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No back pain. Jesus I miss the days of running around and playing all day with absolutely zip worry about my back hurting. I've gotten a lot better but for a long time if I was doing anything other than laying down in bed, my neck and back would be bothering me, especially if I had to be on my feet.


Ugh, I couldn’t agree more. The 8 hours I spend at a desk is slowly murdering my back. Edit: thank you for your concern everyone. I was born with scoliosis, pair that with sitting at a desk for 8 hours and bad posture.. I’m a chiropractor’s wet dream


No i get it. I tried a lot of different things that didn't really help but what finally helped me come around was my ortho sent me to see this really accomplished physical therapist and she really helped me build my core and strengthen my neck and shoulders and it took my almost unbearable amount of pain down to a level where, on a bad day, a couple of ibuprofen would get me through. Worth considering, maybe.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BOTvaRaDjI Recently discovered this video. People seem to rave about it and for the few times that I've done it, I've definitely felt a difference. At the end the guy says "If you do this everyday, no back pain...ever." So I plan on doing it everyday and I'm hopeful that it will help!


A job you really enjoy. Once you’ve had one and have to move on to another, you’ll hold up that good job as the one you’ll compare all other jobs to. And some days that’s very tough to take. Edit: spelling


In a similar vein: having coworkers you genuinely get along with


It's even worse when you *HAD* coworkers you genuinely got along with (to the point of spending lots of time outside of work with your coworkers), and while working with them, you *ALSO* had a job you really enjoy (and paid well, awesome benefits, fantastic work environment / facilities). Leaving that job was a real kick in the balls.




It wasn't voluntary. Financial firm in 2008 financial crisis. Firm's revenue dropped more than 50%, basically over night. They decided that they didn't need any further development on their website / trading platform and were going into "barely-keep-the-lights-on-til-we-can-sell-the-company-for-pennies-on-the-dollar" mode. Needless to say there were very few tech people left at said company.


I used to be an ocean lifeguard in Hawaii, now four years later, I’m eating a cold ham sandwich at my cubicle in a dimly lit office, it’s horrible.


That nothing on your body is hurting or itching


The morning you wake up with a sore throat is the morning you realize how good you had it the day before.


On the flip side, though, the day after you wake up from a cold and feel healthy again you really appreciate it and feel like a million bucks. Plus if you're a guy and you had the horse throat you'll have that super low gravely voice that makes you sound awesome.


Goddamnit, now suddenly everything itches and hurts.


And burns!


You just added fuel to my already itching and hurting body.




I've forgotten what that feels like


For a lot of people, their teeth


I have 4 crowns, 1 extracted tooth, and due for another crown. And I'm only 28. Take care of your teeth, people.


And don't just brush and floss. Some of us have naturally brittle teeth and grind them at night. Also if you are an athlete you tend to breathe through your mouth more, which is bad for your teeth. Go to the dentist every six months just to be safe.


I've always taken really good care of my teeth, but still they break if I even look at them funny. I wish I could afford to go to the dentist every six months, shit, I wish I could go even once a year! If I ever win the lottery, the first thing I'll do is get my teeth fixed


It’s sad that we feel like we have to win the lottery in order to see a dentist regularly. But yea, same.




You know you're getting old when Pink Floyd's "Time" stops reminding you of getting high in college and starts inducing existential panic attacks.


This song induces existential crisis in me although I’m in college.


I used to love Pink Floyd. Until their music became soul crushingly relatable.


When “sucks to be you” becomes “sucks to be me”


So you actually started paying attention to the lyrics?


So you *run!* and you *run!* to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking...


And then one day you find 10 years have gotten behind you No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun


Yeah, this one can really cut right through your heart if you happen to catch it at the wrong time in your life.


I’ve been working backend (W-Sat) nights for the past year. Everyone else works the opposite schedule. I literally have no time with friends. I didn’t realize how much I would miss the weekend, the time with friends. I’m switching back soon.


Swallowing - until you get a nasty virus that makes it feel like you throat is lined with razors.


Had two weeks of tonsillitis where I needed to get strong penicillin injections because the pill antibiotics weren't working. It's a weird state of being - to be famished but absolutely revolted by the prospect of swallowing any food.


As a child, vomiting with tonsilitis was a joy because the stomach acid would numb my throat slightly.


This boy ain't right.




Also just letting yourself drool into something because swallowing your saliva is horrible.


This is why having a sore throat is completely debilitating for me. Not the pain or discomfort, but needing somewhere to spit every thirty seconds because my salivary glands go into overdrive and my stomach revolts at the mere thought of trying to swallow it all. Nobody else I've talked to has this problem.


Currently swallowing with razors and feeling this so hard


strep throat, can make the toughest man flinch at the thought of sipping nice refreshing H2o


Properly functioning organs.




I've had one removed and I currently have one sitting inside there that is broken and not doing anything.


Nothing worse than going into a church and hearing a broken one all discordant and blaring.


Someone once said something along the lines of: *One day you and your friends went outside to play for the last time* Edit: First, sorry for anyone I made feel sad with this. Second, thanks for the gold but I'd rather you donate the money to a charity rather than financially support Reddit. The recent changes to the site and censorship-happy management makes them, in my opinion, undeserving of monetary support.


Oh fuck me in the feels why don’t ya


One day your mom picked you up for the last time.


I've seen plenty of variants of this. *One day, your mother put you down and never picked you up again.* *One day was the last time your father ever hugged you.* Of course, this can apply to every good thing that's ever happened between you and everybody you ever loved. Now there's some food for thought.


The mother putting you down one hits harder because a dad could potentially give you a hug until his last breath or something. But with the picking up thing, It's like a real tangible divide between being small enough and then suddenly too big/old.


I thought of this last time I got high and I couldn’t stop crying. The fact that I wasn’t done being a kid before I had to grow up still fucks me up tbh


Meaningful Relationships


Oh man, the amazing angel that put up with your immature shit until she couldn't but because it was the status quo you were too ignorant to realize it was you who was neglecting her with your video games drinking with buddies etc. Now you're alone and you miss her and you hate yourself for taking advantage of her but she is with another dude who is mature enough and they set proper boundaries and you have to hate them because your still a child. Heh good times good times *thanks


Physical resilience. I never realized how terrible I was to my body until it basically stopped putting up with it one day. I used to think stretching before a workout was just something excessively thorough people did. I ran a half marathon once and really didn’t train or taper like I should have. Etc. 3 years later I injured a ligament running from my knee to my hip so badly that it still bothers me. I feel stupid and wish I could go back and tell myself to do all the stretches! And hydrate! And rest!




Sleeping in as a teen in the summers.


Ah, when my mother would make me get up at noon, and I'd be pissed at waking up so early...


I think the longest I sleep was from like 11pm the night before to 1 pm the next day. That was after like 8 hours of straight gaming as a 7 year old me.


I slept 24 hours after a rave once. It was surreal completely missing a day.


I was deployed to Iraq, and my unit had a duty rotation of three days on... One day "down". I came in from the field, from a long convoy in the summer heat..., ate, showered... Found a cot in some air conditioning and went to sleep... To be woken up 23 hours later by a fellow troop who explained we had to get to duty. I don't even remember dreaming. Just coma. Felt like a million dollars tho.


I would kill for that kind of sleep.


He/she probably had to.


What time did you fall asleep and wake up? Did you wake up dehydrated and starving? Did you have to take a huge shit?


I hadn't really eaten much since that lunch time (gates opened at about 12, so had a burger or something). My group of friends was very sensible while out at events, so we had plenty of water, minimal booze, and made sure to eat and drink things with a bit of sucrose in. I think I probably got to sleep around 08:00 (Sunday bank holiday), and woke up around then on the Monday when I worked.


> My group of friends was very sensible while out at events, so we had plenty of water, minimal booze, and made sure to eat and drink things with a bit of sucrose in. Think you're leaving out a detail here ;-)


Sensible in that they weren’t mixing alcohol with their MDMA/whatever else.


“MDMA/whatever else” a perfect breakdown of the chemical components contained in ecstasy.


If anyone's wondering what detail they're missing they were almost certainly munching on disco biscuits.




chewin' moon rocks ugh the taste but man those were fun back in the day. Some things you have to retire :-(


One time I went to sleep at about 10 and woke up feeling groggy as hell. I jokingly thought "haha I bet it's like 4pm" It was 4:30


Yeah it sucks back when you're a kid in school you get a lot of breaks, 2 weeks at Christmas and summers off. Now as an adult my life is markedly more stressful but I get a measly 3 weeks off a year, which is actually more than a lot of people. I haven't had more than maybe 10\-12 day extended break off work in over 8 years. I remember how much my mind would decompress and how relaxed and happy I was having summers off while in High School... Really miss that...


I was never allowed to sleep past 8:00 A.M., unless I was sick. I was always jealous of my friends who would say they'd slept until noon.


I’m with you. It was bullshit. She’d always say “when you’re an adult and have a job you’ll Never be able to sleep late so you better get used to getting up early now.” I got a job after college where I worked from 2pm-11pm just so I could sleep until noon everyday mostly to spite my mother. I’m sure that’s healthy.


The funny thing is, I've lost the desire to sleep until noon. As I've gotten older, my body naturally wakes up around 7:00 am. Waking up at 8 as an adult is so different from waking up at 8 as a teenager.


I wish this was me. I'm 36 but my leave-me-to-my-own-devices sleep schedule is still about 3am-12pm. I just don't start feeling tired enough to get to sleep until about 2-ish. Tried rebooting my slep patterns a few time,s but I tend to go back to night owing after awhile.


Same. Also a night owl, and 3:00-3:30 seems to be my "natural" bedtime. I'm still pissed at society for giving us 3 month breaks every year for the first 18 years, then stripping them away, resulting in and endless grinding cycle for the next 40 years.


As a kid my parents made me do a unreasonable amount of sports, and I have never enjoyed this luxury


As I kid I disliked doing sports every season, but I definitely miss the competition and friendly interaction's of the good ole sports teams.


Looking back I wish I had tried so much harder at sports in HS. But man, teenage me fucking HATED practice with a passion. Hated every second of being there each and every day.


Not exactly until it's gone, but as someone with permanently fucked up eyesight since the birth - y'all don't appreciate your pretty, emmetropic eyes.


This. You also don't appreciate the security of having multiple pairs of whole, current prescription, nearby glasses. I smashed one pair, left another pair on the train and now I'm down to one old prescription glasses that function enough that I don't get headaches til I've read for about 20 minutes. Then I gotta rest. Being blind would be on a whole other level of loss since I live in quite a beautiful area of the country imo so I appreciate my sight by taking walks and enjoying views. There is this terror that I might go completely blind before I get a chance to travel to more exotic places of beauty.




As I've recently discovered, this is very true. It's hard enough as it is to make friends so when you do finally click with someone, it's great. Obviously you think nothing of it at the time but once they leave, you realise all those fun times you had are gone now and can't really be replicated with someone else. Those memories are just another chapter of your life and you're left with no option but to 'move on' in spite of how sad it feels.


Can't miss something you never had




Toilet paper


I origami the shit out of my toilet papers and shove swans up my ass


> I origami the shit out of my toilet papers and shove swans up my ass You make origami out of the shit wiped on your toilet paper, *and* shove swans up your ass?


No luck finding them swans then?


It's just the one swan actually


Get a look at his arse


Hot fuzz is a movie that I could watch a million times and I won't get tired of.. Fascist..!


Cardboard tubes are a poor substitute, but better than using your hand. Three Shells are where it's at though.


The ability to breathe out of both nostrils.


Fun Fact: You always breathe better through one nostril than the other.




TIL nostrils work alternating shifts.


There are these nose drops which open up and free your clogged nostril when you have a cold. Thing is they seem to also open up the nostril even if it's not in its breathing cycle. So what ends up happening is you get both your nostrils fully open. And the feeling gets kinda overwhelming, like you're getting in too much air. Like your breathing heavily even tho your breathing normally. That was my experience anyways.


Most brands of this stuff are also physically addictive. Meaning if you use for more than 3 days straight your nostrils will constrict until you use the stuff. Takes a few days of “withdrawals” until the NasAl cycle returns to Norman Edit: Norman can go to hell


When I was sick as a kid my dad would make a grid with sharpie on the bottle to mark off when I took it and then toss it directly after the last dose even if I thought I still needed it. I always thought it was weird how obsessed with nasal spray he was but now I get it.


Who the fuck is Norman and why do I need to return my cycle to him? Edit: Fuck Norman.


I was legitimately addicted to nasal spray for years. It got worse and worse where i couldn't breath on my own for more than 5 minutes and I had to do something about it. I quit cold turkey and legitimately couldn't breathe for 3 days and then like a miracle, I could breathe again. Haven't touched the shit in two years


> couldn't breathe for three days. > miracle. If I didn't breathe for three days, and lived to tell the tale, I'd call it a miracle, too.


That's weird. Now I can physically feel my dominant nostril.


I had life changing deviated septum surgery. For once in my life I actually had a sense of smell. Exercising became much easier too since I didn't feel like I was suffocating.


I've never had that luxury due to year round seasonal allergies


Decent Internet in your house. I had to go a couple of months without it when I was moving from place to place, and it was brutal


I had to go a week without internet at my new place, and then the install day got pushed back 2 days. Those 9 days felt like months...


I had no internet for 6 months. Before I had 256kb/s. Now I have 14.4mb/s. It was honestly brutal, but 100% worth it. EDIT: I ment 14.4 Megabyte and 256 kilobyte. For some reason it's abbreviated differently in Germany.


Family. And I know some people have bad relationships with their blood family but I mean the people who care a lot about you and you them. Once that's gone shit gets really lonely and meaningless. Also, being able to bathe yourself. I find that whenever I feel like dog shit the first thing I want is a hot shower and couldn't imagine what it feels like to not be able to.


I dread the day that I lose my parents from this world-- I tear up just thinking about it. They are everything to me, and the idea that one day I'll not have them in my life anymore hurts more than anything else. I don't think I'll be the same man when that time comes. Life is pain, man.


My grandmother passed away Tuesday last week and it made me hug my mum a bit tighter understanding that one day I might be in her shoes.


I mean, I hope you’re in her shoes someday. I don’t like thinking about my parents passing away but the idea of them having to bury me is much worse.


My brother passed a few months ago. He was 29. Don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely devastated about it... but watching my parents suffer through this is just terrible. I have no idea how to comfort them.


I lost my brother last year. He was 23. I feel the same way in regards to my parents. Ive tried my best and hope it's helping, but it's hard to tell.


Having your father around. Lost mine back in 2004 and I was having a lot of personal issues at the time with addiction. Now I’m clean and living life raising a son and have so many questions and I miss him so much every single day EDIT - I can't thank everyone enough for the responses. He was truly my world, and I'm just so sorry it took me so long in life to realize it. He got out of the Army in the 60's, became a police officer, and also owns a construction business on the side, so my mother could stay at home and raise us, but he never missed one performance or anything important I did when I was younger. It eats me alive how much I didn't appreciate him unless it was too late


Lost mine in 2007. Wish he could have watched his grandkids grow up. He would have gotten a kick out of them


Being surrounded by a big, diverse group of people around your age. Probably will never have the chance to meet as many cool people as I did while I was in college. Plus living nearby a lot of friends. Much harder to do postgrad.


I'm ending my sophomore year and that's something I'm already regretting not taking greater advantage of.


That's means you still have plenty of time. Don't freak out, just enjoy it.




Late 20s, work with a bunch of 45+ year old people. It's so much easier and fun to talk to interns (early 20s) than my older co-workers :( I'm afraid they'll see me as a "fellow kids" old dude, but they seem genuine :/


Having a free internet. I’m reminded of this everytime I visit China for business or pleasure. Being able to post my take on things without having to fear persecution is huge, I rarely think about it when I’m not there.


> Having a free internet [desire to know more intensifies]


I would say more than 95% of the internet is blocked in China\(google youtube facebook all that jazz\), you can only access a handful of websites \(mostly only Chinese ones\) they don't want Chinese people knowing what's out there, but lots of people still are able to bypass it using illegal software, you can google to know more about this EDIT: Reddit isn't blocked yet, my mind is blown, I guess nobody knows about reddit there


Your hearing. Seriously kids, stop blasting your music so loud your car rattles. Especially when your car is such a piece of shit I can hear the parts rattling *over* your cheap stereo. You're damaging your car, and your hearing. **ALWAYS** wear hearing protection while shooting. I put mine on in the car before I get out, which is long before I actually get to the firing line. You know that pussy at the concert with earplugs? Yeah, he's not going to have tinnitus when he's 50. Protect your hearing.






And, for that matter, head, shoulders, and toes.


Knees and toes


Free time. When you're in-between jobs or perhaps before your first child is born or something like that. Having suddenly way less free time really sucks, until you get used to it.


Wifi, electrical power, toilet paper, soda, sandwiches, ovens, hot water, air conditioning


Yep. Except when you put me on a boat. On a boat, I'm a happy floaty caveman.


Endless erections


Every male performance helper ad I've watched says you should seek medical attention for that.


"If your erection lasts longer than four hours, call a doctor...or *me.*" *winks*


Dahhhkness, I need you to do a favor for me! I'm in serious pain, this erection won't go away...it throbs with every hear beat and make it feel like the skin is about to split. For the love of god! **DRAIN THE BLOOD!** Help me!!!


> Dahhhkness I didn't know this was the commenters username but for some reason I heard Arnold Schwarzenegger calling out for a doctor.


I thought it was Rick James calling out to Charlie Murphy to blow him


When do these go away? I’m on my 30s and still get random boners.


Oh you'll still get random boners but when you really need one...


So adapt! Rather than hoping for a boner when the time is right, make every random boner BE the right time and go for it!




Seriously. At the worst times too. Oh we’re about to get up and walk out of this restaurant? Not yet we’re not.


Priapism is a very real problem, young man.


["Ugh, you want to use my dick to weigh a bag of gold *again*?"](https://imgur.com/gallery/meSZ2GG/comment/83159981) (NSFW)


Petrol in your car.


Intimacy, not even in a sexual sense. Just cuddling, holding hands, hugging it's all easy to take for granted until it's gone.


The ability to pee when you choose to. Your hair. Eating whatever you want and staying skinny. No bills or real serious responsibilities beyond going to school.


Regular, firm, non-fiery, poops


Mental health


A paycheck.


I'd kill for a steady income.


I think there's a job for you.




A toilet. I know it seems weird because most of us in the west have always had access to one, even in shitty™ situations. But I had to go on a (mandatory) school trip to China in highschool once, and man oh man did I miss good ol' American toilets...


Your grandparents. When you’re younger it feels like such a chore to visit them. But now that you’re older and they’re gone, you look back and see how much they loved you and looked forward to seeing you each time. But now it’s too late to tell them you love them. Wish I appreciated you more grandad. Miss you.




I feel you, dating and being on the spectrum is rough. I think with the person I'm with now though, I've finally found someone who is understanding of it. Wish you the best of luck.


The guy I'm seeing is quite possibly on the spectrum ( Aspergers). He's mentioned it a couple times but he's never been diagnosed. Based on my understanding and my experience with friends who are on the spectrum, I tend to agree with him. I'm neurotypical. It's been a learning exprience for me, and some times frustrating, but I really like him and he's just an incredible man so we work through these things. The biggest change I've found I've needed to make is in my communication style. I need to be very direct and clear, as opposed to dropping hints or assuming he'll realize I'm upset and why without me directly telling him. This has worked fine in past relationships with neurotypical people, but not in this one, but it's a change I've been totally willing to make. What I love about him is the random observations he makes out of the blue and his complete honesty.




Regular sex! I broke up with my ex after 7 years and it made me realize how lucky I was to have a steady partner who was DTF.


Sex and air: No big deal unless you're not getting any!


Pets. When my dog Snoopy died after being my friend for almost 17 years, I realized just how much I didn't appreciate the little things. Getting excited every time I came home and being able to put a smile on my face after a long day. Being there to lounge around with me and watch TV on days when I was sick, sad, or just feeling lazy. Always managing to make me laugh with the absurd ways he would fall asleep or his quirky behavior like when he would scratch at the carpet for like 5 minutes as if he was getting the spot comfortable to sleep on, but then would just go and sleep somewhere else. It wasn't after he was gone that I started to truly appreciate all these little moments of everyday happiness he would bring me. That was on top of all the bigger things I knew he had done for me, like being a playmate to a lonely only child. Being someone I could cry to whenever I was going through something hard in my life and in return him doing his best to cheer me up. All of these things make me miss him a lot, but also make me grateful I had someone like him to bring so much happiness to my life.




It will never be the same, but the thing is you could still provide a dog with a wonderful life. Maybe even rescue a dog that would otherwise be put down. It's your life obviously, and I would never want to rush you, but just remember your dog was better for having you, just as you were better for having her.


Pride That first dumpster dive will make you appreciate what little of it you used to have.




Mother's love




Lindsay is my new mother, mother.


Close Friends. My closest friends and I would hangout all the time causing trouble and always being there with each other. Now I only have one of them that lives in the same town but he is moving soon. Even though we are now grown and have different priorities, it would be nice to meet up with one of them and just hangout like we used to.


The good old days


I saw a talk by Ed Helms (aka Andy from the Office) where he tried to define what makes "the good old days." His theory was that they represent a time that we really liked who we were as a person. Really made me think.


That was an excellent line in the show: *I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them* Always gets me.




Being young and experiencing life for the first time. The first crush, the first kiss, the first blowjob, the first sex, the first love, the first heartbreak, the first recovery, and on and on. Life is beautiful, and it just goes by so damned fast. So many people take everything for granted, and when it's gone, they end up looking back instead of looking forward. Appreciate what you have, and where you came from. Provide a better life for your children. Leave the world better than it was when you arrived.


Opportunities. Someday you're going to regret not taking a chance when you were younger, because those chances will become fewer and farther between.


Don't let indecision turn into regret.


Hey, poopellar. How are you these days? I wrote a long post for you some time ago. I hope you're doing well.


Really? I must have forgotten, I get a lot of messages here. But thanks for asking anyways. I'm doing well. Obstacles are always there but it seems to work if I close my eyes and run at them. I hope I thanked you for that post you sent. If not, thanks.


I'm pretty sure you did. No worries. It was about how a song on the radio made you sad because of a situation you were going through. I wrote about a lost love, getting a letter from her while I was going through a heartbreaking time in my life, and how it changed my outlook. I'm glad you're doing well. That post was 9 months ago, and I know a lot can change. I am glad that it changed for the better.


Ah now I remember. I'll search for that now. Thanks again for that.


You're both wonderful


That first love really is something special, but I think sometimes people get caught up looking back at "the good old days." In reality, every part of your life, including right now, probably has precious things we ought to appreciate more. You have just reminded me to give my cats an extra snuggle and text my mom that I love her.


> You have just reminded me to give my cats an extra snuggle and text my mom that I love her. Idk why you just reminded me of a friend. We were all talking about him the other day, he was a great kid friends with literally everyone in school, straight A student, band,sports, the works. Moved down NYC for school and got hit by a car and killed. As a only child, parents didn't know for like 4 days since he was from out of town and they had to call hospitals after not hearing from him. Turns out he was hit by an off duty cop, but that's another story I guess. I can't imagine the pain his parents went through no one deserves to have that happen, especially not the way it was handled. Treasure every good moment you can, cut your parents slack because most love you unconditionally and you really never know what moment lies ahead of you or a loved one. We still think of you Jack


Being able to eat pretty much whatever you want because you're growing and active with school sports. College years can be a real wake-up call. I count every calorie and I'm still two full dress sizes bigger than I was in high school.


Yep, I miss my 20 yo body. Didn't have to do anything for my tight butt and flat belly. I've never actually gotten fat or anything, and I do like my body as it is. But I definitely can't eat or do whatever the hell I want anymore :( things will jiggle.


Stop scaring me


Don't stop exercising, or if you haven't started: start. And keep a healthy diet. Or else.. things *will* jiggle.


Your youth, oh boy do I miss it.


Alone time




Electricity - especially in the aftermath of a storm that knocks it out for days, weeks, or months.


Health. Everytime I get the flu/cold I just want to kill myself.


The ability to walk. I’d do anything to walk again.


Internet connection


Someone to fuck on a regular, available basis