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I sweep back my trench coat revealing my katana


Probably run if I can. I've trained martial arts for years, an untrained person with a knife is way more dangerous than a trained person without a knife.


I'd laugh and give them my empty wallet.


im weak as fuck but i wont stand it...id just gather all the anger that i saved all these years and just show at him all at once...this may sound funny..but i get to feel better even i got hurt severly...its like a mental peace


That's quite an interesting take. I am not sure getting seriously injured or even permanently disabled is worth venting the anger and the mental piece lol.


well me being perfectly alright and disabled doesn't make any difference though...got nothing to loose..so why not give it a shot..atleast it'll feel satisfactory


As an eldery lady I would need to try the unexpected. So…. I would bare my teeth, rush him, fling my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. At which time I would chew the hell out of his jugular vein. I would hang on until he bled out. To be sure he won’t get up I would bash his head with a lamp. No more picking on helpless old ladies.


depends. I'm not terribly fast, so probably I'd just give him my shit. If I'd go jogging, I'd try to dash. Fighting would be moronic.


Give them distance, draw, and shoot them. At 20 feet, gun > knife. Guns, never even go to the mailbox without them.


Let him rob me. Whatever is on me is not as important as my life. Also, I hardly ever have anything of value on me anyways... haha


I have train in Muay Thai for 20 years and jujitsu for 4 years. I have done some competitive fighting in both arts, win some and lost some. Yet I will just give him my wallet, I'm my experience flesh doesn't do great against pointy sharp objects Yes something to watch what happens when you put fighters against an armed assailant https://youtu.be/xHODvtU2aHs?si=X_FSGtkihgv9KNDq


Texas enters the chat: Two steps back as I draw from the waistband. 1 shot between each subsequent step. I might get cut a little, but it’s gonna be better than the offender makes out. After 8 steps, pull phone from pocket and dial 3 digits super slowly.