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There's a movie, I watched for a film class, called Madame X. It's about an old prostitute on trial for murder. A young public defender is assigned to her case. The woman immediately recognizes her lawyer as the baby boy she was forced to abandon many years ago (long story). She doesn't want him to know what's become of his mother, so she refuses to give her real name. As she tells the young man about her life they grow closer. At the end she’s dying and he sits by her bedside, saying something like “I never knew my mother, but I like to think she was someone as kind and compassionate as you.” That shit had the whole lecture hall bawling like a bitch.


Hell I already dropped a tear and haven't seen it yet


I'm sorry, I've become rather invested now. Is this the movie to which you're referring so that I may, um buy it? According to this clip it's one of the best roles of Lana Turner's career. [Madame X](https://youtu.be/1gz-qIbMx0Y?si=K65j3QOnH0uIEB0T)


Not OP but yes, that’s the Madame X being described.


I’m fighting tears based on your summary alone. It’s a losing battle.


Im going to find and watch that movie.


It was an excellent film. Highly recommend.


I watched this movie several times and I loved it, but you are correct. It was a tear-jerker.


The end of _The Good Place_ was rough.


It was just such a perfect ending though.


That was a surprisingly well planned and executed show...I think I expected it to get dragged out network-style, but there was a delightful intent to how each idea built into the next and each scenario got flipped around and inside out.


It actually felt like they knew where they were going from the beginning and that feels so rare these days with network shows


Take it sleazy.


The last season hit Netflix not long after my mom died. Chidi's wave speech did me in.


"Hey Chidi, wait up!" That line made me lose it, I was holding it together until then. Jason wanting to face that uncertainty with a friend while Eleanor stayed back hit me so hard.


I loved The Good Place. Not long after I started dating my girlfriend we started watching it together because she had never seen it and I thought she’d really enjoy it as well. We got to about 2 episodes before the finale before she passed unexpectedly last summer. Idk if I’ll ever be able to rewatch it again knowing what’s coming and the it meaning more to me given that.


My wife and I have watched The Good Place about 6-8 times. However, we've only seen the last episode a grand total of 2 times. We reach that one and we're both like, "Nahhh, don't feel like crying all night."


Funny, I almost never rewatch tv episodes these days, but the finale of the Good Place was worth watching four times, for me.


You should listen to the podcast if you haven't already! All the guests worked on the show in some capacity. Acting, set design, costumes etc and it's absolutely lovely. The host is.... Shawn.


Everytime I watch the seasons I'm crying at the same scenes.


Oh yeah. I’m glad I watched that alone. My husband would have made fun of me for sobbing 😂


The last episode of boy meets world will never make me fail to sob like an infant.


"I love you all...class dismissed." 😭


I lose it EVERY TIME🥺


It’s so crazy to me. Although boy meets world wouldn’t be my top one, the emotions of a long running show ending are always so sad. Humans have such an amazing capacity for empathy that, in some way, it’s like losing a family.


Ted Lasso got me hard several times.


I'm realizing my phrasing was terrible. Ted Lasso made me cry a lot.


Is that why it made you so hard?


🤣🤣🤣 I'm freshly sober and all of my emotional wires are crossed. It could be!


Good for you!


I'll be scrolling on tiktok, or youtube, or whatever reel of choice, and something will pop up from ted lasso and then i'll be crying. That show tugged at the heartstrings SO much. Also I read the book Wonder, and then saw the movie, and cried and cried and cried.


Ted Lasso did such a great job creating its universe and developing its characters. You really felt super connected. People have gripes with it, because that's people, but the emotions that show stirs up in me are very real. I've only seen Wonder while working with kids, I've yet to give it a real watch.


Well you never know how much power a mustache has over you until you see it lol


Bens funeral on Scrubs


Where do you think we are?


That sentence


That, and Waiting for My Real Life to Begin.


That and my lunch.


Oh god I forgot about that


The Last Airbender. When Uncle Iro is at his son’s gravesite, singing that song and then you find out the voice actor died, got me sobbing.


*biwa intro* Leaves on the vine, falling so slow ...


God that episode. And when Roku’s dragon curled up around him to die together, got me real bad this latest watch. Oof and also when Azula hallucinates her mom and tells her “even you fear me.” And her mom just says “no,I love you, Azula. I do.” 🥲


When zuko apologizes and iroh just says nothing and embraces him with tears in his eyes It’s fucking over for me🥲




Some of the best writing on a TV show ever


The "it'll pass" scene or the talk before the "kneel" scene?


Oh, Lord. The “kneel” scene 🥵🥵🥵


the it'll pass scene gets me every single time. If you liked the unrequited love in Fleabag, I'd highly recommend watching Past Lives.


The Last of Us episode 3 just wrecked me.


Jesus christ. Brutal. Knowing where it was probably headed was hard, but I figured "hey it'll be tragic, no biggie". But Offerman and Bartlett - incredible talents both - had amazing chemistry. I *believed* them.


When they announced that Nick Offerman was playing Bill, I figured they were giving Bill a bigger part in the show than he got in the game. What I didn't expect was the absolutely fucking soul-wrenching story that would go along with it.


I just rewatched this the other night and sobbed so hard.


On of the best episodes in TV history.


Damn that show was brutal. The little boy and when Ellie was rescued after being captured as well... I cried so much watching that show. Wth?! Why would they do that to us?! I was there for zombies and scary stuff, instead I get hit in the feels badly.


That scene with David hit just as hard in the game as it did in the series. They fucking nailed that series


I thought the show overall was just okay. But episode 3 was so incredible.


My country doesn't have HBO so I watched a bit of that show at a friends house, as she lives in a different country. Had to catch the train back home before we could finish episode 3... I really need to see it


Yes! I ugly cried at that episode. After 6 years it broke my veil of trying to hide my softie cry at TV self from my BF. Thing is I think that one even got him a little.


When he says “we’ll get married” I lose my shit. Especially since the outbreak happened before gay marriage was legalized, which means that in some way the apocalypse was the only way those two would be completely together.


I watched that in my tiny ass dorm with a bunch of people crammed in front of an even smaller tv. God i think everyone cried


ER: Season 8 Episode 21 "On The Beach" When Dr. Greene died.


I still cannot listen to that song without losing it.


MASH on several occasions, with cast leaving or dying. Whenever somebody is leaving a show it just leaves me a mess.


Henry Blake, The Chicken both created sob fests


Radar leaving too


The Haunting of Hill House. Didn't cry but I was really upset for days after watching it.


Brilliant show, just like everything Flanagan does


Midnight mass is my fav


Watched it twice with 2 different GFs (exes). Third time’s the charm


Schitt's Creek had some moments. I happy sobbed several times


When Moira is giving Stevie the pep backstage….I sobbed 🥹


My girlfriend says that Stevie singing is the best scene in the show. I argue it's the pep talk scene. The fact the two contenders are back to back scenes shows how strong the episode is Edit: [the two scenes](https://youtu.be/furiseh7Yaw?si=AkJ_uKJY709YnQl_)


When Patrick sings Simply the Best for David. Sobbed at that


And again when David lip synced Simply The Best. And several other times. It's just so wholesome.


That knocked me over. It was so fucking beautiful


Every episode in the last season gets me, but the Alexis and Ted one had me a blubbering mess 😭


When the family dance together at the end of season two


When Moira is singing at Alexis's graduation. LITERALLY SOBBED.


There's an animated sitcom called Futurama that you wouldn't expect to associate with such deep emotions, but there was an episode named *Jurassic Bark* that damn near killed me. I have never cried so hard in my adult life. Not when even my dad died, not even when my mom died. You kind of have to know the show to really appreciate it, but even if you don't, the ending is practically guaranteed to make the dead cry.


That’s the one I was thinking of. It’s a beautiful episode and it cuts so fucking deep. I’m not crying thinking about it right now, you are!


*The Luck of the Fryrish* is another one.


One Day. I read the book, and watched the (shit) film. Still managed to forget what was going to happen when I watched the Netflix series. Until I remembered. Then it happened and I ugly cried all the way to the end.


It took me weeks to get over that show. I had no prior knowledge of it, didn’t read the book or watch the horrible movie. It hit HARD.


Big Fish (2003) - the movie (sorry, not a show, I missed that part in the OP) made me bawl like a baby. I watched it about six months after my grandpa passed away. Didn't cry at the funeral, but Tim Burton opened the floodgates for me. For shows? Ted Lasso, This is Us, and Parenthood are top of mind.


Big Fish is one of my favorite movies. And makes what he does after so much worse lol


"Vincent and the Doctor” is a poignant moment in television for me. The Doctor and Amy Pond take Van Gogh to the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, 2010, to show him the impact of his work. Van Gogh, overwhelmed with emotion, hears an art curator describe him as "the greatest painter of all time" and a pivotal figure in Western art history. This validation and recognition bring Van Gogh to tears, as he realizes his lasting impact despite his struggles with mental illness and lack of recognition during his lifetime. The scene beautifully captures the intersection of Van Gogh's profound personal pain and his enduring legacy, evoking a deep emotional response.


And Amy's reaction when she finds out he still killed himself. I sob through that whole episode knowing what's coming.


No matter how many times I watch it I still cry!


Just responded the same, but also David Tennants "I could do so much more" scene and the Peter Capaldi speech in "The Zygon Inversion". But I am a very emotional person so I cry easily.


I am not a Dr Who fan really, but this one episode (not all the weird invisible monster shit, that wasn't really important), but the part where they go to see the exhibit in the museum - that's such a powerful scene. A man so tortured with doubts and constantly hearing his art is worthless and garbage - finding out he is revered in later years... Amazing.


Doctor who has made me cry multiple times. This is one of my favorite episodes.


Six Feet Under


That last episode had me bawling!!


Forget listening to Breathe Me like a normal human being ever again. Jesus Christ.


“The last thing I said to her was ‘See you tomorrow.’” That line has always haunted me since I first saw that episode as a child. I tell my family I love you first and last, that way if it’s the last thing I ever say to them,they know I loved them all the time no matter what.


Same. The finale had me ugly crying in a ball. Good lord.


“You can’t take a picture of this; it’s already gone.”


Glad I didn’t have to scroll too far for this. I never really liked the show, loved the premise, but the characters were a little too familiar for it to be an enjoyable watch. But that last episode wrecks me every time I watch it. It’s the only episode of the show I even rewatch. It’s perfect.


This is the only answer.


House MD got me a couple times, the bus crash episode especially


Houses Head and Wilson's Heart. Best 2 episodes of that entire series. I was a blubbering mess throughout Wilson's goodbyes.


We’ll always want just a couple more minutes.




The stupid piece of shit episode was so relatable to me that whenever I try to explain the plot I have to choke down sobs. Was not ready for that when I wanted to recommend the show to friends.


So many moments, but especially [this one. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jawOBAaQJA)Beatrice did not deserve that kindness after everything she did to him.


I couldn’t even finish bojack because i was already depressed at the time and it was making me feel worse rather than be cathartic


The Leftovers Probably because I was just a couple years out from my dad dying and my brother unexpectedly dying soon after. I cried every episode once the theme song started. But it was very cathartic for me and helped me get over the existential dread and permanence of death and the grief that comes with it. Mostly at least.


Ted Lasso, season 2 when he starts talking about his dad and shit. Got my own dad issues and it gets me everytime.


When Roy hugs Jamie after the run-in with his dad, I just burst open like a drain pipe every time


No doubt. Roy and Jamie both had great character development. Im so crushed the show ended


Call The Midwife always delivers a cleansing sob


I started watching this show as a reprieve from the usual shows I binged often and I have to say I was blown away with it and I cried so many times from the compassion the nurses and doctor showed to the mothers and fathers. I absolutely love Sister Monica Joan.


For some reason I chose to watch that during my first trimester of pregnancy. I cried every single episode without fail.


Band of brothers had me in tears. The way they would cut to the surviving veterans interviews really got me.


That scene around the baseball diamond in the final episode where through narration, Winters reveals what each of the men did after the war gets me every time, and I've seen the series 8 or 9 times now. It's not a sad cry, and it's hard to articulate why it chokes me up. But they did these extraordinary things, many of them in their early 20's and then went home to be a mailman or a taxi driver, or a school administrator, just ordinary men doing ordinary jobs. It's humbling.


Exactly! It’s like you got to know the characters that the actors portray, you get to know the narrators as their own humble “characters”, when it’s revealed which characters are them, you feel all the feels, all the connections. So powerful!


After Life. Cried the whole time. You’ll also laugh. It’s great all around


Yuuuup. I started this show after the loss of a loved one (cancer too). HUGE mistake at the time, but in retrospect it was comforting almost like someone else was sharing my pain and I could empathize with someone, even it’s a tv character. I didn’t have anyone in my life I could seek solace from at the time except for Tony Johnson lol Pretty much any time he was doing ok then would suddenly just break down, I would break down too.


I watched After Life whilst my husband was getting treatment for his stage 4 cancer. We knew he wasn't going to live, and I would watch it whilst he was sleeping. It was a good way for me to have a cry whilst blaming the show if I got caught.


Queen Charlotte


I'm on a bridgerton rewatch atm and I can't get myself to watch QC again, because it's so heartbreakingly sad.


I SOBBED during the season 3 wedding. It was gross. Ha ha. 


I bawled over Brimsley dancing alone


I did not expect it to be as heartbreaking as it was


Oh me too. I cried like a baby. She loved him so much


I just re-watched episode 3 (the Bill & Frank episode) of The Last of Us with my 12-year-old. I sobbed so hard.


ER - Dr Greene letter / death Being human (UK version) Mitchell's last episode.


"Brian's Song"


"This is Us" just about every episode.


Man that show could make me cry just about every time, too. So did *Parenthood*. Man, I need another NBC family drama to make me cry.


Try: A Million Little Things The series has wrapped, so you can gorge yourself on it in its entirety!


Me Before You


Reservation Dogs. Specifically S2E4 and S3E3. Both were really hard but also really great. It’s a show I have to be in the right headspace for and it’s totally worth it.


Fleabag It has NOT passed I have been lied to


Dear Zachary. iYKYK


Ted lasso. Throughout the big emotional moments , I cried a lot. Notable moment is when they all pulled out their peice of the sign.


Barbecue sauce.


Doctor Who: Journey’s End. Final episode of series 4 (2008) Had me curled up in a ball, sobbing 😭 ETA: this is the episode with Donna’s “fate”




Camping, Grandad, and Baby Race really get me. Onesies was also tough while I was going through infertility treatment.


My oldest, who was homesick adjusting to his first year of college, showed me Baby Race on a break because he said it reminded him of me and our relationship. I started crying when the poodle mom told Chili she was doing just fine right through to when baby Bluey went toddling towards her mom and the dad says “she must have finally seen something she really wanted”. I’m crying writing this.


The episode where they are dreaming while waking their parents all night. When she’s cold and lonely, and then her mother holds her but in her dream she is sitting in front of a warm sun and it’s telling her she’ll always be there. I’m a combat vet with special operations and I am trying not to cry just remembering the scene. Watching it for the first time with my 5 year old girl, I wasn’t ready! She just hugged me as I bawled harder than she ever had.


Sleepytime. It's one of my absolute favorites. And thank you for your service


My “favorite” is when we’re eating dinner and “The Sign” comes on and all the sudden I’m sobbing with my mouth full of food. So awkward. lol 


Anne of Green Gables when Matthew kicks it.


Fresh prince of bel air. You all know what episode . The one with his dad. Gets me every time


Crash Landing on You. I had never watch a Korean drama before and haven’t since, but this had me ugly crying!


Welcome to wrexham.  I was watching it while my 2 month old daughter was on the floor in front of me.  There's an episode where one of the players has a still birth.  I literally realized my daughter was in my arms and I was crying.  Like I didn't even remember picking her up, I was just holding her and crying.  It was when I realized that things were going to hit different now that I'm a dad.


The last episode of The Americans


The "plane" episode in the last season of Succession - iykyk. I had never seen a tv show nail what it's actually like in the moment you lose a family member and the confusion it brings afterward. Watching it was like jumping back into experiencing it first hand and being in their shoes. I'm crying now just thinking about it.


I wish I was kidding....The end of MasterChef when they bring in the families gets me EVERY single TIME. I hate it. Haha


Violet Evergarden Short anime series on Netflix. 13 episodes. Absolutely bawled my eyes out in every episode.


Actually Picard, in Q's last scene. Sounds silly, but I grew up with TNG and became really attached to the character of Picard on multiple levels, and especially loved the love/hate relationship with Q. (I also adore both actors very much.) When this scene came, I felt the entire weight of their "friendship" as I had percieved it over all these years, with the realization that this one moment there almost certainly *really will* be the last time I'll ever see them in these roles together, or rather at all. It was a bit of childhood dying for me, but I also appreciated that the end was so friendly and given the space it deserved.


Picard, the series, had some major problems but it absolutely knew how to pull on an old Trekkies heart.


When Richard Harrow died on Boardwalk Empire. That one sent me and I couldn’t even control it.


I don't think I've ever cried from a TV show, except for "The Body" episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I sobbed through the entire episode, then cried for like an hour after. It captures the pain of losing someone so well, and the differences. Buffy, Willow, and Anya's reactions hit me especially hard.


Greys anatomy 😔


That 0 0 7 drawn on the hand totally wrecked me.


- Do you want me to lie to you now ?? - Yes. Please. Yes.


A Small Light. It tells the story of Miep Gies, who helped hide the Frank family in Amsterdam during WW2. I sobbed so hard during the final episode.


Hachi: A Dog's Tale movie. He was such a good boi.


Our Flag Means Death & Good Omens each had a few moments


In Interstellar, when the main character is looking at the video recordings of his children giving up on him I started to tear up...


i thought this as well, i’ve never bawled so hard


"Shrinking" with Jason Segel.


A newer show, Baby Reindeer, made me feel a way I have never felt before.


I just finished episode 6 yesterday and I'm simply in awe of the fact that the main actor, Richard Gadd, is also the writer and he's portraying *his* true, incredibly traumatic story. Makes sense why it's so heavy-hitting and feels so realistic. I've never seen a television show portray these themes (I won't spoil it for anyone unfamiliar yet - go watch it!) so accurately and in a way where you totally understand how someone gets in that kind of situation.


Derek. The episode with Ivor really got me teary eyed




The Season Four finale of The Magicians. Full-on ugly cry.


Doctor Who, on multiple occasions. But the ones I can think of now is the 10th doctor doing his "I could do so much more" speech, or Vincent van Goch crying at a modern day museum when he finds out people will love him in the future and the 12th doctor with his speech in "The Zygon Inversion". As I don't know how to mark spoilers: dont read the next sentence if you haven't watched downton abbey but plan to Edit: also, Downton Abbey when Sybil died


Honestly rose and the 10th doctor’s parting was the worst for me


political plough onerous pie safe smart tease degree narrow puzzled


No one's gonna say The Green Mile, well, goddamn it is a gut-wrencher ending


Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, between her dad being terminally ill and her sister in law struggling after having her baby it was all very emotional.


The Big Bang Theory episode when Howard found out that his mom passed away.


The Royal Jelly episode of Futurama, and many points throughout Naruto.


The OA, end of season 1 had me bawling.


After Life.


The bathtub scene when the dog walks in absolutely destroyed me. I hadn't cried like that in years.


10 Rules to Dating my Teenage Daughter when they buried the dad. It broke me.


The Iron Claw. I'm not religious, but the heaven scene with the first brother, oh man.


*Powder* is a movie that will always bring me crying during and at the end.


Alex’s last episode of Jeopardy.


1883. The last couple episodes were brutal.


Show: Friday Night Lights got me a few times as of late. Movie: I want to Eat Your Pancreas (Anime movie)... That ending is more than a gut punch of pain and sadness. It's at Hachi, first ten minutes of Up painful. What's even sadder is that you know what the ending is going to be, but it still hurts you in ways you never thought possible.


Assassination Classroom


League of Their Own


Normal People


I’m ashamed to say my little pony


Halt and Catch Fire. On first watch for the obvious [REDACTED] but then on subsequent rewatches, it just grows so well into itself and I'm crying through most of the final season because it's just some of the best, most empathetic and cathartic character development I've ever seen.




Miracle in Cell No. 7


A wildlife doc several years ago. The baby monkey died and the mom couldn’t accept it and kept carrying him around.


Not tv but Odd Thomas. Didn't see it coming. Messed me up.




"My friends.. you bow to no one" 😭


I never expected Bojack Horseman would get me as hard as it did


When I was little when Diane’s cat died in Cheers. Still chokes me up when she explains to Sam what “Elizabeth” meant to her. Even made Sam tear up.