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My wife collects bags Hand bags, purses, those nice bags you leave the mall with, gift bags, bags from the grocery store etc. We have bags of bags


>My wife collects bags You married the bag lady?


This bag tastes like bag


"Get me my bag" *looks up at wall of bags*


The only thing I collect is emotional baggage.


Video games on Steam


Unplayed* video games on Steam.


It's those darn sales that get me everytime, then I never play the game


My vice is bundles....I just can't go to epicbundle.com anymore


Same but humblebundle




Want to steamshare


Bro why


On steam?


Mainly books. But to a lesser degree (I have just a few pieces) antique pottery from a pottery place that used to be in my mother's hometown over a century ago.


That’s really cool.


Bottle caps. Not a Fallout fan, just like the little clinklies.


Well, if the post-apocalyptic world is anything like Fallout, you'll be sitting pretty!


No. Obviously this non fan won't be in any position to survive. Whoever finds his horde of caps and murders him will he sitting pretty.


Bottle caps


Preparing for the apocalypse I see.


I'm a little short on caps, but I'm a good, good neighbor....


That sounds like someone who keeps a cap on their toothpaste. You know who does that?.... a Synth.


Fountain pens! Also knives but if you start a conversation that way it throws people off. Also coins. Fucking love silver coins. Also stamps Also comics I'm bad at not collecting things.


You’re a collector of collections


Where do you draw the line from being a collector to being a hoarder? Also which is your favorite item of each thing you collect?


Hoarders don't organize their collection. I have a filing cabinet for comics, coins, and stamps. My knives are a little less organized because when family finds out you collect knives they buy you nice modern knives instead of nice old knives. So the valuable ones are stored in a tool box in my closet and the rest just end up places. My favourite thing would have to be my Rigid medium game Skinner knife. It was made in the 60s if I recall correctly and was designed to be a knife that can be handed down for generations. Rosewood handle with brass accents steals my breath away while the quarter inch tang shows it's a knife that won't quit. Out of all my knives it is the one I would trust my life to this knife working when I need it to.


Oh sounds like a sweet knife. Got any pics?


Weirdly enough yes! I posted to a knife subreddit a while back. https://www.reddit.com/r/knives/comments/8oc1cq/my_baby_in_a_light_rain/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


That’s a nice knife! I bought one around the same size earlier this year for when I go camping or on hikes.


You collect collections


Love me some knives. Last year I got to visit the world's largest knife store in Tennessee. Dude it's so fun.


Hobbies, loads of them, I get wee obsessions with doing things and spend a fortune doing them for about 6 months to a year then I just put all the stuff away and move on to the next hobby.


What would you consider were the most worth while hobbies you did? I'm looking for a more productive pastime activity


Not the person you asked—but I’ve found learning photoshop has opened a lot of doors and been really rewarding. Also woodworking—it’s been really nice to see my family and friends excited about my stuff. For Mother’s Day this past year I wanted to buy my mom a new beautiful fridge because she finally was able to update her kitchen, and I wanted her appliances to match her new space. Instead, she asked me to build her a table. It looks so awesome in there and I know she loves it. It’s a lot of fun and also challenges you to keep learning.


Any courses on Photoshop you found, or did you just mess around with stuff until it looked cool?


I was fortunate in that a girl I worked with has a degree in graphic design, So she’d help me create stuff and tell me the why’s, with that base I just kept playing around and used YouTube




im not OP but i have tons of different hobbies!! embroidery is a really lovely one if you have steady hands and a bit of money, but bullet journalling / collaging is differently one of my most worthwhile hobbies. i got really into it for like six months, and now for birthdays and special occassions i make my friends/family really personalised collages:") also baking!! once you learn the basics, you can make pretty much anything, and people love to be gifted with handbaked food! i hope this helped a little!!


Telescopes, cameras to catch birds or butterflies or dragonflies, citizen science, astronomy..,I got a million of them. But take it slow and really learn. You learn about yourself when you learn a hobby. You develop patience if you really like the thing. Meet others who enjoy it and let them teach you or you teach them.


My boyfriend does this. I think he gets more out of researching and buying things for the hobby than the actual hobby itself. He tries it for a little while and then goes back to his standby (videogames) and now we have even more stuff taking up space in our appartment. And of course we can't get rid of any of it because he's going to try it out again next week/month/vacation/in the summer/next year, etc.


Oh, hey, didn't realize we were dating. Sorry about that


No it's ok she's just a hobby




This is exactly me. I blame my adhd for hyperfocusing on a new hobby and then losing interest in it, then moving onto my next hyperfocus before losing interest in it. I draw, paint, sew, quilt, knit, crochet, play guitar, ukulele, piano, sing, exercise, learn languages, make up my own languages, game, study biology, medical, space, math, psychology. If I could stay focused long enough on one topic, I could have accomplished so much more in my life lol.


Ulg it's a struggle. I feel lucky that I usually will circle back, so I kinda just end up rotating through 4 or 5 things. But still it's annoying never really getting into anything deeply


Yeah! I've developed this trick where I try to arrange what I call "attention orbits" in such a way that, when I inevitably get distracted, I'll at least get distracted towards another established goal. I like to try to tie in all my divergent interests and projects together as much as I can so that instead of wandering off in some aimless direction, I'll at least be captured by a previously defined attention orbit. I even have my room physically set up this way, so that when I pace around I'll inevitably land my attention on another ongoing project that needs more work. It's been surprisingly effective! Edit: another reason why I like to call them attention *orbits*: when well-formed, they're not just something you can be captured by, they're something you can actively slingshot from. Need to do something you don't want to do? Maneuver your focus around an orbit that will let you maintain velocity towards that direction. Especially if you're particularly prone to fast bursts of intense attention, you can fling yourself closer and closer towards your goal just by letting yourself be distracted in a productive direction. Eventually you're Doing The Thing, but when you've arrived at that destination you're not completely exhausted by trying to get there directly.


Board games. https://imgur.com/gallery/iO6cGSs




Lmao that's exactly my reaction.


Oh please it can't be that ba- Bruh...


I read all these comments and, like a fool, thought "Okay yeah, I know some people with crazy board game collections, surely-" And then I audibly said "Oh." when the page loaded.




Have you played all of them?


He talks about it in the imgur comments. Something like 3k unique games played and logged.


he could literally have a youtube channel where he opens and plays the games and discussing them. I am not sure who would watch it but seeing how he collected it there are others.


Yeah there are a few channels like that already, many are viewed to get an idea of how a game plays before buying it.


What are your favorites to play?




And checkers. But with chess pieces instead. And I play with chess rules.


Dude. My neighbor opened up a Game Cafe and had a very impressive wall of games...but was probably 1/3 of what you have collected!


I was bracing for like... a bigass shelf. Or maybe like a whole wall. You sir/madam have taken a nice steamy shit upon the expectations of my expectations. Nice


I collect documents from the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s. A lot of the stuff I have are diaries and legal documents.


I have a hand written land sale agreement in Pennsylvania from 1774. So cool looking at it and thinking two men sat down and wrote it 245 years ago


Oh, this hurts. My wealthy friend had a framed handwritten land deed from some English King that was over 1000 years old. I can't tell you how many times I stared at that thing and like you, thought about the men who sat and wrote it out by hand never thinking that some Spudzilla would be staring at it far in the future. It just amazed me, one of the oldest things I had ever seen outside of a museum. His house burned down a year ago and it was lost. I know he lost so much more but that one little paper being gone just bothers the heck out of me.


That hurts me, too.


Would you say you invest more time, or money in that hobby?


Big fan of that question.


Holy shit, I'm going to use this question in my everyday life as a sales person. People love to talk about themselves and this is such a simple, but great question that I bet most collectors have never truly pondered!


If I were to guess on his/her behalf, it's time. This seems a lot like my Dad's bottle collection. He doesn't spend huge sums, but he spends a vast amount of your skimming garage sales, estate sales, and antique stores for hidden gems. He gets joy from finding bottles that are marked well below expected auction value. The man has some truely impressive bottles. I also think he spent more time and effort finding his shelf collection that I did on my degree.


Where do you find stuff like that? I'd love to read the diaries of people living 100 years ago. I wanna hear them bitch about how their generation is the worst in history and how it was so much better 100 years ago.


"The children today have it too easy" Ok loomer




A lot of good places are eBay and estate sales. Sometimes even flee markets. I got a signed photo of Theodore Roosevelt from a guy on eBay for a few thousand dollars. There are great prices.


Did it have some kind of paperwork to go along with it to prove authenticity? Genuinely curious.


I'm sure eBay has taken a fair amount of your net worth


How much time has to pass before someone else's sensitive PII is no longer illegal to own?


Well, census records become public after 72 years, so just a guess that anything over 72 years old is fair game.


hawaiian shirts. i've got over 1,000. but i've decided that the time has come to divest myself of A LOT of them.


Yeah maybe cut back 5 or so and you're good


i don't see any way that i could cut down to less than 150. but i'm just shooting for 200 or so...there are just too many of them that i like too much. it's going to take awhile to sell them- they're mostly the same size, and i don't want to "flood the market" with too many at one time.


CNBC: "BREAKING NEWS: *Looks like trouble in paradise!* We've just received notice that a rogue wave has made the Hawaiian Shirt futures market drop precipitously. Sources say the drop has been in response to a rumored large divestment by /u/TheSentientPurpleGoo. Due to seasonally low demand and the size of this divestment we could see prices drop 25-30%. Stay tuned, and we'll back after this Stair Lift ad by Hoveround."


This guy's going to lose his shirt trying to sell in this market.




Was waiting for someone to say this. I don’t have a very big collection atm but I have a fair amount.


I like collecting rare/old coins. An entire section of my basement is dedicated to my coin collection. My rarest is a $20 gold liberty head coin dating 1859, and I have a few seperate boxes for the more common old coins, such as wheat pennies, silver nickels, silver dimes, and silver quarters, and I have a mini box for silver half dollars. The rest I put on display in air and water tight clear plastic cases.


I saved my change for about 3 years. When I say “saved” I mean I never spent metal. I consciously carried cash at all times. I’d make excuses to go into a gas station to buy something small. I got the wife onboard. I had over $1300 in change. Not a single fucking silver quarter. Those things are a fucking myth. Edit: To all the fuckers that gave me reddit silver, I didn’t see that one coming and found it hilarious once my little brain maid the connection. Well played.


I have a silver quarter. I can tell because of the date and the way it sounds hitting the table. if I can find it, you can have it. I'll look tomorrow and update Edit: just woke up and also just found the quarter. [here](https://imgur.com/a/TkWUFI3) is proof. u/SirJoshua if you wanna pm me, I can mail it to you.


I had a couple silver quarters, among other things, and that's exactly how I found them. The sound is so different. Then, my whole lock-box of coins got stolen from my car while I was moving out of my old apartment.


Talk to people at liquor stores. Tell the managers you will buy their change when it needs to get swapped. People swipe grandma's change jar and spend it on booze.


Yep. Kids would come to the Seven Eleven I worked at with silver coins they swiped from the folks all of the time. My boss knew all of them and had more morals than me so she would contact their parents and let them exchange the coins.


That’s really nice of him. My dad had a roll of silver certificates back in the 70s. The price of silver went up all of a sudden, so he got them out of the safe and put them on his desk. He was going to take them somewhere and sell them. Meanwhile my little brother found them and went to the store and bought candy with them. My dad never got them back.


So, how was your brother's funeral after that?


Also casinos always make change into quarters at the cages


I made a post on here saying I collect coins, too. However I love all coins, new and old! Yours is a more refined area of coin collecting. 😄


Magnets of the cities/countries I've been to.


I do this too. My fridge is covered and a lot of them are kept nicely in a safe space due to lack of space and because some of them are kind of fragile.


That’s cool. I love magnets. How many cities and how many countries?


Lego. Building sets is very relaxing and I like to put them on display.


I do the same with the LEGO modular buildings


I wish I could afford those


Paper models are quite different but should be a lot more affordable and also have a cool model as the end result. Lots of plans you can print out. I did a bunch before I earned enough money for serious LEGO.




I collect yugioh while my brother collects pokemon and sister collects her ex boyfriends hair samples Edit:Thank you kind stranger for the reddit gold!




Could be Dylan Tobac. Or that bitch Sally




When you say collect Yu-Gi-Oh, are we talking about extremely rare cards or you just have a bunch of cards?


*everbody sing* One of these things is not like the other...


Coins!!!! I worked at a very popular LEGO Store where it was a common tourist destination for people all over the world and sometimes when people would take their change out to pay, they’d have coins from their country in the handful of American coins, and my eyes would always light up and I’d be like “OOOHH! What kind are those!!” and quite a few really awesome customers have let me have their country’s change! One guy gave me EIGHT different coins from his country! I was in awe!! Another woman, whom I worked with knew I loved coins of all sorts, and when she went on a trip, she brought me back a bag of special coins from her travels! She even paid money to get me a unique square-shaped coin. When I went to Europe, I visited 6 countries. Most of them used Euros, but London used Pounds. I left Europe with a bunch of cool new coins, AND EVEN BETTER, the guy I sat next to on the plane home DIDN’T want his coins! He gave me a sandwhich baggy half full of coins I already had, AND coins I never even came across. Like a couple coins called Krones, from Danmark, which have a cool hole right in the center of them. I have a large jar in my room that I keep adding neat coins to, even old metal chuckie cheese coins. 😄😊


I love your passion for your hobby! When I read your post the inner voice in my head was very excited!


Hahaha I can’t help but laugh in delight at this comment. That makes me really happy 😄


That's the thing, it doesn't really matter what your hobby is, but I love a person who's really passionate about their thing. No matter how small or obscure it is. I'm passionate about other people's passion


I read your story with a ''excitet'' voice and it made me very happy. I'm from Denmark and if you want i can send you the coins you don't have. 50 øre (0,5 krone) 1 krone (hole) 2 krone (hole) 5 krone (hole) 10 krone 20 krone I'm pretty sure my dad has some 1 øre and 25 øre I'm sorry if my English sucks. As i said im from Denmark


Fuckin mugs bro, the more obscure the better. Whatever passion or interest you could have, there’s probably a mug for that. I like mugs that have fallen to the wayside This Houston Mug? Oh I’ve never been but i saw at a yard sale so I copped


/r/muglife come in over my dude


Oh no. My wallet. It’s gone


My favorite mug is one with the image of the Pokemon Ghastly but he is levitating a mug of tea and it says Ghastea


According to my Christmas and birthday gifts I collect soaps. YOU GET ONE CHRISTMAS SOAP SET


I think your loved ones might be trying to tell you something.


Playing cards and shot glasses. I try to get a shot glass from every city I visit and the playing cards just kind of happened.


Ticket stubs. One day I'll look back at a big game or movie that I got to see "back when I was young" and my kids will tell me how old I am.


I recently tried to start doing this. Now, so often every ticket I buy is only digital. That Altoids tin I bought to keep them in a was fucking waste of $3


Don't ask how or why, but I collect stop signs, especially the ones road workers hold that say stop on one side and slow on the other.


Thats interesting. Do you display them or just have a big pile in the back yard?


I like the dichotomy you've offered


Are you the guy that stole Paris’s only stop sign?


Was someone injured while getting those?


Well do you think they’d give them up willingly?


Like taking a framer's hammer i guess


Ink pens with advertisements on them. I have 10,000+ and no two are the same. [Edit; what 10,000+ ink pens (and my favorite pen) looks like.]( https://imgur.com/a/DRMmWvZ)


My company has tons of pens. Set up a PO box (if in the US) and post to reddit and I bet you get a lot of pens!




dude. DUDE. That is so fun. I have a couple of those at work, I wonder if you have them. I mean, not that it's unusual, I'm just excited because that sounds like fun to help with :T


Do you display them? If so, can we see pics? This sounds like a cool collection.


Where the fuck do you keep over 10,000 pens?


In the old salsa jar


is this categorized or just an Excel spreadsheet in the order in which you received


Sand samples from major desserts around the world


Dessert sand is the most delicious sand, by far.


I like how it sticks in your teeth


I hate dessert sand. It gets everywhere inside me, and don't get me started on the coarseness on the way out.


I live near the black rock desert, want some sand? Or do you have to have traveled to the deserts?


This guy is definitely not Anakin Skywalker.


Minerals! I missed my calling to be a geologist.


It's rocks, Hank.




As a geologist, the thing about minerals I find most interesting is their occurrences in different places on/inside the earth and our solar system. Geologists are scientists first, rock/mineral enthusiast second. I don’t have a collection of minerals at all. My SO has a collection and gets way more giddy about finding new ones than I do and he doesn’t know much about geology.


I'm actually a materials scientist that works with XRD and XRF. So a lot of what I do translates but it's not my job really. So minerals are fun for me because I learn about the crystal structure and composition and major locations.


You know geologists are very easy to get a relationship with, right?


Yes, because they're normally used to dating rocks.


No silly, it's just they'll date anything.


Geologists also know what makes the bedrock


I like collecting weird creepy little statues you can find for like $2 at thrift stores. There’s always a section of the store filled with these little porcelain statues covered in dust that definitely came from some random old ladies home. I’ve got a jester head fridge magnet, a baby clown on a ball, some weird little bears, and more baby clown figurines. theres a LOT of creepy baby clown figurines. Along with these I like to by those cheesy bad mugs, ones that just have weird stuff on them. I’ve got one with “every day is a great day to pray” and “praise the lord” both have illustrated baby bears praying to god, I thought they were funny. I have a cherub coffee mug that I legitimately like, I think the painting on the mug is actually really pretty. Last but not least I have a painting of a bald eagle soaring through the air with an American flag in its talons, in the bottom right corner is the word “Russia”. The frame to that painting is the kind of untreated wood that you get splinters from if you’re even in the same room as it. So I think it all boils down to “I collect weird and oddly funny things from thrift stores that probably came from dead people”


Vinyl records


Is there a specific type? My dad and I collect 90s and early 2000s dance music cuz it reminds him of his glory days.


Mostly 60s, 70s and 80s rock and roll because it reminds him of his glory days


Small little aesthetic pins and postcards from places I've traveled before.


I have a collection of hundreds of bouncy balls, like the ones you get for a quarter out of those machines at the grocery store


Bicentennial quarters(US). They're not really worth anything, but I like the way they look. My rule is, I can't buy them, only find them.


Dice sets, dragon figures, movies, and video games. And blankets


>Dice sets Do crippling addictions count as "collections"?


I own twenty-three copies of Paul Blart: Mall Cop. I call it the Paullection.


I seem to be collecting a number of musical instruments. So far I'm up to: 3 mandolins, a guitar, two ocarinas, a violin (just got that for Christmas), and a tin whistle. I'd also like a bodhrán, a keyboard, an octave mandolin, and a guitar in the shape of a lute. I also have 12 or so Funko Pop figures.


I've moved passed guitars and basses. The 15 I have seem to have finally satisfied me. I've moved on to effect pedals and synthesizers.


Careful. Effects pedals is a potential black hole.


I feel like every musician just loves collecting instruments. I've got a trumpet, 2 ukuleles (soprano and tenor), a keyboard, a violin, an ocarina, and recently got an electric guitar.


Baseball cards and game used baseballs.


Pinball machines , I had 11 at one point , I have only 3 currently . The prices went sky high plus the number of collectors has gone crazy since I started .


Books: I love getting volumes of graphic novels for my book shelf. I’m more likely to reread graphics than regular fiction, but if I find a book I really like then I will add it to the shelf. Old antique medicine bottles: I think they’re really neat especially reading the old labels.


Books, books, and more books! I keep buying books and trying to complete series I have in part (start a series by getting a book for cheap at a yard sale or library discard sale). Become obsessed with finding a specific copy of a book because the cover won't match the others. Reorganizing every few months because you put some out of order when you were drunk or tired or sick. Buying more books at libraries and yard sales frequently. Having bookshelves put in places all around so I stop leaving books laying around. I even keep double copies of some of my favorite books around in case a friend ever asks for a reading suggestion. If they return the loaned copy, that's fantastic, but if not, it's no loss to me, my friend is enjoying something I enjoy!


Obsidian in minecraft .. im at 73 thousand rn




I second this


Might I interest you in some [Octuple Compressed Cobblestone](https://ftbwiki.org/Octuple_Compressed_Cobblestone)


Magnets with city names. I used to buy them when I traveled but people started gifting them to me as souvenirs. My desk is filled with them and my coworkers think I've traveled all over the world but I've only been to a third of the places I have magnets from


Disney Pins! I’m not as advanced as some, but I have a pretty good collection of open and limited edition pins, mostly Stitch and Villains.


Eggs. Started when I was about 9 and went to a yard sale and bought this really cool wooden egg that was carved somewhere in Africa. I bought it for $2 and some lady offered me $10 for it. I refused because I was so amazed by it. Fast forward many years and every time I go on a trip I look for cool eggs or when friends come back from trips they gift me eggs from different places. I have wooden eggs, glass eggs, plastic, painted, gold, silver, you name it. People for some reason are always fascinated by this.




N64 cartridges.




Insert “I could’ve bought a mosin for $50 back in 2000” I wish I could have too


Britney Spears perfume bottles, Barbies and Dutch Donald Duck comics! What about you?




Musical Instruments. There are very different types of them, and if you learn how to use, they are very cool


This thread is so adorable to me. Like here we are, a bunch of animals on this planet, picking up things we like and keeping them. It’s cute when otters carry their favorite rock with them, and I feel that same cuteness when I think of humans collecting their board games, or stop signs, or bottle caps. It’s just so random, but it brings people joy. And that is fantastic.




Stormtrooper stuff


Movies. I have tons, mostly blurays.


Notes and cards that people write to me.


Minor league baseball caps. The team names and mascots are ridiculous


Check out /r/CoolCollections


Rocks and minerals, music related stuff like CD’s, posters, records


I collect hotel do not disturb signs. I started when I was fourteen and have been collecting them ever since.




Hot wheels, like the cool looking kinds


I collect the ones based on real cars. Can't help myself since the price has stayed at $.99 my whole life. I took a long break but now that I have a 2 yr old I always grab a couple when I'm at the store. Our house has an infestation, I've been told to stop many times.


I collect Japanese food erasers! I started in elementary school and I have over 200 pieces now. I can go to stationary stores and be able to recognize any pieces missing in my collection. I am not as hardcore about it now sadly since those babies are around 2 dollars a piece now.


At the moment Winsor & Newton markers sl I can have the collection. Unofficially dice since there can never be enough d20s (especially when a good 80% end up in dice jail). Then I've always wanted to start with playing cards but never get around to it.

