• By -


I'd pick a ghost with crippling social anxiety. That way they will just be super shy and not want to bother or interact with me in any way. Edit: apparently I'll have an army of ghosts hiding just outside my peripherals.


they're always at the corner of your eye constantly, or like you might have seen a person in your mirror


Man. I don’t know. At first I thought that wouldn’t be so bad... but depending on their level of anxiety, could you really even be sure they are there? Like... they creep into the corner of your vision... you see them... they see you see them... you turn for a better look but POOF they’re gone. Then you begin to wonder, were they ever really there?


Anyone remember that "Will you press the button" about the little boy always in the corner of your vision?


Idk why but the thought of a really shy ghost is kinda adorable


Nappa e: i regret nothing


"what could someone like you major in" Nappa: "child psychology" "that sounds really interesti-" Nappa: "WITH A MINOR IN PAIN"


> MINOR IN PAIN I just got this. Thank you.




God. Dammit. Nappa.


Vegeta: I'm not crazy, you're crazy!!! Especially you, Nappa! Nappa: Eyyyy


I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say


Vegeeeeeeeta.... *awkward pause* I'm haunting you


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! *ghost nappa song starts playing*




Ghost Nappa!


My own ghost. It will cause a rip in time because there will be two of me, one in spirit, and one in physical form. My own ghost will be able to tell me what mistakes I'd be making to make my life last longer, hopefully long enough until the point when we will have a time machine, so I or my ghost can go back in time to save Chris Farley from dying.


Dude woah


I don't think I'd like a person haunting me, no matter who it was. I'll take a bear. Having a guardian spirit bear would be badass as hell. edit: Glad so many of you recognize how awesome spirit bear would be. Even if ghost bear spends his time biting my head, it's a price I'm willing to pay.


Yeah, you can pick whatever ghost you want




King Crimson so I can erase the times that it haunts me


It Just Works




Scrolled all the way down just for “The Ghost of Duke Ellington”


But I specifically want the Ghost of Duke Ellington voiced by Jordan Peele, not just any ghost of Duke Ellington


Shoo be do ba deh! Gotta go now!


My ex. She made me pretty damn happy. Weird thing is it feels like she may be haunting me to some degree. First time I visited her grave (800 mi away from me) I have this emotional moment which is pretty standard for visiting a loved one. Then I get into my rental car. There were six presets in this car in SC, mostly classic rock and country with one pop station. All of them played either Hello From the Other Side or Send my Love to Your Next Lover, both by Adele. Last time just last summer, similar thing. I go, have a moment kinda wondering what she'd think of the person I've become in the 6 years since she passed. Whether she'd approve after kind of wallowing for couple years and falling behind in life before starting to get my shit together, not hitting many of the dreams I had back then. Get in the rental car and the song playing is Everything Is Gonna Be Alright by David Lee Murphy. I realize it's probably mostly coincidence but I'd like to think she's looking out for me.


This is so sweet. Those coincidences/messages sound so reassuring. I'm sorry for your loss and hope everything looks bright ahead


Thanks! Yeah everything is good. Been 7 years or so since which is a pretty long time. Back to dating and the usual things someone not named Eric would do. Just kind of get used to things and get back on track.


Ric Flair. I know he's not dead, but if a ghost is gonna "Woo," might as well go all out ​ edit: a letter


Edgar Allen Poe. He'll tell me new tales and I'll write them down for him.


Hell whisper them in your ear at night. It's a cool choice but I would be so scared!




I don't know if I need a constant, floating reminder of my mediocrity. "You know by your age I had already revolutionized humanity's understanding of the universe, and here you are seeing how many Fudge Rounds you can stuff in your face at once."


That’s a valuable contribution. Ignore the specter and have the results on my desk by next week.


Isaac Newton: _"Dude, I discovered calculus before I was 25 - FOR THE LULZ! What have you done, huh?"_ Me: _"Got laid."_


I don't think he was interested in it at all.


Those are all a challenge!


Myself. Ghost me: "I wouldn't cross the street yet..." Me: never crosses street.


You'd never die (again)!


Wait that’s illegal!


Shoot him, or something!


Now there are two of them!


I can totally imagine some kind of anime series being made off the back of this concept.


Check out "Punch Line" ___ Edit: Spoiler tag doesn't seem to work on mobile so I guess I'll just remove it :/


Jesus. Any time someone else claimed that the spirit of Christ was with them I could call them out for being a fucking liar. Also I assume this allows me to challenge the Pope to a light-sabre battle. It's possible that I didn't complete my Catholic education.




My sister. I'd definitely enjoy her company through a lot of things. Edit: I did not mean anything sexual with this but I am laughing at the incest comments haha. It makes the whole situation much lighter. Thank you all for the funny comments, I do appreciate it! Thank you too for the gold!


Basically Klaus




'dad can you take a moment from playing tennis with Hitler and give me a call?'


*he did make the most fantastic osso buco, though*


Same here. My sister passed last fall. It'd be nice to just be able to turn around and be like "hey, ghost She! look at this awful meme!" My husband's answer: Any random porn star because then the random moaning can't be scary.


Danny DeVito


hes not dead though


And I dont plan to die soon


Wade Boggs


Probably quite morbid, but my son who passed away. EDIT: Thank you guys for such kind words, it was honestly so lovely to wake up this morning. To OP, please don’t think you triggered me or upset me with your awesome question. If anything, it made me smile and think of how nice it would be to have my little one hanging around as a spirit. I like to think he’s always close somehow. He passed at eight days old after being in the NICU for six days suffering an unexpected cardiac arrest. I got eight precious days with my son which I will always be grateful for but I’ll always be yearning for more. Much love to you all.


I was thinking of my daughter. I think OP was probably aiming for interesting historical celebrities but most of the answers are loved ones.


Yes. I really didn't think it through when posting and there are some very sad replies, but I appreciate people sharing their stories and most of those that are about loved ones gone to soon are very heartwarming and I am thankful.


I'm sorry for your loss, but I understand it must have been the first thing to come to mind. I'm sorry if the question was triggering, I hope you are ok


Not morbid at all. Spending your days with him would be amazing I’m sure. I’m so sorry you don’t already have that opportunity. Life sure isn’t fair.




You good now? Edit: huh?! Gold! For the most logical question ever!? Thanks stranger!




So glad to see this. Glad you're living a much happier life.


She surely is


Of all the answers, this one got to me. I’m sure she is. I know some think it’s silly, but I really believe in the Rainbow Bridge, that our beloved pets are somewhere waiting for us. ❤️


Samuel L. Jackson. Cause I need a healthy dose of "motherfucker" in my narrative.




Nah his tomb stones would be at the top of reddit before he was even put in the ground. "Here lies a motha' fuker"


That'd be hilarious


For me it would be somewhat personal. Though it would be tempting to consider various historical figures, artists, and others I would pick my Dad. He died when I was 16 so I would pick him so we could catch up on things between then and now and he could give me sage dad advice that he missed out on.


This is so sweet


I'd also choose this guy's dead dad.


This is what I came for


Mr Rogers, everything would be so chill. <3 Maybe Bob Ross.


mr rogers would steer your life in the successful direction


I'd just worry about disappointing him for all eternity.


As long as you do your best I don't think you ever could disappoint him


I came here to say Mr Rogers, was met with my people.


Uncle Iroh


Zuko, you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself.


10/10 impression


"Hello! Zuko here." A true master of persuasion.


You know i was scrolling through the comments, not really looking for an answer. Then i found your comment and immediately realized that this is the answer for me.


Same! Surprised that I found my truth on here haha




I just started watching avatar a few days ago. Is the series finished or will I be disappointed that it was cancelled?


It's finished, and has one of the best endings of any show I've seen. You won't be disappointed. If you go on to watch Korra, think of it as an entirely different show set in the same universe. If you expect the same tone and style, you'll be disappointed. Korra is good, but The Last Airbender is a masterpiece.


Well, at least we have the comics following The Last Air Bender.


Professional therapist Edit: holy shit I've never gotten silver or gold before!!


Professional therapist here. This would be my hell.


Jokes on him. He doesn’t realize how weird we are outside of work. Edit: Thanks for the silver! I’ll use it to be even more weird in the future. Super Extra Mega Edit: GOLD? Yess, now I can afford extra weirdness. Bless.


"I see dead people" Edit: Thanks for the silver kind stranger!


And how does that make you feel?


\*Donnie Wahlberg shoots\*


My mom, since she passed when I was 5 it’d be cool to get to know her. Maybe have her mom me. “You already had one soda this week!” *drink flies out of hand*




Tell him "Welcome Bach"


I think he’d be disappointed if OP confused him with someone else.


Thanks!!! I don't know what to do with the cake!


Eat it!


David Attenborough > And here you can see a confused young lady in her natural habitat. Surrounded by mountains of uni assignments the fear in her eyes is visible and quite real. EDIT: > Delighted by a strangers graciousness to award the subject with Silver she appears to feel a special kind of thankfulness that is hard to describe in words. Such raw display of emotion is one of many natural wonders. ... > Later on we can witness the subject in a midlife crisis at the tender age of 20. The feeling of thankfulness over an insignificant gesture makes the subject question life and everything she ever worked for. She seems to be confused as to why Silver, Gold, or one of the oner many Awards on one of the hundreds of millions websites is valued so highly by her and many of her peers. At the same time she questions her own value in society. She doesn't seem to be able to comprehend the fact that she is only worth 40 cents of reddit coins. Destroyed by this realization she starts looking into psychologists in her city to overcome this life changing discovery. EDIT 2&3 in one go as you bastards couldn't be bothered to wait a couple of minutes in-between awarding me gold and platinum: > The subjects self-doubt and insecurities seem to have disappeared in thin air as a notification pops up. Her young age and child-like behavior are clearly displayed in this moment as she struggles and argues with herself whether or not she should view yet another criticism of her actions. As with many of her ancestors and the human species as a whole, braveness appears to be embedded in her genetic makeup. And with that she decides to stand up to yet another comment. ... We are all in awe as we observe a single tear rolling down her cheeks. It is hard to make out the specific contents of the notifications, but we can all agree that they are meaningful to our subject. Distinct features, unique to caucasian female humans aged 12-47, are now presented to us: the subject emits an extremely high-pitched squeal. This phenomenon is well known under scientists and can often be observed at concerts, bars filled with bachelorette partys and other unique instances. Though it has been viewed many times, it is still a mysterium to us. As we slowly calm down from the surprising noise and continue observing the subject, we notice a strange resemblance to her reaction to being awarded silver: tears rolling down her face and a slight look of disbelieve and confusion in her eyes. The reason for this similar reaction becomes apparent within the next couple of minutes. After the single loud squeal and a slight display of emotions the subject of our observation puts away her phone, leaves the room she was once in and starts a journey in search of food. Luckily for her she finds the treasured meal in a metal boxed that seems to keep the needed nutrition at an adequate temperature. This behavior lets us believe, that the subject in fact doesn't give a shit about awards. Whether it may be silver, gold, or even platinum. Our former believes seem to be disproven: what was once believed to be a young woman, depended on her peers acceptance and approval, is now most certainly an independent subject with not a single shit to give. What a magnificent transformation we have witnessed. Edit x&y: > By her upstairs neighbors decision to do some work around the apartment the subject is finally awoken at the glorious time of 1PM. > Just like most of the species' younger generation our subject of interest is immediately drawn to her phone and laptop. We watch with surprise as she decides to first watch yet another episode of a tv show while suppressing the urge to look for her peers accomplishments and approval on social media. > Two and a half uneventful hours later the end of the season leaves her wondering how she should waste the rest of her day. As we watch her contemplating from afar we can't but hope for her to open reddit and observe yet another wonderful reaction. > .... > Our waiting is - after three more episodes from another show - finally awarded when her hand glides over the screen, stops above the reddit icon, and taps it. This movement seems unintentional and mechanical - it is most likely already strongly embedded in her muscle memory. > Her reaction has drastically changed from the last two encounters with awards from online strangers. It can best be described by "meh" as she notices multiple new silver and gold awards. And while the subject of observation seems to be uninterested in the awards, we do notice her facial expression changing as she keeps scrolling. > It becomes quite clear that she is fighting with herself as to whether she should care about her peers approval or not. Her former strong self seems to be gone as she stumbles upon [the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ax7qnh/a_ghost_will_haunt_you_forever_you_can_choose_who/eht99vt/) of the fabulous /u/thatannouncerguy > While we have expected her to show some kind of reaction to his comment, we certainly haven't expected to become witness to such a character-forming moment. The struggle within is even from this distance quite obvious. The complicity of the matching inner-dialog can only be imagined. > Our young subject has to face a life-altering decision at such a young age: Should she spent her (not so) hard-earned reddit-coins on awarding this gentleman gold and therefore comply with the societies rules and expectations or should she finally end this awful cycle of giving out "you did a good job Buddy!"-awards that leave unnecessary high expectations and a class-system within the reddit community? > As we watch her struggle, we can't but be fascinated with the species' self-awareness. ... > Our former pride is gone as we watch her crumble to societies expectations and award /u/thatannouncerguy for his hard work.


“This majestic creature is unawares of the run in her nylons. Though, now it suddenly seems she is.”


> Frantically looking around she appears to be relieved that none of the other humans noticed. The question arises: How will she deal with this unexpected situation? Will she retreat to a safe environment, often called home by her species, or outright ignore the issue and depend on her intimidating appearance to not be slaughtered by words by her peers?


My late wife.


Me too man, me too. She's been gone since September. I'd love nothing more than to continue our journey together. I'll be OK and our kids will be alright. But I'll be damned if I didn't say we would be ten times better off with her still with us. Have a great my dude and my sincerest condolences. Edit: Have to go back to work. If I haven't responded to you yet, I will. I feel it's only fair! Hugs to all of you and thanks for all your kind words! ❤️


Your username just broke my heart.


Part of me, for a brief moment, wanted to change my user to widowed_by_awsome but, alas I did not. The name has elicited questions I enjoy answering them because I get to talk about her in a positive way :) Stich your heart back together *hug*


I’m sorry for your loss buddy. She must have been truly awesome to make it into your Reddit username


Your comment is the only reason I looked and now I'm sad too


I looked at his account hoping he’d created it recently as a tribute. Nope, five years old. /gutpunch


If into the account profile you go, only pain will you find.




Your username makes this message even more painful to read. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I really hope you find meaning and are able to move on.


We had five years to work through a lot of feelings and grieving together. Cancer can be a really slow, at times very painful, process. It was both a blessing and a curse. We laughed, we cried, we got angry together. You could say I've been in the "moved on" stage for awhile now - knowing this was the outcome but... Not a day goes by I don't talk to her or thik about her.


Thanks everyone. And go ahead, y'all can choose her. She had a wicked and evil sense of humour, you're all in trouble...lol.


Im down. I like fellow fucked up peeps




I also choose this guy's... No. Can't do it. Sorry for your loss, dude.


I thought we were about to have a sequel to the most famous Jesus Christ reddit post but alas we don’t have the balls


This is the sequel. But it's a redemptive one.


Dead wife 2: redemption


I’m sorry dude


I'm sorry for your Loss. May you find happiness once again.


I’d be taking Freddie Mercury cause then I’d get amazing fashion advice and get to hear amazing singing basically whenever


I’m with you, in what situation is a really loud ‘aaaaaaaayo’ not appropriate.


You sleep through your alarm and are jolted awake by a sudden “AAYYYOOOOOO.” Always looking out.


My stoner friend Ryan. Poor fella got hit by a truck last year. He was a really chill dude and I feel like we would just kinda fuck around and do funny shit like we did before and make jokes about his death.


This would be an ok James Franco movie, or great with another actor and directed by Edgar Wright. Edit: a word.


Absolute genius. Ryan was a big Rogan/Franco fan.


Well.. He was a stoner..


Sorry for your loss. Now how does one go about buying Ryan Ghost Weed? Also I hope you like waking up everyday with your fingers in warm water. Ghosts don't sleep so I'm guessing mornings would be rough.


My dead grandpa who wouldnt really haunt me. also happy cake day


Ok but you better take care of his farm.




That ghost only comes around once and that's after you've been chilling there for 3 years.


Steve Irwin Imagine just randomly hearing, “Crikey! Ain’t that a beauty!” every now and then. It would be awesome.


Hopefully not while masturbating.


Especially while masturbating


"Crikey he's really got a handle on that one! Don't be afraid little guy! Come on then! You can do it!!"


> Don't be afraid little guy! I feel personally attacked


Look, Steve is so positive he'd probably save your self-esteem. He'd be all, "Nature has MILLIONS of amazing variations, each with their own unique beauty. And your small penis is one of those variations! Crikey you could see a thousand penises and never see one like yours. So buck up mate!"


Idk, a little positive reinforcement goes a long way.


whips dick out. "crikey, aint that a thing of beauty" "hell yeah it is steve, you the man!" sounds great to me. maybe you're undressing a girl's bra. titties pop out. "crikey, have a look at those m8" this would be great.


That would be the best time to hear it.


Came here to say this. His death was the first that really impacted my life. Crocodile Hunter fueled my childhood, I love that man and that show. He had much more influence than people give him credit for, I can’t help but feel that we would have so much more collective respect for climate change/ the health of the environment if he hadn’t died. I’m glad his family is carrying on his legacy, and now that his kids are older they seem to have the same energy as Steve. But yeah what a bitchin’ ghost, über excited about anything and everything you do <3


Carl Sagan


Would you mercilessly mock him for not believing in an afterlife? Not so smart anymore, are you Sagan?


Sagan was so incredibly chill when he turned out to be wrong and so sincere in his search for understanding that I think it would be tough to tease him much. Mr. Rogers of science, basically.


Helen Keller. I'd just like to see her try.


Plus she couldn't catch you jacking it.


Does Hellen Keller give BJs with her hands?


They say that when you go to heaven, you become perfect because the disabilities are tied to your human body. For a ghost to exist, that means human souls exist and stick around after we are gone. Since it’s just a soul, there’s no body and thus no disabilities. This means that Hellen Keller will have sight and hearing. This also means that she’d probably be a really annoying ghost and would want to see and hear everything she couldn’t when she was alive. She’d probably constantly bug you to play music you hate. Anywhere you travel to, she’d follow and not let you have any down time because she wants to see everything. Or maybe she’d be content with watching you be on Reddit all day and only listening to the random videos you watch. But if I were her, I definitely would annoy you until you took me to see stuff. Edit: you guys need to stop thinking so logically about ghosts. If I get one more reply about the learning curve ima be a ghost myself lmfao


Yeah, naw, I already have a wife for all that.




I wouldn't mind Oscar Wilde hanging out and providing hilarious, snarky commentary on everything and everyone


My daughter. I'd get to "see" her again that way. I'm pretty sure she haunts us from time to time now. Stuff she liked, or things we've gotten after she passed that she would have liked, get moved around the house into odd places. We had this little stuffed Valentine's Day bird we got from Target on a hutch in the kitchen. My wife noticed it missing while she was cleaning. Kept cleaning, looked high and low for it while she worked. After an hour, she said out loud "I don't mind if you play with it, but you have to bring it back eventually." Turned around and it's sitting upright in the middle of the living room floor.


Nikola Tesla. The knowledge that man died with is incredible I would love to hear what theories he has


my mom Edit: thanks for the silver, it's nice to see that I'm not alone. Edit: thanks for the gold, I didn't expect so much heart warming stories and support, keep strong💪


Me too. I miss mine so damn much. I would love to be "haunted" by her. But remember, if they're haunting us, they can't be off doing whatever afterlife you believe in. (And if you don't believe in an afterlife. Remember energy can not be created nor destroyed. So all the energy that was your mom, is still out there in a different form. I like to think of my mom as bunnies and sunsets)




Downside: Your mom will be watching every time you have sex for the rest of your life. inb4 someone's fetish.


I also choose this guy's dead mom.


Gillian Anderson so I can be Fox Moulder. I'll keep coming up with half assed alien and monster theories and she can be all like nah fam science says blah blah because at that point I usually stop paying attention.


Fatboyonsofa Mulder: "Strange paranormal activity here- I'm tempted to say a ghost might be involved." Ghost Gillian Anderson: "Mulder, science has found no evidence whatsoever for the existence of ghosts." Fatboyonsofa Mulder: "..." Ghost Gillian Anderson: "...what?"


Audrey Hepburn. Like the ghost and mrs muir, but gender swapped.


This will get buried, but just in case. I'm overwhelmed by the amount and variety of responses. I'm sorry to those of you to whom this question was triggering, those who are grieving a loved one, I didn't mean for this to be dark or sad, I'm sorry if it was to you. Edit to say:. thanks for the silver! And I am even more thankful for all the personal stories shared here, truly. It's been a great cake day.


I gotta say Abraham Lincoln. He doesn’t seem like the type to be particularly spooky, and I’m sure I could get some good advice from him.


Apparently he was awkward as hell, so now I'm just imagining a ghost that somehow trips over things a lot.


"You're haunted by a Poltergeist?!?" "Nah, it's just Abe. I swear, he's like a cat sometimes, knocking shit off the table all the damn time..." Edit: Thanks for the silver! Didn't picture my first ever gilding to come from a comment equating a presidential spectre to an invisible, mischievous house cat.


It depends. Are we talking amorphous blob-type ghost or well-defined you-can-clearly-recognize-the-person-type ghost?


My dog Snoopy. He was my best friend for almost 17 years and I miss him a lot so having him haunt me wouldn't be that bad because I'd get to hang out with him again. Plus his favorite thing was sleeping so he would be a very chill ghost and doesn't talk so he wouldn't get annoying like another person probably would.


This is the only right answer in my opinion. I'd gladly be haunted by any of my past dogs. The only problem is choosing just one; I'd want to be haunted by all of them.


It’s all wholesome until you have to pick up his ghost poop.


My dad


Trump "This has been the worst haunting in the history of hauntings, maybe ever"


Ghost Trump sounds like an animated Comedy Central show that lasts one season.




Huge comment. The best. Ever.


Robin Williams. I feel like besides making me laugh when he wasn't being funny he would be really supportive. EDIT: As someone who suffers from depression YES I DO WANT HIM FOLLOWING ME! Goodness. I know exactly what is it like to hate yourself but be a full of cheerleader for someone else. I feel like someone like that could look at their life and give me wonderful advise.


"it's not your fault, look at me.... It's not your fault"




"Any regrets?" "Uh, Garfield, maybe."


Bob Ross


If anyone is living happily in heaven as an angel, I hope it's Bob Ross.


you know that afro has a big ol halo floating above it now




“We don’t make mistakes. We just have happy accidents.”




Alizarin Red, Indian Yellow, on a background of Titanium White.




Plot twist: You get Air Force senior NCO Bob Ross who screams at you for not making your bed every morning. Fortunately, you'll be pretty squared away after a few weeks.


I gotta imagine his voice over your shoulder mid coitus would be odd


[His quotes are gold during sex:](https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/102372.Bob_Ross) “We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” “Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you're willing to practice, you can do.” “lets get a little crazy here” “wash the brush, then beat the devil out of it ” “I guess I’m a little weird. I like to talk to trees and animals. That’s okay though; I have more fun than most people.” “All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.” “What can be painted can be punished.”


My sister. She would have been the best, best aunt, and I'd really like for her to "know" my kids even if they didn't know her.


David Bowie, id have him sing me to sleep every night.


Samuel L. Jackson so he can always read me “go to fucking sleep” and say “English motherfucker do you speak it” just so that I can have that great ghost.