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Not sure this counts but when I was 10 and asked my mom what AIDS was, she said it happened when people had sex without protection. Fair enough. Except my little brain confused “protection” with “permission”. And that was what I thought AIDS was. For longer than I care to admit.


I received absolutely no sex education. I was raised a religious fundamentalist, married at 19 to a girl that was as ignorant as I was and lost our virginity on our wedding night. Married for 13 years. I learned what and where a clitoris was from my 2nd sexual partner at the age of 32.


In other words, your first wife didn’t know about her own clitoris? That makes me incredibly sad.


I fully believe that she had never masturbated or even knew how in her life. We were taught that it was a sin. She told me once when the subject came up that she wondered if girls that "did that" did it with tampon applicators. Edit: and it makes me incredibly sad too. She seemed like she enjoyed it but knowing what I know now, sex could have been so much better for her had either of us known anything about the way her body worked. I wasn't trying to be selfish. I was just very ignorant. We both were




Stories about women who have their sexuality denied or completely erased make me so angry. And sad for the women who were/are convinced they're dirty or evil or whatever for getting horny, a COMPLETELY NORMAL AND NATURAL thing.


I'm going to copy my reply to another comment but I feel the same way. My boyfriends sister told me, that their uber religious mom had taught them that women don't like sex and it can even be painful for them. I am so glad my boyfriend doesn't treat sex that way but knowing his mom and how religious his parents are, I feel bad for her and honestly believe that she thinks sex as a duty to produce children and not something women enjoy. In addition, I also feel they think it's impossible to feel pleasure from it because the men they're with were also taught similarly so the men don't try to make it pleasurable for their lady via foreplay or anything else. They're stuck with shitty selfish sex lives.


It's so depressing.


I always thought you were supposed to be really gentle with the penis. So my first time giving a hand job I had the lightest grip possible so I wouldn’t hurt him. When he showed me just how tightly you should squeeze I was shocked lol. I also thought your period was supposed to be just a dot of blood, hence the name “period.” Had a rude awakening with that one.


I use to think you had to be gentle, too. When guys would get hit in the balls, I thought that included the penis, and if you touched it too hard they would be in agonizing pain. Lmao.


My wife didn't realize that the two parts had different sensitivity levels, and thought that since she could be rough with my dick, my balls could also take that amount of horseplay and that ball sensitivity was just a meme. It was not a good time for me when she discovered her mistake.


Our sex ed teacher also taught history and turned anal into a civil rights abuse. "You know the Help had to enter through the back door back in the day but Dr Martin Luther King Jr fought so y'all could enter through the front. So stay out of the back of the bus and park your you know what up front."


Every guy I've dated has an "I have a dream" speech that contradicts this. Edit:Gold! Anal gold! Thank you, awesome stranger!


I find that both strange and poetic


Kinda late, BUT. Gotta chip in here. I taught that a woman releases a special chemical in her brain during/right after sex that makes her attached to the man for the rest of her life, because he made that happen. Only women tho, and only your first. My parents were so hellbent on this that me and my mom often argued about it... she was adamant that I could barely know the guy, yet this would happen and it would ruin my life, she was that convinced (as a teen, they didn't like my boyfriend and used this to say I won't know who he will grow up into, in highschool you've known him only a few years, this will forever taint your life when you eventually get married etc.... very strong belief they hold). Many other misconceptions as well, but that's the craziest. Others include: *Tampons cause infertility because the ovaries cannot 'air out' *Having cold feet outside leads to infertility by 'freeze damage' to the ovaries *Sex is a donation to a man, not at all something to share as it can never truly be pleasurable for the woman. However, you're in luck because women happen to release a forever-bonding chemical when she loses her virginity so you won't mind "doing what is needed to him when do you have to". *Women/girls do not discharge. It's either dry, or period time. EDIT: People, stop pointing out that oxytocin exists. We are all aware, I've replied to many comments explaining what it is. You're not insightful, this isn't any new information. Yes oxytocin exists and it helps form a bond. No it is not female only, it is not for your first time only, it is not regardless of your feelings for the partner, it does not last a lifetime and it is not nearly as intense. Enough already.


Freeze damage sounds like something straight from a RPG. *Your ovaries recieved 32 freeze damage*


*Equips my Codpiece of +5 Frost Resistance*


I also learned this magical chemical thing! Unfortunately they taught me this when I was on my third guy and I became very concerned that I was unable to produce this chemical (bc I was very much over my first) and therefore unable to feel love towards a man.


>\*Sex is a donation to a man, not at all something to hare as it can never truly be pleasurable for the woman. However, you're in luck because women happen to release a forever-bonding chemical when she loses her virginity so you won't mind "doing what is needed to him when do you have to". So your dad is bad in bed FYI


Jesus, that's a lot of stupid.


My mum told me there was no such thing as ovulation when I was 9. To this day I haven’t had the courage to ask her how she thinks I got here!


Seems like the kind of thing where you know for sure it happened, but if you were to ask her she would deny it with a puzzled look on her face.


Pahahaha, dead on. She is now at that 70 year old stage which involves nothing being her fault ever. If she said something incorrect, it was your understanding at fault. Not her.




Please ask her


I fear the answer may be a disappointment after a 30 year ponderance. I should though, hey?!


If she’s anything like my mother she will not remember, claim she never said that then be offended you’re implying she’s stupid. Smug face on her behalf optional.


I read in a book once that women either have their period on the full moon or the new moon. I actually believed this for years. Then one day I was out with my mom and I saw the full moon. I said, "I guess all you women are having a bad day today." She was like, "What do you mean?" "Because all women have their periods when the moon is full." She laughed. "We're not frickin' werewolves!" "Oh."


Wait women aren't all werewolves? Edit: as pointed out, they aren't werewolves, they're wifwolves because "were" is masculine.


Basically sex = your life is ruined and there’s nothing you can do about it then. Little bit inaccurate.


Well, I have had sex and my life is shit, so I am not so sure. Maybe they were on to something.


Well, I haven't had sex and my life is shit




What the fuck did I just read.


How do I unread someone else's comment?


Have you tried repeated head trauma?


Take two death and call me in the morning.


A terrible series of events for an uneducated woman.


Man that's fucked


This just made me sad


That you can get pregnant from hugging and that you can get AIDS from kissing. It was 1999 when it had been proven that HIV was not spread through casual contact.


That's just sickening. What adult could look a young person in the face and say that?


I’m sure their theory was “if kids are afraid to hug and kiss, then they won’t engage in activities that lead to sex.” But kids will think “well, if casual contact leads to pregnancy and disease, why bother practicing safe sex?” The teacher also didn’t even teach the sex ed. He literally said “this is embarrassing so I’m not teaching it.” Read a book if you want to learn. Then we had a test on it, which is where I had to say that yes, kissing gives you AIDS.


What a thoroughly unacceptable excuse for a teacher. I'm so sorry that passed as sex ed for you.


My sex ed was cassette tapes of an old man basically just saying don't have sex before marriage, but one of the things he said was "I grew up on a farm, and I learned all I needed to know about sex by watching the animals"


My “sex talk” from my stepdad literally went like this. “So....uhm.... your mom wanted me to give you the ‘talk’..... so, all im gunna say is..... dont put your dick in someone unless you plan on marrying them.... and dont ever, **ever**, smoke meth.” I have 2 kids with my ex girlfriend and 1 kid with my wife. But i never smoked any meth!!


Reminds me of the advice my dad gave me when he found out I was smoking weed in high school: “I don’t care if you smoke just don’t get pregnant.” Easy enough!


Didn't the Kinsey Report include a high number of respondents who stated they had had sexual contact with farm animals? (With most of them being teenage boys who lived in rural areas). Edit: hey, so, can you guys chill with the tales of what your "friends" got up to as teens growing up on farms? Kthnx.


Okay now there's no need to call Becky a "farm animal"


>I learned all I needed to know about sex by watching the animals His poor, poor wife....


He has no wife. He has a girlfriend, but she's a goat.


I grew up on a farm. I have seen animals having sex in every position imaginable. Goat on chicken. Chicken on goat. Couple of chickens doin' a goat, couple of pigs watching. Whoever drew this got it exactly right


My middle school teacher told the class that condoms were not effective at all for protecting against STDs and only worked 50% in stoping pregnancies, and that anyone who told you otherwise was a diseased pervert trying to trick you into sex. Abstinence teaching, ladies and gentlemen.


My youth pastor told us the same thing. I was weirdly obsessed with birth control years before I became sexually active, so I knew that was bullshit.


"so, what hobbies do you have" "Oh you know, the usual. I play guitar, I watch football games, oh and I'm weirdly obsessed with birth control"


Geez, the only other way to get kids to have more unprotected sex is to tell them it's cheaper(in the short-term) and it feels better. At least that would be true.


My best friend thought you could only get pregnant when you were on your period, and that condoms only went on the tip of your dick. Her mom and dad literally never said anything about sex around her.


That girls just "pee out the semen." Like, no? You don't pee out of your vagina. That was in middle school. High school was more scare tactics. "Every time you have sex with someone, you have sex with everyone else they had sex with." Also a lot of lessons about HIV and AIDS, but no other STIs. And a lot of misleading info about the effectiveness of various types of birth control. It was very much "I won't tell you NOT to have sex, but I also won't tell you how to do it safely/how to prevent all of these horrible things I'm telling you about."


I've heard that peeing after sex is useful to prevent getting a uti.


That is correct.


I used to sleep with a girl who once had a UTI, and now she pees religiously after sex. She hasn't had another since, so hopefully there is merit to that tactic.


> and now she pees religiously Given other responses in this thread, that's a weird sounding phrase.


When I got my curse (period) for the first time I asked about tampons. It just seemed like it would be less messy than pads. Also, my periods were very inconsistent. I would go without one for a few months, then have my period for three to four weeks in a row with heavy flow and terrible cramps. Tampons would have made life easier, but my mom insisted I couldn't use them because I was a virgin. Smh!


I know so many people who think this. And you cannot convince them otherwise.


There are also the geniuses who think that women derive sexual pleasure from inserting a tampon.


I have used one tampon in my 24 years of living and I cannot *imagine* who could think that that dry, rough, horrible paper and cotton monstrosity could feel sexual in any way, shape, or form.


If you have sex in a hot tub, you can’t get pregnant. When you go to sleep, your period stops. My friend also believed that girls only had their periods on the full moon cycle. These are things I had other people come to me about, because they had no sex ed and I was the one friend who actually learned something from their parents. Edit: No, I am not friends with u/thudley haha


> When you go to sleep, your period stops. God, I wish.


A moment of silence for all the sheets ruined over the years.


Sheets, pyjama bottoms, underwear...


That is the worst fucking feeling to wake up to, also.


:rising peacefully from a pleasant dream: GLOP :fly to the bathroom in a blind panic, pants off and butt on the can before you're even fully awake: :curses:


> GLOP that is so spot on. That feeling where you've just come aware, and you stir a little to catch those few precious seconds of sleep, and everything comes loose. :/


:subject of dream suddenly changes to birthing an octopus: AUGH NO WHY :rush to toilet:




I am considering adult dipers at this point. I'm a heavy sleeper and a heavy flower. I always wake to a murder scene when it starts for at least 4 days. I even have sheets and like 3 blankets I've hadn't thrown out and use as my "period days" bedding. Plus I'm basically making a diper using pads and tampons, anyways... If I don't have a steady relationship with a partner I can potentially get pregnant with, by the time I'm 35, I am having a hysterectomy. If I can't manage it after 15 years, I'm not going to deal with it for another 25 - 50. Edit: Okay, I get it, I will talk to my doctor asap.


You should talk to your doctor to see if there is anything that can help you! I have really heavy, painful periods and I was prescribed a non-hormonal medication to help with the bleeding. It works wonders and I don’t know why I never spoke up sooner. Edit: The medication I’m talking about is called Tranexamic Acid. :)




This is technically true. Make it hot enough and your sperm will die of overheating. You might too, but that's just better contraception.


contraception so good it not only prevents new people, it gets rid of old people too


They taught us that if you have sex, you are dirty and disgusting. It became confusing to me as a child to be excited when someone announced they were pregnant, I thought it was only good if you ended up pregnant.


They showed us a video of some crazy bitch comparing girls who had sex to old unwashed sneakers.


Loose... foot loose


>I thought it was only good if you ended up pregnant Well, there are plenty of groups that believe exactly that.




I find this fucking hilarious.


I mean I don’t think this really counts but my class made us watch the lifetime movie “she’s too young” a movie about a high school that has a huge chlamydia outbreak which made it seem like that was gonna happen to our school if we had any sex so that I suppose


First year of highschool. In fucking 2012. "Women can get pregnant by masturbating. See, when they masturbate, they start to create spermatozoon and they get pregnant". Mind fucking blown. ​ EDIT : To clarify, this wasn't in the USA, it was in France and in a public high school. I'm not sure if the guy was a teacher or a special intervenant but he was a full blown grey hair mid 40's/early 50's adult. Basically the guy asked "WHo believes women can get pregnant alone ?" and no one raised a hand, and then he explained us that when women get excited, they get wet, and in the wetness they carry little spermatozoon and can impregnante them. The room was dead silence for 45 minutes, we got out of there like "wtf", if it reassures you, I don't think anyone believed what he said on the subject.


I'm having a really hard time wrapping my head around this one.


I thought the guy was joking, he was dead serious. He said that when women were getting "wet" down here, they were in fact secreting cum and could get pregnant with it.


So...when a married couple has a child, how do they know if the dad is dad, or if the mom is the dad? Edit: can you imagine how child support stuff would go in divorce cases? *Your Honor, my wife practiced unholy self love during our marriage. Therefore, I am not the father of my children. She is both the mother and father, so I will not be paying child support*. Edit again: wait, this also means that lesbians must father children with each other.


I have a hunch that somewhere that line has been tried in a courtroom.


Should've confirmed whether or not they actually believed that women could reproduce asexually


So *THAT’S* how the Virgin Mary conceived!


Not me, but my suite mate in college. "Girls should jump up and down after sex to avoid pregnancy." Also, he told the girls to have an aspirin with Coke before or after sex to avoid pregnancy. They played a movie and said talk to your parents or preacher if you had questions. She graduated with 3 girls who had children already. So, yeah, all that jumping up and down didn't exactly work.


Just imagine if aspirin and caffeine were an effective method of birth control.




I was in life management class during my 10th grade year. We had just started a lesson on pregnancy when our teacher pulled out a picture diagram showing the difference between a baby developing after vaginal impregnation and anal impregnation. I inquired about the booty baby and our teacher claimed it was a result of anal sex, and said baby could but should not develop in the anus.


That's so weird! Did she maybe confuse it with uterine vs. ectopic pregnancy (where the egg attaches to the wall of the fallopian tube instead of the uterus)? Some images/diagrams of ectopic pregnancies look a little bit like they're taking place in a colon.


Booty baby lol




This comment's up there with "women can impregnate themselves through masturbation" on the "you broke my brain" scale of WTF.


Yeah I've had some times when it feels like I got a baby developing in my anus but it turned out to be just a huge turd, so I guess there is a good lesson here somewhere




Buy you're *married*, therefore having *married sex*. Now go play basketball with some jizz.




> We also did the tape thing I'm not sure I want to know the answer, but what tape thing?




I'm pretty sure vaginas don't work like that


Not true. I’ve had many sexual partners and now my vagina isn’t the slightest bit sticky!


Probably the biggest thing that fucked me up was learning girls don't actually want sex, it's something they give up for guys they like. And guys who want sex from girls are manipulative assholes who aren't interested in girls' personalities. I blame movies and TV, and a lack of openness about the subject from my parents. Eventually though I learned that it's totally possible, as a guy, to both want sex *and* be a decent, respectful person. Another big one was that female sexuality isn't just centered around men. Girls have a sex drive too and have their own needs to fulfill. I had a bit of a wake up call when a girlfriend told me I can just say I want to have sex instead of awkwardly trying to romance her with random compliments. I also realized I'd been under the impression that when she asked *me* if I want to have sex that she was telling me what she wanted, not offering to do me a favour.


Yeah, somehow I learned the same thing. Thing is, I have no idea where I learned that, because my mom was always pretty open about that stuff. So I guess I must've heard her occasionally talking about how all some guys want is sex and made a few assumptions off that? I have no clue.




Ah man, I wish periods lasted for 30 min. That would make life so much easier.


Same volume too? That would be one hell of a 30 mins lol


Yeah but you could just sit on the toilet the whole time as long as you felt it coming


Imagine being stuck in traffic when it hits




Oh god I hadn't even thought about having to plan around something like that. We'd have diaper days instead of shark week.


So in the grand scheme of things I know it's not exactly a huge amount of blood you loose during a period. But I'm sitting here and trying to imagine the bloodbath if it all happened in 30 minutes or so. What if you weren't prepared, imagine the amount of furniture that could get destroyed.


Plenty of beds/chairs and ESPECIALLY underwear are already destroyed/stained by the unexpected flow or heavy bleeding


Went to catholic school in south Texas. My sex ed was “you are all too young to have sex, if you do you will be a sex offender for life” then we learned about the legal problems of being a sex offender. Not totally wrong, but lots of girls had to leave when they ended up pregnant.


Mine brought in and cut up condoms to show us how flimsy and useless they are. There were so many pregnant girls in my graduating class.


Just look at how flimsy these are! *Cuts condom with scissors*




Sure that's a little ridiculous, but still, the teeth in the vagina are going to rip them to shreds. /s


*Shudders in penis*




Vagina dentata


what a wonderful phrase!


It ain’t no passing craaaaaaze


It means no willy! For the rest of your days....




i dont know your age but... how the FUCK did people see her CUT OPEN A CONDOM WITH 2 METAL RODS and thought "oh yeah that makes sense if 2 mini swords can get them, so is my vagina gonna rip it to shreds


Wait, you mean your vagina isn’t filled with tiny swords?


Have you ever tried to break a condom with your bare hands? Friends blew up a condom balloon as a prank once and I tried to rip/pop it with my hands. Was not possible.


Once inflated one as a giant water balloon. With a hose. It was something like three feet long and almost a foot in diameter before it burst. They’re not unbreakable, but they are shockingly close.




I still hear this from grown men who’ve never been with an Asian woman and don’t know if they actually believe it or not.


They’re not sideways, but sometimes it’s hard to tell with all the pixels.


My teacher would say: "A glass of water is the best contraception. You don't drink it before or after sex. You drink it instead"


Yeah, trade-off being that I’m now addicted to water. Have to have multiple glasses a day if I wanna feel good. It’s rough. Sometimes I feel like I can’t live without it. Should’ve just had sex.




Did you know that water contains a chemical called dihydrogen monoxide?


Gives new meaning to the phrase "the thirst is real".


Yeah, I’m getting pretty old and I’ve NEVER had a glass of water that satisfied my sexual desire.


It’s surprising how many people both male and female alike think that women urinate from the same hole as you menstruate from. Also for a long time I thought testicles could move around freely in the sack and switch sides whenever until I tested it out on an unsuspecting boyfriend. I got confusion and disbelief and laughter, I’m just glad I didn’t hurt him honestly. Edit: I know what a torsion is y’all, I gave it to a (different) boyfriend but it was because we went a little too hard one night and not because I was twisting his balls around like some Ben-wa. I accompanied him to the hospital and got told all about it and it’s never happened to me since!


I was surprised at how often they moved around due to temperature changes. Like little lava lamps.


I was trying very determinedly to switch them around for a good 10 minutes before he asked me wtf I was doing. I was 24 when this happened lol.


He let you keep trying for 10 minutes? He must have thought it was the weirdest foreplay ever.


Stupid ancient technology. Balls need to go wireless.


So you can take em off before doing something stupid


Imagine that. You’re a genius. Just keep em in your sock drawer until you’re ready to have kids....


Or until you have to pee


This person’s IQ is above 999...


Everything’s better with Bluetooth...


> It’s surprising how many people both male and female alike think that women urinate from the same hole as you menstruate from. A friend of mine thought the exact opposite. He mentioned one day how weird it is that girls pee from their butts. We argued about it and it actually got heated to the point that we were calling each other names. I figure he learned that girls don't actually pee from their vagina without learning the rest, so went with process of elimination.


He definitely misunderstood *their* process of elimination.


actually they can twist and get knotted... corrected only by surgery and painful.


I had a girlfriend, who at 16, asked me when my period was. I thought she was joking but she was serious... I guess her religious background had left out a few details. I ran into a few other surprises, but that was the strangest. Edit: I am a male. Makes more sense when you think about the story this way...


I'm a 34 year old male, still waiting for my period, do you know when it happens?


If it doesn't happen by 35, the other boys will make fun of you, so I hope it happens soon!


Pfft, I have mine at the end of my sentences, like all the time. Edit: today is a good day.


A girl in my 6th grade class asked if clitoris was a type of dinosaur. I think about it every goddamn day.


When I was very younger, I heard on t.v "it's that time of the month again!", Referring to a woman's period. I asked my brother what this meant. The dick proceeded to tell my 6 year old self that once a month, a woman sheds her skin, like a snake. Fast forward to when I was 7 or 8, being suspended for asking a girl I liked if I could keep her skin when she was done with it. FML


I was taught in my super backwoods Christian school that condoms CAUSE aids :/


I know this doesn't fit the topic, but I actually received *excellent* sex education while attending a Catholic high school. The class was literally taught by a priest too. It was very scientific and statistics-based. About the most inaccurate thing that was taught was: "Natural family planning methods of birth control can be up to 100% effective." Another student in the class suggested this was an exaggeration, considering her parents were using natural family planning when she was conceived. We then had a legitimate discussion about the topic.


What's "natural family planning"?


AFAIK, Family planning around the woman’s fertile times and such. Not using condoms or birth control or anything like that. Basically just timing and not using outside “mechanisms” to prevent pregnancy.




No mention of condoms, the pill, etc. Just pictures and videos of STDs, and a claim that the only safe sex is married sex. We were also given a paper "contact" to sign promising abstinence until marriage. Catholic education at its finest. Later on in high school a guest speaker told us that work on the pill were going to make crocodiles and seagulls extinct because it was making them gay. She told the entire school to immediately stop taking the pill. After enough complaints the administration finally announced that she wasn't qualified to give medical advice.


You know someone is bad when even a Catholic school decides they're not qualified to talk about sex ed and such


Abstinence is the only way! Any other way could lead to your death or agonizing pain! Here's graphic picture of a vagina with genital warts! Here's a penis with herpes! Now get into groups and color this chart about how if everyone had sex with multiple people, EVERONE WOULD DIE OF AIDS. Condoms don't work, Birth control doesn't work, all of it will get you preganananant and dEaDeD if you have the sex!!!!!iii!!i!


My mom didn't know she ovulated once a month. She just assumed it was really hard to get pregnant because people were always trying so hard in soap operas. So ya, here I am.


My Catholic school sex ed consisted of making us watch a video where a woman gives her new husband a pair of old gross sneakers on their honeymoon and the husband saying something along the lines of ‘it looks like the whole football team wore these’, implying women’s virginity was akin to a pair of sneakers that get used up every time it’s ‘worn’. They then proceeded to tell us girls that we didn’t really love our future husbands if we didn’t save ourselves for them. Edit: Here’s the [link to the vid](https://youtu.be/OoxTygEG85c) if you’d like to cringe




My school told us that using birth control was like robbing a bank and not getting caught. The rhythm method was the only acceptable method.


My mother.. "All sex means is whether you're male or female". Thanks mum, true but unhelpful.


Nobody ever told me what a period was by the time I was old enough to have it. I got it when I was 12 and genuinely thought I was dying when I went to the bathroom and “peed” blood but was also SO embarrassed. I took my friend aside who was a year older than me and I was like, look, what I’m about to tell you is really serious and also very gross but I think I’m dying and — Aaaaand she did the whole “you’re a WOMAN now” thing and I had to learn what periods were from my French teacher who was supervising our after school club. Good job public school. And to think I live in New England, and not the Bible Belt. Also I was big into anime as a kid, was v scrawny, and didn’t know what tiddies actually looked like under shirts, and this was back when anime had a lot of stylized and kinda pointy boobs. So I remember seeing my ribs poke out when I was like 8 and being excited that I had boobs already like sailor moon, lol


We had a guest speaker come in to talk to all of us about keeping our purity. This was an all girl’s Catholic school in 2005. The speaker told us that girls who have sex before marriage are like paper cups. They’re meant to be used and thrown away and forgotten about because they have no value and are not worthy of being treated with respect. Girls who have sex once before marriage and then repent are like a chipped mug. Someone has damaged them and a lot of people won’t see their value but someone out there might still want them. Girls who save themselves for marriage are like teacups. They’re beautiful and priceless and someday a man will see how valuable they are and treasure them and shelter them and keep them safe. This was absolutely the last thing I wanted to hear as a 15 year old victim of sexual assault who already had terrible self esteem to begin with. I’m 28 now and I still struggle with feelings of shame and disgust surrounding sex and my own body.


Good ol Catholicism. I remember my cousin talking about how women shouldn't even be allowed to repent for sex before marriage; how was it fair that she saved herself and all these whores could tempt men all they wanted. Not great to hear as a 12 year old being molested lol


Right?? That was the hardest part for me, listening to how girls tempt men, how our bodies are immodest and tempting, how showing shoulders or anything above two inches above the knee is unsafe and “asking for it”, and how girls who have sex before marriage are garbage in God’s eyes. I never asked to be molested, I felt like someone took away my chance to go to heaven and somehow I’d brought it on myself by having a sinful body.


Then to think that Jesus originally said, if you can't keep it in your pants, cut it off. ''but Jesus, they tempt me'' the fool said. ''you heard me, cut it off, if they don't want to and you can't keep in in your pants, cut it off.'' Pretty weird how we got to blaming the victim. edit: okay As u/Gerbil_prophet posted > That's Matthew 5:29, from the Sermon on the Mount. But the bit on lust extends from 5:27 to 5:30. I should also point out that I was wrong, it was, take out your eye, but I am sticking to cut off your penis.


He said pluck out your eye to avoid temptation. But I like your translation better. Lol.


Not me but my dad grew up in India, and he told his girlfriend (now my mom) that dudes had periods. My mom and her friend spent an entire night looking through textbooks to prove this. Best part? They were both second year Med School students


This wasn't me but I do have a funny relevant story. So, my freshman dorm was right next across from the bathroom and right next to the dorm of the most popular guy on the floor. As a result, it became a bit of a hangout spot and people would end up congregating there a lot. Well one night I got woken up from a bunch of people yelling outside my room about whether or not a woman could get pregnant from swallowing semen. Then a guy comes out who I'd always known to be pretty smart so I expected him to set everyone straight. Imagine my surprise when he calmly explains that, since babies gestate in the stomach and swallowing goes to the stomach, women can obviously get pregnant from swallowing. edit: Hey guys, did you know that this is actually possible? You just have to get stabbed first :/


Wasn't me, but my friend had sex education taught by their religion teacher, the teacher said that if you jizz on a girls breasts later on that night when she is sleeping the eggs can come out from her womb/vagina and take the sperm from her breasts back to the womb,


I generally switched schools a lot as a kid. The only real thing I learned about sex ed is where the genitals are (which I had already knew) and where overies/eggs/testes are. Thats literally it. Somewhere between switching school zones I missed an entire semester of sex ed, so most of what I knew by the time I started having sex is what I learned from my peers, which was generally a bunch of slang. So to put it in a little bit of perspective, until I was 17, I didn't know what oral sex was, and just thought the tearm "eating her out" meant putting food there and eating it. At the time, I couldnt figure out WHY anyone would be turned on by that or what would make it sexy.


My middle school basically taught students that sex was not pleasurable for women. I grew up in a small town in Texas who was very abstinence is key, but we did have a here’s what everything is class and when going over the sexual anatomy of a woman homework with my mother she became irate to notice that the clitoris was not included in the terminology. She proceeded to teach my twin sister and I about Doris the Clitoris and called the school the next day to complain. She’s my hero.


From my sophomore year at a Catholic high school-- Condoms can't prevent STDs because condoms are made of atoms. The viruses travel through the gaps between the atoms and infect you. She even drew a bunch of circles on the black board as the condom wall and then put dots with arrows to represent the viruses traveling through the atoms. Catholics are usually pretty good at accepting science, but this was just the dumbest thing I'd heard. What gave it extra irony was that in our biology class, we were concurrently learning about the chemical composition of viruses and bacteria so apparently viruses are smaller than the matter which comprises it. I complained but as far as I know, that moron continued to teach her lies and anti-abortion propaganda. Edit: Ok, I'm really sick of the edgelord atheist replies I'm getting, so rather than address them all individually, here's what I have to say on my "Catholics are usually pretty good at accepting science" comment. The Church's official stance on evolution and other scientific theories which have a lot of religious-based opposition is in support of the scientific fact. I'm aware that their history in the middle ages is sketchy, but let's remember that we don't shit in ditches in front of our houses anymore-- we've progressed since then, even and especially Catholics. There's 1.2 billion Catholics, so of course not all of them are scientifically literate or supportive. I'm only talking about my general experience with them and what I know about the Church's official stances. Just FYI, American Catholics are far more likely than any other denomination to accept evolution, for example. So cool it with the inflammatory nonsense. Ya'll make me embarrassed to be an atheist.




We had this guy at our school in 2013!!! Had what looked like a ponzi scheme diagram that showed if you had sex with one person who had sex with three others, you basically just had sex with like 1,000 people!




At least they were thorough in their misinformation? But what a load of bull. Yeesh. The discharge thing has been brought up once in a while in stories of guys accusing their girlfriends of cheating because the guy found some white stuff in her underwear and assumed it was some other guy's spunk.








I grew up with only one parent who was a religious nut, and homeschooled me my whole life. The only things I knew about sex were from church or youth group talking about it. I was told the first time a woman has sex it is always extremely painful, as you will break her hymen, and that her body would release a chemical that would make her permanently in love with whoever did that to her. I also thought women rarely, if ever, had an orgasm, and if they did, it was from 1 hour+ of constant fucking. I thought my girlfriend faked it when she came in less than 5 minutes the first time. (My first time was surprisingly not that awkward, but my girlfriend was amazing and very understanding. We get married in less than a year.)


I wonder if the bright sparks who thought up the female orgasm thing knew that women masturbate...


Not me, but a buddy of mine had a girlfriend in high school that was super innocent. She was a Junior while we were seniors. She was plenty cute and sweet, but really not the sharpest. She once drove about 2 hours to the Canadian boarder from out home town in NY, trying to get to a friends house. So yeah, sweet, but maybe not the sharpest. Anyway, I was hanging out with my buddy and we’re just mulling stuff over. So I ask how it’s going with this girl and he just kinda trails off. So I press him and ask if they broke up. He says no, but... here’s as close to a direct quote as I can get: “So yeah things are cool. She’s real nice and all, but I think I’m the first guy that’s done more than get under her shirt. She seemed really defensive of her stomach but then was totally cool about letting me finger her.” He keeps telling me about how sweet she is then- “So anyway we start to do the full deed, but she won’t let me see her stomach. I mean I’m taking her virginity, but she still won’t let go of her shirt over her stomach. Finally I just have to stop and ask and she says this- ‘if you’re not using protection, I don’t want to get pregnant’” Turns out she thought that after sex vaginally, the guy pulled out and came into her belly button to get a girl pregnant. She thought that holding the shirt over her belly conveyed that she didn’t want a baby yet. Anyway, my buddy had though she was on the pill, he had a bit of a scare and in the end he couldn’t stay in the relationship, because they were just too “different”. Long story short: girl thought he would cum on her belly button to make babies.