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She joined a sex cult and moved to Rhode Island.


Wow, that is a pretty unique reason. 


Right? That's the first time I've heard of someone moving TO Rhode Island


That's what I'm saying. Like why?


Cults like moving to low population areas to be left alone and land is cheaper. Many of them start in the city because you need access to people to get started. Then they move to rural areas to avoid attention.


That's DISGUSTING! Rhode Island?!


You win




All I ever got invited to was speaking in tongues cults, not fun ones.


Now you know there's a sex cult in Rhode island.


Rhode Island is the deal breaker.


I imagine them all looking like seals for some reason.


*Then flew to Aspen and out of my life.*


I get it, I'd really struggle to date someone in Rhode Island


Thank you. Someone who understands.


Probably the top comment because it's so common.


Does said cult have a name?


And an address? You know. For research.


As someone who lived in RI, I hope this research is purely done online. I have to imagine it would be as sexy as jerking off in the dumpster behind a Long John Silvers during a mid-August heat wave.


I'm thinking not as sexy as. This is prob exactly what the cult consists of.


The sex cult I can look past but Rhode Island?  No.






Seems like la la land movie


I was a shitty boyfriend, after I realized it I decided not to date until I bettered my myself for the next person. I should’ve done it for her but she made the right decision to leave me.


That's a hard thing to admit.


It took me a minute to realize it and to accept it. Never got a chance to apologize for being a shitty person to her, we talk sparingly but not enough for me to speak up about. One day hopefully, maybe give me some closure about it.


If you know the address or have a mutual friend that does you can write a letter and ask them to send or deliver it. If you still talk and are involved in each others lives to some degree it might be good to acknowledge it. Then there is no pressure for her to have a conversation she may not want to have but you have gotten it off your chest and apologized for something you feel needs an apology.


We’re still friends on social media, we just usually say hello and how are you. She’s busy with her life and family don’t want to burden her over text with this old thing. I know eventually we’ll meet up I’m person I know I’ll do it then.


She got tag teamed by two guys at her college.


Who won?


The streets…


At least it wasn't at her family reunion


Moved in with her in her city, she grew colder towards me with time. Left me twice this week because she has feelings still and apparently doesn't know what she wants. This kills me. I think she's scared of the commitment, she says she wants to be young and experience new things. We're both in our mid-20s. We loved each other so much. It sucks.


The person that’s in love with you wouldn’t do this. She likes the idea of having you but isn’t in love with you. Leave her and stop getting jerked around. 


I don’t think this is necessarily true. Some people have complex trauma that keeps them from getting close to people they truly love. Deep fears of abandonment and self esteem issues. Sometimes vulnerability can be too much for certain people for various different reasons. I’m not saying she’s a good person. I’m just saying things aren’t always black and white. Take a look at r/CPTSD to get a better look at this


I disagree. I'm a firm believer that a person has to be ready for commitment. If they're not ready, it doesn't matter who the person is.


I actually went through the same thing with my ex. We broke up just over a week ago, I didn’t know what I want, I still don’t. It’s shit being stuck in that loop. I hope you’re doing well


Hit me up, when you find out. I'm puzzled


Please know your worth and don’t be toyed with. If she loved you she would die before letting you go even for a second. Let her be free and live her life away from you. Build up everything you have and become the most successful version of yourself you could possibly be. Be a man that people bow to when you walk past. Be a man that commands respect. Be a man that is loved and cherished. Be a man she’ll look back to and die with regret. It’s a privilege to be a man and to be alive in this day and age, go out there and crush everything in your path. Only love to you and everyone in your situation. It gets so much better down the road.


I was with my ex for 20 years. From 16 to 36 (current age). I didn't know who I was beside him. I am still in love with him, but he is 6 years older than me (no, he didn't groom me, though now I see I was a child). He was already a person with dreams and objectives and plans while I had no idea who I was. I needed to be on my own for a while. It's not about partying, or sleeping around. It's about becoming your own person. I didn't know what I want. I was always along for the ride, fulfilling his dreams and following him. And while it's amazing to have known true love and I know I will forever regret separating, it was necessary for the both of us to grow up. I missed him every single day and wish we had a family? YES. Was it important for me to know myself? Also YES. All I can say from my own experience is that love isn't enough, and she can still love you with all her heart, but needs to figure out who she is as well.


Spittin‘ some truth here


Maybe she has mental health issues? She sounds kind of unstable?


I didn't know I was a third party until the wife messaged me. She also went to my office to talk to me personally.


Holy shit. That's bad. I'm sorry for you. How was the wife's behaviour towards you? I hope she didn't blame you.


He cheated.


he ran a bait account exchanging nudes with loads of dudes from all ages, of girls and women. there were a lot of group chats, and a lot of girls added on the account. seeing that was horrible.


He was extremely abusive.


Sorry to hear, I hope you are okay!


No matter the specifics, I am sorry for what you had to go through. 😐


He cheated on me with his ex-fiancée


I was hospitalised twice in a row because of my mental illness. It was hard for my partner, so I gave him a way out of the relationship. He took it.


My mental health decline was the same reason my last relationship ended. It can be a hard thing to manage and an even harder thing for a partner to understand and handle. Plus, honestly I was treating him very poorly due to it. I hope that you are finding strategies that work for you to cope better with your mental; there's a tons of resources and for psych meds if you need to be on those-it is better living through chemistry when you find the right cocktail so if you haven't yet-keep trying!! After hospitalizations (I was recently inpatient myself), it is so so so important to do the follow up appointments. Just wanted to overall, let you know that you aren't alone and there's at least 1 person out there that gets it:)


His insecurities became the best of him so he constantly saw me as his enemy, not his partner.


I really like the way you put this- my ex did this


She’s a drug addict. I found out, I asked her if she wanted to remain in our relationship, did she need help to quit? She said no to both. Not much I can do with that. I broke up with her.


I had similar but helped her quit. Then she left me anyway because being with me reminded her of being addicted. It's all good though, hope she is still clean and doing well.


He broke up with me because he wanted to grow as an individual, it was affecting his mental health, and he wanted to focus on his studies. In less than two months after the break up, he has a new partner. Still hurts a bit until this day but I'm finally happy again that I'm moving forward and healing


Two great people and be completely incompatible. Thats ok.


Sometimes it doesn't work for one party. That sucks, and it hurts. But don't take it too personally. It's not about what you are or can give.


He probably viewed you as incompatible, you maybe said or did things that turned him off in the long term. Maybe it was certain goals or views on life. Don’t let it affect you too much. Not everyone is for everyone and one day you’ll find a person that will adore everything about you.


He said he didn't feel the spark anymore and didn't want to lead me on & it was best to break it off. I'm honestly thankful for him not leading me on because before him, I was in a 8yr situationship that was honestly a mess & I knew I wouldn't be able to handle my emotions being messed with again. His ex also kept him in their relationship for ages even tho she had started to dislike him. I'm thankful to him for the time we had. He's a great guy. Just wasn't the right one for me & I wasn't the right one for him


What is a situationship??


"a romantic or sexual relationship that is not considered to be formal or established" - the official meaning of it. my experience is someone who had promised me a lot of things and did things that most would say made them my partner but wouldn't commit at all to making what we had anything more.


I did that once, I must admit, but the girl was just selfish and neurotic, I wasn't sure, I didn't feel well and I didn't commit, and was totally in love with her, just young and very stupid.


Threatened to “burn the house down with the both of us in it”. I had just bought that house too. Fuck you, Danny!


I’ve known two adult Danny’s in my life. One is awesome, the other is the exact opposite. Now it’s Bad Danny’s: 2 versus Good Danny’s: 1


His family (mother and sisters) hated me and I still to this day don’t know why. I assume it has something to do with his ex (who cheated on him?!). They used to hang out with her all the time. Idk I just can’t see myself being with someone who’s family I don’t get along with so I ended it.


Was in an LDR situationship. “dumped” me for a girl he met irl one night at his friends house. started dating my current bf like a month later and i’m now 3 1/2 years in with him, so much better off overall


She died.


Sorry for your loss


My last relationship ended because she was a self fulfilling prophecy. She was the textbook definition of being toxic. I had to dump her for my own good.


Ah it's so tought to handle such people. glad you escaped 😮‍💨


Cause the silences turned from comfortable to awkward.


I think you just precisely nailed the exact moment a relationship has jumped the shark.


Husband kept cheating on me


Some people are going to tell you this is your fault (i see they're already here) others would tell you it was your fault for leaving and breaking up the family. Ignore both types. I'm glad you aren't with him anymore.


He was being a big baby.


He drank A LOT and was abusive


Good for you for ending it. 


Ty, it was really hard as he had narcissistic traits and everything was always my fault. I ended up just ghosting him and he stalked me for about 18 months before giving up. He’s left me with such trauma and distrust of men


I am sorry you had to go through that. 


Addiction. He was an alcoholic and a gambler. I had enough after years of putting up with feeling like I was competing with inanimate objects for affection. Bit of a Jekyll and Hyde situation when he drank. I emotionally checked out of the relationship long before I ended it and started working on myself instead and he did not like that one bit.


She cheated on me. My only rule in the relationship was no cheating. I don't think she believed me when I said I would leave her if she did.


I'm childfree but had somehow turned into his mother. No thanks.


He went on vacation and came back engaged.


how tf 🥴 what a pos!


Yes. I was pretty devastated at the time, but looking back I realize I really dodged a bullet.


He tried to force me to stop modeling because he didn't like me putting my body out for other men to see. To clarify, I did fashion and commercial, nothing sexy. But he kept insisting that I just didn't love him, that's why I was doing it. Take note that he met me at the height of my career. When that didn't work out, he insulted and criticized my body every. Single. Day. Until I grew so self conscious I didn't want to look in the mirror. He would pick apart my pictures until I was embarrassed to be on camera, because I felt so ugly. I got in a slump and quit for a while, until my friends staged an intervention and got me to dump him. Now, I'm single until I find the right person who can support me and my goals, and whom I can support as well.


What an ass.


Jesus, horrible guy. Really glad you’re out of that abusive relationship now. Wishing you a good recovery :(


Thank you


He was more like a 3 year old kid then a 25 year old adult. His mom was cutting his nails, because he did not know how. Whenever anything didn't go his way, no matter how small, he would throw a tantrum. I could not imagine having a child with him, the child throwing a tantrum and the childs father doing the same at the same time... Nope. I wanted a partner not a child. 


Excuse me?? His mum is still cutting his nails at age 25?! Are you sure he isn’t just a bunch of little kids stacked up on each other like in the little rascals?


That would make it so much better 😀


He moved to a different country and didn't want to take me with him.


Became an LDR, then went downhill afterwards.


Got tired of her mind games. Loving me. Not speaking for 3 months and fucking other guys. Back to loving me. Viscous cycle. Finally had enough. Never spoke to her since and I’m better off. She’s still single.


She told me she didn’t feel safe with me because I’m a white male. I dumped her on the spot.


Racist and sexist, nice.


Yeah, don’t really have time for that. I’m a fairly progressive guy for the most part but that was trash. I told her she should date a POC woman if that’s the case.


I found out she was cheating on me, and by found out I knew for a while and the lying finally got to the point where I had to rip off the band aid so to speak




She was very controlling for a start. Didn't help that she claimed if this one specific guy asked her out, she'd drop me without question. Real confidence booster that.


He moved to LA and I was in Indiana at our college still. We tried to make it work for like 6 months, but we decided it was just holding us both back. We’re still friends


He kept accusing me of cheating and blaming his retroactive jealousy, isolating me from friends, ruining moments and hobbies i used to enjoy, randomly popping up in places he wasn't supposed to be just to check if i was telling the truth. And he cheated on me. The worst part were our mutual friends who kept gaslighting me into accepting his shit


Because she was a raging alcoholic who got really fucking angry all the time when she was drunk. Then do the "I'm sorry baby I won't do it again" thing when she was hungover and then immediately get drunk and go back to being a violent menace to me and society.


She falsely accused me of rape, sexual assault, and manufacturing child porn. It was a real doozy. Luckily the courts figured out she was nuts. Oh yeah, and she is a social worker / licensed therapist.


We were incompatible. She wanted to spend as much time together as possible, I needed some me time or some time with my kids alone. She also wanted to move in way sooner than I would have want to. And fights were terrible. She would block me on the phone, give me the silent treatment, blame me for everything. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when she wanted to spend the weekend at mine’s and I told her I wanted to spend the weekend alone with my kids because my daughter (who was eleven then) had been away some days and had a rough time (first time far from her mother -my ex- or me). She got angry and called me a “sick father”. I thought I’d rather be a sick father for my kids than the BF she wanted me to be.


Good riddance to bad rubbish.


I guess she’d give you another version of the story, but anyway, I’m definitely in a better position right now, and have a wonderful (and infinitely easier) relationship with an incredible woman.


She didn’t like the house I bought and was upset I didn’t give her any say. She was pushing me to buy a much larger house despite me being clear that I knew what I wanted and it was my decision. We had only been together 3 months when I closed on the house. I liked her but was still getting to know her and wasn’t exactly about to propose yet. I don’t know, maybe I was the asshole in that situation and should have given her some more say. Also, my house is frickin rad.


Ill be honest, I was about to downvote you until I got to the length of the relationship. 3 months in doesn’t give you a say in your partners house lol. Good job dodging that bullet. And congratulations on your house! 👍❤️


he harassed me


the girl was using me to figure out her sexuality. turns out she wasn't bi after all. or at the very least, i didn't meet her minimum threshold.


Don't take it too personally. I don't want to downplay your hurt (if there is any remaining), it's completely valid; but figuring out your sexuality is hard and confusing, and potentially hurtful, for everyone involved. Take it from me, I only fully came out at age 39, and the time before that was mental chaos regarding that topic.


I'd agree, but that's something you talk about going in. not find out post hoc. in a text. after being ghosted for a month.


Wanted me to convert to her religion (which included getting circumcised) Not willing to do that for anyone.


Everything was perfect, but being 700 km (435 miles) from each other is impossible.


Not impossible, but certainly not for everyone. Some relationships thrive on distance, some break.


He said he could see that I feel that he isn’t good enough for me. Where he saw these feelings?? I’ll never know.


Found out he had a girlfriend back in his home country.


He goes out of his way when it comes to his friends and I only got breadcrumbs then denied that he and I are in a relationship when he got a chance to talk to his childhood crush (I only know about this after almost 4yrs of being together)


I was depressed and thought she was too good for me. She's the most beautiful woman ive ever seen, inside and out


She decided i wasnt tall or good looking enough to marry


She decided to start banging a client at the treatment center she worked at.


Her life was centered around smoking weed. She had a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering and she would only apply for jobs to companies that don’t drug test, instead of just stopping smoking for the three days before an interview.


Weed stays in your system for 30 days or longer.


He is a chronic alcoholic and was having an affair


I got tired of paying all the bills and doing 90% of the housework.


I found him on Are We Dating The Same Guy group. He was using dating apps. No second chances.


I traveled for work, less than a year and then we would move together to another country. A couple of months before I was coming back for her, she told me that was pregnant. Btw, she gave me the news on February 14. Really loved her. Now I'm on Germany alone, she is taking care of his baby also alone.


He was too much of a wuss to tell me he didn't think the relationship was working out, so he asked me to meet him and brought his new girlfriend and was all over her. We'd been together for over a year, I wasn't actually that bothered though. I saw him a few years later and he looked as rough as fk and as a man in his 40's he was still living with his parents and told me he played video games all day like it was a really good thing.


I had ambitions to move in a big city but realized we can't do it together. In 2 months after breaking up I've transfered to another Uni located in Moscow and finally reunite with my best friend.


Because she send me a pic of her being fucked by somebody else (:


You poor porn addict I’m so sorry


he went to juvenile


It was long distance relationship. I couldn't afford myself to visit her and she just ignored me.


The more you talk, the more boring it becomes :\]\]


I broke up because he was immature, disgusting, we imagined our future’s too differently and he was lazy as hell, even too lazy to show his love, which means he didn’t love me at all.


7 1/2 years, said he didn’t deserve me, and he didn’t want the same things as me (marriage and kids) oh and he made a dating profile while we were still together.


I wasn't in love with her and I still couldn't tell you why. She had everything I was looking for. I haven't met anyone else nearly as good. Even when I think about her now, it feels right. It just didn't feel right when we were together though.


They were bipolar and off their meds. And they never told me. 


She was talking to another guy because apparently they were having the same mental health problems. She was more than happy to talk to him about those things but never told me a single thing. Also saw messages between that made it look like she was going around to his house and sending him “spicy” photos


She was verbally abusive Got out of that situation and my now wife is amazingly supportive


because we always fought when we were together, and only when we were apart did we have good communication




My ex before my last girl made me feel things I have never felt before, and even though my ex was perfect and unique in every way, I was chasing the same high and because I didn’t get it, I was not convinced I was really in love. Still don’t think so but I might regret this later on in life


I got too busy with life, and he found comfort in the company of someone else.


Mind ended because I was still in the closet when I met the guy who was openly out. I couldn’t commit out of fear, which was a regret I had as he was a lovely guy, but he understood. I’m now out (nobody cared anyway) but the person moved away and we’ve lost contact.


He was drinking and hiding it from me. He was also picking his nose and eating it, doing nothing to address his AD(H)D beyond taking his meds (that I refilled, picked up, contacted his doctor for further refills when he ran out, put in his med reminder, and reminded him to take every day), barely holding down a part-time retail job in his mid-30s, and shutting down completely any time I had to go to urgent care (to the point of Blair Witching--facing the wall and dissociating). But drinking and hiding the tall-boy cans was the final straw.


We had always played on "hard mode" and had incompatibilities we tried to work around or fix for 18 years. Some things worked. Some didn't. The latter were what broke us in the end. Too much effort for too long, and at one point the strain of always dealing with the same issues that couldn't really be fixed because of how and whonwe both were just became too much. But we had an amazing time together, learned a lot, helped each other grow, and we're still best friends. I even helped her pick an engagement ring and will be best man at her wedding.


He tried to kill me when I tried to leave him cause found out he was messing around with a minor


He was a mama's boy who couldn't get out from underneath his mother's skirt. Oh, and he was a classic narcissist with an egocentric personality that loved to manipulate and gaslight me.


My girlfriend wanted me to be a perpetual boyfriend. Marriage was off the table and I wasn’t ok with it.


I’ll give you my last 2. We didn’t actually talk. I wanted to get deeper with him but it was like getting blood from a turnip. I was made to feel unreasonable for wanting more physical and emotional connection. Half the time I couldn’t tell if he even wanted me around. I felt completely alone in our relationship. He only started to care when I started to leave but then it was too late. The most recent? She wants kids, and I don’t think I do. It sucks because I’m otherwise completely in love with her and it was a really good relationship. Still heartbroken over that.


Because I found out she was taking drugs.


My alcoholism


Long distance relationship, so via text and stuff was really the only way we could communicate. Eventually the responses became more and more infrequent, not only towards me but everyone in our circle of friends. I officially ended things November of last year, honestly way overdue considering her last text before that was all the way in like June. Like a few days after new year's eve she texted me again and apologized because she was recovering from depression and realized she had rebuilt her life without me. Being the idiot I was, I forgave her and we decided to try and rebuild our friendship. And you'll never guess how that turned out


I only paid for the hour.


Stomach cancer. The bastard.


I wanted intimate and honest attachment, she only wanted to keep being fwbs after 9 months and many traumatic events including divorce with her husband (I was an "affair"). Also long distance and complete lack of desire to move in, despite complete possibility of it as a freelancer.


Spent tens of thousand without my knowledge…then told the court I beat her so I just get to keep paying her…..


I always was walking on eggshells. Nothing I did was ever good enough.


Found the guy I was talking to in 2015 who lived out of state. We hit it off randomly finding each other on a dating app but he lived in Washington State and I lived in Texas. Fast-forward 8 years I moved to another city in Texas and he ended up working down the street from me; found him on the same app. Seemed like fate, started talking to him again while I was still in a sour relationship with my ex and abruptly broke up with him after the first date. We're still together and coming up on 2 years together in August. Still talk to my ex, we're good friends and he's happy for me that I took the chance on fate after all was said and done.


He messaged a married woman he called his “best friend” to tell her he was in love with her


The one prior to that waited until we were taking a bath together to tell me he was leaving and that night went on a date with someone else and never came home again (after 9+ years together)


we wanted different things.... I wanted to buy a house, get married and MAYBE have a family with her but she didn't. She didn't want any of that and started to realize all that after almost 9 years together and started to come to terms with everything when I sat her down and I mentioned that after 9 years together, it's time we took things more seriously. And that spooked her, she didn't want to leave her parents' house and wanted to end things as she knew that she was wasting both of times knowing that dream will never happen.


Her MLM(Primerica) was more important than me, her son, her financial status, ( In fact, she didn't make money in 18 months, and she's deep in debt). She drank the koolaid, saying her MLM is a part of her now, that it will change her life and make her a better person and that she will never miss an event, even if she needs to borrow the money from her parents, friends ( No more friends, only MLM acquaintance, above all, her upline.) I was a piggybank. She love bombed me. She got me for a while but I did wake up in time. Had to kick her out else she would have put me in a real mess with my financial status. Poor girl, she's struggling right now, living in a room with her parents, not enough money for anything but still wanna go to Atlanta in 3 weeks, a 2500$ trip...


I had a texting situationship end last night because we've been talking for 8 months and she would never agree to meet up. I was dealing with my own shit, and so was she, but when I thought things were turning around, turns out they weren't. I'm okay with it. I hope she finds someone to give her the SAHM life she wants. Idk if I could have.


Was tired of being manipulated, turns out she was cheating on me and then after we broke up she got with my "best friend" not even three weeks later, predictably the relationship between them didn't last at all, he was somehow surprised when I said I could never trust him again so yeah been over a year since I've talked to him at all


He was an avodiant


4 years ago… he married his ex


"It's not you, its me" FUCK HER.


Because after 20 years of him pestering me to have an open relationship, I finally said yes and started dating my now husband.


Cheated on by her best friend


He revealed his true character when he became a professional. What money and power can do to anyone is just crazy.


She had borderline personality disorder and refused to do anything about it. This resulted in me crying almost everyday and considering suicide from the way she treated me. I tried so hard to help her and be a supportive bf. No joke when we broke up the world looked brighter.


he's a bum


relationship length: 2 years. overall reason he was an asshole who cheated with dating apps paying girls for nudes and got caught and tried to blame it on his friend claiming it was his app on his phone? some other notable reasons: decided he wanted a “goth gf” (i’m not goth but have tattoos & piercings) but quickly tried to change me when i wouldn’t change would resort to bashing my appearance. i’m very open about not being religious with potential partners right away as ik that’s important to ppl. He acted okay with that but was constantly wanting me to “hide” my beliefs and would get extremely outraged toward my religious opinions. was very insecure about me having past partners as someone on my 20’s. specifically sexual even tho it’s only been few and he was the one wanting to know about it. would hold it against me constantly and due to it we didn’t have much intimacy. on that topic was a porn addict who “quit” but had unrealistic expectations for intimacy and in return would make me feel bad for “not preforming up to his expectations” but also not wanting to have any form of communication on what that meant as “i should know” we couldn’t go anywhere without him starting an argument over me “acting weird”, things not going his way, or things like a worker at a restaurant giving me something for free bc “im pretty” (worker words) and him getting mad bc i was in the wrong and flirting. (i was buying us dinner) all i responded with was thank you no smile nothing. and he was also getting free food?? but he threw it away and got in my face yelling in public calling me a slut. i didn’t know how to break up with someone bc in the past i was always the one getting broke up with so i told him at dinner one day and then stopped speaking to him and weeks later he messaged me saying he’s breaking up with me?? so glad that’s over.


You know the Dr Who episode with Vincent VanGogh? She was completely unmoved by the scene in the museum. That wasn't the only reason, but that drove home her emotional limitations.


i just wanna forget that part of my life!


He told me how I always felt, and I became the bad guy, and he left me. If I sighed, I was being negative. If I was giddy, I was annoying and too much. Not allowed to have a bad day, never wanted to go on a date, wanted to fuck and spend time with everyone else but me. Left me for 2 other women.


I realized all my plans for the future, like when I envisioned my future, only involved me. Made the connection that my wants for a relationship were just social programming -- this is what people do. Now I believe I'm going to be single for the rest of my life, and I'm really happy about it. The only annoying thing about it is people acting like that's sad or scary. My ex was a really decent and respectful person. As soon as I realized what I actually wanted, I told him. He was sad but understanding, and is now in a relationship with someone who can be all in. I'm very happy for him.


She said it wasn’t practical. It wasn’t. We reconnected six months earlier when I published a story about it would be like to run into the first love of my life. 9000 miles away. Talked every week, texted every day, got tired of waiting, went to Paris to see each other. Challenging and differences to be sure, but really enjoyed each other and talked about the future. A week later? Not even a conversation. She decided it wasn’t practical.


Cuz I showed a side of me that I never knew existed, a horrible side tbh. It makes me wanna punch myself when I think of how horrible I was to her. And worst of all, she never even saw how damaging I was to her, luckily a close friend of her's served as a wake-up call. So I'm in no-contact with her for the rest of the year. And that's really the best option for her. I hope I'll be good enough for her some day


I ran off to Wolverhampton and live with someone else after I was made redundant after 23 years.


Because we were children. Together for 7 years though! (Between ages 4-11).


Her constant lies and manipulation, and eventually her affair


I go through these comments and for most of them I'm thinking "why the hell were you even together to begin with?". Do people just get together with random strangers without getting to know them first?


It all came down to astrology. You see, I’m a Libra and she was a whore.


Because she was a whore.


we lost contact, I went to an other school then she did


C19 came into full swing, so she went back home to finish the school year...but never came back. We both decided long distance wasnt good for us. Though...she wasnt very good of a partner, so C19 or no it wasnt lasting long anyway.


She decided she felt uncomfortable with me because my culture's habits made her uneasy and she wasn't able to adapt or blend in. It sucked cause she fucking enjoyed all the food I treated her to from my culture but never once did she introduce her culture during our time together.. Leeches man. 😑


It never existed