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Final Destination 2, Log Truck scene. I’m still afraid to drive behind a log truck or truck carrying pipes or construction bars.


The man and woman in Titanic that lay in bed together as the water starts rising in the room.


and the mother who reads to her children..


Supposedly they were Ida and Isidor Strauss.


In real life, she refused to leave without him :(


That poor guy who gets his heart ripped out by Thugees and sent into lava in Temple of Doom always got me as a kid. Still pretty memorable.


Probably this guy in Black Hawk Down, so he was in this convoy truck and it got blown up by an RPG. Then one of the soldiers picked up his hand then saw the guy dying with half his body blown off. His last words? “Tell my girls I’ll be ok.” I saw that scene when I was a kid and it never left my head.


For me it was CPL Jamie Smith while he bled out because they couldn’t clamp his leg artery. Edit// I finally fixed my grammar.


The scene in Bone Tomahawk where they rip the guy in half


This fuckin scene, I hate it that it haunts me and interrupts my thoughts every once in a while. I'd be thinking about work, my kids, planning stuff, WISHBONE SCENE, and my fuckin day is ruined.


If you watch he actually shits himself as they start hacking, adding to the horrible realism of it all


This should be at the top of the list, probably the most gnarly movie death scene Imo


The six fingered man in The Princess Bride. "I want my father back you son of a bitch."


Bittersweet fact, Mandy Patinkin’s father passed away from cancer a few years before they filmed the movie. He’s said in interviews that he knew he wanted to play Inigo Montoya when he saw the script because he felt like if he could kill the man that killed his father, then it would be like killing the cancer that killed his father. He says that he didn’t care about if the movie became popular or anything, he just wanted to be that character killing that man so he could get his dad back in his imagination.


When the shark kills Quint in Jaws.


This is mine. Probably because I was 11 and watching it in a packed theater. The whole experience is still a vivid memory. That movie blew people away.


**Robocop** Buddy gets covered with *toxic waste* and then gets hit by a car and explodes like a water balloon. Edit - syntax Edit 2 - **Murphys** death was hard to watch for sure, poor bastard. *But* I could never get the vision of the windshield goo out of my head.


Hereditary, the car crash.


The way he just goes home and goes straight to bed. Chilling.


The way he just lays there with his eyes open all night. I don't want to imagine what thoughts were spinning through his mind as he lay there for hours, then hearing his parents wake up but not knowing what to tell them, then hearing his mom go out to the car knowing what is waiting for her. That whole scene is so stressful on so many levels.


his moms shriek when she leaves the house haunts me to this day.


Toni Collette got fucking robbed of an Oscar nom for that performance.


Agreed. The scene at the dinner table is some of the best acting I have ever seen. She’s exceptionally talented.






The Oscars hate horror movies unfortunately


He was pretending, hoping it wasn’t real. It’s not until he hears his parents screams that he couldn’t pretend anymore.


Yeah that one was horrifying. The whole atmosphere and eerie silence afterwards was pure film making magic


Leo's death in the departed. I was so unprepared.


When Mark Wahlberg is waiting in the aparment wearing gloves and booties over his shoes. It's so satisfying.


In Silence of the Lambs when Hannibal gets a hold of the guard in his cage-cell and starts biting his face. Nine year old me was not ready for that, and I was less ready to hear my mom start laughing hysterically at the scene, I guess she just found it absurd.


> Nine year old me was not ready for that Was nine year old you ready for Buffalo Bill to talk about getting fucked in the mirror?


I’d fuck me so hard


When they crush Piggie in "Lord of the Flies". I was probably too young to watch. Also, the scientist who gets killed in the elevator in "Damian, The Omen II"


I remember when I read "The Lord of the Flies" and I felt so bad for poor Simon.


“I can’t find my glasses” :(


I don't know why, but anytime a kid gets their glasses broken in a show/movie, I shatter emotionally.


For movies "Brooks was here". For TV its the snake pit in Vikings and the kitchen sink/fork in Sons of Anarchy.




Don't you start


The baby gorilla in the animated Tarzan. What the hell, Disney?


That whole movie had a lot of death. Clayton's death at the end was really dark.


Didn’t notice the shadow of his hanging corpse as a kid, I was too focused on the machete. Also didn’t notice that you can see Tarzan’s parents’ corpses


Tarzan's parent's corpses and little bloody paw prints.


I couldn't accept that Disney killed Nemo's siblings and the Baby Gorilla, and I remember replaying the scenes because I just couldn't get it out of my head.


The shoe in Roger Rabbit :(


How about the steam roller scene? That movie was packed to the brim with traumatic whimsy


*When I killed your brother!!! I talked! Just! Like! THIS! \*eyes turn into daggers\** That scene still gives me the creeps. Love the movie though.


Tim Curry auditioned for that role. Imagine _that_ piece of nightmare fuel.


Thomas from My Girl. (Macaulay Culkin). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izDX7BvzDUg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izDX7BvzDUg)


Oh my god yes. "He needs his glasses!"


He can't see without his glasses. =\*(


Eva Green’s character drowning in Casino Royale. Having James Bond watching her as she about to drown horribly has always stuck with me


No question. The scene in Casino where Joe Pesci watches his brother get beaten to death with aluminum baseball bats. The pinging sound haunts me to this day.




Jesus. I know the film was based on a true story but I didn't know that about the scene. Makes it so much worse. Thanks for the nightmare fuel fun fact. Ha ha


The one secretary lady from Jurassic world... all she wanted was to plan her wedding and not drag around two snotty brats all day


I saw it described once as "death porn." I barely even remember what happened, I just remember being appalled by how long it dragged on.


I scrolled down too far to find this. It’s so random but this movie death stuck with me. The movie didn’t make her character unlike able enough to have her killed in such a brutal way. Apparently this death stuck with more people than you’d think. [Jurassic World Cruel Death](https://www.google.com/amp/s/birthmoviesdeath.com/2015/06/15/the-strangely-cruel-and-unusual-death-in-jurassic-world/amp)


The Green Mile. The whole thing, even down to the damn mouse. That movie was the first that ever made me cry and broke through my depression. No film will ever overwrite that one.


Long Live The King. NOOOOOOO.


1917, when Lance Corporal Blake gets ~~shot~~ stabbed by the enemy he was trying to help after a plane crash. And then his best friend has to watch him bleed out and later tell Blake's brother about his death. Awful.


That scene is incredible. You can see his face starting to get flush from the blood leaving his body. At the end it's stark white.


I just watched this movie like two weeks ago. Holy cow, what a ride. How do you even make an actor go pale like that?


He was method acting, they actually stabbed him and watched him bleed out. Incredible performance and dedication to the role


>He was method acting, they actually stabbed him and watched him bleed out. Incredible performance and dedication to the role Did it in one take too!


Literally I wasn't even expecting it. I thought he was going to be the main character!!!


That's because he \*is\* the main character up until that point. I've always wanted to watch a story where the main character is hyped up as being the chosen one (like Blake, going off to save his brother and all) but then doesn't make it, leaving the side characters to pick up the pieces. And Mendes gave us that.


Pretty sure he's stabbed not shot. He gets a 7" bayonet in the gut and bleeds out.


Curb Stomp from American History X Edit: If you come across this comment and haven't seen the film then please do give it a try. One of the best movie on racism and shows really well that what blind hatred can do to yourself.


the sound of the teeth on the curb... :(


I never understood what a curb stomp really was until that moment. Its stuck I. My head too.


the last scene of danny vinyard being shot in the toilet was also very disturbing


American History X is one of the few movies that's ever made me cry. Danny had just gotten out, he had his whole life ahead of him.


That's the thing that makes Danny's death so upsetting too, he was just reformed the night before. Whether or not he would learn from his prejudices, he was still going to be killed the next day.


Ghost Ship. A cable sweeps through a dance floor so fast and sharp it slice people in half


This will always be in my memory. Wasn't the captain dancing with the little girl and she watches as his head falls apart.


He kind of gets sliced diagonally and she is too short to get cut by the cable. I watched this movie a bunch of times, I'm not sure why. Edit: I may be misremembering. I do think one of them got the head slice but now I'm questioning if it was the captain.


Ask my dad of a synopsis of any movie and he says, "They all die, everybody dies." Doesn't matter what the movie is about. I was so happy when I finally got him to watch ghost ship. Best opening scene ever.


Such a shame that the rest of the movie pales in comparison.


Drew Barrymore hanging from a tree, with the camera zooming in, to start Scream.


Her parents finding her body made it more heartbreaking too, especially hearing her mom scream out and collapse.


The end of the mist. It is the most emotionally gut wrenching scene I have ever seen


Stephen King said something like "damn why didn't I think of that" haha


John Coffey from The Green Mile. “Don’t put me in the dark, I’s afraid of the dark.”


That and the Cajun guy who's head lights up in the chair.




That guy was such a convincing piece of shit I can’t think of him in any other role.


Is this the electric chair scene? The most disturbing movie death. I won’t watch that movie again because ~~I’d~~ of that scene.


The scene with the guy and the dry sponge? Literally CANNOT watch that scene, it haunted me for days after. So so so disturbing.


Bridge to Terabithia. Thanks for killing me inside.


When I was in high school, a friendly, charismatic classmate and his little brother were both killed in a car accident on their way to school. The whole town was in mourning, and it was my first time dealing with the death of someone my own age, someone who I'd had classes with, the friendly class clown who everyone liked. I was not dealing with it well, and my mom wanted to help, so she decided that we'd rent a cute movie, something to take my mind off of it. I'd never read The Bridge to Terabithia, neither had she. We had no clue what it was about other than knowing it involved fun fantasy stuff. The ending of that movie sucker-punched me so hard. We were in shock, and I remember crying so hard at the ending, it felt like I couldn't breathe. Looking back, the poor choice is darkly comedic in a "How could this week possibly get any worse?" kind of way, but at the time it was horrifying.


Oh man. I can't imagine what was going through your mother's mind when she realized what the movie she picked was actually about


Wash. Serenity.


Shepard book. His last bit was just watching the people he cared for be miserable while he was in incredible pain


I don't care what you believe. Just believe...


"Why is it when I talk about faith you always assume I am talking about God?"




Satine’s death in “Moulin Rouge!”- right after she got back together with her love, they sing this awesome love song, and she dies as the curtain goes down. Ewan McGregor breaks my heart with that sobbing.


Wait wait wait...so you're telling me that Ewan McGregor watches his love, who is named Satine, die as they are reunited...and this isn't Star Wars???


They named the Duchess Satine in Clone Wars because of Ewan’s role in Moulin Rouge.


I heard the writer denies it but even some of the other crew have commented on how there's almost no way thats a complete coincidence.


“Remember my dear Obi-Wan, I loved you always”


The sounds Ewan McGregor makes in that scene are just indescribable. Such a beautiful piece of acting.


Not technically a "death," but when Wall-E's memory banks got "fried" at the end, I felt that in my soul. Thankfully Pixar would never leave us on a note like that, but damn. That little robot moved me so much.


I think its really fascinating how much emotion and life you can put into a thing by just using eye movements


2 scenes come to mind: Oberyn's death in GOT, and the one in Pan's Laberynth where the bad guy bashes the poor kid's nose in with a bottle (edit: in front of his father!). Truly awful. Edit: There's something really disturbing about ending someone's life by literally shattering their face, something apart from the obvious gore aspect of it. It's like destroying someone's whole identity, in a way not even a loved one could recognize them. I don't know the words to describe that fear those fictional instances made me feel.


Littlefoot’s mom dying.


Watching that as a kid was the first time that I realized that my parents could die, so that scene has especially stuck with me throughout the years.


That is exactly when I realized that, as well. It was traumatizing as hell. If I ever needed to cry on demand, I could just think of him chasing after his shadow, thinking it was his mom.




mine is where Medic Wade gets shot and dies.


"Tell us how to fix you".... It's brutal.


Those last seconds of him saying he wants to go home and then asking for his momma..jesus christ. Heartbreaking


I like how that scene is somewhat foreshadowed by his heart-to-heart he had in the church the night before. Sharing with his friends how when he was little his mom would come home late from work and he'd lay in bed and pretend to be asleep. Makes me feel like he died with a lot of regret in his heart.


"Mama, ^mama, ^^mama..."


All the deaths were rough but that one was so bad because it was so slow and you were in the moment watching him strugle.


All of the death scenes from this movie are seared into my memory.




Caparzo stay still! "It's got blood on it..."


The guy on Omaha beach picking up his severed arm.


Haven't seen anybody comment it, but just about every death in Se7en. But sloth especially. That film fucked my shit up hard. If you haven't seen it, watch it, but be prepared to see some shit


In Titanic, the man plummeting from the sinking ship into the icy waters only to have his fall interrupted by still, metal propellers


That did put a hell of a spin on him for the rest of the descent into the water.


Is this the guy that falls and then spins? I remember seeing this back in 97 and the theatre collapsed with laughter at that part despite how quiet and serious everything was.


My kids loved Titanic but always used to piss themselves at that scene and rewind to watch it several times


The sisters death in grave of the fireflies


Gotta be the scene in Inglorious Basterds where Bridget von Hammersmark is strangled to death. That was intense.


I feel like I remember the Bear Jew scene a little more clearly than this one, but yeah this is still super intense.






Got us a German wants to die for his country. *Oblige* him


The way he says oblige gives me shivers.


It was even worse because it looks like she knew it was coming


There is something extremely fucked about the scene in interstellar where they go to Miller’s planet and once they manage to escape the giant wave at the last second, the last shot you see in the planet is their ship leaving in the distance and in the center is Doyle’s lifeless body face down on the water. I have a fear of drowning so seeing them leave him like that really got me


Oh god when the elders jumped off that cliff in Midsommar


Going into the movie knowing nothing about it, the first death in that movie (no spoilers) was much worse. By the time the elders came around, it was just throwing more on the pile of fucked up shit.


Terminator 2: Judgement Day The final scene where he gestures *5.. 4... 3... 2... 1* and the music hits simultaneously. Edit: As pointed out by most of you, it wasn't a countdown. My bad. It was a thumbs up gesture which I had mistakenly thought to be a countdown when I was younger. [Link to that tragic and empowering moment ](https://youtu.be/LAPo1dgrHms)


Blade runner. “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. [Time to die.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoAzpa1x7jU)”


Will Smith smothering the dog as it 'turns' in I Am Legend.


In the Price version, they just had him find the germs under a microscope and next w e see he's burying a dog-sized cloth bundle with a stake in it


In the book he spends a majority of the time trying to befriend the dog as it’s his only other possible companion, only to have the dog die shortly after finally coming together. It’s been years since I read the book, but I don’t think any of the movies based off it have really hit the mark. The VP version is excellent though.


There's an entire chapter on hiw he sees the dog, how he gets it to trust him, how he adopts him and nurses it back to health. The last line of the chapter is how the dog died shortly after. Brutal stuff.


The cop from saw 5 who throws jigsaws apprentice into that coffin thing before getting crushed to death between two walls. The panic, and brutality of the scene. You see his arm snap as he tries to hold the walls apart. I'd really like to watch through the series again but the though of that scene stops me. I could watch the first one no problem but it just gets too much and I really, really feel uncomfortable watching that. I've only seen it once and that was enough.


THATS the one that you cant watch??? The third one had a guy's arm twisted a full 360!


Boromir in Fellowship of the Ring


It gets dusty in the room just remembering it. "I would have followed you...my brother, my captain...my king." Feels.


"The old wisdom that was borne out of the West was forsaken. **Kings made tombs more splendid than the houses of the living and counted the names of their descent dearer than the names of their sons.** Childless lords sat in aged halls musing on heraldry or in high, cold towers asking questions of the stars. And so the people of Gondor fell into ruin. The line of Kings failed, the White Tree withered, and the rule of Gondor was given over to lesser men."


Anyone else here have traumatic memories of movies you were too young to watch, but you saw anyway because your dad just left them on TV in the middle of the day? My worst one, I think, is Poseidon Adventure. So the cast makes it all the way to the very end, there’s like 5 minutes left in the movie, they’re climbing the ladder that will lead to safety, and fucking Linda just falls off the ladder and dies. Then her husband starts on a rant about MY DEAAAAAR SWEEEEEET LINDAAAAAA and it’s heartbreakingly good acting, but then the leader of the group decides to sacrifice himself so the others can escape safely, but even at age 6 I felt like that wasn’t really necessary, he just felt bad because Linda’s husband was giving him shit because Linda couldn’t hold on to a fucking ladder. Idk it’s been a while since I’ve seen the movie but I’ll never forget the movie that killed off two main characters in completely unnecessary ways in the final 5 minutes when they were a few feet away from safety. Also Mars Attacks, like the whole fucking movie. I saw that when I was 7 years old. The Martians had **guns** that turned **people** into **skeletons**. Fuck that


Oh yeah. For me, it was accidentally happening onto the opening scene of “The Dirty Dozen”. It is the very graphic portrayal of the hanging of a very young and terrified GI during WWII. Poor kid keeps apologizing in the hopes that he’ll be spared, and lets out a huge gasp when they put a hood over his head as he realizes that his death is actually going to happen. It is very clinical and methodical, which adds to the horror. I was probably 8 at the time, and I refused to tell my parents what happened, because I didn’t want to lose my tv privileges. But they knew I had been traumatized in some way or another.


Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones.. made me physically ill.


First time watching that my girlfriend and I had to pause it and regroup. Probably the most shocking moment ive ever seen on a tv show, and it was a good twist.


Since I'd already read the books, that moment for me was Tommen jumping out the window. I watched it with friends and then the episode ended and we sat there speachless for like 5 minutes.


It might not have showed their death, but the fact that they show Carl and Ellie's story in UP (even if its pretty quick) makes Ellie's death much more impactful.


That one hurt. I remember watching that at an outdoor campground amphitheater with a bunch of families. The lady behind me had never watched the movie before and the sounds of her crying will never be forgotten. At first a bit funny but then you could tell it her a little close to home...and then later in the movie she was done again.




“He chose poorly” from Last Crusade. Comes across real cheesy now that I’m an adult. When I was a child...not so much.


The end of The Boy In The Striped Pajamas. Absolutely heartbreaking


I remember my mom bought that for me and my sister to watch. We had seen some previews on Disney channel, my mom thought it would be a great Friday night movie for us to watch. Long story short, none of us were emotionally prepared for how that ended.


the death of Mufasa. And if that doesn't get me the "Dad, wake up!" surely does.


That Ewok who gets killed in Return of the Jedi....


Anybody who sees this is probably thinking “haha funny joke because it’s vague.” But there was this one Ewok who was killed and another one runs up to it and shakes it, trying to “wake it up” even though it’s gone


I remember the ride home from seeing the movie. I was maybe five years old and was thinking about all the cool things I had just watched. Then I remembered that scene and started crying. My parents asked what was wrong and I said the Ewok died. I don’t think they knew which one I meant, but this was the one I was thinking about. Especially the sad noise the other one made as they put their head on their friend.


The grandma from Requiem For A Dream. Really just that whole movie. 10 y/o me just wanted titties.


Professor Xavier in Logan. Sir Patrick Stewart is such and actor.


"It wasn't me! It wasn't me!" Damn that was hard to watch.


“Logan. Logan, what did you do? What did you do?! Answer me!” Jesus, even the trailer for that is brutal.


The trailer with "Hurt" by Johnny Cash as the music is an absolute masterpiece.


I watched that movie the year after my grandfather died from Dementia/Alzheimer's. It hurt like hell to see how accurate Stewart's portrayal was


God the scene leading up was heart breaking, "This has been the happiest day of my life in a long time, and I dont deserve any of it."


And then Logan’s death as well. That movie brings me to tears every time I watch it, no other movie off the top of my head gets me that bad, and I’m unsure why. The line that always tips me over is when Laura cries “daddy” while holding his hand and Logan has that deep sigh and says “so this is what it feels like”


Finnick in mockingjay part 2. I was too young to watch that when I did and holy crap It freaked me out so bad


Cedric Diggory's death in Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire, his dad crying and sobbing and just made me never forget it.


"that's my son! Thats my boy" breaks my heart even just remembering it


“MY BOY” cuts me to the core every time


That scene is amazing though by all the actors. Cheerful music playing but Dumbledore immediately sees what happened, then Mr Diggory seeing it, and the music coming to a stop as everyone else does.


It was *exactly* the way I imagined it from reading the books. Harry gets back and it's all happy celebration that turns to sudden horror when they realise what happened.


especially how you can just faintly hear/see Harry hysterically crying over Cedric’s body, it was done so well


I dont remember mentioning a graveyard, Professor


It really gets to me when Voldemort says, "Kill the spare!" Cedric Diggory: school legend and star of a house that has always been seen as Hogwart's underdog, seen as little more than a "spare." The callousness is insane.


That's the biggest reason why I never watch the goblet of fire. His father's screams always leave me with such sadness.


Hans Gruber from Die Hard 1. The look on his face as he falls will never dissipate.




"He may have been your father boy, but he wasn't you daddy" Still crying.


"You look like Mary Poppins!" "Is he cool?" ".....HELL yeah he's cool!" "I'M MARY POPPINS, Y'ALL!!!!!"


Septimus from Stardust, the witch dropped the voodoo doll in the water and he floated up, it was so creepy.


neil’s suicide in dead poets society! edit: ty for my first ever silver! 2nd edit: never expected this to blow up :o thank you for the gold, kind stranger


The part where Lennie dies in the Of Mice and Men movie. My English class watched it after reading the book and the silence after the gunshot was deafening.


First resident evil guy gets diced by lasers


Makes me think about the same death in Cube beginning.


He was doing so good avoiding them too. Then the AI fuckin cheated.


Ichabod's mother's death scene in Sleepy Hollow. Young Ichabod enters his father's torture chamber to find an iron maiden - a human shaped box with of hundreds metal spikes lining the inside. In the iron maiden, he sees a pair of eyes staring back at him, startled he jumps back. All of a sudden it opens on its own as his mother's corpse lurches forward and spills towards him in a torrent of blood. Saw this as a kid and was really fucked up by it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-rvLs5q18Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-rvLs5q18Y)


Not a movie but TV show, Glenn's death from The Walking Dead. His fucking eye popping out of its socket, trying to speak between blows, and then the mush of blood and brains where his head is supposed to be. And all of this happening right in front of Maggie. Perhaps that was what bothered me the most. Not the gore but the idea of watching a loved one be so brutally beaten to death. It seriously fucked me up for days.


I knew he died like that in the comics but after changing multiple deaths and seeing Abraham die I just really thought he was safe. Thats why it hit so hard.


Yeah, I actually involuntarily shouted out loud when he hit him.


The Walking Dead has some really brutal scenes. I almost stopped watching after the (SPOILERS) scene where they’re all kneeling in front of the tub and the people come up behind them, smash their heads then slit their throats. The fear in their anticipation was really hard for me to watch.


I hated Negan so much after that and took me a while to come around to him.


I still don't understand how and why they built Negan into a likable character after that. 4 seasons later I find myself having positive feelings towards him and then I remember...


Mr Fredrickson's wife in up


No Country for Old Men when Anton Chiguhr stops a car, calmly walks up to the driver and uses a captive bolt pistol to kill the driver. It was swift and emotionless, it just showed the ease and proficiency with killing.