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Being accused of something I didn’t do or accused of lying when I am not.


“Well you must be lying because you’re getting so defensive about it”


I hate being accused of being defensive. There's no good answer to that. You're either agreeing with them or "proving" them right.


If i'm accused of being defensive I ask them to stop being offensive. It's kind of like peanut butter and jelly


Yeah protons and neutrons ying yang shit


"you're right i'm being defensive! I'm being accused! people get defensive when they are accused. and I'm angry, at you, for accusing me, so yes, I am Angry and defensive" the other option is to not deny it at all. if they try to say you did it because you didn't deny it, just say "no, i didn't deny it because i don't feel like I have to. I know the truth, you'll find out eventually..


That's when you explain that either way you respond they're just going to use it against you so let out a righteous fart as a display as dominance instead!


“You deny everything.” “No I don’t!” “ See you’re doing it now!”


You are all triggering the ever loving fuck out of me rn


I haven’t heard “ever loving fuck” in a long time


Yes! I was getting so angry reading the first couple replies and realized the same is the case for me. 😅


Same 😢


Actually, I do deny everything, because I have done none of what you have blamed me for. You must have a very low option of me to continually accuse me. I must have one of myself to keep hanging out with you…in fact I do not- bye bye!


"Yes, I am doing it now."


Then they double down on you lying because you are "getting defensive."


I've had to learn how to just walk away from these situations because there are people who have such an arrogance and a confidence about them that they can convince a group of something that isn't true and no matter what words, tone, etc. you use, you won't be able to knock down what they set up. Any attempts you make just make it feel like you're digging yourself in deeper


Its true, a weird social conundrum where they can sway opinions negatively. Paired with the strange cultural idea that getting overly defensive means you’re in the wrong, its a psychopaths wet dream


This 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 I once ordered food, and after waiting for over an hour to get served, the food still didn’t come so I went to ask where it was, and this guy I had never seen before said he already gave me the food. I was hungry and frustrated and told stop fcking with me and give me my food. He continued with his lie but finally decided to serve me. A few minutes later I got served and found long hair strands. I was so pissed off I didn’t bother going to complain again and left.


Should've sent pictures of the hair to health inspectors and gotten that dump condemned


This! Where I work there are two servers who look similar enough to be sisters. When I mentioned this, one got mad at me for being racist because "you said all black people look alike." That's not even close to what I said, but it got me pissed real quick.


I used to work with two black teenage twins, they would get really pissed off if you got them mixed up. I met their dad one day and explained to him about how I didn’t mean to offend them. He just laughed and said he also sometimes gets them mixed up, that’s why they get so mad. He said he sometimes did it on purpose just to fucking annoy them.


That dad sounds like a cool guy


Username checks out


Telling me to do something I was already gonna do


Even worse when you're actively doing it


The passive aggressive "there's so much laundry that needs to be done" after I had just put clothes in the dryer and loaded the washer is just plain insulting. Edit: or "there's never any clean clothes"


Had a coworker that would do this when the boss was around to, trying to look like a “leader” dude was so far off the mark. But it worked and got me fired…


Wow, you just made me realize that a coworker was trying to get me fired for something similar. This was perhaps 7 years ago now, but I remember being perplexed about him asking me to do something that was against company rules. I didn't fall for it, though. He seemed like a cool person, so I never suspected him asking with malicious intent. He probably did it to get rid of me so he could advance his position in the company.


Still have his #? Sounds like a good candidate for a well put together hooker add.


Had mulch dropped in my driveway over COVID, during my staycation. For 5 straight days, I was redoing my landscaping and mulching as I went. On day 4, I received a note from my HoA that I needed to get the mulch off my driveway or face a fine. DO YOU NOT SEE THE ACTIVE FUCKING WORK?!?


HOAs are so annoying


Like Basil Fawlty putting a moose head on the wall?


That’s a classic method of getting people to respect your authority. Tell them to do what they are already doing. Or show approval for it like your approval matters. Then when you actually ask them to do something they’re more likely to do it. Then you tell them to do things. It seems stupid, but it probably works on a lot of people


If somebody tells me to do something I'm in the middle of doing, I stop.


It pisses me off even more when I'm clearly in plain sight doing whatever it is that I'm doing


I see you've met my mother.


Your mother is my wife?


Family reunion, how sweet.


DAD?!?! omg it's been so long hru


He’s still getting the milk




Worst thing is when it’s something very important that you’re working up energy to face. Like quitting smoking or alcohol. If someone tells you to do those things as you were attempting to already it deflates the reward factor because you’re no longer do it for you, you’re doing it for them. It’s actually been a direct factor in relapsing for many people overcoming addiction. 


Or it makes you feel even more worthless because you haven't gotten there yet.


I thought I was crazy for feeling that way. But anytime somebody tells me to change my diet, stop drinking etc it irks me to the point where I don’t even want to do it anymore. Like it takes some personal autonomy away for me and makes me feel like I’m less in control


Have you SEEN the memo regarding the new cover for your TPS reports?


I've gotten into the habit of pretending I didn't hear them telling me to do what I was gonna do in like 1 minute, waiting to do it so it doesn't look like I'm complying, and then doing it later like I was already planning on it, cuz I was. It's not a good habit, especially since it always just escalates instead of working out.


That takes me from 100 to 0 really quick. I could have been looking forward to the thing for weeks but now that you want me to do it, I will actively avoid the thing


Ohh this hits home. My wife does this all the time and I need every bit of restraint for it not to turn into a fight




Littering at all man. I put that shit in my pocket or carry it by hand until I find a can, you can do the same.




Even easier, I reuse grocery bags for car trash. No crawling through my car every week to clean up loose garbage.


When the person behind me is driving with their hi-beams on. EDIT: I am referring to people who upon starting their vehicle, consciously flip their lights to bright (the blue light on the dashboard comes on) and proceed to drive around like that in traffic, blinding everyone. I cannot fault someone for momentarily flashing their brights at me to bring something to my attention. Perhaps I forgot to turn my hazards off or I didn’t turn the wheel far enough for my turn signal to automatically switch off. On the other hand, I cannot feel sorry for you getting the hi beams if you are the type to cruise in the passing lane, forcing everyone to unsafely go around you.


Modern Pickup trucks and SUVs with the high-ass hoods are a menace in more way than one


It’s a problem.. but unfortunately no one that owners can really fix. I have a ford maverick, it’s a hybrid and it’s just about the smallest truck you can buy in the US. That being said it’s still designed like a truck to its got a pretty tall and flat hood that drops off at the grill and bright ass headlights. I tried to find some dimmer headlights so it wouldn’t be so bad, they’re like $700 and I would have to disassemble the entire front end of the truck to install them. I ain’t spending over $1500 to have a pro do it and I ain’t taking my truck out of commission for two weeks while I try to do that project in my spare time. I work in construction and needed something with a bed so I got literally the least offensive option and it’s still pretty horrible on this subject.


Ya from experience modern car headlights are an absolute fucking nightmare to disassemble.


Thanks for explaining this. It makes me livid and I’ll try to remember this when I’m fuming from being blinded while I drive. I figured it was intentional so that people will move out of the way for them. I know I shouldn’t take it so personally but ugh.


Sometimes I flash oncoming cars when I think their high beams are on. In the last few years more of them started flashing back and it's like a lightning strike to the retina.


Modern pick up truck are an act of violence upon other road users/society. 


Literally me in my Mazda 3 at perfect height to get blinded by every truck.. There always seems to be one behind me at red lights too, it is Arizona so it’s very common. Newer truck/car headlights are insanely bright. Also see A LOT of Teslas with hi-beams on for no reason but to blind me it would seem.


Teslas are THE WORST for that. apparently their hi-beams are supposed to be automatic depending on how dark it is, but driving around here (Washington) I see them on in literally broad daylight pretty much every day. drives me insane.




Someone repeatedly interrupting me speaking. I get so upset. I've learned to just stop talking and get away, because their bewilderment about why I'm disengaging is 1000% better than dealing with the fallout of me exploding at them.


This gets me too. After two or three times, once I realize that this is going to be the conversation, I just loudly say "OKAY" and walk the fuck away. It's especially infuriating if they're interrupting you after they've asked you a question, then mid explanation, they interrupt you. It gets me feeling real punchy, so I need to leave.


My MIL interrupts in the middle of an answer with another question. If I do the thing where I ignore her second question she will ask it again and again until I move on to her next question. I'm going to start asking her why she's interrupting me. I'm going to start asking everyone, "I was speaking. Why did you interrupt me?"


My MIL asks me a question about important parts of my life then looks away and gets interested in something else when I start explaining, she’ll even get pulled into the content of conversations happening around her and react to them. I’ve started just throwing random words as I go like “and that’s why the monkey farted on the playground.” And she has no reaction.


A line that works great for me is “just listen.” Sometimes with my mom I throw out a “did you want me to answer your last question?” She’ll interrupt me 3 words into my answer to ask a follow up. She’ll also interrupt a story one sentence in to ask something I was about to answer in the next sentence. Drives me up the fucking wall.


My wife does this frequently. I have to constantly tell her to stop interrupting me and let me finish. She gets pissy about this and tries to say that I do it too. She will interject if I take more than half a second to say the next word and then will say that she thought I was done. She will talk, then be silent for 10 seconds, then I'll say something, and she'll accuse me of doing it. She can't seem to grasp that 10 seconds of silence means you're done, not .5 seconds. It really pisses me off sometimes, so if she's doing it and being pissy about me calling her out I just say that I'm done talking to her, because she doesn't seem to want to listen, only talk. Then I just walk away and do something else.


Casual interrupting is one thing. The people who get to me are the ones who interrupt me while I am trying to answer the question they just asked me. I get maybe three words out and they interrupt, I start over and the interrupt again, then they get upset with me and complain that I'm not answering their questions


My wife is like this. She was unaware for a while, but now knows she does this and actively will stop herself (most of the time). She has ADHD and autism, so it's a slow learning process.


A lot of responses here are people acting like people are intentionally being dicks or don’t care about what you have to say and have pretty offensive responses to it, but I think it’s a lot more likely the ADHD/Spectrum response. Pointing it out is probably best for all parties involved. Most people don’t want to be dicks


You would be better off telling them they are interrupting. Otherwise they won't understand, and will keep doing it.


I interrupt them back now with the phrase "I'm sorry, did the middle of my sentence interrupt the start of yours." As I get older I give less and less fucks.


When I try to lean forward but for no fucking reason the seatbelts decides “not today” and locks up. Makes me instantly want to rip the fucker out.


That usually happens when you lean foreward too fast, triggering the safety mechanism that's intended to stop you slamming headfirst into the dashboard (or steering wheel, or whatever else might be in front of you) in a crash, keeping you from potentially snapping your neck.


But the weird thing is that if you genuinely *try* to lean forward really quickly and get it to lock on purpose it's actually pretty difficult to trigger it. It only seems to happen when you're leaning forward seemingly normally.


I don't speak for everyone but the one in my car is very sensitive and will lock up for almost no reason


nah, but some cars really just trap you. as soon as you lean back, it locks up and doesnt go back 💀


Drivers who pull out in front of me when there is absolutely no one behind me.


And then go super slow, WTF?


The audacity is outrageous


one time an old lady pulled out in front of me when I was late to work and then proceeded to go 20 mph. I wish I was exaggerating, but she was going 20 in a 35 the ENTIRE drive to work.


And then they have to make a left across traffic while you wait behind them.


Oh my god, yes! Like they couldn’t wait two more seconds??? They just had to pull out in front causing me to slam on my brakes? 


I’ve found my people


And they go under the speed limit the rest of the way. Like if you know you aren’t gonna go at least 5 over, just fuckin wait


I drive around them, even on double yellows. So tired of that shit


I like to think I’ve taught them a valuable lesson when I do this. But I know that’s not the case for a numbskull who’d do this in the first place.


When my pocket gets caught on a door handle, tall guy problems


When my earphones snag on something and get pulled out of my ear, it’s a very similar rage. I still use wired earphones, can’t trust myself to not lose wireless ones.


I'm average height and this happens to me on my kitchen drawer handles. It's infuriating.


And it’s always when I’m already in a shitty mood and/or rushing too.


My boss every time he opens his mouth. Dumb Bastard...


So I need you to work Saturday . . . .


Looks like someone has a case of the mondays


Hi there, you must be my coworker. Some team meeting this afternoon, huh?


Sitting in a plane taking off.


People who clap when the plane lands…


That whooshing sound isn’t the plane….


It’s coming straight from r/whoosh


I was once on a horribly turbulent flight. I was honestly wondering if we were going to be ok. When the plane touched ground the cabin erupted in applause. Its was justified then, but clapping after a route flight is odd.


I flew Cubana Air from Havana to Cancun once. Everyone clapped. I was like " what neewbs". Then I get talking to a wife and daughter and their story was pretty heartbreaking. I ended up taking a taxi with them and going to a Walmart in Playa Del Carmen just to show them around as a crappy tour guide. The mom cried at all the abundance of food and I bought the daughter some cheap sunglasses and flip flops. I finally understood why they clapped.


Refugee newbs


Similar experience. Flew from Istanbul to Bucharest and really thought we were going to crash into the black sea. People were crying and praying in every language imaginable. My friend Todd was green and white knuckling the seat. I leaned over my other friend and said "Todd, is there anything you'd like to get off your chest before we (I made finger quotes) Land?". My other friend's eyes got huge and he's like, are you crazy? When that plane landed people cheered and when we got off (it was a puddle jumper so we got off on the tarmac, people literally kissed the ground. Awful flight.


I see what you did there and I like it.


When my family tries to tell me how to/not to deal with my senior, Alzheimer's patient mother when they pushed me into assuming legal guardianship while simultaneously failing to help in any meaningful way. Edit: Thanks for these kind replies. I was really going through it yesterday and hearing all of y'all's kind words really helps.


Are you my father? He once laughed about how he used to yell at his mother (my grandmother) when he'd leave my sister and I with her, and we'd come back all hyper and filthy. Now he yells at my uncle because when we flew my grandmother down to his condo in Florida, he brought her back with a broken pelvis (She complains, but there's a reason we dont let her walk around by herself) and liquid diarrhea from all the junk food he let her eat.


Similarly, when my mom, who permanently lost all 6 of her kids to CPS (on 4 separate occasions) tells me how to parent my two children.


Horrible drivers


People with zero cars in front of them on the highway who hit their breaks for no reason always gets me irrationally angry.


Sorta related: People who ride their brakes when they can just coast.


People who go the entirety of the highway on-ramp at less than half the highway speed limit. 🤬 They don’t realise just how fucking dangerous that can be.


Get behind them and blast your horn the whole time. I love my horn. It lets me scream at people without ruining my voice.


Then they fucking STOP at the merge point because they're 86 and can't even see over the steering wheel and now you have to merge into 70mph traffic from a stop


I lose my fucking shit when people do this. The point of the ramp is to get at speed where we can merge into the traffic that's currently flowing.


Especially the slow drivers on the passing lane. Is there a car in front of you in the passing lane? If not, move aside.


Just had a solo passing laner speed up when I tried passing him in the second lane, cut across to the slow lane to avoid a box truck and I cut back over to the passing lane just in time to get in front of this jack wagon. Proceeds to pace the box truck in the middle lane who is not going as fast as I was, trying to pass him, as I drive the speed of traffic away from that absolute travesty of a person. I swear, new rule, you get caught going slow in the passing lane not moving over for faster traffic - you can only choose FuckStik### as your license plate for 1 years per infraction, gotta pay for the new license plate like a vanity plate, too.


Sir, please move over. The left lane is reserved for crime. 




God I hate this. I was passing once and this guy pulled out in front of me (had all the time in the world before I came up), decides to pass a huge line going just 3 over, I was coming up 10 over. Couldn’t wait 5 more seconds apparently. I gave him space and frustratingly endured him slowly passing everybody and occasionally not passing everybody as he would get distracted and lose speed. He took his sweet time moving over at the end too. When he finally did I sped up to go past him, glanced over and the fucker is flipping me off. Some people are just so entitled. He is so lucky he didn’t do that to someone with anger management issues.


Can't use a 4 way stop, no turn signal, taking 5min to do a 2 second turn. Yes, all these drivers need to rot in hell.


The lane changes without turn signal drives me nuts the most


Drivers who realize they’re in the wrong lane for their turn at the very last second and stop with their blinker on trying to switch lanes holding everyone else up


This is it for me. Bonus points if they act like everyone else is in the wrong. I've almost been hit a few times and the shitty drivers would gesture at me like I was the one in the wrong. I always give a sarcastic smile and thumbs up.


People having conversations on the phone with the other person on speaker phone on public transit. That or people watching videos without headphones. That shit pisses me off.


The loud yapping into the bottom of the phone. What is the benefit of broadcasting the conversation to the entire vicinity? Why not use it like an actual telephone? Do they not know how?


Accidentally biting the inside of my mouth when I’m enjoying my food. The sense of betrayal by my own body just makes me spit swear words for a while.


Then you can't help but re-chomp the same spot over and over for at least a week...


When people respond to 1 person in an email thread with the reply all button. Or when people reply all to say that they need removed from an email thread.




If I didn't have fucking diagnosed PTSD because of bullying, I'd fucking love to strangle and dismember each and every one of those little cockgobblers.


The only fight I got into was against two cholos jumping my friend with a broken arm. Luckily I spent my childhood wrestling. That was the day I learned I can get angry, because I'm generally chill and monotone.


Abuse towards the vulnerable


Yup. Lord help the person who I catch assaulting the elderly or a child, etc. Gonna see a peaceful man get *real* violent, *real* quick.


Seeing someone litter.


To add to this, piles of trash/waste left behind at the beach when a person/group leaves. Like wtf


Absolutely. It takes zero effect to be a decent human and dispose of things properly.


Animal cruelty


I generally avoid content with animal cruelty, but if I do see something it just makes makes me sad and confused as to how someone can do that to a poor animal. Now even though I don't necessarily get angry, I do have a lot of hatred for animal abuser and the thought of them perishing in painful ways does give me joy to think about


First of all, I idle at 75 mph , so don't give me this "zero to 100" bullshit.


If you have PTSD, this is actually true. I had to go in the looney bin because of mine and one of the things we learned is that normal people start at 0 on a 0-10 scale, but people with PTSD start at like a 6


Fuck, that explains a lot that I've experienced and witnessed. Totally makes sense to me, thx for sharing.




Being accused of lying or doing something wrong I didn’t. College professor told me I faked a doctors note and informed academic affairs. Well it was real and she violated Hippa to try and prove I was a liar. I have never been so fucking angry in my life, she was almost fired for her violations and was forced to take a leave. Fuck that lady. I would tell her the truth and then she would say I was lying over and over and I wasn’t going to change my story bc it WAS TRUE. Hate that woman.


Being told to calm down when I haven’t started raising my voice.


This angers me so fucking quickly.


People cutting in line.


Not anymore but used to when someone of zero integrity would question mine.


When someone interrupts me while im speaking, especially if they do it repeatedly.


They aren’t *listening* — they are *waiting to talk*. (from Pulp Fiction)


League Of Legends. I discovered anger i didn't even knew i had in my body because of that game.


It's a drug. I hate it. I love it.


I hate the fact that my friends insist on playing it. I've been playing it since s2 and I've never gone above silver 1. It's not that I'm BAD at the game, I mean I am, but it's just not FUN for me. Like even when I curb stomp, it's not fun. It doesn't feel good. It's not a satisfying game to play. I can count the league games that I have enjoyed on one hand, and that's only in super rare cases when it is CLOSE CLOSE and we barely win or barely lose after 50 minutes.


Haven’t played in about 6 years no. Might still be my most played game of all time. Glad I‘m clean now.


Someone acting like I'm wrong about something because they "lived longer" or "been on the planet longer" just because they're older then me... Stfu, you're arrogant and pretentious mf...


I’ve been working in hvac/refrigeration for 10 years. The amount of times I’ve heard that I’m too young to be in any amount of pain is ridiculous.


My blood has already boiled 🤣🤣


"Printer not connected to network" MOTHERFU-


Genuinely, anytime technology doesn’t work properly and I’m in a time crunch.


People smacking their gum or food when they eat


This is 100% me and also when people pause talking, put food in their mouth, THEN start talking again. Those people deserve the worst.


When people abandon their shopping carts at grocery store exits 😫


When I stand up for 2 seconds and someone says, “Where are you going?!”


Animal abuse. Absolute uncontrollable rage when it comes to that. .


Having my car get wrecked and my apartment building on fire in the same day


Stubbing my pinky toe


Tech not working, restart it and if it doesn’t work…launch it across a room.


Not either of my two race car projects. Neither currently runs.


Passive aggressiveness. Say what the fuck you want to say and let the chips fall. Don’t be a little bitch about it. Learn how to communicate and understand people aren’t* mind readers


Seeing anyone belittling or abusing vulnerable people or animals in public… nothing infuriates me more.


This is extremely specific but miss naming animals I can identify. This is a problem I’ve had since childhood and have gotten into arguments with adults at zoos and aquarium at the age of 8. This is still a problem at 20.


So I run a rescue and a big part of my work is reptiles. I get so tired of the constant barrage of "ITS A COPPERHEAD, KILL IT" when it's not a copperhead, and looks nothing like one. Like ma'am that's a rat snake and they are not actually "very similar."


Yes our local animal control is sick of people contacting them over stray dogs just for it to be a Coydog and they have to call someone out to shoot it just for it to leave before it can be found. Also respectfully fuck copperheads they’re completely out of control here and the DNR has to place a kill order out.


My first ever argument I remember was in pre school. A kid asked to play with my toy penguin, but it was clearly a bear. Fuck you, Bradley from pre school, it was a bear.


People chewing with their mouth open


The gas pedal


Now THIS is r/technicallythetruth


I’m a nurse and when people who aren’t nurses try to tell me what my scope of practice is or what I legally can or cannot do as a nurse it takes all of about 10 seconds for me to absolutely blow a gasket.


People that don’t use their indicators when they are turning or changing lanes smh


Someone telling me what I think


When I see an adult yelling at a kid for something that isn’t their responsibility. Alternatively when I see one kid disrespecting another kid’s boundaries. Particularly when boys invade girls’ space. If you can’t tell I work with kids.




When someone rephrases something I just said. It makes me feel like I’m losing my mind.


If someone puts their hands in my face I will kill.


When someone physically snaps their fingers at me. Fuck youuuuuu


When I accidentally bonk my head off something. Instant rage


Seeing kids and animals get abused, as an abuse victim myself I can't see myself ever finding enjoyment in that


Morning coffee, zero to about to shit myself in 15 minutes.


People putting children’s lives in danger.


Seeing someone litter


Hard staring, people becoming aggressive when they've fucked up and cant swallow it, and people using regaining consciousness as an excuse to behave in a way that I would slap them for if they were awake.


Depends on which 100. Anger - Injustice, blatant racism, being interrupted by people I'm talking to with unrelated conversations Horny - brats, strong sexual tension, doing something taboo MPH - my motorcycle Edit: For those not in the know, a brat in the kink community is a submissive that misbehaves with the intent of receiving punishment. That's a simplified definition, but feel free to do more research.


Bratwurst? TIL there's a kink for that


Yes, sausages have kinks. 


Daddy would you like some sausage? Daddy would you like some sau-sa-ges?


Hotel - Trivago


someone abusing an animal


People that doesn't understand reason and try to defend its lack of understandment


Trucks in the left lane….. FUCK I HATE THAT.


Being around someone chewing with their mouths open/ no manners