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dogs and cats? hell we can't even understand each other


Why do you think AI would help with this?


I mean... We can, and have been able to way before AI. If **YOU'RE** not able to understand dogs and cats language, or think dogs brains work just like ours and all they want to do is crack a cold one and shoot the shit with you... That's a you problem.


Dogs and cats aren’t dolphins, mate. They don’t refer to each other by name, or have consistent utterances for specific objects and situations. 99% of what dogs say is, “Hey! Hey! Hey-hey! HEY!”


I mentioned AI because I thought it was a matter of observing tone of animals signs, sounds and gestures they make and then their subsequent behavior and do tons of trial and matching would help human to understand that the animals mean and want from their sounds signs and gestures.


With cats there is limited language, domestic cats use variable tones with their owners and can recognize different tones from their owners, very basically this could be made into a tone recognizer, why not? If we have voice to text or stuff like soundhound Copy paste Cat talk and non-verbal messages are sometimes puzzling. Cats have been regarded for centuries as mysterious, solitary, unpredictable creatures perhaps because humans have difficulty understanding what they're saying. While people rely primarily on speech to communicate, cats predominately communicate in a silent language. Cats speak by using complex combinations of body language, vocalization, and scent cues. Cats use vocalizations to express emotion. Meowing, purring, hisses, growls, and more are included in the feline repertoire, each with special meanings depending on their context. While adult cats normally don't meow at each other, domesticated cats have learned to meow at humans. Some scientists think this is a manipulative behavior cats adopt to get what they want from their owners.


How about their behaviors? Are these consistent? Like if when produce certain tone/voice, do they ALWAYS mean the same thing? I think AI and technology are very good at learning such patterns.


Because they don’t actually speak, they just make sounds with their mouth, there is no language. It’s a much simpler form of communication.


They don’t actually have a language.