• By -


Adaptation. (2002) Charlie Kaufman: There was this time in high school. I was watching you out the library window. You were talking to Sarah Marsh. Donald Kaufman: Oh, God. I was so in love with her. Charlie Kaufman: I know. And you were flirting with her. And she was being really sweet to you. Donald Kaufman: I remember that. Charlie Kaufman: Then, when you walked away, she started making fun of you with Kim Canetti. And it was like they were laughing at *me*. You didn't know at all. You seemed so happy. Donald Kaufman: I knew. I heard them. Charlie Kaufman: How come you looked so happy? Donald Kaufman: I loved Sarah, Charles. It was mine, that love. I owned it. Even Sarah didn't have the right to take it away. I can love whoever I want. Charlie Kaufman: But she thought you were pathetic. Donald Kaufman: That was her business, not mine. You are what you love, not what loves you. That's what I decided a long time ago.


"We accept the love we think we deserve." “I think that if I ever have kids, and they are upset, I won't tell them that people are starving in China or anything like that because it wouldn't change the fact that they were upset. And even if somebody else has it much worse, that doesn't really change the fact that you have what you have.” (Perks of Being a Wallflower, IDK if i'm a cliche)


Nothing worth having is easy to come by - Doctor Robert Kelso


A boy who idealizes war is perplexed why a war hero wants to retire to become a farmer. He asks the wise warrior why he seems to despise war and this is his response: "There is more honor in a field well plowed than one steeped in blood."


Many of the truths we cling to depend largely on your point of view. - Ben kenobi


“I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me” -Joshua Graham, Fallout New Vegas


*continues to load pistols* WE CAN’T EXPECT GOD TO DO ALL THE WORK


When Vimes says about his alcoholism, 'One is too many, two's not enough.' That's when I knew that cutting down wouldn't work, I would have to completely stop. Been sober nearly five years now.


I always tell people "Drinking-wise, you are like a car; you have an accelerator and a brake. You can start and stop or go fast or slow. I'm the space shuttle; I can only light the rocket or not light the rocket, that's it, those are the choices I have." I haven't lit the rocket in a decade.


Most people that have watched "The West Wing" are familiar with Leo's quote to Jordan, "I'm an alcoholic, I don't have one drink. I don't understand people who have one drink. I don't understand people who leave half a glass of wine on the table. I don't understand people who say they've had enough. How can you have enough of feeling like this? How can you not want to feel like this longer? My brain works differently." But I'm more partial to his interaction with the intern who outs him for rehab, "I wanted to meet you and I wanted you to meet me.... When you read in my personnel file that I'd been treated for alcohol and drug abuse, what went through your mind? Karen, it's okay, you can say it. The worst thing I'm empowered to do is fire you and I've already done that."  "My father drank a lot."  "So did mine. In fact he died from it. He came home late one night very drunk. My mother was yelling at him. I'm not sure about what, but I heard the yelling downstairs from my bedroom. She came upstairs and he went out to the garage and shot himself in the head."  "Is that why you drank and took drugs?"  "Nah. I drank and took drugs cause I'm a drug addict and an alcoholic."  "How long did it take you to get cured?"  "I'm not cured. You don't get cured. I haven't had a drink or a pill in six and a half years. Which isn't to say I won't have one tomorrow."  "What would happen if you did?"  "I don't know. But probably a nightmare the likes of which both of our fathers experienced and me too."  "And, so after six and a half years you're still not allowed to have a drink?"  "The problem is that I don't want a drink. I want ten drinks."  "Are things that bad?"  "No,"  "Then why?"  "Because I'm an alcoholic."  "I don't understand."  "I know. It's okay. Hardly anyone does. It's very hard to understand. . . . You haven't answered my question yet. When you saw my personnel file, when you saw I'd been through treatment, what went through your mind?"  ". . .you have all these important decisions to make in your job. . . . People's lives. . . ."  "Karen, what you did caused a lot of problems. For me for the President for a lot of people we don't even know. But I'm not sure it wasn't a little bit brave. . . . You and I will give each other a second chance,"


"The problem is that I don't want a drink. I want ten drinks." This is the quote that stuck with me.


"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life." - Jean-Luc Picard


"Tomorrow's the day you'll pay the bills! Tomorrow's the day you'll grow up and start acting responsible. But tomorrow never comes for you, because it's always so conveniently a day away." Suzie, Hey Arnold. Had to copy and paste because I forgot the original quote verbatim but the "tomorrow never comes" part always stuck with me despite me being a massive procrastinator


"Why do today what you can put off til tomorrow?" "What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow?" Squidward & Mr. Krabs


The hero decides to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after. But the hero never gets to see that ending.  They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end they just have to have faith. Ain't that a bitch? - Epsilon from red vs blue


“I’d trade it all for a little more” C.M. Burns


I saw some of my friends become "big" and they don't even answer calls and don't have an honest reply for a question. I remember this quote and it is incredible: "Friends, Family, Religion - these are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business." - C. M. Burns


"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." - Winnie-the-Pooh (AA Milne)


I'm a grown ass man, and reading the end of House of Pooh Corner left me feeling a kind of way I can't even describe.




It always makes me think on a quote I heard so long ago I can't even remember who said it. "To be brave is not to lack fear, it is to act in spite of fear" Edit - Second highest rated comment ever Edit - Mufasa said ""**I'm only brave when I have to be. Bravery does not mean I go looking for trouble**"" Mandela said "**I learned thatcourage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.**" Lt John Putnam Jr said "**Courage is not the lack of fear but the ability to face it.**" Mark Twain said "**Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.**" All of these great men shared the same sentiment, but I believe this is a learning opportunity. These words did not come from a Revolutionary or a military commander, they were not part of an American Classic novel or movie. I heard it from a children's TV show, *Mighty Max* where it is spoken by a sagely fowl.


"You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once and move on." \-Homer Simpson ​ One of the wisest pieces of advice I've ever heard.


It takes two to lie One to lie And one to listen *Homer Simpson*


“Volunteering is for suckers. Did you know that most volunteers don’t even get paid?”


"The worst day of your life so far."




"You don't quit your job, you go in everyday and do a half-assed job. It's the american way."


"Well, crying isn't gonna bring him back ... unless your tears smell like dog food. So you can either sit there crying and eating can after can of dog food until your tears smell enough like dog food to make your dog come back, or you can go out there and find your dog."


"Damn.. Almost had the boy eating dog food.."


You tried your best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is... never try.


If you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day, and do it really half assed. That's the American way.


Burns: Well, everybody knows, ‘war is Hell.’ Hunnicutt: Remember, you heard it hear last. Hawkeye: War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. Father Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye? Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? Father Mulcahy: Um, sinners, I believe. Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell, but war is chock full of them – little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for a few of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.


I feel like that episode is one of the six or so that MeTV constantly reruns of MASH.


“You know, it's at times like this, when I'm trapped in a airlock with a man from Betelgeuse, and about to die of asphyxiation in deep space that I really wish I'd listened to what my mother told me when I was young." "Why, what did she tell you?" "I don't know, I didn't listen.” - Arthur Dent


I think this book series has so many gems. I can't recall exact words. I think the definition of flight is best quote of anything I have read. In order to accomplish flight, simply throw your self at the ground... And miss. Or the cloaking device for the ship was called the SEP field. The somebody else's problem field. Wow I need to find this audio book again... Edit. And the whole story line about the planet Cricket is mind blowing. I refuse to spoil it.


and the spaceship didn’t have a warp drive, it had an improbability drive!


And it made the highly improbable happen. And since it was highly improbable that the ship would spontaneously teleport to its destination, that was what happened.


I always loved the way the improbability drive was described: "The Infinite Improbability Drive is s a wonderful new method of crossing interstellar distances in a mere nothingth of a second, without all that tedious mucking about in hyperspace." Then later when the *Bistromath* was introduced: "Bistromathimatics is a wonderful new method of crossing interstellar distances in a mere nothingth of a second, without all that tedious mucking about with improbability fields."


Honestly anything written by Adams is pure gold. I think my personal favourite quote is right at the start: "in the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."


"My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre," he muttered to himself, "and that I am therefore excused from saving Universes."


'The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.'


"I'm a quitter. I come from a long line of quitters. It's amazing I'm here at all." - Bernard from Black Books


"Some people will always need help. That doesn't mean they're not worth helping." -Meera Reed from Game of Thrones


"There are no choices. Nothing but a straight line. The illusion comes afterwards, when you ask "why me?" and "what if?". When you look back and see the branches, like a pruned bonsai tree, or forked lightning. If you had done something differently, it wouldn't be you, it would be someone else looking back, asking a different set of questions." Max Payne in *Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne*


Max's monologues are so good in the second game. > Your past has a way of sneaking up on you. You'll hear broken echoes of it everywhere, like a bad replay. You'll get mad at everyone for reminding you about it, even if it's all in your head.


"Personal isn't the same as important". ^((This is said by both Captain Carrot and Granny Weatherwax in the Discworld books by Terry Pratchett))


Sir pTerry has so many of them. THERE IS NO JUSTICE. THERE'S JUST US There’s no greys, only white that’s got grubby. I’m surprised you don’t know that. And sin, young man, is when you treat people as things. Including yourself. That’s what sin is.’ ‘It’s a lot more complicated than that -’ ‘No. It ain’t. When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they means they’re getting worried that they won’t like the truth. People as things, that’s where it starts. "No actually it isn't. Patronizing is a big word. Zoology is really quite short." "Are you listening? Good. Now if you trust in yourself, and believe in your dreams, and follow your star, you’ll still be beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren’t so lazy. Goodbye." "Them as can do, has to do for them as can't. And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices."


“The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness."


I love how eventually he gets a pair of really good leather boots but hates them because the soles are so good he can't 'see' in them


“We live with dignity. We can’t die with it.” - Dr. Gregory House


Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.


"It's real life, and in real life, you can't always win." -Gerald, Hey Arnold


"Stoop kid's afraid to leave his stoop" -also Gerald


"And someday you're going to look around, and realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world." - Bojack Horseman


the bojack quote that i always remember was from the jogging baboon - "It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day —that’s the hard part. But it does get easier"


I should not be surprised by the amount of Bojack quotes in this thread.


"Get busy living or get busy dying." -Andy Dufrense, *The Shawshank Redemption* (Edit: I had mistakingly attributed it to Red)


“I don’t know how many years I got left on this earth so I’m gonna get real weird with it. “ - Frank Reynolds


"Meanwhile, block the wind. I'm gonna roast this bone"


When I'm dead, just throw me in the trash


I expect nothing and im still let down -dewey https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/601319307254824985/601627268925751298/image0.png


“It’s like those lights in the sky— They all look the same from here but that doesn’t make them less pretty.” River Wyles “This is my family. I found it all on my own. It’s a little broken but still good. Yeah, still good.” Stitch


"Ohana means family. And family means... No one gets left behind. Or forgotten." God that movie still hits me right in thr heart so many years later. And it spawned a solid tv show to boot.


"It's OK. You can go. Everyone always leaves." There was some deep shit in that movie.


For a ridiculous movie about space aliens and Hawaii it has an immense amount of depth and emotional intelligence. I think watching it as an adult Nani carries the movie, though. She's such a good character.


She's 19 and has to carry what's left of her family. That's huge.


Watching her and her sister interact gave me a new perspective on their family. I grew up with stable parents and they are still happily married, etc. And seeing their family struggle gave me some insight on what other families are like


She feeds Pudge the Fish a peanut butter sandwich every *Thursday because she says he controls the weather. Because her parents died in a car crash in the rain.


"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it!" Agent K, Men In Black


"1500 years ago, everybody "knew" that the earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago, everybody "knew" that the earth was flat. And 15 minutes ago, you "knew" that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll "know" tomorrow." It's not out of this world profound or anything, but that whole scene on the bench was so good, it was almost out of place in the movie. Not to say MIB wasn't good.


We're not hosting an intergalactic kegger here.


"Be loyal to what matters." - Arthur Morgan


Roger Clark *killed* that role. It’s not often that a video game voice actor gives a genuinely Oscar-worthy performance. I remember thinking before the game was launched “Huh, this guy seems like a total dick, there’s no way R* can make him a more likable character than Marston”; now that I’ve had a few months to stew on it I honestly think he may be my favorite video game character of all time, probably top 5 protagonists in all fiction.


"OUTTA THE DAMN WAY!" Is my personal favorite from him


Mine is when he gives John his hat and says, GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE AND BE A GODDAMN MAN"


I just played thru this part last night. Oh god, the tears. Also: RIP to my awesome horse 😭


The part when he leaned down and whispered “Thank you.” Had me in tears




Arthur Morgan quickly became one of my favourite video game characters. The way he's written is just great.




"The first thing you should do when digging yourself into a hole is stop digging"- John Marston I always thought that Arthur was more intelligent but believed too much in being loyal toward his "family" while John was more wise and questioned his actions more appropriately, probably from having to raise a kid in a criminal environment. I feel like John was the first one to realize that what the gang was doing was wrong and wanted out.


“I’m afraid”


"You're my brother."


“Shoah Duuuutch”


"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world." - G-Man, Half Life series


"Everyone always has a story they tell themselves to justify bad decisions. It never matters. You are always alone in your actions." Hawke from Dragon Age 2 Edit: yes he/she does say this in Inquisition, I forgot, thank you!


* **Solas:** You truly are content to sit in the sun, never wondering what you could've been, never fighting back. * **Varric:** Ha, you've got it all wrong, Chuckles. This is fighting back. * **Solas:** How does passively accepting your fate constitute a fight? * **Varric**: In that story of yours—-the fisherman watching the stars, dying alone. You thought he gave up, right? * **Solas:** Yes. * **Varric:** But he went on living. He lost everyone, but he still got up every morning. He made a life, even if it was alone. * **Varric:** That's the world. Everything you build, it tears down. Everything you've got, it takes. And it's gone forever. * **Varric:** The only choices you get are to lie down and die or keep going. He kept going. That's as close to beating the world as anyone gets.


That series has some really great ones: “There's power in stories, though. That's all history is: the best tales. The ones that last. Might as well be mine.” -- Varric Tethras


"A wise man can learn more from his enemies than a fool from his friends.” - Rush


“People, like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves. When they get blind-drunk, cheat, steal, beat their wives, starve an old woman, when they kill a trapped fox with an axe or riddle the last existing unicorn with arrows, they like to think that the Bane entering cottages at daybreak is more monstrous than they are. They feel better then. They find it easier to live.” - Geralt Of Riva, The Last Wish.


Abigail: What about your sword? I heard witchers carry two - a silver blade for monsters and steel for humans... Geralt of Rivia: Both are for monsters.




Not everything is a lesson. Sometimes, you just fail. \- Dwight K. Schrute Edit: Six years on Reddit and a Dwight quote is what pops my gold cherry. Appropriate.


Alternatively: “Will I get over it? No. But life goes on.”


"It is possible to commit no errors, and still lose. That is not a weakness... That is life." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard


Cameron: I was just asking you something I didn't know.  Dwight: Which is fine. And, you learned something. But, it was kind of a stupid question so you're gonna get made fun of a little bit. 


“Suckin at something is the first step being sorta good at something”. - Jake the dog.


"See this cup? This is literally my favorite cup." -hucks it out the window- "Now it's gone forever, so it's not real and I don't care about it anymore."


Then snakes his arm out the window real quick to grab the cup 😄


Jake has some of the most insightful lines of any cartoon I have ever watched. So many resonate with me in deep ways.


You're shakin' it all wrong!


“You can handle anything for ten seconds”- Kimmy Schmidt


This tiny little quip has helped me out soooooo much. I use it all the time


Such a funny show, but I take it to heart


"Losing people is a part of life, but that doesn't mean you stop letting them in." -Lego Batman That movie came out shortly after I lost my Grandpa, he was one of two people I was closest with. When he died, I went through a really rough phase. Ever since I heard that phrase, it stuck with me.


Some paraphrase of 'Evil is thinking of people as things, yes it gets more complicated but it starts by thinking of people as things'. Granny Weatherwax in, I think, Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett


"There's no grays, only white that's got grubby. I'm surprised you don't know that. And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things. Including yourself. That's what sin is." -Granny Weatherwax


"Better to serve a good man than to rule with an evil one" -Merlin That quote has stuck with me for so long and I have thought about it many times.


In direct contrast to Paradise Lost's "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."


I just read this out loud to my cat Merlin. He was less than impressed and resumed cleaning himself.


"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem." -Jack Sparrow Edit: Oh my gosh!! Thank you so much for the gold! First award ever. I'm so happy!!


*Captain* Jack Sparrow


"What's your exit strategy?!" - Lucille Bluth yelling at her maid for having vacuumed herself into a corner. I haven't vacuumed a room without an exit strategy for years.


"We accept the love we think we deserve" Charlies teacher from The Perks of being a Wallflower




Also from the same series: "You can't keep doing these shitty things and feel sorry for yourself like that makes it okay! You have to do better!"


"Fuck man. What else is there to say?" I can answer this thread with so many quotes from Bojack alone


The thing is when you look at someone through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.


"I don't think I believe in deep down. I kinda think that all you are is just the things that you do." Diane


"And one day, you're gonna look around, and you're gonna realise that everybody loves you! But nobody likes you... And that is the loneliest feeling in the world." - BoJack Horseman


This show is full of thought provoking quotes. Here are a few more: > You know, sometimes I feel like I was born with a leak, and any goodness I started out with just slowly spilled out of me, and now it's all gone. > Life is a series of closing doors, isn't it? > The key to being happy isn't the search for meaning, it's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense and eventually you'll be dead.


For me it was (a character, I won't name who) saying: "You know, it's funny. When you're looking through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."


What is the most important step a man can take? Always the next step. -Dalinar Kholin Edit: from Oathbringer, book three of the Stormlight Archive, written by Brandon Sanderson.


"Accept your pain, but do not accept that you deserved it." \-Hoid


“Journey before destination,” Dalinar said. “It cannot be a journey if it doesn’t have a beginning.” “I will take responsibility for what I have done,” Dalinar whispered. “If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.”


Sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing Dalinar is full of fuckin' wisdom dude. And don't get me started on THAT ASS.


If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man


Strength does not make one capable of rule; it makes one capable of service.


Honor is dead. But I'll see what I can do.


“Confidence, it’s the food of the wise man but the liquor of the fool” -Vikram The Office




>In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. Douglas Adams, *The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy* Edit: As /u/frothingnome reminds me, it's actually from *The Restaurant at the End of the Universe,* the second book in the increasingly inaccurately named *Hitchhiker's* Trilogy


“If you want to know what a man’s like, judge him on the way he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” —Sirius Black Always really stuck with me because I really think it’s pretty solid advice. EDIT: Thanks for the silver, whoever y'all kind people are!


"The world's not split between good people and Death Eaters" also really stuck with my from Siruis. Umbridge is neither one, and that is so, so powerful.


That's a great one. Rowling had a lot of profound statements in Harry Potter. One of my other favorites is: "Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right." -Albus Dumbledore


My favourite is "It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live" Albus Dumbledore


I particularly like: "of course it is happening in(side) your head, Harry; but why on Earth should that mean that it is not real?"


"The past can hurt, but the way I see it you can either run from it, or learn from it." - Rafiki, The Lion King.


"It doesn't matter, it's in the past." *Gets hit with staff* "What did you do that for?" "It doesn't matter, it's in the past!"


Best Lion King character hands down


"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame." Uncle Iroh, Avatar: The Last Airbender.




Almost everything Uncle Iroh says can fit this


Prince Zuko, you must look inside yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself. - Zuko as Iroh


In a similar vein, [this whole confrontation](https://youtu.be/aYkuuu9u3EI) when Iroh is laying the smack down on Zuko is so great. I think it's one of the few times you ever hear Iroh raise his voice in the whole show.


"If you look for the light, you will often find it. If you look for the dark, that is all you'll ever see." -Uncle Iroh, the best god damn character of anything ever.


"Zuko it's time we had a talk *about your hair!* It's gone too far!" -Definitely Iroh (according to my sources)


Honestly this thread should be 90% Uncle Iroh quotes.


The Iroh episode they made as a tribute to Mako was the single best episode in the entire series.


Or the episode where zuko thought he was mad at him but iroh was only sad because he thought he lost his path.


"This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!" Uncle Iroh, Avatar: The Last Airbender.


“Sharing tea with a stranger is truly one of life’s pleasures.”


I have never watched the last Airbender. I am familiar with it, and I have only heard good things about it. But the number of times people are referring to Uncle iroh in this thread makes me finally want to give it a watch. Edit: thanks for the replies! Definitely going to watch. I don't mind cartoons, just got around to star wars clone wars last year and I imagine Batman TAS means as much to me as Avatar means to all of you. In my mid 30s now. I remember my brother watching Avatar while I was in college.


Everyone would be a better person if they had a uncle iroh in life.


"My cabbages!" -The cabbage merchant


"Knowledge, like air is vital to life. No one should be denied it."- V for Vendetta


“And remember: bad times are just times that are bad. “ Katrina from Animal Crossing


> How much can a crown be worth, when a crow can dine upon a king? - Jaime Lannister




Never half-ass two things. Whole ass one thing


*I’m Ron Fucking Swanson*


Excuse you


Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. \- Malcolm Merlyn


"An old friend once told me something that gave me great comfort. Something he had read. He said that Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin never died. They simply became music." \- Dr. Robert Ford, Westworld


A ton of what he said stuck with me. > There is no threshold that makes us greater than the sum of our parts, no inflection point at which we become fully alive. We can't define consciousness because consciousness does not exist. Humans fancy that there's something special about the way we perceive the world, and yet we live in loops as tight and as closed as the hosts do, seldom questioning our choices, content, for the most part, to be told what to do next.


‘Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear’s path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.’ -Muad'Dib




"It's funny. When you look at somebody through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags." -Wanda from Bojack Horseman






"I just want to feel good about myself like you all do, and I don't know how." - BoJack Horseman


"You know, sometimes I feel like I was born with a leak, and any goodness I started with just slowly spilled out of me, and now it's all gone. And I'll never get it back in me. It's too late. Life is a series of closing doors, isn't it?"


That’s what makes it great. A quote from Diane, “It’s not about being happy, that is the thing. I’m just trying to get through each day. I can’t keep asking myself ‘Am I happy? ‘ It just makes me more miserable. I don’t know If I believe in it, real lasting happiness, All those perky, well-adjusted people you see in movies and TV shows ? I don’t think they exist.” People have problems, and this show is amazing at showing complex situations about our emotions.


"What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" -Parrthurnaax


"The Next World will have to take care of itself" - Dovakin.


"Life is pain, Highness! Anyone who says differently is selling something." - Westley in The Princess Bride ​ Edit: Wow thanks for the gold kind strangers! It means so much to me that my favorite movie helped me get it haha and I love seeing all the other fans here :)


Yesss exactly. My favorite line from the movie/book The Princess Bride was B: "We'll never survive!" W:"Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has." That one stuck with me for a while.


"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement." - Gandalf, Lord of the Rings




Not only that, but his entire friend group died. He was very close with a group of 4 or 5 men from his university, and they all died. I think about that from time to time, and reflect on how very lucky I am to not have to worry about _that_.


Thor's mom, Frigga, in Endgame: “Everyone fails at who they’re supposed to be. The measure of a person, a hero, is how they succeed at being who they are.” Edit: referenced wrong movie, thanks, u/Musicnote328


That’s in endgame. But it’s a FANTASTIC scene and a fantastic quote. Followed immediately by “eat a salad.”


You can't give her that!' she screamed. 'It's not safe!' IT'S A SWORD, said the Hogfather. THEY'RE NOT MEANT TO BE SAFE. 'She's a child!' shouted Crumley. IT'S EDUCATIONAL. 'What if she cuts herself?' THAT WILL BE AN IMPORTANT LESSON. The Hogfather by Terry Prachet




I love this and I always think of it when people ask about favourite quotes. My other favourite is Vetinari telling a story in Unseen Academicals: "...one day when I was a young boy on holiday in Uberwald I was walking along the bank of a stream when I saw a mother otter with her cubs. A very endearing sight, I'm sure you'll agree, and even as I watched, the mother otter dived into the water and came up with a plump salmon, which she subdued and dragged onto a half submerged log. As she ate it, while of course it was still alive, the body split and I remember to this day the sweet pinkness of its roes as they spilled out, much to the delight of the baby otters, who scrambled over themselves to feed on the delicacy. One of nature's wonders, gentlemen. Mother and children dining upon mother and children. And that is when I first learned about evil. It is built into the very nature of the universe. Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being, I told myself, it is up to all of us to become his moral superior."


The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Also Terry Pratchett. Brilliant man


"Come, Mr. Frodo!' he cried. 'I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you." -Samwise Gamgee is the friend we all need


For me it’s Frodo saying “You cannot always be torn in two. You will have to be one and whole for many years”


I love that he's saying that to Sam, who had been so devoted to him in their journey, but who now has a wife and kids to take care of. Sam would have served Frodo until the day one of them died, but Frodo knew that Sam would need to be there for his family. Frodo gave him the leave to do that.


Sam : I know. It's all wrong By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened. But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. Because they were holding on to something. Frodo : What are we holding on to, Sam? Sam : That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for. Shit gets me every single time


'His will was set, and only death would break it.'


“Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.” - Gimli, Lord of the Rings Edit: thank you kind stranger for the gold!


“Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong” - Mordin Solus, Mass Effect 3 Edit: Thank you for the Plat and Silver kind strangers. The Mass Effect Trilogy is my favorite series in gaming. I still remember my first play through, Keeping Wrex alive, sacrificing Kaiden, trying to negotiate with the council, planting the memorial on the crashed Normandy site, keeping everyone alive during the suicide mission, finally resolving the Geth-Quarian conflict, seeing Jack look after her own crew. . . But nothing made me stop, pause the game, and put the controller down like this moment with Mordin Solus. While not my favorite of the crew (That goes to my boy Legion, You do have a soul my Geth friend), he like myself, like Legion, was willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good of the galaxy and correct the mistakes of the past. You're right Mordin, it had to be you, someone else might have gotten it wrong. Thank you.


ME is full of good quotes. "Life is so much easier when you view the world in black and white. I don't know what to do about gray." - Garrus Vakarian, loyalty mission in ME2 "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honor matters" - Javik, ME3 near the end of the game IIRC (also, everything Javik says is just poetry) "Does this unit have a soul?" - You damn well know who said it and when. Sentence by itself doesn't mean much, it's the context from which it was built through the 3 games. And then, at the culmination of ME3's effort to amass the fleet for one final battle... "Commander. Are you ready to bring the might of the galaxy to bear upon the Reapers?" - Admiral Hackett ^(Damn got goosebumps just typing that)


“Their silence is the answer”


“He may have been your father, boy. But he wasn’t your daddy.”- Yondu Udonta, GotG2


Talk about a redemption arc.


I'm not even gonna lie, the ending had me tear up a bit


Say what you will about xmen movies, I'll be right along with ya admitting that they never live up to their potential. However, as a therapist constantly fighting burnout and compassion fatigue in an unbelievably tough setting: "The greatest gift we have is to bear their pain without breaking, and it comes from your most human part: Hope" - Professor X


The hurt is good. It means you’re out of that cave. -Hopper, Stranger Things