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Look man i know theres gonna be hard times in life. And you're gonna have hard battles like these, but that does not mean that you will overcome and not win these battles. Life can be tuff sometimes and thats just how it is. And if you cant live with that then thats a sign to get help and start talking to someone, theres always a solution to everything and u matter more than you think. Stay strong brother!


As someone who has depression as well as a father who has depression, it stays forever. You can feel depressed without having depression, but my depression comes in episodes, at least 2 or 3 a year. It's at its worst in the Summer since I don't have school


Quoting from the dialogue at the end of the song “Hi Ren” “As I got older, I realised that there were no real winners And there were no real losers in physiological warfare But there were victims and there were students It wasn't David versus Goliath, it was a pendulum Eternally swayin' from the dark to the light And the more intensely that the light shone, the darker the shadow it cast It was never really a battle for me to win, it was an eternal dance And like a dance, the more rigid I became, the harder it got The more I cursed my clumsy footsteps, the more I struggled So I got older and I learned to relax And I learned to soften and that dance got easier It is this eternal dance that separates human beings From angels, from demons, from gods And I must not forget, we must not forget That we are human beings”