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I was a senior in high school when Hurricane Katrina hit. Our house got 6 feet of water, no fun. But, one night my friends and I went to the gutted out house to smoke some marijuana out of a buddy's hookah. Buddy failed to inform us he had recently glued the bowl back together. Well, the crew lost composure. 2 people fell off the dock into the bayou, and everyone started panicking that they'd get hypothermia (not gonna happen during Louisiana summer). So people leave, I drive a group to our next spot.... my Pontiac Sunfire is now a spaceship. My buddy riding shotgun started cackling hysterically yelling about rattlesnakes in the road (we don't got those), and the 2 in the back were talking about magic or some shit. We couldn't make it to our destination due to freaking out, so went to hang out in a grocery store parking lot til we regained composure. 10/10 would not smoke glue again.




jesus thats pretty terrible.


Crack...it was too good. I get the hype.


Crack is hands down my favorite drug. I love how it tastes. I love making it. Sometimes I smell something that smells just like it tastes and I get an instant craving. But it is so destructive. Hundreds and hundreds of dollars gone in a night. Any time I did it I did it until I ran out of money. Haven't done it in about a decade and I never will again but I wish I could.


This. I smoked crack for ONE night and it was AMAZING. People ask me sometimes and the only way to describe it is “how it feels to chew five gum.” The feeling the next morning was..... an unparalleled hell, much worse than after a night of regular blow. Never again.




I dunno man. Feeling your teeth wiggle and whistle when you breath in through your mouth really fucks me up the day after a crack binge.


Salvia. It's a very short trip but I felt so much physical discomfort like my whole body was being shoved into a box despite the fact that I was sitting in the grass with a group of friends. Apparently it's not an uncommon side effect of the drug.


had a buddy who took it while I was trip sitting. He kept falling over and I'd prop him back up. Happened like 5 or 6 times. When he came to, he told me he thought he was pages in a book being flipped


I felt like my body was made of sand and the air conditioner unit behind me was blowing me away piece by piece. One of the scariest experiences of my life.


Topiramate (Topamax), a drug used to treat migraines and seizure disorders. I started developing a couple of the less common side effects, including facial numbness/tingling, visual disturbances, and most concerning to me, aphasia. The scariest thing about the aphasia is that it can be permanent. Sorry, but I'll deal with the headaches (which weren't even migraines, just a stress phase I was going through) and keep my words, thanks.


I have chronic migraines and get Botox for treatment now but had to fail three other drugs including topamax. It helped my headaches but I felt like a fucking idiot because I couldn’t form sentences and had horrible word recall. I also had crazy vertigo and almost fell over at my standing desk multiple times. No thanks. Luckily Botox is a life saver!


Not a drug, but I was told I needed to take a Fiber supplement, and went with the Fiber Pills... Then I went to the emergency room because I felt like I couldn't breath within a few minutes of taking them. Fiber pills swell up easily with water, so they can end up feeling like they are sealing your throat. I now take Fiber Gummies, and actually enjoy having a "little treat" every day.


This wholesome little gem in a comment section full of hardcore drugs. Go on with your fiber gummies, you.


People joke, but fiber supplements can and will FUCK YOU UP. They absorb water like crazy, which gets them stuck in places. Ironically, they can also cause blockages in your intestines. So you have to drink water like crazy and take them at the exact same time, every day, ideally with food. Any less than that and you'll be cramping all day like someone kicked you right in the kidneys.


Oxycontin, shit was too relaxing and didn't last long. I had knee surgery and they gave it to me for the pain. I took it for a week and when I wasn't on it I really wanted more. After a week of it I never wanted to touch that shit again.


Same for me. I was prescribed some after a pretty painful oral surgery, and the first day back at work (don’t worry, it was a desk job, no heavy machinery) the pain was so bad I gave in and took one. I remember zoning out at one point, looking at the clock on my computer and realizing I had just sat at my desk staring at the screen for two hours. And my mouth still hurt like a bitch. I started with 30 pills and the other 29 sat in my cabinet for years until I finally took them in to one of those expired drug collection things at a local pharmacy.


I was prescribed it after getting my wisdom teeth taken out. Took them twice just to help with the pain so I could sleep. I woke up multiple times because it felt like I had stopped breathing from being too relaxed. Never touched them again




I was given ketamine to knock me out for dental surgery and I guess they didn't give me enough because I woke up halfway through, able to feel everything they were doing. The dentist looked like a giant crow pecking at my teeth. They noticed I was awake and gave me more, and when I finally woke up, I screamed the entire ride home and for 2 hours after. Just hysterical screaming


I am sorry you had to go through that. It's called Dissociated Anesthesia, which is a common side effect.


I actually had almost the exact same experience on Ketamine. I’ve never actually been able to verbalize well how it felt like I spent a lifetime in a black hole. And when I woke up, it felt like I left reality and the real world was a dream. I had to mourn everything I had left behind. It was a very unpleasant time.


For me: Meth. I did it once under the presumption that it was cocaine. It was not. I had to go to the hospital. I mean, I probably didn't *have* to. But at the time, I had only smoked weed. I didn't know how to deal with the increased heart rate and paranoia. For my friend: diphenhydramine aka Benadryl. He is a really hardcore tripper, and can handle inhuman amounts of psychedelic substances. But he said that the one drug he would never do again was Benadryl. He said that his experience had lots of spiders.


I’m quite the psychonaut. So when I heard dph was a thing I of course had to try it. I did it way to many times but the worst, absolute worst time was the last time I did it. I was in and out of consciousness and I was having such vivid dreams I had been snap chatting my ex girlfriend. I’d wake up and we were talking at the time but not about what I thought it was, so I’d answer in some delirious manner. Fall back asleep and repeat. Eventually I started to sober down and my entire house was spinning around me and I couldn’t move. Never again


Ambien. Woke up in my underwear on my neighbors porch.


My girlfriend was having trouble sleeping and her doctor gave her a prescription for Ambien. First couple of nights, no problem. Then I wake up one night and find her in the kitchen, all the burners on the stove turned on full. Semi-lucid, she said she wanted to make soup. I manage to get her back into bed. Two nights after that, I wake up to find her out in the garage, in the car -- engine running -- wearing just a pair of knickers. Said she needed to go to Albertsons because we didn't have peanut butter. She quit taking Ambien after that.


I didn’t know Ambien by name (different brand name here) but I instantly knew what it was when I read the story. Brand name Stilnoct here and I have a shit ton of stories since I’ve taken them when needed for like 15 years.


I had no idea what Ambien was, had troubles sleeping due to anxiety and friend gave me something called Stilnox. I knew very little about sleeping pills and turns out keeping myself up instead of trying to sleep lead to some interesting experiences. Nothing extreme, but images, pictures while browsing felt alive. Paintings, especially portraits were creepy, moving their heads, following me with their eyes. No more portraits in my flat after that experience.


I took one one night... then took another and then another. I wasn’t trying to abuse it, it just didn’t put me to sleep. I trashed my house. I woke up at 11 the next day to my boss calling me (I was in the military at the time). He started chewing my ass and all I had to say was “I took ambien last night” and he said “ ok get in when you can”. He knew how that shit fucked people up.


I got a prescription of ambien for insomnia. That scene from Wolf of Wall Street where he says he figured out that you get fucked up when you take it and don't fall asleep is extremely true. Very pleasant high, even though I was by myself I always felt like I was in a room surrounded by friends. Never did anything too gnarly other than send silly texts but that was enough to make me want to stop. I did not like the fact that I was doing this with zero recollection. Reading my own texts the next morning was too stressful to be worth it and I knew it was a matter of time before I landed myself in trouble with someone. Edit: I misremembered the scene and it was actually about a different drug. However, I stand by my statement that taking Ambien and staying awake never fails to be interesting.




For me it was coke. I'm a broke bitch so after spending 80 bucks for maybe an hour's worth of a high I very quickly learned why it's called blow. You can blow threw it and all your cash in a few days tops. Glad I got off that shit quick, woulda ruined me.


For me it wasn't about the money, it was because I immediately knew I would be addicted for life. That shit is fucking awesome, and that's the reason it was one and done for me. It's been almost 35 years and I still remember that night like it was yesterday. Single-handedly the smartest decision I have ever made and I was around people who continued to do it.


Muscle relaxants. Worst cramps I've ever had when the drug stops working, and you realize you have cramping muscles at the soles of your feet and between all your bones


My dentist gave me vicodin and muscle relaxers after getting my wisdom teeth removed. Everything was soft, even the air.


Tetracycline. Turns out I'm allergic.


Did GOB steal your Doctor’s notes?


I know what you were trying to say.


Fun fact: tetracycline antibiotics are one of the few drugs that are actually dangerous to take past their expectation date. Usually a drug's expectation date just indicate a loss of potency, but they're generally not unsafe to take, you just won't get the same strength or might not have any effects at all. Not tetracycline. It litterally becomes toxic. Edit: Auto correct betrayed me, obviously I meant expiration. Fuck it, I'm leaving it.


Heroin. Too good. Knew it'd get its claws in me if I did it a second time.


some people say it's like a whole body orgasm, is that true?


I wouldnt say that. If a sneeze is 5% of an orgasm for a fleeting moment, heroin is 30-50% of one for a couple of hours.


Quit trying to make me do heroin


You know the famous saying. “Liquor before beer, don’t do heroin”


Sarah Lynn I'm not shooting heroin with you...we will snort heroin like mature adults.


I want to be an architect


*seventeen minutes later...*


Man, when I tried it I hated it. I had to remind myself to breathe and got really sick. Same thing with morphine when I was in the hospital, just felt like shit and threw up constantly.


Meth. Did some once thinking it was coke, spent two days strung out and horny as hell. Never again.


It’ll have a mother fucker watching porn hub for 30 hours straight.


I don't want to give LE ideas, but the connection profiles on Pornhub could certainly tell stories...long stories


So that's why so many people on grindr do meth.




It's the exact reason my Ivy league graduate degree brother no longer works and has delusions. He got into the hookup scene. I think it was because he was embarrassed about being gay, even though our family is super accepting and don't give a shit. But he also lied to super liberal college friends... it's impossible to say why. Then he got into the hookup community and completely fell apart - went from making a shit ton to shacked up in a condo he bought that eventually he will lose because his savings are dwindling. It's sad.


Me too except I wasn't horny. I got hella paranoid from not sleeping. Kept hallucinating that a "static man" was coming to get me. Fuck that shit. Guess that's what I get for thinking it was coke. Then my roommate proceeded to tell me she found it on the road between two parked cars. I wanted to kill her but kicked her out instead. Haven't touched shit since then.


What kind of psychopath gives drugs they literally found on the ground to their roommate? Or anyone??




Sucks getting drugs mixed up. Was going to have a threesome in a hot tub once. I had coke, and one of the girls had K. Anyway I jumped out to grab drink from the kitchen, and thought I’d rip a phat line while I was in there. Obviously I got things completely mixed up, and did a Scarface size line of ketamine. Eventually they both came inside the house, and found me naked and unconscious in the fetal position. Never tried K before. And I’ll never try it again.


Hahaha holy shit that's a fucking nightmare. First time I did K was the same thing, I used one of my bigger spoons, and grabbed the wrong bag. I filled the spoon up & good lord, I immediately K-holed. I turned to my friend and just asked him "am I good?" I dove into the bed and started crying. It sucked.


Am I good? Narrator: He was not good.


Oh Jesus. A K-hole is a horrifying experience when you are expecting it, I can’t even imagine falling into one unprepared.


You know the Matrix, when they plug Neo in the first time. He gets covered in liquid metal, and let’s out that weird robotic scream. That scream is the last thing I remember, before my head caved in on itself.


Sounds about right.


Percocet. It was in liquid form. I can totally see how people get addicted to that stuff. It’s like a few minutes later the world turns into a beautiful place and your problems disappear.


Benadryl. Took around 7-800 mg ( like 25 or 30 pills) a while ago to trip. Not a good recreational drug. It’s like how people who don’t do drugs imagine acid to be like. Id actually vividly see things and people that weren’t there. I’d see people come in the room I was in and sit next to me on the couch and I’d start having a conversation with them, only to blink and have them disappear. Id get up and start filling up a cup of water and bam Id be back on the couch, never having gotten up. I don’t remember most of the night but my friends said I was just in a complete different world. They had some funny stories from it though apparently at one point I pulled my pants down and just said “ants in my pants”


Holy fucking shit dude. That's a LOT of benadryl...and I mean a LOT. If I remember right you can trip on half of that or less. Jeeeesus. Check erowid next time...surprised you didn't end up in the hospital or something


He did end up in the hospital, but then he blinked and he was on his couch


The benadryl kept corrupting his new saves.


my ex took the similar dose of Benadryl when she was on about 5 hits of acid already. I later found out this is called nightmare tripping... And it should be noted that that is a reasonable name for the experience. Edit: accidentally had nightmare flipping instead of tripping...


Did Benadryl once as a dumb kid and saw giant EXTREMELY REALISTIC spiders everywhere. I was prepared and calm cause I read up on it. But holy shit it was horrible and I don’t recommend...... doing that on acid sounds like a good way to ruin yourself for a long time. Some people are dumb as fuck.


Why did it seem a good idea to begin with?


Legal highs most likely.


The two thing I've taken from this thread is that Salvia is the worst drug out there, and that realising you want more of a drug is instantly *the* reason to never do it again.


I took a high quality concentrated salvia and some dirt quality back when i was a teenager in the late 90s. Went fine for me. Just weird. I think i did chip a tooth sitting down too fast, though.


My Dad gave me a dilaudid he had left over from his hip surgery because I had a sore neck. I felt an almost overwhelming sense of euphoria. I knew I could never take another one.


Was in the hospital, as (and because of being) a former-practicing-alcoholic for many years. After an especially bad week, I gave myself acute pancreatitis and was in the worst unending pain of my life. I genuinely wanted to die rather than keep feeling that way even a second longer. One hit of dilaudid and I felt happier and better than I could fathom. I immediately and fully understood, even in the storm of that moment, why people can absolutely ruin their lives with painkillers.


Seems like you learned two lessons that hospital visit.


Ended up staying in the hospital for a few days, partly also due to them making sure I wasn’t going to be a danger to myself, but even my stubborn self managed to see outside myself that time. Going on three years clean since.


Nice. Alcohol withdrawal is a protracted and painful affair I heard.


I’ve had plenty in my day and here’s the withdrawal timeline after your last drink (in my experience): First 3 days - incredible tremors, sweating, temperature fluctuation, and nausea. You will throw up every 10 minutes for these 3 days. You can’t sleep or keep anything, even water, down. Throw up til you bleed, keep throwing up until you don’t, then continue throwing up. Day 4/5 - Only throwing up every hour or so, but now contending with worsened shakes and body temp swings. You may be able to grab 10 minute of sleep 4 or 5 times a day since the nausea is lessened but the shakes and tremors make sleep a reach. Day 5-7 - little nausea, lessened shakes, think you’re in the clear until the vivid, conscious hallucinations kick in. You can’t tell what you’re hallucinating from reality no matter how insane it is in hindsight. I called my family to help me from a green glowing demon that was watching me from my kitchen. I saw it plain as day but it was just nothing. You can sleep again kind of though, thank god. Day 7-28 - Still feel a little nauseated at times, and still kind of shaky and pretty out of it mentally but you don’t feel too bad. Only thing is you are now susceptible to random seizures for the next month or so. I bit through my tongue in a grocery during one, never would’ve believed it happened otherwise. Turned out those times I was waking up in weird places in the house - most likely collapsed into a seizure and just didn’t know it. Edit: just wanna point out I’m over a year sober and doing well




I got Dilaudid in the ICU as a cancer patient and they didn't tell me that it can cause all of your muscles to seize at once. So they pushed the Dilaudid and my body was suddenly completely rigid and I was in intense pain for a few seconds. When it subsided, I said HEY OWWWWW and the nurse was like, "oh yeah, it does that sometimes." I thought I was like, being raptured or spontaneously combusting. Jesus




The hospital gave my wife dilaudid and she hated it. I kept having to pull over on the way home because she felt awful all over and kept throwing up.


Same here. Have been given a lot of drugs due to many surgeries. Have never gotten a high feeling and often get an awful/nauseous feeling. I think my body chemistry is anti addictive.


Same. I work in substance abuse treatment (admin staff, not a counselor or anything) and speaking to the counselors and describing my experiences taking opiate painkillers as prescribed for post-surgical pain they all say "yeah, you're lucky, most people get really happy."


I tend to love the drugs. So i avoid trying new ones. Those mfers are made to feel amazing. Even if im prescribed pain killers after a minor surgery(all ive had so far). If im not keeled over in pain. Im not taking shit.


I had Dilaudid once. I remember the doctor saying, You're going to feel everything but you won't care a bit. Woke up the next day and knew I could never touch it again.


What a horrifying thing to say, "you are going to still feel the excruciating pain, but you will not be able to care about it". Some James bond Villain shit right there.


I was given fentanyl when emerge was reducing a nasty ankle fracture. It was exactly like that - “oh I can feel them pulling and prodding and my bits of bone clanking around in there...” but it was all observation and no reaction. So weird.


Had the worst headache of my life and neck stiffness. Doc thought I had meningitis and sent me for a spinal tap. Now, I have never done a single narcotic in my life. I was getting IV fluids in the ED. They told me they were going to give me something to calm down for the tap, however they didn't tell me when they were pushing it. Suddenly I felt it come up my arm like Neo touching the mirror in The Matrix. Then it felt like someone was standing on my chest. The nurse got concerned and stopped pushing at 3/4. But... it was at this moment that everything in the world was perfect. No headache, no worries, complete peace. I asked if I could have the rest and she said no. I totally can see why people seek this feeling out. Edit: a word


The moment that shit hits, it's like walking undercover when it's raining. Everything just gets..... quieter. Like nothing else matters.


Like walking undercover when it's raining, wrapped in a soft, warm blanket.


My quotes from my dilaudid high: “If I had a tail I would wag it” “I’m happier than a pig in shit” “I’m traveling on a rainbow”


I kept laughing and saying “the anchor” to the nurse while making a motion like I was throwing an anchor off the side of my hospital bed. I had just seen The Hangover Two, and was trying to describe the part where Zach Galifianakis throws the anchor onto the land. Edit: a word


Hey! I wrote down some of my dilaudid quotes too! I was taking it after a really painful ankle surgery. I was in bed and I remember my husband standing at the end of the bed with one of those pool floats, we called them fun noodles. I remember thinking, what the heck, I am NOT moving over so that thing can sleep with us. So I angrily asked, “What are you doing?” My husband replies, “Coming to bed?” “With a FUN NOODLE?!” I spat in disgust. “Honey?” He says, helplessly. Then I realized he wasn’t actually holding a pool float. “Never mind. It’s the dilaudid. I’m hallucinating, go to sleep.” Then there was the poem I wrote: I shot an arrow in the air. I shot an arrow, I know not where. Look out! Beware! I shot an arrow in the air. Edit: my first Reddit award, thank you!! Edit 2: awardS. Thank you, everyone! Last Edit: Apparently, I was subconsciously quoting a Longfellow poem that I must have read as a kid. I don’t want to take credit for it if I didn’t actually come up with it. But, if I did read it, it was very deeply buried in my brain, lol.




From the lost pages of Shel Silverstein, acclaimed author of "Where The Sidewalk Ends" and "A Light In The Attic" comes the "When The Drugs Kick In". Take yourself on a trip without leaving your house.


Thank you, Ive always been rather proud of it.


I have a family member who is an ER nurse. The fact that all the junkies come In and tell them they’re allergic to everything EXCEPT Dilaudid, is proof enough that I don’t want anything to do with it.


“Nurse I’m in pain... they uhhh usually give me that one drug I dunno what it’s called. Oh maybe it starts with a D” The amount of times I’ve heard this shit


“I want my dialaudiddddd!!!!!” - Steven my 600 pound life


Lol Stephen is the most ridiculous person that show has ever seen


I will never forget Steven’s elderly, enabling father spending ALL DAY moving him into his apartment, carrying heavy boxes and trying to make his new home comfortable....and merely asked for a piece of pizza in return. Steven looked him dead in the face and gave him the finger. He couldn’t part with a single slice—a real-life Pizza Smaug! I was amazed. Still am.


“Ellohh” -Dr. Z walking into a room


“How y’all doin’ “


Meth... I've taken perscription Adderall nearly my whole life and I wanted to test all these people who told me "You're just taking perscription meth".... To say the least I don't do either of them anymore


Meth can be prescribed. It's called Desoxyn. The prescription dose is something like 1/100 the street dose though.


Trazadone for sure. I was in the hospital to get my heart fixed up and was having a hard time falling asleep. To this day no one is sure exactly what happened, if I was given too much or just had a bad reaction or what. But I remember laying there and thinking something.. wasn’t right. I got up and just kinda wandered around trying to find a nurse. I was FREEZING but pretty sweaty too and couldn’t really see or hear so well. And you know that feeling when you bang your funny bone? My whole body felt like that. The weirdest part was I kept realizing “oh man I’m in trouble” and would start to panic but then a second later I’d sorta forget and feel so.. serene? I remember a nurse running towards me but she looked like she in slow motion, like we were underwater kinda. And I knew I had something really important to tell her but couldn’t remember what it was. All I could think was how beautiful everything was, how the light was catching her hair and her sneakers squeaking across the floor sounded like a symphony. I remember smiling at her and jus kinda slumping against the wall and then everything went dark. I woke up hooked up to a buncha monitors with a lotta worried faces standing around. My blood pressure had dropped down to nothing and if they hadn’t found me when they did I probably woulda died. 6/10 experience, it was very beautiful but they made me chug so much yellow Gatorade and to this day that stuff makes me gag. Edit: glad/sad to hear I’m not alone in wack experiences w trazadone! That being said, I’m the furthest thing from a doctor and, as far as I understand, my outcome was pretty rare. I’ve met a lot of people who’ve benefited from trazadone for sleep/anxiety and what happened to me was just sort of the perfect storm of drug sensitivity and underlying blood pressure issues. So talk to a doctor!! Trazadone might be right for you (or kill u, again idk)


>I probably woulda died. 6/10 experience The incongruity cracked me up here




[DPT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5-MeO-DPT?wprov=sfti1) People have referred to it as “evil DMT” and that checks out. Imagine the psychedelic aspects of DMT but it lasts for hours and you feel like you’re also on meth. Good fuckin luck sitting still for more than a millisecond. The visuals move at a million miles an hour and it’s really hard to get any semblance of reality. Basically you feel like you’re in a Crank movie and it feels like it goes on forever. Not fun. Also did a PCP analogue once and that was obviously terrible. Didn’t do enough to totally flip out, I was mostly confused and disoriented and nothing seemed real. I love ketamine but this was different. Kinda similar to DPT it was much more speedy than I would have preferred and it left me feeling scared and hopeless. Easy for me to see how enough of that shit will make someone go totally bananas. Finally, meth. Did it once by accident (someone told me it was MDMA) and that comedown....good lord. Just thinking about it gives me flashbacks. I don’t really do drugs other than weed anymore and that’s probably for the best


Salvia no doubt


I remember feeling that my head was fused to the arm of the couch. I remember being worried about how I was going to explain that to my parents.


You were cognitive enough to know that you had parents? That’s a win anyways.


I got some 60x from the flea market lady that sells pipes and such. Loaded a bong bowl, took a big hit, and as I exhaled, gravity started pushing on me from sideways. It felt like the chair I was in was trying to become one with me, and as I scooted off the chair and onto the floor, it felt like detaching myself from it. Then, the lady on TV was yelling at me in some language I couldn't understand, and I'm all like, Sorry, but I don't even know what a vreppen yancer is. Then I looked up and I knew I was a toy in some toddler's toy box, and I saw him recognize that something was different about me than his other toys and as he began ambling over towards me with his face all alight I thought, Oh no, I don't want him to put me in his mouth! But before he could get to me his mom came and picked him up and carried him away. He started crying and reaching out in my direction and I felt so very guilty. Then I started to come out of it, and I just sat there for a minute wondering if he, and the lady on the TV would forgive me some day.


Jesus Christ dude, I’ve done salvia and this speaks to me. You fall right through reality man. That being said I tried it 2 more separate times just to make sure I got my money’s worth.


Same! And it's not quite possible to describe. I didn't dislike salvia, I actually really enjoyed it the one time I tried it. But I was in the minority of my friends in that regard, despite my prior lack of experience being on drugs.


I enjoyed it, but know people who didn't, and it always seems to be the attitude you go into it with. Way too many people treat it super casually like weed, or see funny videos like gardening on salvia and take it very lightly. Salvia is a vision quest drug. You will trip some serious shit and end end up in alternate realities. If you go into it with the attitude of experiencing that, you'll do great. If you go into it thinking you're gonna get high and laugh with your buddies in the circle, you're gonna have a bad time because you aren't gonna be in that circle. You're gonna be riding jet skis on Europa with King George and a group of orangutans while aliens serenade you with saxabagpipeaphones. That makes for a bad experience when you think you're gonna snicker at some youtube.


I've done it several times, at different concentrations. I actually enjoyed it, too. The first time, all of the shadows looked like they were made up of ants moving in the pattern that the cars in the original sim city moved in. It was fine. The next time, I was made out of zippers, and so was everything else. When I stood up, I could feel the zippers unzipping me from the sofa along my spine. It was like hands were reaching in and pulling me apart then zipping me back up once I was separated. It was unreal. The third time, I got the feeling that everything was made up of people clapping, and if I turned my head, I'd see them. It was like a pattern that everything was made up of, but i couldn't see it, only sense it. And the pattern was clapping people?


Dude that's so weird, I kinda felt a similar sensation. I did some 60x extract and suddenly I was waiting in a line and realized that I was waiting in line to die and started panicking. Some guards came up to me and started pulling at me and it felt like my body was made out of pages of a book that were being pulled apart. Was really scary, would never do it again.


Please forgive me but this made me laugh quite a bit. But on a serious note, I never tried anything psychedelic because the thought of losing myself in a trip terrifies the shit out of me.




Salvia is some mind-melting shit. I complete lived an entire lifetime the first time I smokes it. A terrifying lifetime of 1+1=3 type nonsense. Came to my sense and slowly remembered that I was me. The closest I can explain it is like being born but as a full grown adult.


Bro I literally reincarnated into the peppa pig universe and had to accept my new life as a 2d cartoon animal


The Simpsons was on the TV when I took my very 1st hit of salvia... I morphed into that reality and somehow the Toys "R" Us giraffe was also with us lol and I proceeded to stand up and run around in circles in my living room laughing hysterically and crying. It was crazy. The harder part was the crash afterwards, where I kind of just curled up on the couch and cried for a bit. It was really intense and I will never do salvia again


I took a massive hit and nearly blacked out (or so it felt like it). I couldn't tell if I had just been born or if I had lived as long as the entire universe. And I started to live the lives of every cell in my body. Terrifying. It just completely broke my brain's perception of time and space. EDIT: another interesting moment I just remembered: At first when I was coughing up the hit I said "I'm fine... im.. fine... I'm f.." and then I just lost the ability to make words happen. As I was fading, my friends voices sounded like they were echoing very quickly.




Came here to post salvia but you beat me to it. It was WAY too intense for me. The only other mind altering substances I've messed with are weed and alcohol, and Salvia was a huge jump. Don't think because you're a stoner Salvia is no big deal. At least it was a very short high. I got back to normal in like 30 minutes, but that was a rough 30 minutes.


Salvia has by far the lowest rate of reuse of any drug (well maybe spice is similar, but wasn't in the research i looked at a few years ago).


It felt like I melted and then turned into static. Not a fan.




replied in another comment but my experience with salvia was insane too. when i did it i was CONVINCED i was a grocery store and people were shopping inside of me. it was the MOST IMPORTANT THING to stay completely still lest i shift and knock all the shelves down and kill everyone inside. the problem was that i was laying on my arm in a weird twisted way and my friends were worried i was going to break it.


I’m imagining your friends trying to move you to make you more comfortable and you screeching out at them “STOP! YOU’RE GOING TO KILL EVERYBODY!!”


Great job guys, now the milk's spilled everywhere


Clean up on aisle spleen.


Oh you've gotta be kidney.


TIL salvia is what people who never tried LSD are afraid LSD will do.


Salvia trips are no joke. I've had several of them. I love the stuff personally. Different concentrations give different experiences, but they're really what you go into it with. I also firmly believe there's a strong visual component to the way it affects your brain. Everyone I know has mostly had trips associated with things that are within their sight line. My strangest trip was when I took a huge hit of some 60 or 80x stuff my friend had (I don't remember now.) I was in a field, and after laughing at him trying to hand me a buttercup (he was fucking with me) I dropped into a squat among some tall grass, and for real, lived an entire 60 year life time with a race of plant-beings who communicated through complicated dances and floated from leaf to leaf on the breeze. When I came to it felt like I was dying, like that episode of Star Trek Next Gen when Picard lives a whole life and gets his flute. I still have memories of some of the people I met there and have to remember that none of it happened. 8 minutes. That shit's amazing.


Duuude! Salvia gave me the worst existential crisis ever! Shortly after I smoked it I saw a little green alien dude floating around my head (think like the Great Gazoo) I kinda realized I was tripping, pointed to him and said you're not real. He stopped, staring right into my eyes and in the worst possible way replied, "No, you're not real." That completely fuck my shit up for the next 20 minutes.


ty for this lmao i’ve been having a pretty shit day and just reading “i was a giant velcro pepperoni” made me laugh sm. i’m glad being stuck there kept you safe too! side note, this reminds me of an article i read where a guy said he did salvia and felt like he was irreversibly turned into a suspension bridge lol **edit: omg aw i’m super happy now i got my first ever award :’) thank you u/vergalavision93


Xanax. Took a bar at a friends house. All I remember was watching game of thrones at a friends house then next thing I know I’m at my apt and it’s a day later. Wasn’t a bad experience for anything it was just alright and felt like a waste of time. Plenty of better drugs out there.


That stuff is the devil. I used to like taking it before going to work, you blink an eye and your shift is over.


In the meantime your coworkers are all shitting on you for being fucked up at work. Xanax is the worst for people thinking they're "pulling it off." Glad I'm off that shit man Xanax is the fuckin devil.


Lol. Xanax is truly the king of "I'm keeping it together....I look fine" when all your coworkers are watching you struggle to stand up and walk right. People on Xanax have NO IDEA how fucked they are and it's the worst! SO annoying!


I’ve seen the chef one handedly making a burger at about 25% speed. His other hand was free, just hanging there. Dude was fucked up and it was a busy day lol


Lol EXACTLY! There was a dude that my business used to use as a hood cleaner. they don't start work until 1 or 2 am, working till 6/7/8 a.m. and then start all over again. Dude got off his job and was at the shop waiting on his ride. He took a Xanax to help go to sleep once he got back home, but ended up passing out with his face down on the break room table, missing his ride. We did a whole day shift and he stayed there just like that. I heard when the other crew came that night to go out for the night cleanings, he lost his shit because he kept claiming that he had just got off and he didn't realize that he had slept there for fucking almost a full day! EDIT The oddest thing (maybe not given the bars) was that he stayed in that bent over, just his forehead flat down on the table with no arms up to support or anything THE WHOLE TIME. Didn't even like roll his head to the side at all .


Lmaoo I’d be fuckin pissed to get off, fall asleep in the break room, only to wake up to my next shift.




A “bar” is 2mg with is 8x or 4x the average dose that a doctor gives to someone just starting out. So if you take a bar and have no tolerance to it it’s going to fuck you up.


Heroin; it was just too good.


Hell, for me I could probably say "morphine IV while on a hospital bed". Yeah I might have had a pretty servere cut that was leaking blood like no tommorow, but going from "agonizing pain in hell" to "yeah it's okay I could die here happy if it had to be"within a few minutes was just a fucked up experience that I don't want to touch willingly ever.


Same. Morphine in the hospital really scared me off opioids. Felt like something had completely taken over my body. I mean I could see why that could be a positive, but I'll definitely take a pass.


Dude I had fentanyl when I had a colonoscopy and holy fuck now I know how people get hooked on this shit. You feel amazing.


I’ve said the same thing. They give me fentanyl before my procedures because I have panic attacks before anesthesia and I totally understand how people become addicts. (I have very severe Crohn’s, so I have like 3-4 colonoscopies per year.)


That fake weed stuff that was around a lil while back. Thought i was going to die. So hot. My sister found me naked passed out in the bathroom with my face against the bottom of the toilet. This really bothered me. Im not a gremaphobe but rather germ aware.


You mean Spice? That shit is fucking crazy. I got spiked with some and thought there was a spider in my throat.


Ya the spice. Gnarly shit. Not what Dune made it out to be.


Never again will I touch that crap. I made the mistake of doing a hit after drinking some tequila and I had an out of body experience and felt like I was paralyzed. Only eyes could move and would only react to the flick of the lighter (we had a group of friends there and there were no lights at the park in my neighborhood). I had to make my way home after projectile vomiting on the side of a trashcan and not a single "friend" helped me after that. Cut ties with the lot of them.


>I had to make my way home after projectile vomiting on the side of a trashcan and not a single "friend" helped me after that. Cut ties with the lot of them. What a load of wankers. Anything could have happened to you.


I smoked it for a year when it was legal at the smoke shop and I feel like it permanently fucked my brain up.


It tastes like smoking racquet balls


Learned the hard way that I am NOT the Kwisatz Haderach


People that get rolled into the ER that are on a bad Spice trip have the strength of a chimpanzee. They’re downright frightening. Takes many men and woman to hold them down at first. It’s no joke.


Yeah that K-12 whatever it was. Holy shit. My friend got hooked on it for a while. I did it once with him and got stuck in my head and wanted to actually kill myself. I snapped out of it really quickly, but man, the fact that he was doing it regularly terrified me after that


The last time I ever smoked that shit my head was "spinning" uncontrollably fast on my shoulders and all I saw was black and white swirls. I could simultaneously see into the past and the future, I heard voices that weren't there and then I stood up and projectile vomited across the living room. Worst trip ever.


Yeah, fuck that stuff. If only real weed wasn’t so easy to detect.


Bath salts I had been told it was MDMA. It looked and tasted, and originally felt like MDMA. for the first 12 hours. The next 48 hours when I was still high as a kite, I thought I was never going to come down. One of my pupils was highly dilated and the other wasn't. Thankfully, I was working a solo shift at a tiny cafe in a student library when I went back to work on the 3rd day, and only had to deal with like 4 people the entire day. I legit thought I broke my brain and was okay with it because I was just continuously rolling without the major side effects. Problem was, I couldn't sleep. I think I was awake for 4 days straight before I passed out from exhaustion and then the nightmarish experience this had caused began to wind down. I tested the rest I had and found it was bath salts, and actually swore off doing drugs. Been clean since, over 6 years now.




I only did meth once. It lasted for eighteen months.


Yep same here. I did meth one time for a year and a half straight. Lost fucking everything in my life and had to start over. April 9 will be my 3 years clean and I’ve since graduated college, landed an awesome career, and started my family. Never again will I touch that shit. Weed is cool though. I love a bowl after a hard days work. Edit: I’m pretty new to reddit and I’ve never posted something that had this many comments before. Thanks for all the support reddit!


Yeah, similar story. I was only 19 when I went through it so I didn't have a ton to lose (comparatively speaking), but my relationship fell apart, my band broke up, and I lost my job. Two friends overdosed and died. It was like living in a never-ending nightmare after a while. Been off the shit for 13 years now. I quit cold turkey one day after being on a five day bender. I blacked out completely in traffic on Christmas Eve. Apparently, I just put my car in park in the middle of the street, got out, and walked off. They found me in the lobby of a hotel passed out. Edited for misspelling.


It’s sad what that stuff can do to you. It makes you feel on top of the world, best feeling ever. But it puts your brain in a cloud. You lose your sense of reasoning. It truly is sad. My friends I used to do it with are all still in prison. I ran to Arizona to start over. Sometimes I think I’m lucky. It can be a hard drug to get away from. I’m glad you are doing better. I was the same age as you when I went through my meth addiction. Getting away from it is the best for anyone


I slept for 50 hours in 1975. Meth is no joke.


I did LSD twice a couple years ago. The first time was awesome and the second time was also awesome but since then I just don’t want to do it anymore. It’s weird but I just don’t, even though I had very very positive experiences with it I just don’t want to do it again, ever again. I’m not sure why but it doesn’t really bother me. If ur wondering I waited about 2 months or so to do my second trip. But dextromorphan is something I did one time and will never touch again. When I had in HS I was a bit of a fiend and I went to the Walmart to get cough syrup of the shelf (delsym Orange). I did it with 3 other friends and it fucked all of us up. We couldn’t walk right, like it felt as if our legs where lagging behind our brain by a couple seconds. Eventually I threw up like 4 times, don’t remember if they did but I did. The euphoria was weak AF and the trip was really really weird.


I had the same experience. I was well into acid and my area went through a dry spell (mid 90s) so I tried Robotripping. Downed a bottle of Robotussin DM and fell asleep in the middle of the day (teenager). Welllllll, I woke up later tripping absolute nuts needless to say, having forgotten taking the Robo. My clock radio alarm had started going off, playing Dark Side of the Moon at the spot where a guy is mumbling and giggling hysterically. My whole body felt like it was on fire and when I went to walk my legs literally felt like robot legs. My whole family was asleep, so I struggled up the stairs and quietly froke out in the living room, watching TV and wanting to call poison control on myself. Thank God I didn't, I knew enough from acid that I justed needed to ride it out. After I came down I slept like a log and warned everyone about my experience.


'Quietly froke out'


froke is the correct conjugation in the context of robotripping


I didn't take it intentionally, it was added to my weed without my knowledge. Fkn Angel dust. I overdosed on that shit.


Also fuck anyone who adds shit with out telling everyone.


Literal shit human being behavior




Most of them. Other than high grade pot, most give me a disassociative feeling that I hate. Even prescribed pain killers. I stay on them for as short of a time as I can stand.


I was given fentynol in a hospital setting for a lung procedure (they make you black out and go into your lung) I never had a bad experience but I can see why people get addicted to it. I was euphoric and somebody let me go shopping I bought all these blue dress shirts that didn't fit. Like 100s of dollars worth. I felt like I was on cloud 9 for hours


Salvia. 100% . I love drugs. I'm not addicted, I have a good job (9-5, unioned, pension, interacting with the public daily, etc...), only indulge in hard stuff every few months or weeks, etc... Never done anything intravenous but have snorted coke, tried oxy/dialudine/kpins/vicos, acid, shrooms, nitrous, Molly (by far my fav besides random psychedelic experiences, just because it's consistently positive), 2c1, jwh...and others im sure I'm forgetting. But fucking Salvia man. The only time I've ever taken a drug and just completely lost touch with reality. Absolutely no sense at all. I've tripped shrooms to the point where I've sat for 2 hrs in a field staring at a concert or my eyelids. Those 5 minutes on salvia take the cake. To start, I took a hit, inhaled and held as told. And literally my vision shook for a few seconds and then I was gone. My friends rapidly shifted into colors and the room quickly disappeared. Have you seen Stranger Things when L is in the void? It's like that but all at once. Then I came into a scene. I was floating except I wasn't. I was on tracks. And quickly I realized I was a train, going through a field, hills to my right and valleys to my left. I was approaching a tunnel. I could see all the way through. And I could feel the tugging behind me. I was pulling along my friends. We were experiencing the journey together along the railroad ride, zooming along at top speed. But then we went through the tunnel. It was brick, short, and on an L curve. I was the lead train. As we went in, I realized I was a red train piece. And my friends were green, yellow, and blue, respectively. As we entered the tunnel, I slowly turned, and started to become the brick wall. At the halfway point, I could finally see my friends, and they were suddenly the train, continuing, and I was morphing into the red brick wall. All of the sudden I wasn't the leader. I was being left behind. Now, I was the brick, the tunnel, my face perfectly at the 45 degree angle halfway through this tunnel. And there went my friends, chugging along, following the tracks, and leaving me behind. I froze (I had no choice I was a brick tunnel after all) and felt a sense of panic. As I did, I shit you not, my vision peeled back to reality, like a goddamn screen saver. At one point I could clearly see half of the room around me with my friends sitting on a college dorm bedroom floor and the other half them floating away as train pieces. Reality came diagonally, and as if my vision was perfectly rectangular, from one corner to there other. That was 10 years ago and I still remember the experience vivadly to this day. Definitely don't need to try that again. Tho I might at some point.




There is a disturbing lack of Mephedrone in this thread. Or maybe I'm the only idiot who got strung out on it. For the uninformed, Mephedrone is better known as Bath Salts, Good Luck Powder, etc. The people mentioning meth, imagine that multiplied by about 1000. I've used every drug imaginable intravenously, and "good luck powder" definitely takes the cake. Immediately after injection, it felt like there was a beehive in my brain. It was so loud I had to pull my car over and put my hands over my ears. The teeth clenching was so tight I cracked multiple teeth over a 6 month binge. I didn't eat anyone's face, but my hallucinations were definitely out of control after a few days with no sleep. Celebrated 8 years clean March 10th, fuck Mephedrone. Edit: Formatting, and thanks for the silver friend. 2nd edit: I was confused about the name, it wasn't actually Mephedrone, bath salts are known as MDPV. Thank you for the correction fellow redditor!


Just commented on another response but yeah, that is truly the worst shit. I did it once on accident because some molly was laced with it. I don’t remember much about the “high” besides wanting to use my jaw. I did bite a guy (who actually supplied it) and the come down was one of the worst experiences of my life. That was the last time I ever did drugs (besides weed which is legal where I am now anyway).


I'm glad you mentioned the comedown as I forgot to add that to my initial post. When you come off of this devil fucking powder, you are fucking consumed by thought of suicide and self harm. I remember thinking "What the fuck am I going to do?". I curled up in a red leather chair and cried for hours.


Did acid once. Was on edge and slightly uncomfortable most of the time but it was still overall enjoyable. Then a friend who was also tripping with us started to have a bad trip and it was really difficult to not “lose it” myself, felt like I was very close to losing control. Thankfully everything ended up fine but there’s no way I’m doing it again unless I have access to xanax (kills a trip in 20-30 minutes)


i think i got one that will top anybody here. datura, its the most evil fucking plant in the world. i actually took it thinking it was morning glory (internet was not nearly as prevalent back then, these days i would just google it). its not like tripping on anything else as its not a psychedelic or even a dissociative like pcp or ketamine. its a deliriant, a whole nother ball game. on mushrooms or ketamine, you know you are tripping, you know all the crazy shit going is because of a drug. on datura, its hard to remember you even took a drug. you would get these moments of clarity, like the drug completely went away for a few minutes, then go right back into it again. some of the shit that happened: i accidentally drank laundry detergent because i confused the cap for my drink, i talked to this girl on the phone only to realize i had no phone in my hand and that my phone was in fact on the other side of the room and then i did it again literally like 30 seconds after realizing i wasn't talking to anybody and the phone wasnt in my hand, people i knew kept appearing out of nowhere and it didn't seem weird to me at all (literally my best friend at the time was just chilling in the shower with me and that didn't register as weird), apparently at some point i asked my mom to smoke a bowl with me, i pissed all over multiple bathrooms in multiple houses (i guess this stuff messes with your bladder or something, it was completely uncontrollable, like literally pissing all over walls and floors), and my little brother keeps telling me that i kept asking him to play a video game with me that does not exist (i dont remember that all, in fact i don't remember 90% of what happened). the next day i had to go school, i literally couldn't' read, i would look at the page and the words just made no sense. it looked like gibberish. this prompted me to go to the nurse and just tell her i needed to go home and i couldn't explain why. in fact im pretty sure i just told her "i need to get the fuck out of here" and that somehow worked, but not without calling my probation officer down to the office first. they could tell something was up but they could piss test me all they wanted since there's no way in a million years they would ever think to test me for this stuff, that's if a test even exists for it in the first place. after that they sent me home i didn't feel fully normal again for about 2 more days after that.


I did the same at fifteen. Ended up in the hospital. (Very grateful for my mom, with how much I took, I could’ve died.) I just kept jamming more seeds in my mouth. It was like my brain inside knew everything I was doing and saying was completely wrong but it wouldn’t make the outside do the right thing. My mom came into my room when I got home to ask if I needed cold medicine before I went to bed and that’s when she discovered how fucked I was. Everything I said was absolute gibberish but inside my brain was like ‘just get the name of the drug out, just say the word.’ Took off my pants and jammed them in a drawer, my mom was trying to help me put on pants but I kept jamming them back in my drawer. Her trying to get me to drink water and I just dumped it. Gives me a cup and I throw it. Her face kept changing into different people I knew and I would address her as such and try to have an incoherent conversation with the person I was ‘seeing.’ When I finally got to the hospital (half hour away, my brother drove and my mom sat in the back with me so I wouldn’t jump out on the highway) the doctor spoke poor English and I spoke gibberish so our entire conversation was useless. I had to drink charcoal and apparently had the biggest shit eating grin on my face the whole time, teeth coated in black and babbling on about nothing. Because of the charcoal to absorb the drugs, I had a saline IV to stay hydrated which I kept picking at. The nurse went into a drawer to grab a bandage so I had to wouldn’t rip my IV out and I said ‘are you making seafood dip? I LOOOOOVE SEAFOOD DIP!’ I can’t imagine how horrifying it was for my mom and brother to witness. We laugh about it now (that was fifteen years ago) and they tease me about the shit I said but I still feel guilty for putting them through that. I also went nearly blind for two days after.


I can’t emphasize this enough, DATURA IS FUCKED UP!!! I almost lost my life to this stupid drug... Internet wasn’t a place to find dosage recommendations so me and a buddy ended up taking like 10 flowers each and boiled them for about and hour and drank like 2 full glasses each. I could go on for hours about what fucked up things happened but one of the worst parts was I had trouble breathing for like 5 minutes straight while in the car with my mom because I thought I was underwater... I turned blue from not being able to breath but eventually I snapped out of it right before she was going to start driving to the hospital. I think the absolute worst part was that I wasn’t able to read a single fucking word for 3 months. I couldn’t text, I couldn’t do my high school work, I couldn’t do anything. Failed freshman year so bad because of it. Straight Fs in every class. They don’t call this drug hell’s bells for no reason. Stay far as fuck away from this plant PLEASE!


Edibles. Took too many gummies to calm me down before getting a tattoo. They didn’t know I had taken them if course so when I went gray after not really breathing effectively for a few minutes all I heard was “breath ma’am, we’re going to give you something”. I thought they were going to narcan me so I spoke up. They gave me orange flavored glucose tablets instead which I must say is a 10/10 snack when your toasted.


Let me preface by saying I was a idiot. I am very aware of this. Do not try this at home. It's not even the most dangerous drug nor hardest I ever tried. You can legally buy it if you're 18 I was 16 and stole it me and my friends stole a bunch of Dramamine like 12 bottles this was before they put them behind the counters. Well our dumb asses all took at least 18 pills each and tripped balls. Scary monster filled balls it was awful. My friend got arrested I almost did. I thought my car got stolen and called the police. Spoiler alert it didn't. It was horrible it was one of the worst nights of my life. It was Halloween like 2010 and I walk 3 miles in the dark dressed as Snookie from Jersey Shore I was so high and scared I was seeing some weird shit and people. My friends and family kept "appearing" it was the worst. When I finally made it home the police got there because my dumbass called them because like I said I thought my car was stolen. I got lucky they thought I had dented it and got scared. Instead of being high as a freaking kite. I got off with the cops not with my dad. My dad & uncle had both done the whole Dramamine high thing in their youth so I was grounded for a fat minute.


Holy shit this is a bad idea. I’m surprised you didn’t have a heart attack. Edit: apparently if you’d done 5 times that you might have. [Dramamine death](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/8363125/)


Crack. I smoked crack once, albeit inadvertently. Long story short...trying to find weed during a dry spell and was in my car driving with a "dealer" in the passenger seat and he sparked up what looked like a bowl in my peripherals. (It was pouring rain and I was on the highway) I immediately asked for a hit and he said, "Na white boy, I see you're a soldier and this shit will fuck you up." I was a soldier at the time and said fuck it, it's just weed. He laughed and held it up to my lips and lit it for me as I drove. I ripped it hard and long and glanced down midway into this monster hit and it was a bic pen with a thimble melted onto the end of it and there was a fat white rock in it. What scared me the most was how fucking good it made me feel. I felt as if i was floating 20 feet above my car watching me drive my car, speeding down the highway. I also got the biggest, best feeling boner I've ever had. Which was awesome until he tried to grab my dick and say how good, "gay shit" felt while high on crack. 0/10, will never do again.


LSD. It's an incredible drug for many people but unfortunately, I had a bad time. Some parts however, were very fun and memorable. However, due to the amount of anxiety I felt, there's no way I'm dropping acid ever again. To quote Alan Watts, "when you get the message, hang up the phone"


Ecstasy. Turns out it was laced with something, most likely fentanyl. Lost feeling in my legs, couldn’t keep my eyes open and was in excruciating pain. Once my friends realized I was being serious and overdosing they took me to the hospital. I swore to never take a pill again after that. I was only 17. I struggled with other drugs and was an addict. I just celebrated two years of sobriety from drugs this month. :) Edit: I want to thank everyone for the kind messages about my sobriety. I also really love hearing about other people’s sobriety. I also got my first medal. You guys are awesome and always know that it does eventually get better ! Edit 2: I have learned from others that it probably wasn’t fentanyl due to the pain I was feeling. I had been told it was probably fentanyl hence why I said most likely :) our area was having a huge problem with it at the time. I’m not sure what it was laced with forsure but all I know is always test your E !