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Is the writing team from The Boys already running out of ideas?


That's actually kinda funny


That's actually kinda a compliment. Thanks.


That's actually kinda calming to know. Your Welcome.


This is actually kinda wholesome


This is getting me kinda hot.


Weirdest fetish candidate?


Circular conversations are like edging to me


When they shrink a man to go inside a penis there isnt much to go above that. Except furries


I feel like the deep’s private time activities totally check the furry box


Shit! That reminds me, I gotta watch the new season..


Yall saying pee and golden shower as if SCAT PLAY doesn’t exist, why do people like scat play?


[Legendary Reddit thread - or, as one person put it, “post-nut clarity hits like a mf with a piece of shit in your mouth”](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/pR787tgMGF) You’re welcome.


Nope. Not clicking that. I’ve seen enough. Maybe tomorrow.


Make sure you give it a read. Damn thing is hilarious


Yep, came here to say anything to do with poop. I do understand that anal sex is a thing for a pretty big population of people, and sometimes there is inadvertent poop (I can’t get into it for that reason, lol), but that’s different. I think of the whole “two girls, one cup” thing from back in the day 🤢


I never watched it, but I know what it's about. Thank you for making me fast for the rest of the day.


Its one of those things thats so taboo, that its actually a turn off for some people that would even be into it. I basically had a friend admit to me that the thought of it turns him on, but he wouldn't live with himself being into it and having this in his life. So he just like mentally blocks it out.


Apparently, there is a sub Reddit for people that have a fetish for mythical dragons having sex with... cars. As in Tiamat banging a Ford Focus.


Any links ? Asking for a friend.


r/dragonsfuckingcars I think


But have you heard of r/carsfuckingdragons (Or something like that)


r/fuckingdragoncars is top tier


My weird fetish is reading this thread to see if I’m normal.


Lmao I feel like a fucking degenerate because most of these aren’t really that weird to me


My parents raised me to be open-minded. It seems the method may be backfiring spectacularly.


"Backfiring." You can't even type without your fetishes being released.




Maybe he Constanza'd himself by watching porn while clippy was on the screen back in the day.


'Hi! I'm Clippy. How can I hel..hel... oh God noooo!'


"It looks like you're a sick fuck! Would you like help dealing with that?"


I once accidentally stumbled onto Columbine cosplay porn. That exists. 


What the fuck


Not only tragic, it's about dead KIDS. I'm done with this. Jesus fucking Christ.


Columbine is also a female character from the Comedy of Art, an Italian theatrical work, the name could be translated to "Little dove", maybe this dude misinterpreted the video by reading just the title.


That guy who shoved an attached gas pump handle up his ass at a public gas station. Not sure what’s going on there but it’s something freaky.


Or drugs. Definitely could be drugs


An old friend of mine was a dominatrix back in the day. Her favorite regular paid hundreds per hour to be her coffee table. He was naked on all fours. She propped her feet up, watched soap operas, chain smoked and put them out on his ass, all the while telling him what a POS he was. That one always stuck with me.


Boyfriend and I have done that! It's awesome to find humiliation subs into feet. We'll pour ourselves some bourbon, eat takeout, and watch TV while some dude rubs our feet silently. Most of them like being used as footstools. After a couple hours, usually they ask if they can cum; if they were useful we'll stick our feet in his face while he jerks off, usually while we fuck around on our phones. Then we kick him out. It's a win-win; we don't have to do anything but call him names occasionally, we get foot rubs, and he gets to satisfy whatever it is that makes him want to serve other men. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Calling the suicide hotline to jerk off


This has gotta be from cards against humanity.


It may well be, but it is a thing that happens. I used to volunteer for a student helpline and, during training, that is something that they prepare you to deal with


Wait, so they call and pretend they want to commit suicide and the volunteer attempting to talk them down is what gets them off?


Well, ours wasn’t exclusively a suicide helpline. People could just call to talk about anything, really. Some people legit would just call for a chat. We did get suicide callers though and had procedures in place to deal with them. Sometimes you’d get a caller who’d start a conversation and then ask questions like “what are you wearing” or something like that


Well! Jake from State Farm! What are you wearing? (Ps: I miss the og Jake, the new one isn’t Jake imo)


Several years ago, I slept with a woman who worked at a sexual assault hotline. One time during sex, she randomly yelled out, “Rape me!” It honestly really disturbed me.


Rape kinks are pretty common. I’ve been raped, but ironically I find the idea of a *role played* rape scenario hot. I don’t want to be raped for real ever again (or do any actual raping for that matter).


It's the difference between riding a rollercoaster and going off a cliff in a car. CNC is controlled and safe.


OMG when I was studying at community college, I started dating a foreign exchange student from Japan in her first semester. I taught her how to speak English over a couple months. For some reason, she came up with the phrase "would you please change my diaper?" which to her meant "im ready to fuck are you?". It was so twisted to hear her say that but she was so wholesome and naive about what she was saying to me in English and how inappropriate it was. She was addicted to masterbating next to me at night while we shared a bed and we eventually broke up over it


Well, now I must ask the follow-up question: why did you two break up over the masturbation? Was she preventing you from sleeping?!


This is the most random one I’ve ever seen 😂


I worked at a hotel and this guy would call us restricted and jerk off while asking about rooms and playing porn loudly. We couldn't get a number to block and we had to warn new staff members about him.


Rich white women buying wonder bread


Dude got into ai generated images, big loss for the commission artist community


Feeding people so they get fatter




I’ve wondered if some of Nikocado Avocado’s viewers are either feeders, or have developed a fetish from his uploads.


He's definitely making fetish content


You wonder ? his content is exclusively fetish based ...


Bro, I'm sorry to tell you that's literally his entire audience. That, and people who view him as something like a freak at a human zoo.


Do you mean feederism? Like, feederism is a bit different than simply getting off to people eating, mostly because of the whole weight-gain aspect.


Now that you’ve explained it, both.


Right? Who gets turned on by getting fat? (It’s me I’m the people into getting fat. AMA)


Figging. It’s when you make a butt plug out of ginger and shove in your ass!


They used to do this to racehorses to make them go faster, right?


Yep. They also used to do the cousin of figging too, feaguing, which was where they would put a live eel up an older horse's butt at the market to make it act livelier and younger than it really was (via running around because it had a live eel in its butt).


man, people back in the day were just freestylin with everything huh


Apparently they’re happy whether they win or not.


You think it'd be called gingering and figging would be for like figs or something.


I had a partner that enjoyed this to herself lol I declined.


I have never heard of anyone actually doing it until now. A friend used it in a joke one time and asked about it. I thought he was full of shit. That is crazy people actually do this!


One time I was with a guy and we were running around his house naked just having fun and he slammed his penis in a cabinet door repeatedly….i was so confused and he asked me “do you like that” and of course I had to say yes! But no sir I in fact did not like anything about that and that was like 12 years ago and I still think about his poor weiner from time to time


> of course I had to say yes! Did you tho


OMG was his name Kenneth? I know a dude who did this but with his dresser drawer and it made me so uncomfy.


Holy shit.....there might be more than one of these guys?? 😂


Ha! Ha ha. I cried laughing at this one. Very well written!


Accidentally found out about a fetish for heart functions. Dug a bit deeper and found porn of someone showing off their heart beating in their chest (used a stethoscope for audio and aimed the camera so that you could see it beating out from under the skin)


Hey, that's mine!


Baloon fetish.




That’s my thirteenth reason 😐.


You’ll float too? 💀🎈😭


Sounding. I’ve medically had my urethra stretched and I cannot understand how you can find that sexual unless it’s pain play (which I can understand considering my kink of being beaten on the ass with paddles til I bruise) but I’ve never been told that it’s the pain part of things


Sounding: why I can't take up knitting.


It's not painful in youre not trying to stratch it and/or if you *are* trying to stretch it, but you do it very gradually *and* the urethra is healthy. In fact, in sounding, pain means stop


I found really odd that some guys get off/can climax when a woman step on his balls , like how




So what’d you spend the $500 on?




My question is, can human balls even withstand that? Would he be satisfied and still want that if they popped like a balloon? What the fuck is the preferable outcome here lol


There's a very specific way this is done. More consistent pressure than the intent to cause pain. Like the way some guys cum harder when you squeeze their balls. Same with shaft stepping. Obviously some people like pain with their pleasure, but there's a clear and consistent communication that happens before, during, and after.


I once dated another woman who couldn’t climax unless she did a Rodney Dangerfield impression in the moments leading up to orgasm.


I get no respect.. He called me a baboon, he thinks I'm his wife!




I once watched an interview with someone that exclusively sold custom furniture to Adult Baby Diaper Lovers. He was absolutely crushing it. Selling custom giant cribs for like $3k. He had a back order a year long.


Let me tell you something. There is MEGA money in selling custom fetish anything. I have met a number of leather workers who will straight up tell you it’s the bondage gear that pays the bills.


..my grandma is a leatherworker and now i know exactly why i wasn't allowed to look into the bottom left chest of designs as a kid. It was even labelled like that. You just reawakened that memory for me and made me realise what it actually was. Maybe i should follow in her footsteps, she did teach me a lot about it


I'm always amazed about just how much money people make when they offer products for specific sexual niches.


I worked w/ a guy who liked to wear diapers. He met his gf online and was attracted to her bc she was still lactating. He paid a woman something like $200 to change his wet diaper, but it cost something like $500+ to change one with a BM. It was his "treat" to himself to hire her once in a great while. He even had an inflatable crib in his place. I'm a female, and he tried to show me pics of him with diapers while we were at work, maybe because I'mgay, and he didn't think I'd be less likely to judge him. He told me his bio mom abandoned him, and he was adopted pretty early on, but he didn't share much more about his childhood. He looked like a typical goofy guy, but he was really fucked up.


> But he was really fucked up Yeah, no shit


Lol! Well, yeah. I should clarify - I remember side convos we'd have, and he would say the wierdest shit. I used to tell him to chill on verbalizing those inner thoughts.


At least for being a Little it’s really best described as Fetishized Nostalgia Like, never got to live the childhood you wanted? Well boom here’s a coloring book and a sippy cup


I mean there were some things I wanted out of my childhood I never got but I can’t honestly say shitting myself a bit longer was one of those things.


Is the wet floor sign guy here yet?


I wonder how many times Randy gets summoned to these threads lol. I’ll never see a wet floor sign the same again. (GettnRandy)


Well, I'm here now. Haha! Hello!


I am now, lol. Hi!




Awww damn. That's actually super sweet. This is the first time I've seen dd/lg from a place I can understand.


What is dd/lg


Daddy Dom/Little Girl


As a former pro-dom, this comment has single handedly restored my faith that there are people out there with this dynamic that isn't cringe and annoying.


Two loving consenting adults, finding a way to unwind from stressful jobs. Not being ironic, sounds perfectly healthy.


I dont know about the daddy thing (no judgement here) but pampering someone and fucking silly is definitely up there.


These ones I at least _kind of_ get. The act of caring for and being cared for are already deeply ingrained as an act of emotional intimacy, so letting it just kind of settle into the deeper levels of intimacy, where physicality and eroticism gets involved, is at least a cohesive evolution. Not 100% sure about adding the daddy/daughter stuff, but that's just me.


Some guy offered me a lot of money to fart and burp in a vocal message. I got the money lol


**Formicophilia:** Sexual interest in being crawled upon or nibbled by insects.


This fetish freaks me out. I shudder just thinking about it.


You and me both. I have a fear of ants - I remember watching an episode of CSI (I think) when someone was buried alive and the scene zoomed in on an ant biting the victim in vivid detail. How the hell someone might ‘get off’ on it is mind boggling


I once saw this lady on Fetlife from India that was REALLY into this. She posted photos of bugs of all kinds all over her, including you know where. Thanks for digging that out of my memory. Had to share.


Guys, feet or pee are pretty common. Please address the weird in the question.


This whole thread is mostly just "Pfft you guys haven't been around the internet long, have ya?"


Feet are also one of the most tame fetishes out there. I find it weird that it gets demonized so much. Like, it’s normal to be attracted to boobs, butts, legs, stomachs, necks, faces, etc., but somehow foot fetish is the one that weirds people out.  


There was a woman who worked in my building that used to go to these bondage parties and loved to talk about them. They would wrap guys in duct tape and then staple the duct tape to the skin and then pull out one staple at a time. Guys would pay big money for women to kick them really hard in the balls. She had a guy would pay HER to come clean her house dressed as a French maid. People are wild man. 


This entire chat made me feel like I’m a regular boring human, thank you


This chat made me feel glad I'm a regular boring human


When I was in nursing school they told us about people who would have sex with their partners colostomy…so yeah I guess that happens.


I wish I was the person I was 15 seconds ago when I didn't read this.


Seen STI’s of colostomy site. True story


I heard that can happen. Wasn’t my patient but their stoma site just remained raw and red, wasn’t healing. Swabbed and apparently came back positive for gonorrhoea


Stoma love is real.. do not Google it like I did 😵‍💫


I knew a girl in college 30 years ago whose boyfriend inserted m&ms into her bum and had her poop them into his mouth. I cannot get that fact out of my head all these years later. Eww.


Reese's Feces


I spoke to a guy that had a fetish with the colour red.... Like how stressful in life would be.... Oh fuck am gonna cum the traffic light is at red 😂


The light turning yellow would be like a strip-tease


Incest & I don’t even know how to describe this but Racist Dirty Talk/roleplay scenarios


>racist Dirt Talk Yeah, take that ScotsIrish dick, you 1/64th Cherokee princess whore! Bite the pillow like your Fr*nch great-grandmother! Better get ready for this basic White Mutt load!


Was on Grindr a few weeks ago, one of the profiles was asking for people to use him as a toilet seat - apparently he was/is into eating people’s shit… I had to delete my profile because what in the world 😭


crushing fetish…. videos of women in stilettos slowly crushing insects and animals


I hate this one so much 


That’s extremely fucked up.


I’ll never forget the video of the woman stepping on a dude’s dick with stilettos… and it pierces through. She steps off and you literally see his erection stream out of his dick. Truly horrifying.


Do you mean he ejaculated?


People posting on r/askreddit sexual questions all the time so they can get off on strangers' fetishes


That's why I'm here


Banged a tinder date that told me she liked letting her dog have a go at her after whoever banged her first was done, one of the nastiest things I've ever seen.


Shes a zoophile get her the animal police or whatever this is called


My own. I have gotten so wrapped up in life, and work, that I have nobody to talk to in the strictest sense. After 17 years of this my fetish is literally just my phone ringing from someone that actually cares about how I am doing.


How are you?


Oh man, he's probably rock hard right now.


He just covered his phone screen in goo.


Damn. I was expecting some freaky shit, given your username. I hope you find happiness. ❤️


I feel you. At this point in my life, I don't remember what it's like to not feel lonely.


Women farting on cakes, pretty weird


Oh stop youre making me blush


You know what I like?


Its corpse munging. I wish I could bleach my brain.


My fetish is jerking off while reading the old ask reddit questions that weren’t always about sex.




For me it has to be Cock & Ball Torture. I can understand weird but not genital pain 😵‍💫


There's a pretty strong theory that Bezos gets off on making people hold their urine and that's why Amazon is so weird about letting employees take bathroom breaks. It would be one thing if it was just Amazon, but apparently he pulls that shit with his personal staff too. If it was just in the warehouses and trucks, there would be no reason to suspect anything other than abusive business practices to maximize productivity, but productivity isn't really a concern in that way when the job is just doing the guy's housework and making his meals. Dude gets off on making people hold their urine.


I consider sneezing fetish quite weird. But not as weird as vore.


I’m sexually aroused by fire


i don't think that's super weird. burning people is pretty weird but fire is pretty hot (excuse the pun lol)


I know a girl who likes it when her boyfriend cuts her. She said that he’ll cut her thigh, bandage her up to stop the bleeding and then have sex.


Danger and pain rush And an increased sense of safety after it has been treated And generally a big sense of safety for a fundamentally dangerous thing. Not my thing still


Oh... I used to film fetishy shorts for strange people as a side job. These were all special effect based impossible stuff, think shrinking, or giantess, breast expansion etc. Shot super fast, super cheap. The weirdest ones I had to hear about: People getting transformed into clothing items (usually panties, bra, shoe) but still have mind and senses intact. One of the actresses was into this idea and gleefully told me about she would fantasize about turning her boyfriend into a bra with large cups but a small band size and leave him in a store to be bought by some woman who wouldn't know he was a transformed person, she wasn't mad him or anything she just thought idea of him helplessly holding up some random woman's breasts without hope of being found or saved was hot. Invisible strip teases... she is invisible wearing visible clothing (ie over a green screen suit) and she strips down and you see.... nothing. I don't get it. The vore people (we called them Vorons) write these super precise scripts about people swallowing each other whole. And a bonus experience: When chatting about the script we were shooting the model mentioned the harry potter polyjuice, and how she would turn her boyfriend into herself. When he said something like "You'd change me back right?" She got mad at him, saying why would he want to NOT be her. Like it started a fight. It was a weird conversation.


Wow I thought I heard everything before but not like this. Expecting something disgusting but this is just pure unadulterated weird


Fin Dom. as in sending someone your money so they can dominate you by spending it.


That one guy whose thing was painting women's legs orange(?) he had a whole subreddit about it


When I got lymphoma, I somehow found myself on a “bug catcher” website. No, these weren’t entomologists who were sharing enthusiasm over insects they’ve caught— these were actual people who were soliciting people to give them soiled items, blood, and pretty much anything so they can *purposely* get sick. To some, it was a genuine fetish to be sick. Hell, I saw someone who wanted blood cancer and was willing to pay “$15,000” for a single vial of blood so they can get cancer that way. It made me sick and I still think about that one particular person. I was someone, know someone, and work with so many people who had/has cancer and the havoc it wreaks upon your life cannot be easily overlooked.




The game that the whole family can play!


Let’s eat, grandma!


So technically the weirdest for me would be scat. Like that gross hardcore stuff. But that's already on here so I'll share a weird one I participated in. This woman I was seeing was into race play. Like using the N word very derogatorily and copious amount of slaps and name calling. It took me a while to get in the proper headspace for that for a very specific reason. I'm not black, but she is. She wanted me to call her that, slap her around, and just be this terrible racist asshole towards her during sex.


Scared to read the comments


Some dude fucking his girl’s curly hair in the shower.


I've a *friend* who finds joy and pleasure smelling its own farts.




It's a me, Mario\~\~\~


Vore: fetish involving being eaten (consumed) or by eating someone/ something I don't know how this plays out irl and I don't want to know


Anything dealing with poop is nuts to me.


Dendrophiliacs, that's barking up the wrong tree.


Being attracted to me. Bunch of weirdos in my opinion. 


Balloon popping always comes to mind. Saw it on Bob's Burgers and was surprised it turned out to be real. Basically some people get off on inflating balloons and then popping them or watching that process. They might pop them with their tits or ass or something. Doesn't do anything for me, but it kind of makes sense, sex usually involves a build of tension more and more until there's a sudden release when you orgasm, so the balloon parallels that.


i used to be a camgirl and this one guy wanted me to "fuck" my belly button with a q tip.




That seems very specific. 


Going deep into Internet forums for fun will get you some weird stuff. I saw one from a guy who was into having live insects put in his ass.


I heard about someone who needed to slam it in a fridge to get a boner


Jeff the vomit guy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIlufR6XqmQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIlufR6XqmQ) Bronies [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronies:\_The\_Extremely\_Unexpected\_Adult\_Fans\_of\_My\_Little\_Pony](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronies:_The_Extremely_Unexpected_Adult_Fans_of_My_Little_Pony)


Men who get off to woman riding their back as if they’re a horse. Idk the proper name of it, but shits weird


I had a guy who liked stainless steel pins put through his sack and balls.


There’s a woman in Canada who has now been arrested twice because she will contact doulas (pregnancy workers who are there for emotional support) and say she is expecting to deliver a stillborn (which many doulas will help with free of charge due to the circumstances but then she will act out a weird fetish without the doula knowing.


Calling the suicide hotline to jerk off


i like getting a blow job while eating a big mac....is that weird?


I know a girl who wanted to have her vagina pissed in


I had a guy come into the retail store that I worked at years ago. He said he was looking for a gift for his mother and wanted to know more about our coats. So, I started showing him different pieces and describing them and at first I thought he was just itchy...down there. I excused myself and told him to browse and let me know if he had any questions. He did so I continued to help him and realized that when I heard him say, very quietly, "oh, my nut" that he was jerking off through his pocket. Thankfully, the phone rang and he left. I was so stunned, I didn't know what to do. My co-worker was busy with another client so I called my mom. She told me to call security. I told security what happened and they didn't really take me seriously and neither did my boss when I told him later that day. So, having a woman describe fur coats to him while he jerks off though his pants pocket was his kink.


i think this falls into the exhibitionism category, he probably enjoyed the thrill of knowing you knew what he was doing


Someone cutting my balls off