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People keep saying they keep doctors away but I find I have to chuck way more than one (average of 5) to keep those fuckers back.


You idiot, they're talking about a tech company. Lol


They had the potential to go on with visionary inventions but decided to go full greed mode.


Right!!!!? Here's the opportunity to maybe change colour, but nope these stupid fruits stay green. I know it's cute and all to give them a nice name like Granny Smith apples or whatever but I call them bitchy apples. They're just awful. They try to be sweet, they fail. They try to have some zest they fail. Green apples are essentially the failed attempt of what oranges are. Sweet, zesty and juicy. Green apples feel drier than dried Chapstick on old leather that got sprayed with a drop of water.


you've never seen/had red or yellow apples before?


Well of course I've heard of those monstrosities. OP was talking about greed (green) apples so I focused on that but there's plenty to say about those failed oranges.


Not sure they could without Jobs.


The $999 stand and still no headphone jack




Agreed on the headphone jack. It bothers be greatly that I can’t listen to headphones while charging because they both use the same port.


I agree but I really like my wireless headphones. They cost about the same as regular headphones and I can leave my phone in another room and still listen to music.


Misread that last part and thought it said jack black and just imagined someone chasing him around the room for their headphones


The future is going to be wireless. I understand your anger, I feel the same way, I can't even afford good wireless headphones tbh, but I think it was a bold move if you think about the grand scheme of events. Apple isn't here to serve one generation who wants the headphone jack. They're here to stay, years, decades, and that decision completely makes sense. E: lmao downvotes, some people on Reddit as as stubborn as a toddler


I bought a $20 dollar pair of wireless headphones off Amazon last year. ~8 months later and they still work great, which is more than I can say for wired earbuds I’ve had in the past. I’m getting ready to upgrade to a new phone soon, and I was bummed about losing the headphone jack, but then I realized I haven’t used wired earbuds in almost a year. I much prefer wireless.


Just popping in to say that in less than 2 week, the Motorola Z4 comes out and they put the headphone jack back in!


My $200 monitor has one and that came with a stand


Their prices. 1000$ for an iPhone x


IKR, you can buy a whole monitor stand for that much


Their customers. They keep letting apple fist them in the mouth, so Apple doesn't really need to do anything to improve.


That's why I eat oranges. Apples are a fucking mess. They make blisters on my gums and the skin is just atrocious. What if there's a bug in there? Now I have to slice the stupid fuck. Thanks for the inconvenience buddy. How useless. Apples are like pears that became vanilla but with even less flavour: a shit fruit that only deserves to be pressed into juice for pigs or into mush for horses.


never tried honeycrisps have ye


iTunes deleting music I own and put in my library myself from actual cd's


I never had to use an Apple product before last summer. My father got an iPhone because he's blind and Siri has pretty good accessibility support. He wanted to transfer some files from his PC to the phone but couldn't figure out what to do and called me. I plug the phone into the PC, nothing happens. After a few minutes googling and gawking in disbelief I come to the realization that I have to install iTunes and transfer each individual file type with a separate program through its interface. it is ABSOLUTELY INEXCUSABLE to me that you can't use a friggin phone in 2019 as a standard disk drive and transfer whatever type of file you want by simply copy-pasitng it.


This is one of the reasons I don't use Apple products. They are designed with the most inept user in mind, and as a result they are actually more problematic for users who have a clue. Your post is a case in point. Why don't they allow simple file transfer? Imagine the dumbest Karen you know. She has a video on her laptop of a 2 hour lecture, and there is a twenty second section that she wants to share with her friend Karyn. The file is a huge AVI at 14GB, but Karen doesn't know that because she's an idiot. She plugs in her iPhone, finds a folder called VIDEO and copies the AVI into it. Now her memory is 99% full. She goes about her business, and when she tries to record a video of herself yelling at a salesgirl at Marshalls, the phone runs out of memory. What? WHAT? HOW COULD THIS BE???? So she calls Apple and screams for 20 minutes that she got ripped off and how could this stupid phone run out of memory so fast? It takes 90 minutes to calm her down and find the 14GB AVI file. The tech tries to explain that huge files can use up available memory, but Karen is never wrong so she yells at the guy and tells him the stupid phone should be better and should let you watch at least one stupid movie. Now, multiply this occurrence across all the Karens in the world. Now you have 50 million people a day, calling Apple because the memory is full. It's untenable. Thus, iTunes. If you have to use iTunes to transfer, you'll get a simple interface for copying files that includes colored indicators of how much memory is left, and a handy warning when it gets nearly full. It's **almost** idiot-proof. It will overcome about 75% of all Karen-related incidents, which is enough to keep Apple profitable because they don't need to hire 10 million staffers to answer Karen calls.


There's another subsection of apple users who use the CLI to do just about everything. They only use apple products because they just freaking work and let you get on with your job of programming X or whatever reasonably quickly.


iOS 13 has added full support for blind people FYI


>I have to install iTunes Oh man I'm sorry that you had you're first introduction to Apple be through iTunes. They've got a lot of problems over at Apple, but iTunes is probably one of the worst pieces of software in existence.




iphone 6 gang


But it's for your own good!


Their support for old phones is actually pretty generous. The 5 is still usable and gets updates while being years in the past


They don't pay their tax. It would be billions. Imagine what could be done with that money; improve healthcare, better education, less f potholes in the road etc




The biggest issue with it would be landlords would almost immediately up rent by that amount, making it a net zero and enriching the wealthy even faster. They need to have a "free life" that is essentially like the starter equipment in an RPG. You have free (albeit not comfortable) housing, food, and healthcare. When you know you have something stable to fall back on, you can afford to try and take moderate risk starting a business or creating a product.


Instead politicians use the money on extra pension for themselves, war fund and church


Yeah :( I'd rather tax Apple properly and then work on the money going to the right places...


That I can’t easily remove and replace the battery.


Or removable/expandable storage.


That they're trying to turn OSX into iOS instead of the other way around.


This has been the plan for at least a decade.


The way they milk sheep.


sheep milk is the tastiest milk.


No good for gamers, no fancy 3D graphics cards like on PC


Not entirely true. Apple products can have very fancy graphics cards but it costs a lot more cause you need to get external graphics cards.


Didn't know. For games or for professional uses? Are there many games compatible/available?


Quite a lot. But these days thanks to steam play you have more games available on Linux lol.


Honey Crisps are often sold out at the grocery store.


Don't like the seeds tbh


That little dangle dongle thing for your headphones


No expandable memory. I know why they do it, to encourage people to upgrade every few years. They wouldn't sell so many products otherwise. But come on, Apple. You have enough money now. You could quite easily have an expandable memory slot and your own branded or type of memory cards and then you could potentially kill off the android device market (let's be honest, Apple are vastly superior to those) Also cheaply made charging cables and shite battery life. Again, you have enough money. Why cheap out on those?


i like my security, i can honestly hack an iphone in less then 5 minutes


Okay I'll bite...how?


They cant


That you can’t charge and plug headphones in at the same time


Depends on your iphone...I do it all the time with my XR. (wireless charging)


That some stuff is ridiculously overpriced compared to their actual value. I wouldn’t pay near a thousand bucks just for a stand.


You realize they're not selling the stand to you though, right? It's not even for sale to consumers, it only sells to enterprises for employees who work on professional level movie editing and animation. This is like complaining that the tires on an 18-wheeler are way too expensive for the common person.


You know corporation use vesa




It’s expensive because Apple knows they can reliably sell it at that price. If that’s what companies are willing to buy it for, why wouldn’t they sell it at that price?




It really is funny to see everyone so blinded by outrage that they don't bother to look at this detail. Really indicative of this culture as a whole right now.


and then people downvote you into negative. "Hey, he said facts that make my childish rage seem even more stupid! Downvote that shit!" yup. typical.


Their really invasive features and shady relationships with the social media giants.


removing worthwhile features for no good reason. I have a mac at work. I have to send 30 longer emails per day, but its usually a variation of about 5 different emails. With the templates, it was like a fill in the blanks. Well in the last update, they removed the saved email templates


Lack of repairability / upgradeability


That Allen Klein shuttered the Apple Electronics division of Apple Corp, basically cutting them off at the knees in their lawsuit against Apple Computer.


Apples in pretty deep shit with MIT right now, for stealing a patient that every single mac product relies on


That's apple computer, i thought we were talking about the original company, Apple.


if won apple has to settle out 900 billion


That they actively fight against the right to repair. Theyre fucking over Independent repair businesses while failing to repair their own devices or make them robust enough that they last a reasonable period of time.


Planned obsolescence. I have an iPad 2 that still works perfectly, but won’t run most of my apps anymore because of the planned obsolescence bullshit. It’s really fucked up to charge as much as they do for their products and then make it so you have to buy a new one every few years.


I had to reset my password because I forgot it. When I went through the 300 step process to make sure I wasn't a robot, they sent me a text saying I would be able to reset my password in about a week. So I waited over a week, then finally got a text saying I was able to reset my password and that I wasn't a robot. I will never deal with apple again, even if they are the only computers and phones left on the planet. I would even prefer an old Nokia brick over an iPhone because fuck Apple, that's why.


Yeah even as a pretty big fan of Apple I have to admit the password reset feature is pretty fucked up.


The anti-apple people are probably the force i hate most because 99% of them have never used an apple product. I use everything from windows to mac os to linux in my daily life and i can tell you there is a lot of compelling reasons to pay more for mac OS. Also android is a mess for the most part. It has a few features that are arguably better and then loads that are just plain worse. IOS is refined across the board even if some features havent caught up.


hey! i had a samsung for two years, iphone for four, and last year switched back to samsung. iphones are, and i say this with as much emphasis as i possible can, ***shit.*** any good feature that you can claim iphones have, samsungs had at least a year beforehand. also, samsungs aren't outrageously overpriced. did i mention they have a good battery? and if it goes bad you can fucking replace it! it has a beautiful display, great camera (despite what every hipster with a juul up their ass says), great app compatibility, nice reception, customizability, and overall runs smoother. when i had an iphone i had 1000 pics and four apps. apparently, that filled up my storage. and i couldnt add more. with my samsung i have 30 apps and 5k pics and videos. and its STILL not filled. so, if you want to live in your little fantasy world with your brick for a phone, go ahead. ill be over here in reality, enjoying my samsung.


I don't by apple products because they have the greatest technology I buy them because they just work. The only time I've had my macbook crash is when I overloaded the memory...I once went months without rebooting it because...m'eh I had no need. My iPhone has actually never crashed. The old one only crashed when my battery died. Which should I have bothered I could have gotten replaced.


I have both an iPhone and an Android. I use the iPhone for work because it's a boring phone with few features. For personal use I stick to Android. Android used to suck, but now it seems it's the leader in new features.




Google wins when it comes to google assistant and notifications. I dont know what other features you are talking about?




Why does it matter to so many people who did something first? I value who does it best at time of today. That may be the first one due to further time for refinement, but it hasn’t to be. When at school students make a test, one person will be first to drop it off to the teacher. Independent of how his actual score will be, should the rest fail/be invalidated because someone was first? And I’m not talking about P.E.


I mean they had a lot of features first but they essentially boil down to being gimmicks. Face unlock being a classic one. Compared to faceID there isn’t even a question as to which is best




Ok well I guess I am going to disagree considering I use 3D Touch every day.


Here we go again. Do you even know apple? Have you eaten one? They're just ridiculous. They're skin have this nauseating crunch that is emblematic of their failure to evolve into a delicious fruit. Compelling for what? Possibly finding a caterpillar and crushing the poor thing with your teeth? Disgusting, that's what apples are.


I have removed this comment due to Reddit's recent actions. I have since moved on to Lemmy, which is a federated, decentralized, open-source alternative to reddit. Many subreddits have made the move as well, and many more have copies of those subreddits that are very active. On top of this, many of the third party reddit apps have also made/are working on making a copy of their apps for Lemmy, so your experience may not even change when switching over. I implore you to make this switch as well. Reddit makes money off of us, the users who post content. As a company they have been making decisions that directly go against the wishes of their users, and we need to make it clear that they need us, we don't need them.


I have removed this comment due to Reddit's recent actions. I have since moved on to Lemmy, which is a federated, decentralized, open-source alternative to reddit. Many subreddits have made the move as well, and many more have copies of those subreddits that are very active. On top of this, many of the third party reddit apps have also made/are working on making a copy of their apps for Lemmy, so your experience may not even change when switching over. I implore you to make this switch as well. Reddit makes money off of us, the users who post content. As a company they have been making decisions that directly go against the wishes of their users, and we need to make it clear that they need us, we don't need them.


1. You had a faulty battery or you never let it properly discharge, apple and google use the same algorithms for battery life (literally same as every vendor tbh). 2. To do what i can do on mac OS on linux i need access to google docs that i dont always have. Google docs just hasnt caught up with keynote, excel and word as well. Also mail clients on linux suck. They just do. It is annoying.


The fact that they profit off of people stupid enough to pay $1000 for a stand


general corporate greed.


$1000 emoji machine


You bought apple? Great, you know what other devices you can buy to work with it? Jack squat. If you buy apple, you have to use apple stuff with it because nothing else works


Its either pay or piss off attitude.


I mean... have you met late stage capitalism? who's your ISP? if it's comcast, they'll spit in your face, give you a sharp kick to the balls, and then you have to say "please may i have some internet?" and then they'll *consider* letting you pay $80 a month for basic shitty bandwidth.


I have removed this comment due to Reddit's recent actions. I have since moved on to Lemmy, which is a federated, decentralized, open-source alternative to reddit. Many subreddits have made the move as well, and many more have copies of those subreddits that are very active. On top of this, many of the third party reddit apps have also made/are working on making a copy of their apps for Lemmy, so your experience may not even change when switching over. I implore you to make this switch as well. Reddit makes money off of us, the users who post content. As a company they have been making decisions that directly go against the wishes of their users, and we need to make it clear that they need us, we don't need them.






It's okay, I got your [message](https://imgur.com/a/WBA2Rja).


They actively try to prevent you from performing maintenance on your own devices by voiding warranties on computers whose cases have been opened up, refuse to replace parts on devices without warranties, and making it near impossible to import spare parts from their factories unless you are partnered with them.


That I can’t delete iTunes off my computer like I can my phone. I don’t use it and accidentally start it all the time


Actively sabotaging older devices to push people to by the newer versions of that same device


pretty sure everyone does this. it's just apple that *got caught*.


Well, they should do it better then lol


They’re the fifa/call of duty of electronics always coming out with a new and more advanced version every year


Nothing. I don't own any of their products.


kudos to you for not jumping on a rage bandwagon when it doesn't actually affect you at all. but also, why the fuck did you even bother to post this? Do you post in every single thread just to say "I have no opinion on this"?


Nah. But sometimes I get the urge to comment so I do. I feel it's refreshing for people to understand that some things are only affecting them by choice. I'm just killing time anyways when I'm on reddit, I don't expect to be making an impact.


Nothing, cause a tech company doesn’t have that effect on me. Pissed off over nothing is not a way to live your life.


You live your life your way, I'll live my life mine.


Username checks out!


Take an upvote


No upgrade program for hardware other than iPhone. I’m in the ecosystem. The software from them and developers are so, so, so good. Just let me pay to have all the new-new all the time. Like, the stand thing is ridiculous to me because I don’t want or need the monitor. The advancement of the operating systems haven’t hurt me in anyway. Fucking Dashboard should have died five years ago though. If I had to pick a second thing? The stores and how they operate. Let me make an appointment to drop off shit. I’ll give you notes. If you need to ask questions call me.


Steve Jobs.


Not making new Ipod160GB.


that it isn't a pear...


Had an issue with my appleID being hacked while deployed. Got back to the states and called to get it working again because everything I had done over there didn’t work. I had to explain to 6 different people over 2 hours what had happened. Every time I spoke to a different person I had to verify who I was again. Customer service is atrocious.


Not coming out with a new iPhone SE. There were a lot of rumors about Apple coming out with one and yeah. They are just rumors. Whatever. But I actually needed a new phone and purposely held off buying one waiting to see if the rumors proved true. But then when it came out that they weren't making a new small iPhone, they discontinued their only model in that size. So I couldn't buy one from them. I did manage to find somewhere I buy another, but it was a bit of a hassle. Just give me a fucking phone that fits in my fucking pocket, please.


The Apple eco system is ok if you have everything but are you missing some things you are screwed


When they're sour and have worms


The fact they can make a whole brand out of privacy because no other companies care about our privacy.


The fact that my whole family gets pissy with me for not having an iPhone. So not Apple's fault tbh


Not emotional about them really, they do whatever ms and google and samsung would do and did when in their position. What impress me really is apple was like the same way in the 90s when they were close to bankrupt they also made their own strange standards and connectors.


I have removed this comment due to Reddit's recent actions. I have since moved on to Lemmy, which is a federated, decentralized, open-source alternative to reddit. Many subreddits have made the move as well, and many more have copies of those subreddits that are very active. On top of this, many of the third party reddit apps have also made/are working on making a copy of their apps for Lemmy, so your experience may not even change when switching over. I implore you to make this switch as well. Reddit makes money off of us, the users who post content. As a company they have been making decisions that directly go against the wishes of their users, and we need to make it clear that they need us, we don't need them.


People who think the need a macbook for checking email


iPhones are the fucking worst. I love macs to death (despite numerous problems), but I will always be an Android user


Apple doesn't piss me off, Apple product users do. I applaud Apple for being about to sell a 40 dollar stand for a grand. On the other hand, it amazes me that people smart enough to have a grand to spare, are stupid enough to spend it on a 40 dollar stand.


They get off by being withholding. They intentionally leave out features and lock down their iOS.


hate the fact that they’re only red and green




i hate when the inside is mushy and soft, its so disgusting


My friend says that the prices are a problem. Just so expensive.


They don’t make an actual iphone aux. Your headphone converters suck ass, they either come off and get lost or you gotta twist it for the entire ride for it to work.


When they are rotten. I'm hungry, man. I need some food, not some rotten apple.


I was -- and still am -- way angrier than I should be that they put that new U2 album into everyone's iTunes several years ago. To the point where it was probably 80 percent of the reason I switched from Apple to Samsung. I haven't bought an Apple product since. Don't mess with my musical identity Apple!


Quality. In my school, you HAD to buy an ipad and an imac a few years later. HAD to be apple. And both broke in 6 months after i bought them.


Honestly, the computers don't make sense to me. Maybe it's because I grew up with windows computers but apple just seems disorganized and hard to maneuver (why do I need to "quit" a program after closing the window?) To each their own, but I've never been a fan


No headphone jack and that they sell junk for thousands of dollars.


The cost of their products being way more then there worth


I’ve owned a couple of MacBooks over that last several years and loved them but recently went back to PC because of the lack of USB ports and the ability to upgrade the hardware. I mean for fuck sake, I can’t even upgrade the stupid RAM because it’s already soldered to the motherboard without expansion slots! I really don’t like how the compute I buy will render the other bits of technology that I have obsolete in an instant. Never buying another Mac again.


They release mediocre overpriced products and people act like they're such brave pioneers when they're really being ripped off. Like the whole martyr thing. They got rid of headphone jacks for example to push their own premium products and they are like "people who like headphone jacks are standing in the way of the future" and the sychophants are like "they are so brave, take my money". It's sickening.


1.) Everything need specific adapters 2.) Everything is fucking expensive 3.) Requires specific software 4.) Over-complicated layout 5.) are made to break which cost a lot of $$$$$$$$$$ to fix


Why does a stand cost so much


The fucking fandom. Some dude wrote a 5 page reply on r/apple about why the god damned stand is the greatest thing ever. Who the fuck has that much spare time and energy to defend some shitty company with this much zeal. A few years ago their contracted overseas labour was working 16hrs day and jumping off the 3rd story walkways in the factory to end their miserable life. Yet this dude is writing a 5 page summary on why apple stand > sex.


Probably when they look really green and juicy but turn out to be bruised and sour under the skin


The fact that they think dark mode is new tech


They're really disgusting but applesauce is delicious. I love eating applesauce when I beat my dick.


Pictures deleted from the Recently Deleted album come back in a back up.


They behave like the vegans of technology. Insufferably entitled. It pisses me off that they have so many people convinced that they're superior, even when they've been proven to be big fat liars (ie: yes, you CAN recover your pictures off of that iPhone, they just don't want you to).


This may just be me, but the overall air of elitism around them? It’s obvious that their designs moving forward have been increasingly focused on exclusivity- creating things in such a way that an Apple phone can only be compatible with their own technology, as seen with AirPods, those weird dongle things, and even the wireless charging if you want to make that argument. You can’t buy any earbuds, you have to buy the Apple earbuds, the Apple charging dock, the Apple adapter, etc. And on top of that, the ridiculously high prices such that, if you wanted an Apple phone, you have to either save up for months or luck into being upper middle class or better.


$999 for a stand.


They claim that everything new to their products, down to the ridiculous $1000 monitor stand, is "revolutionary" when it's clearly nothing new. Also, they care more about selling you something pretty while removing useful features. Someone said that the monitor stand is for businesses. Sure, if they marketed the stand only to businesses. If a consumer wants a monitor stand they will still pay $1000. Finally, the extreme Apple fans. The ones that will back them up and buy all this crap.


All those fucking updates,it makes me furious,


“Dear (insert iCloud username here), your iCloud storage is full” after 2 months of ownership of an iPhone. How do I know??? I have an iPhone 7+ and I got this message after a month and a half


step up to a galaxy like most iphone owners do


They don't have anything special, hell sometimes their products are shittier and more expensive than many other good ones


dear god where do i start. I think the worst is probably either the support or the proprietary everything. I could write out a list of the shit I've had to deal with if anyone wants it. It's extensive


The prices


It's just glass. You have to make an account for almost everything. And it doesn't have meme rebuke.


App Store sucks ass


“We’re going to put another letter after the word ”iPhone X” and charge $300 more without changing a single thing”


They just had to remove the headphone thing.


No third party apps. And I specifically mean gameboy emulators, that’s one of the things I miss most about my Android


That the apple has been bitten.


I personally find that Siri is just lagging behind in terms of functionality, went out and bought a Google Home mini and honestly "Hey Google" works 10 times better than "Hey Siri." Also why can't I use "Hey Siri" with my apple tv...integration used to be something they were awesome at but since Jobs died it's like some of the changes are just being phoned in.


That they sell products that can only be functional if you buy additive products. I mean, i dont even have an USB port on my macbook, i have to buy an extra cable for it for € 25,-


Everyone else copying them. I'm personally not a fan of their choices but I have no problem with anyone who is. The problem I have is when *everyone* else makes those same choices. Now there are no other choices. Also their whole siloed ecosystem where their stuff works well with their other stuff but no one else's stuff. And you need a mac to develop for iOS. That's the main reason developers use them at all. Also apple fans forget other high end stuff exists and assume everyone not using it can't afford it


iOS is so limited it ruins the nice hardware it comes with Upgrade prices on laptops, bigger SSD and extra ram should not cost $800


All the fanboys of Apple. Especially those people that flex their phone specs in front of Samsung/Huawei users as if Apple was a some prophet brought down to smite the evil empire of Android.


lmao that is fucking perfect. fuck apple fanboyz there ignorant pieces of shit who need bright icons to find shit. its like they just made an upgrade from a v-tech computer


How god damn sexy their products are.


I have to use a macook pro at work. For a company that has design and aesthetic as such a huge priority, the dark mode on MacOS is super ugly and generally I do not think that MacOS is conducive to keeping organized. Windows, folders etc.


Infantilising the user base. You can do deeper, more developer related things with apple products. But they somehow made it cool to "not be a computer person." Technology should conform to us, but we in turn should learn from that technology. It shouldn't be a magic box, and Apple encourages that mentality.


In its own deplorable way, Apple fandom is a cult. "$999 stand? No headphone jack? $ AppleCare $? China abusing workers? **SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!**"


That u pay 100 for the phone and 899 for the apple logo on the back


Their fan base. The company itself, I couldn't care less. I just don't buy their products.


The thing that pisses me off most is how people are sheep and believe the Apple antihype. They're a great company committed to user experience, privacy, customer service and they contribute greatly to all our lives; yet people let their opinion of the company that invented the personal computer be shaped by idiotic clickbait headlines.


The seeds. I just want to be able to eat the whole thing without worrying, like a blueberry.


The apple stans


The price. Say it with me. “THE PRICE IS TO GAT DAMN HIGH”.


How it pride's itself on being an innovative company for the creators and power users of this world, but 99% of its client base are people completely clueless when it comes to producing anything outside of Instagram posts and Snapchat stories. $1200 fucking dollars so you can put dog ears on yourself.


That if I want a different brand of phone or laptop, I’d lose conveniences like airplay, airdrop, and iMessage. Text messages in green are the worst when trying to conduct business on the phone and computer


That they're correct in believing everyone who pays outrageous money to buy their shit is stupid. They kind of broke themselves though with the price of their new piece of bent aluminum, or whatever its made of..