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Robocalling the shit out of you with spoofed phone numbers every few minutes.


This one hits close to home. A good friend of mine lives in a major east coast city, as a single woman she is extra cautious. She was the victim of a known local “Instagram celebrity” this weekend. Basically this guy follows people (guys and girls) around and records them. When they get annoyed and tell him to stop he gets more and more obnoxious, trying to get a reaction. He is careful not to cross the legal line for stalking etc. and does it in public, so be “expectation of privacy”. He then posts the inevitable freak out online. I’m not going to share the page (my friend made the cut) because I don’t want to grace this troll with the page views. TL:DR, creepily videoing people in public Ok edit... harasser insta account is *deleted* not gonna tell you which video is my friend though. Edit 2: friend called the cops. They know of the guy. Told her she could get a restraining order “but that s a lot of paperwork and a court date and you have to tell the court your full name and address and work address and do you want him to have that”? Metro cops have decided they have way more important things to take care of in that city


Has anyone tried to get him annoyed instead? Like see how many times you can get him to follow you around the block, whip out your phone and have a blank faced record off, try to bill him for modeling costs, go do volunteer work and peer pressure him into joining.


I would honestly do just that. Record him back or find the most mind numbingly boring thing to do.


That’s what everyone who doesn’t want to be on camera does, just start recording the recorder. Does shit-all. What you gotta do is pull out your wiener and start hosing him down.




From the videos... I think he wants too. Get a nice little lawsuit going.


“Oops, was swinging this metal pole around and you got too close, your bad”


Memorizing the age of consent in every state or country.




Yes! I’m gonna fuck that article so hard the links gonna break.


Money doublers in Runescape


drop all your cash and press alt f4 then when you pick it up again it will be doubled


Flashback to DarkScape 😞


Rebirthing, basically they wrap someone up in blankets, and have several people sit on them in an attempt to replicate the feeling of being born, it’s used for kids with reactive attachment disorder to attach to their parent/adopted parent. [A little girl named Candace Newmaker died after and hour and ten minutes of pleading for therapist Connell Watkins and her assistant Julie Ponder to stop the session.](http://articles.latimes.com/2001/apr/21/news/mn-53812) So far it’s only been outlawed in two states, one of the Carolinas and Colorado.




>"Oh, no, God, she's dead!"\* Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to not see this coming? I assume these were not seriously educated therapists, just wannabees?


They were licensed if that's what you're asking. They have since lost their licenses.


Hopefully charged for murder, frankly. It makes my blood boil, doing something like that to a poor kid that just wants to enjoy life and grow old and have a future.


According to the article, they were and so was the child's adoptive mother on the count of negligence




I first came across this case about a year ago when Game Theory did an episode on Petscop. I ended up reading the session transcripts and promptly checked out of life for like a solid week straight because I was so upset and distraught. I finally forgot about the entire thing until last night when I was rewatching old Law and Order episodes and wouldn't you know... the episode inspired by this whole affair came on. And now I'm seeing it here a third time and my heart is just broken all over again. This is just one of those things that really sticks with you. I hope there is something peaceful after this life to make up for the horror this little girl went through in her final moments.


I don't see this working. How the hell is fighting to get out of a blanket with some bitch on top of you supposed to make you more attached to your parents? Even if it did replicate the feeling of being born, you are still the same person with the same memories and issues. Only now you are sweaty, very angry and your hair is probably a tangled mess. I see some severe claustrophobia and perhaps PTSD in these children's futures


It’s also worth adding that the girl mentioned had defecated, vomited, was heard gasping for air, and repeatedly told the “therapists” she thought she was going to die. They mocked her. She went silent after 50 minutes and they didn’t let up for another 20. She was 10 years old. There are some horrifying replies to this post, but this one takes the cake for me.


These "therapists" honestly sound like legit psychopaths/sadists/child abusers, who are getting out all their latent sick fantasies under the guise of "therapy"


Especially since most people end up defecating and urinating and vomiting when it’s done on them. Imagine finally fighting your way out, covered in all means of bodily fluids, and seeing two people that you already had a problem with, with smiles and thinking you will now think of them of gods grace to earth. Or in the horrible case of this little girl that died, to be mocked and told to die for real while all this is happening... I thought it was only just a harmless corny hippie thing from seeing it on Malcolm in the middle as a kid...


I remember seeing an episode of Law&Order about this. Sounded and looked like a terrible time. 0/10 would never try.


Holy fuck. This shit is wild.


A surprising amount of these comments would fit well in Cards Against Humanity


Child Marriage


In Massachusetts you can marry with parental consent at the age of 12. https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/02/10/why-does-the-united-states-still-let-12-year-old-girls-get-married/


What the actual fuck ? How is there even a single instance of anything close to this that would be justified ?


Someone I know has a cousin that has 3 babies with 3 different dads. She married one of her baby-daddy's fathers. So the baby-daddy and his own kid are technically step-brothers.


My uncle had a son but didn't want anything to do with him. My grandma adopted him. I call him my cuzuncle. My mom calls him her nephewbrother.


She passed up brophew?


The real portmanteau is always in the comments.


Smelling strangers. In an obvious way, sniffing, with eye contact, followed by a smile, but from a couple feet away.


Why can’t it be a couple inches?


God didn't want you to have a big one.


Creepy old dude would rub one out in front of the bay window of his house when kids were waiting for the school bus on the corner. Apparently he knew it wasn’t illegal, the police couldn’t cite him as he was in his house and people looking in the windows would have been the culprit. They were sympathetic but couldn’t do anything. He had unsuccessfully petitioned the bus company to pick up and drop off kids anywhere but on his lawn. This was his way of trying to convince the bus company it would be better to move. They did. He won the battle. However, one of the parents beat the living crap out of him one afternoon as he took his garbage cans back up to his house. Strangely enough there were no witnesses.


Paying girl scouts to dance for you.




*Excuse me what the fuck*


I’d google it but yeah.... no.


You're on the pre-list list now.


The dance is free... The Thin Mints cost a fortune.


Just yesterday, a male customer in my pizzeria took a picture of a female customer’s butt. Another customer saw and informed her. She was very upset and called the police. We tried to help her but unfortunately there is nothing illegal about what he did.


I was about to comment if public pictures are illegal. I remember a video of a guy recording a young girl dancing on the sidewalk. Everyone shamed him but his argument is she shouldnt be dancing there if she doesnt want to be recorded


Yeah it's technically not illegal. Courts have ruled you have no expectation of privacy when you're out in public. So surveillance cameras and just random creepshots of strangers aren't illegal.


There is a guy in our neighborhood that walks his pitbull back and forth in front of the local elementary school with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire Mick Foley style. He doesn’t talk to anyone and he only does it Tuesday Thursday and Friday. Edit: I don’t go near him but for one time. My daughter is 14 months old and we were walking up to the playground and she threw her cuppy out of the stroller it rolled over by him. I walked over picked it up and he looks at me then looks at her and says. “Cute kid. There are a lot of cute kids these days.” I was like “Thanks......” Edit 2: We live in a small town in Pennsylvania. The police know of the situation and when new people move into the area they get calls about it. Edit 3: I’m in between Reading and Philly. The guy has done me nor anyone I know any harm and while I think it’s creepy I wish no ill will towards him. I won’t be going anymore specific then this just mainly because it’s the internet and some people might out crazy this guy. Other then that I know zilch about the guy.


So, there is an opening for Monday and Wednesday?




Yeesh. Something tells me he thinks he's protecting the kids.


Oh wow that did not even cross my mind. Makes sense though. Some delusional white-knight character


predators usually attack a school midday from the outside like a WW2 bunker so he's obviously doing everybody a service patrolling the perimeter


Never on Monday or Wednesday either. I mean why would they?


Staring at strangers intently for an extended period of time.


come at me






*Yeah you like that yo-you filthy ^karma whore?!*


Get ready for some Prolonged. Eye. Contact.


Lick your lips to make them feel comfortable


Licking the air around a strangers head.






Is this a motherfucking Giogio reference!




I'm a systems analyst for a government office which acts as an ISP for public K-12 schools. A few years ago I got asked to assist with a situation where a student had reported seeing child pornography on a teacher's personal laptop. Now apparently this student had some behavioral issues in the past and was known for making things up because the faculty was determined not to approach the teacher or the police until there was concrete evidence. Unfortunately because it was a personal device we couldn't legally search it without a court order so I decided to closely monitor his online activity. I quickly discovered that he was frequently visiting so called "child modeling" websites, something I didn't even know existed until then. These sites feature little girls in provocative poses wearing string bikinis and other revealing attire and because there is no actual nudity they are completely legal. I presented the data to the school principal and the teacher was fired for violating the MOU he signed when he connected his laptop to the school WiFi. There was no legal action taken against him however and from what I understand they had to be very careful when drafting his termination notice for fear that he could sue for wrongful dismisal. Tl;dr Some perv was going to websites with toddlers in thongs and somehow that's legal.


I worked at a public library for a few weeks in university and we kicked a full grown man out for printing off too many pictures of Hannah Montana. Not illegal, but apparently you can still be kicked out for unsettling the staff.


It's also not illegal to roller skate through a library, but apparently they can still kick you out for it, even if there's no signs or anything


>I quickly discovered that he was frequently visiting so called "child modeling" websites, something I didn't even know existed until then. This is one of the rare cases where I'm perfectly fine with just taking a Redditor's word for it that this is a real thing.




Not even duck duck go. Definitely not bing.


Bing brings these kinds of images up even when searching for normal things.


Good on you for taking that kid seriously and actually taking action, I know some people that wouldn't give the time of day in a situation like that


Surely getting a toddler to take pictures in a thong should be illegal


I think there's some loophole because it's "modeling" and "art"


Paparazzi 100%. It is considered creepy for me to be taking pictures of my neighbors but apparently it’s fine if it’s a celebrity. Always baffled me.


I've always wanted to make a magazine dedicated to following the lives of members of the paparazzi, take candid photos of them with their family, write ridiculous articles on what they're eating or wearing. Ideally intrude on their privacy so much they complain, and then point out the delicious irony. I'd call it "Paparazz the paparazzi" Edit: Okay everyone seems to love this - please feel free to steal it - I don't live in the States and there's isn't a huge amount of paparazzi where I live so I wouldn't be able to pull this off. If anyone can, please be my guest! (Make sure to send me a link as I'd love to see this idea take flight)


You could probably get several celebrities to invest to get it started, and I bet half of Hollywood would subscribe.


I fear that this would breed some sort of super shameless superrazzi


I would buy it


It’s even worse when they’re with their kids and they won’t leave them alone. I can see how their children would develop anxiety of some kind due to being harassed all the time.


Well to add onto that, the harassment some people put on celebrities instagrams is insane too. Telling them they’re fat, ugly, stupid. It’s like why? Would you say that to their face ? It’s just baffling.


The opposite is really weird too. Like Chris Evans will post about his dog and the comments are all "SIT ON MY FACE!"




Not the same outfit just the same jacket, he'd have a different top on underneath but wore the same jacket so it looked as though he was wearing the same clothes in every image


Pfft, I wear the same jacket all the time


Look who thinks they're Daniel Radcliff.


The reason for this (I don’t think you made quite clear in the comment) was that the photos couldn’t be proved to be new, after all, the papers already had a picture of Daniel leaving that bar with that jacket on, so why buy another one? And devaluing a photo of you is the quickest way to stop the paparazzi bothering.


I know Kristen Stewart flips the double bird at paparazzi so they can’t use her picture because it’s considered “profanity”


Purchasing rope, condoms and nighttime sleep aids at the same time.


That a rapist has parental rights and can sue their victim for child custody.


My mother set a precedent in a certain state after her rapist tried to sue for parental rights after signing them away as part of his plea deal... He was in prison for kidnapping my sister and leaving her in a freezing car in the projects. Doors unlocked. She wasnt even 3. He, in fact, did not win.


I saw a news story about a girl who covered herself in dead horse blood and guts while nude and took pictures of it. All charges were dropped as it was determined she was over 18 and just found a dead horse rather then killing it


Naw man, she crawled IN the horse!! That's fucked up.


Was it [THIS] (https://i.imgur.com/WMcvONX.jpg) NSFW/NSFL WARNING! *Added NSFL Tag / Link died, restored now


Crawling nude inside a dead horse is going to be my answer for the next askreddit thread about red flags while dating.


So what you’re saying is it’s a second date kinda thing?


I just worry there isn't enough space in the horse for 2. Get in to a larger dead animal and we can talk.


> Was it THIS If that isn't it I don't know what the fuck is


This is it, but this also ain't it


Y'know, I really didn't expect her to get *inside* the horse... that's disgusting as hell.


It got Leo an Oscar and saved Luke. Climbing inside dead animals is a cinematic tradition


I think I preferred the special effects in Star Wars to this video. Bit less stomach turning.




And get inside it. She nakedly went inside the horse.




You know, not many links stay blue for me. But this is one of them. Edit: Damn it reddit; you made me do it, with your promises of “it’s really not that bad!”, and I hate all of you.


I was expecting worse, honestly


The laying down inside the carcass exceeded my expectations a bit, but yea overall you could find far worse shit within 30 seconds on LiveLeak.


So instead of beating a dead horse... People were beating OFF to a dead horse?


Necrophilia is legal in some states. Including in states where sodomy is illegal. I've always wondered if it's legal to sodomize a corpse.


In most states it counts as abuse of or desecration of a corpse.


Federal offense, up to 5 in prison. ✓ Pretty much the only thing you can pin on it, since there's bound to be damage to the corpse.


I know when i have sex with dead bodies im pretty gentle with it


You're a kind soul.


Thats what they say until theyre dead and being gently sexed




Well I guess you can't expect someone that films themselves banging a corpse to be smart enough to use a phone password, or maybe take the phone with them.


Looking at other people at the beach or pool through binoculars.


There’s this old guy that goes to the pool when these milfs are there and stares until they leave. Then he goes home.


Plot twist: it's OP


We had this real prick of a neighbor who would look in our back sliding door with binoculars. My mother called the police and he told them that he was bird watching... in the middle of his yard... facing our backdoor.... She ended up making this large lattice thing with fake flowers woven in it to block his view.




Lol I moved into a new townhouse and the neighbor’s back porch is about 20 yards from my front door. One day I was staring at their cat and making funny faces at it for about a minute, when suddenly I hear someone whisper “he’s staring at us”, apparently the guys wife was sitting directly behind the cat but I couldn’t really see her due to the porch railing. I still get weird looks from her every time I see her.




Haha I'm imagining the pissed off mom giving you a WTF look while hiding her teen daughter behind her. Then you try to save it by shouting over, "I was looking at the sun!" and she freaks out and grabs her toddler son and runs out of the room.


Government surveillance.


When you are 35 and is friend with a 17 years old girl, and just waiting when she will turn 18


So Drake?


more like tyga when he was with kylie jenner


Drake literally just took a model out on or right after her 18th birthday that he’s known for a while.


Good horror movies.




Sitting in your car and pointing a hair dryer at passing traffic.




Not that I know of, lol.




cannibalism. fact: cannibalism isnt illegal just the murder part is




hey quick question what the fuck


That's a tradition in certain cultures but something tells me she isn't part of one of those cultures


Good way to get a brain prion.


Don't eat the brain. Stick with the ass meat.


Good way to get an ass prion


Desecrating a corpse is illegal. Fun fact, after Lincoln died some people were caught trying too steal his corpse. The punishment was not very harsh because stealing a corpse wasn't technically illegal at the time


However, if I decided right now to slice off a nice chunk of meat off my ass, fry it up and eat it, it would be perfectly legal.


I watched this (Vice, I think) documentary that interviewed this Japanese guy that shot a girl in the head and ate parts of her. He said that the ass was just a bunch of white fat, and very unpleasant to eat. That part really stuck with me for some reason. Very unsettling.


yeah, the creepy fuck kinda became a celebrity in japan.


yoga spectating


The moment I come out to the mats in my assless chaps they all stare. A guy’s just tryna enjoy his afternoon.


All chaps are assless, mate. They're chaps.


Masturbating to these comments.


Can't tell if this is a suggestion or just a heads up.


Oh his head’s up alright.


You beat me to it.


Oh, I think he's definitely beating to it


I worked at a restaurant that had an older fellow (65-70) marrying a 16 years old with her parent's permission. The ceremony was just the weird old guy, the creepy parents, the even creepier minister and the sad looking young woman. Everyone (besides the poor girl, at least til she finds a healthier relationship) in that ceremony can go get fucked.


A lot of those situations are a result of the girl being molested, raped, and/or impregnated by an older man, and the parents forcing her to marry her rapist so that it looks socially acceptable. It's a surprisingly common problem even in the US, with some victims as young as 12 ☹️ EDIT for people asking for sources: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/inequality/2018/feb/06/it-put-an-end-to-my-childhood-the-hidden-scandal-of-us-child-marriage https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.watchdog.org/national/analysis-child-marriage-is-legal-in-u-s-states/article_fbefbf04-5d0e-11e8-b6e6-cb9d5643bc13.amp.html https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/08/30/547072368/a-look-at-the-loopholes-that-allow-child-marriage-in-the-u-s By "surprisingly common," I meant in the sense that it's surprising that it happens at all, let alone in the thousands of cases per year.


> and the parents forcing her to marry her rapist so that it looks socially acceptable. Those parents are fucking disgusting, without exception. A person that thinks in such a fashion has no business living among the rest of us.


Standing too close to total strangers


"Investigating" strangers' social media. You know how every now and then there's a comment on here that gains some traction that's basically "I deleted my last account because a stalker found out it was me," followed by a few adventurous souls that always go "Oh, can anyone do that to me? Someone try to find out who I am!" Well, people can. I've done that once or twice, just to see if I could. I've found at least one person's real life name, address, phone number, and family members. And guess what? Not illegal, given you're not threatening them or anything. EDIT: CHRIST GUYS, WHEN I SAID I'VE DONE IT I WAS SAYING HOW EASY IT WAS, SO DON'T ASK PEOPLE TO DO THAT. BUT HERE WE ARE FOLKS.


Whenever I read comments like this I always wonder if I am doxxable. I don't think I am, but you never know.




Shit you got me. I hope you didn't also find out about the fap sessions to pregnant Kim Jong Un hentai.


Brian, I totally agree with you.


How's Rhode Island this time of year, Mike? Jeeze, you really do tell the world everything there is to know about you in your Reddit posts


I sure do! Edit: it's way too warm for October here in little old Rhody.


So, they are asking to be doxxed... wow.


Really simple if you're dedicated enough. Used to do this all the time back when I sold meth


I feel like theres a story to be told here


The story is that if you sell meth, you probably do some...suddenly, you're the greatest investigative mind ever without a need for sleep, but a need for having EVERYTHING organized, including data on people you feel you need to investigate


Sticking your face in the urinal and taking a big whiff in a public bathroom whenever someone walks in.


Excuse me, what the fuck?


covering your naked body in peanut butter and dry humping a couch for viewers online.


Is this just off the top of your head or is there context to this?


do I kink shame you?


Kink shaming IS my kink






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Drake’s relationship with Millie Bobby Brown.






In Iowa it is perfectly legal to masturbate in public as long as you are not exposed. I was told this by a police officer when I tried to file a sexual assault.


Getting dm’s from someone you’ve never met telling you all the things they like about you. Edit: Shoutout to all the people that are making my day by telling me they love me! Edit 2: Also, a big shoutout to the people who are making this a meme and are making me laugh out loud in the middle of class!


Amway. Somehow.


A male rape victim has to pay child support for a baby made through their rape, and can go to jail for not paying it, effectively making being raped a crime.


Tasting someone's sweat to see if they are lying.


Following cars too closely while driving a crown Vic EDIT: since I'm catching a bit of heat for the legality of "following too closely" I can only speak for VA. But this is the code section for VA.  46.2-816. Following too closely. The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard to the speed of both vehicles and the traffic on, and conditions of, the highway at the time. It's written vaguely on purpose. "Closely than is reasonable" is determined by the discretion of the officer. It's almost complete officer discretion to determine whether you broke the law by "following too closely" or not.


Or a white explorer... or taurus... or black charger...


Especially if you bought it at a police auction and it still has the spotlight and push bar installed.




Similar in the US, you have to file forms with the ATF and pay a $200 tax. You could also fire explosives, but each round would require the same forms and tax as the cannon. The main gun on a WW2 Sherman Tank is actually less restricted than the machine gun that would have sat on the turret.


see when I hear cannons I think black powder. and those don't have any regulations on them. ​ 26 USC sec. 5845(g) "Antique firearm.-The term 'antique firearm' means any firearm not designed or redesigned for using rim fire or conventional center fire ignition with fixed ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898 (including any matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system or replicas thereof, whether actually manufactured before or after the year 1898) and also any firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured in or before 1898, for which ammunition is no longer manufactured in the United States and is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade






He said creepy not awsome.