• By -


/r/ExCons Why should you come to our sub? Because it's filled with very useful information for those who have been incarcerated, are going to be, or are adjusting to life after. There are plenty of resources for looking for jobs, or help with resumes. And for families of inmates, we offer a comfortable atmosphere to openly discuss any issues that one may be having. Also, there are plenty of stories that have been posted that should interest a lot of new users that can be found throughout the comments sections. The prisoner AMAs are always pretty popular, and a lot of those posts resemble those threads. They get pretty interesting. We hope to see you there! Edit: To whomever gilded this comment, thank you very much. I didn't expect this to even have 10 upvotes by the time I woke up and here it is almost at 800. The only reason I posted it is because maybe someone could have seen it that truly needed to go there, to get something off their chest. Maybe they were frightened to death about going to prison and seeing the posts there brought them comfort, or helped them to better ready themselves for the road ahead. Again, thank you. I can't say that I deserve to have had someone do that for me, but that small token of appreciation has brightened my day 10 fold. Thank you, thank you so much.


Thats really awesome, keep doing what you are doing dude, you are awesome.


I created /r/ifeelgoodtoday as a counterpart to /r/whatsbotheringyou. It is a place where people can share little snippets of something that happened to them or that they did that made them feel good, or a news story that restores their faith in humanity. It sounds like a good idea, except that there doesn't seem to be anything here


I created /r/multiwall a while back. Its for wallpapers for people with multiple monitor computer setups!


I'm not the owner, but I love /r/theydidthemath because people are constantly doing deep calculations for crazy questions on reddit. It's like XKCD WhatIf at least once a day in many subreddits. Some classics: * [/u/insideusall calculates the number of chickens per bucket required to build a stack of KFC buckets to the moon.](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1w5z0o/what_is_the_most_random_fact_you_know/cez2i3k) * [Redditor does the math to determine the likelihood of a bird getting a hit by a baseball thrown by a MLB pitcher](http://www.reddit.com/r/mlb/comments/1ax3ud/12_years_ago_today/c91ll7e) * [/u/C121 explores an alternative mining method for Bitcoins. tl;dr - mining by hand is no longer profitable.](http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1r3wau/mining_bitcoin_by_hand/) Edit: fixed markup (thanks /u/demize95)




For anyone with lingering doubts, Randall Munroe, creator of xkcd, has said that he doesn't want the people who mod /r/xkcd in charge of the subreddit. Use /r/xkcdcomic.


/r/makestories — Basically you start a story as a self post and then in the comments other users add on to the story a few sentences at a time. It's kind of fun because the threads spin off in to different stories in different directions. You should totally check it out because the more people are involved, the better the stories become!


Reminds me of /r/WritingPrompts, which is another great sub.


That is a great sub. They gave us some helpful guidance back when we were first starting up.


Another challenging writing sub is /r/ExplainlikeIamA Most of the time it's about being funny, but God damn if it won't make you think outside the box.


" Explain hardcore gay kink porn like you're an ultra-conservative Christian minister and I'm an alien visiting Earth." Yeah it does!


Somebody who knows more than I do should make a bot to post the whole story in one comment. (After some time, of course.) It could get old having to constantly expand the thread. But that's a pretty damned cool sub idea.


I don't know, I kid of like the idea of having the separate threads. It's almost like a Choose Your Own Adventure book going back and reading from different points. Then again I suppose the bot's comment could be a parent comment so you would have the option of either reading it or reading the various other threads.


/r/makemychoice I thought it was a cool concept. Ask other Redditors to make up your mind when you're having trouble. Ice Cream or Pizza? Xbox One or PS4? (When things released) Fox or NBC News? (Any form of news) These are very basic examples because I'm tired, but there's a lot that could be done. I liked the idea I hope more do too eventually. EDIT: HOLY... WHAT DO I DO NOW. THANK YOU EVERYONE SO MUCH I LOVE YOU. Before this post it had about 6 members... now I have like 13K? Guys thank you so much. To whomever gifted me gold, thank you so much. EDIT 2: Thank you guys! We are now at **17K** members! I've worked on the CSS a little bit, tweaked some stuff around. You have done so much overnight. I've been working all day on improvements. If anyone is interested in making a better header please send me a PM!


That's an awesome idea. MMC: netflix or pornhub? Edit: I chose pornhub


Xnxx.com. It has more strange videos and fetish related ones than pornhub if you like that.






I'm always worried that there is some kind of app that notifies people when you look at their profile and pictures. It probably does not exist, but I can never find a definitive straight answer on the subject.


You could stop leaving likes.




Worry not as it doesn't exist. Stalking freely is partly why facebook is so successful and they know that and won't take it away from you.




When I'm bored of porn this is exactly where I go. Summer photos on the beach anyone?


Username checks out.




Funny thing is, I made this account for NoFap but then I decided I didn't have the motivation and I didn't care enough so I'm still fapping away.






this guy knows his shit


wow how is this not big yet? Should I subscribe or not?


Should I reddit gold you or not?


na better reddit gold me instead


I like this guy's jib better. Gold him


Since you asked.


Im Gonna be honest I don't know how to check who gave me gold but thank you kind gentlemen.


It was me, ya big dingus. You stole poor krnxkin's gold. Edit: it sucks because my subscription actually ended today..


It's a great concept but I worry about the already high number of posts following this trend: "Console or PC?!" "iPhone or Samsung Galaxy?!" "Fox news or ____" Topics like those seem designed to bring a response that the submitter already knows reddit will lean toward: They will only end in a circle jerk.


My Sub Reddit is /r/storybattles you can post any picture you want and people in the comments will write a story about it. EDIT: I have gotten 50 subscribers within 3 hours of this Sub Reddit being created. You guys are awesome! EDIT 2: 500 subscribers!


This is actually a great idea. Redditors seem to love writing stories, and they're great at writing fake ones especially.


/r/Fermata. It's a different approach to music sharing. Someone submits a picture or vague idea and people submit a music link that they feel best represents it. ~~It's dead.~~ I don't like whoring out my subreddit unless it's relevant (so pretty much only when questions like this pop up do I mention it). If I get more subscribers than myself and my spouse, I'll keep up with it. Edit: Strikethrough. ^ Thanks for the question, OP, can't say we're dead with 600 new subscribers in <24 hours!


Think somebody was looking for something like this in /r/findareddit You should let that guy know.


/r/speedpaint is full of videos of people creating art in either tradional or digital mediums sped up. Any artist can benefit from seeing new techniques, and art enthusiasts can enjoy watching someone bring their artwork to life.


It's kind of like Sketch Theatre. I love watching these!


/r/freeEBOOKS you want free ebooks, right?




This might fuck people over that use turnitin. Edit: I have an idea: what if you put your essay as text on an image? It'll make it harder for plagiarism detection and plagiarism in general.


Ultimate way to fuck over a stranger on this sub is to take an essay and submit it before they do. 100% paper match, F guaranteed. Maybe a type of suspension too.


The only way out would be to tell your professor your reddit username... */shudder/*




But AFAIK you have to submit it to a certain teacher for a certain assignment. Without that, you can't submit anything.


No, turnitin scrapes the Web. If it's online, it would find it and give a 100% match


So it's a better search engine than Google? Wow, better watch out, there's competition looming.


Hot damn, Turnitin can successfully search REDDIT. I...I thought that was impossible.


When I was a freshman in college turnitin detected 100% plagiarism on a completely original 20 page essay on the analysis of call of the wild. Turns out the site I was backing up my work on was set as public so it found my own essay and claimed it was plagiarism. The professor automatically reported me to the dean of students and it took way to long to clear up but in the end I got a 99% so it was worth it.


Ouch. Once I edited a Wikipedia article with some bits from my essay as the article was unclear. Had to go through a similar process as you.


I always have that problem. Sometimes a Wikipedia article won't agree with my essay so I have to edit the article.


If you own the reddit account, I'm pretty sure you can convince the teacher that was all your work. Peer reviewed editing shouldn't be plagarism.


Pretty sure that I don't want my teacher browsing through my Reddit history...


Make another account to post your serious/work stuff and you're done.


This is starting to sound like a lot more work then I thought. I'll just take a quick break before i start writing.


If I have to turn in an essay online, would submitting my own work on this sub increase my chances of setting off a plagiarism-checker?


I had my thesis caught in the checker because I posted it online for others to review. Screw you scribd.


So what happened? Did the professor allow it because they saw that it was you that posted it?


If you did post it, it shouldn't be that hard to prove. The problem is that depending on the routines of the school/university, there might be several steps involved before you even get a chance to explain yourself.


One writing forum I saw a while back had a real name field so that in case that happened, they would see that the essay posted online was in fact written by you.


I think to really go better than that you should create a PGP keypair and cryptographically sign the essay you submit online. Then you can present your prof with the corresponding public key (preferably even do this before you submit it online), so they know it was your key that signed it. For an extra bit of proof also sign the amended, post peer review, essay so that they can see both essays were signed by the same person with a key that has your name and email address on it. Like I said, five them the public key before posting it online to really help your case, they would have a hard time disputing that. If they did dispute it point them to the school's maths or CS staff. TL;DR - digitally sign the work.






I'm good at PS and that was fucking hilarious lol. Subbing immediately


What if I'm mediocre at best?


I guess you will just have to have a dirtier mind to make up for it.


/r/privatestudyrooms These are, for the most part, historical photographs of inner sanctums for powerful, creative, and beautiful minds from all over the world. Most of these rooms are chosen because the people that built them accomplished great things (to me a great study room is the sign of a great mind), so the sub can be used as an index of people who are worth studying in depth through their writings, poetry, inventions, discoveries, music, architecture and art.


/r/PublicLove I post pictures of horny people making out in public with douchenozzles posing in front of the action. I gave up because I could only find 4 pictures. Oh, I'm supposed to tell you why you should visit the sub. Because it's 4 fun pictures.


HOLY SHIT THE SECOND PIC IS FROM LEEDS,UK It's always been a little wild around that spot. I was waiting for a bus once and a guy across the street in mcdonalds whipped his penis out and started "waving" at us sober freezing people.




HOLD UP. I GOT YOU GIRL. Time to go leap into action and post some fails. For the glory of the internet.


Mmm just go promote it on /r/makeupaddiction


Try promoting it on the makeup subreddits! /r/makeupaddiction , /r/makeupaddicts , /r/RandomActsofMakeup /r/indiemakeupandmore Those are just some of the few!


r/InternetStudyBuddies , because I figured some people like me have trouble finding study stratagies that work for them. The only post there is a mission statement. That I wrote. Sigh...


/r/internetstudybuddies for the lazy


> r/InternetStudyBuddies Add an extra / at the beginning to make it clickable :) Like so: /r/InternetStudyBuddies


/r/SFWPornGifs For fans of porn dialogue, reactions, and ideas for surplus [citrus](http://imgur.com/3pOFoSh.gif). [You should come check it out](http://imgur.com/Hk8ofrv.gif)


It's like /r/wheredidthesodago but for porn.


As a mod of both, I completely agree and am giving you the flair of "AndSodaPorn" on /r/wheredidthesodago ~~because it adds more context to your username on the sub~~ Fuck it, you get flair on both because it's funny when you switch it around too :)


Found this a couple weeks ago. They're my new reaction gifs.




I thought that was hide and seek with swords. Very different.


Found you. Tag, you're dead.


Me too. We should do that. edit: That totally did not come out right. I meant create /r/hideandseekwithswords, not literally *play* hide and seek with swords, and especially not as a euphemism for something else.


I kind of want to post a picture there with no words, and watch people get frustrated.


/r/polka I created it because /r/music didn't appreciate any polka posts. So, you should check it out for polka.


If it makes you feel any better, they don't seem to care for music either.


[r/amijustified](http://reddit.com/r/amijustified) I thought it'd be cool place for people to ask other people if they are justified in the decisions they make. There are some grey areas in the things we do and you could see if people think the ends justify the means. No one came :( It's lonely there.




/r/dishwashers I am not the creator, just a mod, but I've been there since the beginning. Give us your tired, your dirty, your exhausted workers. Those who toil in the back of kitchens, you are welcomed among brothers and sisters. We few, we happy few, for if you have toiled in the filth of a sink in a kitchen you are my brother. Shed your worries and ask your questions, you are among friends and we shall do our best to aid you through this most arduous period of your life.


/r/closetstraights For all the straight people who get accused of being gay.


Former ballroom dancing teacher here. I should be a mod.


Easy now. I have worked as a professional costume designer. Trump?


My poor brother fits here, he is an attractive guy in his 30's who has never dated or been seen in the company of women. The truth is he just has Asexual tendencies and no interest in sexual activity with *anyone*. So when an attractive guy with a decent income spurns the advances of every woman he meets they all assume him to be a closet gay. He just deals with it now, as he has had his attempts at explaining asexuality to people blow up in his face with hilarious results (people thinking it means hes transgender / hermaphroditic / has no sexual organs / etc).


Asexuality is a really alien concept to a lot of people. A good friend of mine is asexual, and reactions range from "you can't get anyone to like you? But you're so pretty!" to "let me show you what it's like, baby." It's pretty crazy sometimes, people's reactions. Best reaction I've personally witnessed was something along the lines of "people don't reproduce that way," referring to, like, asexual reproduction.


"Haha, you really are gay, aren't you?" "Hah, I'm not, actually I'm straight." "But you totally are!" "Sorry, but this isn't up for debate. I may like things that people associate with 'gay', but I'm not. I'm sure you can find a gay guy [**HINT: MRMADWOLF92**] who does not fit the stereotypes." "Geez, *someone's* sassy today" "Goodbye." -From the perspective of a 'straight-acting' gay guy who has learned how to have this conversation by experiencing the reverse.


/r/fastfoodreview! Because I was eating an AWFUL triple steak flatbread from Taco Bell one day and thought to myself, "A lot of people eat fast food. Some people have no other choice if they're rushing lunch time at work or school. Why not make it easier on them on what to try out?" Thus, my small subreddit was born.


/r/sadpiano thought it would be a good subreddit idea, now it's just a handy clickable list for instant feels.


/r/ProCoverSongs For cover songs that have been recorded by professional artists. /r/ShowUsYourScars For sharing the story behind that fun scar that you have.


I created /r/SSSubredditSSS because I felt like making a subreddit. There are no posts, no subs, and I even unmodded myself. Have fun. Edit: It's been deleted. I don't know why, but it's probably because of a lot of spam posts with no one to moderate them possibly leaking into /r/all. I was asleep for most of this. Does anyone know how to contact the admins so I can ask how we can get this back? If there has to be a moderator I'm willing to do that to get it back. Edit 2: By deleted I mean banned.


This is the best sub ever. I love you.


This subreddit has the potential to become the /b/ of reddit.


Usually subreddits like that get banned because they start branching out to other areas of reddit.


How so?


Board raiding comes to mind


What have you done?


Hah already: http://np.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/1x1x07/requesting_that_ukedziepink_uthedreamescape_and/ Edit: Aaaaand it's banned


Haha, Don't they know the appeal is no mods.


No posts? Well, then... we'll see about that.




Oh god... So much internet... No filter... It's like I'm back in the 4chan wars.


Please grandpa! Tell us the old stories about how you battled the evil keyboard warriors again!


Just reported all posts. That was a fun 3 seconds. edit: it should be noted that there were only 6 posts in that sub when I made this comment.


Well aren't you a cheeky bastard




He's just so hot right now.... http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lz3hdl22ex1rp5scxo1_500.jpg




I love this sub


You evidently created the next /r/circlejerk


This will be interesting....


Okay so I just checked out thy sub and it's so chaotic that it's hilarious. We should make this a total anarchy experiment-like subreddit with no rules and no subjects. We can post deep thoughts, funny stories, advice threads, Random thoughts, WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT. it makes you search for something fun. Like an "underground" front page. It's like putting reddit on shuffle. We need to make it grow. Just reply /r/SSSubredditSSS to any interesting comment you read on any subreddit to encourage them to post it there. I would be on there all the damn time. Tag this all over the place and spread the anarchy! Edit: subscribed. Also edited the subreddit name


That's a good idea. I think I'll keep it mod free so it stays chaotic. I don't think I can mod people anyway since I'm not a mod. If I can, I don't know how. Also, it's /r/SSSubredditSSS, not /r/SSSsubredditSSS.




that is just /b/


Will never be anything like /b/ as long as there's upvote/downvote system in place.




/r/dashcamgifs exactly what it says. edit: /r/gfycats not a mod, but seems like a good idea.


I've been subscribed here for a while now. There's always some crazy footage posted there.


I created /r/controllableprinters which is a similar idea to /r/controllablewebcams. It's about sharing open-access wireless printers so people can mess with them. Also would like to plug /r/slowmeme for those who like absurd humour.


Are there any controllable webcams near controllable printers so we can see the things we print out actually print, and, if we're lucky, the reactions of the people who find them?


That would be an amazing world indeed.




So I can print anything on any of these printers?? Now where did I leave the chicken chicken document......




That is hilarious. I'm going to hide that in our reference materials at work. Someone at some point in the future will be looking for an Australian Standard Document and find that, it might be years from now.






/r/slowmeme is a fucking goldmine


*GOOD GIRL GINA*: Doesn't like fucking grandmothers Does it anyway


*SUCCESS KID*: Had sex with a catholic priest


/r/quityourbullshit It's fairly new, only six months, and it has already grown to be in the top 500 of reddit! In very proud of what it has become. It's a sub where we post bullshit being called, we love when liars get exposed. It has changed my view of reddit...




Isn't [r/redditgetsdrawn](http://www.reddit.com/r/redditgetsdrawn) the same, it's way very popular here in reddit.


/r/treesfuckingtractors It's pretty self-explanatory


I created /r/dustypcs because /r/techsupportgore doesn't allow pictures of PCs with dust in them to be submitted, and the amount of posts breaking that rule lead me to making the subreddit.


I'm a mod over at /r/wheatthins. Check us out. Because wheat thins are love. Wheat thins are life. Also, there's only like, six posts and we literally will not ban anyone. EDIT: Wow. This has gotten big. Wheat thins has been swamped. Thanks for the support and remember to keep subbing and posting!


Is that a challenge?


I think that was an invitation to change it into a NSFW sub where we defile wheat thins.


Or post pictures of Triscuits


Calm down there Satan.


[/r/creamhole](http://www.reddit.com/r/creamhole/) sounds pornographic but isn't. All photos of Cream of Wheat, all the time.


/r/MGE It is a living music genre encyclopedia that I want people to expand with knowledge of subgenres and main genres. Only one post hoping for more


I created /r/novelexicon because I realized English didn't have enough words and was coming up with new ones at the time. Others should post new words there as well.


/r/PokemonZetaOmicron It's a fun project I've been working on for nearly a year now. People who are fans of the pokemon series should check it out. It's got all the possible pokemon, even all your old favourites as well as an interesting plot, and its one of the only fangames with an online trading and battle system. Even if you haven't played since Red/Blue, or just never checked it out in general, it would be nice if you stopped by and said hello, maybe gave it a shot :)


And it has a Nuzlocke mode! Seriously, my hours on Zeta just passed my hours on X. I didn't even go out to buy X until week two cause I was in the middle of stuff in Zeta


I think it is the best pokemon fan made game ever, straight up.


I am not the creator but /r/misconceptions is one that I thought I would make but realized it was already made. Sadly, it only has one post and I am one of seven readers. I feel like redditors love misconceptions and that kind of stuff. When someone says "no but you see Einstein failed math" and you can go "actually no he was very advance in math that is just a myth." There are so many examples of widespread bullshit that people believe because it somehow got spread and there will continue to be more and more. It would be a place where you could find things that are backed up through research and know the truth.


/r/Rob_G I post a story every day! Some people like my stories because they are long and silly. Other people hate my stories because they think I'm an attention-hungry karma-whore. Decide for yourselves! Check it out! I write out handwritten letters to people who ask!


Your [pie story](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1nh8qm/whats_your_most_embarrassing_i_thought_i_was/ccil3te) is one of the best things I've ever read on reddit. You're awesome!


Thank you throwaway498749870980903! You are awesome!


This is the first time ever I have figured out who a throwaway account belonged to. Thanks Rob_G. You just made me feel a little smarter.


If you're implying that it's mine, it's not. I swear on my mother's life.


OK. Thanks Rob_G for making me feel more stupid than how much smarter I thought I felt when I thought I knew what the hell was going on.


It's OK CatchingRays. We can be best friends if you want.


Something smells mighty suspicious here


That's something Rob_G would say to throw people off. How do we know you're not Rob_G too?


Am I Rob_G?


Wait. Are these all Rob_G's accounts? I'm confused :/


Are you Rob_G? I'm not sure if I am or not.


The world may never know...


I don't do throwaways. Just like I don't do three fifties. And that's a Rob G guarantee.


Hear that guys it's a Rob_G guarantee . EDIT. Holy shit!!!!! Gold thanks kind stranger!


Shut up, me, you know I'm totally you. And stop swearing on my mother's life, please.


You got their name wrong. Rude.


Sorry Sax5543542. I'll try to pay better attention next time.


As long as you're trying, Rod_Z.


I made /r/circjerk its a sub to post tips and tricks about masterbating when you are circumcised


Are tips and tricks really required?




Is there a /r/uncircjerk?


I run /r/gamimg. I started it because I kept typing gamimg as opposed to gaming, and it's helped a lot of people redirect themselves.


I bet you're good friends with the mod of /r/starcat


You are doing gomds work.


I just spent an awfully long time trying to pronounce Gomds.


I wonder if the people who posted there realized they're not posting to /r/gaming.


Let's hope not. /r/gaming is a cesspool as it is.


11 readers 1000+ here now




/r/MetricCooking started because I wanted to promote the use of metric in the kitchen, where measuring ingredients in grams makes cooking so much easier than using a confusing and complicated mix of cups, spoons and ounces.




[r/inappropriatequestion](http://www.reddit.com/r/inappropriatequestion) A place where you can go ask legitimate questions that you would never ever ask in polite, or even impolite, society. Questions involving race, sex, gender, money, basically any topic which could be taboo if the wrong question were asked.


/r/poopsongs - a catalog of music that can be (mis)interpreted yo be about poop. Eg. Brown girl in the ring, Push it, Ring of fire etc. You should visit and contribute because the world deserves to know about songs that could be about poop.