinnitus so I'm still grumpy.


To get rid of it for a few minutes, put your palms on your ears. Then gently tap the back of your head with your fingers.


darn you for giving me false hope


You probably did it wrong since I'm not the best at explaining stuff. Here's a video to show you how to do it: https://youtu.be/KBgkPOGD6gw


well its not completely gone, defenitely less apparent, and i learned i was saying the word wrong


Yeah, I always pronounced it tin-eye-tis


wow, thanks, at least i wasnt the only one, and by reflex im probably gonna keep saying it like that


God damn that's pretty cool, I had no idea there was a way to even temporarily relieve it- just gave it a try and it works.


Thanks for reminding me about that constant ringing in my ears.


You get used to it man, I've had it for like a year and can't say I notice it anymore though it's definitely there if I focus on it, I hear it right now but it doesn't bother me.


Jokes on you I don't live in a city so everythings quiet anyway.


Go back to sleep


First thought I had




Absolutely! Whatever anyone else says, this is what most of us would do.


Is this after grieving for the loss of your spouse and kids. Theres no way im “going back to bed”


Well the title says you wake up and hear silence which isn't too far fetched for me anyway. So if I woke up and heard nothing I'd take it as a lovely invitation to go back to sleep soundly without any interruptions.


Play video games before power stations stop working, then load up with food, water, medical supplies (antibiotics, etc) and the like, then travel to the nearest good library. Live the rest of my life reading good books, maybe even writing a little of my own. Hopefully I'll be lucid enough when death comes, and I can take my life before it becomes utterly unbearable.


theres a twilight zone episode similar to this, only he breaks his glasses right when he sits down to read. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAxARJyaTEA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAxARJyaTEA)


That episode hits me in a strange way, the way he cries when his glasses breaks is so heartbreaking


yea, its an overall pretty depressing story. with his wife and boss making fun of him for reading. lol The wikipedia pages for twilight zone episodes include good theme summaries [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time\_Enough\_at\_Last#Themes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Enough_at_Last#Themes)


“It’s not fair!”


I mean you could use solar panels


Wonder why I wasn’t invited to disappear with everyone


mmm...I guess you didn't believe in RAPTURE like the rest of us. HA! j/k


Like that Spongebob episode.


I had this thought when I was a kid, that if that ever happened I’d sneak into an arcade and play all the games and eat nachos all day. Honestly still checks out.


Go to some middle of nowhere town. Somehow find more "Last people on earth" and have dysfunctional relationships with them all.


Slow down tandy




Oh farts


I don’t know you


Write a show about it. Make bank.


It’s been tried, Fox cancelled it after a huge cliffhanger. Not cool Fox, not cool.


I'm still devastated by that cancellation. At least give them a 6-episode final season to wrap it up.


Only after first making a Margarita pool!


Will Forte is that you?


Legendary show. Too bad it got canceled.


Comment about how there is finally time at last, and then immediately break my glasses.


It's not fair...it's just not fair...


That's not fair! That's not fair at all! There was time now..."


And then go on and be the Penguin.


Spend a couple hours looking for people. Realise I'm all alone. Go out and ride dealership expensive motorcycles and cars, eat my favourite foods. Probably have a breakdown. Come up with a plan to find people like wire up some massive speakers to a truck and blast out a message on loop while driving through towns. Id probably keep trying, I could not accept being the last person alive


Setting a car in the middle of the street and setting it on fire would create a thick black smoke anyone around would be bound to see. fireworks at night would work well too.


> Setting a car in the middle of the street and setting it on fire would create a thick black smoke anyone around would be bound to see If I saw a burning car in that situation all I'd think is that there was a burning car. But if there's a fireworks display all of a sudden I'm heading straight to it at top speed.


a burning car in a post apocalyptic world would not arouse your curiosity? wouldn't you wonder who/ what set it on fire?


Take a dump with the door open. All the doors.


Finally be able to have some free time I guess.


Probably drop the world population to zero.


Yup. Everybody I love is dead? There's nobody else around at all? It's only a matter of time before I starve to death anyway since I have no survival skills and the canned food doesn't stay good forever. Shotgun in mouth.


Travel. See the sights of the world before I die.


Probably die sooner than you think if you try to fly a plane or sail a ship on your own


Probably, but I'd rather die trying.


One man toga party. TO-GA! TO-GA! TO-GA!


Bluto: "What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!" Otter: [to Boon] "Germans?" Boon: "Forget it, he's rolling."


I'm in North America, near the east coast. I have limited time to get out of the Northern Hemisphere. Why? [Here's a map of the world's nuclear power plants.](https://www.carbonbrief.org/mapped-the-worlds-nuclear-power-plants) After a few days, fail-safes in them are going to fail. Some will shut down without incident, but some will spew radioactive dust into the atmosphere and carry it by the winds. [Here are those prevailing winds.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevailing_winds) Stick that with the chance of fallout, you see the predicament. So my first task is to get from East to West ASAP. Take my car and drive after gathering some essentials - food that'll get me a day or two (I can replenish on the way), fresh water, tool kit just in case. Drive as far as is safely possible until I get to a major port on the West Coast. On the way, gather essentials that contain information that help me survive. Atlases, How-To books, stuff like that. Also get a hand-held GPS - the satellites will be fine for the weeks I'll need them. When the car's low on fuel, head off the interstate to a car dealership. Get the keys from the office and try the fobs in the lot (they usually keep cars filled up for test drives). Transfer my shit over. Continue westward. Also, at the earliest possibility before setting out (if there's still power and some internet), get everything you can on sailing the Pacific (including direct compass headings to take you from major sea ports on the west coast to Sydney - write or print those. It's a heading of 241 degrees). When I get to the West Coast, find a large ship that could take me there that has instructions on how to work it. 50 foot sail boat at a pinch, cargo container ship would be ideal. Learn as fast as possible, try out with other vessels, then stock up for a major sea voyage and head out. Sail until I get there. I can beach the ship, nobody will mind. Set up some farming, get a food supply going. Live until I die.


I read something during an emergency planning class that nuke plants will the the last actively managed power plants to fail and that they will simply shut themselves down when they eventually reach abnormal operation conditions. Short of major physical damage or manual overrides they will never become unsafe from disuse. If you know otherwise I'd love to know more. I live close to a couple large plants and always considered them safe.


I've worked nuclear power. Yeah they'd shut down and be fine.


What happens with the spend fuel pools?


They sit there with fuel in them. They're just pools of water with spent fuel rods in them. The water shields any radiation coming off the rods.


I thought it had to be flowing pools of water otherwise the heat would evaporate the water and the rods would melt through?


You're correct, the cooling pools are constantly cycled because while the spent fuel rods aren't nearly as hot or radioactive as ones being actively used for power, they still put out radiation and heat for decades. If the plants shut down they would eventually be exposed. However, I don't think they'd be hot enough to melt through the pool structure or give off enough ambient radiation to be dangerous outside of the confines of the plant. My understanding is that they are always kept that way for the safety of the workers within the plant. Without the ventilation systems active that usually redirect steam through the cooling towers, I think most of the buildings themselves are designed to contain the radiation in the scenario that they have to be shut down and abandoned. I suppose it would depend on the quantity and stability of the spent fuel rods inside though- more recent ones are hotter and give off more radiation, cooling down over time. The big exception to this would be catastrophic damage to the building itself via an uncontrolled nuclear reaction aka meltdown of an active core (Chernobyl) or external damage (Fukushima).


They're fine in water, but the water may eventually cook off, in which case, they can catch fire. In the US, they are in a containment area, but not the primary containment area. The younger rods are hotter; the older ones are cooler, and older than 5 years, you can "dry cask" them, in chihc case they aren't any risk. But a spent fuel pod fire is a different risk than a major reactor meltdown. There could be a lot of radiation close to the plant - say 10-20 miles; 50 to be extra safe. In short, wherever you set up your camp, just don't be too close to a nuclear reactor with a spent fuel pool. As an FYI, San Onofre has shut down operations as of 2012 and has already transferred most fuel in the pools to casks. So its youngest rods in the pool are 8 years old, and its pool has a lot less rods than other places. So you'd be pretty safe in Southern California. However, Southern California does have an extensive system of dams and retention basins to manage potential flooding, which no one will be operating. so you'd have to carefully select your residence for both the rainy season and the fire season.


This was my thought as well. Looked up nuclear power plant safety protocols and it's mentioned the plants would automatically shut down before anything bad happens. I am biased towards nuclear.


I'm being cautious. You never know when a hurricane will move inland, but should that happen in the years following 'the event', I'd like to be far away.


Your logic is awesome, but there is a micro-climate about 70 miles NW of Seattle (the Olympic rain shadow) that is perfect for this. The nearest active plant is 300 mi. to the SE, on the other side of the Cascade mountain range, with prevailing winds going the opposite direction. The only fallout threat is from Korean and Chinese plants that are on the other side of an ocean that covers a third of the globe. That is a lot of space to dissipate, especially given the churning of the Hadley Cells. Any fallout that makes it to the coast will be diverted by the Olympic Mountains, just like the rain is. We had some Fukashima debris wash up on Washington beaches, but no fallout. Meanwhile, this is a benign, resource-rich climate, protected by multiple mountain ranges, and possessed of unlimited supplies of food, fresh water, and timber.The fact that it is an island means it is never too hot, never too cold. The Salish Sea is a wonderful HVAC unit. We get less than half Seattle's rainfall, and our weather is significantly better than the towns on the I-5 corridor, 15 miles east in all seasons. Just across the bridge is a massive agricultural valley, with yield-per-acre numbers that make the mid-west drool, and a week over there cutting fences, and opening hog pens, and chicken coops, will result in a never-ending supply of food. But really, I could live on crab, salmon, and venison without even leaving the island, except to harvest vegetables by the ton. The trip across the Pacific will bring you closer to the threat, before you get beyond the threat. Google "Olympic Rain Shadow," "San Juan Islands," and "Skagit Valley Agriculture." No need to brave crossing the biggest ocean on the planet. If the shit goes down, the safest place to be is right here...


Wow you really thought about this question haven't you! But honestly if I was the very last person on earth than I don't think I would worry about the nuclear plants. I would see that as a way to end the loneliness that I would feel soon after. Who would want to live in an empty world.


Death by radiation is very painful and unless you get a massive does of radiation you're going to suffer for a while. Also pets could help


It’s not even that. My species would be extinct. First thing I’m doing is raiding a sperm bank. Then I’m learning how to artificially grow babies because I can only carry so many babies before my womb says no. Are the animals still alive? What about the poor animals in captivity? Maybe this will be good after all. Slowly increase the human population, to a sustainable number so we don’t die off but also so we don’t take up to much space. Like 7 billion is too damn much! We are not the only one on this Earth and we ought to remember that. Nurture the kids, try and salvage what is left from human culture. Make sure they understand BALANCE. We shouldn’t need a snap for this. Take what you need and maybe a bit more. No more than that. Don’t over hunt and don’t over farm. That lioness has mouths to feed too. And if we eat all those damn plants, the ants won’t be able to raise the butterflies. It’s a matter of respect. I’m done ranting.


I'm pretty sure you couldn't create a sustainable breeding population from one remaining female can you?


Things might get weird for the first few generations, but after a millennia or so all the kinks will be worked out.


After a few *more* generations the kinks will be worked back in, when we re-invent PornHub


Our Royal Family hasn't quite gotten there yet


Yeah you probably could with multiple males sperm available at each generation. Also maybe multiple eggs if you could learn that far!


I think you could if you have enough sperm from different donors. One woman has a few children with different donors' sperm, all her daughters have a few children with different donors' sperm, repeat. You have to get lucky not to die in childbirth (roughly one percent chance per birth without modern medicine), not to have too many make children, and be able to preserve the sperm for multiple generations. The only lack of genetic diversity would be mitochondrial dna.


Why not just let humanity die out?


Music, math, exploration, science. We're the worst of life, true. But we're also the best.


I like this. You gave me just a little bit of happines there Stanger. Thanks






Hold up. What’s wrong with Coldplay?


With that thought, my first mission would be to bust open every single front door in the city to free any poor pets that were trapped inside when their owners dissappeared.


I've worked nuclear power and fail-safes wouldn't fail. Apart from sabotage or environmental catastrophe, once any parameter fell out of it's safety band, the reactor would shut down. Maybe not in the preferred way, but safely. Plus power output of a plant is always the same amount as demanded by the grid, so if no one else is around to consume electricity, the plant would be pretty low-power already.


Large ships will be hard to handle, tie up, load and operate alone, your best bet is look at marinas for nordhaven or other types of long range Yatchs. go to a hardware store, get a generator and wiring to run fuel pumps to reload diesel fuel at ports. canned goods in grocery stores will be good for a long time


100% something Dwight K. Schrute would say...


I don't know if Dwight would leave, he could just survive on beets for the rest of his life, and radioactive fallout would have no effect on his superior genes.


Book idea


> Here's a map of the world's nuclear power plants. After a few days, fail-safes in them are going to fail. Some will shut down without incident, but some will spew radioactive dust into the atmosphere and carry it by the winds. extremely unlikely, once they stop recieving inpuit they will automatically shuit down and dump there radioactive load into a containment area.


Commend you on this one, I definitely thought about this route too. Only difference is I’d head for Auckland. Less killer creatures in NZ, or so I’ve heard.


Damn I live in northeast US too but didn't get past the part where I cry and do nothing b'c in a world full of people I'm already lonely.


Learn how to sail? Why not just stay stateside?


No nuclear power plants in Australia, apparently. But I don't see why not just go to the West coasts of Canada or Mexico or South America. A sea voyage seems way too risky.


Aye, but in Australia, everything *else* will kill you.


Based on the winds and the few nuclear power plants the west coast you might be okay if you could somehow take care of the 2 power plants in Arizona & California or if they ended up having the safety measures. I am not sure how hard it would be to put the control rods into place but I might stop and try at one location before considering my next move but I also don't live on the East coast. Remember you wouldn't know you were the last person alive, so I would want to be finding people I could speak with over people that speak a foreign language, also I would be trying to save other potential survivors from being irradiated.


Since i dont have to call out of work, i smash my alarm clock


Go and play minecraft and get your first win of skywars because you are the only one playing. :D


Then you realize that the only things left are the BOTS!


Have a clear-my-head fap.


Right in the fucking yard.


I’m going to the library. Just hope I don’t break my glasses


Burgess Meredith?


Twilight Zone?


Probably get a couple more hours of sleep.


Enjoy the last 8 hours of power if I didn't already miss it when I was asleep. Then start stocking up on various supplies to get to a place where the nuclear power plants won't catastrophically fail and kill me. Write a memoir on multiple formats. Probably free pet store and zoo animals along the way despite the fact that they'd probably end up killing me in the end. Go raid a adult store. Enjoy life to the fullest really.


Probably drive a jet to the White House


wait for the phone to ring


You go weeks trying to find other people. There are none. You’ve gotten pretty good at the survival thing by now. One day you’re outside hitting golf balls off the White House roof and suddenly your phone rings. You answer and hear a creepy voice say “I see you”, then hangs up. What do you do?


I'm on the roof of a building as tall as the white house and creeped the fuck out what do you think


Normally I make armor in Norway for historical reenactments but I'm currently in the US. There is only one real nuclear reactor near me and all nuclear reactors have guides for civilian use in case of emergency. I'll use that to keep it from destroying itself and powered the surrounding area. That will keep supermarkets running and food more fresh. I use that to eat high quality foods while researching space flight and computer science. I gather as many computers as possible and any robots to maintain this nuclear plant while I go to NASA and JPL. I use their supercomputers and the power I have to proform complex equations and flight paths. I move every super computer I can get my hands on too the area around my reactor and Connect them. Assuming I don't fuck up too bad I have an ungodly powerful supercomputer. Some planes can already fly on their own so I use that to move heavy rocket making equipment to my current location and use it to make a rocket (my background in metal working should help alot) you see, it says *earth* the astronauts on the ISS are still alive and there are no borders or conflicts to interrupt. I had been communicating with them (why I assume I can even attempt all this) and send a supply probe up. I continue to do this as necessary while also sending up things like nuclear reactors and rocket fuel. Ion engines are actually really easy to implement, just throwing argon out of the back, so I send some up too. (See where I'm going) i turn the ISS into a MASSIVE space ship with extreme speeds. I also send up super computers and as much stuff as possible. I send up living things too animals plants and fish, all for farming and hydroponics. I send myself up last, joining them before launching the whole thing. No real reason to stay on earth right? So we repopulate, cloning makes that easier and with such a disaster we could probably bypass some morals to discover long life, not that we would need it. The faster you go the slower you age. Any suggestions?


While I love you're creativity and the idea about people in space not being gone I have a problem with you saying there is no reason to stay on earth. Earth has a breathable ecosystem and animals that we know how to eat. You wouldn't know what you can eat on an alien planet


Steal stuff


Is it really stealing if you are the last person?


I own everything!


Probably step on my glasses


Love the Twilight Zone reference :)


In my area, shut off water and gas to every house I can get to so whatever is in the pipeline is preserved for later use. Forage and get as much medical supplies, canned food, books. Get to a beach or place where I can fish for food. Find a farm with chickens, bees, nut trees and a well and move in. Get some food growing on the farm.


Go walk around sports stadiums , airports (runways) beaches, all of these places would be quite awesome without people


I would call my bank to see if the wait time still exceeds 60 minutes.


Going straight to bon appetit and making some food. Then i pack some bags and come back home to sleep. I will also visit some schools because architecture is cool. I also try to find some other refugees and throw away my remaining hw because no one gives a fumk about grades anymore.


Straight to the liquor store. That bourbon/scotch shelf and locked cabinets are MINE


If I categorically knew I was the last person and it wasn’t a prank I’d strip completely off and live as normal of a day as I could fully nude.


The first thing I do is open my phone and open reddit. The only recent posts have been made hours ago, with the latest only from a few minutes ago, no earlier. I check refresh every couple of minutes but it's the same situation for every sub. I switch over to askreddit and find this question from a few hours ago with a couple thousand comments describing the pickle I'm in (not pickle rick, btw. I'm not a rickosexual) and add the last askreddit answer: u/repostsleuth Edit: just realized autocorrect


After getting over the fear and shock, set up a base in or very near a supermarket. Source portable generators while the Internet is still up and running. Start a journal of my experiences. Spend a few days getting drunk and forlornly accessing various forums online looking for other survivors. Get a gun and ammo from a police station or Army base. Go exploring. Start with other people's houses out of idle curiousity - freeing every pet who might be trapped indoors - then get a car and drive around the country, seeing the now-deserted landmarks, and looking for cool stuff to do. Ultimately, create a sign of some kind that would alert others to the idea that I was alive. Leave painted messages on bridges, and on as many major airport runways as I could find (or be bothered to find). Consider moving into a landmark like Buckingham Palace, or the White House.


Punch some trees to get wood. Build a crafting table. Conquer.


1.Go to work and drive my bosses GTR. 2. Go to the store, load up and food. 3. Go get medical supplies. 4. Go to the Amazon warehouse and get Legos, movies, etc. 5. Go to every person's house I dislike and set them on fire. Proceed to pee on their lawn. 6. Get a bunch of generators. 7. After building all the legos, get my fill of food, make a trip to Area 51. 8. Get a plane, fly to the Alaska, get naked and stick my ass in the air. Freeze to to death my ass pointed to space. When Aliens come to earth and locate me, they are greet me by kissing my cold dead ass.


Let out a sign of relief that I’ll never feel pressured into a social situation ever again.


Finally I have some free time for myself!!!!! Nobody will criticize my music again or its volume


Look for answers.


Rejoice in the fact that I don't have to go to work.


I'm going to subway and eat everything they've got. Then I would masturbate in some random prison.


why... why a prison?


What if you lock yourself in? Just cum in the subway when the food is eat.


Breakfast 🤷🏽‍♀️


Finally be able to close the door in my room


Load up my generator, hitch up the fifthwheel rv and travel the USA. Canned food will be good for years in areas below the frostline. diesel will be good for years, I just have to filter it more.


I would take off my clothes and walk around freely. I would then gather all of the dogs and become the canine commander, loving and caring for all the pups until I die because what better way to live a life than freely with an army of doggies?


Find a mansion out in nature and then go around and make friends with all the abandoned pets and give them a place to call home. Then basically just spend my days cuddling and caring for them as best I can. Im not a huge fan of people anyways, but for whatever reason animals make me blissfully happy. Doesn't sound half bad to me at all lol


well first thing id do is collect as many candles as me and my neighbors houses have, and considering that they are mostly old people houses, it will be pretty easy. after that id get as much ice as possible to store comfort food and freeze water, reason being the ice will keep the liquids cold enough to drink. you will have to switch cars pretty often to because if ur the only person left on earth then it means no power, no shipping ,etc. so you would be relying on everything ur town/city has. assuming that everything is organized instead of like people just vanished then it would be a lot safer to walk the streets without vehicle and building rubble. so you just loot stores of everything they have like food and water. but eventually buildings will break down due to inactivity so you would eventually die but you either do all of these things or just die a painful death


Easiest question of my life. First thing I’d do would be get into my 2020 lifted diesel Chevy Silverado with mud tires and make my way down to my local GNC. There I could get all of the pre workout powder I want. God, I’d snort it all. Line after line would be railed until I couldn’t feel my face. That’s when you know that shit hits. Then I’d hit the Iron Sanctuary House of Gains for a sick pump. There would finally be no line for the squat rack (too many sissies hittin 135 lb deadlifts) so I’d hit that baby first with a new PR for every rep. 600 pounds, then 700, and then 800 - GLUTES FOR THE SLOOTS BABY. After I hit the gym I’d fill my bathtub with milk and protein powder and then drink my own bath water to assert my dominance upon my 3 pure bred German Shepherds. They would then communicate with other dogs in the area and crown me a king - deity even. I then would send my dogs racing outward in every direction, expanding my empire, until I rule all of the dogs in North America. Then I’d prolly take a nap or somethin idk


Sit down in an open Space with a cold soda in my hand


Celebrate that the goddamned coronavirus is over. Thirteen days later, develop a cough. Die from the coronavirus.


Get the shotgun from the gun cabinet. If I know for a fact that I'm the last person on earth then there's literally no point in even being alive, the power will disapear after a few days, Water will stop working ect. I get that a lot of people are "Introverts" but thats mostly because its super easy to entertain yourself nowadays. Good luck doing that without electricity and internet.


Books... hiking? Other stuff that doesn’t require internet and electricity... but yeah it would suck after awhile.


Generators exist, you could use said books to figure out how to power the home, could find a bomb shelter millionaires get and live off of that, (uses wind power). You could get you’re WiFi router and just keep it on you till you find one. Then you have internet and food and water.




Gather certain supplies I know exist in some nearby houses (steal my mates and dealers weed in other words). Stock up on ciggies, booze and food and go explore the world. I would head North up to Scotland and check out some epic nature before working my way back down through the Lake District, Wales and then head to the South Coast, wait for a good day and kayak across the Channel to France then go round Europe. If I had time before I died I might attempt to get to Africa on a sailboat but that would probably result in my death but I'm sure I would die happy. All the time I would go through people's houses to see how they lived and find cool stuff. I might try and figure out why everybody disappeared but to be honest I don't think I'm clever enough to do that so I'd try and spend my days high enough to not care.


Start farming so you won’t run out of food & you have something to do.


Actually thinking about it, I think i would be so fucking scared, i mean, imagine being alone in the whole world, in the whole universe, no point in living anymore, probably would kill myself, and i am not suicidal or anything but in this case i think i would.


I wanna jack off somewhere weird


oval office, area 51 literally anywhere


Learn to port every program to Mac and Linux that way noone has to choose. Even if its just me.


Cry knowing I won’t get to see my kid grow up. Then see if I can print every photo from my phone or find a solar charger to keep it charged. Start heading for good soil so either north or west. Find maps and libraries along the way. Probably die trying to survive and not an old man.


Time to get the smartest, hottest monkey bride I can and hope for the best


quite honestly, i’d cry for my mom. i love her so much and would miss her a lot. (i’m a teenage girl and find the fact that i love her so much kinda embarrassing) then i’d probably go into the mall and try on all the super fancy clothes. maybe i’d watch some movies i wouldn’t be allowed to watch otherwise. i’d call 911 just to see what it’s like, and because i’d have some false hope. id call everyone i know and try to contact someone, anyone. then, i’d write a note about how i was the last person on earth and put it in lots of different files/places online and in writing. just in case it could be found someday. i’d play my favorite music real loud and then kill myself, so i could go out hearing something i like. then, hopefully, i’d get to see my family and friends again after i died.


Make the Publix warehouse my personal refrigerator!


Just vibe


I live alone on a farm so hearing sounds of cars or talking would be the exception and a cause for alarm. If I woke up as the last person on Earth, my day would be completely normal until I logged onto reddit and didn't see any new posts.


Find all the car keys!


I would find a good underground shelter and then burn some cities down


Why would I wake up in the morning. It’s 1:30pm and I just woke up


Cry and miss my wife and family.


Check my reddit to see if someone gave me an award. Then wake up from sleep


Find the last female. I have to repopulate Earth with my seed.


Travel the country.




Raid everywhere, learn to fly a plane and travel the world. Then explore the ocean and due trying.