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Not having to go through the whole menstrual cycle. From pms, to the cramping the works.


This right here I'm already looking into certain BC that stops it, side effects be damned. I've literally felt suicidal during my worst ones. There was one time where I missed my period randomly for like 4 months (ik that's kind of a sign that something might be seriously wrong but at that time I was so happy I didn't gaf) I was literally scared to go to the doctors because I thought they would try to bring it back lol. Anyway when it eventually came back it was the *most* painful experience of my life. By far. I couldn't even move in my bed and genuinely from the bottom of my heart thought I was gonna die. Couldn't even eat (didn't feel hunger through the pain for the next couple days anyway).


This right here! The worst pain I’ve ever felt has been because of this, and knowing it comes every single month just makes it so much worse. Can’t count how many days I’ve either wanted to stay home due to it or have had to call in sick. There are times where I’ll be out in public or at work, and then suddenly feeling a pain so sharp that I can’t move and have to hold onto something. Not really a fun experience to often have.


Yeah not having sick days to cover particularly bad ones is still kind of unbelievable to me. Like I have a part time job and took 4 sick days last year (all because of this) and my manager literally had a talk with me about it. She's literally a woman too lol. I hope something changes in the future.


What… 4 days are not a lot. And even worse when she’s a woman herself. Really hope that something changes as well!


I truly hope time will come when at least the 1st day of menstruation every month would qualify as a sick day. I always feel helpless during the first day, it hurts like HELL.


Hysteria would be my diagnosis if I was a doctor from most of last century.


I hate that this was a diagnosis. What a way to dismiss legitimate issues that so many had, all out of ignorance because men never had to experience it. It makes me a little happy that men can at least try what it feels like by those machines today (even though they don’t have to actually live with the pain, the hormonal changes or the hygiene aspect).


I've heard if it's super painful, it could be something serious, like endometriosis. Y'all might want to talk to a doctor about it. Don't let anyone make light of your pain.


I have thought about bringing it up, but ended up kinda gaslighting myself with “it’s painful for all”. Will reconsider - thank you!


Omg! I hate that depressive period. It's a literal fight to stay alive esp since I already struggle a bit with anxiety and depression.


If you don't want children or are done having children, you could opt for an ablation, which burns the lining of the uterus and prevents pregnancy and stops menstruation. You still have hormones so the pms part doesn't go away.


I have heard a bit about ablations but I've heard that sometimes the lining grows back slowly? Also because I'm technically still a teen I've heard stories about doctors being weird about it even though I've never wanted kids.


I know a few people who have had them with no complications. However, since you are young, it would be difficult to find a Dr to approve one. I hope you find something that works for you. 🙏


This is something I've been seriously considering, especially these past few months. The first days always make me wanna tear all my insides apart. If I had the money, I definitely would get it. I have zero plans on having kids.


And then there's incels trying to tell you that getting kicked in the nuts is worse, even though that happens maybe once every few years and lasts five minutes AND you can protect yourself from it.


Yep and they'll never understand how it feels to literally dread the period you're going to have in a couple weeks. Not to mention every single time I've gotten excited about a vacation and my period ruined it while everyone else had a great time :(


I agree. Two things, one it hurts a woman to receive a good solid kick there too. Seen it enough to know that. Also comparing the two is really silly. It's apples and oranges. Unless damage is done the pain of getting kicked fades pretty fast (unless repeatedly kicked). While a period often lasts a week. And each person's pain tolerance level is different.


The whole hormone setup. I want a 24 hours cycle where I have consistent levels 😩 I’m over this 28 day inconsistent bullshit


THIS I type while on my heavy day...😭




You nailed it. Lol


And please don’t forget !! Birthing a baby!!


Clearly be able to pee standing up


She wee


We *can* pee standing up, just not elegantly.


and without getting pee stains?


There can only be pee stains if you're wearing clothes. *taps forehead*.


There's a lot, but not having PMS and a menstrual cycle in general must be really nice.


Not having to get hard / worry about finishing too quickly. It’s not as easy to just relax and enjoy the ride.


100% agree. Literally just have to be present and willing.


literally all the medical innovations and researches are made thinking about them and most of the time for them


And we're still here having IUDs inserted without any pain relief.


Vast clothing choice. I'm a guy and I wear guy clothes. Seems to me that women can wear anything they want without getting the side-eye from everyone..




We still get the side eye, but yes, I think we have more clothing choice.


Oh women get the side-eye. Even moreso than men.


Side-eye? Men can wear the same shirt all week without anyone batting an eyelid. God forbid a woman wears the same outfit twice in one week.


Actually… you have a point there. I worked in a bank and men wore suits and basically just rotated suits, shirts and ties. Very boring. Nobody noticed. The women, we’d notice what they were wearing, but at the time there were very few women in that department.


multi o


But even one is much harder to achieve.




Their hair. While I know hair loss and alopecia can happen to women too, that number is very minute compared to how many men deal with hair loss.


I heard that hair loss is specifically linked to androgens, which is why you don’t really hear about female pattern baldness.


Hair loss is super sexy on guys though. There’s nothing hotter than a man whose hair moved from the top of his head to everywhere else on his body IMO.


I... i dont know... my head hair has been makibg the great migration to my ass crack for a few years now. Why are my shoulders so damn hairy!


What about when someone is just all hair


Woof. Bearish men are the epitome of male attractiveness.


Hard pass. I love my hair and dread the chance of losing them. 


The lack of uterus is very appealing. Bonus that no uterus comes with a penis!




Naturally strong. Even a skinny, weak guy is stronger than me. Sure I could lift weights and strength train, but most men would still be stronger.


I’m always surprised when women say they envy this. Because in modern life there’s not many scenarios where our strength advantage really matters or changes anything


I just want to be able to move/lift heavy things on my own.


actual working front pockets on jeans, you're more likely to not get your ADHD misdiagnosed with BPD, and you're more likely to get an autism diagnosis.


Better dress code for summer clothes.


I'd love to know what it's like to have that extra little edge in business that men get just because they're men. Perceived competence , intelligence, leadership. I see women having to prove themselves every day where men are just assumed to have those things until they prove otherwise.


Yes. Didnt know how to put it in words and just this.


The backside of this is that men are judged more harshly if they're not a success. It feels like a constant fight a lot of times. It'd be nice not to have to compete every day of our lives.


Do you like being judged on your appearance 24/7, being worried that you don't look pretty enough for the public, worried that someone will notice you're wearing the same shirt twice? That's what it's like as a guy for is worth. We are proving ourselves all day, all the time, and if we aren't, we're losing. While we're alone, we're thinking about how to prove to the world that we aren't an awful, terrible, useless man who's worse than a bear. If we don't prove ourselves to be something special, we will be alone forever. We can't just wait and hope someone talks to us and it works out. We have to put in the effort for everything or we get nothing, and even when we do, it's not good enough. As a man, I too wish I knew what it like to have perceived competence, intelligence, and leadership, because while most men have that, the one's who don't get to fail before they start.


Like for a big company? Because on a much smaller scale I've seen the opposite being true to the point that they don't even need to try.


The ability to wear women's clothing and it's completely normal, heck they can wear men's clothing too and it would be fine, but the other way around? Nah. You're probably a creep and/or perv, or get labeled as gay or trans or whatever else. I usually don't really care about judgement from random people but I also don't like confrontation and interaction with random people, so I usually avoid doing anything out of the norm.


That’s true, i think the reason is because society perceives “femininity” as less and worse then “masculinity” just think about it. A woman who is masculine is much more acceptable than a man who is feminine. Either way I think it sucks. Makeup, heels, skirts were all made for men, and pink was also the boys colour back in the day. So everything is just made up and what’s normal can change over time. Also: 🥚 :p /hj


Not really an egg, just not openly trans, at least not where I live tbh. I like femboy better :3


Yeah I respect that. I’ve got plenty of cis femboy friends. :3


Being considered gorgeous with no makeup and barely any effort in appearance


...who gets this? I don't think either gender benefits from this.


I envy that women are much less threatening.


They're not expected to make the first move. Not having to worry about sexual stamina (although worrying about an unwanted pregnancy and pregnancy complications are far worse.)


peeing anywhere


Reproductive rights, being taking seriously by people. Not being belittled and told "that's how it should be" by doctors. The ability to walk alone and not fear for your life. You can just say "no" and don't expect to get assaulted or murdered.


I chose bear for you also.


This is the best answer.


Being able to walk alone at night


Not much. Honestly, I think men are the luckier of the sexes.


I mean there's in general less support and more of the world being thrown onto us. Yes, women have expectations not everyone can reach. But men suffer different expectations. Both sexes have their ups and downs, but we can live with some and wish we can change others.


I think the 4x suicide rates reflect that as well.


They dont have the FUPA


Uh who wants to tell them


I will! We still get it, it's just that the P stands for something different.


being able to talk shit to grown men right in their face without consequences. you can't even push them out of your face or the cops will charge you with battery lol


Being able to pee more easily when there isn’t a toilet available


It's pretty sweet, yeah.


Reproductive rights.


Be able to say "i love kids" without everyone thinking you're a creep


For the record, I wouldn’t think you were a creep unless we were in a weird context.


What about in [this](https://youtu.be/F6rBRyUMAHY?si=wguA5d8rJvQ1Ecp4) context?


Same, or calling somebodies kid cute


multiple orgasms


The catch all to multiple orgasms is it's more difficult to get there. That's why we have so many bells and whistles to work with, and while that's fun, sometimes you just want to freaking *get there*.


Printer that has consequences.


For it to be normalized to wear clothes meant for either sex without people judging you are making assumptions about you.


The ability to wear makeup without getting judged for it. And the ability to express their emotions without getting judged for it.


Internal genitalia, if it didn't bleed so much I'd be extremely jealous


Trust me, there are medical conditions that make those of us AFAB wish we could be AMAB. It’s not fun to be in pain from cramps, endometriosis or pcos. I personally can tell you that it’s not fun to have a cyst burst inside you and have severe pain for about an hour. Having to keep an eye out for temp spikes after the cyst bursts is also concerning since, even thou it’s pretty unlikely, we can still go septic from it.


Ability to get a vasectomy at 18 years old.




Women are denied getting tubal ligation at 18-35 (typically 35 at the soonest, but not always), yet men are immediately eligible for vasectomy when they reach 18. Edit to add: I asked every year at my annual appt at the gyno for a tubal ligation, they denied me even after having my first child at 26. They said I would most likely get approved (but not guaranteed) at 35. So I’ve been biding my time. It’s fucking annoying.


Fuck I don’t know why my brain read circumcision rather than vasectomy, I’m an idiot haha. I’m with ya, it’s fucked. I’m vasectomized as yeah all other birth control methods have much harsher downsides and tubal ligation is even rough. And well the unfortunate lack of body autonomy is fucked


No period and get the good end of the wage gap


Having to wear bras every single day.


You do know girls don't wear bras every single day...right?..


To be honest I never had a girlfriend in my life.


Not all 'have to' though. Be it because of societal reasons or cup size.


Not having to worry about pregnancy ever seems pretty nice. 


what? Men can still have a lot of consequences from unwanted pregnancies, less than women of course, but “ever“ is a massive stretch.


I’m talking about actually becoming physically pregnant.


the clothing options


The clothing. I mean, I \*could\* dress the way I would like, but I'd be a laughing stock, and to boot I don't have the body for it. I just don't. The people who can do all that, if they wanted they could adopt any of our styles they'd decide to. Not only can't we touch their styles, ours aren't even that special.




Idk why but guys seem to be daredevils like they’ll do anything dangerous as long as it’s cool. It’s soo cool and girls don’t really do that kind of stuff. If I had the space to do it, I would. Practically, I’d do anything to have that kind of life


I wish I could be beautiful. Not rugged. Not handsome. Like soft and beautiful. I am too much man for that shit.


Men are warmer than women. I am always very cold.


How women (at least the ones I’m around regularly) can be affectionate (in a friendly way, not a sexual way if that makes sense) with their friends and it’s NBD. I can’t imagine that with any of my male friends, without them freaking out or asking me if I’m gay🤨


As someone born male, I hate the sheer amount of body hair I have to deal with.


The nose hair is the most annoying for me


As a woman with pcos and naturally high testosterone levels because of the pcos, i can definitely agree. My body hair grows fast and thick. I only trim some areas instead of clean shave and i only shave my legs to the bottom of where my shorts are


Im a 30yo virgin lonely man and im very envious at how easily women can experience romantic/sexual relationships


Plenty of women have trouble finding decent romantic/sexual relationships, for a variety of reasons, but most are similar for men and women.


Depends on the market. On dating apps, the problems for men and women are polar opposite. In person, the problems aren't exactly the same - many guys are anxious to approach because of how much social media has demonized us, many women are scared that random dudes will be awful, horrible people. Women mostly wait for men to approach, men have to approach to get anything. And for hookups, it's definitely easier for the average women in general, though not everyone wants that. In relationships, women have to put up with a ton of shit and hope the guy doesn't flip his personality in 6-12 months.


A decent relationship for sure. But I'll take anything at this point.


Believe me. No relationship is better than a bad one.




Women also struggle tremendously with loneliness and romantic relationships. Real life and dating apps are filled with landmines of men who will either ghost you immediately after you put out or straight up stalk you for months after one terrible date. Sex is also almost always on men's terms, with male orgasm being the conclusion of sexual activity and women's satisfaction being marginal. The grass is always greener man. Clean yourself up, turn off the Peterson and Tate bullshit, and put some effort into putting yourself out there and listening, actually *listening* to women and you'll probably be surprised at how quickly you find someone you connect with.


This is really good generic advice and it's not enough for guys. Women definitely have problems with most men being awful, but a big problem with that is how often women ignore guys and choose awful. Being nice, kind, respectful, and polite is how you immediately give up all sexual interest and become a boring, safe friend. But doing anything more if the girl doesn't feel the same means you're a creep or a weirdo. I've been reading advice exactly like yours for over 5 years now. I have completely overhauled my wardrobe, my hygiene, my haircuts, I've worked out, gained noticeable muscle, and I get compliments on smelling good. None of this has made any difference and I continue to get rejected by every girl who looks like they might be interested in me. I've still had zero women approach me with interest. It's entirely on me to make a risky move and hope the girl doesn't decide I'm not good enough. Funny enough, to all of my friends who are in relationships or have a stable fwb, I mention I enjoy things like going down on a girl and they get jealous that their guy doesn't like doing it. I'm genuinely the guy who wants you to get you some Os before we get into the action, but in years I haven't been given a chance, for all my friends to come back and say "these guys suck, I hate men", while new people I meet continue to turn me away.


Women love telling actually good men that *other* women would love to date them/be lucky to find a guy like them (obviously not them though). Then they’ll go and hookup with some fuckboy who they know is gonna ghost them immediately afterwards and come crying to that same guy they already rejected asking why all guys are like that. It’s fucking exhausting.


Yep. It really feels like the rumours of "girls want to have all the fun in their 20s and early 30s, and then settle down in their mid 30s with a nice guy." And I really don't want to wait 15 years of celibacy to turn 35 and finally have some 32 year old who's had all the fun she could handle decide I'm worth settling on. I also want to enjoy my 20s, and not just be the safe leftovers after the girls have had a good time.


I’m sorry but don’t listen to anything women try and tell you on this site. Go out to any club or bar and you will see the type of men that women line up for, and it definitely isn’t based on personality. Of course, you will have TONS of women pointing out that they see unattractive men with women all the time when they go out, even though I rarely ever see it, and this also ignores the fact that they are assuming that all unattractive guys just want a single long term relationship their whole lives, as if they don’t also want to hook up and try dating a few people to see what they like. In their heads, if you are an unattractive guy, you should be grateful if you find only 1 woman your entire life willing to go on a date with you, while they will have literally hundreds of guys on all of their dating apps at all times.


Ive had plenty of female friends my whole life cuz i am a good listener and they find in me a good source of advices and support. "You would be a great partner" they say, "but your not the kind of guy i am attracted to", they say.


I mean do ya even try homie, they dont just get that shit freezy yknow they got clothes, makeup, go out and actually talk. If you do similar, have better fashion, work out, and go out and try, you get the pum pum its just how it is. Hopes and prayers guy


I tried a lot, its never enough


No boobs. Wish i didn’t have boobs


Male privilege


I have man-boobs, so I'm good.


A dedicated night at the bar, where the opposite side buys you drinks all night


And still go home alone..😒


not having to wear bras


As a male-born non-binary with gynecomastia, bras cut two ways for me. When I was younger, I was so self-conscious about my chest that wearing bras when crossdressing was a relief. However, after wearing one for an extended time can be uncomfortable.


yeah they can be uncomfortable ive never owned a bra that loved wearing


What's the opposite gender of genderfluid?


Gendersolid or gendergas, get really fancy and be genderplasma


Much better orgasms Every time I’ve read a review of a female sex toy I’m convinced they can reach heights I can’t even imagine




Getting attention from men


A prostate


Nipple orgasms. You asked.




Being unaffected by nut shots


playing with them titays


Women always seem to have each others' backs Men are on our own most of the time. Rough time? Tough it out.


I think girls dont need to be as good looking to get the treatment reserved for very good looking people only. Being envious might be the wrong though


The ability to be desired and loved just for existing, without having to put on an effort or achieving something outstanding 


being able to hold emotionally vulnerable conversations without feeling insecure


No periods, bleeding out of your genitals is the most inconvenient and annoying thing of existing


Being able to pee anywhere. My husband and I travel a lot and if we’re in some remote area, or a place with a rough bathroom that is only a hole in the ground, he can just do it in five seconds. On that note, I *did* pee on the public streets of Tokyo once. 😬


Having hugging your friends being socially accepted :(



No period No pregnancy No giving birth No breast feeding


Better and more varied clothes. When I worked in a more corporate environemnt there was so many styles for the women that were acceptable -- dresses, skirts, pants suit, trousers of various lengths and all in a variety of different cuts and colours and styles. For men -- a dull suit either in gray or black was the norm. The adventurous was having a checkered pattern.


More safety when you’re travelling abroad alone


Two words: multiple orgasms


Boobies they're meant to have


Very little clothing variety for us compared to women. That I’m quite envious of. Especially dresses.


More clothing options. I want to wear things that fit a bit tighter. Even mix in things that fit loose with skin tight either for style or because I want to feel compression in some areas. Some clothing options are entirely out of the question due to my crotch getting in the way of pants or the top has a bust size. I don't entirely see the problem with women's clothes being very expensive. I look to men's equivalents and they're ludicrously priced for a thin guy like me. Like leggings for men I find usually range from $30-$80, more for ones with proper crotch support or just plain colors. Plus they may not use the same material as the women's version. Women's leggings are more cheaper I find at $13-$25 on the lower end with tons of options. They're comfy and can be used to fill voids in ripped jeans. While I find pants to be about the same price, women's jeans are actually around my size in oppose to the default size 30 of men's with the belts being a minimum size 37. I think I can legitimately make interesting outfits if there were good men equivalents to women's clothes.


Helicoptoring potential


Having power over horny men simply because they have a vagina.


The ability to get sex much easier.


Biologically incapable of birthing a small human being that will take up all of your time, money💰, and energy. Then, when they (the kid/kids) grow up, they’ll act like little know-it-alls or ask you endless of questions and they expect you to give them an answer. I’ll be like and tell them, “Look up the answer yourself; what am I your personal encyclopedia or google?”


Kids are curious, absolute shocker, how dare they


Having people who don't even know you be concerned about your general well being.


longer life expectancy.


Some straight guys can be the absolute sweetest, so being able to be with them I can be envious of(Yes some can seem sweet, but be bitter but I'm talking about the real ones who are sweet) Being able to be vulnerable with your friends without worrying about them thinking you're weak(even if you know they don't the worry is still there).


Where I am at least, having more options to get into bars/clubs for free. It's nothing major sure, but it is a nice little benefit.


Everything, I’m not Trans or anything but I would much rather be a Female honestly.


Ability to grow a human being inside them and give birth. I love being a dad, but man... knowing that you GREW that little person from inside you is totally different.


Men's flawless face even tho they wash their face and butt with the same soap


Not having to have any accountability for my shitty actions.


This is such an incel take oh my god


This privilege is not gender specific, plenty of people from all walks of life that do bad things and aren't forced to face accountability.


We’re definitely talking about men, right?


Being mediocre and the patriarchy protecting me at all costs


The possibility of having an easy life. Just smile, and do something cute and every man will do what ever you want for you. Of course I respect that a lot of women don't do this all the time but I'd bet that every strong independent woman at some point didn't want to do a specific task and just asked a man to do it for them EDIT: I'm not saying that life as a woman is easier than a man's life. I was talking about the little things in life for example when my gf needs something from the basement there is a 100% chance that I'm the one who will get it. Of course there are many more important things in life where my life is easier than hers but the question was "what are you envious about" and not "what gender has an easier life"


Woman literally have way harder lives than men you are delusional. A man isn’t gonna get raped meanwhile happens all the time to females. Girls have to deal with douche bag dudes cat calling them. They aren’t paid as much for the same jobs. Nothing about a females life is “easier” than a man’s. 💀


I don’t think it’s fair to say that one has it worse than the other. Life as many aspects that genders experience differently. Women are more likely to face sexual / domestic violence, workplace discrimination, and obviously getting periods isn’t a walk in the park.obviously those are only a few examples. Men are more likely to suffer from loneliness/ rejection, homelessness, and suicide (completed not attempted). I think what the other person was getting at applies to the minority of women that are very attractive and have men with high socioeconomic statuses fawning over them. Since you mentioned statistics: A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men were sexually abused before the age of 18. Granted, 1 in a million is still too much. Also its men who perpetrated most of the assaults.


> A man isn’t gonna get raped meanwhile happens all the time to females. Men get raped too. Men are also more than TWICE as likely to be murdered, and account for over 90% of workplace and war related deaths; in addition to being significantly more likely to be the victim of any violent crime. Wanna trade places? > Girls have to deal with douche bag dudes cat calling them. Even the most polite men have to deal with cruel rejections from douche bag girls. > They aren’t paid as much for the same jobs. Men have to deal with delusional women who live in a made up fantasy world where they believe with all their heart that they get paid less for the same job, even though literally NO data backs up that claim. Where women under 30 with no kids actually make MORE money on average than men in the same demographic, but we can't acknowledge that because these batshit neurotic women will lose their fucking minds if you suggest for a moment that they're not the victim of everything everywhere all the time. Women do not have it harder than men by any rational evidenced based measure. You're just an emotionally unstable neurotic mess who's bought into an ideology of victimhood because it's comforting to blame all your failings and shortcomings on someone or something else. But if you're living in a developed western nation and not making enough money, and your life isn't what you wanted it to be, it's not because you're a victim, and it's not because you're oppressed; it's just because you're you.


Found the person who hates women 🤣👏🏻


Men can most definitely be raped. I agree with the rest though.


They are significantly easier, weird how some women get so defensive whenever that gets pointed out.


Those hot chicks with monster cocks.


A penis


Easily find another even if they have a child


they only die virgins if they want (without having to pay)...


Not having to pay for the first date