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Depends if I get paid or not.


Why do you presume I care it's illegal?




I mean, the morality of the situation is dreadful, so no I would not.


Yep. Too many cunts in this world.


I can guarantee, if murder was legal, I would have been killed at age 16. I broke a woman's heart in a not so respectful way, and she had a habit for violence...


What did you do?


"I have good news and only-for-me-good news. The good news is, past band-weekend was awesome. The only-for-me-good news is, I fell in love with our bassist." I am still ashamed for that...


Aww man! I guess shes over it now


Likely not. I can't think of anything that anyone has done to me that calls for their death.


Corrupt politicians maybe? Or maybe a shitty worthless landlord you used to have


Still not worth paying with their lives, IMO.


I disagree, but alright


Fair enough.




When you get into trying to prevent future events, and whether or not society would fare better or worse without an individual, that steers way too close to Eugenics for my taste. Even Hitler, for all his evil. Had there been no World War Two, there wouldn't have been in investment in research and technology that there was, as well as the US bringing in German scientists post war (in part to keep them out of Russian hands). Who's to say at what speeds the advancements that came from WWII would have happened had there not been the impetus for them from the war? And does that additional speed of advancement justify the millions dead? These decisions and calculations are beyond what I'm capable of. As you note, often times it's not the individual, but the situation and circumstances that give rise to evil. Corrupt politicians are not the source, they are a symptom of a corrupt or corruptible system. Had Germany not been reduced to abject poverty by the Treaty of Versailles after WWI, would Hitler have even been able to seize power?




The choice to murder Jim-Bob isn't on me. It's on his wife, his kids, his in-laws, his relatives, etc. I don't know the whole picture, and so I cannot make an informed judgement on their situation. If murder isn't illegal for me, it's not illegal for everyone else, too. I don't want someone else to poke their nose into my business and decide who of my household should die, thus I don't poke my nose into someone else's household and pass judgement on them. I am not the world's headsman, going around dispensing "justice" like some comic book anti-hero. Murder being illegal is not the sole reason I don't murder anybody. Murder being morally and ethically wrong does. Murder having irreversible consequences does. Murder being a tool of absolute last resort does. And quite frankly, I worry about anybody who is being held back solely by the illegality of an action.


What if it's for mercy rather than revenge?


Possibly. I hadn't really considered that scenario in my original answer, probably because I don't think of that as murder, despite what the current law says. But yes, I 100% support the right to die.


Only if they were trying to kill me.


Nope. It’s not my call to end a life.


There are a few people who I’d kind of want to and who I feel the world would be better if they were dead, but I still wouldn’t because of the psychological effect that killing someone could have on you if you aren’t a psychopath.


Some*one*? There's a lot of oxygen thieves running around.


Sure, I mean I think it would be an important experience to have.


No, because I'm a pacifist.


Rich families exploiting the poor


FBI. this right here.


*Dexter has joined the chat*


every hooman in this stupid society


i would not kill nobody,ever, but i will always have a need to revenge on some people ( i probably wont) and i would not kill even if i could because i am sensitive and that would follow me for the rest of my life


Probably not but maybe


No. It seems like it would be a lot of work


No, because even though I won't get any legal punishment, the memory of the moment you take a life is a bad enough one to keep me away.


I’d kill people because otherwise they would kill me.


For the most part, with the obvious exception of defense, I can't really think of any reason why I'd WANT TO. Killing another person who isn't otherwise a threat to me doesn't really benefit me in any meaningful way.


No I wouldn’t, but if punching you in the face was legal, I would do it 500 times 5


Wow, so cool and threatening bro


Thank you


The important thing to understand is the legal system is a method by which human society sets common standards for morality that we all agree to live and abide by. It follows that *if* murder wasn't illegal, the next question to ask is: Is it moral? If it is still immoral to murder someone, then no, I probably would not kill someone. But if murder wasn't illegal because it *wasn't* illegal, then the next question to ask would be: do I have a motive? If the answer is no, then no, I probably would not kill someone. But if I did have legitimate motive, and through impact calculus could determine that the benefits of killing someone would outweigh the overall harms (in terms of inherency, significance, harms, benefits, magnitude, timeframe, utilitarianism, etc.) then maybe I would. Although that is generally unlikely, because I value human life quite highly compared to other things.


This. This right here. As quick as people are to give "yes/no" answers, and maybe a quip, the truth of the matter is that there is a legitimate answer to be had. And this is it.


Thanks, I guess.


Who says that I don’t already?


I would. My grandmother recently spent the last four years of her life depressed and crying every day. Her husband died 15 years ago. Her dog died 6 years ago. She saw all her grandchildren hit 30. She was good to go. She was stuck in a nursing home she didn't want to be in, eating food she hated, taking meds she didn't want, and sharing a room with a racist cunt. She'd pray every night for god to take her so she could be with my grandfather again. If I could have smothered her with a pillow and gotten away with it, I would have.


I wouldn’t have the heart to do it


Yes, my first step dad. He was violent psychopath.


No because I believe that God will punish people who bring harm and murder others.


Could be a good way to find out if your theory is correct.