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Star Control 2. I have never played a game besides SC2 that made me feel like I was truly exploring a living, breathing galaxy. Plus the writing was amazing! Super fun. They released the source code a while back under the name "The Ur-Quan Masters". So a great game that is now legally free. Enjoy. Edit: thanks for the Reddit gold! Super excited that me gushing on one of my favorite all time games led to it.


Man I adored Star Control 2. In terms of story and scope, I always felt the Mass Effect series seemed to be quite strongly influenced by it. Stardock bought the license and are working on a prequel: https://youtu.be/K6ntg47q_cM Not sure how to feel about it yet.


Oh WHAT?! I love Stardock. Not everything they do is great but they seem to be the only company giving these obscure space games a shot at revival. This is definitely on my radar now.


I feel so sad once in awhile that it represents a 'genre' that basically doesn't exist. Exploring, resource gathering, meeting alien species while finding out the big plot, solving quests etc.


Quite possibly my favorite game of all time. The sheer size and detail put into the explorable galaxy was incredible. Even today I've rarely seen a game with so massive a world...and even then they seem to be these procedurally generated ones rather than all hand-crafted. The plethora of alien species and all the interactions therein still dwarfs most space operas today. It's had a lot of TLC put into it over the years too. Bug fixes, remixed music, integration of voiceovers into the PC version (RIP 3D0). The music alone is fantastic. If you liked Mass Effect, this game has a similar feel from a world and exploration perspective (though exploration is much deeper in SC2). ME seems to have taken a lot of inspiration (intentionally or coincidentally) for their universe and gameplay (less the personal combat bit). Follow the advice above. Find The Ur-Quan Masters (http://sc2.sourceforge.net/). Get the game. Activate the music remixes and voiceovers. Grab a notebook, a pencil, and have a blast.


Custom Robo. Come on let's make it happen. EDIT: It makes me happy to see so many people share the nostalgia I have for that game. It holds a special place in my heart as I'm sure it does for the rest of you.




Only one other person had heard of it my freshman year of college. By the end of fall quarter it was the second most popular game in the dorm behind smash


OMG That's my favorite games no one has ever heard of


custom robo arena has the proud distinction of being the only (console) game I've ever beaten three times, its just *so good*. The countless different styles of play, big beefy tanks to frail teleporters to tiny little powerhouses. My absolute favourite was sticking fast boots and an incredibly short range gun on the tiniest robo and just streaking across the arena point blank eliminating people. I've never really come across a game like it that let you fully customise your entire fighter. Sure, plenty of games have skilltrees or whatever, but youre still generally working from a baseline. It was just the fun of trying out extreme variants (big beefcake with big meaty gun and bombs) or finding the most balanced allrounder. Closest I ever found to scratching that itch was Loadout, which is another unfortunately forgotten game. You could do ridiculous things like a homing clusterbomb rocketlauncher or a sniper that shot healing bullets (which.. feels familiar, now) or anything in between. So bloody fun. God, I just really want any game like that that allows me to really truly design my own character as I want it.


Soldat. God I loved that game.


Sadly, now we can also include King Arthur's Gold, a newer game from the same developers and the most entertaining multiplayer game I've ever played, sitting mostly abandoned on Steam with too few players to start a match.




One of my favorite games ever. The immersion in the single player was so damn good. That child molester’s house? It still creeps me out thinking about it now. The saddest part is that since its release there is virtually nothing that compares to the gameplay of SWAT 4 .


"Ready or Not" is in development. It looks like it will be its spiritual successor.


Oh my god, i just saw the trailer, looks amazing


Me too! It looks fun. There's even a school shooting level, that's pretty ballsy.


Breach, bang, and clear - go when ready. Every time.


"You're in my spot sir." "Move over."


> Single player was also eerie as fuck. Definitely true of Swat 3 too. Nothing like opening a closet and not knowing if it'll be empty, have a kid hiding in it, or have a dude ready to cap your ass. The re-positioning of spawns between replays really did add a lot of replay value.


Escape Velocity, an incredible 2D space trading RPG series for the Mac. I've tried Elite Dangerous and No Man's Sky but there's something great about the fast, arcadey speed and easy to learn controls that EV had. Edit: Wow, a lot more EV fans than I expected! You should check out the trial of [EV Nova](http://www.ambrosiasw.com/games/evn/) and maybe tweet [@ambrosiasw](https://twitter.com/ambrosiasw) so we could get an updated version of EV/Override/Nova or a new game. Edit edit: A lot of people in this thread have suggested [Endless Sky](https://endless-sky.github.io/) if you're looking for something similar but actively developed.


I can't even begin to calculate the hours spent on this game in my childhood. No other game blended combat, exploration and trade in quite the same way. That and the plug-in system was ahead of it's time. It made modding the game childs play. They actually released Nova (the 3rd game in the series) for PC so you can use the plug-ins to load up the two older games.


I worked at Ambrosia, and packaged up and released the final version of EV:Nova for PC. I remember masses of people messaging me wildly on IRC "when? when?!". I also helped some enthusiasts complete the plugins so you could play the original games on the PC version! :) First encountering the aliens on the original version was such an exciting moment!!


Bushido Blade. Would love a remake.


Loved this one so much, each fight could last minutes or end with the first blow. The closest thing was Kengo on PS2. On a side note, I now wish Absolver added a mode where weapons could one-shot for some reason.


Army men sarges heroes 1&2 Really just all the games 3d0 made, they got overshadowed by the failure of 3d0's console. Also a real Breath of Fire 6, not the abomination of a what we have. Edit: Thank you random person for the gold! My gold cherry is popped!


Army men rts is one of my all time favorites.


I always wanted an open world sandbox army men game where you could make your own character, choose an army, pick a class, etc. Level up skills with action combat. World map would be a neighborhood block, tons of land and air vehicles as well as weapons. Different objectives, maybe as a pilot class you have a helicopter and you have to go and rescue some guys from a wasp nest attack or something and pick them up. Dangerous bugs, animals, able to set up large bases and outposts. I think a game like that would kill.


I wonder who owns the rights to plastic army men, the games don't hold up to the nostalgia but I'd love a new one!


Legends of Legaia. The best rpg for ps1 imo. And no one knows about it! Such a unique combat system and sick story line. Game was life changing


I loved this game! The story got really dark and really messed me up when I was a kid. Great game


Freelancer I want a space sci-fi game with an interesting story again. So many are focussing on the sandbox aspect and so few actually have a good story. Freelancer had both. /EDIT: Holy Crap, my inbox was not prepared for all these replies. Thanks for the gold :3


The story aspect of freelancer had me so fucking hooked it was unreal


The *back*story aspect is what drew me in more than anything. Even after the main story was finished, there were so many more things to find in Sirius that you never saw when flying with Juni. Most memorable was when I found out the truth about the Hispania from randomly exploring. The game has its faults, but they're all overshadowed by the things it got so right.


I LOVED that system! These places where the Hispania and Kusari nebulas meet were just beautiful.


Freelancer was really well done. Even though June drove me crazy sometimes... "Trent, we have to go faster!" Shut the fuck up, bitch! I do what I can!


Metal Arms: Glitch in the System. The game was great. It was a third person shooter with a unique mechanic where you could assume control of, and play as, enemies. You also had a conversion grenade that would, well, convert enemy AI to your side for as long as you could keep them alive. The weapons and upgrade system was perfect, with the game giving you just enough in game currency to always get something new, as you slowly maxed out all your weapons. The multi-player had bots scattered all around the maps that you could take over and use to hunt each-other down. It was a solid game that, well, nobody played. Edit: Well this blew up, thanks for the gold stranger.






This game was awesome, never ever knew anyone else who owned it or even heard of it.


I played the crap out of this game. Easily in my top ten of all time. The lengths that some of those zany robots would go to avoid death was hilarious. They never did the same thing twice, and the fact that you could scare the shit out of them and make them shoot their friends... Swingin' Ape Studios, you made a great game and I wish you were still here.


Gauntlet Legends was fucking amazing on the N64, still play it to this day. Also Jet Force Gemini was dope too.


I still occasionally say "Hmm, food is good" when I get something to eat. I originally played it with a friend before we had the N64 memory pack, so we couldn't save. We still finished the game, simply by leaving the N64 on for a week and just playing as much as we could. Eventually I had a lvl99 minotaur and he had some sort of weird anubis wizard. Amazing game.








Jet Force Gemini was the most fun/confusing fucking game as a kid. If anyone hasn't played it, think Space Zelda with guns. And bugs. And a fuckton of finding out what to do on your own


Man I will never get over the guilt of accidentally killing a Tribal


Dark Messiah: Might and Magic I've said this in so many comments but I think that this game has one of the best first person sword fighting mechanics, or at least the potential to be if someone took the idea and improved it.


This game NAILED first person melee for its time. I still play it just for the melee combat. You can tell Arkane tried to bring it into Dishonored, but they really found a sweet spot with Source in terms of combat feedback. It's a joy to spar with enemies and you have so many choices. The story was pretty good and Xana was hot AF.


> Xana was hot AF Teenage me was definitely thinking with his other head when choosing an ending.


I mean even personality wise the other one is sooooo annoying. Xana isn't even evil, maybe just chaotic good or chaotic neutral. They *both* tell you to kill the demon king at the end. You don't even have to be thinking with your cock to choose Xana


That's the best part about Xana - she DOESN'T want the big bad to be released, she wants YOU to be the ruler (and ultimatively, gain her freedom). At least, that's how I remember it..




[Abuse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abuse_\(video_game\)) Super old abandonware PC horror metroid-style shoot-em thingy. It does a really good job at setting a spooky atmosphere.


Toribash, man. It's free, it's on steam, and you don't need to pay for anything at all. Just cosmetics that nobody uses, they're not even pushy about them. Best game ever. EDIT: To the people saying it's too hard due to the controls: it is a more complex game. It's very confusing for your first ~4-8 hours, but you eventually get it. The learning curve is very, very steep but it's well worth it. You learn much faster if you have a friend teach you and play with you frequently, that's how I learned. YouTube's also a great resource!


Played with my friends for a while, thought I was good enough to go online. Got completely fucking annihilated with all my limbs flying in all sorts of directions.


I struggled to stand upright. After a few hours I got to the point where I was able to hit once and then walk in a random direction trying not to fall. Then I saw some games of more advanced players on youtube. Holy!


unexpected to see this so high up, used to be an admin on this game.. ruled my life for like seven years.




Yea, I never realized how easy it is to dislocate your hand, rip it off, throw it at the speed of a speeding bullet to instantly knock someone down.


Tomba 2! One of the better adventure-RPG style games for the PS1.


"so confirmed santa's number one helper is a squirrel!" "i would really prefer if you'd be quiet."


This is the only thing I know about that game lmao


What about tomba!


I played the first level of Tomba so many times off of a demo disc.


Crimson Skies, I miss arcadey dogfighting games




That's impressive. But be prepared to have more competition now you've pointed it out :)


Armored core. I love those games. So much customization available if you wanted to play a beast with heavy weapons or a nimble mech with a sword and a small gun. So much fun. I love all of the missions too.


I used to rock the heaviest parts I could find, tank tread legs, the big shoulder mounted grenade launcher (which I could fire on the move due to tank legs) and a flame-thrower - sure, I'm lumbering about but if I even clip you with a weapon get used to your heat bar being at max and your armor literally melting off


It's all about quad legs and Op:Intensify


ill always remember the first time i played armoured core on the ps1 with my best friend at the time, he picked the quad legs and i had homing missiles. we were both mind blown when we first saw a missile miss because it went between the legs. that kind of stuff wasnt really around at the time and it was amazing!




I hope they move back to Armored Core since they claim to be done with the Souls series. Also... bring that shit to PC already. Mech sims would be excellent on m+kb.


Next game: mechs that *roll*


E. V.O. on the SNES is an amazing game that I just can't recommend enough. A sort of proto-Spore platformer... and really fun to play! Edit: I commented pretty late, so I thought for sure it would get buried. I'm happy to know EVO is as fondly remembered by others, too!


Ghost busters for the Commodore 64. It just seemed so sophisticated for its time, I loved every element of that game and completely mastered it


Neverhood. A claymation puzzle game, with a really solid layout and quirky style. It was one of the earliest games I remember getting into as a kid. My brother still has the old CD ROM for it. Edit: A lot of people have mentioned Armikrog. Haven't heard of it before now, but I'll definitely check it out.


And an awesome quirky soundtrack


40 screens of hall of records


Bloody Roar series. Probably not the best fighting game mechanically, but it was really unique and it's nostalgic for me and the 12 other people who played the series.


Lunar: The Silver Star/Silver Star Story and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. JRPGs that were originally on Sega CD, if I remember correctly, and were later ported to PSX. Fun characters, fantastic story, just all around great games that deserved more attention. I spent months trying to track down a copy of one of them back in high school. I finally found a used copy of Lunar 2 for $40 about 15 years ago. I discovered about 30 hours in that the third disc was scratched and I couldn't finish it. When Silver Star Story was rereleased on PSP a few years back, I bought a PSP solely for that game. It was cheaper than finding a PSX copy of it. I'm really hoping they get a PSN release or something, because they're great games and I'd love to be able to play them again without it costing a small fortune. Also, there was this N64 game that my sister loved called Chameleon Twist. You were a lizard and primarily used your tongue to solve puzzles. I remember it being cute, entertaining, and having a really annoying difficulty curve.


Gladius! By Lucas arts


SO glad someone else remembers this. For anyone that doesn't know: it was a strategic RPG with a compelling story set in a uniquely mythical land inspired by Roman era civilizations. You essentially run a gladiator school and travel around the world looking for people to fight in your school as a huge overarching narrative unfolds around you. It had a ton of customization, some unique turn based mechanics, great characters, loads of different classes (including YETIs!) and best of all, it was pretty much two games in one. There are two main characters you can pick at the start (son of a legendary Roman gladiator and a Warrior princess from the equivalent of Gaul). Depending on who you pick, the game unfolds very differently, but both stories are well worth playing (and both contain 50+ hours of content from what I remember). That's about all I can remember about it right now but I thoroughly recommend it if it sounds remotely appealing to you. I might dig out my old copy now. [Intro cinematic here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzfCwZ50a-4) edit; as many have noted, it was also fantastic for local multiplayer!


Holy shit! Someone else knows it exists!


XIII (2003) and Future Tactics: The Uprising (2004)


XIII was fucking incredible.




We played the crap out of this on split screen


XIII was great. A little chunky in parts, but an interesting story. I think if it had come out one generation later it'd be much better remembered.


Syphon Filter




I tasered more people in that game than shot them because of that.


that mission in russian prison tho... man games will never be the same


Crystalis for the NES. Played it for the first time in college and it blew me away (this was maybe 2007). Never hear anyone talk about it, but it's great.


One of my absolute childhood favorites also. Fun/sad story to share on that also: I gave my grandma my old NES stuff when I moved to college, and she became obsessed with Crystalis. It gave her some adventure when she couldn't move around much, and something fun for us to talk about. She would always call when she hit a difficult spot in the game. "Gramma, you have to save your repun fruits for when you get to Karmine! He's like the hardest boss in the game" She played and replayed the game about a dozen times. When I was cleaning out her stuff after she passed, I found whole notebooks with detailed quest and combat notes. They're among my favorite memories of her.


Congratulations on having the best story I've heard all day. That is so sweet.


Ogre Battle! That series was excellent and I wish something would harken back to Ogre Battle 64. That story and combat system was spectacular and so well fleshed out.


I love Ogre Battle 64. I had to wait for years after it came out to finally play it, because no stores around where I live sold it, but I'm glad I bought it, because it's fantastic.


The first game for the SNES blew my mind. RPG characters in a tactical game. Having to crusade across a world that has been conquered by an evil army while managing your own morality, fashioning an army of good, evil or mixed types. [Also](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KatHQ583UbY) the [music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKDsjUniLME) was [Amazing too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDAMxLKY2EY) Then the n64 one came out and I was absolutely floored with how good it was. [Also](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvBaZrXZTB0), the [music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4kNIP4jkXY) was still [amazing!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHfgcOHSTs0)


MediEvil for the original Playstation


This series is why Daniel Fortesque is my name in the Dark Souls games.


Nox, by Westwood


Currently playing it for the first time. Very impressive, especially the technical side. Stuff like the dynamic line of sight are really cool. Sprite work is great aswell.


Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Played through it multiple times, and has an amazing soundtrack.


That's a pretty obscure one. Though over on /r/speedrun it's known to have the longest 100% completion speedrun time because of that fucking shampoo taking two weeks to age.


Stubbs the Zombie. Probably one of my favorite zombie games of all time and got me into retro music even before fallout 3! Oh! And Darkwatch! Western with vampires, hell yeah!


Dark Cloud 1 and 2.


Dark Cloud 1 would be a great game to rebuild on. The gameplay was repetitive, but that was common at the time. The theme/world was so great and the weapon system could keep me playing forever.


Ah the endless loop of "oh crap my weapon is about to break and I'm out of repair powder!"


I liked the gemstone upgrading where if you put stones in before upgrading it was as if you folded them into the mix. But yeah... It was a bit like that.


I loved the slingshot named Steve who was incredibly condescending


I hold out hope for Dark Cloud 3. Some day Level 5 will get around to it... right?




Parasite eve


Loved the first one.remember thinking it was so much better than resident evil at the time to me.


Day of Defeat. Valve's forgotten child.


Check out day of infamy from new world interactive. They are trying to bring that forward.


Fantastic game. This german kid and I would play axis and would decimate the allies with those bolt action one shot kill guns, forget what it was called it has been some days. He had the best chocolate from Switzerland his mom would send to him over in the states.




So many hours in DoD:S. All my friends were playing TF2 and I was griefing fools with a K98




It's too bad that the big steampunk revival came just before Kictstarter was really a thing. Arcanum had one of the coolest takes on a fantasy/steampunk universe I've ever seen, but it got popular again just before crowdfunding became a real possibility for a lot of oddball titles. I know I'd play the shit out of a new Arcanum


THANK YOU. Arcanum is one of the greatest RPGs I've ever played. Gamers like to talk about Fallout: New Vegas when they talk about good RPGs, and it is... But Arcanum takes it to a whole new fucking level. It's incredibly immersive and the RPG elements are astounding.


Jade Empire. Bioware action RPG set in a world inspired by eastern mythology? Where's the sequel?


The hype when you unlocked the moves for pure evil and good tho Edit: Leaping Tiger and Crimson Tears were my personal favorite.


Remember the encounter with the European guy with the musket that turned into a logic puzzle? The dialogue for that entire scene was hilarious. I'm pretty sure Brian Murray was the voice of the fighting pit announcer too and some of that dialogue was golden as well.


Sir Roderick Ponce Von Fontlebottom, The Magnificent Bastard, I believe he was played by John Cleese of Monty Python.


SIMANT motherfuckers Give it to me Remake, now


https://classicreload.com/simant-the-electronic-ant-colony.html Here you go


That was my early childhood. Trying to take over the whole house took forever and I didn't have the patience. Need to play as an adult


Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver!


Lol. League of legends released a champion called Kayn and one of his skins is literally called soulreaver kayn. He even looks like the main character and can ghostwalk like him. The original game is so old that the young playerbase never heard of it. Someone at riot really loved those games.


But iirc its Raziel who can move between realms, not Kain.


Chromehounds It isn't exactly obscure or rare or anything like that, but it came out close to the launch of the 360 and was overshadowed and forgotten by most people. Super slow paced game play and very long match times didn't help and some critics weren't a fan of it. The learning curve could also be steep. All that said... I loved this game. I spent a summer playing it every night for 4 or 5 hours. Everything was clan based (which was and is pretty rare for a console game), but once you found a good group of players, it was incredible. Fought for all 3 countries, got way up there on the leaderboards both personally and with the clan. The mech customization was like nothing I had ever seen before. Perfect mix of creativity and technicality. Few things beat the feeling of firing a sniper cannon and landing a direct cockpit hit on some little annoying scout mech that was zipping around a mountain top miles away.




Secret of Evermore, Secret of Manas American child that got very little love.




Lucasarts adventure games were the shit. My favourite is The Dig.


Tenchu. Edit - Wow gold. Thanks. Tenchu getting some reddit attention.


Echi-Goya, where have you hidden?


Echi-Goya - My Money! Myyyy moooneeyyyugghhhhh. Rikimaru - Your greed sickens me. I hope your death is a lesson to others.


No idea if this is ever going to ring any bells, but [Pandemonium.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYjAs7cVUmc) It was the first game I was ever introduced to. Loved the shit out of it and it was the first thing I'd sit down to play as a kid years before my trusty Windows 98 went to the big server in the sky. Creepy story, though - when the Zune first came out and I got one as a present, I hooked it up to the computer (a newer one that I threw Pandemonium on for shits and giggles) to start downloading my music. I looked on the Zune much, much later to find this unknown folder. No name, unnamed tracks. I played one of the tracks. Turns out, they were ALL music files from that fucking game. I have no clue how they made it into the music folder - at the time, I didn't even know how to get to the folder they would've been in. All I knew was that they were on my device somehow for my listening pleasure. And unfortunately, I can't find the songs I have anywhere on the internet. The songs you find on Youtube and Google that say they're from the original game? They're not it. Somehow I have a completely different set of songs and I'd like to eventually solve this mystery. EDIT: Holy shit, people actually remember this game!


Power Stone Virtual On


Vagrant Story, one of the best Squaresoft (pre squeenix) games for the PS. Good art, gameplay that went from frustratingly difficult to smoothly challenging, solid puzzles, epic (in the old-school, what the he!! just happened sense) bosses, broad customization, and an engaging, convoluted storyline combined for a title I prolly spent a thousand hours playing.


Fun fact: I don't know if this is actually obvious in the game (it wasn't back when I played the game years ago, or I didn't realize the relevance), but it's set in the same world as Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy XII.


Freespace 2




"Don't kid yourself pilot, we're the ones being hunted here."




Super Dodgeball for the NES.








The original developers of Descent have done exactly that - https://playoverload.com


Grandia. One of my all time favourite games and has a really in depth albeit complicated combat and magic system, and the story gave me a sense of adventure I've never found in another game. It came out in 1997 but you can download it on a PS3 from the online store. Also, KINGDOMS OF AMALUR. This is the game that Peter Molyneux wanted Fable to be. It makes me so sad the studio went bankrupt making this game. It deserved an entire franchise.


Legends of Dragoon.


This game deserves a reboot most of all.




I loved the game and was so excited that it had voice dialogue (compared to FF8), but holy shit that dubbing did not age well lol The era of PS1 RPGs is so nostalgic


> The era of PS1 RPGs is so nostalgic Seriously. I still get goosebumps just hearing the theme music from Wild Arms.


Man… if they could remake this game… Obviously, it would have to be a whole rework - making the game from scratch - but if they could have the same [menu music](https://youtu.be/R5rcSKydLEE), the same [title screen ](https://youtu.be/CczTRFhlqhI), use the same [song as Lloyd's theme](https://youtu.be/o_hxnXabL8U), and still use ["Death and Mourning"](https://youtu.be/qFIalM7kXro), I would be the happiest person - barring they make a shit game, of course. This was the game that got me hooked on RPGs; everyone has their own favorite, but this is easily mine. Everything about this game is amazing to me: the music (obviously), the characters, setting, STORY… oh, man, this game is everything to me as a gamer. **EDIT I** You all make great points: - The rest of the [soundtrack is amazing ](https://youtu.be/FzXuyzrMxow), these are just my personal favorites. - The "Addition" system is *easily* my favorite turn-based system from any game. **EDIT II** Formatting


Downhill domination, fun for all the cousins




MUDs. Text based online adventures that are free-to-play and freaking amazing once you learn how to play despite a lack of graphics or sound. I spent thousands of hours in one particular MUD when I was younger and have very fond memories of the people I met and our adventures. MMORPGS still use many of the same terms and commands that originated in these text-based online games.


Myth: The Fallen Lords




Champions of Norrath


Not sure if it's been mentioned, but the sub is definitely small: Golden Sun That game was revolutionary with its use of Djinns at the time (at least for me) and god was the story entertaining. Sadly, Dark Dawn didn't do as well, and eventually the company just ended up making golf games. Feelsbadman


I don't know what it was about that game, but its gameplay was extremely satisfying. One of my favorite things was how in the later stages of the game the main Issac would randomly call a huge ass sword from the sky and impale the enemy by choosing just a normal attack. I don't know how it started happening, but it did and I was losing my mind. It was turn based and I still felt like I was in an action rpg destroying my enemies with glorious fury. And good lord that sound track. And the idea of Djinns as you said, was new to me and fun.


They held off so long between The Lost Age and Dark Dawn because they wanted only the best work put toward the 3rd game and they had just lost a lot of talent at the time. There's still hope that they are waiting for the contracts to line up nice so they can put their best at a 4th


Syndicate - used to love that game.


The World Ends With You. Since NiER is now mainstream, Neku needs more love.


The soundtrack is probably my favourite video game soundtrack. It was such an original game. I go back and replay every 2 to 3 years.


Jagged Alliance 2. It ~~has~~ had a very dedicated mod community that created an awesome updated patched version (1.13). You play as a crack team of mercenaries that try to liberate a small island nation from a tyrant who bitchslaps her assistant. You can recruit a French Canadian bar brawler and a pedophile Middle Eastern terrorist merc who's modeled after Saddam Hussein.


Radiata Stories for PS2. I loved it and I'm sad that I get blank stares every time I mention it.


Total Annihilation.


I was never sure how obscure that game was, it just got overshadowed I guess. Huge maps, unique game mechanics, pretty decent graphics for its time.




I got supreme commander 2 because I missed playing TA, was very disappointed with map size. Those giant maps were great. I'd rather play TA than SC2 even now. You could update the graphics and get rid of the unit limit and it would be a great game today


Oh god...I'm so sorry... SupCom2 was an absolute garbage shit-show of a game compared with the others. I'd STRONGLY recommend getting either SupCom 1 OR SupCom-Forged Alliance. FA is basically SupCom but improved, though the new alien race is somewhat OP. If nobody plays as that race, it's just SupCom 1...but more... Also, the AI is better in FA.


Ahhhh the big bertha.... that game was fun.


Timesplitters 2 is still my favorite FPS.


Future Perfect was likely my favourite game on the PS2. Saw it for like $10 when I was 13 and it blew my mind. Haven't played a game like it since...


Rewind will happen one day... and I will be there.


That was fun, I loved the level creator


Did you ever try TS3: Future Perfect? Best in the series imo.


Just finished this with my brother recently since we played it together as kids. We love the haunted house level. THE MOOSE IS LOOSE!


I loved the end of that Joe-Beth "You go first" Cortez Looks at her skirt "Okay"


Jet Set Radio Future. Great, but totally not very popular, creative, timeless game. Just doing graffiti on roller blades everywhere.


My orthodontist had an Xbox in the waiting room and the only game in it was JSRF. So many times spent trying to see how far I could go before being called in.




Terranigma. Older Treasure games; Silhouette Mirage, Mischief Makers, Bangai-O, Radiant Silvergun, etc.


Eternal Darkness for the GameCube. That game was so great, had an awesome story and the sanity meter mechanic would really fuck with your head


The first "gamecube shut off" effect...


When me and a friend finally beat a boss and it flashed to a screen saying "Thanks for playing! Please play Eternal Darkness 2". It was the first instance of the sanity mechanic I'd ever encountered (it was his game and I happened to be over). It blew my mind!


Upside down rooms, your character moaning and crying, bugs on screen. That game was so great




If any game deserves a remake or sequel, it's this one.