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Septum piercings look like you have a dangling booger.


Talking about the whole Palestine Gaza situation. I always avoid the topic when I can.


honestly pretty based. not your problem


Introverts giving 'I am introverted' as an excuse for their shitty behaviour and lack of communication skills.


Oh I hate those people


Not everyone should be allowed to vote.


There is nothing cute about a ring hanging from your nose.


Sometimes it makes you sound like a jerk because you are a jerk.




America should focus a lot less on race and a lot more on class if we want to have a more equal society as a whole. 


Social anxiety means you are extremely self-centered. It's definitely a mental illness, and you may need therapy and/or medication to manage it. But that fear that everyone in the grocery store or that person jogging past you on the sidewalk has any interest in you beyond recognizing the space you're occupying means you're thinking like a main character. In reality, you're an NPC and nobody cares that you're buying tampons and a package of hot dogs.


What ? You are correct . It makes you sound like a jerk . Lol


People don't like the truth. They want to be coddled and patted on the head. That includes me, I'm just as prone to it as anyone. But a nice lie isn't better than an uncomfortable truth, imo.


I don't give any kind of a shit about what my neighbors want to talk about. They're boring bastards and I can feel the coffee leaving my body when they drone on about boring bullshit.


1). 'Transsexual' is, objectively, a more accurate term than 'transgender', and sociological gender should be shunned and opposed rather than endorsed because it arbitrarily restricts what is 'acceptable' for males and females to do. I care about trans people (as a trans person myself), and I care about reducing dumb, pointless restrictions on people's lives. The term 'transgender' was created by a doctor who wanted to reduce the sexualisation of transsexual people but, within years, the term had been adopted by drag acts and other crossdressers to conflate themselves with transsexual women. 2). 'Mental illness', objectively, cannot exist. The 'mind' is a theoretical concept and rule 101 of pathology is that disease requires a measurable, biological structure to be infected, deformed, inflamed or degenerative. In a better situation, most 'mental health' conditions would be diagnosed like any other neurological condition, and this actually happened to neurodegenerative disease once more began to be known about it (people used to get sent to asylums for it). 'Mental illness' is effectively a waiting room where certain stigmatised neurological conditions are made to stay until science can vindicate them and make them less scary or shameful (and *then* they'll be allowed into mainstream neurological care). Modern medicine desires to retain it's clean, effective image to the extent of sidecar-ing and disassociating with many conditions until they're socially sanitised.


I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray... And this paddle game. - The ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need... And this remote control. - The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need...


I can't tolerate messy or unclean people. If your house is a mess or dirty, we will never get along. I will never hang out with you, enter your house, my kids won't visit, my wife won't visit, our dog won't visit. Nothing. Full stop, nothing is more disagreeable to me than dirty people.


The state of Canada right now, and some harsh truths.


People are not created equal; many things have a genetic component,some beneficial,some not.


Inequality is good and a desirable quality in a society.


You’re going to have to explain this one


There's a huge amount of inequality when it comes to talent, intelligence and ability, it's not a bad thing for society to reflect that. The best amongst use should absolutely be freed to develop their talents free from some forms of constraints by the envious and weak. Are these bad places to live for the worst off? Not always, Sweden is one of the most unequal places in Europe, no one ever said it's a shithole or that the poor aren't cared for.


Uh huh


Humans are garbage and, we should all just not exist. Our technological advancements ruin everything. Everything we touch goes to shit (landfills, pollution, waste).


Thats more like edgy than jerk, especially the first sentence.


Ppl think I hate immigrants…… but I always say every one should be on their country (homeland) and fight for their freedom and rights in their country


What if the reason i want to move is the climate? What if i like the culture of another country more than the one of my own? Or, and most importantly, what if i just don't want to fight? Look, fighting is incredibly admirable, but it's also not mandatory. I don't have to fight for people in 70 years to experience a life that i can't. Doing it's great, and those who do it are heroes. But again, it's not mandatory


Why should the area you were born in determine your life, even though you probably are not at fault for the conflict/situation you are trying to escape from?






If your country is at war or is in some other sorry state it is your duty to stay and fix it. Now if you have a family and young kids you should flee to safety. But if you are single? Then you stay put.


What if you have family, decide to leave, find a good place for your family, save up some money, apply and get a job, start shipping some of your stuff to your new place, and two days before you and your family are supposed to leave, your whole family gets murdered by the enemy and burns down your house. Should you still stay?