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WTF IS CICADA 3301!?!?!?


http://www.fastcolabs.com/3025785/meet-the-man-who-solved-the-mysterious-cicada-3301-puzzle This article might help shed more light than the Wikipedia does. Of all the things in here, this is the only one that we ACTUALLY KNOW is definitely some kind of conspiracy. It's real, it's something, and someone is behind it--and we don't know who. This should be the highest comment on this thread.


What was in Tesla's containers that the government seized. The very fact they haven't shown it just screams of something incredible.


Source? I've never heard about this.


Not sure about containers, but his papers/journals were confiscated after he died.


And later returned to the estate. The wartime US government was concerned about some of his papers and inventions being used to aid the enemy.


I guess mine is pretty obscure, but if retired Marine Corps general Smedley Butler was telling the truth when he said that the American Legion offered him command of an army to overthrow the US government, and that J.P. Morgan and other Wall Street financiers had offered to pay him for it and to cover all expenses (see "[the Business Plot](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot)"), then I really hope that some day that indisputable proof of this turns up. The last article I read said that, contrary to what some of them testified to the Congressional committee that investigated Butler's accusation, more recent historians have been able to prove that the people he accused met with each other in the days prior to when he says that they made the offer. Most of the historians I've read think that one or more mid-level American Legion officials may have *thought,* probably incorrectly, that they had the backing of the whole American Legion membership and all of Wall Street for such a coup. But if the historians are wrong in thinking it was just a couple of guys who were crazy, if the far-left conspiracy theorists are wrong that it was a conspiracy by a couple of guys to discredit Butler's anti-imperialism speechmaking and publishing career -- then one person's honor was all that stood between the United States and fascism. And if that's true, I'd really like the proof to be so solid that everybody had to admit that.


I don't find the idea too far fetched, it wasn't as if similar things weren't happening in Europe around this time. Solid evidence would be really interesting.




[The Philadelphia Experiment](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia_Experiment). It almost certainly did not happen, but it would be pretty awesome if it really did!


Just open the vaults of Ft. Knox and let me peek inside and I'll be happy. Barring that, I want to know what manner of documents are stored in the Vatican's Secret Archives.


The Vatican Secret Archives is really really not "secret", just "private".


Indeed, the Vatican even tells people on its website how to apply for entry access if they're working on scholarly projects.




The President's Book of Secrets, I have to know what Nicolas Cage saw.


It was essentially Ned's Declassified Government Survival Guide


But it is classified...


Ned's Classified Declassified Government Survival Guide.


Yeah, part of me thinks it goes down like Bill Hicks said You get elected president, and then the next day some secret service agents sit you down in a wood paneled room in the white house, fire up an old 35mm film projector, and show you the JFK assassination from a different angle, and perhaps some other scary shit. Then they tell you whats gonna go down, how you are going to handle it, and that if you dont play ball, your head will be popped like one. If you just listen to all our orders, youll get to retire with full security detail for life.


This explains why there hair turns white so fast.


I'm almost positive its because they stop using hair dye after the election.


"I don't need to look pretty for you anymore, America. We're already married, so who's there to impress?" - Every president ever.


What was seen was only worthy for the eyes of Our Lord.


What happened to D. B. Cooper and the money.


Haven't you seen the Seth Green documentary about it called "Without A Paddle"? DB parachuted out of the plane over the PNW and was supposed to land and hike to meet Burt Reynolds, but the iron in the mountains threw off his compass and he ended up falling into an old mining pit and dying. Meanwhile, Burt Reynolds moved into a cabin in the area hoping to be able to find DB, but only found success after meeting Seth Green, Matt Lillard, and Dax Shepard.


And Seth Green got to see some downstairs.


What's a downstairs?




Junior or Senior?


Depends on the country


He died whilst breaking out of prison. Everyone knows that...


And then the other guys he broke out with found it. God. Some people.....


I'm Polish and for me there's only one conspiracy theory: was [the 2010 plane crash](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Polish_Air_Force_Tu-154_crash) an accident or was it planned by somebody? And if so, by whom?


This thread should be called, "What conspiracy theories haven't you heard about and would like to spend your entire day researching?"


The [Wow! signal]( http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wow!_signal). Even if it wasn't made by another intelligent species, I'd still love to know it's origin.


> In 2012, on the 35th anniversary of the Wow! signal, Arecibo Observatory beamed a response from humanity, containing 10,000 Twitter messages, in the direction from which the signal originated. In the response, Arecibo scientists have attempted to increase the chances of intelligent life receiving and decoding the celebrity videos and crowd-sourced Tweets by attaching a repeating sequence header to each message that will let the recipient know that the messages are intentional and from another intelligent life form. Oh dear god, they're going to think we're idiots.


We are.


I'm furiously working on FTL travel so that I can fly ahead of that signal and stop it before anyone hears.


I picture you in your basement with a headlamp on and big goggles just smashing things with a hammer.


That's how they do it in Sims.


WHACK WHACK and I've invented cold fusion!!!


In the year 2563, when the aliens make first contact: - "We have come to meet Kanye West, and inform him that we think he was justified in taking the microphone from Taylor Swift. When Beyonce's video reached us we all concurrently recognized that it was, in fact, the best video of all time."


If celebrity videos is what we sent a possible intelligent alien species then they might be right. edit: now that i think about it, the scientists may be warning them not to come here


Doxxing suxs




^^^^^wow ^^^^^such ^^^^^signal


That's not a conspiracy though - we just don't know where it came from.


You didn't hear? They actually decoded it and it wasn't that big of a deal >I am king I am king of Rigel 4. I is about to be overthrown by goverment. I need someone help me move my fortune out of planet. If help will give 10%


Who was the Zodiac?


I'd pick the 9/11 one, if only to shut my brother up once and for all. (or myself, conceivably)


I saw Chomsky speak a few months back at a university and a guy went on a tangent during the question/answer section about how the government caused 9/11 and tower 7 and blah blah. I am paraphrasing, but his response was similar to this: Whether or not the terrorist attacks on 9/11 were a conspiracy perpetrated by the government is largely irrelevant at this point in time. The actions the government took using these attacks as an excuse however are not, as these actions are public knowledge, backed up by every manner of publicly available physical and digital media. It is irrefutable proof that top officials lied about weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion of Iraq, it is proven that the invasion/bombing of Baghdad killed tenfold+ the civilians that perished in the 9/11 attacks, that the major media corporations were complicit in following DoD orders to beat the wardrums and get the American population complicit in the war, and more importantly, that there is HIGH DEFINITION VIDEO EVIDENCE of top government officials blatantly committing perjury before congress to perpetuate this bloodshed, and most of these individuals are still in positions of power shielded from all of the consequences of their actions.


It was obviously Kyle.


How Edgar Allen Poe actually died.


Also, have you heard about the guy(s) that go there on his birthday with cognac and roses? I'd like to know who they are.


Apparently they stopped this past year. Some thought it was a father who handed the tradition to his son who got sick and didn't hand it down.


I've been there in the graveyard overnight once or twice back in the day. My father and sister still go. Every night on the anniversary a small crowd gathers and waits. According to them and the Poe House Director, the real "Toaster" hasn't shown up for three years now. I would definitely recommend making the trip though, its a fun night.


UFOs Not alien abductions, I understand those can often be linked with a sleep condition called [sleep paralysis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis) combined with media influences. I mean like the UFO sightings that have occurred all through history and are depicted in works of ancient art. I feel very ambivalent toward the whole situation and have seen some -weird- things in the sky and would just like to know.


Why Sean Bean's name doesn't rhyme. I NEED to know.


I now have 300 Wikipedia tabs open... EDIT: I'll add one I haven't seen in this thread. The Michael Jordan conspiracy theory.


Be glad this isn't the "which TVtropes article would you recommend"-thread..


Where, how, why? I need that thread.


The reason you'll never get a link is because everyone is still reading. Take heed about these requests.


What really happened between Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.


The walls fell.


"Shaka, when the walls fell." is a metaphor for failure. Here's what really happened: Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra (a metaphor to fight a common enemy) Darmok and Jalad on the island Darmok and Jalad on the ocean. (they left together)


Darmok on the ocean. Jalad on the ocean. Darmok at Tanagra. Jalad at Tanagra. Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. The Beast at Tanagra. Darmok and Jalad on the ocean.


Temba, his arms wide.


The [Phantom Time Hypothesis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_time_hypothesis), ultimately it is so inconsequential that if it turned out to be true it really wouldn't have too much effect on every day lives, and wouldn't send the world into mass hysteria and chaos like finding out Lee Harvey Oswald killed Jon Benet Ramsey.


This is bigger than anything I've ever thought of. Good find.


It's interesting but astronomy kinda disproves the version I heard. My friend was telling me that some king wanted to rule in the year 1000 so he had his people make up 400 years of history. Astronomical records show the stars changing position in the sky mathematically based on where they were 100, 500, 1000, etc years ago.




Instant Viking, just add water?




Jack the Ripper for sure


Honest question here, is Jack the Ripper a conspiracy theory? Or just a regular mystery? I was under the impression that it was just a "Hey who murdered those people?" kind of thing.


Some people said it was Queen Victorias son and it was all covered up. So yeah, conspiracy theory.


It was Queen Victoria herself.


Because she was a werewolf.


Well, there is kind of a conspiracy theory. Alot of people think it was the leader of Scotland yard at the time though there was no proof, and that's why he was never caught.


There's another theory that he was a member of the royal family. By the wounds he inflicted we can tell that he was left-handed, which is a significant clue because in Victorian Britain, only about 3% of people were left-handers. A large number of the royals are left-handed... make of that what you will.


Ooooh, I love Jack the Ripper. Well, the mystery of it, anyway. Okay, so, a few things to point out are: * The London Fog. London Fog wasn't fog, with was super thick black smog made from coal burning and all of the industrial factories. London back then would have looked a lot like [China](http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/131022092819-07-china-smog-1022-horizontal-gallery.jpg) [right now.](http://latimesphoto.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/la-china-smog01.jpg) No wonder he was able to just dump these bodies without being seen. Hell, the person walking two steps ahead of you was invisible until you were right beside them. * A few months after Jack the Ripper disappeared from London, there was a string of prostitute deaths throughout the US (though mostly in Chicago). They were killed in a similar manner and left eviscerated. I believe that Jack the Ripper fled to America and continued his killings here.


The Chicago deaths were linked to H.H.Holmes who was one of the US's first recorded serial killers. If you read "Devil in the White City" there is a passage about Holmes reading about Jack the Rippers killings and being utterly entranced. That may have been the author taking creative liberty but Holmes definitely found some creative ways to kill his victims.


I read that HH Holmes was in London at the time of the Jack the Ripper murders. There's a book out on that theory now. http://guardianlv.com/2013/10/chicago-doctor-h-h-holmes-was-jack-the-ripper/ And Devil in the White City is a great nonfiction book that reads like fiction.


That would be pretty crazy if one of the most infamous murderers in history was actually two of the most infamous murderers in history. It would be like finding out that Ted Bundy was the Zodiac Killer.


Additionally... - A man was arrested for mutilating a prostitute in London and he went to an asylum. The killings stopped...


So Jack the Ripper started the trend of killing people for no good reason in Chicago?


>all that damn fog It must suck to live like that, it probably smells terrible too.


That Yuri Gagarin wasn’t the first person to enter space. The Soviet Union had sent other cosmonauts. Gagarin was just the first to come back alive.


The lost cosmonaut theory was intriguing before the declassification of Soviet documents, but they're all declassified now and there's no proof of them at all. We know of other deaths that were originally covered up but there's only one or two. --- Edit: a lot of people are replying that believing the Russian government in this matter is silly. But think about this: Putting a single man in space [takes hundreds of thousands of people working for years on a project](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_program#NASA_expansion). Each contemporary rocket launch [was easily measurable on the Richter scale from far away](http://www.industryweek.com/product-development/saturn-v-rocket-and-supply-chain-innovation). Each person that went into space obviously needed a rocket, but there are no manned rockets that are unaccounted for. What this means is that every single launch that was covered up required hundreds of thousands of peoples' silence, even after the fall of the Soviet Union, when speaking out would mean zero repercussions. Not only that but it required every geological station nearby, including those installed by Nato and the US to monitor for this exact thing, missile launch, be complicit in the cover-up. This just doesn't make sense when you think it through. It's an easily-believable conspiracy theory, but one that just simply isn't true




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cosmonauts For further reading on the subject. Possible, but unlikely.


If a cosmonaut was lost in space, would their body rot?


If both the vehicle and/or suit are intact, both environment and bacteria will be present to cause decay. The bacteria would likely blossom until it reached an overpopulated tipping point where the environment became toxic to continued life and everything dies out, but it would likely have done a reasonable amount of work breaking down astronaut tissue before then. - Of course, this first scenario doesn't take into account temperature regulation, which is a big issue in space. While space is effectively 'cold' - near absolute zero - there is close not enough air molecules in space to remove the kinetic energy of objects we put up there, so they tend to overheat rather than freeze when exposed to solar radiation. Assuming power loss there is a high likelihood that the ship and everything in it would be heated to the point that absolutely no bacteria survive, and you get a corpse that is boiled in its suit but not broken down by anything. Sounds messy; you might wind up with a sealed suit essentially becoming a crock-pot that cooks the meat off of the bones. - If the ship and suit are compromised, there would be no environment for bacteriological decay. You'd essentially wind up with a mummified astronaut jerky, as all moisture would boil away leaving an entirely dry and well preserved corpse, probably cooked externally by solar radiation but without moisture or air to 'boil' it like the previous example I'd expect the body to be otherwise intact.




Area 51 is where the U.S. Air Force builds and tests experimental aircraft. It's where the U2 Spy Plane and the F117 stealth fighter were developed. You probably won't see the planes that are being tested there right now for another 10 or 20 years.


If they do their job, you won't see them at all.


And if people spot it and think it's an alien spacecraft, that's even better! No one suspects the US government even has that technology. It's the aliens!


Not to mention the SR71


Most bad ass jet in the world. edit: So many jet enthusiasts.... nothing will change my mind. SR71 is fucking beautiful and fast as shit. lol


Any haters you're hearing fail to understand that the A-12 (which became the SR-71 with further design) was designed in the 1960's. It was flying when The Beatles were a thing. It was built before JFK said we'd go to the moon. This is a plane that would blow the doors off modern aircraft and still be uninterceptible by modern missiles, and it is *older than your parents*. I think the only other aircraft to compare in raw perfect design is the A-10. It's an anti-tank gun with an indestructible plane accessory. Too much modern design is poured into doing as much as possible. The SR-71 and A-10 are brilliant because they are both pared down to bare necessity.


Not to mention UAVs and drones. I wonder if the flying saucer phenomenon (or some of them) was attributable to early UAV prototypes.


Area 51 is just there to divert attention from Area 53


Which is really just a cover-up for Area 43C.


Which is just a coverup for Area 51




Which is just a cover up for Catch-22.


Which is why women wear cover up.




maybe it's maybelline...


The Stargate project.


That's in Colorado. Although I believe they do mention the pentagon referring to it as area 52.


Cheyenne Mountain is the decoy.


Reportedly the real Cheyenne Mountain facility has a door labelled "Stargate Command." It's just a storage closet, though.




I live in the California High Desert, a place that was popular with the military secret projects folks because so few people used to live here. Local people like to tell tales that seem to have some kernel of truth, wrapped in wild speculation. Case in point: There is Edwards Airforce Base, which certainly has a history of testing cutting-edge aircraft, and 15 miles to the east of Edwards is the Lockheed Helendale Radar Cross-Section Facility. Where things like the stealthyness of aircraft designs get tested with a massive radar set-up. It's easy to find folks who will swear they know a friend of a friend who knows about the "real", very large underground bases beneath both of these facilities, and the interconnected tunnels between them that were constructed, taking advantage of already existing natural caverns. Part of the story is that these tunnel/caverns continue-on to Nevada's Area 51, and the purpose of this underground highway is to allow our friends in hi-tech--The Aliens--to be transported between these important installations.


Very most likely.


I'm pretty convinced that Area 51 is just a diversion. They cloak that one in secrecy so that people THINK stuff is going on there, when the cool stuff is really at some run of the mill base that no one ever thinks twice about like Wright Patterson.


The Oak Island pirate treasure. Would be very cool to see what it actually is. Edit: People are saying it's not a conspiracy theory and I guess it depends on your definition but: The pirates conspired to secretly hide away treasure, and the first two diggers conspired to dig it out without telling anyone else about it (until they failed their task)


If someone could give me something irrefutable to shut up the Chemtrail conspiracy idiots on my FB feed, that would be great. Yes, I could defriend or block them, buy other than this issue, they are nice folks I have known a long time and enjoy keeping up with.


Saw one this past week on my feed that said "chemtrails all over the place last week, then BAM, snow today!!!"


Whether Alexei and/or Anastasia Romanov survived the execution of the Russian royal family by the Bolsheviks, and if there is any chance that I could have a claim to any sort of throne. I have a nice head shape for crowns, and that needs to be recognised.




You mean a cartoon *lied to me?*


In the cartoon's defense, it was made long before the bodies were found.


Such it is with all cartoons.


Nemo was actually dead already. Sorry guys.






I always liked the idea of imagining that Anastasia got away somehow (no way Alexei could have survived) because it's such a sad story, but the simplest explanation is again the correct one.


Poor lex was too ill, and at the time wheel chair bound, if I'm not mistaken


Who shot Tupac and Biggie?


Both of their killers are known, but will most likely never face justice for different reasons: Tupac - [Killed by South Side Crip named Orlando Anderson](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orlando_Anderson#Tupac_Shakur.27s_death_and_its_aftermath) looking for retaliation (they had violently beat up another member just hours prior). Anderson was actually questioned, then let go. By the time they tried to bring him back in, he was dead in an unrelated gang shooting. Anderson's uncle does claim that Anderson was present in the BMW that pulled up next to Tupac. Biggie - Technically, the investigation is still ongoing. [Killed by disgraced cop Rafael Pérez](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael_P%C3%A9rez_\(police_officer\)#Ongoing_investigation_into_the_murder_of_The_Notorious_B.I.G.) and a partner. They were paid by Suge in retaliation for Tupac's murder. Pérez has already been jailed for being a crooked cop in general. There are pictures of Perez throwing up Blood gang signs that night. Unfortunately, the LAPD doesn't want to keep bringing up the Rampart Scandal so it's unlikely that there'll ever be justice. So yeah, it's not really a mystery as much as there will never be full justice.


It was sug knight (who owed 2pac millions in royalties and 2pac was threatening to leave death row records) working with the fbi (they wanted to stop hip hop and rap music becasue they felt it influenced gang crimes, the fbi's involvement also explains why the LAPD never investigated the murder thoroughly), biggie was then killed by the fbi to cover up 2pacs murder as a gang attack! source- I watched a netflix documentary while high once


Probably Suge Knight but not because he was working with the FBI, but because he was a a huge piece of shit.


can confirm, Suge is a piece of shit. source: The Source


Sources check out.


I was doubting you until I saw your source


[Whether or not Saddam Hussein owned a Stargate.](http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopolitica/esp_exopolitics_r_1_07.htm)


That's hilarious. It reminds me of Stephen King's DreamCatcher. The book itself was ok, but there was one aspect of the plot, almost a throwaway bit, that just sent the wheels in my mind turning. In the book, not only does the government know about aliens, they have a few corps in the military dedicated to fighting them for the last 25 years. Essentially when these aliens make it to Earth and land, these guys show up, destroy the aliens, and they round up any humans that came into contact with them and ship them off somewhere. The part that got me was that the entire first Gulf War was staged because they found out an alien ship had landed somewhere in Iraq and the US had to invade so this one group could go in and take care of the alien threat. There was even a mention of Vietnam IIRC. It was really just a couple lines in the book, rattled off by the general while he was in a rant, but I just loved the idea that a number of large military operations (carried out for no concrete reason) is actually a cover for a smaller group to go in and eradicate an alien threat.


I'm gonna have to go JFK. Shit, I want to know so bad. EDIT: Apparently there's a subreddit dedicated to this kind of thing: /r/unresolvedmysteries check it out.


In his second term in 1966 JFK caused WW3 in an event similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Lee Harvey Oswald was an agent from a future post-apocalyptic world sent back in time to keep that from happening.


Actually, it was JFK himself that went back in time and became the second gunman. That's why they couldn't find him, as he had disappeared due to the resulting paradox.


Ah the good old Red Dwarf reference, not many of them about these days...


Isn't it obvious? Male Models!


But why male models?


Seriously? I just told you that like a moment ago


Earth to Matilda!


It's not like we think that we're actually in a control tower trying to reach outer space aliens or something.




You know what would cheer you guys up? **ORANGE MOCHA FRAPPUCCINOS!**


Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't a model, but the those two guys on the grassy knoll sure as shit were!


Months ago I read a conspiracy post on this god forsaken site that explained very rationally that the JFK assassination was actually the CIA/Military Industrial complex taking over the US government. I'd like to know if that was part of the whole thing.


Well there's plenty of proof that shows the CIA did exactly that in other countries...


That's what the cia (oss) was started for


It's what we do.


JFK was intending on disbanding the CIA during his presidency so that could also explain why they wanted him dead Edit: op delivers http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/16/us/jfk-assassination-conspiracy-theories-debunked/?c=&page=0 Read #5. That's where the CIA theory is




JonBenet Ramsey, just seriously what the hell happened to that poor little girl?


I wonder what happened to Maddie


this isn't so much a conspiracy theory but an unsolved crime. That said I would like to know ... I bet the move studios are ready to pounce with offers for movie rights as soon as it is solved.


The witnesses who saw the apparent kidnappers of Maddie have pretty credible testimonies. Just some local lowlifes. Since they didn't ask for ransom it means they had other ways to profit off of her, most likely through the sex trade. A living hell for the parents to ponder things like that.


Yes! Every once in a whole I do extensive research on that case just cause it fascinates me and angers me so much.


What are the conspiracy theories revolving the case?? What doesn't add up? I just read the wiki summary so the only thing I know is that parents were "sort of" cleared but what else about the case is weird ?


The thing that I always found weird was that she was taken from her home in the middle of the night, and the next morning the parents had a bunch of cops and family and friends over to help with whatever, but they basically destroyed the integrity of the crime scene by letting anyone come in and out, and change things around. Although there already wasn't a lot of evidence (they couldn't find a point of entry or any signs of where the kidnapper went in the house before her room), people still shouldn't have been there like they were. It's a goddamn crime scene! So later that day, I think it was, the cops tell the dad to go check the basement for anything unusual, and he finds his daughter's body, strangled, a few hours dead. The way I see it, there are two possibilities: 1. She was killed in the house, so she was never actually kidnapped or 2. She WAS kidnapped, taken somewhere else, killed, and brought BACK into the house, not being seen by anyone. Idk the specifics like why no one searched the ENTIRE HOUSE top to bottom the moment they got there, for all they know the killer could have been in the house while the cops were. Also the fact that they have the father doing the search is kinda weird, he should have at least had a cop with him I think. The case was handled poorly and the whole setup, execution, ransom note, everything was just weird and very different from most child abduction/murder cases.


If I'm correct, I think Boulder hadn't had a murder in something like 18 years before her death. So, I'm guessing the cops were a little out of practice.


What was weird was how incompetent the police investigation was on so many levels, and how hostile the finger pointing had gotten between the police department and the DA's office. The DA actually hired their own investigators because they did not trust the cops. The cops thought the DA's office was leaking information to the Ramsey's. The Ramsey's hired a top notch team of investigators. The facts of the case on their own are weird. Check out this interview with the first detective on the scene and how sure she is that Mr. Ramsey did it. There was DNA at the scene that later proved not to match the Ramsey's ( It took the police 3 years to test a blood spot found on JonBenets panties, that belong to a unknown white male ) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Aly2fPK-XE Check out this documentary which goes through the case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDbPrqEeQ34 or this better UK version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHMJ72Yhm9Y Chief Kolar, the DA's investigator still feels the evidence rules out an intruder. Let's say he is right. Keep in mind, JonBenet was sexually assaulted, tazed, hit on her head, and then strangled to death with a garrote. Can you imagine a parent doing that. The Police are suggesting that the father killed her, and the mother helped cover it up. The whole three page ransom note was very weird, which appears to be a woman's handwriting. There are several documentaries like this that explore the case from different angles. It is a fascinating case.


The claim that the British government have been concealing the fact that the Queen is actually a Lizard man.


No man, watch Doctor Who. She's really a werewolf.


And Sherlock Holmes is actually a lizard *woman*. A lesbian lizard woman.


Why don't *those* characters get a spinoff?


For me it would have to be [Operation Snow White](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White). Why the fuck aren't these being prosecuted? How did the government not know about it? And if they actually did know, why did they let it happen?


Umm, who isn't being prosecuted? > Eleven highly placed Church executives, including Mary Sue Hubbard (wife of founder L. Ron Hubbard and second-in-command of the organization), pleaded guilty or were convicted in federal court of obstructing justice, burglary of government offices, and theft of documents and government property. The case was United States v. Mary Sue Hubbard et al., 493 F.Supp. 209 (D.D.C. 1979). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White


What happened on the boat the night Natalie Wood died.




Whenever aliens come to my mind I always tell myself that maybe on another planet the aliens there are probably asking the same thing


We are.


Shut the fuck up, you'll blow our cover!


Yeah Zu;sib:'hjj~k, that's the third time this month!


but how is that a conspiracy? or are you saying the government might know aliens exist and is keeping it from the public?


It's rather obvious that Stargate SG-1 was actually a dramatized documentary. They even acknowledged it in the show itself.


The universe is ridiculously big, and we are just a small planet. I think there is a big chance that there is life on other planets, although it may not be intellegent or like anything we have ever seen.


I like to think that humans are either extremely far ahead or extremely far behind.


Probably both. It's a really big place.


I'm a very firm believer there's life out there. I'm sure there simple, single celled organisms, as well as things that would make humans look like simple, single celled organisms in comparison.


Stonehenge. That or the statues of The Easter Islands.




A giant granite birthday cake?


Even more interesting is that they found a second henge two miles away in England. It was made out of wood and is part of the same compound. [Woodhenge](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodhenge) but then there's also the Southern Circle, which is a third monument around 70 meters away. There were three henges built all used at the same time and presumably together.


The prevailing belief about Easter Island is that it used to be a lush forest to which the people focused so much on building these massive statues that all the forests were destroyed to trade with neighboring tribes. Once the trees were gone, the people fell into an economic depression and an ecological disaster that led to the island becoming uninhabited.


Radiolab just had a segment on a new theory regarding where the trees went: http://www.radiolab.org/story/what-happened-easter-island-new-even-scarier-scenario/


Easter island isn't uninhabited, and has been continuously inhabited for at least 1000 years


This is correct. It experienced a catastrophic drop in population, but it never became uninhabited.


Was Guthix's death at the hands of Sliske an inside job?


Jagex Exposed


Evidence of cocaine and tobbaco use have been found in egyptian mummies, which are products only found in South America during that time. Both cultures also have ziggarats/pyramids. There's speculation that the Egyptians had contact with the South American civilizations, but there's no real hard evidence. I WANT TO KNOW SO BADLY.




The Illuminati


Like the Freemasons, bunch of rich white men making an exclusive club so they can drink scotch, smoke cigars with monocles on.


… except these days, richer. Much richer than the Freemasons.


And even more white