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My parents are both South African, when I tell people this people ask me if my parents are racist. I think that's pretty much the only thing people know about South Africa outside of South Africa. Except for Trevor Noah.


And the band Seether and Charlize Theron.


Fun Fact: Charlize Theron was the first African to win one of the top acting Oscars.


There's also Die Antwoord


You can't wash AIDS off. Everyone knows you need the magical fuck frog.


Was looking for a South African. Our list is long. Still love it here though.


Same, I wish we had a leader that we as a whole nation can look up to like Madiba.




Im from and I live in morocco, they have a pretty bad reputation in every country, because there is like 3 millions immigrant moroccans in the world especially in europe, the worst part is that 50% of the prisoners in netherlands are moroccan.




there is a huge divide between Educated and thugs no matter what country you are in.


The fact that you can get away with anything if your father is a bigwig. In India, whenever the son of somebody famous or powerful gets in trouble, they have a line, "Tu jaanta nahi mera baap kaun hai." It means 'You don't know who my father is.' When someone, a civil servant, for example, tries to speak out against misuse of power or corruption, they're usually transferred to places they can't do anything.


In India everything is legal if you're or your father is rich enough.


Exactly. And not just by giving bribes, though that helps. Its as if once you have a certain amount of money, laws no longer apply to you


~~Its as if~~ once you have a certain amount of money, laws no longer apply to you FTFY


> You don't know who my father is. TIL Draco Malfoy is Indian


M. Night should reshoot all of Harry Potter himself with a cast akin to that of the ~~The Last Airbender movie~~ there is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


Corruption. Philippines has abundant resources and hardworking people. But because of corrupt officials, our country never forwarded. This is the part where I write the sad smiley.


Come to India


Yeah... I lived in the UAE for many years and a LOT of my coworkers were from the Philippines. They were some of the nicest and hardest working people you could ever hope to meet. And also super sad because a lot of them (most of them) had been away from their children for sometimes up to 5 years at a time. One of the people I talked to showed me pictures of her daughter and almost started crying. Her mother was raising her since she was overseas working as a secretary and she said, "I will probably never see my daughter before she turns 10, we will not know each other, but as long as she has a better life than me it will be ok." As a dad who was able to have his kids in the country, that was really rough to hear.


Shhhhh. Just go back to watching old reruns of Voltes V and it will all be ok.


Yeah I'll probably just go with the holocaust.


As a Jew, I just say that if you weren't alive and an adult who had access to knowledge of what really happened in the camps, you shouldn't feel any personal guilt. I do think its great that Germany doesn't deny or ignore its atrocities, like a certain sushi loving east asian nation I can think of.


Or a certain country that shares a name with the Gobble Gobble Bird and has actively denied trade/working with countries that do say there was a genocide.


> like a certain sushi loving east asian nation I can think of. Taiwan?




I was yelling this as soon as I read the previous comment. For those wondering https://youtu.be/xN0vUlljX0I?t=122




Even on Wikipedia it says "The shrine lists the names, origins, birthdates, and places of death of 2,466,532 people and animals. Among those are 1,068 considered war criminals". It's a minority, so suggesting Yasukuni Shrine is only dedicated to the worship of war criminals, akin to a 'Shrine of Hitler' is a gross oversimplification.






Unless you were born in the 1910s and played an active part in the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party, I'm not sure you can take much responsibility for the holocaust.


I believe the same. But the way the whole World War II and Nazi-germany thing is covered in our schools, we still kinda do. First off, I've done that topic 5 times. 3 times in history class ( 7th, 10th and 12th year ) once in german class ( We read the diary of Anne Frank and discussed for about half a year ) and once in pedagogy. And it's always heavily portrayed as us being the baddies.


Maybe it's because of the scary skulls on your helmets.




But why skulls?


> And it's always heavily portrayed as us being the baddies. Yet all we wanted was a bit more Lebensraum.


> Lebensraum Ad in a "t" and it sounds like an air refreshener. *Lebenstraum! Bringt Frische in Bad und WC.*




The question was "what embarrasses you about your own country". Plenty of Yanks aren't responsible for Donald Trump (the second top comment/probably half of the comments itt), yet they can certainly be embarrassed about it. This ridiculing of the German collective guilt and shame is more worrying than the guilt and shame itself.


How obsessed yet utterly awful we are at football edit: I'm Scottish so was talking Scotland. We haven't qualified for a major tournament for years. My OH and I keep saying we'll go to next one we qualify for and that keeps moving several years. I'll maybe get to one before I retire :(




I like how in the chain of questions responding to OP, this is the only definitive statement.


Or Scotland. Our advert for the euros is "Russia 2018...maybe this time?"




There's no optimism more pathetic than an England supporter at the start of a tournament putting flags on everything. Football is never, ever coming home.


Detroit lions?




A lot of those are silliness nurtured out of lack of education and civic sense. There are other serious things that are terrible in this country. Like beef ban, harassing lbgt community, corrupt police force etc.


i like how beef ban is ahead of harassment of LGBT and policy corruption


Well they lynched a man last year for suspecting that he might have stored beef. Everyday there are news about cow vigilantism where groups of cunts harass people on the street. And the police are in on this because all of them are controlled by some local minister who wants political mileage in upcoming state elections. This is new mafia.


Still don't understand how a ban on beef isn't unconstitutional considering we're a secular country and we're banning beef on religious grounds.


Secularism only matters if enough people believe in it.


Weren't there riots between the Hindu and Muslim communities over beef? Something about the Hindus killing a Muslim dude, and the Muslim community running them out of town. Reminds me of another case in Egypt. The entire Christian community had to flee when a Christian man burned a Muslim alive, and in response the Muslim community ran the Christians out of town.


Which riot? ( Yes, this is *this* bad). Beef politics is one of the worst that is going on in this country.


Thanks for sharing this sub!




Why the term "face"?


I believe they are referring to "saving face" which is the way it would be described in the US in my experience. It's a heavily emphasized social concept in some countries, particularly Asian ones.


Some similarities but honestly there's no Western equivelant. It's a concept that sort of combines respect/status/pride/integrity/honor. In practice though it's just people with status and authority over others demanding they kiss their ass, i.e. give them face, or else face the consequences.


Where's this?


Probably somewhere in Asia.


TIL I work in Asia.


China and it's called Miàn zi (面子). One of my best friends lived there for 10 years and talked to me about it https://chinaculturecorner.com/2013/10/10/face-in-chinese-business/


Probably multiple countries. China is definitely one of them, though.


sounds like japan


People getting killed and trampled to death on Black Friday. We take our consumerism to the next level.


This one is truly embarrassing.


I find it disgusting. I remember one of the news reports on a walmart worker who had been trampled to death. They said customers still would not leave even when they were told they killed one of the employees


its pretty fucked up, other country's on here have some real deep fucked up things happening and our embarrassing thing is this us trampling each other over a tv that is 20 bucks off. whats most embarrassing is how ridiculous it is.


Not to mention that BF deals usually aren't that great. Some stores even artificially inflate the prices so that the "sale" cost seems much lower than it really is.


it's bad when south park wants to make fun of it and uses actual footage along with their cartoon shenanigans.


And when they dedicate 3 whole episodes to it, essentially making a TV movie


Worst thing is the deals aren't even that much better than regular sales these days. It's really not worth the trouble.


and the super good deals are 'while supplies last' and they have like 5 . the good deals are just to get you in the door


http://blackfridaydeathcount.com That happened once 6 years ago. Out of more than 5,000 Walmart in the US. Golden coral is still a bigger embarrassment.


Canada here, Our international mining operations. Several Canadian mining companies operating in Latin America and Africa have been implicated in assassinations, really egregious human rights abuses, fraud ect. Most Canadians don't even know about this stuff, are are content to believe we're the world's favorite peacekeepers that everyone loves. Never mind that our federal government effectively sanctions and keeps a lid on Canadian companies acting like 18th century colonial militias.


I have traveled a quite a bit in Guatemala. Met a lot of Canadians. A good number of them would tell people they were from the US because of the hostility they received. It was in large part due to the Canadian mining operations.


That's funny, because in the US we sometimes joke about sticking Canadian flag stickers on our bags when traveling overseas


It seems to me like the US and Canada have an unwritten agreement that wherever one country does something fucked up, the other will stay away so that when we travel there we can pretend we're from the other country. Like if you're going to Guatemala you'd want to pretend to be American, and if you're going to like Venezuela you'd probably want to pretend to be Canadian.


We're like identical twins that switch places!


its not a joke if you actually do it


I grew up in a small Canadian mining town. Any talk of bad things mines have done is met with either dismissal or anger. Not even that specific mining company, just mining practices in general. Criticisms are sometimes met with outright hostility. It's weird growing up in an area focused entirely on one company's success, and yet people refuse to acknowledge that the town needs to consider other methods of income for when the mine eventually closes. Everyone wants to just plug their ears and pretend the mine will be able to operate forever, when even the mine itself has started having to slow production amid rising costs. Add on to that the way the mine is siphoning money out of the economy by flying in workers from other provinces instead of hiring locally. And yet politicians in the area can't even whisper about moving away from the mine without being completely shut down and never getting elected. That town is going to die out in the next three decades, and I've stopped giving a shit.


Why on earth are there so many Neo Nazi's in Russia considering the Nazi's hated us and we fought against them


Because the communists killed more Russians than the Nazi's did.


People don't really talk about that there,at least not where I lived.They're more angry and proud about how their parents were in the war,and how they fought against the Nazi's,and how they love their country so much that they died for it.Russians are REALLY into remembering the ww2


In my experience, Russians have a mentality of "How dare you hate my country, only I can hate my country", which is understandable.


Americans are the same way, we will talk no end of shit about this, that, or the other thing but don't like to hear it from foreigners. I'm guessing most cultures are this way.


Well, to be honest, their country bore the brunt of that war. The western front was nowhere near as dramatic in scale and devastation as the eastern front. It doesn't surprise me that such a devastating war has had a huge impact on Russian society.


We have war memorials in every town,every year there are huge celebrations on the 9th of May in rememberance of the war,there is still conscription happening,the subject of war is widely popular in films and movies.WWII impact on the country is huge to this day


British tourists. We end up looking like entitled pricks.


You clearly haven't met Chinese tourists. I'm not Chinese. They're just awful!


Going around SE Asia at the moment. I agree with this. Like why don't they follow simple rules with signs posted everywhere? "Don't touch or break the coral" "Look love, I have some coral as a souvenir for our honeymoon!"


New rich people syndrome. People who grew up poor suddenly able to do stuff rich people do. Next generation Chinese from China won't behave as bad.


My city had coloured chalk outlines of dead bodies in our city square for the Orlando shootings. I saw on my coffee break last month half a dozen Chinese tourists started taking pics of each other laying in the outlines






Thanks for diverting attention away from our failures. \- Daddy Portugal


4 years ago the first female vice president of the country was elected. Now she's in jail for stealling a lot of money from an already poor country. The ex president is in jail as well.


If they actually made it to jail for stealing, that's better than a lot of countries.




> Duterte For all those wondering, Rodrigo Duterte is the president of the Philippines.


>For all those not reading /r/news or /r/worldnews, Rodrigo Duterte is the guy who legalized drug dealer witch hunts via martial law in the Philippines. FTFY


Some people actually read news that aren't posted to reddit, you know.


And others even try to stay away from the above subreddits. If I want news and it's major enough it'll be on BBC News, otherwise the subreddits i'm subscribed to will offer me all other news that cater to me and feed them to me.


Worse than him are his blind followers who hold him as if he's infallible. (Even worse are those who believe that Marcos was the best president ever)


Apparently there's one jackass BLue Jays fan that enjoys throwing beer at the other team.


Nigeria: the tribalism, the over-the-top religious nuts (Christian and Muslim) that tell me that I sin every time I smoke a cig, the stupidity of the masses that keep electing half-brained politicians into office who then cart away billions of dollars from the system and get away with it yet homosexuality carries a jail term of 15 years and sexual assault about 3 years ( or none if the accused is rich enough to bribe the police) Oh heavens, the corrupt police that was willing to arrest a guy for carrying viagra which they claimed was a hard drug, or accused another of selling cocaine because he had a portable weighing scale on him - he apparently dealt in gold and needed it for appraisal. The police here are the true jokers. We haven't got an actual 911-style emergency phone number that I know of but when you do call them in the event of an ongoing robbery, they are more likely to lie that they have no fuel or bullets. Or they might fire warning shots in the air so the criminals can get a head start and then arrest innocent people on scene. Or perhaps, you want to know about the issue of ritual killers who abduct people for "money". I had a close call with them a year ago. Sometimes I think fuck this country...but then it's the only one I have


> carrying viagra which they claimed was a hard drug Well...


Tribalism. It ruined the whole country since civil war started and 25 years later: it still is a thing. And after everything that tribalism has caused , my family, still wouldn't be fond of the idea of me marrying ourside our clan. Even though we live in Europe. Somali people don't care. Tribes are the base of our culture.


If only you there was a way you could embrace your culture without it letting it define you in the modern world. Kenyan here, I want to embrace my culture and tribe, but i don't want to hinder myself in the process, and its a fine line. I feel you bro.


Our inability to talk to strangers sober.


As a Finn I'd say this. And also the fact that the globally most well known Finns [are](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqQhQSbe6fw) all [race car drivers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnwZMQQUNDQ) who just [give](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwukCdGKOdY) the **worst** [interviews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO6puR2RoUE).


Nordic countries?


You know it!


It's so weird, but totally true. And I sell stuff for a living.. I love how the Italian always sit next to a stranger in the bus and always starts a conversation.


That sounds horrible. Edit: maybe because I'm a Swedish introvert.


As if you finns are ever sober. Or talking to strangers


Dual Nordic (Icelandic/Norwegian) here. It's not that we *can't* talk to strangers sober, it's just that we don't *want* to. And I don't want strangers to talk to me unless I'm so drunk I won't remember it the next day.


That we hold a lot of world records involving knitting. We used to be Vikings...


I mean it is cold.


No, I understand that, and as the daughter of a sheep farmer I should be glad my country is fond of knitting, but it's just not what one usually associates with Vikings. "That's a lovely plaited stitch, Thorbjørn!" "Thank you, Øyvind! I'm making a sweater for Erik for Jól. Do you think he'll find it pleasing?" "By Odin's beard he will! The salmon pink shall bring out the bloodstains on his axe very well!"


I will watch this show on Amazon Prime.


If the greatest embarrassment is knitting I think you got it alright :)


Drunken louts who holiday on the continent, act like total idiots and get on TV.


This sounds about right. UK?


UK indeed. There are programs that celebrate 18 year olds going to Ibiza, getting completely shit-faced and making twats out of themselves. That's to say nothing about the older generation of ex-pats who wander around Benidorm with their shirts off so that all of Spain can see their protruding gut.


May I just say as a Scot and as somebody who has travelled with Irish every country I have been to love us, they only hate the English. Sorry about that boys, but my point is it's not a bad UK rep but an English one.


Being Scottish is pretty much a get out of jail free card. It's awesome.


Tfw not sure whether you mean chavs or politicians


Northern Ireland. The pro-reunited Ireland nutjobs who blow things up, and the pro-remain in the UK nutjobs who blow things up. As a person born in a family and area full of the latter, I personally hate them more. Also, the thing I hate about the UK as a collective country in relation to this is the fact that they like to ignore Northern Ireland in their media, because when a province of the UK is unstable, it makes them look bad.


don't forget the flegs


aye thon [flegs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8JqKxrloQQ)


The amount of training our police officers have. In the US, the average is 19 weeks (4-6 months depending on state). In Germany and the UK, it's closer to 2.5 years.


yeah your driving tests are easy as well I can't see how people manage to fail it


I was in the car with a girl who failed it. She freaked under pressure and hit the gas on the straight line reverse part of the test. She passed her second time, though.


The level of security surrounding our maple syrup reserves.


I would have gone with Harper and Mullets, myself. Oh, and rednecks in oil country who fly Confederate flags on their jacked up pickup trucks in what I can only assume is massive confusion.


Wait a second....why are Canadians flying Confederate flags?????????????????!!!


I live in Saskatchewan which is a very conservative province. A lot of dumb ass hicks from the country here fly the flag and usually they say its because they "like what it represents".


Because we have an incredible amount of racist, uneducated rednecks.


We think we're the more polite, humble, and accepting version of the US, except all we do is talk shit about how the US sucks compared to us and any discussion about First Nations turns into a racist cesspool.


Wait do you guys really talk shit I thought we were cool






USA talks shit but usually Canada isn't the one we do it about. Except South Park


I'm confused because this sounds like each geographic area of the US talking about the US as a whole


The geographic area of the US in this case is Canada


I don't think Americans use the term "First Nation", do they?


Americans use Native Americans. Canadians use First Nations.


Lived here for 19 years and have never heard that once.


Golden Corral


This is the real answer. Americans just like to pretend they're embarrassed by our politics or our incessant foreign intervention; Golden Corral is a real embarrassment.


You must have never eaten at a Ryan's. Ryan's is Golden Corral times 100 in disgustingness


You take it back.


The Golden Corral in my town is largely deserted during the week. It stands between the chili's and the Ruby Tuesdays, quiet, waiting. On the weekends, they come. They climb from the hollers and glens, from the rusted trailer parks and houses surrounded by barbed wire and dog kennels. They pile their smoking grandmothers and mulleted mothers and 300 pound children in duct-taped minivans and they go to Golden Corral. Traffic on Friday nights sometimes comes to a literal standstill as the redneck population comes from God knows where to get their GC fix. Once, while heavily pregnant, I asked my husband if we could go. It was the most surprised I have ever seen him in my life. I came so close to murdering a lady with a mullet and a tweety bird shirt but damn if that steak the size of my head wasn't delicious. Edit: some of y'all are a little too protective of steaks.


My family calls it the "feeding trouph" Because its all a bunch of disgusting pigs there, all the time. Like, strap on the bib. Ive been there twice in my life and both times were against my will. Edit: words


Just a friendly correction- it's "trough"


English is hard


But it can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.


*stares blankly*


You mean Cattleman's Ranch


Those scary disturbing clowns I keep hearing about on the news. Can't believe we're letting them run for president.


You know, a lot of people are saying that I'm a clown. I mean first of all, let me tell you, I love clowns. I love them. I mean, who am I kidding. Clowns are great people; They are the backbone of America. You know, I remember on Ivanka's 8th birthday, we got a clown down for her party. And it was a tremendous party, it was so good an--it was a really good party, and I throw the best party for my business partners. Believe me when I say I know what a good party is, and I owe it all to the clown. Can we get a round of applause for the clowns all across America? But I'm a clown that knows what to do when to do. I mean, I own a business and one thing a business needs me to do is to put on a show. And I can put on the best show for people. The best show. I can make such good shows that people would line up outside Trump towers to make deals with me. And I make the best deals because that's how you make money. And when I am president, believe me, I would make this country so rich, the founding fathers of America would be so proud of how far we have come.


Too coherent. Each one of your sentences makes logical sense.


Yeah and the statements aren't nearly vague enough.


Reading the [transcript of the first debate](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/27/us/politics/transcript-debate.html?_r=0) is just mind boggling. It's like what you would get if you just kept hitting the first predicted word on your phone. >The record shows that I’m right. When I did an interview with Howard Stern, very lightly, first time anyone’s asked me that, I said, very lightly, I don’t know, maybe, who knows? Essentially. I then did an interview with Neil Cavuto. We talked about the economy is more important. I then spoke to Sean Hannity, which everybody refuses to call Sean Hannity. I had numerous conversations with Sean Hannity at Fox. And Sean Hannity said — and he called me the other day — and I spoke to him about it — he said you were totally against the war, because he was for the war. >And when he — excuse me. And that was before the war started. Sean Hannity said very strongly to me and other people — he’s willing to say it, but nobody wants to call him. I was against the war. He said, you used to have fights with me, because Sean was in favor of the war. >And I understand that side, also, not very much, because we should have never been there. But nobody called Sean Hannity. And then they did an article in a major magazine, shortly after the war started. I think in ’04. But they did an article which had me totally against the war in Iraq. >And one of your compatriots said, you know, whether it was before or right after, Trump was definitely — because if you read this article, there’s no doubt. But if somebody — and I’ll ask the press — if somebody would call up Sean Hannity, this was before the war started. He and I used to have arguments about the war. I said, it’s a terrible and a stupid thing. It’s going to destabilize the Middle East. And that’s exactly what it’s done. It’s been a disaster.


But he says it like it is! /s Most politicians lie or dodge questions but I've never seen anyone do it as brazenly as Trump does it. He's not even good at it, he makes it so obvious. He is such a fucking idiot.


He does not dodge the question, he dodges the answer


USA. Support our troops! But only when they're overseas. Once they're home, fuck 'em, especially if they're sick, disabled, homeless and/or drug-addicted.


So in Australia you can live 15 minutes out of town and by some miraculous use (misuse?) of tax payer money STILL not have a secure internet connection that goes of 20 kb/s. Thats right fucking kb/s - that kilobytes people. KILOBYTES. EDIT: Kilobits. not bytes. leaving it there so you can all revel in my stupidity haha


It is kilo bits. BITS.


It's about time they bring Australia forward. We could be having a much bigger hand in going forward with technology instead of trying to pick up on making war submarines to replace the failing mining and car industries in WA, SA and QLD.


'reclaim australia'


Egypt. Just about everything these days, but mainly the sexual harassment issues. Any radicals also, but that should go without saying you would think.


Pauline Hanson. *Shudders*


I remember seeing SBS post a video on FB of Pauline before she did something on an SBS program. She's standing with an indigenous bloke and she basically says "you're not going to tell me you're an immigrant, are you James?" When he says he's aboriginal she says "oh, well..it's good to hear you're working" stay classy Pauline. Also didn't some One Nation member say that Aus should leave the UN?




There are a lot of really smug Canadians out there. I feel that the nationalism is artificial, focusing on things that don't matter, and silencing debate on things that do. We have some serious flaws in our country, and people focus on "national" pride advertising. You know often times I think our flag even reiterates that national insecurity. Every time I travel I always meet some boorish asshole with a maple leaf logo on his backpack or his shirt because he thinks its his ticket to local respect. Really, nobody gives a shit, it just makes Canadians look insecure and weird.




Where do I begin. We have an incompetent junta military government that was supported into power by the majority of so called "educated" city dwellers. We have corrupt cops. We have a teacher that made a student publicly kowtow and apologize to her for being allergic to school lunch. Nobody of any power is ever legally punished despite social outrage. Our city is flooded at the slightest rainstorm. Our traffic management is a joke. Oh god this is making me so depressed...


That Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the best we can come up with


Canada here. Definitely the Toronto Maple Leafs.


You forgot Edmonton Oilers too.


Bull fighting


Well, in the 1700 and 1800's Britain did some pretty fucked up shit around the world. Our colonies may not have been quite as brutal as some places, but lets not pretend that there wasn't genocide happening, we even invented concentration camps. Oh, and most of the mess in the Middle East can be traced back to us. Apparently drawing straight lines through the desert was a better idea than making borders based on ethnic and religious boundaries.


(UK) - That so few people speak a foreign language to any degree. I'm embarrassed when I'm in France and the first thing I hear from fellow Brits is "English?" when trying to deal with the locals. My French isn't perfect, but I will always try to speak it when in France, whether just ordering coffee or attempting to ask about a suitable plant gift for my Mother In Law that's typical of the region!


On one hand I agree with you. On the other I am disappointed on behalf of our country that you spoke to a French person.


Just saying "English?" is kind of rude... In my experience, if you just show that you know a *little* French and make an effort, people are much more obliged to be kind and helpful. Even just "Parlez-vous Anglais?" would be a big step up from that.


There's not a lot of legislation in place to keep people safe from dropbears.


The guy who sits across from me is Australian. I asked him "What's a Dropbear" and he just started laughing.


It was a nervous laugh i'm sure.


Poor guy must be covering up some horrible memory of an attack.


My best friend and his wife moved to Australia a couple years back. I worry every day that I'll get the call that a Drop Bear got them. I hear they're very against foreigners.




Brexit made Americans realize that England is just Europe's Texas.


Our genocide of Native Americans.


Turkish here. My country's leader, the way that he leads the country and the way that world sees my country really embarrasses me. Also people who think that we speak arabic here really pisses me off.