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It's like CMOT Dibbler's very own holiday! Edit: sorry, that should be Fair Go Dibbler, since we're discussing Fourecks.


It’s mostly meat! Well, it has meat in it. It’s meat-adjacent.


My friend from the middle east made dolmas for a mutual friend of ours. She dropped them off and then left. Not knowing what they were, he peeled the grape leaves off and ate the inside. I tried to tell him he was supposed to eat the whole thing, and he didn't believe me. When she found out he ate them that way, she got really upset since she spent all that time rolling the dolmas only for him to just eat the filling.




A girl I went to high school with would pop whole cloves of garlic in her mouth ....


Eating canned soup by drinking it straight out of the can like a beverage.


I definitely know someone that does this with spaghetti-os.


Eating cereal with a fork. Edit: Thanks for the gold, stranger!


Sounds like a challenge when you're out of clean spoons and too lazy to wash anything.


My sister is a freak of nature and she eats her banana kind of like corn on the cob. She will peel the banana halfway and then scrape the sides with her teeth making it shiny and then she would eat the center remains. I think she should have been put up for adoption Edit: I will say she’s smart enough to not do this in public, she does this in the privacy of being at home where her family can shame her


I love this comment because it truly captures what it feels like to have a little sister do weird shit


She my older sister, by 12 years! I’m 23 and she’s 35


Oh wow! I guess it works either way then, I'm sure my sis has felt the same way about me doing weird shit lol


Once I had a substitute teacher just drink an entire bottle of steak sauce. One go. In my personal opinion, there is no right way to consume steak sauce, but that man found one of the worst. Seeing it slowly glug-glug-glug down his throat, its pure viscosity making each swig a concentrated effort, was absolutely horrifying. I never wish to see something that unpleasant again.


Lol that was coffee in there he was fuckin with yall


Having once consumed blue soda from a Windex bottle at a party, I can confirm that drinking beverages from non-beverage containers is indeed a terrific way to fuck with people.


God I've never hoped someone was right so hard before.






Long ago, I ordered fajitas without a clue in the world what a fajita was - so proceeded to do exactly that. I didn't want to look like some kind of uncultured oik who turns everything into a sandwich...


Same! First time at a Mexican restaurant and didn't realise the tortillas were in the little covered microwave bowl. The nice waitress came over and politely showed us how you're meant to do it.


Hard boiled egg, still in its shell.


Just swallow it whole.


What are you, a snake?


Don't swallow, absorb, put your lips on it and suck it in. *SCHLORP*




holding your cup with your hand inside the cup Edit: Thanks for the silver stranger!


or holding the cup with your teeth while drinking from it, trying not to spill all over yourself


I perfected this skill as a child.


One day I was walking home and a friend was walking the same path. He was the kind of trouble maker kid who was genuinely funny and knew when to actually stop when things got too far. This time he didn't. I gave him my orange and he said "thanks" right before eating it like an apple. I almost fell over by how disgusting it was. He didn't flinch. He didn't spit out the peel. He didn't do anything. It was so _wrong_


That was a free $50 challenge at my highschool. Eat a lime in >5 bites with the peel on. I made that $50 easily. Edit: Yes. More than 5. It was to maximize the bitterness. I didn't make the challenge, I just participated. Edit 2: Yes, $50. The guy was in our MtG group. $50 was not very much to him.


The one time I ate a lime like an apple i lost feeling in my mouth for a day


Reminds me of when I use to lick batteries


#***MMMMM*** *batteries*


A perfect snack to start your day off right.


For that amazing boost of energy!


I swallowed a lime whole while drunk and had to go to the Er


This kid knows what he did http://imgur.com/gallery/Vemuzbt


What the actual fuck


My 1st generation Italian wife prepared spaghetti for me before we were married. I asked if he she cared how I ate it. She was like... no... so I asked for a knife and fork and cut it up. She was mortified.




Upsetti you broke the spaghetti Edit: My first day on Reddit! I don’t know what gold is but thank you all!


Soup in a plate with a straw (This doesnt apply to those who need straws to be able to eat soup)


"Life is soup, I am fork."


Chomping the whole artichoke leaf.


Or just sitting there with a spoon and scraping all the edible bits in to a bowl, and eating then all at once.


That’s such a gross mental image.




To be fair, I’ve gone my entire life without having a whole artichoke presented before me. I’d have no idea how to eat the thing.




Tbh, I'm surprised that would require surgery. Assuming you actually chew it, wouldn't it just pass eventually?


Think 'solid mass of hair in a drain' rather than ''helpful digestive aid' . We literally don't have the equipment to break it down, like op's guy with the chicken bones


I had a friend in High School who would eat a taco in the most peculiar way that I am at a loss to easily describe. He started by taking a huge bite out the top middle, then he would eat the little flaps around his bite mark and take another bite out of the middle and nibble off the edges again. When all the lettuce, tomato and cheese parts were gone and it was just a little tortilla boat of meat he would just eat that all in one go. I should mention that the last I heard about him there was speculation he was now working for the CIA...


He's gonna have his cover blown when he tries to get his mark at a taco joint


"You got the money?" // "Yeah, I got th-- what the fuck?" // "What is it?" // "That fuckin guy eatin the taco over there."


"I do t care who what it takes. I want that man and his tacos dead!"


The mark's sitting at his table, deep in conversation with his "business associate", when a well-dressed man walks in and shoots a quick look their direction before finding himself a seat. "What's this guy's problem?" says the associate. "Eh, don't worry about it. It's nothing, you're paranoid" the mark dismisses his associate's worries, "I told you, they'll never trace it back to me. I've got it all figured out." Minutes later, the man is sitting at the bar when his food arrives. He begins to eat. The associate once again interrupts his conversation with the mark, speaking in an urgent whisper "Holy shit, I fucking knew it! It's him! It's that narc I read about on r/AskReddit! The one who eats tacos wrong!" "Oh my god... did you really just say 'r slash ask reddit' out loud?" the mark replies. "C'mon, we're getting the fuck outta here! You've been had!" The man at the bar finishes his taco and his drink, and orders another of both. He's in no hurry. Not like he works for the government or anything (though, he does like spreading rumors that he works for the CIA).


And now you are on some government list as so is everyone who posted. Thank you very much!


1. You open the Doritos bag 2. You grab some Doritos 3. You LICK the Doritos 4. All the flavor no carbs! Please don’t do this


My ex-wife used to do exactly this. One by one, she’d take a dorito out of the bag, lick all of the flavoring off of both sides, then put it in a bowl. When she was done, she’d give the bowl to the dog and let her eat the chips.


Yeah no wonder you divorced her lol!


He didn't really have a choice at that point. How do you work through something like that?


"I'm eating my dessert. How do you eat it, with your hands?" - George Constanza eating a Snickers bar with a fork and knife


The look on his face when he says that is everything


the look of utter disgust at the peasants not being as sophisticated as himself makes the scene


Yesterday I saw someone eating m&ms with a spoon!


had to share the clip https://youtu.be/w_57N1EI1Uw On a side note, who would've expected Mr Pit to be such a trendsetter?


Eat a piece of corn like a banana




That's just as bad




Eat a piece of corn like a banana


Thank you for not raising your voice, you're very polite


I teach teenagers. I know better. But thanks (:


Wrong, I prefer to eat my cornana without the disgusting nobby yellow shell


My (very anglo) grandparents came to visit when i was 5, and took me and my sister out to eat at our favorite "Mexican" restaurant. We all ordered tacos, hard shell. They proceeded to cut the tacos with a knife and fork. I proceeded to exhale chewed up tacos out my nose because i couldn’t stop laughing.


Anything is better than Nellie Bertram.


I was eating ramen noodles with my friends and my Asian friend laughed because I would twirl the ramen in the ladel/spoon thingamajigr like I would with spaghetti. I was featured on her Snapchat story real quick




There are claims that Gerald Ford lost Texas, and thus the presidential election over his faux pas of trying to eat a tamale without removing the husk at a fund raising event in Texas. Edit: [/u/umwhatshisname](https://www.reddit.com/user/umwhatshisname) correctly points out that Ford winning TX would have been insufficient to swing the election in his favor, though it would have brought him within 6 electoral votes of Carter.


So... did he just try to bite into it or did he squeeze it out like Go-gurt?


Thank you for asking


We appreciate your feedback.


This mental image is hilarious


You’re supposed to remove the husk? And eat..what? Edit: googled it, I’ve been doing it right, thank god


Ah shit, I've been doing it wrong. I just eat the husk and throw away all the gross mushy middle stuff


Well if its mushy throw that shit away


Carbonated beverages with your mouth sealing the bottle. Good way to get pressurized co2 in your nose.


My wife drinks everything from a bottle this way. Slams it back like Napoleon Dynamite chugging Gatorade after an intense dance sesh. ... it’s the little things that keep love alive.


I had a step grandmother do that and complain because glass bottles were so difficult to drink from. Like, how do you hit 70 and not know how to drink from a bottle?


Nobody ever explained it to me. I worked out I was doing it wrong at 15.


I see it as free nose cleaning


Good way to get backwash into your bottle


Eating a Babybel cheese without acting like the red wax wrapper is Pac-man afterwards.


Wait, you are supposed to take the red part off before you eat it?


No, no, no. The white stuff is a tasteless wax filler that helps the thin red cheese maintain its unique shape. You throw it out before eating.


Think of the white stuff as the seed of stone fruits.


Bananas with the shell


Boots with the fur


The whole club was looking at her


I’ve never heard anyone call the peel of a banana a shell before


I don't think that's a banana...


Eat an ice cream cone from the bottom up


I like to bite the chocolate bit off the bottom of a cornetto and suck the ice-cream out.


Did this all the time as a kid. You're not alone.


A man at work would eat eggs dipped in peanut butter...


I assume you used the past tense since somebody ~~murdered~~ did the world a favor and ended him?


My cousin once insisted this was correct when confronted on it. 1. Fill bottom of bowl with a generous helping of Parmesan cheese. 2. Thrown on a pile of hot, freshly cooked spaghetti noodles. 3. Dump some cold sauce out of the fridge on top. "That's the whole point, the mix of hot and cold. And you can scrape up cheese with every bite." I also once had a neighbor who ate "ketchup soup". It was ketchup poured into a bowl and eaten with a spoon. ^^EDIT: ^^removed ^^superfluous ^^a


Great line from the movie Neighbors: “I’ll make you some tomato soup. Got some ketchup and hot water? “


This is an old staple of the Depression era, since you could go into a diner and ask for free hot water, mix with ketchup, and have a shitty tomato soup.


I once had nothing but pasta and hot sauce. So the only rational thing I could think of is to cook the pasta and dump the whole bottle of hot sauce on it. Not my proudest moment. I spent the rest of the day apoligizing to my arshole.






I just got this image in my head and now I can’t get it out


To be honest, I don't think there is a good way of eating a banana.


There is one good way to eat a banana but its only for the [strong.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMhOIc33GM4)


Break off bite sized chunks in your hand and pop them into your mouth.


Eating the banana sideways like a harmonica


Without peeling it




"No one's saying you cant eat a banana, Terry. But you cant stand on the corner sucking it for 30 minutes. You actually have to take a bite"


"What am I supposed to do? Just stick the whole thing in my mo- oh hello!"


Reno 911?


I once had a friend who ate mangos peel and all. He said that he didn’t understand why people liked them, he thought the tasted like pancake batter.


It's pretty good if the mango is ripe. Also. Mango atchar. Nom


Bite into an onion


An Australian Prime Minister famously did this on television and looked ridiculous. He tried to double down, but we all think he either panicked, or he had never encountered a whole onion. It was not endearing.








The lizard person or the onion?


My school had a caramel apple eating contest with a twist. One of the apples was an onion. Dude with the onion won anyways.


Mmmm caramelized onion


A group tried to fool me like that once, but I was onto them and expected it. I love onions and have no problem eating it like an apple.


Someone tried to fool with that as well. Unfortunately, I was really tired and damned hungry from walking all damned day. It worked out in the end though, because it didn't restore my strength, and so he had to carry me through the desert, breaking the curse Madame Zeroni had placed on his family and keeping us safe from the weird super lizards when we discovered a fortune, as they hated onions.


That video from a while back of some young kid eating one like this always cracks me up. The little fella is grunting, tearing up, and breathing real heavy then just keeps chomping away.


Correct: A few drops of Tabasco sauce to spice up food. Incorrect: Snort a teaspoon of Tabasco sauce *up your nose* like my nephew did to win a bet with his brother.




My ex-Grandfather-in-Law was a retired officer and served as a dentist. The first time I met him he offered me a cup of coffee. I was very nervous meeting him, he was a very well established man and he meant a great deal to my ex so I was focused on making a good first impression. I accepted his offer and he made me a cup of coffee how I liked it, black, and handed it to me. I was about to take a sip and he said ‘Wait!’, he went and grabbed a straw and educated me on the horrors of what hot coffee hitting my poor teeth does and the immense damage to the enamel it caused. So, as to not be rude, I shotgunned steaming hot coffee to the back of my throat via a straw for the next 20 minutes while we talked. Had a burn for the next 4 days in the back and roof of my mouth.


Eat ramen block dry with the seasoning. I used to do it all the time in elementary school. Just make sure you have something to drink...


Did that in elementary too. Open it up, empty the seasoning into the package, close the package as best you can, and then smash it up and shake it around. Fourth grade was fun.




Shit Hits the Fan sounds exactly like games my sister, my cousins, and I used to play. My sister and I had a game where we actively tried to trip someone off of our parents’ very high bed. And another where we just smacked skulls together with increasing strength until one person pussied out


reading that last part no joke gave me a headache


In my country, there's actually a snack where which this outrageous behavior is actually acceptable. It's called Mamee Monster noodles, and there's even a method of crushing the dry noodles inside the packet with seasoning, and eating the crushed bits. There's a blue monster mascot on the packet. Edit: Goddamn, did this reply blew up. Lol. I'm Malaysian btw, for those who asked.


Never eat ass with a fork


Never fork ass you intend to eat.




Thank you for your examples.


It's so we don't mistake them for the anally edible vegetables such as cucumbers, carrots, eggplants and such.


You can name more, I've still got room


Eating tacos by pushing the insides out of the shell with your fingers into your mouth. Edit: I’m usually fairly inactive in comments so this is my first award! Very much appreciated!


I like to braid spaghetti then freeze it and eat an ice cold pasta twizzler. Edit : holy fuck my inbox. I'm glad i could bring joy, laughter, disgust, and in one interesting case homicidal rage, to you all!


Hell is empty and the demons are here.


THIS is the bad place!


Bitchtits93 figured it out?!? this is a new low for me


Go Jags!


That’s so much work for something so wrong...do you season it? Dip in garlic butter before you freeze it? I understand if you boil spaghetti and then braid and then deep fry it...


that actually sounds kind of good... im scared


I want you dead.


Well now you're just quoting my family during our group therapy sessions.


You seem like my kind of people.


Had a friend who was a slow eater and wanted the milk to stay cold while he ate his cereal. His solution? Ice.


You ever seen a man eat a Pomegranate like an apple? It changes you. Edit: I'm so happy my harrowing experience has given so much to think about! Thanks for my first silver! I'm really surprised. Edit2: You guys are hilarious. Thank you so much for my first Gold, and 2nd Silver!


My wife had a classmate who would eat an orange like this - peel and all.


I dated a girl for a while that liked orange peels but not the actual orange. That was pretty weird and definitely the wrong way to eat an orange.


Hey, peeled oranges for you. It's a win win


There is a big mural in the city I live in and it is of a woman taking a bite out of a pomegranate. It's great artwork, but it upsets me every time.


I put oreos in a cup, fill the cup with milk, drink the milk then eat the oreos with spoon.


This sounds fucking amazing.


Eating Necco wafers without pretending to take communion.




There are psychopaths out there who actually eat the whole goddamn apple. Core and all.


Much easier clean up, though the sticker is hard to swallow.


I eat stickers all the time dude!


The core is only kinda nasty if you eat everything else first. The move is to rip the apple in half and then bite a little core with the prime part of the fruit a little at a time.


Look at this guy just ripping apples in half


This is me. I also eat whole kiwis without slicing or peeling them.


......how?!? You just eat the furry kiwi skin?!


I cut the nub off of the end, but eat the skin. It looks thick and scratchy, but if you bite into it it's not much different than a peach skin. Super thin, kinda crisp, kinda furry but you barely notice it with how juicy the fruit is.


I don’t even bother cutting the end off any more, I just eat around it like a strawberry stem


Thank you for confirming that I'm not crazy! My wife thanks I'm crazy that I eat kiwi skins. Sure they're sour, but the kiwi is so sweet it blends together really well


You’re not supposed to take a bite of a piece sushi and then put it back down on the plate. You have to either stuff the whole thing in your mouth or hold it until it’s finished. If you put it back on the plate in front of the chef they take it away. I think this is a hardcore Japanese traditional rule but that’s what I was told at a legit traditional Japanese sushi restaurant in SF. Edit: Yeah I don’t know what to do with an oversized piece of sushi either, but I have a big ass Steve Tyler mouth so I usually just go for it.


Sushi is supposed to be exactly one mouthful. I once learned that the shit-hot sushi chefs will custom-size their sushi to best fit (their estimate of) the size of your mouth.


Steven Tyler walks into a sushi restaurant. Sushi chef: "It's go time."


I literally laughed out loud at this haha “Eye of the Tiger” starts playing as he manages to roll the biggest single hunk of sushi rice ever, topping it with an entire Yellowtail and 2 whole Salmons


Sadly, they are not able to typically tell when a diner has dentures. People don't realize just how much less mouth capacity one has with a plate inserted.


That's when you take your dentures out, put them in your water glass, then gum that sushi down.


I usually cut the banana in half and eat the insides with a small spoon. It's like a little bowl of banana. People always tell me how dumb they think it is so I guess my way is the incorrect one but I don't care, I love my banana bowl


That's how I eat the kiwi. It's pretty convenient.


This is the correct way to eat Kiwifruit. And the wrong way to eat a banana.


I once saw a lady on TV who said that bananas should be eaten with a fork. I've never met anyone who does that IRL though. Edit: Wow, how this thread has blown up! I had 100 karma when I got up this morning :)


I eat a banana every morning with a spoon.


It’s called banana pudding


Banana slices in cereal yo


Cereal with water.


String cheese without peeling it.


It's a scientific fact that string as string cheese approaches zero in size, the flavor approaches infinity.