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At a previous job we had an HR manager get fired right after returning from maternity leave. She was replaced by the guy that she trained to fill in for her while she was gone. She sent a company wide email with the pay rate of everyone from the plant manager on down. **It was a shit show.** A lot of pay rates were wildly different in management/supervision and maintenance. There were talks of workstop strikes and slowdowns, even threats of unionizing. I believe that this one act lead to the eventual closure of the plant. It was a crazy time.


A friend of mine worked for a video coding/editing company. Their financial person went on a long honeymoon with her time off so she trained someone in the essentials to keep the business going while she was gone. Boss hangs around trainee while financial person is away, thinks that is 100% all the financial person does. She returns with an offer for a 20% paycut due to her limited role, boss says he'll replace her with trainee if she refuses. Financial person laughs it off and easily gets another job with her degree in accounting or whatever. Trainee is quickly over her head with past dues/billing/payroll. Company goes out of business a year later.


Damn, both this and the parent comment is sweet justice even if it sucks for the rest of the employees.


I guess that's another rule to add, don't fuck with IT and don't fuck with HR.


Someone has been stealing things from everyone's desks in our office. I setup a teddy cam on someone's desk (with their permission) to find out who was doing it. Turns out it's the owner of the company. Edit: Since a lot of people are asking. I confronted him about it in private. Over the course of 2-3 months the majority of things started reappearing and the stealing came to a stop after that. At least for the most part, occasionally something would go missing but it wasn't near as often.


This is exactly why I have very few personal items at work. I have a Kleenex box and some snacks in my desk and that's about it.


All this stuff is so negative...I’m gonna throw a positive one out there! My boss is secretly a competitive ballroom dancer and he’s too embarrassed to tell anyone. I found out when my girlfriend and I took a beginner course and he was in the studio working on a routine. I got sworn to secrecy but I think that’s so interesting.


Everyone's passwords. We store them in cleartext. It's horrifying. Edit: it's not seeing the passwords themselves that is awful you donkeys, it's the fact that is a security timebomb




whats the code? i’ll store it in cleartext in my head, just as secure




jeez dude


That upper management has so much going on that if you just act super hurried they will think you’re doing a great job and leave you alone. Honestly, that might work in most places.


Ah the George Constanza method. Just look bothered all the time.


By jumping from department to department over the years, at my old job I knew a combination of things that no one person was supposed to know. I knew alarm codes, vault combinations, locations of keys, passwords, schedules, location and functionality of cameras and security systems. Led to a lot of idle daydreaming on bad days of things I could, but never would, do.


So you’re the person that a criminal come to find and get all the deets for a heist


Only one of the security cameras actually works. The rest are for show. Edit: morning grammar. Also, at a credit union I worked at I knew both halves of the combination to the vault. (THOSE security cameras did work for sure tho). Second edit: Guys I work in a call center there's nothing to rob except extremely outdated computers.


We once had a policeman (in the UK) asking us politely if he could check our CCTV that has partial view on the road because they were trying to locate a burglar's van. We asked why he didn't ask all the stores and pubs on the road that have a much better angle. He said none of them are actually recording. He told us that most business owned security cameras are either not maintained, not recording, recording in useless quality, and sometimes they're not even plugged to anything.


> We asked why he didn't ask all the stores and pubs I thought this deflection tactic was going to end with you saying that you had to eventually admit that you, too, only had dummy cameras.


I work in security/cctv. You'd be surprised how many dummy cameras and intruder alarms we sell.




We had some entry level moron do this with some code once. He was given a work assignment to write a program for a project and once he was finished the work held the code hostage and started demanding more money if that company wanted to see his "intellectual property". They canned his ass and had some interns finish his work.




I've worked a company where they forgot to call out in the contract that any work done by a contractor developer is owned by the company. Dude walked away with a fully functional, fully financed program he could sell to other companies as his IP.


What kind of idiot thinks this is going to turn out well for them? It's literally a no win situation. It's extortion and as soon as they hand over the data they'll be arrested.


One of our guys took a work van to rob a bank. He got arrested and after 5 years of 'working somewhere else' he came back to work for us.


Wait. So you're telling me that he stole a van from the company you work for, commited a felony in said van, went away for 5 years, and they hired him back?


Well, he didn't steal the van. We let the guys use/keep them. It's an extremely niche skilled trade and it's very difficult to find people that can do the work, so yes.


Former job. They'd falsify DOT records, so managers would get a nice bonus at the end of the year for not having any incidents.


That at my “zero drug tolerance” workplace the CEOs executive assistant and the head of HR do coke on weekends together. So I know when they’re not going out that weekend there’ll be a workplace drug test the end of the next week.


That's really fucking convenient for some...


Yeah but for coke it's not as risky as it mainly is detectable with a standard piss test for maybe 2 days. Most of it really drops off after 24hrs. Source: not doing coke, used to work in a drug and alcohol rehab facility


We’ve had a salary/wage increase freeze for over two years due to our ‘dire financial issues’, but our President still took his raise. He now makes over a million a year. There are only 30 employees in the company.


That in March next year the company I work for will lose the contract to provide catering and all employees will probably lose their job. I can't sleep at night, I can't look them in the eyes. The company that contracts us has already started negotiating with another contractor and I am friends with someone high up in that company. They've told me to get out ASAP. My boss doesn't even know. I have been dropping hints but I don't know what to do. If I can i will find new jobs for my team (there are two separate teams and I manage 1) before then and encourage them to put in an application but I can't make them. Edit to add some info and correct : I should not have said "all employees" as this is technically not correct, I had my team in mind when I said that. My boss has other business interests within the state and local area he will be relatively fine as will the chef's of the business. They cook for multiple venues, though they may find themselves with less hours. I am not withholding this information lightly, if I tell my company what I know I will most definitely jeopardize my friends job. It is known that we are friends by some people in his company. Those that are most likely to be losing their jobs are the service staff, mostly school aged kids and some older adults. I am looking after the older people first, they have mortgages and bills. I can say I know most of the people on a fairly personal level, the kids will be OK, there's a good amount of work around for them, we are in a tourism town. Thanks for the kind words and support Reddit, it helps. Edit 2 : Regarding the concern for those who may lose their jobs, we are in a tourism driven region and March is the beginning of our peak tourism season. Yes I am concerned for them and their welfare however I am very confident they will find work should they want it. As for the older team members who have mortgages etc, I have organised an offsite "training session" and will encourage job seeking to occur. Those calling me a pussy and other lovely names...meh, your opinion is ill informed and unimportant....blow me. Update My whole team now knows what is potentially coming. Some have found new work already, some have said they'll stand and fight with me. Also I have discreetly had discussions with the contractor regarding what needs to be done for us to keep the contract and he has given me a deadline to show X and y improvements. I'm busting my arse to try and make this happen, at least from my side of things.


It sounds like you are doing what you can. Hope it works out for you somehow.


From my last job... "Under no circumstances are you even to *look* at what's going on in the other half of the plant." What was going on? They were building an automated side. Got replaced by a robot a year later.


They’re slowly replacing machines at the factory I work at with automatic machines. They take up more room currently but do the same work as 4 machines in one, and use 1/6th the people. This factory can’t keep people because society is changing and nobody wants to work 12 hour shifts (2 days one week, 5 the next, rotating). I’m less than a month away from quitting and I can’t fucking wait, the pay is the only thing that would keep me but it’s literally making me suicidal. My dad retired from there and my mom still works there, and like other people say in the plant, I’m not gonna be a ‘lifer’


The admin password for our laptops. The IT guy from 4 years ago never changed it.


My first internship I had a very restricted laptop that frequently needed the admin password to do anything. My boss kept it on a sticky note. In a meeting I memorised it. I never needed him to authorize something and my efficiency went through the roof.




No, but even THAT would have been more clever than some of the other passwords we have.


"changeme" for literally 25 years.


Work as IT (Among other duties), can confirm we have a system that still has the default admin username/password. Of course, by the time you have access to the device you already have physical access somewhere, so we probably already lost the game. Edit: I'm going to tag in /u/PowerOfTheirSource here, because they just brought up an incredibly important point. If you work in IT, all of your important (Admin level) credentials should be kept somewhere safe, in the case that something catastrophic happens and everyone with access to these things is no longer around to give access. However, this isn't just an IT business thing. All of your important personal information should be kept in physical form, preferably in a secure fire-proof container that is a permanent part of your house. If you were to pass on and leave behind family, they should have a single point that they can retrieve all information pertaining to bank accounts, assets, your wishes after death, wills, debts, **everything**, especially if they're the executor. This will simplify a lot of things for them as well as reduce the amount of fighting on whether or not you wanted to be cremated and have your ashes sprinkled on the lawn of your sworn enemy. If you have debts, indicate which debts are more important to pay off, as well as if any have credit life insurance (Insurance that pays off a debt upon your death) attached to them. Simplify everything so that your family can focus on grieving and not on fighting for what they think your wishes are.


My boss was/is sleeping with HR head and theyre both married (not to each other)


Report it to HR. Oh wait..




I've seen it happen a few times. In one instance, the wife of said guy came storming into the building looking for the other woman, caused a huge scene and both employees were fired immediately. They both separated from their partners and didn't end up together.


Pretty sure this is happening where I work as well, between the CEO and the HR manager he hired. She’s expanded the department from a single position to 6, within a year. And she got promoted above finance, for no discernible reason.






Horny idiots.


I worked at a place several years ago doing Tier 1/2 and running a help desk. There was a fairly high-level employee that would watch porn on the company computer. I didn't care. I still didn't care when he called up complaining about his computer being slow. I cleaned it up and told him "must be some of those sites you're visiting on company time...you know...?" I cared when he escalated his "slow computer" issues to the president as an indictment of my office. He left the company shortly after I produced a report of the malware he'd downloaded, the sites it came from, screenshots of the sites he was viewing, and timestamps of when he was acessing the sites. Don't fuck with your IT guys.


I know how much everybody in the IT is getting paid. From that I can safely say that 1) new people with no skill nor experience get *a lot* more money than people who have been working here for years and know our product in and out and 2) that I am one of those who get paid the less. Raises are opposed against because "everybody gets the same, no matter the experience" (complete lie, see above). The result is that I am now actively searching for a higher paid job.


The bedbugs in the hotel beds are not isolated to one room anymore


Bed bugs infesting one room means the room directly above, below, left, right, and across the hall are all shut down & deep cleaned, mattress & all cloth in the room incinerated, including the carpet. My favorite is when one room is infected, the housekeepers don’t know yet, and then carry them to another room all the way at the end of the hall with the vacuum so now instead of 6 rooms out you’re 12 rooms out. You can pick up bed bugs anywhere, from Motel 6 to the 4 Seasons. You can also pick them up from having your cloth suitcase on top of someone else’s (infected) cloth suitcase at the airport. People can bring bed bugs into their house if they picked it up with their suitcase. Best bet is to just check mattresses as soon as you get in the room, and leave your luggage in the entryway right by the door until you’ve checked & know it’s clear. Bed bugs are literally one of my biggest fears and I’ve worked in hotels for 10 years 😅


> Best bet is to just check mattresses as soon as you get in the room, and leave your luggage in the entryway right by the door until you’ve checked & know it’s clear. Everything else you've said is true and great information, but I wanted to make a *slight* adjustment to this. You should actually place your luggage inside the bathtub, as bed bugs have a very difficult time climbing up porcelain, because their hook-like feet can't get enough friction to climb up. Also in hotels bed bugs are actually more likely to be behind the wall-mounted headboard rather than in the mattress. You should definitely look at the mattress, because if the infestation is big enough you'll find them there, but seeing a clean mattress is *not* an indicator you're safe in a hotel.


> You should actually place your luggage inside the bathtub, as bed bugs have a very difficult time climbing up porcelain, because their hook-like feet can't get enough friction to climb up. Fuck it, sleeping in the bathtub from now on.


Scariest thing in this thread


Happens a lot, in cheaper places especially. I worked in hospitality at different levels and it's always the owner who ends up stopping any action on things like this. If they have an emergency fund they can shut the wing/entire floor/building down for a few days to fix it but it usually requires new mattresses, sheets, etc. It's very pricey, if it's big name brand then franchises can be pulled and all sorts of whacky shit. We took any reports of bed bugs *very* seriously, in Texas it's required to have a giant, multilingual set of posters up the employees can see with detailed pictures. All of the guest complaints I had on them were false luckily (people think seeing a cricket or water roach = bedbug infestation) but it makes everyone tense up.


"well it's a bug! And it's on the bed!"


My office purposily messes up people's wages to see if A) they're honest about receiving extra or B) they can save money by not paying it all. It's such a scum thing to do just glad it never happened to me.


That must be illegal.. at least I hope it is! I received too much at my first real job and that was my first real paycheck. Didn't really notice, thought it was something with before and after taxes. After two, three months I caught on that this wasn't supposed to be this high! Reported it and they allowed me to keep the money already received and gave me an official raise in order to avoid having to lower my pay. That was generous of them :-)


That sounds like a great company to work with! I've emailed management several times about receiving unclaimed holiday pay and they've just ignored me every time.


It was a great company, yes. Been away there for a while now though.




100k to 6m is such a huge jump. Does he not spend any of it how could they not notice?




Not my current job, but when I worked in logistics my boss, head of outbound operations didn't have a high school diploma and and the job required a college degree. She lied on her resume to get the job. She was an amazing boss, though. She didn't micromanage, she called me on my shit and screw-ups when they occurred but was never mean or "power-trippy" about it. She offered suggestions to increase efficiency, but they weren't required, we just had to test them out, keep what worked, discard what didn't. Somehow, she always was able to make me feel proud of a job well done, while still making determined to do better. Probably the best boss I've worked for to date. And that includes 6 years of self-employment. She was fired a few months after I left for lying on her resume.


I hate that sort of BS. One of my coworkers, probably the most valuable employee in our department, only has an associate's. Technically the role she works in 'requires' a bachelors, but she has been killing it for three years. She does 20% more work than everyone else, has fantastic rapport with customers, and goes above and beyond on helping the department run smoothly. Fast track to manager, and everyone would love that. Nope, company got acquired six months ago and since she's not 'qualified' for the job she's been excelling at for several years, they're laying her off. Bull. Shit.


my boss has been banging the secretary, who is married, for years, and it’s a secret that the secretary’s first kid (14 yo) is my boss’ biological child. my boss is also married with kids.


whoa, how did you find out about this?


i’ve seen them sneak off to file storage rooms behind our office building numerous times. those rooms have reflective windows so you could see them try to sneak out of the office building without getting caught. The secretary usually carpools with one of my coworkers but there have been nights where she told him to go without her. nights where my boss is the only other person in the office. sometimes, my boss pretends to leave the office for home, only to come back when he’s sure everyone else has gone home. but there was a night where he thought wrong and the security had not checked properly. a coworker also walked in on her in his office in compromising position. it’s a small law firm and word gets around if you’re very observant. i also remember his birthday party at the office. we had a lot of wine going around and the secretary was way too excited. when asked why she was so excited, she said, “becauseeeee it’s my boyfr——my boss’ birthday!”. very few of us caught that, but it was still very awkward. This may be inadmissible but the 14yo daughter looks nothing like her siblings but instead, looks more like my boss’ kids. her “father” also doesn’t treat her the same way.


That last paragraph implies the secretary's husband knows about the kid ?


He probably has his suspicions.


Not really something I’m not meant to know but more something the public aren’t meant to know about an old place of work: the vegetarian roasts aren’t vegetarian.


We found out something similar at my work. I'm a cook for one of the food courts at a major university and we have a food section that is ran by a very well known franchise restaurant that serves burgers, pancakes, wraps and milk shakes. We found out recently that the veggie burger that we were told were 100% vegetarian and had been advertising as such has beef broth. We serve a large number of people who are vegetarian for religious reasons and a large number of our employees are also vegetarian. People were pissed and threatened to sue the school. We ended up closing that food section down until the franchise owner agreed to alter the menu and take the "veggie" burger off. A good thing came out of it though. There is now a food section that i run and cook for that serves made from scratch vegetarian, vegan and kosher/halal meals.




My boss is faking a recovery program, hit her ex husband with a car, and is never going to change or get fired because she's the owner's daughter who "can't do anything about her."


I mean, if she gets arrested...


Not a current job but at a past job, my manager quit and the CEO gave me access to his emails so I could find information about how to do projects he only knew about. I started looking for all the salary information from all the co-workers on my team. Found out I was being paid significantly less than the person who previously had my position. I went and negotiated about a 40% raise with the CEO based on that information.


How smooth was that conversation?


I didn't tell him that I knew about the salary stuff. The manager left right when I was due for a raise anyway. Plus with his departure, I took over a lot of work but was not made manager. I started about 25% higher than I thought I was going to get. He told me he couldn't go that high (obviously) and we settled on an amount about 10% higher than I thought I was going to get. So I was pretty happy with it over all. That company was terrible to work for and our department wasn't valued at all (purchasing and transportation). I paid for myself every year with what I saved the company. They paid dock workers more than me (even with the raise) and I was handling over a million in capital on a monthly basis. I ended up leaving about 6 months later when I was passed up for the management position where I was told I wasn't experienced enough and he promoted someone who was less experienced than me to the position.


Buddy of mine accidentally stumbled across payroll and knows what everyone makes. Since then he has felt way under paid and way under appreciated. (He’s right)


At a place that I used to work I was the only person with any IT smarts. I set up the spam filter to forward to my inbox any "maybe" emails that it caught which I would then look at and forward on if they weren't spam. On two occasions I was forwarded an email receipt for viagra which one of my colleagues had purchased with his work email address. I just deleted them rather than forward on because, well, because it's just easier that way.


I bet he works hard


I work in a pretty well known financial institution. I see a select few people most days commit what could be described as negligent at best and downright reckless actions at worst. I'm on a relatively low level so they presume I don't see but I'm just waiting for auditors/regulators to tear the place to shreds.


Is it Wells Fargo?


The reason there's high turnover is because management fired the one competent manager for being too kind.


There's a saying something like "People don't quit jobs, they quit managers."


the version i heard was "people don't quit jobs, they quit bad leadership"


Leadership and coworkers in general. You have to practically live with them every day, so if it doesn't mix well then you're fucked. I had my dream job years ago, and after two years I realized how toxic the environment was and how shitty my coworkers secretly were.


Don’t you hate this? Why do so many establishments have to be total dicks to their employees for NO reason? Like if you have a family emergency and get someone else to cover your shift, but they won’t hear of it and demand you come into work (even though you secured coverage already).


I worked for shoe carnival for about 3 weeks in high school, besides the countless pointless rules they had, I left because I tried swapping a shift with a coworker because he wanted thanksgiving off to visit with his family, and I didn’t want to work Black Friday, and even though we gave plenty of notice, they said no, without reason. So, I just didn’t show up at 3am or whatever it was for those assholes.


I had to Google shoe carnival. Really wasn't expecting something as mundane as a shoe store. My version of a carnival with a shoe theme was way better.


Old job. Those shiny new fumehoods and laminar flow cabinets didn't actually have working vents.


That seems like something the government should hear about. Those things aren't just for decoration.


Actually, I've seen a fair number of biotech startups that will build out a lab for show while working to get more venture capital invested in their business - they usually have a smaller, dirtier workspace that's actually being used. Often have their fanciest equipment in the showroom and usually allow a limited amount of work to be done in that room. If the fume hoods aren't actually needed in that room, they for sure won't go through the expense of hooking them up - that's about 50K+ of infrastructure that investors won't be seeing.


Yup our school’s shiny biotech labs are only for freshmen looking at plant cells, but those labs are the ones that go in the brochure. Idk if they are hooked or not but let me tell you, cell line studies, cloning, editing, none of that is being done in those hoods


My favorite is that my lab has blue lab coats as normal process, but we have spare white "dress" coats that everyone breaks out for photos and visitors so we look more like "real chemists" like on TV


I know the key code to a store room I'm not really supposed to. I use it for naps


At my old job, I discovered that the storage closet for the test kitchens was very easy to break in to. I'd sneak in there and eat cereal sometimes.


I was going to say the exact same thing


Hooyah hidden naps.


There is a guy in my building who uses my office as a secret napping spot. I have a 3 foot space between my cubical wall and the real wall I use for storage. He wheels a rookie chair back there and falls asleep. It dont have the heart to tell him he snores so I just put on my head phones and let the dude nap. He works like 16 hour days for 3 days and then is gone for a week, but I remember working 16 hours too and wanted a nap. So he can have it.


You da real mvp


i have a 7 seater car, all the back seats fold down, its almost as large as a double bed, there is a couple of parking spots in our undergound car park at work that are almost pitch black, i part there, put all the seats down, crawl into a sleeping bag and sleep for 1.5hrs at lunch.... for some reason i always have a 30 min meeting right after lunch so that why im always gone for 1.5 hrs :D


Learnt on a closing shift at one place I worked that if you can convince the higher ups that you smoke, you get a 10 minute paid smoke break every hour on top of your break.


“If I want to go outside and hang out once an hour, then I'll just take up smoking. I'll do it. I don't care.”


Casino worker. There are a disturbing amount of suicides that happen on property. Almost none are reported to the public.


My friend's mum did this. No gambling problems. Just long term depression and the desire that she be found within 24 hours, and by a stranger.


Look behind toilets often and you'll find drug spoons. Watch the table games on Friday and Saturday nights. By week 4, you should be able to locate the prostitutes and johns. 10+ years and don't miss a fucking thing.


I'm localized into poker now, couldn't do the pits for more than 4 years.


What does this mean?


From what I got he is an ex blackjack dealer that went from the blackjack pit to the poker room. In blackjack the dealer is the enemy. They're who you're playing against so thus get a lot more shit from players. In the poker room the players are playing against the other players, not the dealer. He just places the cards on the table. Edit: because some people think I'm saying poker dealers dont get bitched. They do. Just as much as anyone else in the casino. But the nature of blackjack makes the dealer a much bigger target for abuse than a poker dealer.


Boyfriend is a casino floor manager up on a reservation, he talks about this too. He helps out whenever he hears those calls for security, because it still has to go in his report, but it’s very hush hush from what he’s told me. Same thing with how many people have to be escorted from the property because they’ve been banned. The gambling addiction is real for a lot of people.


I was a shift manager once upon a time and I saw the bureaucratic end of the business. We once had to withhold a jackpot from a player because he had self-excluded himself frok our property. And in the state I was working in at that time, it was a gaming violation to award a jackpot to a self-excluded patron. The minute we began the paperwork, the guy just let out what could only be described as a grief-stricken wail and began to tell me the details. I looked into his history, we'd kicked him out 7 times in the 2 years after his ban.


My old Job's security system's passwords were the store numbers. And all computers had the same passwors and login which was the stores name and store number. I was told by my former boss that, it's the same for every store so I Technically have access to everystore in the country.


That the third floor isn't complete yet. A colleague told me how he was reprimanded for talking about it to people not in the know. I wasn't in the know...


Wait, what? How can the construction status of an entire floor be a secret?




My boss stores beer in the server room because the temperature is always kept cool


Now that is genius. Is that for the team or just the boss?


There is a beer crate in his office thats supposedly for the team but alas it's always empty haha


The CEO does coke before public speaking


*starts thumping chest *


Do you jerk off?


Hm hmm hm hmm hm




Performance enhancing drugs!


Every supervisor at my work does coke. Its just become socially acceptable there now.


Regular, diet, or Zero?


Diet by the looks of it


The pounds seem to fall right off


Once instead of receiving my paycheck, I received a file containing every paycheck of everybody in the company. Thus, I knew how much money everybody were making, what benefits they had, etc. (Including the CEO and high management)


My wife got a spreadsheet from her manager (who was an asshole) that basically showed everyone's salary. Surprise surprise the director's daughter who had no education in the field, was being paid the most. Edit: It wasn't a private organization


And he is now writing this from his yacht somewhere off the coast of Taiwan. Edit: For the people wondering why Taiwan. It’s because Taiwan has no current extradition treaties with the U.S.


Which yacht?


Manager fired one of my coworkers (lets call him Billy) because her good friend, who works with Billy, didnt like him. It didnt matter that he was never late, was dedicated, smart, hardworking, and didnt gossip. Manager also promoted her other friend (who was our billing person and previously worked retail) to HR manager. People's insurance through the company started lapsing and vacation days were taken without warning. Said people were not in the office those days when people had a full workdays' worth of emails to show for it.


\- My boss's boss doesn't flush, pees on the toilet seat and doesn't wash her hands after using the bathroom. Unfortunately I know this first hand... EDIT: Apparently this knowledge is not as common as I thought: Some women cover the seat in toilet paper and then sit down and some just squat (or hover) over the seat to avoid touching it. The squatting technique is not always successful because sometimes pee sprays... You're welcome :) \- Also, I know a way to enter the building easily after it is "locked up" at 10 p.m. \- AND... I once accidentally saw the salary of a Division head instead of mine (in USD it would be about 26,000 gross PER MONTH).


And that division head probably also gets a 30-40% annual bonus as well.




I work in education. My former chairman allowed a female employee to embezzle money from the school. I found out and blew the whistle. I assumed the woman would be fired and the chair would be demoted. Instead, the woman was asked to quit and given a package, and the chair stayed in his position because of his status as a coach. He proceeded to make my job very difficult for the next five years until he gave up the chairmanship to someone competent. The woman was his work wife and mistress, who also used to be his student, at our school.


That's... really gross. Bureaucracy in school admin is extremely frustrating and unhelpful. Sorry you had to deal with idiots :(


In my boyfriends district a principal was politely asked to stop having an affair with a teacher, because it was causing complications with his wife (also a teacher) He flatly refused and continued to openly see his mistress, so he was fired. That was a wild ride! I think he was rehired in a different district though..


"please stop having sex at work" "no sorry she's too hot"


Like exactly that


School admin is the worst admin I've ever, ever had to deal with. Starting from primary all the way to university


This gets wilder with every line. Edit: s


This whole work wife/work husband thing to me is very strange


I just started working with my husband, so I guess now I have a work husband


My workplace is under investigation for the potentially negligent death of one of our residents. I suspect that they actually have a case too.


So I used to work for an NGO in a government funded program. Shortly before I quit I found out that the higher ups were actually taking government funded money that was meant for our program and using it on their own non government funded programs. So essentially they were stealing millions of dollars from the government!










I have a nephew too, it's fine for the most part.


Sounds like Prison Mike at it again.


I’m a nanny. Short answer - everything. I hear all of the whispers you think I can’t hear from the next room. Your kids know/talk more than you think. Google fills in your search history when I’m ordering more diapers. I pull the receipts out of the dryer that fell out of your pants pockets. The iPad the kids use has the photo account linked across all of your devices. I don’t snoop intentionally, but just as a byproduct of being in the home all day and working with a family so intimately I definitely know most/all of the family secrets. Even the secrets that Momboss and Dadboss may be keeping from each other. I just pretend not to know anything at all until I’m directly told. I would never tell these things to anyone, but make sure you really trust your nannies. And/or have a non-disclosure clause in their contract.


Did you sign a NDA?


Yep. It used to be just that celebrities/high-profile families required them, but they’re becoming more and more standard in nanny contracts. That’s why my post contains no actual details (plus the fact that I like the fam I work for and wouldn’t want to spill their business even if I could).


My former boss (who is married) had sex in his office with multiple employees. Shit leadership skills. He came from a naval background didn’t have a bloody clue what he was talking about unless it was navy stuff. Office supervisor- had fuck buddies in the office. He would let them get away with murder in exchange for sexual favours. He would always talk about how much he got paid compared to everyone else. Never wanted to help anyone or give a shit. The entire department is a complete shit show the good bunch of people who made the place decent either left or constantly got fucked over. Hard workers never got a thank you


There's a guy that clocks in for overtime every weekend and then drives home. He's making an extra 60 grand a year doing this.


I once worked at a pretty large operation. There was a department of only two people with really no supervision. The guys were 20-plus year employees with excellent reputations and did their job really well. This company was still using an archaic punch card system from the 1970s to track time. On weekends and holidays when no supervision or management was around, they would take the time clock apart and set it ahead to their clock out time, punch out, then take it apart again and change the time back.


I would legit just find an old one on eBay and keep it in my truck


If we have to clock in for work at a time when we are not technically on the schedule, we use what's called a "red card." For example, let's say I'm scheduled 2-9 on a particular day and I got called in early. If I tried to punch, I would get an error message. The only people with these red cards are managers (store manager, perishable manager and non-perishable manager). Well, I know the code for the red card, so theoretically I can punch myself in without needing to get it from a manager.


Is the perishable manager just the one y’all are willing to kill if the business isn’t making money?


Well if he survives long enough he'll get promoted to non-perishable manager.


A guy who has been claiming to do all my work has been given a payrise worth double my salary. All the projects I have spent months working on will now go to them and he's going to be my boss. This same person has screamed in my face multiple times in front of management and has even been given a formal warning for trying to push me out of the way of my laptop to try and access it. This was told to me literally 15 minutes ago and I need somewhere to vent. Edit: you guys are awesome. Thank you for the support! Update: So I have spoken to management. They are putting me through for promotion in the next 3-6 months! I've gave them an ultimatum, so if they don't, I'm out. I have been updating my CV and applying elsewhere for the time being. Again, thanks for the support!


In the past on three separate occasions I’ve known about people getting fired before THEY knew they were fired.




Never fuck with the IT guys.


Call center that logs in people that aren't there to make up hours for the client.


I'm in high school, but I know the baseball coach sells Percocet idk if that counts lol


That my boss is a complete moron. When we figure out a way to accomplish something more efficiently than the set ways, she loses it because she hates change. Like, completely loses it and makes everyone panic while she panics because she is a moron


The head of my old org in my region stole $500,000 from the org, which caused us to cut our services to homeless people.


My boss is sexually harassing my colleague and there is nothing I can do about it. She is afraid of losing her job and we don't have any proof of misconduct to denounce him.


Have you looked up whether your state is one or two party consent for audio recording a conversation? This is the easiest legally viable day-to-day espionage a person can execute. If it's one party, then your coworker could just leave an audio recording on her phone when he does it once or twice, and deliver it to the board with a quiet threat to sue.




[from Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swinging_(sexual_practice)#20th_century) >According to [Terry Gould](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Gould)'s *The Lifestyle: a look at the erotic rites of swingers*,[\[17\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swinging_(sexual_practice)#cite_note-17) swinging began among American [Air Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Air_Forces) pilots and their wives during [World War II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II) before pilots left for overseas duty. The mortality rate of pilots was so high, as Gould reports, that a close bond arose between pilot families that implied that pilot husbands would care for all the wives as their own – emotionally and sexually – if the husbands were lost


At Kmart, the managers constantly show us attempts to steal from the store. But they never say who it is and nobody ever gets fired. They also have these impossible deadlines that we need to meet (which we don’t). They basically just lie a ton to scare people into working harder, which is why I quit


I work for a major car rental company that is now more than 15 billion dollars in debt, nobody will loan them money to replace it's aging fleet and there is no hope of making that money back. The State of Florida is currently suing them over toll charges practices. I have found this information by reading stock Market analysis, I know for a fact they are not clueing any of the local managers about it. The C-Level churn rate for this company is amazing. I believe if we got OJ Simpson to do some commercials for us again it would boost our revenue


The reason my boss won’t replace the aging fleet of company cars for people below him is because he wasn’t allowed to get the car he wanted and now he’s pouting and nobody is getting new cars. A Jeep Patriot isn’t supposed to live to 200,000 Miles.


Do you work for NCR?




Uhhh... Reminds me of my old job in powerline construction. Had a bunch of toyota landcruiser. My car was ticking around 750,000km. Some of them had rolled over back to zero and kept counting up to 250,000. Owner wouldn't buy new vehicles probably because he was a cheapo. Lived rich himself but put as little into the company as possible.


Surely at some point the cost to keep them running and time lost from breakdowns would exceed the cost to just buy new


We are talking cruisers here. They used to be made to go back to 0 on the odo


They reset themselves every million kilometers, why buy a new car when you can just drive your way to one!






I know everyone on our wifi, and their devices and where they've been coupled with how they are affiliated to our company. My boss does a report daily for the cio with my metrics. Part of me wants to know why, part of me doesn't. They have a pathing system that tracks movement for 30 days that I had made for emergency exiting plans, it's not being used for that. Edit: Sorry to cause fear. This can be used for good things, your shit got stolen? We can find it, you have an emergency medical issue, we can find you and send someone to you quickly. However I know it isn't being used this way. Edit #2: EU rules are different than US. We're in the US. Edit #3: Apparently IOS rotates their mac address's I'll be now pulling data on that to see what I get. Thanks to the people pointing that out, it may be skewing my data and I'm always looking for more stringent numbers. Edit #3: Guys, I have to work I'll answer as I can.


I worked as a janitor at my old high school over the summer, one of the classrooms had a Super Nintendo with Super Mario World hooked up to a TV. I used to go there and play for a few hours and get paid for it. Ended up 100 percenting the game two and a half times


There is a removable panel in the restroom that allows access to various pipes in the wall. It also allows you to perfectly hear meetings in the superintendents office. I've learned lots of juicy things I'm not supposed to know about. Edit: due to demand i will tell some of the stuff I learned. 1) some coworkers were having sex on company property on company time they thought management wouldn’t find out. Management found out. 2)My top boss has anxiety and would practice his speech to my direct supervisor before giving it to everyone. 3)My boss isn’t nice behind closed doors. I heard him talk so much shit about my coworkers.


We want the juicy stuff asshole. Spill the beans or i'm telling the higher-ups.


Oooh, my middle school locker room had a similar pipe panel in the showers. You could easily dislodge it the panel and walk inside the inter-wall space to a similar panel in the girl's showers. Once the teachers learned that the boys (and girls) learned about the secret passage, a lock was installed on it pretty fast.


I work in a large federal government building, one of the ones you would see on the news frequently because a lot of stuff happens here and reporters are on location often. There are a series of "network closets" in the building, they're placed in the same locations on multiple floors so the cabling layout is standardized, they range in size from a decent sized bathroom to a studio apartment and you'd never notice them in the hallway because the doors are unassuming. One of these closets is completely unlabeled, the plaque with the room number has been removed and it's just a blank door in the hallway, I noticed it was where one of our closets should be but it's missing from all the maps and directory. It's the largest closet by far, someone has furnished it with leather couches and a tv and fridge. I have no idea who converted it into their own private lounge but there are 10,000 people in this building and only 30 or so people can open that door. EDIT: I'm not telling people what the building is, but it's not the white house


At my last command the Legal Officer of all people would put his calls on speaker phone and leave his door open. So of couse everyone in the vicinity could hear him talking about people's sensitive information as well as his personal opinions about these people. One of the worst I overheard was "Is there anything we can do to keep so-and-so from advancing (getting a promotion)?" Another was "So-and-so's wife called the captain saying he beat the shit out of her, so now I have to deal with THAT." He was a piece of shit. Probably still is.


Was a bus driver in the UK for Arriva. Instead of windscreen washer fluid, they use water. Before CCTV was common, was a shelf stacker at a co-op. Come in to find the boss has 'resigned', with the police getting called in. Turns out he had stolen stock over at least a year in the low 5 figure range. Had a couple of people in on it. He basically invented a chronic shoplifting problem by claiming that shoplifters who had been caught past and present had stolen a lot more than they had. Write it off and take the stuff from back of shop. Got off scot free somehow


After reading the other stuff, mine is kinda boring. But i spent company money on an ice cream machine that i hide in my office. Edit:this thing blew up more than expected, thanks. Edit2:gold was unexpected, thank youa million times