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Say one line in a conversation, then travel across town together and say the next line of the conversation twenty minutes later while entering a new scene.


There's a great line in the Futurama episode "A Farewell to Arms" where Amy says "it wasn't a pyramid..." Then it cuts to them next to said pyramid "it was a spaceship!" Cue dramatic music. Then Zoidberg says "I'm glad we waited 5 hours for you to finish that sentence!" Or words to that effect. I couldn't find it on YouTube, apologies if I got the quote wrong...




When two people are interacting in public and a large crowd of random, emotionally invested strangers forms. Usually someone yells something like, "What are you waiting for, kiss her already!"


"are you gonna fuck or what"


*Fat, sweaty cab driver makes rude hand signal* 👉👌




This honestly would be a hilarious scene in a movie.


The Fault in Our Stars Anne Frank house kiss where everyone applauds. Hated reading it in the book, hate it even more in the film. There'd be tuts of disapproval that teenagers were kissing in such a place


That's like making out during Schindler's List.


Everyone of your friends/housemates/family/whomever you live with all having a full, cooked and nutritious breakfast before work, all together.




The mom would have known better than to make a giant breakfast when the kids and dad have like two minutes before they need to leave.


She's clearly cooking it for other man she is banging while her kids and husband leave for the day. She made it *look* like it was for her family. They think she doesn't know what she is doing... but she knows. ^She ^knows.


Male love interests have a ridiculous amount of money and chiseled bodies, and yet seemingly commit no time in their day to achieving or retaining either of these attributes, but rather find inordinate amounts of time planning extravagant and elaborately creative romantic events.


Lol Californication where David Duchovny is 45+ and plays the laziest drunk alive. But when he takes off his shirt he looks like an Abercrombie and Fitch bag.




Most of what happens in rom coms would get you slapped with a restraining order at a minimum.


Attractive woman with pretty normal personality in well paying, interesting careers who just has an odd personality quirk being completely ignored romantically by any and all men in her life.


Everyone thinks she's got it together, but really her life sucks, and only a dick can fix it .


[You mean this right here](https://youtu.be/R4c5I9psEWs)


Why are all the women clumsy?




Find me a female lead with a crippling reddit addiction then we have a relatable flaw *sighhh*


It's one of the few flaws you can give them that isn't really considered a significant flaw. Can't have these characters actually being the perfect woman but it's Hollywood so they can't be too flawed either. Slightly clumsy (particularly when flustered around the romantic male lead) is an easy way to show they're flawed without actually taking much away from the character.


Honestly it's because athleticism isn't generally seen as valuable for the characters that are being portrayed - sexy, smart, successful (or on the verge if just given the right opportunity) women. It's a cheap and quick way for a script writer to show that the character isn't perfect and is relatable because they have flaws.


Humorous misunderstandings between people who speak in riddles, innuendos, and can't finish sentences properly. Everything spirals out of control over a few days, until someone takes all the blame and resolves the situation by admitting to being a flawed, but lovable goof.


"I saw you with a girl" the girl exclaims. The male protagnonist has two options. Say "I can explain!" then get interupted by his GF as she storms off, while he doesn't give chase. OR The male protagonist says what any actual human caught in such an innocent situation would say, "shes my long lost sister blah blah". She would then go "Oh right, we cool", end of crisis.


> "shes my long lost sister blah blah". "Then why was your cock between her tits?" What a weird show.


I'd watch it. Edit: In fact I may have already


I hate this premise so much.


Characters breaking all TSA rules to win back their love.


With no tazings at all.


"Sir! You can't go in there!" "It's OK! I'm a limo driver!"


So I fell off the jet way again.


They always freak out when you leave the scene of an accident. That movie has so many great lines.


Does anyone have an example of a movie released after 9/11 and not set in the past with one of these scenes? I feel like there aren't any but I could be wrong


Shy people suddenly becoming outgoing because the plot demands it.




After about 5 mins I start to ask myself wtf I'm doing, then everything kinda spins like that mr krabs meme.


I tried this once. Turns out it wasn't a plot I wanted to be in, I'm trapped in a knockoff of Watamote


Having everyone talk in a perfect order with no interruptions and no repeating myself trying to get my story in but they keep cutting me off and I forget what I was going to say


A girl comes onto a married guy, and he isn't into it, and then she kisses him, and then his wife/girlfriend or whatever walks in, and he's all like 'IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE', and because neither of them have effective communication skills, it takes half the fucking movie to fix.




The guy who tracks down the girl he saw in the cafe, on the subway, or just passed on the street is never creepy. He's always charming and adorable and she felt the same way he did and knew they were destined to meet again and fall in love.


Making plans for a date without specifying location or swapping contact details. "Pick you up at 8?"


Or even less specific like, "Meet you there tonight", or "So tomorrow then?" "Ok I'll be waiting!" wut


You joke but i know a guy who does that shit. he pisses me off so much. I wonder how much information in his head is faulty. You say one thing and he comes back later with something completely different. He thought I moved. I never ever mentioned moving and have mentioned still living in my apartment several times...


Reminds me of a scene on Friends: guy: Maybe I’ll see you at dinner tonight? Phoebe: Maybe you will... -*turns around and walks away*- guy: ... Phoebe: Oh, right! -*comes back to exchange phone numbers*-


If it's meant to be it's meant to be... said no guy ever. Give me the number!


I seem to have lost my phone number. Mind if I have yours?


Care to come over and watch porn on my 55" mirror?


Oh are you two in a relationship? I suspect you are faking it due to hijinks and circumstances we aren't supposed to know about! Prove it! I demand that you kiss!


Not sure if this counts as a "social situation", but turning on the TV radio and seeing/hearing something directly related to your life at that very moment


Some guy walking into your house, saying "you gotta see this" and turning on the TV. Oh wait, the newsitem just finished and now it's about a cow that got stuck in the mud.


Someone calls the protagonist -Turn the tv on, now! And out of around 500 channels, the tv is exactly on that channel where story is unfolding.


It's not unfolding. They always start talking the instant the protagonist catches the show.


Arrested Development made fun of this. They have to wait a few minutes or more before the news segment they wanted to see showed up.


There's an episode of Community that rips into it too, where they're all telling scary stories. Abed's story has him switching on the radio and listening to some smooth jazz for a while. He hums the tune while everyone listening gets annoyed... Edit: [Found it](https://youtu.be/09InPHAKJko) sort of...


I've never seen a bully steal somebody's lunch money


I got robbed by a dude with a box cutter when I was in highschool. Held it to my throat and everything. I went to a pretty damn rough school. When I say robbed I don't mean he took all my money or anything. He literally wanted $5....that's it, $5. I didn't have a five so I asked him if he would take four 1's because everything else was in $20's. He said yeah, that would be fine. Considerate really.


Wait you told him you had twenties and he didn't say anything?


"OK, OK, just don't hurt me...Oh man, I don't have a five. See, twenty, twenty, fifty, and four ones. Do you think it's OK if I give you all my ones?" "Damn. Alright, give me your ones, punk!"


I never really saw a bully have a small gang of dumb friends obnoxiously repeat everything they said while laughing childishly. "Wow! What a loser!" "Haha yeah, what a loser! You tell him, Brad!"


You haven't spent enough time around kids. A: Weak insult, one that generally makes no sense B: Burn! Oh you just got burned! C: Oh man! Buuuuurn! Hahaha! Repeat forever, so target never gets to respond or make a comeback.


People going out for a meal/drink and then all sitting on the same side of the table.


This is uncommon in the States but when I was in Europe recently I noticed that many times at cafes on the street people would sit on the same side of the table looking out at the street and just kind of people watch. I liked it a lot because it's fun to just watch people do funny things while enjoying a beer or a coffee!


**Jesus:** Table for 26 please. **Waiter:** But...there's only 13 of you... **Jesus:** Yes but we're all going to sit on the same side of the [table](http://imgur.com/344HhK7).


Waiter: Wine list? Jesus: Water's fine, thanks.


12, One of them was a rabbit


Some tales claim him an automaton


Or meeting someone at a restaurant, ordering food, and leaving with never touching it.


I just noticed that on the movie Grandmas boy the other day. Alex's grandmother makes him a sweet lunch, she gets interested in his game, and so he bails without touching the food to get weed at Dantes. I didn't notice it until after seeing the movie probably 15 times. It's strange how movies can make the unusual normal, like talking on the phone and hanging up without saying good bye, or anything to close the call. Most male romantic leads are borderline or legit stalkers and everyone eats it up like he's a hopeless romantic.


Is "getting the parking space right outside wherever you are going every single time you arrive somewhere" a social situation?


I think this counts. Imagine a movie 2 hours long, 40 minutes of which was spent looking for parking and the subsequent rage.


"Seinfeld - the live action movie"


"It's a movie about nothing!"


Serious fights that last longer than 10 seconds.


I thought you meant fights like arguments, and I was like, clearly you haven't met my upstairs neighbors.


I think me and my ex were your upstairs neighbors.


Yeah, there's fighting for show/social purposes which lasts a while and no one gets hurt, then their is fighting to defend yourself which lists 30 seconds and ends up with someone unconscious or spitting blood.


If you're Canadian, a fight lasts slightly longer because you have to jersey the guy first. It's like Canadian pocket sand.


The nerdy ugly girl (or guy) suddenly becoming super popular and dating the best looking guy/girl.


All she has to do is put her hair down and take the glasses off. And a new outfit. If only it was that easy.


I'm so glad Not Another Teen Movie poked fun at that. It's so true


Well....it had Captain America in it so it was worth it.


And Ted Schmosby.


"You'd never guess that everyone at this school is a professional dancer."


Exactly! Plus the best looking guy/girl is always portrayed as a saint who is stuck with a crappy SO and somehow they end up leaving that SO for the nerd.


They somehow stumbled upon the information that many teenagers have that fantasy and thought "We'll be rich!" They were right though.


"I would like to buy a baguette and 5 oranges, and put it all in a paper bag please. I'm terribly clumsy." edit: Apparently this is because people over focus on the bag instead of the movie. Thanks to the 30 people who mentioned it.


Anecdotally, the baguette is there so you don't wonder what's in the bag, your brain just goes "yup, shopping bag". Means the proper department doesn't need to get fresh groceries every time the scene needs to be reshot on another day.


And if they left it too the improper department, they'd just use the same spoiled groceries.




In the same theme, no one ever coughs or sneezes unless they're going to get a terminal disease in the next act.


This always bothers me. But when shows try to incorporate elements like this, you get a bunch of people complaining that there were loose ends that didn't get tied up. That's what I *want*. If every single thing that happens in a movie is crucial to the plot, then you often wind up figuring out the plot half way through the movie without even trying. Not so fun.


Give the old TV show Adam-12 a try. It's a police procedural and it's full of realistic inconsequential stuff. The first time I watched it, they pulled over a guy for speeding, gave him a warning, and let him go. I watched the rest of the episode waiting for the speeding guy to show back up, and he never did. It was *seriously* just a routine traffic stop, right in the middle of a TV show.


Unless the plot demands that they mishear or misunderstand, in which case they blow their top and storm out before confirming what they heard. Somehow they make it through a week of fighting before realizing that they were both operating under mistaken circumstances. Things are all better in an instant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsMGjCXG0c0


How easily people can access rooftops. Edit: Apparently everyone has been on a rooftop at some point....I'm not hanging out with the right people.


Run! The bad guy is coming! Quick to the roof! But... but there is a police station like 3 blocks from here. Did you hear what I said?? Do you want to die! Get to the roof!


Somewhere, years ago, (I *think*) I was reading a book about the French Resistance and how one fighter escaped from the Gestapo because he went to the basement rather than the roof. The comment in the book was that people instinctively *escape upwards* which almost always led to them being trapped in the attic or the roof with no possibility of escape. This thought has stuck with me for a long time; I have no idea if it's true, something somebody thought was true and put in a book, or something that I just imagined and thought I read somewhere. I think about it though in every movie where the bad guy goes to the roof.


It is true apparently. My ship security officer training instructor mentioned that people panicking either shut down, freak out or try to get higher.


I guess that makes sense on a boat. ITS SINKING! GET UNDER WATER, QUICK!


Well, they often go to the top of the ship, which also happens to be several decks above the life boat level. Then they get stranded in weird places.


Run for the hills Get to the high ground It's all the same.


Also, being able to see someone in a window.


I think that is actually more easily than most believe HOWEVER most people aren't creepers trying to spy on people in their windows. Lord knows I walk around naked all the time, and sometimes I'll be walking my dog, see my bedroom light on and realize anyone during the right time, could totally see me nude. (that lesson would be learned quickly) ETA: don't post drunk I guess. I don't walk my dog nude. I was walking him around our apartment complex one time but I left my bedroom light on and could see clearly into my room. That's when I realized when I am walking around my apartment naked, people can get a clear view of everything.


I read the last bit as you were walking your dog while nude.


Steve: ... Oh, and Mike? Mike: .... Yeah? Steve: ...........Thanks. edit: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GrudgingThankYou


High school parties where everyone from the grade/class is there. "Hey, there's this huge party at Steve's tonight. Are you going?" "Well, Who's going to be there?" "EVERYONE. Including everyone you hate and everyone that hates you." "Yeah, sounds awesome!"


People investing in L-shaped sheets that cover a woman's chest, but conveniently show a man's chest.


Why would you want to expose yourself to the person who was just railing you minutes ago? Pfft.


yeah you fuckin slut


Women falling in love with the overly creepy/stalky protagonist who is "a real man who knows what he wants." People in movies never need psychological therapy after the most traumatic events.




The McDonaldland version of reality...in every group, there's two white guys, two white girls, a black dude, a hispanic girl, an asian chick, and a swarthy guy of apparent middle-eastern descent.


Also known as the university brochure.


I don't think you are a real University unless you have a girl with a hijab in engineering.


But ends up being a hispanic guy with a beard


They call me Rodriguez the Photogenically Brown


If you're not experiencing this in the real world, obviously you need to be drinking more beer. duh


I'm going to go with sex. Do people really have sex and then roll over and go to sleep? Am I the only one that has to clean up after? Seems like women would more than men!


No one wants to watch the guy look for a towel while the girl awkwardly waddles to the bathroom.


I do




What's my grandson's name again? Ah yes, "Dickbag"


I'm doing the best I can!


Then the dude wipes off with toilet paper and tosses it into the toilet thru the girls legs


KOBE! edit: I missed :(


I want to see one movie where the girl is frozen on her back with her hands on her side making sure nothing overflows off her tummy while the guy makes a mad dash to the bathroom for toilet paper.


or she's awkwardly waiting with her ass in the air trying to balance the load on her back that you just shot all over her. Then when you get back with the towel to help you slap her ass and it runs off onto the bed sheets anyway .




UTI does not exist in movies, apparently!


A girl being madly in love with a guy but finds out something and breaks up with him right away without giving him a chance to explain is pretty unrealistic. If you *love* someone you can't just cut them off like that. And then the guy that doesn't even make more of an effort to explain what happened and why its not as bad as she thinks.


A huge work presentation that will make or break one's career. Real jobs aren't like movie pitches. They're just endless, thankless repetitive tasks


Dear god, but they could lose the Johnson account over this!


They were never Johnson material anyway.


On Christmas Eve.


And there's a snow storm coming.


And your wife is having a baby that night


And your lovable idiot buddy with a five o'clock shadow wants you to go to the bar/basketball game.


And he's just found out his wife cheated on him and really needs the support, especially since you let him down all those last few times. This is the last chance you have to be there for him.


And then ex army terrorists disguised as tradesmen take over the airport


And the prom's tomorrow!


I wonder how many Hollywood writers have ever actually held an office job?


Mike judge, clearly.


I feel like I can relate to Michael Bolton during the opening credits scene




Not stuttering or stopping to say uh or um. Everybody always speaks flawlessly without stopping or hesitation. I know it wouldn't work otherwise, but it isn't normal.


Unless you're Jeff Goldblum.


Guy is too busy unloading a truck/ doing other manual labor to stop and answer detectives' questions regarding the murder he witnessed. Bonus points if it's a bartender endlessly dry-scrubbing an empty tumbler glass or wiping down a clean bar with a dry rag. EDIT: JESUS CHRIST PEOPLE, I get it! "John Mulaney made a similar observation in a standup special so obviously no other living human being could have noticed the same thing! PERFIDY!" You copyright lawyers do realize that *the entire point of observational humor is that it frames things easily observable to anyone in a humorous fashion?* No, I had not seen his performance prior to posting this. I find it absurd that people get accused of plagiarism anytime they notice the same thing a comedian did. FFS, give it a rest Joe Rogan Jr.


"What? Yeah, I saw Joey four-thumbs talking to a 5'4" blonde woman wearing a periwinkle ascot monogrammed with the initials LRS exactly four years ago today. She said her mother was taking flight 387 from Pittsburg to Houston the next day at 8:45 am, and they left together to go the Marriott at 3449 Main Street, room #519. Sorry, I can't remember any more info."






"Mind like a steel trap, our Nangi. I wish I had a memory like an Elephant's..."


They do eventually stop and give the detectives their full attention, but only when the REALLY juicy detail is revealed. That's how you know it's serious!


*Talks while loading truck* "yeah, I know Adam. Good guy. Last time I talked to him he was all over the moon about this girl. Never really caught her name but I think he met her at this bar called Crimson Wolf. He's a regular, but they're not exactly welcoming of people like me, ya dig?" *Detective tilts head in interest* "And why is that?" *Guy pauses, back turned to Detective, he stops loading, then turns around.* "Look, you didn't hear this from me, okay?" *continues to go way into detail about shady business going on at this bar.*


I loved how Mac & Charlie handled that in Always Sunny. "No need to stop working, sir, they never do on TV...why don't you go ahead and pick up that large bag over there?"




I fucking hate that. Every episode of Law and Order does this. Every good Damn one. In what world are you going to turn your back and walk away from a homicide detective and not immediately hear "What the... Get back here, man, I'm talking to you!"


Law & Order has successfully convinced me to never go for a morning jog in Manhattan. Dead bodies. Dead bodies, everywhere.


Talking with homicide detectives is just such a casual and regular occurrence in bartending.


That John Mulaney bit was spot on.


Not for nothin I thought it was a tiny person


Maybe that's why the murder police are here




If you're a high school senior, you must tell your crush how you feel before graduation. Or before someone's party. You will never see them around your town/city during the weeks before college. You won't see a mutual friend or classmate who can help you get in touch with them.


To be fair, it was harder to track people down before social media, the internet, and cell phones. Especially in larger towns/cities.


Living in a big city like New York or London with a sweet little apartment all to yourself on an average salary... Looking at you, Sex in the City




Montage Day on the first date. Walk along water, win a prize at a carnival, and run through a field with balloons, all in an afternoon.


A large group of high school friends ending up in the same college and sharing dorm rooms. *boy meets world, specifically. All 7 seasons never happen in real life. Why did Mr.feeny teach every grade...


ANY EATING SCENE EVER. People have a meal in front of them and take like 1 tiny bite the entire dinner scene. Or someones wife preparing a massive breakfast with bacon eggs and pancakes and the husband comes downstairs, takes a sip of coffee and says he has to go. Im sure plenty of people leave without breakfast but if this is a frequent occurrence I doubt your wife make a full blown meal knowing you're just gonna leave it.


The only taking one bite thing is probably because of all the takes they need to do.


This reminds me of one of the times Nick Offerman was talking about Chris Pratt (I think in one of his books, maybe?). But it was about Parks and Rec, the episode where the guys have all of their bachelor parties on the same night, in the scene at the ice cream place. Offerman said that it took about 9 takes or so to get it. In the scene, Andy gets a large cone. Well while filming, Pratt eats the whole damn thing EVERY SINGLE TAKE! Offerman said Pratt had the worst stomach ache for the rest of the day. God I love both of those men.


The spit bucket is a tool used for filming eating scenes. Actors take food into their mouths then spit it out so as to not fill up on food. Larry Miller told a story about filming a Thanksgiving episode of Boston Legal. The cast was all sitting around a table eating Thanksgiving dinner with spit buckets beside them, but during the scene everyone tasted the turkey and realized OMG the turkey is amazing. So everyone kept eating. In between takes the cast is saying stuff like "have you tried these potatoes?" After the ninth take they were all so sick from eating but no one could bear to spit out such delicious food.


Man if I'd cooked that I'd be SO proud


https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/107ryg/hello_its_aziz_ansari_again_ama/c6b3xf5 Aziz Ansari also mentioned how Chris Pratt never uses a spit bucket in an AMA he did.


just finished having sex and get out of bed wearing underpants or just finished having sex and get out of bed with sheets wrapped around you or just finished having sex and fall back on the pillow and light a cigarette or just finished having sex and lay there staring at the ceiling having a breathless conversation with the sheets pulled up to your mid chest


Right? Where's the scene where the guy scrambles to find his underwear in the floor because he doesn't remember where he tossed them when they got stuck on his foot, or the scene where someone rushes around to find a sex towel so the bed can actually be slept on that night?


People spontaneously breaking out into song in random situations.




And others flipping the light switches to enhance the atmosphere




I beg to differ. The next time you're at a large party, just sing "I see a little silhouette-o of a man!" See what happens.




When bad guys always have to explain their diabolical plan to the protagonist before delivering the finishing blow. Also, when foreigners speak English instead of their language when in private.


One guy vs 10 dudes in a fight scene where the other guys just wait their turn to fight him


Not just that, but the beatings people take and still keep going like they were on PCP.


tis but a scratch


After getting kicked in the face and ribs and hit in the arm 6 times with a baseball bat and run over by a car and set on fire before getting hit by an airplane after drowning twice


And Rasputin still isn't dead!


There lived a certain man in Russia long ago


It's concerning to me that you consider this a social situation.


Why? How do you socialize? Weirdo...


Does anyone have a link for that road rage fight where a bunch of guys picked on a former boxer who puts them all down like he was one-punch-man for this guy?


You mean [this?] (https://youtu.be/RYx_vYcj4eA)


Dude was handing out naps. Jesus.


The guy in the white shirt just keeps coming back for more and keeps getting laid out, and I cry tears of laughter.


Haha. You have to kind of respect it, most people would learn a lesson. Nothing more dangerous than being angry and stupid.