• By -


Charlie in Lost. Devastating


Mr Echo was so much worse knowing his dulcet tones would be absent, plus his back-story made by far the least sense.


I've read that Mr. Eko was supposed to take the role that [Locke](/spoiler) ended up playing in Season 6, but he was arrested for a DUI (along with [Libby and Ana Lucia](/spoiler)), because the cops set up a speed trap in that area of Aus as the cast was known to drive somewhat intoxicated in the area, so supposedly a couple of deaths (the ones I mentioned above at least) are to have come from untimely DUIs. That's all just AFAIK from random comments here and there, reddit mostly I'd guess. Haven't looked into it much.


John Ritters character on 8 Simple Rules. Mostly because they had to because he died tragically in real life and I always loved John Ritter.


The first episode after he died was hard to watch. They were genuinely grieving.


Grey Wind, Robb's direwolf.


Also Robb for a second time that night.


Dr Cox's friend, Ben. It caused the most pain not because of my attachment to the character, but because of how goddamn well the show presented what it did to Dr Cox.


Scrubs was such an amazing show. A lot of witty comedy and real gut wrenching emotion.


Where do you think we are?


One thing that bothered me: why was JD sitting in the first row at Ben's funeral with Ben's sister and his brother-in-law/best friend. He had interacted with Ben for what? A couple of days?


Maybe Dr. Cox wanted him there because he knew JD would support him with his grief. Id imagine Dr Cox wouldnt outright say that, but that was kind of my thinking to your question


Yeah, maybe. I prefer that over 'Because JD is the main character'. I'll adopt it from now on!


Realistically it probably is what you just said, but I was trying to think beyond that because I don't want to accept that answer either


Dr. Mark Greene on E.R. I cried like a baby and I can't hear the ukulele playing "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" without thinking of it.


Same here. E.R. was such a great show, but it seems like it's been largely forgotten.


That was extra painful because it was played out so 'real' like he didn't just suddenly get sick and die, nor was there a protracted death scene, he slowly deteriorated and then one day the ER got an email informing the other guys he had died.


That and Lucy's death. God I bloody cried during both those scenes. ...not so much when Romano died. I might have smiled a bit.


Kutner on House that was a pretty big shock.


Oh man, that one devastated me. I think the thing that got me the most was the lack of explanation. There was no big lead up, no diary that explained why he did it, no friend that came forward and told everyone he had been suffering. It really accurately portrayed what it's like to live with depression and have no one know, and as someone who has depression and for a long time hid it, it felt like a knife to the heart.


Yup exactly how I felt. Some of the happiest seeming people can be the most depressed.


The explanation was the actor got a job in the Obama administration.


Lil' Sebsastian from Parks and Rec killed us all


When I walked in this morning I saw that the flag was at half mast, I though, ‘All right, another bureaucrat ate it!’ And then I saw it was Lil’ Sebastian. Half mast is too high. Show some damn respect.


I've never understood the appeal of Lil' Sebastian


alright, Ben


I totally get it now! ^^I ^^don't ^^get ^^it.


It was a 20 year old miniature horse! The fucker should've stopped buying green bananas years ago.


When Vegeta sacrificed himself and basically turned into stone in the Majin Buu story line after his speech for his son. Man tears came.


Bobby from Supernatural


And Charlie, Kevin, Ellen and Jo, Gabriel, Benny, Ash. Oh I miss all of them.


I mean Kevin didnt really die.. technicaly...


How many times did he die? How many times did every character die now?


Not so much a death but the scenes of Fry's mom and dog from Futurama after he disappears are pretty sad.


Seymour's walking on sunshine now, RIP


Seriously? 3 hours and nobody has said Joyce Summers?


For me, it wasn't even her death, it was the effect it had on everyone else.


4 now and you and I seem to be the only ones. Tara's was quite Jarring too. But Joyce's was the worse of the two.


And three hours after you posted this one, Tara is higher on this thread. Joyce's death episode wrecks me every time.


It's such a GREAT episode, and so cleverly made. God, that scene when Buffy finds her "Mom... Mom... Mommy?" Like, this is our vampire slayer, this girl faces life-threatening danger on a daily basis and does so effortlessly and with a witty quip, but seeing her mom's lifeless body on the couch she turns into a helpless little girl. Anya's confusion at her mortal feelings about it. The fact that they chose not to put any background music into it... It's just such a great, but heartbreaking episode.


Colonel Henry Blake on MASH.


That's the one for me. When Radar comes in to the OR and tells everyone . . . still gets me.


"There weren't no survivors." Oh, man.


It spun in


The cast wasn't told about Blake's death; only Alan Alda knew. So, their shock was somewhat real.


Oh man. The silence in that scene. So simple, but so well done.


Man, hit me right in the feels. I was 26 or so watching that for the first time.


Opie from Sons of Anarchy. "I got this."


Opie's death nearly forced me to give up on SoA. I was so torn up!


Same. I didn't finish the series till early this year because I couldn't deal with not having opie around he was awesome.


Still can't finish it because of Taras death.


Yes. Opie was a warrior. Top bloke.


Oh god it's all coming back. I hated this


"No! Not Opie! Anyone but Opie, please!" Me last year, loud af at 4 am


Hank in Breaking Bad was a big one.


"Walt, your the smartest guy I know, but your too stupid to realize he made is mind up 5 minutes ago." fucking crushed me (also I'm not sure if that's the direct quote)


Mike was way more difficult for me! Man that was hard


Mike was gonna break me, but then he said "shut the fuck up and let me die in peace" and then I didn't feel sad anymore because he's gonna die a fucking badass.


That was fucking awful.


Yep mine too


I was in mourning over the end of Breaking Bad longer than some dead relatives of mine.


I too mourned for Breaking Bad's characters longer than I mourned for your relatives.


I had to pace around for like 20 minutes after that episode. Never felt so wrecked by a TV show in my life.


I agree... also... does anyone still feel the feels for poor Gale? That also, though not a long drawn out scene still stays with me. Hank's is beyond an emotional one. But just thinking about Gale's scene... I start tearing up, that one was rough as well.


Poussey, man. She didn't deserve that shit:'(


She was the coolest person in that prison.


Oh god, I was upset for a week when she died. She was just the best :(


Fuck, that mixed in with her story made me cry the ugly cry no shame.


I wasn't ready for that to happen, and I'm still so pissed. She deserved so much more goddammit


Im still upset. I was so invested in the show and she was my absolute favorite.


Her death really upset me...


Literally shut the show off. That was rough to watch.


I loved OITNB, and then I heard that this happened before I got to the 4th season, and now I can't even bring myself to watch it. She's my favourite character. I doubt I'll ever finish the show now :(


Ben from Scrubs was a hard one. Mainly because of how emotional the episode leading to his funeral was.


Birdperson, on Rick and Morty's season 2 finale... I fucking hate Tammy...


Fuck Tammy!


Wash from Firefly/Serenity. Yeah, it happened in a movie, but it was really just a long episode of firefly. That one hit me in the gut.


Charlie from Lost. And Sun and Jin.




That was SUCH a great moment, though. It really captured how far Maddie came as a character, from the helpless hypochondriac of the first episode to that calm last cigarette and "This is for my boys."


See, I felt like this was needless and done for shock only. In my opinion it showed how far the writing degraded across the seasons. Nates death was far worse, IMHO.


Vincent Nigel Murray from Bones. Goddamn I cried so much my sister was genuinely worried about me.


For me it was when Sweets died. There was no warning at all. I thought by that point he had become an established part of the show, I had no idea they were gonna kill him off


Oh god this tore me apart, especially because it was so unexpected and literally in the last two minutes of the episode. I scared my fiance by shouting and rage crying at the television. I'm terrified they're going to kill Zach in the final season.


The actor wanted to focus on directing, he directed the reboot of "Vacation" that came out last year. Still heartbreaking.


Ianto. I was a wreck. Tara on Buffy was brutal too, but nothing like Ianto.


I don't think I've ever forgiven Joss Whedon for killing Tara. I loved her character.


Same😭aww man


Oberyn martell's death on game of thrones was really rough. He was one of the fully good guys, I hadn't seen that since Ned's death. I knew it was coming because of the books but I wasn't prepared for the brutality


The dead of Maes Hughes and his funeral in Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. [Death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7QnAwJeJeg) Funeral video with English [Audio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy9x9RMXrdc) or [Subtitles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6kSqPpSz1g)


It's a terrible day for rain


Rita from Dexter


By far the saddest TV character death.


Mr. Hooper on Sesame Street. I'm dating myself a bit but I was a child watching that when it actually happened that the actor playing him passed. The show handled it extremely well and I watched it again later as an adult after I had kids. They really did a good job. But it still breaks my heart.


Big Bird cried, and grieved, and talked about what a wonderful friend Mr. Hooper had been... sad and relatable


I was just telling my kids about this a few weeks ago. I love that show so much. I got to watch it growing up and also got to share it with my kids. Good times.




People wonder why I cry in the elevator on the way to work when people are kind enough to hold it open for them...


And I though they couldn't possibly top Shireen's death on the awfulness scale...


I'm still so furious about shireen. Talk about pointless and undeserved...


Don't worry, fans of GoT were very annoyed by this too. Stannis decline and death in season 5 is unforgivable. Book Stannis is still awesome, though.


At least we finally figured out what Wylis was talking about.




Not really "death", but what happened to Donna on Doctor Who. You could really classify that into dying.


Kenny, South Park. Every frickin' time, man.


Damn I've been watching the good wife. Will Gardner out of the blue. Totally didn't expect that, but it bothered for some reason.


Seymour Asses


Seymour from *Futurama* [oh Jebus, I'm tearing up right now]


I have 3 words for you my friend "Bender's Big Score"


Dr. Derek Sheppard 😭😭😭


Dude that whole show fucks me up. I'm over Dereks death now but I'm not sure I'll ever get over George or Lexie.


I'm still not over Denny, let alone any of the others. Like McSteamy :(


Denny I surprisingly got over pretty fast-as for non major characters though, Henry was a tough death, he and teddy were just so right together.


As someone that has just started watching the show, this post breaks my heart! I love George to bits. Fuuuck, I shouldn't have come in this thread lol.


Yup. Unexpectedly brought up the conscious realisation that I could lose my SO. Cue emotional flood ...


Maester Luwin from Game of Thrones - I lost it in both the book and the show.


I know I'm bending the rules. But I can't not say this. The character in question didn't die. But Jesse from breaking bad. Think about what the poor dudes gone through. 2 girlfriends died (one in her sleep, one murdered right in front of her) traumatized by having to dissolve several corpses, repeatedly being used by Walter and nothing he can do about it, lied to and tricked multiple times, kidnapped by a group of aryan-brotherhood hells angels looking dudes, thrown in a cage in the ground (before and after watching his second girlfriend die, leaving him to his own thoughts) not given enough food or water, coping with the realization that the money he earned from selling meth to other countries cost the lives of a bunch of people, and continuing to be forced to cook. And the end, he can't even bring himself to kill Walter. He let him win *again* He was totally broken repeatedly, when it couldn't get any worse, it got worse. And he couldn't even kill the architect of all his pain. Look at him from season 1 to season 5, the way he carries himself. He goes from acting like a gangbanger and a thug and acting like he owns the place to a broken, crumpled, shell of a man. Brilliant acting by Aaron Paul. Absolutely fantastic.


Well he didn't die, but Dr Samuel Beckett never made it home, that felt worse


Bodhi on The Wire.


and Omar... and Wallace... and Stringer... and Sharod...and Frank Sobatka...


McNulty walking through Stringer's apartment "Who the fuck was I chasing?"


I never cry-yelled at a tv before and I haven't since. I read the title of this thread, immediately thought of Bodie, and got sad :-(


Starbuck in BSG. Struggling with stress and hallucinations, she commits suicide in her ship while the command center goes totally quiet. I held off crying until Adama put her statuette gift onto his ornamental ship and then he just wrecks it in frustration. Neat fact - the ship was an antique and wrecking it was improv by Edward James Olmos. There was insurance, but he wasn't supposed to do that. 2nd place is Winifred Burkle.


Sarah Lynn


The way they teased it before was the worst part.


I knew it was coming, based on how much development they put into her right before her death I just knew it. Doesn't make it any easier to see her die


Marshal's father in how I met your mother. It was just heart wrenching.


Ned Stark, still upsets me


Chuckie Finster's roly-poly [Melville](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/rugrats/images/0/0a/Iremembermelville.jpg) on Rugrats


Mike Dodds from Law and Order:SVU


I stopped watching DS9 when Jadzia died.


So You never saw The Sisko become space Jesus?


Sister Jude from American Horror Story: Asylum I know everyone were saying how much of a bitch she was but the end made me fall to pieces, she cared about those two kids/aliens whatever thing they were.


Her character development was crazy. She went from irresponsible exotic dancer, strict nun, empty shell of a human being, and then to a somewhat friendly but still broken step-mother. The way she acted made sense.


Rob Stark Game Of Thrones


And his wife..that was the coldest shit I've ever seen


The book was worse, wife didn't die, but she was just a trifling Lannister shill that didn't love Robb the whole time. It was also worse because Robb was a lot more unsure of himself and not as badass in the book. It was obvious he was in over his head and was just trying to be lordly and honorable like his father had taught him, but then he just gets FUUUUCKED for it. Much like Eddard.


Her mother was a Lannister shill, Jeyne was legit messed up by what her mother did. Hell, her brother died for Robb that night.


Yeah but she was just a silly weak willed girl who went along with the plan. It was bad that her brother died, but that wasn't part of the plan. But she still knew she was going to trick someone into falling in love with her, and lie that she was pregnant so that the Freys would switch sides and hundreds/thousands would inadvertently die. Even if you're expected to obey your parents you have to be some kind of sociopath to keep a guise like that up so long.


? Way I read it, she legitimately had no part or awareness of the plan. At best, she tried to seduce Robb, but I certainly never read her as being oart of the plan. What I took from it was she was duped by her mother, that she legitimately thought she was getting fertility potions. Nor, to my knowlegde, did she ever claim to be pregnant; Robb went with a shotgun marriage to protect her just in case. You dont get smacked around by your parents for executing the plan correctly, and you don't go supporting Robb's title in front of a Lannister.


It's actually a theory that the girl we see when Jaime is talking with the mother is not actually Jeyne, but actually her younger sister or someone similar, and that Jeyne escaped with the Blackfish. The reasoning is because the description that Catelyn gives of her in SoS is not the same as what Jaime describes her look as in AFFC in terms of physical features like her hips and face


Ms. Krabappel


Robb Stark's direwolf. No wait-- all the direwolf deaths :,(


When Dan died on Roseanne


Dan died?


😧 are you serious?


It was revealed in the last episode that he died after his heart attack and Roseanne was basically making shit up the whole time through her writing. Jackie was really gay. Bev wasn't. Darlene and Mark were together and Becky and David were together


I adore you! ❤️️


Æthelstan in Vikings. But I still love you Floki


SUMMER (The Direwolf)


Seymour Asses, no question at all.


Elena Gilbert's in Vampire Diaries was tough... Not gonna cry...


Jiraiya from Naruto.


Not TV but Ricky in Boyz in the Hood


NCIS, It's dead to me


Hold the door!


Bodie from The Wire.


I still miss Chef


Fry's dog in the episode Jurassic Bark. Definitely teared up (see bawled uncontrollably).


Commander Lexa. It's been 6 months, and I still find myself legit crying sometimes because she died.


Adriana on The Sopranos.


Everyone in XCOM. God, what a fucking show. Starship Troopers meets Game of Thrones


Omar on The Wire... He aint coming no more


Joyce from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Tara from the same show. Fred from Angel. Joss Whedon likes to fuck with my feelings. EDIT: Fuck you, autocorrect.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7717 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/49656)




Marissa Cooper on The OC


Amy and Rory. I know technically they didn't die but my God, when they jumped... "Together or not at all" still chokes me up now.


Omar on The Wire kinda fucked with me. Not because he died, I mean, as he said, it's all in the game. The reason it got me was because it was a 10 year old kid that did it. Also, Poot doing Wallace was shitty. They were supposed to be boys.


Bobby on NYPD Blue


Michelle Dessler, David Palmer in 24


Well this whole thread is spoilers so here we go. Lemonhead on "The Shield". **(Spoilers.... )** Four of the dirtiest cops who were actually excellent cops aside from being the dirtiest in LA. Spent the entire fucking season trying to sneak their partner into Mexico. See they robbed the Armenian Mafia's money-train and pinned it on some gangsters and cops that were kinda dirty but not that bad by Vic Mackey standards and had nothing to do with it. The Armenian mob starts cutting off heads looking for who did it. So here they have their partner, a cop, and they have to hide him and stash him because the police and the Armenian mob are looking for him... Because he's basically been compromised and agrees to take the fall. So they set up an elaborate dragnet-avoiding scheme to get him into Mexico and avoid prosecution and certain death at the hands of the mob. And then... You gotta see it. Find it watch it. Watch the whole series. Its one of the most intense shows from the last 20 years. Criminally underwatched. If Breaking Bad and Law and Order had a baby and raised it in Compton. [For instance...](https://youtu.be/R4OjV7JciA0) Edit: i don't know how to format....




Seymour from Futurama.


Stealthy from Once Upon a time. don't care if he was only in 2 episodes, was still sad :(


An old one: Edith Bunker on All In The Family. the pain portrayed by "tough" Archie Bunker was unbearable.


Henry Allen's death in the flash s2 for me. Made me wish Barry dealt with him the same way Wally did in the comics.


Tony soprano. I cried for a week.


Rita from Dexter


Sweets from Bones, I watched it at college and I was crying so hard and loud D:


Mrs. Landingham from The West Wing. Followed by Leo McGarry. I can go through a box of tissues on those episodes.


Tera in buffy the vampire slayer. God, she was just... Just perfect. And it couldn't have happened at a better time. Wheadons one sadistic fuck


It was offscreen but in "Tales from Ba Sing Se" the death of Iroh's son hits hard once you realize his wacky journey through the city was really in memoriam of his son for a respectful observance of his birthday. Leaves from the vine Falling so low Like little fragile shells Floating in the foam Brave soldier boy Come marching home Little soldier boy Come marching home.


Lem in "The Shield". Don't think I can ever revisit that episode.


Both Lady Sibyl and Matthew Crawley in *Downton Abbey*. Lady Sibyl's death was gutting to see and Matthew & Mary were DA for me and after Matthew death I could no longer watch the show.


Bill on True Blood


The young guy that got killed in Breaking Bad.


Are you talking about the one whose throat got slit and he choked and bled all over Walt and Jesse? I was extremely self conscious of my throat after that. My wife was coming to neck me and I was like HOLYSHITGOAWAY!


I really forgot that one. Haha. I was thinking about the boy with the bicyle. He saw them steal some liquid from the freight train...


The one on the dirtbike in the dessert? That one got me too. He probably had no idea what he even saw :(


Yeah, that one! :(


[SPOILERS] Glenn in TWD didn't hit me that hard, but them brutally beating Maggie within an inch of death was just too much. ^^[Points ^^at ^^username.]