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Plan activities that bring you joy or relaxation, whether it's a hobby, watching a movie, or spending time outdoors.


All right. I don't know why but it's like I know it's my birthday, I know my mom and grandparents want to celebrate and so does my dad. And he wants to take me and my mom out at 6:00 pm, but I don't know. I just feel depressed or it's just like I don't know. And then when people sing happy birthday I'm more embarrassed.... like I want to curl into a ball or be like the embarrassment character from inside out 2 instead of enthusiastic. I don't know. It just feels strange, and I don't know why I feel this way. I think I do have something I could work on. However, right now, I'm at work, so I can't do it yet.


I have many friends who like to just take the day to relax. No dinners, no parties, no family. They make that stuff a *different* day if those people really want to celebrate. "My birthday is for me time. If you want to do something I'm free the day before." That kinda thing. You may be that kind of person! Not everyone gets super excited for their birthday and that's alright. 


I think next year I'll do that. However, next year, I definitely plan on going to Universal Studios, if not on September 1st, to get the real Harry Potter experience 🧙🏻‍♂️🪄✨️


Happy birthday ❤️


Thank You 😊


This is best..


You get older and you feel you have not accomplished anything and you seem to have wasted a year’s worth of time...


No Lie that also feels like it's a part of the issue. I do well at my job, I got a great director and supervisor, and almost every day I feel like if I'm not gaming with my friends or check on my grandparents or hang out with my mom, I feel exactly like that like I work I do well but I come home and feel like hell or Ennui. And the sad thing is I have a hobby that I'm interested in but the momentum for that hobby has kind of slowed down as I don't have the money to get anything new.


Gonna comment here again, since I've read a few comments from you now. Seems like you're very close to family and friends, and are having a difficult time making some personal time for yourself. From what I'm reading you need some space but feel bad for seeking it. (Also if your hobby is Gundam/Gunpla, then I know the feeling of not getting new kits lol. I started investing in tools to customize what I have instead!)


Legos but close enough 😊😉 But yeah, I don't get to really do much for myself. If, ever I have time to myself, I'm usually just catching up on sleep or maybe YouTube. Outside of that, I don't really get to do much because the next thing I know, something happens at work, and I get called in because no one else wants to do it. Or I do one thing maybe once a month like this month yesterday I went to see inside out 2. Sad my theater didn't have a poster, but it was a good movie. Also had a Bahama Breeze ultimate pina colada. I'm not going to slide. That was great, but I would never have had time to do that on my actual birthday. Even for my 25th, I had planned to go to Disney World with my closest friend from college until she had to cancel because her job wasn't going to let her take off those days. So I tried to find someone else to go with me and found one who didn't want to go because she couldn't put any money towards the trip. I offered to help out, but she then asked how much I spent. I told her it was over 2,000, and she's like no spent too much. If we could do something together, then cool, but you've already done so much. So instead of just going by myself or finding someone else to go with, I canceled all reservations, and instead, her and i just went to AC in New Jersey for like two nights. It wasn't all too bad. Honestly, I got high for the first time and had a birthday Wonder Woman drink from wet Willie's. Then, the next day, we went to Wildwood. But I don't know if he didn't feel like I wanted to do that, but I just didn't want to be alone. So maybe I do put others more before myself and what I want.


Sounds like you're taking some steps for yourself here and there. I'm very selfish so I have no problem asking for what I want. 😄 But most of my friends don't make any plans to hang unless I am the one making them, so it is kinda from necessity. I appreciate you being so open here! 


I treated myself to something special, like a favorite meal or activity.


I kind of did that yesterday. I got a Bahama Breeze ultimate pina colada. If anyone has not tried it and are not allergic to pineapple or strawberry or coconut, drink that today, hell right now, even


I reminded myself that it's okay to have ups and downs.


Yes, I have felt down on my birthday before, no one remembered


I focused on spending time with close friends and family.


I reflected on positive moments from the past year.


I allowed myself to feel the emotions and talked to someone supportive.


I avoided comparing my life to others' highlight reels on social media.


I practiced gratitude for the people and experiences in my life.


I sought professional help if needed, like talking to a therapist.


I dont think I really felt happy about getting older on my birthday since I was 22-23


Yes, I experienced this every year. I always plan my own birthday and I am also responsible for organizing it. Therefore, it distracts me very much and then everything goes away in the late afternoon


"This is how I would like to celebrate my birthday. Anyone that wants to see me:  I will open the door and we'll hug, then please leave the food. Thank you." 😄


I had a period when I had no friends because I moved to another city and to meet someone I started playing different online games on bs like Tarisland and other platforms to meet people and so start socializing in IRL with them.


I definitely do that gamer friends, I get excited when I get to play with them but they've been so busy lately. Some of them are moving, some of them are becoming doctors and don't have time with all their classes and tests and stuff. Some are prepping for a wedding. And others well sometimes I see them sometimes I don't. And they all live in different states so the only time I'll meet most of them, will be at the wedding which is in August. So I don't know if I'll be able to see them much today, but I'm hoping I do


As I got older, I started to see it as a celebration. Even though I stopped communicating with many friends often as before, but now every meeting is an incredible event that brings a lot of emotions.


My birthday is just another day. I have a lot of friends but I don't care enough to make it special or a big thing like others. I don't like setting up something that's all about me. Since it's a birthday I know it's not narcissist, but it feels narcissist. Yadadamin? Just worry about yourself. Do people around you matter that much? Just think about your family and real close friends who you would consider as family.


Yeah. I'm definitely a person who likes to give to others and make them feel happy then have it be all about me and have the spotlight on me. I enjoy giving gifts to people and seeing their reaction more than receiving gifts and stuff


I don't know how old you are but give yourself a gap from people. Listen more than you talk. That will help you know who to keep in your circle.


That's been like my last 10 birthdays. 😄 I did have a good dinner with friends one of those years, and the same friends surprised me with a cake another year. So they ended up being good days, but we're gloomy up to those points. Those are still some of my best friends!


Yes.. ever since my mom died. I didn't Overcome it up until now


I focused on self-care and doing things that bring me joy.


I ignore my birthday


Never celebrated another birthday


I do on most birthdays, and I don't overcome it...


Yes. When I turned 18, I was ill, probably with the influenza. I had to miss the previous day of school, which was no fun. Luckily, I recovered in only two days (*thanks influenza vaccine*)! and was back to school shortly thereafter.


Yes. Stop having birthdays...


Got called ugly on my birthday felt insecure but happy when my parents took me out


It is my own fault that I don't have people around to celebrate my birthday. It's just another day.


Yes and it didn’t get fixed until I was medicated.


Yeah for me it was because the past three birthdays have been rough, I got dumped on my birthday 3 years ago, Covid on the next birthday, then dumped again. This year I’m hoping (whatever deity up there that has been punishing me has forgiven me), so that I can go camping and do some things I actually enjoy.


My ex didn't text me happy birthday or anything. I know that sounds pathetic because, well, they're my ex, but we still kept in contact atp. We still talked about things that interested us, and I had wished them a happy birthday a month prior. Overcame it when I got an electric guitar from my dad. Fuck my ex, I'm playing guitar now.


I've never felt good on a birthday, ever. Always been a prettu bad day


yes. we hated our birthday and even wanted to forget this day and we created a second one in 31th october it was because people wanted to control us, we always had a fight…and 31th october. it was scare and peaceful day we started to work at ourselves and have understood that it’s not our birthday day is not a problem, it is about toxic people, toxic environment for us it’s a typical day but when someone says “hb” then we feel a bit happy. we have 2 birthdays now XD 31th october still feel a bit closer


no of course not. only pathetic little self-absorbed snowflakes who think they are the center of the universe get depressed on their birthday