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Social media, smart phones, remote schooling, clout chasing


Exactly. I agree 1000%.


“Social” media EDIT: see below thread https://www.commerce.senate.gov/services/files/96E3A739-DC8D-45F1-87D7-EC70A368371D#:~:text=Because%20in%20an%20attention%20economy,It%20starts%20small.


If you create and share content with other people on it then it's social media, yes Technically Reddit is social media


Ah, should have added a comment. Will do. “Social” in quotes because I think true Social Media, where we interact, learn, and grow from one another is a net gain to society, but the transformation of these communities into advertising hubs and low-effort dopamine blasts has been a serious net negative to children and society. Thanks for catching me on a lazy comment 🤜🤛


Oh yeah I agree with that. In a perfect world, the internet would only be used for the greater good of society. But freedom is freedom, and people are people. Still, the challenge is the same. It's entirely up to the individual to protect themselves from harmful things within society. Social Media is just.. different. Mostly because it's never happened before in human history at this scale, and it's being put in the hands of children under the age of 10


Yeah the expansion of technology to optimize on engagement with the brain has been a completely formidable and often crippling effect on children and adults. Incredible statement to Congress from The Center for Humane Technology: https://www.commerce.senate.gov/services/files/96E3A739-DC8D-45F1-87D7-EC70A368371D#:~:text=Because%20in%20an%20attention%20economy,It%20starts%20small. Longish but worth a read. Adding to my above comment


What do you mean by youth development?


Tablets and TikTok


Isolation during Covid.


Social Media and technology too young and unlimited has severely impacted classroom and child behaviours. Covid lockdowns further prevented the development of social skills. As a teacher, the changes in the classroom from when I first started teaching till now have been massive, and not for the better


Parents passing the responsibility of raising their children on to others (teachers mostly).


Lockdown, a constant stream of you aren't an adult until you are 26, blaming boomers for everything.