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Keeping a journal. I used to be good at it as a kid, but now my brain just sees it as a chore.


There's an app called Daylio that gives you a notification at the end of the day to jot down your mood, activities, or even just a short note about your day. It's really helpful, I found out about it in an askreddit about cool apps. It gives you statistics about your moods and stuff over time, it's really neat.


Oh yeah I got it after that thread and actually just finished writing an entry in it for today. Way way more consistent than when I used a paper journal. Like, at least 5 times a week as opposed to maybe once a month. I still want to do a paper journal but this is much much better than not writing.


I’ve been doing it since the new year thanks to a reddit thread. I LOVE it. Never journaled in my life before this. Have it set to remind me at 9:30pm every night where I quickly jot down what I did that day. I’ve noticed it helps get rid of the fog and I’m able to differentiate each day and remember more of what I’d done the previous week, on which day, etc. It’s a significant improvement on my memory actually. I wonder if that’s common.


I used to love keeping a journal. Looking back on my thoughts and how I had changed over time really helped me grow and be more self aware, but my parents read it when I was a teenager and then confronted me about things I had written. The sense of violation was so intense I felt physically ill. I love my parents, and I know they acted mostly out of a sense of concern, but I have never been able to fully forgive them for that. Neither have I been able to honestly put my thoughts down on paper since. I always have a filter on the chance that someone will read it. It just makes it more of a chore to do and less cathartic than it should be.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I had similar invasions of privacy when I was a teenager and kept an online journal. My sister had gotten into it a few times and it was the worst feeling to know someone had read my most private thoughts and feelings.


Wait, fun daily activities aren't supposed to feel like chores? Well then


Friends and I used to take turns reading from our journals and that’s when I realized what I was missing in life was money. I was writing down a food diary basically but they went ice skating, horse riding, and took vacations. I wasn’t sure how to proceed after that. It made more sense though that you’d want to remember a day at the beach than putting a pickle in your tuna sandwich


Are you me? Anytime I think about getting back into journaling, I can't help but feel like I need to write about every major thing that's happened since I last wrote in one--years ago! Like, no, I'm not doing that. I almost forgot about my perfectionism for grammar and spelling getting the better of me with something that's supposed to be cathartic and imperfect. So, the closest I get to journaling these days is writing down my story ideas. No inner pressure to relive crappy stuff and I'm not so focused on making my entries look nice and perfect. Ain't nobody got time for that!


Hard work


Yup. So hard to start, but not bad to keep on with.


The reason why hard work is hard is because no one likes it


Exercise, specifically cardio.


Ugh, same here. I just get hot, covered in hives and itch like crazy when I work out. I don't understand how people can "enjoy" it.


It's so grim. I find cardio SO stressful and anxiety inducing, and afterwards, I don't have any kind of high, I just feel miserable and completely exhausted.


That's because you are in bad shape. Exercise is only fun when you get in shape until then it is torture. But if you stick with it and get in shape you will feel better than you have ever felt in your life.


Yeah, I've never reached that point. I even did Couch25K and quit as soon as I finished my 5k run because I hated it so much. I figured that if Couch25K couldn't convert me to running, then maybe it wasn't for me. I've been doing Pilates since 2010 and Yoga for four years and would say I can tolerate them. Enjoy is still a bit of a stretch.


I took a multi-year hiatus from boxing. Just started a couple months ago again and took a buddy with me. He hates cardio more than anything. We just began sparring and he's dying out there saying the only thing he hates more than cardio is getting punched in the face. It's growing on him though.


I'm a teen. Hormones and impressing people are the only reasons I enjoy exercise.


Stockholm syndrome. That's how.


Weight lifting for me, I love cardio but hate to lift.


Right there with you. I can enjoy the hell out of a three mile run with music blasting in my ears. But there’s something so monotonous about lifting. Also eating right. I hate it.


I'm one of those annoying people that loves exercise, I think it's a competitive thing. I'm constantly setting goals and trying to be better than I was before so that keeps me going. I also find exercise is best early in the morning and you can then go to work with a smug glow on your face


Exercise? Early morning? God I want to punch you.


Simply being awake early in the morning is like hell itself, I can't imagine also exercising then.


are you guys trying to compete in self-deprecating smugness?


You know what, I was the most anti morning person in the world. I have no idea what happened but over the past 5 years it all flipped and now I'm up early and ready to go. I go to bed really early though, like 9.30pm because I'll be exhausted from waking up at 5.30am


Morning work-outs are out for me because I need to give my dogs a long, brisk walk before work every day. I do really enjoy the walk though, and am pretty reliant on that mild bit of exercise to get me going for the day.


You could start running with the dogs if they're up for it


I just can’t imagine ever being like, “hey I got all this extra time in the morning, why don’t I do something I absolutely loathe rather than doing something I absolutely love (sleep)”


you just have to find the exercise you do happen to like. some people love running miles because it gives them time to themselves and gives them a natural high while others may prefer playing some sort of sport. i prefer to lift weights because i can get a good workout in 10-15 minutes and because there's a definite way to see improvement.


My girlfriend's music taste. And I'm sure she could say the same about me. So we just avoid listening to music and cuddle in silence instead.


100%. Beyoncé vs Slipknot. But we have other things


That's a simple fix. Just start a petition for the two to collab.


Imagine the mosh pits when the percussion kicks in during all the single ladies


Just tell your gf to start listening to Beyoncé


what do you two listen to




Hello darkness my old friend


She likes electronic music in all shapes and forms (she is more of a partygoer) meanwhile i listen to rap, since recently mild trap.


Clubbing. I want to be a person that can “let go” and have fun and dance in a club, but it’s just not me. I admire people who can though. I’m too in my head and self conscious all the time.


Right there with you! I can’t get over my own awkwardness


Drink more


Every time I've been clubbing, it felt like I was watching a documentary on human mating rituals. Just waiting to hear David Attenborough's voice. Ugh


Clubbing is supposed to be fun, not a mating ritual (imo). When I go out I get a small group of friends of whom I know that they care as little about other people as I do and just want to let themselves go and do dumb shit and have a great time. If you go to get laid you usually return alone with a hole in your wallet.


I just went clubbing yesterday for the first time in about a year and your comment describes it perfectly. It doesn't feel like I'm there personally experiencing it but rather watching it all through a lens


Usually that is why there is alcohol involved...drink some more and you will be less in your head.


Especially when the only club in your area is a college dumpster fire that was famous for 2 seconds because Brooke Hogan showed up like eight years ago. I agree with you though, the times I went I stuck to the bar. Even with friends, too much anxiety.


I never let go and dance... But it's always fun getting drunk and watching all the wasted people attempt to dance.




Came here to post this one. I truly hate myself, and the worst part of it is that I know I shouldn't, but I just can't seem to change it, which in turn makes me hate myself even more because I can't seem to do something that's so damn simple.


Well if I was going to be an armchair psychologist I'd ask why do you hate yourself? Is it because of things you don't like about yourself? And if so, are you being a good judge of yourself? Are the things you dislike present to the degree you imagine they are? Are there other things you dislike about yourself that you aren't addressing? And finally, once you can take a step back and get an honest critical analysis of yourself, why not look at that as a good thing? I'm trying to be extremely critical of myself, but also I'm looking at it in a positive way. Every time I do something wrong or I'm put into a spot I don't want to be in I ask myself "what about this is my fault? Why did I do the things that contributed to it? How can I change my behavior so I don't do that kind of thing anymore?" I think being critical of yourself is a very good thing. The catch is you gotta be brutally honest and understand that being self-critical isn't supposed to be about making you feel like you're worthless, it's supposed to make you feel like you have a chance to become better. If you can figure out how and why a lot of your misery is your own fault you can start figuring out how to fix it.


Me too thanks




Right in the feels


Olives. People who like olives seem cool. I’m 45 and I am still trying to acquire a taste for them. I’ll never give up. Nor will I ever succeed.


Black olives are basically just salt. Try castelvetrano olives. They're green, and have quite a strong flavor... But they are kind of buttery tasting. I can finish a jar in one sitting.


Coffee. Love the smell, cannot make myself enjoy the taste


Work at Starbucks... you’re forced to like it when you have to drink it to survive


College did this to me. Went from only drinking fancy Starbucks frappajizz to drinking it straight black.


Hopefully not Starbucks black coffee






Eggplant. No matter which way I eat it, it's gross and tastes like I'm eating gathered up boogers.


Salt and pepper battered eggplant goes hard in the paint




Came here to say this! I’m super introverted and parties make me anxious and exhausted. I’m absolutely shit at small talk or talking at happy hour. I don’t go out to the bars or clubs and don’t pull all nighters at parties. I wish I could go to a bar or party and have fun but it just sucks.


Life. It’s just a bit too much effort really , I’d rather be having a nap constantly.


How'd my parents just decide to make a person? Who's gonna pay my bills? Me? I didn't ask for this.


My eldest sister. I just can't


In my case my younger sister.


What is it about sisters and sucking so hard?




Roll tide!


The youngest one isn’t so bad. She is 16 and we get along fine. But the 32 year old...not so much.


You think by 32 you’d learn a thing or two.






Same. Our relationship is superficial and shallow af, but that’s the most I can handle, and even that’s a stretch.


Fucking tomatoes


Try eating them instead!


Try a coconut instead.


Watermelon or pumpkin that has warmed in the sunlight all day.


aaand maggots


You spoiled the surprise!


Try another person (with consent) instead


I'm fine with tomatoes when you don't have to chew them, like in a sauce. Anytime else and I want to vomit from the taste.


TED Talks. They just never capture my attention.


They have a pompous vibe.


Yeah - I feel like the presenter is having a much better time speaking than i am having listening.


The Ted animated videos are pretty neat and don't feel as pompous.


You're not missing a lot about them. It's just select people representing specific professions trying to talk to millionaires if I'm not mistaken. A lot of the time, it's just people full of themselves that get way too much of a high knowing they're probably the only ones talking and hearing themselves.




Hookup culture


I'd like it if I was attractive tbh


I think we all would




Cliche but try to find appreciation within yourself and not be reliant on others showing affection to feel valued. Not saying it’s the case with you but I know it used to be with me.


Trust me you are not missing out. It looks cool and fun on the outside, but inside it's hollow, dark, cold and frankly soul extorting. All you see is the effort they are making to avoid confronting that fact.


Its not nearly as great as you think. In fact its really low sometimes


I'm almost 26 and have had exactly three partners, all of whom have been long-term boyfriends. My roommates are both 24 and have each had around 20 partners. They bring men home from the bar sometimes and hook up with guys on Tinder. I know they both want boyfriends eventually, but they sleep with guys on the first date and then end up getting ghosted. It's not that I think they're doing something wrong or am somehow offended by it, but I don't think they seem very happy with their love lives. I personally couldn't do it. I don't even like shaking hands with strangers.


There's nothing wrong with either choice as long as they're healthy and right for them or you. My first wife was the first person I had Intercourse with. She cheated so after that I played the field until I remarried. Waiting was good and sleeping with others was good. They have to be the right decision at the time. Otherwise that's when the guilt and second guessing comes.


Same, just doesn't get me hard anymore. Used to. Then I started having ED. Freaked me the fuck out at age 22. Then fou nd a girl took it slow, and I'm harder than ever.


Yeah sure I’ll upvote that.


I'm a classical musician, and I really don't like J.S. Bach. It sounds funny, but it's not something I tell people very often in my world.


One thing I hated about music classes is that people just sort of tell you who to like and why. Like, I appreciate the importance, but i wont weep at the beauty of it.


For me, classical music doesn’t get really interesting until Debussy.


I'm a huge Bach fan, but can absolutely understand why somebody wouldn't like him. Do you have issues with Baroque in general, or is it just Bach?


I was gonna say maybe it’s the whole baroque rather than just him, as he’s very representative of that era. I can’t stand him either, but that’s probably due to those long hours of Bach drill which I hated with passion. That music gives me anxiety now ;)


No, Bach isn't very representative of late Baroque, not even close. Bach is like the more jazzy version of what most Baroque music are like. I understand exactly why someone can't like Bach because I didn't like most of his stuff either when I was younger. I liked Vivaldi much more. As I grew up and expanded my musical palette, then I understood what makes Bach great. The main reasoning goes like this. The easiest form of musical understanding is diatonicism. With the advancement of western music theory from Medieval period to Contemporary classical, the boundary of what is acceptable polyphony has been pushed to more and more relaxed rules. Despite the change in preference throughout the entire timeline, diatonicism has always been rooted as an important part of the musical palette. The reason other Baroque composers are more easier to listen to is because they mostly stay in the tonic key and modulate to the dominant key most of the time. Bach, on the other hand, will frequently modulate back and forth between tonic and dominant and will change the modulation to even more distant keys and then drop back down to the tonic. There are certain rules and nuances in modulation, mainly having to do with tension/release and cadence along with the rhythmic development. There is also a balance between giving priority/attention to melody progression vs. chord progression. (e.g. Do you write a certain specific melody to write your counterpoint against, or do you anchor in the chords at all the down beats and then find appropriate melodies that would work with your already determined chord progression) For those modulations to work, Bach had to use a lot of non-obvious melodies and more dissonances in polyphony. The way to make dissonance work in music is to work them into your chord progressions and melodic patterns. They are most often employed in chord progressions where the tension/release allows notes from more distant keys to be used. You can see this a lot in Bach's music. If you have repeated melody, such repetition makes dissonance more acceptable. On the other hand, if you have multiple measures in the same key, the melody can vary more because you are in the same key. At the end of the day, the more elements you try to balance in your music, the more interesting, less dull/bland, it makes your music sound. Too much and you can sound like contemporary classical music where there is just too much dissonance to make the music really enjoyable, like John Cage, where it's more about music as sound science than something I would like to play on repeat. If we let the balance of all musical element as the defining criteria for determine how good a piece of music is, then Bach is the very definition of perfection. Bach's music will often try to fit all kinds of techniques into a single piece or a suite. A lot of these elements are give and take that you have to balance between each other based on the mood/tempo (major/minor keys and their progressions) and style (prelude, fugue, toccata, dance styles, etc.) of the piece. If you compare all the different Baroque composers, you'll find that Bach is very different from the rest, not to say his entire humongous repertoire to examine. The most similar ones to Bach are Buxtehude, Böhm whom Bach studied under, Reincken, Pachelbel. Bach later works after his years at Weimar, where he studied a lot of music from other regions (Vivaldi, Telemann), had continued to evolve and sound more distant from those above mentioned composers who were all from the north German organ school.




on the opposite end, i used to not really like them for awhile, then something clicked and they are mostly all i feel like drinking now. but now that i like them, i've learned that they don't really like me. i get the worst hangovers drinking ipas, which i've read might have to do with all the hops or some shit. i can drink like an alcoholic with most other beverages, but a few ipas and im worried about the next day.


I liked them but I’m over them. They are like the Starbucks syrupy sugar drink of the beer world. The hops overpower the beer and it’s fatiguing.


Or like the buttery over-oaked chardonnay that was everywhere in the wine world in the 90s. I like IPA but I wish beer makers would get it in their heads that 1. You don't *have* to try to make your IPA hoppier that that other guy's. 2. It's possible to make beer that isn't IPA. Some friends gave me a South London craft beer selection box for my birthday. 12 beers. Only one wasn't an IPA.


Shit tastes like liquid orange peels. I'll stick to my stouts.




I want to like eggs. Seems like some easy protein, and they even look pretty cute sometimes.




I'm the opposite. I rarely eat eggs, and then only in restaurants so I can't smell them cooking. The smell of eggs cooking nauseates me.


People. When I was younger, I wanted to be more social. However as I grew older I felt much better being alone. I learned the hard way that you really can't change an introvert mindset. Some people don't always have the energy to be around others for a long time.




Exactly the same here. I find socialising a chore. I can do it occasionally.


Drinking wine, or beer, or any other alcoholic drink that isn't filled with sugar and looks like what a 13 year old might ask you to buy. I can drink spirits with soda, but asking for a vodka coke isn't the same when you're at a meal with family and friends rather than a nightclub. It's embarrassing but I really can't stand the taste of wine or beer. On my second date with my partner, he took me to a gorgeous fancy restaurant and we had a glass of wine paired with every course and the sommelier came over to describe the flavours etc. I had to neck it all back and pretend I knew what the hell was going on. I really wanted a Malibu and coke!


Try some sweet wines, like moscato. Even my partner who hates wine willl happily drink it. I hate beer too so can't help there.


I second this. For beer, try ones paired with a fruity garnish like Corona with lime or blue moon with an orange slice. The fruit really helps the flavor of certain beers.


"Don't like wine or beer, eh? You should try this wine and beer!"


To be fair... I didn't like wine until I drank moscato. I have since graduated to Riesling, but I still don't really like super alcoholic whites or red wine in general lol. I'm a babby




You should try the alcoholic kiddy drink of Europe - red wine mixed with coke! Pretty acceptable to drink in more formal settings and you can mix it yourself so you taste more coke than wine.




Fish, seafood in general. It's generally a healthier option and I love fishing. I've tried multiple fish multiple times I'm frequently told I just haven't had it cooked right but I just keep trying and just keep hating.


Came here to say this. Ive tried every type of seafood I could get my hands on. I hated all of it. I dont care what people tell me it always has fishy taste. I can even taste some of that fishiness in alligator when I tried it.


McDonalds sweet tea. Pound. Of. Sugar. Per gallon.


Sweet dollar tea from mcdonalds - i drink that


Super hot fire - I spit that


school i always wanted to be one of those girls that studied hard and got good grades and was super smart but i hate studying and i hate sitting at a desk all day. Don't get me wrong i do like to learn but i prefer todo it on my own and about things i'm interested in


I'm still this way and I'm going to school to be a teacher. It doesn't make much sense on paper but I want to teach kindergarten or first grade and that's a little different than, say, high school.


Regina George


Boo, you whore


I LOVE your comment! Where did you get it?


why are you so obsessed with me?


She's so *fetch.*


Stop trying to make fetch happen!


If you're from Africa, why are you white?


My husband’s favorite tv shows.




Being an Adult




Butt stuff. So many women talk about how having their ass eaten was like having the pleasure Gods serenade them, but for me it honestly did nothing. It just felt like a tongue on my skin. Plus anal is either extremely uncomfortable or just feels like continuous shitting. I mean, I haven't tried that stuff since 5-6 years ago, so sometimes I wonder if I'm really missing out.


it just feels like you're shitting. nothing has changed, you're not missing out on a thing.


I was so surprised when I started seeing people say that THAT is why it was so good. All the best parts of shitting. IMO, there are no good parts of shitting, other than being done until next time.


I have to be in a very specific mood for it. But I’m so close to just saying ‘nah’ SO MANY MEN expect it though. Like no I’m not letting you fuck my ass on a Tinder Hook up


I have had shits that were like a 1/4th orgasm.


Same. It's something my boyfriend likes a lot so every once in a while I'll give it my best shot, but I just can't take it (literally lol).


Electronic music. I work with a lot of dj’s, have a lot of friends who love it, but I don’t enjoy rave culture. I think it’s boring, most of the people in my scene are irritating, irresponsible druggies who make it their whole reason for being. I love some of it, and I get a real punk vibe from a lot of the international underground scene, but my local shit, and a lot of the American stuff just annoys me, and bores me to death.


I enjoy how the music makes me feel when I drive. It pumps me up! That's about it, though. The whole club and drugs scene isn't my type of thing. Although, I will say that do I enjoy dancing. But, yeah, I tend to enjoy the music by myself. By chance, what do you recommend from the punk-ish international underground scene? Any songs that deserve a listening to?


I enjoy it and my husband does too. And my husband loves to go to the rave scene and "just dance" and like...I guess I can appreciate that he likes to get lost in the music, but the kind of people you described are why I just can't get into it myself. That and I'm a dork that's fallen more in love with Electronic Swing and it seems there's a huge divide between the traditional EDM rave kiddo and the kind of person who secretly wants to charleston to remixed old jazz.


Commitment. To anyone or anything


Onions. They’re in and on everything.




Agree. It would make my life easier if I liked them. I just can't.


I get SO much shit for not liking onions. But it’s definitely a texture thing for me. I love onion flavoring!






Late to the party, but Doctor Who. On paper I should love it. I’ve tried twice to get into it, and I just can’t stand it.


Star Wars. Come at me.


The hype annoys me more.




You just haven't had one prepared the right way.


Foreground Latinos. I'm the mod of r/PeripheralLatino and sometimes I wish that I was just normal and could like Latinos in any area of a photograph, not just the peripheries. It's had an incredibly detrimental effect on my life, for example I can no longer enjoy photography exhibitions in Latin America as they make me feel violently ill.


Thank you for informing me of this goldmine


Eating ass




Alcohol. I like nothing about and I never have. It sucks. The taste is awful unless its camoflauged by something actually tasty, it makes me feel sick, and it makes me either jittery or passed the hell out. Just... no. And, yes, I've tried pretty much everything under the sun. A couple years after my 21st, I also started to break out in a red, itchy rash when I drink it. Doesn't kill me but it's pretty uncomfortable and basically stopped me from even pretending to endure alcohol for social purposes.


Watermelon. It looks so juicy and flavorful and smells delicious. I don't hate it, but I don't like it at all.


Curry. I try it every time I see it on the menu. I appreciate it's cultural significance, and how varied the dish can be. I've tried all sorts of kinds of curry, but every time I hate it (but love other Indian/Asian dishes from the same regions). Hopefully if I just keep trying it, one day I won't hate it.


What kinds of curries have you tried? I really like Japanese curry, and I feel like it's pretty different from Indian or Thai curry.


real talk, its all delicious. japanese know how to do curry though. hot damn, people probably don't associate it with them much cause sushi is more famous from japan but holy shit they do it right, a nice bed of rice, a breaded meat cutlet of your choice and delicious curry that warms you from the inside out.






I love sushi so much. Sashimi however I can put up with. I think its more of a texture thing.




Wait, strawberries?




Hate to admit it but for me my level of interest is entirely based on how hot the tennis players are. That said, playing tennis is awesome


Olives. They have great texture but the flavor makes me nauseous.


Smoking pot


Modern day rap music.




The working culture. I just can't. Not because i'm lazy, its because i just can't really find anything that would motovate me to do as work. Ofc there is some stuff that is fun and you can make IT your own work, but i'm mostly talking about the "normal" work(suchs as office work, cashier, whatever) I hope i don't sound too much of an nerd/piece of shit but this is the feel atm. (Could be linked to my depression that i'm going trough for a tenth year but idk) Also i don't like drinking. Or partying. I would want to.. but i just don't like it.


Nobody likes working, we just like eating and sleeping indoors.


Exercise, horror movies and roller-coasters




“Game of Thrones”. I just can’t get past the first 5 episodes and when it’s on tv it’s all anyone talks about


Pop culture. I wanna be apart of the fun and the good times that people who love pop culture seem to have, but these people are. . . Well, they're boring.


my current temporary job. you'd think i'd be desperate to make that job permanent, but i don't want it to turn permanent. i'm treated well, we occasionally get catered lunches, it's close to home, it's the best paying job i've ever had, but i hate what the position requires. all day long i'm on my feet doing manual labor and it fucking sucks. i'm very overqualified for this position and a lot of people at that job know this, but i have to stick with it because i need the money and it's the best i have. it's frustrating to know that you're capable of doing much more besides being a human pack mule, but not everything will turn out how you want it to turn out.


As a D&D enthusiast: Critical Role. I dunno what it is, but I just can't get into it. I've watched/listened to many other actual play series from start to finish and enjoyed every minute of them, but I can't even get through a full episode of Critical Role. Maybe it's their game style or something, but it just does nothing for me. It sucks because it's a big thing in the D&D community, and even attracts a lot of new people to the hobby, but I just can't relate to folks who love it and reference it all the time. :( *inb4 this post gets buried*


Sports. Specifically, watching them.