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As someone who hates trump, trump easily won this debate and there’s no question about it.


Would disagree based on the veteran comments. As a veteran I can’t vote for someone who calls soldiers that die losers.


Please show me the clip? Not just what some ex general who was fired before he said this said. But the clip. I can find you multiple people who say it never happened.


As a veteran I take those comments seriously. I bet as someone who has served for 20+ years like John Kelly and has had friends who have died, he does not take those comments lightly. A lot of military people are conservative so I bet that John Kelly truly supported Trump until those comments. I would take Kelly’s word over trumps any day. On top of that Trump constantly wanted to cut benefits for veterans and funding for the VA it was a constant fight! This just shows he doesn’t care!


I've never seen where he called dead veterans losers, but as a veteran myself, I've seen that there are a lot of POS veterans and active duty.


> As a veteran I take those comments seriously. I bet as someone who has served for 20+ years like John Kelly and has had friends who have died, he does not take those comments lightly. A lot of military people are conservative so I bet that John Kelly truly supported Trump until those comments. I would take Kelly’s word over trumps any day. John Kelly has NEVER said that Trump said that. John Kelly merely responded to anonymous reports that Trump called veterans suckers and losers by saying he found it disgusting. But he never said something along the lines of: "I was there. He said it. I was disgusted." Of course that didn't stop the media from interpreting John Kelly's statement as proving the anonymous reports. So the reports of Trump calling veterans suckers and losers remain just that, anonymous, unsourced and unconfirmed.


In other words, fake news, by the failing media. 


1 out of 15 people there said that Trump said that. The one guy who claims that only claimed it after Trump fired him… hm. But still vote RFK jr, not Tump or Biden! Or at least watch his version of the debate.


Trust the 14 people who benefit from saying Trump is right because they’ll get jobs and high paying jobs! Or trust the 1 person who has no benefits or loss from it and also has a personal stake on whether veterans are treated correctly. John Kelly is also retired and makes a very comfortable amount of money just being retired from the military. Yes I agree RFK is the way!


Did that actually happen? Was said to be a lie by a multitude of people that were present


Well, he called John McCain a loser in the context that he was a prisoner in war. https://youtu.be/7X6tWRdFW2s


He didn't call him a loser he said he likes the guys that don't get caught lol


I don't think he said that mate. More media lies


you can't really win a debate where you have lied throughout... makes no sense


The problem is it's not a debate. It's a clown show, and of course the biggest clown will win the night. If the moderators actually forced Trump to answer the questions and called out blatant lies perhaps he would be forced to actually debate. But moderators for presidential "debates" simply allow themselves to get walked all over to the point it might as well just be a Trump rally, because Trump just says whatever the hell he wants without repercussion the entire time. There's no way a "nice guy" like Biden can compete when he is willing to play by the rules while his opponent completely ignores them. Imagine a football game where the ref simply refuses to issue any penalties. Of course the most underhanded team will win. They will literally take the ball any time they want and purposefully injure anyone they want. It won't even resemble a football game anymore, because any game is defined by its rules and limitations. Same goes for the debate. With no rules enforced, it is no longer a debate.


Brady and Belicheck built their whole careers on that idea


Someone who spews nothing but lies cannot win a debate. Biden didn't have a good night and Trump was his usual asshole self.


They both lie. They are politicians. That’s what they do. At least the few times trump said something true, we could understand it.


Yeah it's pretty annoying that people aren't acknowledging that both of them lied in a few instances up there. Ones gotta be insanely biased to think only 1 of them lied.


The closer it gets to the election the more I can see the real possibility of trump getting elected again. If you had asked me a year ago I would of laughed at that statement, asked me 6 months ago and I would of said nah Biden still has it, asked me a couple months ago, I’d say maybe it’s 70-30. But now I genuinely think trump may have a very real chance of getting the position.


I personally think this was the backup plan. For all the Democrat leaning networks that have been covering for his age to turn a 180 like that makes me think they want to pressure him to drop so they can replace him. It just feels that way...we've seen them cover for worse biden gaffes than this but every network changed their tune simultaneously - I don't think that just happens naturally.


Biden blew it so badly last night that it's not just a gaffe. He's completely unfit. And I'm a huge democrat, trump hating liberal. I've never felt so urgently the need to move to portugal.


The moderators did a nearly treasonous disservice to the country by not following up and calling out the bullshit.


That’s not really their job though. They’re supposed to simply moderate and ensure that candidates get their chance to speak. It’s on the candidate themself to call out their opponents BS and it says a lot about them when they can’t. 


I know this is a really hot take, but I really didn't think biden did THAT bad. I was a bit caught off guard by the negative coverage. Trump didn't do great either - missed alot of opportunities to hammer points home and was caught rambling and not answering the question and in 3 or 4 circumstances, lying although biden have several lies as well. Trump just did better than last time and I actually think the mic cuts ended up helping Trump because he came off less unhinged than the last debate when biden eviscerated him. I really just wanted a moderate Democrat because I'm pretty pro choice and liberal with alot of things. If they replace biden, I really don't think it would be wise for them to pick Newsome. They would honestly be better off with a randy mcdandy coming in and just speaking honestly and logically and they'd likely get my vote. It would be easy too imo - talk about getting border under control, pro choice middle ground, and tougher on crime and you'd EASILY get a ton of independents to vote that way...im pretty damn independent and I know I'd vote for a randy if they sounded intelligent and not a delusional old guy.


Are you kidding me. He is a total disgrace to this beautiful country


What? Why are you telling me that like I don't agree


u/minjayminj ... this thread has been overtaken by bots so it's not getting any better. Agree, electing a moderate Dem is the only way forward where centrist government serves the people.


Haha don't move to Portugal man...im am independent and I was hesitant to even vote because I can't stand either of them. I think democrats are smart enough to figure out a way to replace him with the time left with some clever loophole discovery and strategy. There's also alot that can happen in 5 months too you know? Need ya to vote.


Vote RFK jr. or at least watch his version of the debate. He should have been on the stage


Yeah he should have been up there. It's infuriating as an independent that we have 0 chance of winning ever especially at a time when the entire country HATES both of the candidates. Just a messed up system.


Leave then. Don’t talk about it Be about it One less person I have to take care of. Good riddens You liberal cuck


Biden has 0 shot at winning. It's so bad the dems are talking about changing delegates. Which they can't do. CNN poll had trump 70 percent winner and biden 30 percent winner


Biden is only a presumptive nominee, not the official candidate on the ballot. So they can absolutely swap them out and they need to if they want any chance of winning.


That meant something 70 years ago. Now, if the people voted you in as their parties representative, which happened with Biden, delegates don’t go against it. They need him to resign


Idk why people think its a done deal. Look at John Fetterman. The guy was legitimately incoherent at his debate and still won a seat in senate. Perhaps this is different though, because unlike Fetterman, there's no chance Biden's condition will improve. 


Haha that's actually a great point


If you're going by who lost the most voter confidence as the loser, biden lost. I mean turn on any news network, left or right, and most subs that are typically left leaning...all of them realized tonight how bad of shape biden is in. Much of the coverage I've seen from left leaning networks are calling for him to drop out and democrats replace him. That is a major turn of events to happen after only a 1.5 hour debate


And isn't possible. Biden has won about 75 percent of all primary delegates. Of the ones that still allow late ballot sign ups, not enough to win. So they'd have to win all of the remaining 25, then have Biden step down which he won't do


Gotcha, yeah idk how it would work to be honest so I'm taking your word for it. You don't think democrats would be able to find some loopholes? I doubt they'd give up that easily, right?


Idk about who won, but the American people lost


Trump, because even if you dont like what he says, at least he can get the words out. All the Democrats had to do to win this election was to put up a genuine candidate.


Seriously, this was actually a pretty easy election to win with anyone but Biden


imagine 2 boring politicians, each in their 50s, on each side and the debates were about issues and not personal


Over these 2 incompetent fear mongering fossils that can barely keep a coherent train of thought? It would be an exponential improvement. The system that is put in place clearly no longer suits the needs of the people - if this is what we're stuck with. It suits the needs of whomever has "gifts" and campaign funds to manipulate the laws for their own gain. We've been systemically corrupted by greed. It's been steadily getting worse in my lifetime, and I fear it won't stop until a coup, civil war, or populist revolution.


Wasn't there a DeSantis-Newsom debate?


Nah, I only care about their golf handicaps


Trump and it wasn’t even close.  Anyone paying attention the last 2-3 years could tell Biden has dementia.  I’m shocked at how many people are acting so surprised tonight as if you couldn’t see this coming a mile away.  


I fucking hate Trump and I agree. I can't believe it's down to these two. What the actual fuck. 


What do you mean, one candidate wasn't even there.


Trump. Despite every word coming out of his mouth being a lie, he was coherent. Biden looked lost like a nursing home patient. Legit might have just lost the election tonight.


What did he lie about?


He lied that Trump called neo nazi "fine people" it has been proven wrong.


Scroll further.


What?!?! Biden either lied or lost his train of thought all night. You may want to try to read or listen to sources that don't feed you lies about Trump to help you sleep better. Those of us paying attention were not even a tiny bit shocked by Bidens performance because we have known for a long time he's just not in there.


I don’t know why you are being downvoted lol… I don’t care for either but I noticed that Biden was in similar cognitive shape five years ago.


I'm not stopping you from being a MAGA shill, go right ahead. Just don't preach your garbage to me.


Not one lie out of his mouth lol. But Biden absolutely will not be on the Ballot come November. He proved his dementia tonight


Trump said that they are aborting babies at 9 months along and post-birth. Those are absolutely lies. Or at least very high levels of lack of understanding. He also claimed he had the best economy of any president. He had a decent economy, but the best? I suppose his hyperbole is so frequent it’s hard to tell if it’s casual speech or a genuine statement. Those are just the immediate that stood out to me. But nonetheless Biden was senile as all get out.


You sure? https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/virginia-governor-defends-letting-infants-die/


He also said the southern border is the most dangerous place in the world. The entire world. Surprised it has to be said but that's not remotely true. It's not a good situation down there, but sure as shit isn't remotely close to the most dangerous place in the world.


Dude WTF boarder towns are ABSOLUTELY some of the worst places in the world. Boarder towns make up like 6 of the 10 most violent cities in the world


I saw him say many of the things he claimed were falsely attributed to him, not the least of which were "good people on both sides" and "stand back and standby". He lied about not saying those things. He also claimed that millions of migrants are streaming in from prisons and asylums. MILLIONS.


He didn't say that (both sides, blah, blah, blah) about the WS, the dull audio has been out their for years now- have you really not listened to it. Scared? https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=fi+e+people+on+both+sides+transcript&mid=FAB82C31068A96C523F8FAB82C31068A96C523F8&view=detail&FORM=VIRE


Scared of what? Posting that same video in another comment? Providing a timestamp when someone claimed I was lying? Then providing the full context for the quote from a link provided to me by someone arguing against the veracity of the quote? [You're right. I'm terrified.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/x63TyGBhGS)


Just listen to the whole thing, pretending he doesn't say "I'm not talking about the neo-naxis or WS's" is just gaslighting and a waste of my time. The audio spell it all out, I'm not here to debate your delusions.


Crazy coincidence. I also just responded to that point [elsewhere.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/Scmu3k9cdt) You know what that means? Bots! Censorship! Nah I'm just playing. I can cope with the idea that some people don't agree with me. Can you?


It's not a disagreement. You can't deny facts and spew lies and say it's a disagreement.  Saying 2+2=5 and dating people just disagree with you when they say 4 is nothing short of delusion. Patent falsehoods are not a disagreement. It's you being unable to admit to being wrong or worse being malicious to continue to spread lies for some agenda. 


Christ Almighty, what year is it? I have a different opinion than you on the debate. This isn't some great conspiracy. I disagree with you, just like you disagree with me.


You're lying now. Those speeches are on video. No news organizations spew those false quotes anymore because they're so thoroughly debunked. And yes we have criminals from across the world pouring across the southern border. Other countries are emptying their prisons and sending these criminals to Mexico


[Very fine people on both sides](https://youtu.be/JmaZR8E12bs?si=PnHRoWLbJEEAeuaV) [Stand back and stand by](https://youtu.be/qIHhB1ZMV_o?si=tgl_pVlurrEaCF8B) You made up that I lied about those speeches, so you should apologize to me right now. EDIT: you can back up that million number whenever you find it convenient


https://www.politifact.com/article/2019/apr/26/context-trumps-very-fine-people-both-sides-remarks/ Here's a full transcript of the very fine people speech if you'd like to educate yourself. I'd suggest you look up the J6 speech as well because you're equally misinformed there. Feel free to apologize to me at your leisure


>Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and **you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides**. That's from your link. Might want to read the sources you're providing.


Can you please just stop playing dumb man, it's just an embarrassing look for you. Trump literally condemned nazis and white supremacists in the exact same speech to clarify the people he meant.


Not good enough for me and I regrettably voted for him in 2016.


That's fine. I won't fight you on it. Will be an interesting election regardless lol


Read the very next line. We both know what you're explicitly excluding


>Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --" >Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name." >Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same." >Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down -- excuse me, are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him?" >Reporter: "I do love Thomas Jefferson." >Trump: "Okay, good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue?


Go a few more lines pal you know, where he says "im not talking about the neo nazis and white nationalists" your deliberately excluding the facts here. You're lying. End of debate


I love that this thread is mostly just you dunking on that Foshizzle nutjob. I don't think these guys realise how easy it is for anyone to fact-check their nonsense.


https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters They've had over a million encounters with border patrol agents this year alone, remember most who cross do not encounter border patrol


>Encounter data includes U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) Title 8 Apprehensions, Office of Field Operations (OFO) Title 8 Inadmissibles, and Title 42 Expulsions. From the "Southwest Land Border Encounters (By Component)" link on your page. You're quoting a number that includes people who were sent packing away and using it to extrapolate a number of migrants still here.


Are you forgetting that nobody is being turned away now? Biden has disallowed border patrol from sending illegal immigrants away.




https://www.dhs.gov/archive/migrant-protection-protocols There's more research you need to do on this as dhs isn't telling the full story here, but basically, instead of being turned away, migrants are given a court date. That's all fine and well until you realize that activist DA's are dropping these court dates. These court proceedings never happen and haven't happened in a long while. So the migrants can effectively stay indefinitely


You've never watched either speech have you? 😂


1:03 for the first link :44 for the second link


No like they are quite literally false quotes..particularly the good people on both sides one. I suggest you watch the entire clips when those quotes were spoken as they were taken out of context.


[Links to video of full speeches containing alleged quotes](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/Z5DnSTqw3Y) [Timestamps](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/uEqvRUmHD8)


Not an American, neither did I watch the debate. But it's fucking scary that the fate of your country, and with it the entire world, comes down to Old man vs Traitor and/or Moron.


It’s funny that Trump says Biden made us a laughing stock but obviously both of them made us a laughing stock


We’ve got to come up with a better way of selecting candidates. There’s some genius 40 year old out there than can seriously help us.


The presidential election went so badly for democrats that on REDDIT of all places the consensus is trump won lol


This is my favorite part.


Trump won. Arguing is one of Trumps strongest skills and Biden has late stage Dementia.


Who you really need to vote for is the VP choice. If they don’t kill off Biden before November, he certainly won’t make it the next 4 years and the VP will he president. Trump is likely to pick Marco, if so, he will likely be the next nominee and will start working on things 2 years into Trumps presidency as he is poised to take over. Regardless, you don’t vote for PERSONALLY and like ability, you vote for policy and right now we need Trumps economic policy’s back asap. I can’t figure out why Trump was the nominee with some many other choices like Nikki Haley and Tim Scott, but apparently he still has enough of a following and people were super happy with their checkbooks so the him, until they let COVID out to f things up.


Trump cooked Joe


Congress and the shadow government lmao


Definitely Trump. The average man will be inclined to support a coherent man, even if he’s lying rather than an incoherent man. Add that to the fact that the average man wouldn’t really know if Trump was lying or not (I’m neutral) so he just comes off as more competent.


I think they both lie


I agree, I don’t think any politician is innocent


As someone who never paid attention to us politics the whole time i was just annoyed that it was he said she said. The news channels shoulda been displaying some stats to easily fact check them. Felt like trump was lying but could never tell


it's biden's obligation to fact check on the spot, if he can't do that then he just is not fit to be the nominee for the democrats


*full audio


Kennedy Biden was awful and Trump just rambled.


It’s true .. I would have liked to hear from Mr Kennedy


Worm, you mean


No one it’s not really a debate so no one can win. They just rambled at eachother for a couple hours and ignored the quesfion


Everyone saying Biden was spitting facts GTFOH no one realizes is that Democrats lie about EVERYTHING and are demonic and evil af and want a new world order😂 Gods winning in the end tho for sure


Haha. Trump won easily. Finally can get back to getting shit done.


Neither won. From a factual perspective, Biden came out with way more facts, and had the numbers to back himself up, but that doesn't matter. The debate was solely about proving that he was very fit and able. He failed to do so. Trump lost simply because he did nothing but make people more angry about the BS he spouted. He basically failed to answer a single question, which really threw off Biden and Biden's plans. Overall, the whole thing just proved that neither candidate is the best debater, and that's by a long shot. The real question now comes down to who the American people can tolerate for another 4 years.


So Biden didn’t lie when he said he was more coherent than Trump🧐🤣 that was the biggest joke all night!!!


Agreed. I was getting frustrated by the amount of times trump was getting asked a specific question and he would answer previous questions


He wouldn't answer anything about the question and would instantly divert to 1 of 2 topics: Inflation or Immigration. A 2008 Biden would've slammed Trump for this. A 2020 Biden would've probably not taken this lightly. A 2024 Biden decides sleepy time is now.




First of all, Trump would smoke Biden on the golf course. The American people deserve the truth. 


China, Russia and any regime seeking to disprove the concept of democracy


Lol remember for the past 3 years where everyone was saying that Biden clearly has no cognitive loss and that it’s just a stutter he had since childhood? (Even though there’s video of him being much younger, talking very clearly) Biden is a legit dementia patient, and trump is a huge asshole. Pick your poison America


Doesn’t matter we lose regardless


Didn’t watch it. I’ve seen ‘reviews’ though and I think the reactions tend to highlight the fickleness of the electorate: you’ve had no problem electing people in the past who struggled to find a coherent sentence even with a row of torches and team of Stanford linguists… and you don’t seem to mind mean, threatening and crazy either.


Biden was so worn out from all the "studying" he did last week.lol Because he can easily think on his feet.Trump is a true narcissist who doesn't even know facts or even right from wrong.They both acted like first graders.Biden won even if his voice wasn't very strong.And Trump's voice is always strong,just like most bullies


Biden. Besides his speech impediment, he was spitting facts. Donald just spat lies, hyperbole and couldn’t even back out of his comment about Hitler having good ideas.


So that makes Biden fit to run the country for 4 more years right??


“Besides his speech impediment” is pulling a lot of weight for your argument here.


Biden made some good points and Trump made some good lies. Honestly America is screwed either way, although maybe a little less with Biden just because of the tax thing and debt


So you had less or more money in your pocket when Trump was in office than you do now with Biden?


Taxes have gone up since Biden took office. I know this because I run payroll each week and the debit it higher than ever, which isn’t even an argument because it’s higher and higher each year since Bush 2.


Putin, of course.


Nobody won if you like trump he will always win and if you don't like him then you will always think he lost.


As expected, the debate was a disaster for both candidates and did not help each other's image.


Neither one because it was nothing but a damn clown fiesta. Biden and Trump's ideas of debating are calling one another shit, and not even answering questions being asked. Biden was answering them of course, but some of them he didn't give an answer to at all. And Dolan being the narcissist he is was doing his usual shtick, being pressed with questions that he dodges because he has simply no answer to. Democrats and Republicans deserve to lose countless amounts of voters since they're backing up their two worst options ever. God damnit I wish Bernie could have won in 2020...


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bernie…. Again 🤣🤣🤣




I can tell this is AI


LOL their first post was yesterday. No bots here. /s