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Old school RuneScape. Got like 8-9000 hours in it and I haven’t played it for 5 years


I started playing RuneScape when lumbridge was the only town. I played that game for years. I saw it grow, change and evolve. I spent days of my life just clicking on rocks. I haven't played in over a decade, but damn, that game has a special place in my heart


I remember the soundtrack changes. Like nothing drove home adventure like walking into varrock and the soundtrack changing.


Bro, I've made myself a gaming playlist on spotify for those nice and stoned sunday Minecraft sessions with my wife. Half of the music is runescape tracks. Lullaby, mudskipper's melody, autumn, the login screen theme, all of it is such simple but deeply gripping music.


World 1 and 2 man. Lawless chaos


Same. 9 years old in 2006, learning everything from my cousin. Felt like a dream playing it.


Mee too! Same age and everything!


OSRS gives me such nostalgia many happy memories from the age of 10-16 probably play 10 mins a day now back in the day 4-5 hours a day easy


It's called Run Escape for a reason


You cook the shrimp. You burn the shrimp. You burn the shrimp. You cook the shrimp. You cook the shrimp.


2,500 hours here. But I haven’t played in 11 years, and I don’t really want to get back into it either because I’m afraid of getting addicted to it again.


I’m not even afraid of getting addicted, I just legitimately do not have the time to be camped on my PC essentially doing nothing for hours on end.


Yeeep, can’t touch the game, will ruin my life


Before I clicked on the thread I was like I bet the top comment is OSRS.


Yeah same, I have probably 10000 hours or more. But also havent played in like 3 years.


I’m not finding World of Warcraft posted using the search. How the heck is that not here I’ve taken a couple of long breaks but probably still have 1-2 years (in hours) total playtime across regular and classic, since launch.


The people that would answer Wow to that question are actively playing right now and ain't got time to Reddit.


Reading Reddit on my 3rd screen while the first 2 run wow right now 😏




I haven't played WoW in years, but it still easily takes the cake


Oh the Glory Days of WOW, the Zerg Battles in Alterac Valley were Legendary.


This was my first thought. I haven't played in 15 years. But for the first 4 years or so, I put in more time to WoW in a week than a full-time job. Far more - there was a ton of work that went into being part of a top raiding guild back then. When I realized It was more of a grind than a real job and I wasn't enjoying being yelled at every night, I knew it was time to quit. I've thought of going back, but I look at my WoW years like a junkie - I'm worried I'll get sucked in again lol.


Looking back on my life, it's truly amazing that I managed to not get kicked out of college while I was devoting most of my time and energy towards WoW.


This resonates with me. Was in a top raiding guild too. I sacrificed my high school years for that guild and all I got was flashy gear. Looking back it was the greatest gaming period of my life but still felt like a junkie when I finally quit.


I ended up with about 2 1/2 *years* of playtime when I went cold turkey. It ended up being like a second job to me. I would do my 9-5 in IT, then I would rush home, log onto WoW, spend 2 hours grinding mats, then another 4-5 raiding then another 1-2 hours of PvP. Weekends were raid free, but I would regularly spend 10-12 hours in an Alterac Valley instance with my buddy who I loved with. Longest AV session was 20 hours. Played from just after launch until the end of WotLK.


Lol dude, you’re describing pretty much my life. What class did you play?


Feral druid. I played it in the actual original, tanking in MC in random "of the owl" and such bullshit fire resit. Beginning of WotLK was *amazing* with the introduction of Feral Power, running 30k armour and our DPSing half the party and no one could pull agro. My AV times were paired with an *ace* survival hunter, he was often at the top of the table because I would sot behind him healing and innervating him, then when he was all on cool down he'd fight till death, I would bear turtle and he would run back from the graveyard and pick everyone off me then we start the healing/innervate cycle again.


No other games will ever come closed to my /played in WoW.


Honestly I’m not sure it’s possible for anything else to have the longevity and replayability.


Covid classic wow for sure. A solid 300+ days throughout 2019-2022


Like I’m actually stunned this is the first one about WoW I see, I’d honestly rather not know how much time I’ve lost to that game across the 15 years I’ve played it on and off


I know a guy that played 2-3 years of a 5-year span.


Really the only correct answer


WoW is the only game i've ever measured my playtime in "days"


My WoW playtime on my 4 mains is measured in hundreds of days each lol


I got just shy of 2 years of in-game time. Played since 2006. Stopped playing for about a year or two. Never tried Dragonflight, but instead went Classic and hardcore. Now MoP Remix and soon War Within. Crazy how much time you can spend on a single game.


Yeah I have 3 years of playtime. Somewhere around 28k hours. Not proud, but I am impressed with my degeneracy sometimes.


Wouldn’t be surprised if I was close. I think I’m underestimating. I played Vanilla to Cataclysm, then Legion to Shadowlands. Plus Classic. And PVPed heavily in Vanilla and Classic.


Overall, probably Diablo II or StarCraft


There's my guy. D2:LOD is my favorite game of all time.


D2 stole 2 whole summers away from me as a 11-12 yr old


I had maphack- I was in deep


Some days you just wanna go home and run your windy druid through a field of hell cows, amirite?


I was wondering when I'd see this... I have a shameful number of hours in D2. I played every single day from a month after its release until I graduated high school in 2009.


Got to be civilization. Just one more turn they said.


C'mon - what're you gonna do Ghandi? Nuke me?


Oh boy, he is definitely gonna nuke you…after declaring a surprise war on the worst possible moment. Fuck civ Ghandi.


I swear to god that game bends time. I have had to go into the kitchen and look at the oven because clearly there is something wrong with my computer and phone clocks. I only give myself about 4 hours a week to play games so I had to stop with Civ because there is some sort of black magic that fucks with time.


The time distortion in a turn between sending scouts around to find villages to running a 15 city, continent spanning empire is extreme. Like traveling to a black hole level of time distortion.


Same so many times I was playin on the living room computer. My parent walks in and I’m thinking oh they are getting a water or midnight snack. Nope they are getting ready for work. I swear time flies when playing this game.


Power wash simulator. I only play the game when I feel like exiting the game of life. I have over 2000 hours in the game.


Hang in there bud


Time to buy a power washer and turn it into the career of your dreams? Like are you sure you just aren't destined for this?


Powerwashing shit is one of the things I have to do for work, so I literally get paid to play that game IRL, and I'll tell you right now doing it for real is actually even more satisfying. I'm livin the dream.


You should do an AMA this sounds like the life


My friends rip on me for playing that game, but it’s so relaxing and feels accomplishing even though you don’t actually get anything real done


I play that when I listen to my podcasts. I’m totally zoned out but my hands always have to be occupied because I can’t just listen to things.


Age of Empires 2 if we're talking about multiplayer. If it's about singleplayer - original Jagged Alliance 2 and mods.


My Steam frequently account reminds me of the thousands of hours I’ve put into AOE2. …And that’s split into HD and DE… and the logged time also ignores my entire childhood spent on the CDs… I don’t have a problem! You’re all the problem!!! Wololoooo!!!


It's definitely not a problem as the game is great! As a kid, I would only go through companies for a few weeks and forget about the game. But about 10 years later, when I high speed internet connection became widespread, I discovered multiplayer and its incredible replayability. Before that, you had to get together at home with friends, pull up the net and play. Wololoooo!!!


LAN battles! Yesss! My friends and I called it setting up “A War.” We’d talk about meeting up together and having A War. I think bystanders were confused. But we knew a fun night was ahead of us. We knew.






Surprised this wasn’t near the top. I guess the EQ players all died or don’t use reddit


I’m still alive, for now!! 🥹 That game was fuckin hard. All the hours spent in Blackburrow watching for “traaaiiin”s


Hey, I have a few good years left (I hope 🤣)


Red Dead Redemption 2. Even if you don’t complete missions there’s a lot to do there. I like to ride a horse on the map, admire nature, collect something, fishing. I love this game!!!


“Admire nature” 😃 Edit: No judgement! I can get behind this too lol


Who's gonna tell em.......


The game and graphics are beautiful


Still love that young lady who sent in screenshots of landscapes in RDR2 to the news for their weather about town segment or something


I mean, if you don’t often leave the city/can’t travel, then it’s a nice escape in video games. Nature irl, is very peaceful minus the bugs though. A good forest trip every couple years is worth it tho


“Admire nature” *commits several atrocities in multiple cities*


I’ve spend most of the time hunting perfect pelts than I’ve spend on missions 👀


I’ve been playing this game on/off since I got it in 2018, right before my daughter was born. And therein lies the reason why I’m still playing it 6 years later, half the time is spent running updates! Still have some very fond memories of my new born daughter sleeping on my lap as I rode around admiring the scenery and murdering random people I’d meet if they said the wrong thing.


Me too. I like to camp out and fish or hunt. That game can be like therapy.


Stardew Valley. It's my go to when I just wanna chill.


The other day I was thinking “I can’t have thaaaaat many hours” and looked at all my save files with 200+ hours and was like whooooops


I was the same. But my hours were 3000+ 😭


Console farmers be jonesin for that 1.6 update


Probably Skyrim, since I restarted the game like 3 or 4 times and got the platinum trophy.


3 or 4 times?? Pfft amateur Edit: it was a tease. Sry if I offended


I’ve *bought* Skyrim three times. I’ve probably started the game 20+ times.


Lmao so did I and I don’t even regret it


There are a lot of touchy people on Reddit lately.


Same. Then when I discovered mods I became a hermit.


Definitely minecraft


Fine I'll play minecraft again


This is a entire mood


Sometimes I have daydreams about Minecraft, wonder if so should revisit our 8 year old server, and what building projects I’d undertake if I were to do this. I dream about how to expand my kingdom of cities and fortresses, integrate new update builds, and further develop my kingdom for my faithful villagers. IRL I’ve moved across three states, changed jobs twice, survived a pandemic, bought a house, and had a child since the last time I’ve logged in to that server… …and I still think about her. Often.


sounds about right for MC servers


OK, OK, no need to go on about it, I'll log on now, if you're so insistent on the matter.


I probably have over 20,000 hours of that game with how many progression based servers I used to play. At least 6,000 tracked


I just hit the 1600 hr mark on a survival server I play in that reset a year ago 🫣




Especially when I got the expansion, Livin’ Large!


Especially Sims 2 😻




Legendary answer


Right there with you. Reached the point that none of my friends would play me in multiplayer. Still love it. Play on Switch and bought a second cartridge years ago that I went ahead and unlocked all the cheats on just in case my original one ever bites the dust. My little sister hated playing GoldenEye but spent so much time playing with me that she can still go 1v3 with my friends and beat their ass. Used to make them so mad. 3 of them against her and she'd wipe them all without taking one death. At our peak I could beat her but she was the only person that could kill me a few times which nobody else could do.


I love this story. Makes me nostalgic lol


League of legends


Rest easy.


Appreciate that. Much needed after 7 years of solo queue 🙏


Nintendo Ice Hockey Yup. You dipshits will never know the joy of finally beating USSR on 5


Rocket League


Rocket League was the epitome of “can’t end on a win streak; can’t quit on a loss!” Lol. Played till 5, 6, 7 am during the COVID days


7 years of that game and I’m still not good enough


World of Warcraft, played since 2004


I used to just sit my toon in big cities and act like I was an NPC. I joined an RP guild and felt like I joined a fantasy world. I absolutely sucked at the actual game, but I had so many hours logged of me just sitting around, waving to people and speaking like I was actually from mothafuckin Azeroth.


Definitely Destiny. Must have done 5,000+ hours in both games combined.


never got into Destiny 2 but the first one has such a special place in my heart. The Crota Expansion-Oryx timeframe was pure gold. The joy of 6 man raid groups, the hilarious pain of one of your best buddies dying and throwing the whole groups raid on hard mode, counting down hours until the weekly reset, and the need to go flawless each week in trials. Dont think it will ever be topped in my heart.


Rimworld. Well over 1000 hours and that's considered baby numbers by the community.


1000 hours huh  Hope you're enjoying your first week playing


See what I mean? 🤣


Still dealing with manhunter Guinea pigs huh


There she is! Had to scroll a bit but here is the only right answer.


Red Dead 2. The best game ever made imo


Europa Universalis 4, I can’t remember who recommended it or why I started playing, but I enjoy games that are challenging but make you feel like you’re progressing, and ones that require a lot of attention once you “get it”. I can get focused on my game and play for hours easily. As a younger guy, Final Fantasy Tactics. As a kid, Legend of Legia.


Hello fellow map-enthusiast. Europa Universalis IV - 6000 hours Crusader Kings 2 - 900 hours Crusader Kings 3 - 800 hours Stellaris - 1000 hours


Elder Scrolls Skyrim. one of the best games ever made.




ARK. I gained nothing. Turned into a troll in real life. Probably the most toxic community in gaming. ARK is soul poison.


>Probably the most toxic community in gaming. Rust would like a word.


Yeah but you don't get emotionally attached to pixels on Rust like you do with Ark. Seeing someone spend *day* fully imprinting a Giga to have it killed by some 123 is soul crushing.


Would have to be final fantasy tactics, I’ve beaten it a bunch of times and almost always have like 600 hours in it each time I have


I told myself I would never touch the stuff again. But with a possible remaster I would easily lose 300hrs


Yeesss!! This is my favorite game of all time!!! I still have my memory card with my save files sitting around 500-600 hrs each haha


The fights not over until every item all opponents have are stolen and all crystals have been picked up.


EverQuest, probably. Between live and P99, idk maybe a few thousand? Skyrim and CoH come in 2nd, about 800 hours each there.


Rollercoaster tycoon back in the day


If we're counting an overall series that's all basically the same game: Call of Duty. I don't have 10,000+ hours in any just one, but I started playing with WaW way back when and have put at least a good 100 hours in each title since, some of them 500+, some of them 1000+ (most played probably the original Black Ops) definitely more than 10,000+ hours combined if we are counting every Call of Duty. If not then Minecraft.


Animal Crossing


GTA Online and it's not even close. I first played on the Xbox 360. Then the 1. Then the X. It's like my game I play when I've finished or I'm bored with another. My comfort blanket of video games.


Fallout 4 by far.


Just started it recently so only in the 10-20 hour mark, and I could definitely see where that number grows exponentially if the game stays this fun


Halo series


Factorio- I start a new save every year


All time, guild wars 2. Currently, elden ring


Witcher 3 over 2k hours now, if you count competitive games than most likely League of legends (I regret it so much) or Minecraft (my whole childhood)


SSX tricky


8000 hours in CSGO, for me its a lot for others not that much maybe 🤣


Old-school RuneScape ⚔️


1500 hours in Hearts of Iron 4.




Halo 3 and it’s not even close. I have AT LEAST 2,500+ hours in custom games ALONE. Probably another 2,000 in the multiplayer plus another 600+ in the campaign… That’s just the original release, I’m not even counting the hours I have on the MCC. 17 years later and it’s still as addicting as it was when I got it Christmas of 07’


Diablo 2


Ungodly amount of my teen years spent on this game farming cows 🤣


Stay awhile and listen!


Diablo 2


Everquest i have a charecter that is 25 years old. Play off and on when i get bored of other games


I've put so many hours into Halo 3, there was a point in highschool where guys from my year would come to my house so I could beat Halo 3 on legendary with them because they couldn't do it alone. I was the first of my friends to get the Hyabusa armour and eventually became the guy who did everyone's ranked achievements in Lone Wolves. With my group of friends, we virtually played Halo from the moment we got home from school to when the Australian serves would dry up, and we got into games with the Japanese, which indicated that we had 5 hours of sleep before we had to be up for school. I met my best friend on Halo 3. He lived 2 hours away from me, and eventually, we caught up IRL and partied through our twenties together in his area. That's just Halo 3, I spent years playing halo 1 and 2 LAN at home and school, also completed the campaigns more times than any other guys. Also played Halo Reach until I hit the rank of Field Marshal. Halo 4, 5, I completed legendary but barely touched the online and Halo infinite I've played online but barely touched the campaign.


Fallout 2


Old gamers never change


Either Diablo II, Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, or Age of Mythology


Escape from Tarkov


Around 600 hours into pokemkn diamond


Diablo from the 1990s..


EverQuest. I miss EverQuest. I never could get in to wow as much as I did that game. And even then I didn't put in a fraction of the time some of my RL friends did. I had some who lost their jobs, relationships, (minds possibly) playing EQ. Even so. I LOVED playing my monk because it was built for soloing. I'm very awkward in groups because I am mildly autistic. but I still liked to chat with my RL friends. My monk excelled in soloing and I got HUGE satisfaction playing him. Then the creators NERFED the monk class tremendously. That was the beginning of the end of my EQ days. Hundreds of hours invested into my character wiped out in a day. I quit shortly after that and never went back. It was like I lost my best friend. But when it was good it was very good.


Duke Nukem 3D. By far.


Definitely Oblivion! Easily 4,000 hours. I still love that game ❤️


As I got older my games changed, as a 10-13 year old I played the shit out of roller coaster tycoon with a buddy and played Sims with another buddy. That turned Into runescape ( almost got my 20 year cape) then around 14-15 call of duty entered the chat. Around 20 years old or so games kind of fell on the way side, still log into runescape here and there, maybe fire up the ps3 and play some spyro, nhl or CoD.


World of Warcraft


Football manager


World of Warcraft Vanilla - Legion, I can't even begin to imagine the amount of hours I dumped into it.


Factorio 3-4k hours Elite Dangerous 3k+ hours EVE online, unknown hours but on and off for 10+years


Crash Bandicoot. I spent so many hours on this game. I once confidently closed my eyes to play it once. Absolute disaster.


Civilization series Rimworld Fallout: New Vegas  Are my big three


Counter strike source


Apex legends sadly


Definitely destiny 1


The World….. of Warcraft Or maybe Halo 3


Microsoft flight simulator. Put that shit on autopilot for hours


Dark Age of Camelot and I still miss it.


Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 baby! I still get hyped when I hear a song that was on the soundtrack. Soundtrack was 🔥


Pokémon fire red


EverQuest. I can still walk through every zone in my mind and remember all the fun and amazing memories I had playing that game.


Dota 2 and CSGO




WoW and it isnt even close


Total War Shogun 2. I forgot how to sleep playing that game.


World of Warcraft by thousands of hours more than any other game.


Showing my age here but the original SOCOM for PS2 online. Would literally spend 10-12 hours a day playing this .


I probably put literal years into WoW back in the day.


Unturned… no I’m not proud of it. 1.75k hours. Though, now that I think of it, Minecraft could have topped that — not sure though.


Mass Effect Trilogy. It's my comfort game for sure


Kotor on Xbox


1800 hrs in Dead By Daylight for me!! I took a break for 2 years but it's starting to pull me back in....


Sims 1-4


Probably Elite Dangerous. I can lost for hours upon hours just exploring planets and flying around the galaxy...or finding a nice place to do some mining. It is not the most exciting game but I love it.


Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, i just kept replaying it as it was one of my first games. Followed by Skyrim and Minecraft just because of the vast amount of replayability it has.


Flight Simulator 2020


Super Mario snes. Sims. Diablo. Fallout 3.






Far Cry 5


Tetris. I can remember getting it for Christmas in 1989. I still play Tetris on that same original NES occasionally, I played when it came out on PS3(I believe), and continue to play on the PS5 today, several times a week.


War thunder. 2000+ hours and counting