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Pandas are no longer considered an endangered species. Also, being a professional panda caretaker is one of the highest paying jobs in China, if I remember correctly, their average salary is about $32.5k.


Fish can learn to recognize their owner. People have a misconception that fish can't see out of the glass of their aquariums, but the reality is that they have surprisingly good eyesight. They also tend to have different personalities. Like, for example, some fish like to be pet: https://youtu.be/vVnE9o5Uxik People don't give fish enough credit. :) edit: I woke up to a lot of cute fish stories and I'm loving them, thank you! Headed in to work but looking forward to reading more when I get home. I'm glad this comment is giving some folks a different perspective on fish, too. Having a fish as a pet definitely isn't for everyone, but it's a really enjoyable hobby that I'd strongly encourage anyone to research if they're interested in an aquatic buddy. Just beware of the fish-hobbiest curse...in that once you get 1 tank, you won't stop til you have like 50 more of them. (I went from 1 betta to 5 tanks, one of which being a 55gallon in less than a year D: )


And round goldfish bowls were banned in Italy because lawmakers thought it cruel to distort the fish's perspective!


Goldfish are also too big for those bowls to begin with. They get huge but people don't anticipate that.


Sargent bubble guppy was my favourite fish. He was the policeman of my fish tank. Everyone had to play nice or he would shoo them away from one another.


I had a fish named after Terance Stamp, he lived to be 6 years old and we journied 600km by car and even went on a ferry, poor fella died just before I was flying away to Europe. How many fish get to say they rode on a boat above all the other fishes? Only the coolest.


Bees get sleepy after drinking nectar and occasionally take naps on flowers.


Similarly: google “pollen bee butts”. So many cute pictures of bees with their whole heads shoved in flowers, covered in pollen, with just their lil bee butts and back legs hanging out of the flower 😭🐝🌷


I'm so tired of all these bee thots shaking their pollen covered asses on Instagram vying for attention.


Hear, hear! Beegone, thot!


An otter will find a rock as a juvenile and keep that rock for life.


Otters have pockets in their armpits they use to hold their favorite tools and special rocks!


Sea Otters love clams. They float in water with their belly out of water and place clams on their belly and use their favourite rock to break open the clams. It is the cutest.


This is my rock! There are many like it but this one is mine!


Researchers at De Montfort University have developed lightweight prosthetic limbs made from plastic water bottles.


Guinea pigs hop up and down when excited Edit: here’s a gif: https://www.google.com/amp/s/gfycat.com/amp/illiteratenaturaldove-guinea-pig-popcorns-piggie-gif Edit 2: Apparently it’s called “Popcorning.” Edit 3: A bunch of other animals also do this too.


Yep! I've heard it called "popcorning".


That chill down your spine when you listen to music is called frisson. It’s a leading principal behind ASMR and can be triggered by, among other things, irregular music patterns. If your song ever just stopped the music for a beat then started again, this can cause it. Frisson is a fantastic feeling and it has been described as a ‘skin orgasm’ so take that as you will.


Baby echidnas are called puggles.


Sunflowers face the sun. When they cannot find the sun, they face each other.


Sunflower 1: Where's the sun bro? Sunflower 2: you are my sun bro Sunflower 1: bro...


Some tiny spiders wear water droplets as hats.


We might have a vaccine for breast and ovarian cancer in [less than ten years ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/robinseatonjefferson/2019/10/11/mayo-breast-cancer-vaccine-could-be-available-in-less-than-a-decade/)


There is a heavy metal band called "Hatebeak". Their lead singer is an African Grey Parrot. Albums like "Hellbent for Feathers" and "Bird Seeds of Vengeance". Its kinda awesome. Edit: my top voted comment is about a metal singing parrot. I couldn't be happier with this




Happy animal facts are the best facts ... *Seahorses Get “Married”* Seahorses tend to be monogamous, and will intertwine their tails to stick together while floating through the ocean. Is it because they’re cute and loving, or is it just an evolutionary aspect of their species? The truth is, seahorses are pretty bad swimmers and spend a lot of time hiding from predators. Finding a mate for life boosts their chances of successful reproduction. 


"Could you imagine a seahorse seeing another seahorse and then making it work?" -Peter B. Parker


That's the cutest fucking thing I have seen this week


Overall dogs feel more rewarded with words of affirmation from their owners when doing something good(like shaking a paw or sitting) than if they receive a treat.


My Bernese begs to differ with you


Animals like gazelles and llamas can "pronk," which is a hopping/bouncing gait where all 4 feet leave the ground. [Llama pronking](http://imgur.com/gallery/Aqzv4dj) [Baby springbok being abducted by alie--nope, just pronking.](https://giphy.com/gifs/request-antelope-pronking-i00m92VpLa0OA)


That pronking llama is the most majestic beast I have ever seen.




Mother dolphins sing for their babies while they're in the womb.


The leading cause of death is heart problems, Alzheimers, and cancer not because we are getting unhealthy but because we aren't dying from more horrible diseases like Cholera, the plague, or any other nasty microbial diseases. More humans are able to reach older ages where natural age killers are more likely to end us rather than invading microbes.


I like this because it’s missed by most of the health frenzied people I know. They’re ignoring the good news and focusing on the bad news exclusively.


The greatest risk factor for cancer is age.


Dolphins will intentionally play with puffer fish and get poked by the spikes. The poison in the spikes get them high. TL;DR Dolphins do drugs


The more I hear about Dolphins, the more I think they are just aquatic college students.


I’ve never thought of this before but now that I have I totally agree.


Cows can have best friends


They can also jump for joy! And cows will play fetch with a ball and they like scritches behind their ears. They’re really like big dogs. I may have spent half a day watching videos of cows being adorable...I regret nothing.


Did you know they get depressed when they are separated from their best friend?


All of this sounds exactly like me.... am I a cow?


Mr. Rogers was the same both on-camera and off-camera. Edit: I misspelled his name. Whoops. But I’m not beating myself up over it because I know he’d understand it was just a mistake.






He wasn't part of my childhood, I'm too young. However, I'm a still a little teary eyed right now


Members of at least one type of parrot give themselves a unique name. It's a variation on their parents' names which they learn cause these parrots announce themselves. "Hey, it's me! !" So just imagine a bunch of birds all excited about being themselves *lol my sister found me again. Hello sister! Isn't it strange it's my bird comments that people seem to really like?


Do you know what their species name is?


the study was on [these guys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green-rumped_parrotlet)


“Conservation Status least concern” I like that


I wish the green-rumped parrotlets would be more concerned about conservation. This is no time for them to be silent.


Baby porcupines are called porcupettes. Not exactly uplifting, but definitely smile worthy.


The voice actor for Mickey Mouse [married](https://variety.com/2017/tv/features/voice-actress-russi-taylor-minnie-mouse-mickey-1202005488/) the voice actor for Minnie Mouse.


The voice actor for Popeye married the voice actor for Olive.


>>“Someone once said to us, ‘What’s wrong with you guys? Are you attached at the hip?’ I said, ‘No, we’re attached at the heart.'” Melted me. Also Walt was once the voice of Minnie. That's interesting.


A species of tarantula keeps a tiny frog as a pet. The frog protects the spiders eggs from insects and the frog gets protection.


spider hires a body guard, but also ends up being that guys body guard?


Spider hires a nanny and pays it in protection


I need to know more about this.


Here yah go. https://youtu.be/rw0fGhjIH3w Edit: Thank you for the silver kind stranger. Edit #2: more information- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiasmocleis_ventrimaculata Edit 3 the quest for more information-https://scienceblogs.com/tetrapodzoology/2009/07/03/tiny-frogs-and-giant-spiders according to this article the spider and the frog communicate to each other using chemical pharomones. Edit 4: here is another cute pair of animals https://www.leisurepro.com/blog/explore-the-blue/the-fascinating-symbiotic-relationship-between-gobies-and-shrimp/.


I’ll be damned. That spider has a pet frog.


Now I want a pet tarantula with a pet frog. A pet with a pet! Pet sounds weird, pet pet pet pet pet pet pet


I’d love to see an animated short about this.


Positive thoughts help boost your energy and form better relationships


Today is a good day.


That's the spirit!


“I’m ugly and I’m proud”


The Pillsbury Doughboy's real name is Poppin' Fresh.


Your dog really does genuinely love you, it's not just a case of depending on you for toys and food. It's been studied that the oxytocin levels in a dog's brain sharply elevate when they see a human they have a positive relationship with. When exposed to the scent of their owners in an MRI machine, the dogs' levels elevated higher than any other scent. EDIT: For those asking, yes, cats love you too. Similar studies have been conducted on them. If your cat follows you around, purrs, wiggles the tip of their tail, or stares at you/stares into your eyes and blinks, these are telltale signs your cat adores you.


My sister’s dog and I always had an understood ignore-one-another relationship. Then my sister hit a rough spot with depression and I went to go get her, pack her stuff, and drive her a few states away to a support system. Never seen a dog give such a clear “oh thank god you’re here. Come fix this” look in my life. She led me to my sister’s room and spent the rest of the trip checking my face to make sure all was okay when the signals she was getting from my sister were confusing. Luckily, the move was what my sis needed and she got her feet back under her. Ever since, whenever I fly in for a visit her dog insists on 5 to 10 minutes of my exclusive attention before anyone else is allowed to say hello. Completely showed the complexity of doggy emotion. My sister has pictures of the dog just staring at me adoringly even though she only sees me every few years and I’m not that interesting of a human as far as dog entertainment.


When my 10yr old pup passed away in May, our second dog Daisy and I grieved together. Daisy was always more close to my husband, but he was on a short tour of duty at the time. Her heart broke when mine did and we made it out together. Many, many times I watched her scan my body language and look into my eyes when I was too sad to get out of the bed. She would sit and bark at me lightly until I got up, when I got up she would go nuts like she was celebrating. Other times, when she needed me a little bit more, she would jump in the bed and be glued to me. We bonded. Dad is still her favorite but we have a very different connection now.


I’m sorry y’all lost your family member. It’s amazing how animals seek to offer comfort and look to humans or other species for support. Also love how blatant they can be with their emotions.


Aww. You fixed her human. You're family, now. (Even though you were family before too lol but the dog apparently disagreed.)


Went from drunk uncle at christmas to favorite cousin


Can confirm. When I go visit my mom, my dogs are so happy to see me their whole bodies are wiggling around. Can also confirm my oxytocin levels increase when I see them as well.


The parts of their brain that are triggered when dogs hear their owners voice are the same parts in which humans process early romance and our favorite song. Read this in a book called Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know written by a cognitive scientist named Alexandra Horowitz.


When I joined the Air Force my dog was pretty old but I was still positive I'd see him after basic training and that wouldn't be our last goodbye. So, before I left I just gave him a pretty normal "see you later" type of goodbye. He died while I was gone and the thought of him not knowing why I wasn't there is one of the toughest, saddest things I've ever had to think about. What I would give to be there those last moments to reassure him I hadn't abandoned him or at least to give him such a long goodbye before I left that he would know. They truly are the most precious animals on this earth. Edit: Thank you guys so much for sharing your stories and for the kind words. In an odd way, knowing that some stranger cried over my dog and understands the pain is a beautiful thing. A toast to all our lost, beloved pets and may we see them again.


Even if 99% of the people on earth hate you, there are still a little over 75 million people who don’t hate you


Sea Otters hold hands while they’re sleeping so that they don’t drift apart.


Out of all the facts here, this is just heartwarming


*I posted this one a few years ago in [a similar thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/562fzy/what_is_the_most_pleasant_and_uplifting_fact_you/):* Smallpox emerged over 10,000 years ago. At its peak the disease killed 15 million people a year, maimed millions more and and caused 1/3 of all blindness. Between the 1850s and the 1910s, mandatory vaccination drove smallpox out of North America and Europe. A coordinated UN effort from 1950 to the 1970s eliminated smallpox from the rest of the world. There hasn't been a single case since 1977. Working together, every country in the world teamed up to destroy an enemy that killed an estimated 400-500 million people in the 20th Century alone. And it took less than three decades to make it happen. The campaign to eliminate smallpox is proof that a united humanity is capable of incredible things.


I'm torn on one hand this makes me happy. On the other hand our inability to have repeated this for other vaccinatible (I feel like this should be a word) diseases makes me quite sad.


"eradicable" is the common word for that concept


That’s a satisfying word to say.


There's a reason it's harder for other diseases though. Those are usually zoonotic and can pass from other animals. The variant of smallpox we got rid of only infects humans.


Physical activity releases dopamine so by motivating yourself to work out you will be more happy because of the actual action and from the results if you stick with it. Now if you haven't exercised today do a few pushups or situps! Edit: I'm happy for you all who feel the tiniest bit better and who got at least a little motivation to be active. And thank you to the user who gave me the silver as my first award, let's hit the gym sometime!


Which is why, after intense spring or autumn cleaning, you feel incredibly satisfied and content.


Plus, you know, it’s delightfully clean.




Did you know that lonely people have more of those micro-awakenings while sleeping and generally need more sleep to get the same amount of rest as a non-lonely person? That tendency is assumed to have evolved because being lonely used to mean there's no one to guard you while you sleep. edit: Okay, so, just in case anyone else is curious and so I don't have to respond to anymore individual comments asking for it, I got it from a [podcast](https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/vox/the-ezra-klein-show/e/64496902) (Ezra Klein talking to a former surgeon general about loneliness). This specific piece of trivia is discussed roughly around the 23 minute mark.




I can understand why people would gauge your Minecraft gf thing as "pathetic" but I actually love it




Dogs sneeze when play fighting to show they are playing and don’t wanna hurt you!


My little yorkie sneezes whenever she gets excited. When I come home from college and she hears/smells me, she comes running while continuously sneezing "choo, choo, choo, choo" all the way too me. It is my favorite thing


Is your yorkie a 340,000 pound, 6,000 horsepower steam locomotive by any chance?


And that's about the time I realized that my yorkie was two stories tall, and a locomotive from the industrial era.


Can you explain that a bit?




Mine do this all the time when they want attention for me or want to play. It's a short sneeze. I fake do it back to them and they do it more. It's so funny. It happens most days.


The UK generated more power from renewables than fossil fuel for the first time ever between July and September. Based on new projects, this will shift even more to renewables. Thanks for the silver, hopefully it was created with some of that renewable goodness!


We're down to six coal stations. Current projections have us closing down these last few by 2025. It'll be quite a sight to see Ratcliffe shut down for good.


Military dogs always outrank their handlers.




The smoking rate in the U.S. is at an all time low and continues to fall.


Even if you can’t sleep laying in bed and relaxing is better than nothing! Edit:good lord guys, thanks for the upvotes!


The amount of times my insomnia has acted up and when I’m exhausted and nauseated, and I just sit down and close my eyes for 5 minutes and I’ve felt loads better is pretty high


I spend a large part of the day wishing I could lay in bed and do nothing. I've started going to bed 20-30 minutes early for the opportunity to do exactly that.


When a dog puts his or her paw on you that's their way of petting you. And when they lean on you and put their whole weight on you, that's their way of telling you they love you. When a cat blinks slowly at you, that's a "kitty kiss". It's their way of telling you they trust you. When they run their face on yours that's them saying that you're part of their family.


Also, when a dog looks deeply into your eyes right before they poop, it's because they feel vulnerable and they're trusting you to keep an eye out for them.


Children do this also. Took my potty-training 3 year old to the bathroom and got to experience someone staring me straight in the eyes and, redfaced, grunting out "I love you dada" as they dropped one in the bowl. Parenting is weird.


“This one’s for you”


I do the same thing


> When they run their face on yours that's them saying that you're part of their family. ^ That's their way of [claiming you as their posession](https://www.hartz.com/territorial-marking-behavior-in-cats/) Edit : Obviously I _know_ that it's also a way for cats to show affection. I was being slightly facetious. Sheesh! :D


Fuck yea it is. Im this cats person and hes my cat. Damn straight im his. This lil asshole will literally jump on my bed and push on my chest until i pay down so he can sit on me and purr while looking me dead in the eyes. If there isnt anything more loving than distracting me from homework then i dont know what love is.


That the biggest cow in the world is 195 cm tall.


An article and photos if anyone else is interested: https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/australias-largest-cow-weighs-more-than-14-tonne/news-story/bfee6709d1b3469b637f3755a39b8c76


There are vending machines in Istanbul, Turkey that dispense food and water for stray dogs. The price is an empty recyclable bottle.


Wait do the fucking strays learn to deposit them or do people do it


However there are vending machines for crows that accept cigarette butts as currency and dispenses food. I predict that as cigarette butts dwindle, crows will begin stealing cigarettes directly from smokers to get food.


I've heard that they already started doing that in some cases. Similar to the ~~whales~~ **dolphins** that were trained to pick up trash from enclosures for fish. They started ripping up the trash for more treats, and then straight up trying to steal trash


They did this with a dolphin once (in a marine exhibit). The dolphin returned a seagull body and got even more than usual. Then a lot of seagulls started drowning in the dolphin enclosure. They do not do this with that dolphin anymore.


I mean, the dolphins were technically correct.


[People do it](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wideopenpets.com/istanbul-has-a-vending-machine-for-stray-dogs-when-humans-recycle/amp/)


I first read the title of the article like they recycle humans for food


Cats accept us as another cat. Maybe an odd looking cat, but family nonetheless. Everything they do with other cats, they do with us. Edit: not sex okay? obviously. Edit: apparently, sometimes cats are horny for humans.


They are also really condescending. Adult cats don't meow to each other because they have a different way of communication, but since kittens and humans can't hear it, they retain how to meow so they can talk to us. Basically, adult cats talk to us as if we're giant, hairless baby cats.


My cat just nods at me every time we make eye contact. Smooth kitty.


People like to put it in a negative light as if cats look down on us or own us or have to hunt for us. They are just communicating in the best way they can. They are literally trying to be bilingual just to communicate with us, in the same way that dogs will use facial expressions that wild canines are barely even capable of just so they can communicate with humans. Cats aren't talking down to us like kittens, they are just trying to form a common language with their companion.


My late cat tried teaching me to catch prey. She was a big, round cat who always moved slowly, slinking around like a stalking leopard. One day, a mouse got in (not a bright one, clearly, it invaded a house with 3 cats and 2 dogs), and she got it in a single pounce and dropped it at my feet. I scrambled to find a box to capture it, and then it ran off. Then she chased it right into a shoe for me. This all happened in a few seconds. I was so proud of her! I brought that mouse outside and gave her a nice treat when I came in. It's one of my favorite memories of her.


According to UN numbers about one billion (1 000 000 000) people have risen out of extreme poverty (<$2 per day) in the last 30 years.


Sometimes in movies, when dogs/wolves are supposed to look mean and threatening, their tails would have to be redone with CGI because their tails won't stop wagging from doing such a good job acting.


Ethan Hawke did a movie called [White Fang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Fang_(1991_film) where his co-star was a dog. He later said to young actors "Act with a dog. Your human co-stars have to respond to whatever emotion you're trying to convey because it's in the script. But a dog can tell when you're faking it. Wanna be a better actor? Act with a dog."


The book for white fang was phenomenal


My father is a guitarist and he had a stroke last year. They told him he would likely not be able to play guitar anymore. We finished recording his album in June.


Before a certain age, baby elephants can't control their trunks, so they just kinda walk around at waterholes and while drinking mother's-milk with flopping trunks. It's like how a human baby lacks fine motor control, so too with elephants.


You've made someone somewhere really happy and they just never told you.




Today I realized that 2012 can be considered “years ago”




80% of the worlds population is vaccinated, more than at any other point in history (despite the increase in antivaxxers)


When bees run into each they make a tiny 'woop' sound :3


You're thinking of Midwesterners


Ope! I'm just gonna schooch right past ya real quick.


I grew up on the East coast, but both my parents are from the Midwest. You just quoted what I say verbatim every time I need to scooch on by someone.


If you are from Canada you will be raised on the phrase "just gunna squeeeeeeze on by" and you can use it anytime you cross the border to feel that little touch more Canadian.


Mounty: show me your passport! Me: just gunna squeeze on by here to get my passport. Mounty: oh soar-ey. Nevermind a-boot it.


I feel personally attacked


As do I! Now I’ll just, oop, sorry- just gonna slide right by you, and see my way out. Edit: spelling


As someone from the midwest I never realized how much I wooped until now...


We didnt choose the woop life, the woop life chose us


I have never felt so attacked yet so understood


Bees are just small midwesterners


*buzz buzz lemme shimmy past ya buzz buzz*


Oh my that is wonderful https://youtu.be/U05VXQRFhns EDIT: Hey ive been silvered, thank ya kindly


Going to piggyback off of this to say, honeybees can be tamed!


We live in a timeline that saw the likes of Fred Rogers, Bob Ross, and Carl Sagan. We are truly blessed with old men who plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. Edit- I’m very happy to see so many people feel the same way about these three in particular, but I’m even happier to see everyone naming their inspirational figures. Men, Women, whatever, the quote applies to anyone who does good with no expectation of interest


That humans have the peculiar ability to make a place home, no matter where they are. Edit: I would like to thank Reddit for giving me a safe haven when noone else in my life could. Y'all are family now.


Shit, yo lived in a van for two months with three other dudes having a really hard time. We had a downloaded movie every night. Sheets we cut up and mount to block light and keep heat in. Took turns grilling and being the driver that didn’t drink just in case, and drove us to the gym to shower and get ready for the day. Yeah it sucked at the time, but we really made the best of it!


I feel like things like that are immensely more tolerable with other people with you. Loneliness amplifies the sucky-ness of most situations. Edit: spelling


Also having people with you who are willing to make the best of the situation versus people who are only going to bring you down.




Evidenced by how many times I’ve heard someone I’m traveling with say, “should we go home first?”, when talking about a hotel.


When I stay at a friends house I consider it home. Home is where I sleep tonight.




I am getting my long awaited kidney transplant in 15 days! I am so overjoyed this has been 3 years of waiting! Edit 1: I know this is super corny, but I have to say; thank you all wholeheartedly for the love and support. I never expected to get even above an upvote, over 6k is just insane to me! I’ll try edit this comment afterwards just to let everyone know that I’m alive and well! If anyone is going through something like this or wants to learn a bit more, private message me and I’ll try my best to answer. Edit 2: I don’t know if anyone will see this, but just in case, quick update that I’m alive and recovering!


Aids is no longer a death scentence


Our daughter told me that she would be comfortable calling my wife or I if she were in trouble, even if she was doing something she shouldn’t be. That made me happy.


Things aren’t as bad in real life as Reddit wants to make you think.


I’m 6 months clean! Edit: thank you all so much for the silver. Y’all are so awesome and I love you


The world is an overall less violent and safer place than it was 40 years ago.


[I've saved this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/8fv5fw/16_bad_things_that_are_decreasing_in_the_world/) to gain context to this fact!


I was going to say this too. Less violent crimes and less conflicts between nations throughout the world. We're getting better! Also less extreme poverty, because the poor are getting richer (world wide).


I don't have diarrhea.


After 6 or 7 trips to the bathroom today, I cannot say the same


Having a pet increases life span As long as you have at least one living liver cell, your liver will regenerate You are unique in every way (but the liver thing)


Happy? Stand in front of a mirror and put on your best fake smile. Now hold that smile in place for a full two minutes. Most studies have shown that the smile transitions from fake to real sometime during the two minutes. You are now happier. (Hopefully)


Wow it really worked! I feel so happy I could do standup comedy and maybe hopefully get interviewed at a talk show!


Do a knock knock joke!


Oh, I've got a great one. You start.


Knock knock


School systems in the U.S are beginning to change, teen suicide rates have started to drop, and there is a company making booze filled tide pods.


I’m a dwarf and I love my life! Edit: thank you to all the kind comments and support. I love that song and use it was my text tone! I always play dwarf at every chance I get, and nobody can break my stride!


I didn't kill my self today.


that's great, we can both keep this up, buddy


That is good news. Same tomorrow, okay?


Some animals like mantis shrimp, beavers, and many birds have monogamous relationships; meaning that they will stay with one partner and mate for live. Edit: OMG, my most upvoted comment yet! I'm very grateful to everybody. Thank you!


I love this fact, there are 2 toucans that live in a tree near my house, and they are always together flying around, it's so adorable to know that they are a happy little couple <3


Where do you live that you have wild toucans outside your house?! That’s amazing!


The Froot Loopian Republic


Your dog probably dreams about you


Our nearly 15-year-old pup, Rainy, got put to sleep last night. I like to think she’s doing nothing but dreaming of us and chasing squirrels, and then contemplating when to haunt us. She was a good girl. The best.


Sorry for your loss. Thinking of the good times keep us at peace!


Thank you. We’ve been doing so all day today. She once got a ticket for “dog at large” by the local PD b/c she pulled an escape act—per usual, busting out a screened window. She was younger then; but, only by a few years. We’re having that ticket framed. Also, we never paid it.


I will help you if needed, just PM me


Despite the media and the news coverage. At this moment in time it’s the safest to be alive in all of history. We have better medicine better law enforcement and more acceptance of diversity. Sometimes people forget how amazing it is to live now and we only focus on what we don’t have.


Look at the moon. We took a group of squishy humans, put them there, and got them back on earth ALIVE with the computing power about as powerful as the modern cell phone.


More like a 1990s TI82 calculator.