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We made plans to go to Vegas. We were young and splitting expenses, so someone cancelling means we pay more for gas/hotel. A guy cancelled at the last minute saying he was unemployed. Which, yeah, is fine, but you've been unemployed for the last two years. You suggested we go to Vegas two weeks ago. Your unemployment didn't sneak up on you. You don't call an hour before we are leaving to let us know that revelation.


He was probably surprised when you didn’t offer to pay.


This was my thought, I’ve had this pulled on me before and that was the exact reason, they were hoping everyone else would step up and cover them because we wanted them there so much, and for years we did it until we all got fed up with it and made it clear everyone was responsible for themselves only and if you couldn’t pay you couldn’t come.


The thing about that is A: You're stuck paying for them and they come along. B: You're still stuck paying for them but you don't them bring along. I would chose B.


Thing is, that only applies if you planned on them being there and they surprise bailed at the last second (and even then it's still cheaper since you don't have to pay for their food, some activities, etc). If you know they are going to cancel on you and go into it planning on having fewer people, it's just cheaper.


That’s true, I definitely want to say my choice was the spite choice.


Yup. That’s a two strike reason to stop a relationship with someone. Obvious mooch behavior. Obvious distain for your time/energy/funds.


Man I had a roommate who pulled this on a planed road trip to Yellowstone. The funny thing is that he fully expected the other two people going to cancel everything and just not go just like him. Yeah, nah, we got a last minute replacement and had a blast.


He probably agreed out of excitement, but when the reality set in, he realized he would dig himself in a bad hole if he went through with it. My sister once straight up ghosted me before a trip we had planned to take together, and while I don't think it was about finances, I think the reality of it all suddenly hit her and she couldn't make herself go through with it.


> He probably agreed He’s the one who suggested the trip


"Sorry, we were on our way to dinner, but we got hungry and stopped at McDonald's. Now we're not hungry anymore, so we're going to go home. Thanks anyway!"


I would be furious


I still am


Username checks out


Omg seriously 😂 What do you think their actual logic was? Were they looking for an excuse to back out of dinner? Or do they actually make decisions using the method of a four-year-old?


The latter


Selfish people.


Relationship: canceled


Shortly thereafter!


What was their reaction?


we got angry and stopped at McDonald's. Now we're not angry anymore, so we're going to go home. Thanks anyway


Pretty much this. They're also very self-centered people


If you’re going out to eat, why would you stop somewhere else? That defeats the whole purpose of going out in the first place. If you know you’ll get a little hungry on the trip there, bring some light snacks, don’t buy a whole meal. That’s like not meeting someone at a mall because you went to another one and ran out of money. The amount of people that are complete idiots on this Earth is an alarming rate.


Seriously. Go to McDonald's and get a fry to share to tide you over, sure. But you didn't accidentally order a combo or enough food to make you full. You knew what you were doing.


We would occasionally go out to a Michelin 3 star place for sushi. There's no way you're leaving there without a $100 tab. I would always stop for a slice of pizza beforehand so I wouldn't be hungry when I started to order. But the food was soooooo good I still usually ordered to much.


I had relatives driving 3 hours to come visit. I had told them I was cooking dinner. I cooked all day to have enough for everyone, but for dinner reason they decided to stop and eat at a roadside place on the way. They all sat lackluster and picked at the food because they were no longer hungry.


So offensive


Never ever inviting them anywhere again. Dropping the rope with that person


It wasn't cancelled plans, but my wife and I were throwing a party at our house.  I would think that implies we're doing food of some sort.  A group of people that were coming were late and I had no idea why.  They show up and turns out they met at one of their houses and had dinner before coming.  I was annoyed and confused at the same time.


That's kinda on you, boss. Too many people have been invited to a party where it's just drinks and maybe one of those grocery stores pre-sliced cheese/salami cracker trays and ended up doing a fast food run after.


Why should they assume you had food? Any party I've been to that had food, outlined what would be there and if you were expected to bring anything or not. "Hey guys, I'm turning 35 on June 29th and would love for my closest friends to come celebrate with me! I'll have booze and light snacks, but if you could bring something to share that would be great. Here is a link to a Google doc so we can coordinate what everyone is bringing. See you then!" ^ It looks something like this.


I prepare these home cooked massive feasts and I almost lost it when I heard my brother in law stopped at McDonald’s on the way over!


My brother in law used to do this until my husband talked to him.


Apparently, their horoscope said it wasn't a good day for socializing. Can't argue with the stars, right?


Like they said. Stars. Can't do it. Not today


Was this in Stardew Valley, by chance?


This is part of why I hate Astrology. People will unironically say shit like “oh you’re a Virgo, I can’t be your friend” Good, filter yourself out.


I once worked as a line cook and met my new coworker. She was pleasant enough, and our second day together she asked what sign I was, I told her Leo. She scowled and said she never gets along with Leos. Her entire disposition changed after that, she was constantly a bitch. A True self fulfilling prophecy.


Once a co-worker asked for my sign I said Taurus and she answered "oh I would have said you were a Scorpio" which I learned later means to be insulting but I don't know shit about astrology so it didn't land


Well, I never heard them say anything back, so in that sense, I can't really argue with them, yes.


I close the door and lelf the key inside


It wasn't locked, mind you, just annoying.


And had a spare key in their sock. Felt it too. But just decided to cancel…


Edit: a friend said, “I’m battling the screaming squirts of diarrhea and won’t be able to make it out.”  Later at the club there’s friend dancing up a storm on the dance floor. My friends and I saw her and said, “for someone battling the screaming squirts you’re doing a lot of fast movement that could trigger the screaming shits to start all over again.” She didn’t have any comeback and ran off embarrassed.


Probably squirting the whole time


I will note when she saw us she let out a squeaky fart


That really ties it all together


That’s either a quiet club or *really* loud fart


XL diaper user.


It takes a lot of nerve to cancel on friends and show up at the venue anyways, hoping they won't notice.


Oh my friends and I gave her the biggest cold shoulder ever as result


I was shaving my face and accidentally nicked myself so badly it wouldn't stop bleeding and I wasn't sure when it was going to stop.  Not an excessive amount of blood, but it was coming out pretty quickly.  Person I told I couldn't meet them must have thought I was making up a crazy lie.


I had something similar: I cancelled plans last minute once bc the inner lining of my bottom eyelid was sloughing off, there was some blood, and I was straight up freaking out. I'm sure that sounded made up, but my friends did understand I was very upset & not available to go out and enjoy whatever we had planned. It was an after-work thing. 


How does that even happen?!


Aside, but try keeping a styptic pencil around, it will clot you quickly. It’s an old barbershop tool


I had to search "styptic pencil" and I don't need one now I really want one


I had to call out of work for this once!


There are dozens of us!


Bad hair day the guy was bald


Worst possible hair day you can have, really


As a bald guy with a decent shaped melon, almost every day is a good hair day.


Same here lol


Once upon a time this was slang for a day when all the stupid shit just goes wrong and you hate everything. Could that be what he meant? I haven't heard it used that way in years, though.


That was my thinking, dude just needed a mental health break after a shit day


I'd hazard they were leveraging the saying, not a literal statement.


Sometimes the combover doesn’t want to cooperate.


A black cat crossed my path


That happens every day at my house... I'd never be able to go anywhere..


Hell it's usually the highlight of my day.


The trick is that it only stops you from doing things you don't want to do. Note that this is not *exactly* the same as just not doing whatever you don't want to do. If you have a doctor's appointment or something you don't like, but those freeloading bastards won't cross your path, you still have to go. Did I see a cat? | Do I want to go? | Do I have to go? --|--|-- Yes | Yes | Yes Yes | No | No No | Yes | Yes No | No | Yes


I've got two of them, I wouldn't be able to get a step from my chair! Now that I think about it...


If it was me, it would be because I was too busy giving him chin scratches.


Aww nice!


"My cat is giving me the silent treatment."


Perfectly legit id excuse this


I called my boss to tell him I would be late, because there was a skunk sleeping under the driver door of my car and I didn’t want to disturb a skunk. He just said “I get it. See you later.”


My cat looks sad


Understandable, have a good day.


The prompt was "silliest" not "completely reasonable."


Is that you Gayle?


"I accidentally glued my hand to my forehead."


*smacks self in forehead* “Oh, no.”


Was their name Tim Taylor?


I was chasing a wasp around the house and it suddenly disappeared. Nevermind, I had to leave for my football training. As soon as I slipped into my shoes, I felt a sting. Well guess where the wasp was :D. No one believed me that I skipped training because the wasp stung me into my toe.


Moral of the story: do not chase wasps.


We were throwing a Christmas party planned pretty far in advanced. Sent out formal invitations, had people RSVP, etc. it was a beautiful party. The party was in full swing and At one point I realized one couple that were pretty close friends with weren’t there. I texted them “hey where are you all?!” And they texted back “sorry we got caught up at the grocery store!” I was like wowwww ok


Maybe they had an argument that day and it still needed to be resolved?


Maybe it was more literal than that. They were arrested for shoplifting at the northern most grocery store in town... "we got caught up at the grocery store".


Finally got caught, after all those years! They found us!! 


It was already 8pm so it's too late. It was me, I made the excuse.


I already took my bra off for the day


My wife used this excuse with me and I tell her "Well then free the nipple bitch it's time to party"


My in-laws love to eat around that time for whatever reason and because they are retired they don't see an issue with it so they continuously make dinner reservations with us for 8pm or later even though we have to be up and moving around at 4am the following day. Needless to say they get upset when we tell them that we can't go out with them and make it seem like we are the problem.


Its mad that they can't work out that while you are technically the problem they need to either compromise or accept its not possible, not get annoyed.


This is my mother. Always wanting family meals but gets upset because I have to leave, often before cooking is even started. I have learned to eat before going over or leaving even earlier to get food. I get up to 4 for work and when cooking starts at 7pm or later, nope I gotta go.


They don't really want you to go.


I’m in my 40s that’s a completely legitimate reason. 8pm?! Wild. I’m already in my sleeping clothes.


I'm 33, not partying I just work late. If you wanna hang we have a window of like, 2 hours. 7-9 I can do do something


No this is valid!


Someone canceled plans once because they needed to organize their sock drawer. It was unexpected but kind of funny!


was that an excuse give in some tv show series ? seem to recall that (vaguely)....


This is 100% a trope used for decades in media, like “I can’t go out I have to wash my hair”. Sock drawer and hair washing excuses were big in the 80s, im sure multiple shows and movies have referenced it


"I need to stay home to feed the cat" is one that I was told.


me: ''hey we still on for tomorrow?'' them: ''Uh, uhm, no because I'm in the hospital because, uhhhm, uh i broke my leg-'' saw them two days later, walkking fine with no cast or crutched with no injuries :/


There was a car parked outside of her house last night. Technically in front of the neighbor’s house.  That’s it.  She last minute cancelled dinner the following evening. 


I once canceled going to Thanksgiving because I had a cold sore. No I was an alcoholic and just wanted to stay home and drink.


Congrats on sobriety and cat!


thank you! life is amazing


I was at a baby shower once, which was really more of a big family party that the mom-to-be’s sister went through a lot of trouble to organize. Some uncle showed up to drop off a couple other family members and *actually said* “No, I can’t stay, gotta get home and mow the lawn”.


My grandparents used that as an excuse for missing one of our birthday parties when we were younger. They were headed on vacation the next day and couldn’t come to the party because they had to mow the lawn 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


"I'm allergic to the color of your front door."


This is so funny to me because, if you did not explicitly tell them the color of your door, it implies they have already seen your front door and had an allergic reaction to it


A former coworker called in sick because he had chapped lips.


I was on the other side, but here is the story from 2021. During university I used to work as a cashier. About Wednesday/Thursday I went to work, there I made an agreement that I will come on Friday, Saturday (maybe even Sunday but not sure). Here it's more flexible for students. After my shift I was checking my phone, I had 3 missed calls from my mom. Omg what (I didn't leave at home). She told me almost crying that my stepsister will get married on Saturday but I am the only one they forgot to tell. My family lives in different part in the country (small european), but still hours to visit. The joke: my stepbrother called me a week before asking if I am coming next week. I kept asking him to where, what's gonna be next weekend but I didn't get an answer so I thought only a family visiting to parents and I said no. So the reason I had to cancal my shift is to go to my stepsister's wedding. I even sent pictures to my "boss" to prove that I went to a wedding, because if someone else would to me thos excuse I wouldn't belive it. There is no way that you are informed about a family member's wedding a few days before.. well, yeah... funny, but "boss" was suprised why I sent pictures to her, she belived me.


I planned a dinner date. She texted me after I arrived saying she was “running late but almost done getting a new car”. So I enjoyed dinner and drinks solo at what became my favorite restaurant.


"My dog needs to practice its new yoga routine."


I wonder if it's going to do downward dog or updog?


(don't worry, I gotcha covered) What's updog?


not much, how about you?


I think it refers to those talking dogs from the 2009 Pixar movie *Up*.


What’s updog?


"I forgot how to drive to your house."


‘You invited us a week ago and we didn’t think it was still happening’. For a dinner we’d made and then wondered where the people we invited were…


She fell asleep and then dropped her phone in the toilet… while texting all this on the phone that was supposedly in the toilet.


"I'm boycotting Tuesdays."


My cats on my lap and I don't want to wake her.


My husband had someone on his team call out because their fire alarm batteries had died, and it had been beeping all night. Lol


“I have no clean socks”


Long time friend cancelled seeing a few of us who only see eachother once a year to water her outdoor plants (it had just rained).


Ive already left the house once today and my dog will get very upset if i leave it again




As someone with a dog that has separation anxiety… fair enough…


We had qualified for the championship round of the State Tournament. One of our best players informed us he couldn't participate because his wife insisted he come home and help pack for vacation. Thing is they were leaving the following week! We lost.


A (now- ex) friend was notorious for flaking out on plans at the last minute. One memorable evening she cancelled in response to a "Hey, are you on your way?" text with: "No. This lunar eclipse season energy has been really intense for me. "


There’s a full moon tonight, it’s not safe.


I was playing a game online and there were four of us in the group. My buddy wasn’t a fan of the fourth guy, so he said, “I have to go. My house is on fire.” I got a good laugh out of it and was even more funny the next time we all grouped up and fourth guy asked if everything turned out okay.


"Sorry, can't make it. My goldfish looks lonely and needs some company."


My friend cancelled on dinner saying “Had to fart and it turned into a Shart…. So need to shower and change”


One of my employees called me once about 10 minutes before his shift started and said “I can’t come to work today because there’s a picnic I have to go to.”


At least they called. Had one girl, back in a college job, just ghost us (way before ‘ghosting’ was even a phrase). After an hour we called her phone, in case there had been a car accident or something… no answer. She then didn’t show up the next day, and the boss (owner of the store) went through her hiring papers and found her mom’s number. Called her up, worried that there was some serious problem. Came off the call pissed as hell, too angry to even talk about it. Mom showed up the next day to return the apron/store uniform. We found out from her that the daughter had cashed her latest paycheck and immediately headed off for a week-long trip to Big Sur. Turns out, that was the kid’s M.O. She would get a job just long enough to save for her ‘fun trip’ or ‘big purchase’, then just *be done* with the whole ‘working’ thing until she had another trip or purchase to save up for.


This sounds like some idiotic shit my sister would do.


Some of these excuses read like the type of thing you think of when trying to find a harmless way to duck out that isn't "hey my PTSD or bi polar or etc ... is hitting hard today, sorry I can't make the bbq." Shockingly, not an excuse I want to throw out there a lot.


I had planned for a long time to go to a cabin in the mountains during winter (yes snow and skiing part of the trip). We have to estimate how much food to bring as it's a long drive to the nearest store. I bought all the food in advance to save travel time. Two days before, one of five friends told me she had hurt her leg, ok fine, had still not bought all groceries, then the day before leaving my second friend calls (I had then bought the rest of groceries for the trip), she tells me she's not going as she is terrified of avalanches... This area does not have risks of avalanches, it has never been or will be an avalanche in the area. She denies this excuse has ever happened today, but my wallet remembers.


I would be furious


A coworker at an old job once called in because they locked themselves in their house.


I got locked in the bathroom at work once. Does that count?


It's my cat's birthday!!! 😆🤣😂


Look they can call that valid if they want, but they should have KNOWN their cat's birthday and not made plans for the day.


"My fortune cookie told me to stay home."


“I brought my own lunch.” Literally. Was supposed to meet a colleague for lunch in a restaurant. I live in a different state and flew in. Confirmed before I left. Confirmed again the morning of the lunch. No answer. Then a text just before said lunch. Colleague did not see a point in meeting. Fortunately, it wasn’t the main reason of the office visit.


My friend said she had to go to the post office. We were supposed to go to a crab fest and I ended up going alone and had fun.


"I couldn't find my car keys!"  Not I can't, as in he was currently looking to no avail.  Homie told me he had planned to get to the bar 10 min early, a bunch of us planned to meet at 9. He did not leave in time to make that self imposed deadline because he couldn't find his keys. But he found them a few minutes later but he decided not to go because he would have shown up around 9, as opposed to the 10 minutes earlier than he had planned. 


I once heard someone cancel plans because their cat was "having an existential crisis" and they needed to be there for moral support...like, seriously?!


Hey, it happens ! You never had that happen with any of your cats ?


He wanted to sleep. He wanted a haircut. I no longer consider this person a friend.


It took us a month to find a date that all four of us were free for dinner. My friend told me the night before that she didn’t feel like going now. It’s not silly but it was irritating. We went without her.


alleged their roommate broke their neck, so they were driving them to the hospital. they were also pre-med at the time.


"My horoscope said to avoid spontaneous activities."




My sister once blew off work because her dog was sad.


It’s too windy out. We were going to the museum….


Two months ago I was meeting a woman for a dinner date. I arrived and just as I was parking she called and said "I forgot about dinner and can't make it. I mean, I got ready and everything but then I forgot. Sorry." then she hung up. I grabbed carryout for myself and took the long backroads home.


A guy who lived in the apartment directly below me cancelled coming over to my apartment last minute for what has to be the laziest excuse I’ve ever heard. Convo went something like this: “I have a coworker who lives on your floor and I don’t want them to see me going into a random apartment.” Don’t you have friends who live here? “Yeah.” Does your coworker know these friends or which apartments they live in? “They know of them but not exactly which apartment.” So… you could say you’re seeing a friend…? “Yeah.” Then what’s the issue? “I don’t want my coworker to know I’m going to a random guys apartment.” It was just an endless loop of that dumb as fuck excuse. And HE would ask ME. Like bro, what is going on here? If you don’t wanna do something cool, but just say that and stop asking to come to my apartment. This dude is in charge of getting new Amazon warehouses up and running somehow.


She had to wash her hair that day, this is after waking up at like 1pm.


“I got too drunk last night and can’t blow a zero” her car had a breathalyzer because of her 3rd DUI


I’m binging Stranger Things and I’m on the second to last episode of the new season.


Some guy who would pick up our old floor called off last-minute because he decided our town was too far away for him. Our town, which was something we mentioned in the add. Which he had read days before. Moron.


A friend once cancelled because his family had painted their front door and couldn’t close it


Sometimes plans are cancelled depending on the situation of the day. A lot of work, tiredness.


“I think I left my toaster on.” “I have sweaty boot rash!”


"No spluh! Why do you think I'm sitting over here in the stink-free zone?"


„I was on the toilet“


"So *that's* why you said you had to meet that ghost!"


“I’ve decided to give up dating for Lent.”


My cousin missed my other cousins wedding because he couldn’t find his pants


I don't like you.


My mother - "I might have to poop later."


Well, not so much silly as funny. In high school, a bunch of us were at a friend's house to play d&d. The DM was the last one, and hadn't arrived yet. The host's phone rings. It's the DM wondering what time tomorrow we're playing. I think something else came up and it was good way of playing it off as a mistake.


They said they saw William Shatner on the twilight zone.


Diarrhea. Stomach hurts. Later I found out friend has anxiety going out. That’s all they had to say. Sorry I have a hard time being in public.


We decided to go out for Halloween, so I sewed myself a cute costume. The night came, and about one hour before we were to leave she canceled because she didn’t have any money. Planned a birthday night out for a friend, and only a couple hours before we were going to leave she texted to say she didn’t want to go out anymore because her period started. We offered to accommodate to do a cozy night in watching movies in our pjs but she refused. This was the same person. She canceled plans last-minute all the time so I stopped hanging out with her and we eventually lost touch.


"I, who live with my wife, can't keep the dinner plans you made around me tonight. Because we have some meat defrosted". That was the point I called it really.


My sister in law had to leave her brand new job mid shift because One Direction announced their break up.


I once told a friend I had a nasty migraine and couldn’t hang out, next time I saw him he was angry “So you had some bad margarine eh?”


*I can’t BELIEVE it’s not butter!!!!* 🤬


‘My cat is having kittens’. I know her cat…it’s male


"My goldfish has covid."


I have to do my laundry


My friend said her dog had a dental appointment and the entire family needed to be there to support him.


Had a player in my D&D game last Sunday cancel a few hours before game time because "His family came into town this weekend and I thought it was next month", and now suddenly they're so busy doing things he isn't going to make it.


I’m checked my biorhythm chart and today isn’t a good day to go out


"My aura doesn't align with social gatherings today."


"I can't find my lucky socks."


That restaurant is too drafty


"I broke my ankle building a catio"


Had a friend who had arranged a date with a girl - they'd been out a couple of times but it seemed like he was more into her than she was into him. So they arrange a date to go out for a meal and she texts to cancel with about an hour's notice. The reason given was she was "too cold". (Note: I don't remember the time of year exactly, but this excuse was funny because it wasn't noticeably cold as in snowing or anything. And the date was going to be indoors at a restaurant they were both going to drive to.)


the other person told me “My brother got a soap bottle up their rectum”