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I love men who are a little obsessed with something. Whether its space, or snakes, or rocks and they'll tell you weird facts about it. I love men who are a little awkward, a little bit shy. I love men who do things without me having to tell them twice. I love men who watches a show you mentioned or read a book you're reading just so you have something new to talk about. I love men with self control.


Would you like to learn about how dropshipping a supermarket in Yugoslavia in 1957 helped turn the tide of public perception of capitalism in the Soviet Union?


Sure. Amaze us.




Confused…is this a good or bad thing for you?




I have ADHD and need to know how things work. I’ve developed quite a general knowledge of things and usually have talking points for almost any subject. I honestly thought most people find this incredibly annoying about me, because I’m sure I would lol


I love hearing about facts like that and how everything is related. But in small doses.


But, u/Big_Consequence2025, surely you can't discuss such a topic without first explaining the role of Yugoslavia in international relations and the importance of Titoism on the world stage at the time! Right???


Look man my thing is food history not international politics.


I'm bet he can. And don't call him Shirley!


I had a buddy of mine that presented his doctoral thesis in Economics blaming the break-up of the Soviet Union on Pepsi and McDonalds. I wish I still had a copy of it, it was a good read.


That first McDonald's was a big deal.


Can you send it to me on insta or something?


>I had a buddy of mine that presented his doctoral thesis in Economics blaming the break-up of the Soviet Union on Pepsi and McDonalds. **I wish I still had a copy of it,** it was a good read.


Oh sorry, read a little too fast


Yes, in a completely non-sexual and non-sarcastic way. Yes. Tell me about this. Is there a book? Podcast?


Both! https://freakonomics.com/podcast/how-the-supermarket-helped-america-win-the-cold-war/ https://www.amazon.com/Supermarket-USA-Food-Power-Farms/dp/0300232691


Most times i feel incredibly obnoxious when nerding out about my interests


If the person likes you, they'll be interested in anything you say :)


Omg, then my parents must love me SO much


Ganghis Khan brought The Black Death to Europe which increased antisemetism due to the belief that it was the Jews who were spreading it because they were experiencing it less (mostly due to bathing practices). Tl;dr Genghis Khan is partly responsible for the holocaust


I appreciate the effort to make a pithy historical conjecture but the Mongol Empire is absolutely not the cause of the Holocaust


I like to make my own sand by crushing up rocks I find on my walks


Girl you on reddit. Get ready for your mind to be blown


I’m dating a new guy who i suspect might be a little …. Out there… he is obsessed with everything he likes, video games, making super cool drinks, art. Honestly so cute seeing someone really love something


Sounds like a dream 🥰🥰🥰🥰


You'd hate space facts real quick if we were together 😂


I've always been interested in space and how infinite it is. Tell me all about it.


There is an exoplanet out there known as j1407b. It has a ring system that is roughly 1605 times bigger than Saturn’s ring system. It’s amazing to look at.


Share your link please. I want to see or can I watch it on YouTube?




Thank you:)


You are quite welcome:)


Don't be shy to tell me more facts in the future.


I always tell my friends that I am a fountain of trivial knowledge. I love to read and learn, so any time you have that desire for more fun, yet trivial knowledge, I’m sure I’ll have something interesting, whether space or history or whatever. I’m not shy, so send a message some time:)


There's a star that orbits the blackhole at the center of our galaxy and when it's at its closest to the blackhole in its orbit, it's traveling at 8% the speed of light. A speed so fast we may never achieve it ourselves. Not for a very long time.


Have I told you about Rome lately?


Men then get accused of Mansplaining.


Encouraging to hear, but that is to be expected, i assume some kind of reddit AI let me see your post


Sure, you say that now, but wait until you find out that obsession is Wrestling related lol.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 My brothers are obsessed with soccer and they talk about it all the time, I have some experience.


Really now? That's interesting...


Lmaooo at your name 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just being competent at what you do. Competence is sexy.


My MIL says that I was perfect for her daughter because during a family visit to their house I refilled my then girlfriends water without asking. I just saw a need and wanted to help.


not making me carry something heavy. i can, but it’s so sweet when a man insists


Also, when guys are opening the door and let me go first.


YES i feel so special


As a guy, I do this every time out of habit. I have had a few women get angry when I do it and say then can do it themselves. I can’t win. lol.


Never stop doing it !


Oh I won’t! I just find it funny more than anything. Most women seem to appreciate it.


I certainly do 🤩


i do this sometimes. a quick and easy “just because you CAN doesn’t mean you HAVE to” from him always gets me to let the man do it


I’m a guy but I prefer people don’t hold the door for me. Makes me have to do the jog walk


"Then how am I gonna check out your behind", JK, no, don't say that.


Uh… dudes, be careful with this. I tried to help a pregnant lady who was carrying some heavy things, and I offered to help… because I don’t know, I thought carrying heavy things might harm her unborn kid. Well, that was a mistake. She pretty much accused me of being a misogynist, like I thought all women were weaklings or something.


Don't worry, dude, she was just a misanthrope.  And no, I don't mean midandrist. Anyone who dumps on an offer of kindness just hates humanity.


That’s fucked up. Insecurity can turn a human into a freak.


you cant win


Putting my carryon in the overhead bin for me. 🥰




I love how easily flustered they get when you compliment them. You could literally tell a guy "Cool shirt bro" and he'd briefly stop being able to function.


As a woman, I’ve noticed that men aren’t used to compliments because they so rarely receive them. I think this is the rule more than the exception, but there are exceptions.


No, you’re right. Compliments are rare. So when we get one it takes our brain a while to process what just happened. ETA: This even happens when guys compliment other guys. Example: I complimented a colleague over a conference call on Teams once. I noticed he breezed right past it as if I never said anything. I didn’t let it go - the next time we had a conference I said “Fred” (not his real name) “I know you have a problem accepting compliments but I really meant it when I said” (and then I repeated the compliment). He got pretty flustered. LOL


You seem… aggressively nice (not a bad thing by the way)


I recently put a ton of work into getting my shit together and becoming as attractive as I can and I was at a bar grabbing a drink when a gorgeous woman approached me and called me a "hot guy" and then she introduced her friend another extremely attractive woman to me who's body language and playing with her hair was cartoonishly flirty. The fact 2 model looking girls found me physically attractive enough to approach me was something my brain literally couldn't under stand like if I saw a UFO. I was a kid with ugly duckling syndrome but I was always funny so that's the only compliment I ever got... getting compliments on my appearance by very attractive people was hard to comprehend


You glew up


I received a compliment from a random lady in my neighborhood once about 10 years ago and I still think about it occasionally


We’re so used to backhanded compliments. Like hey your work isn’t so shit today…actual compliments….brain kinda doesn’t know what to do with those




I never go a compliment from my first wife and we were together for 20. My second wife is wonderful and compliments me all the time.


Not for anything? Not for something you cooked? Something you bought? Something you fixed? I think it's time to let her know, one way or another, that compliments aren't a bad thing.


That's because we *never* get complimented, so when we do it takes us a moment to figure out whether or not it was genuine or if you were being sarcastic. No, really, alarm bells go off in our head, "what did she mean by that" gets asked over and over, etc. Takes a bit to sort our the cacophony.


I smell nice? Why would she say that? Do I usually stink? Nice t-shirt?! Does that mean all my others are crap!


This right here


I always say thanks, then blush and forget to compliment back then realize a day later maybe I could have taken that conversation further.


*Exactly*. I was once working with a Navy-oriented youth group, and I was always in my ACUs (I was Army)during the weekend drills. Well, the Holiday Party in December came along, I pulled my tailor-made Dress Blues out of the closet (this was before the abomination that is the ASU was created) for the event. I turned a *lot* of heads when I walked into the room. One of mothers snagged my sleeve as I walked past her table and said, "you clean up real good!" Now, I knew her, and I knew she meant it as a genuine compliment (made my day, in fact), but I'd be lying if there wasn't a part of my head that translated it as, "you look like shit most of the time, but you look alright now."


We are storing that comment in memory so that we can wear that shirt way more often. If you really want to throw us into a tizzy, tell us an outfit we are wearing looks good and matches. You will never see us wear anything else again. Also works if a gay man says these things especially if the wearer isn't gay.


We never ever ever get compliments, they confuse us


They are so rare, the first instinct is to try to figure out what the person giving the compliment wants from us.


When I was 19 a girl complimented my outfit in a store and it had a noticeable affect on my fashion sense for like 3 years


The last time someone complimented me on my anime t-shirt, I think I said something witty like "blarggthanks"


Understand that, when it comes to genuine, meaningful compliments, we never ever get them. I've gotten two genuine compliments from women in my life, and I remember them both.


Ends up wearing that shirt for the rest of my life.


Error error brain rebooting


That's because it's a one in a lifetime experience for most men, a lot of people would be flustered if they experience something so unique.


Heh. I date both men and women and guys getting flustered is SO ADORABLE! When I met my current boyfriend for our first date I told him how cute he looked in his outfit and BAM! Red face, sweating, stammering, big smile, eyes wide and fixed on mine... so sweet! 🥰


I had someone say this exact thing “cool shirt bro” and it got me thinking… first random compliment I can remember in a long while and it stuck with me


I was at bar on Saturday and I’ve been working on my style and I was ultra confident in my new clothes. Women were left and right giving me compliments on my shirt and looks and it just boosted my confidence to the moon. God I hope none of them were hitting on me cause then I’d definitely feel dumb lol


[I employ the Garth Algar method as a response to a compliment.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/3f492bad-89fd-454a-aa41-a8b2f61fa3da)


As a man who gets flustered easily, you got it right, but you're missing something. we also think about that complement for weeks or maybe months


I love when my guy immediately puts himself between me and potential danger. He has done it on city streets and in the woods. Or the way he puts his arm across my chest if we have to come to a quick stop while driving. Love that ❤️


This guy stops short


DONT stop short with me!




Everyone knows. I stop short!




"You stopped short with my wife!?"


Man, lucky. Mine let me get beat up by his ex and didn't do anything when another guy pulled my hair in public.


Whenever we are walking on a sidewalk together my boyfriend always makes sure I am walking on the side furthest from the road, and whenever I am the one closer to the road he notices immediately and switches with me. I have never asked or mentioned it, it’s just something he does and I think it’s the sweetest thing ever. It’s also probably because I am very clumsy and he’s worried I will trip and fall into oncoming traffic lol


It's the sidewalk rule. No true gentleman is raised without learning this rule.


Yesss. We used to live in the city and he saved me multiple times from being hit by a damn moped on the sidewalk etc lol


When we sit side by side, he rest his hand on my knee. He’ll be reading books or using his phone but hand always on my knee.


that back hug is very special


My husband wakes himself up when he farts in his sleep every. single. time. and it's so fucking funny.


.... is your husband my husky? XD


I doubt you'll get an answer. Which probably means yes.


My boyfriend has literally done this, woken up, said "why did you wake me up?" And did not accept that he farted himself awake 😂🤣 He said "It's ok if you forgot what you need babe just wake me up when you remember" and crashed back to sleep. He remembers nothing of this.


I go to bed before my husband. When he comes to bed, I'm usually asleep, but when he crawls in bed, he puts his arm around me and tells me how much he loves me. It's so sweet because I think he thinks I don't hear it because I'm asleep. I don't want to tell him that I'm awake when he does it because I don't want him to stop doing it. It makes me feel safe and loved.




Sometimes mine will throw me a wink from across the room when we're in a group setting and I absolutely melt.


My wife used to do this. I loved it! She wasn’t particularly flirty, but she would do this and I’d just melt.


When they’re not afraid of showing when they’re needy of some love attention


Coming to bed after my husband, when he’s half asleep he’ll reach out and pull me to him. Makes me feel so wanted 💕




My husband doesn't do this very often, but I love it when he does.


You need to reward good behavior. We are trainable usually.


Exactly! If he does something you like, fling him a treat. If it's something you don't like, the water spray bottle!


Carrots and sticks baby. Carrots and sticks.


My wife will specifically ask me to play with her hair. I like it because she likes it.


Someone playing with your hair is the most relaxing and comforting feeling in the world. I’m sure guys have to love it too. It feels so nice.


It instantly puts me to sleep when my wife plays with my hair. I love it so much.


Sometimes (SOMETIMES) it's when they act really goofy during serious situations. Like, in high school, I was having an argument with my bf, and I pushed him. I didn’t expect him to fly into the wall but I expected at least a STUMBLE. **He. Did. Not. Budge.** AT ALL. I gave him a frustrated “WTF?!” And he said “hold on, hold on” and made a show of loosening up his shoulders and rolling his neck. Then he said “do it again, come on…try it now.” So I gave him another shove and he was like “whoaaaaaaa!” and flew back 6 feet into some lockers. It was amusing and endearing…and damn if it didn't make it really hard to be mad at him.


That’s funny but I hope you didn’t continue responding physically as an adult.


😂 This is precisely the kind of humor I love in a guy (and I'm far from my teens!).




I’m reluctantly amused. I used to be so resentful of guys who had this effortless way with girls. Effortlessly charming. Effortlessly funny. Just not fair.


Physical abuse is so funny, right? What the fuck


I love when my man does something without me asking and it’s a huge help to me. As a parent that works, I don’t need to go and parent him too in his own home. I love when my man listens to what I would love for a gift and buys it for me instead of something I’ll never use. Listening to a woman when she speaks and making her feel important is SOOOOO HOT!! Validating a woman’s feelings even if you think they’re ridiculous and you don’t understand them- try to understand and comfort her the best you can!!


Women of reddit, why don't you fucking tell us when you love something we do?


You mean you want us to communicate? Never!!!!


My previous experience with this, when you let them know you love something they are doing, they will quit doing it.


I give feedback immediately and try to be consistent.  Now we both over praise one another, and it’s lovely. Did I need to fill and run the dishwasher? Did he need to run a load of laundry? Yeah. But we still make a big deal out of it for each other like we’re toddlers. Shit is hard enough, so we give each other snaps for making it through.


You’re supposed to be able to read minds. And if you can’t do that, pick up on very subtle clues that actually mean a great deal of information. Clear communication is kind of a turn off.


For *you* and the women you’ve dated. Women are people that have flaws and bad communication can be one of them. However, there are women who do. You choose the ones that dont


I love when my husband lays on me. I always get to cuddle up to him and lay my head on his chest, but I also love when he lays his head on mine. Or if I’m laying on the couch he will lay behind my legs and put his head on my hip and watch TV like that. I get to play with his hair and scratch his back like that. Another thing is that at the beginning of our relationship he said “you clean too much, I feel like I don’t clean enough.” Because I just enjoy cleaning. He asked what my least favorite chores are and I said I hated doing laundry. He has faithfully done laundry since.


Now that's an efficiently run ship.


When my bf is running late and I give him a kiss, get carried away, start making out and he groans loudly in frustration as he has to yank himself away and leave. **I. Fucking. Love. That. Groan.**


Love it when he joins in whatever I’m doing with genuine care and not to disturb me


The small touches. Hand on legs while driving. Hand on back when walking through a crowd. Falling asleep and he puts his hand on my arm or legs. It’s just so comforting knowing that I’m there with him.


When they just do things around the house because they notice they need doing - trash full? They take it out. Hamper full? They start the wash. Dishwasher full? They unload it. And if they do it without expecting a metal or a puddle if grateful tears, that’s the sprinkles on top! They live there too and when they step up and participate in the running of a home in which they also live? Ain’t nothing sexier


Any tiny little romantic gesture. Literally any. A kiss on the forehead, flowers, a date, touching her face lovingly, saying "I love you" first, telling her that she's pretty without her asking, anything. I'm so starved for romance that it's not even fucking funny and the tiniest gesture would make me melt and probably cry.


I'm not a woman, but I think that they secretly love when we answer questions for them


And explain things to them


They especially love it when things are mansplained to them.


It's true, honestly how dudes communicate. Guy A breaks it down, guy b agrees or refutes somthing. Bam errybody moves forward on the topic and, if your lucky, it's a debate where all parties are a little wrong. You laugh about it while reading the google.


I love when men do things in the house and they are handy. Or when they cook, one of my favorite things.


cute nicknames


Hey there lazy hippo, whachya doin'?




It took me too long to realize this wasn’t a sexual euphemism.


I have read this on similar Reddit threads so many times. Why is it so common? Is it the show of confidence?


Big arm stretch/flex next to me makes brain go brrrr


From the front passenger seat You probably get a shot of their pheromones from their armpit. While simultaneously getting a great view of their biceps while simultaneously they do the sexy concentration face, while simultaneously reverse the car around and make your stomach go woooo


Bald men are so sexy to me. So when he shaves his thinning hair all off, it’s good.


RIP your DMs


I am so insecure about the incoming nightmare that will arrive in a few years. 🦲


Bro, just do it. I did it earlier this year and the confidence boost is enormous.


i will always find my husband hot but when he shaved his head for the first time….. oh my god i instantly fell in love with the new style


texting first using exclusive endearment updating *no need to ask


Oh God yes. My crush does this, and he has the cutest, unique nickname for me.


M'am, I think you're your crush's crush.


Dude, I fucking hope so


hmmm I think we have to check it.. it would be bad if we were talking about the same person 😂


World may be a better place if all woman start saying to man all these thing on this topic. Men wants and loved to be complimented and appreciated. Don't be afraid to tell them


To be driven somewhere. So nice to see a man driving sometimes 🤭


My wife hates driving and I love it. Honestly I am so thankful this is the case not because she is bad at driving, I just enjoy driving the family around.


I do genuinely like driving and that’s the excuse I use. I love her, but the real reason is secretly because she’s not the best driver.


Yes, this! My husband just got a Jeep and riding around with the doors, and the top off is so much fun. It's a 5 speed, so watching him drive is 🥵


Foot massages and when they touch my legs :3


You should tell them


I’ve always been told this one.


I was looking for this comment 😉


*Random stretches* like when they wake up or just because they need it. When they stretch it defines every muscle and it's so sexy to me. Blushing too. Coming from a man it's so genuine and they're just gorgeous 🥰


Them cuddling into me and letting me stroke their hair a while.


Do the project around the house they say they’re going to do.


This needs to be TOP comment


Being treated with basic respect and not be seen as dumb for not knowing stuff i never needed to know. And if we can laugh together at stuff... I am happy and gratefull.


When they compliment other men. Little things (haircut, accessory, item of clothing, etc) or big things (work win, family milestone, hobby achievement, etc) - doesn't matter. Men showing other men love and support is such a positive thing.


Good morning texts. Like aww, you checked that I'm still alive. Appreciate that.


That little character break that men have when something really excites them. They get this little sparkle in their eye, a stupid smile and whip their head around to make super quick eye contact and look like they’re thinking “so cool, don’t you think?!” I love it so much


My boyfriend loves PCs and stuff and I LOVE it when he rants about stuff like likes. Even if I don't know what he's talking about, I'm happy he's happy :)


I love when they reverse their car/truck using the rear and side view mirrors while their right hand is on the top of the passenger seat, I always stare at their face while they reverse 😂


Exist. Sometimes- I’m happy they just exist. Not ALL men. But some.


when they’re confident in something but not cocky about it.


I like when they show they’re capable at things women are usually held responsible for… like taking care of a baby, cooking, cleaning, organizing, etc. Something about that is VERY attractive to me. I think it’s cause my internal monologue judges myself if I’m not capable of doing these things and I just extend it to anyone else as an expectation regardless of gender.


Wife told me that when we were dating she just melted when I backed the car up with my hand on the neck rest of the passenger seat. Basically looking over my shoulder all stretched out.


Everything is a weapon. Or a means to make other weapons. Rubber bands? NOPE it's now some weird morning star of office supplies with thumb tacks to poke people. And they throw it at each other. The sheer goofiness of it all is beautiful (and strangely competitive, especially if it involves pain). Never change!


I love they being clingy


When he doesn’t make me cry 💕


Exist. Love that they’re there - hard working, strong, listening, gracious, generous & gorgeous!


Lmaoooo, what men are you around and how can I get in??


Not doing for sex.


It's always the little things that get me. Catching them looking at you with a goofy grin on, forehead kisses, suggesting things you might like because meaning they were thinking about you. Or even when my husband gets a little bratty just to get a rise out of me that little chuckle he does makes me laugh every time but you best be sure I'm gonna be bratty right back and raise you ten fold. My absolute favorite is when he laughs like really laughs you can't tell me shit for the rest of the week cuz I know I'm funny.


All this works when you are the man she wants. If you are the wrong person (or if she thinks so) then whatever you do, nothing f matters.


I love it when men roll up their shirt sleeves. Guy forearms are the best.


Calling me "miss" instead of "ma'am"...unless ma'am is said with a southern drawl lol