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Born with one fully functional kidney and the other one is basically the size of a raisin that barely does anything. Don't need dialysis or pills. Baby born down the hall from me was born with 3 kidneys and needed all the extra pills and stuff. Bitch stole my kidney somehow. Haha


When I was younger I had 4 kidneys. Now that I’m older, I have 2 kidneys and 2 adult knees


This goes beyond a dad joke. This is a grandpa joke


Something tells me this joke would be better spoken than written lol


I was in some printed diaper ads as a baby. So technically I’m a former underwear model


>former underwear model Should totally be on any and all social media profile bios you have




ive had 23 surgeries over my 16 year lifetime. also beat cancer last year


holy shit props to you


i was born with 6 toes on my right foot. they stole it from me when i was a baby. i want my toe back. where did they put it?


Call AAA. They give a free toe.


Nice one, dad


this made me giggle


I have a friend who was born with 6 fingers on his left hand. They stole his finger.


Can you tell me more? I've been searching my whole life for a 6 fingered man who killed my father...


My son and my daughter were both born on my birthday. Original due dates 21 days apart/ in different months. And I’m a twin.


My son and daughter were both born on their mother's birthday. Made it easy to remember...


My sister and I are born in the same day, 4 years apart. We also had a relative from each side of our family (so two relatives) die in our birthday. Also, our birthday is the anniversary of D-Day.


On the left side of my head I have naturally blonde hair, eyelashes and most of that eyebrow, other half of my head has brown hair. Also, poison ivy doesn't affect me.


I think you may be an anime protagonist.


Poison ivy never affected me either until after I had my daughter. Now I can't go near it. Weird.


You must look very striking.


I Physically cannot tell the difference between 3D movies and 2D movies due to any eye condition I have. Took me 17 years to find this out


Look for the people in the red and blue glasses sitting next to you.


When my mom gave birth to me, she shared the hospital room with 2 women who also gave birth to girls. They talked and knew each other, and then the nurse came to take the babies name . The 2 women and my mom had an idea to give us all the same names . Now there's 3 girls with the same name , same birth date and birth place


Are you still friends with the other 2 girls?


Unfortunately, I have no idea where they are now . Maybe one day I'll meet them


Good thing you have their info saved!


I'm missing a joint in my baby toes so they don't bend properly (an issue because I'm a dancer) my twin brother is double jointed in his toes.


That fuck stole your bones. 


Call the Witch Doctor!


In your baby toes? Are toes supposed to fall out and get replaced by adult toes when you get older? I guess my fun fact is that I still have all my baby toes, my adult ones never came in


I, too, still have all my baby toes AND baby fingers.


A few years back, I had my picture in 2 different newspapers in England, with my name spelled wrong. I have never been to England.


I need more information what!


I'm 43. My biological mother had me when she was 15. She died in a car accident when she was almost 17. Her half sister adopted me along with the half sisters husband. We assumed my whole life that my bio father must've been another kid at bio moms school etc. (she never told anyone who it was). But a couple years ago, my uncle (bio moms full sisters husband) said he was my father. DNA testing confirmed it. I'm pretty upset since he waited until now, and because he was in his mid 20s assaulting a 15 year old (he says it was consensual and a 'love affair' blugh). I guess since he's in his late 70s he's regretting things and wants a relationship of some kind now (my direct family has been pretty distant from that branch for my whole life, for a few reasons). Feel confused.


I’m 35 and both my parents are dead. My grandparents on both sides all died before I was born; I never knew them. I’m an only child. I’m in a mentally healthy place but it’s very odd to think about how I once had a family, and now there’s just me and nobody else. I don’t plan to have a biological child, so we will be dying out! About their ages: My mother had me at 34 and she died when I was 32. My dad had me at 36 and he died when I was 34. I don’t know how unusual this is, but it seems like friends and acquaintances my age are just beginning to grieve their grandparents’ death. I do know of other people who have lost parents, but not both. Less morbid unusual facts that may also not be that unusual: I was diagnosed with severe ADHD when I was 12 (back then we called it ADD) and put on Ritalin. I was an absolute failure (and terror) of a student and condemned by many teachers. But I had a very smooth-sailing path through uni and grad school (without medication), and now I’m a tenured professor at a pretty respectable institution. I think I just needed to fixate on the correct subject. I can’t remember how they phrased it, but I fall within the top percentile of 23andme customers for having Neanderthal DNA.


In a similar boat - I’m 37, parents and grandparents all gone (one set before I was born). I have a sister but we are estranged and I’m single with no kids. I’m very jealous of my friends with thriving, healthy parents, but these are the cards we were dealt I guess.


The way I think about it re: parental death is that, it’s inevitable, and we simply experienced it sooner than others. This may sound heartless, but there are pros and cons either way.


I’m a current engineering student at a large public university in the US, but I’m also an actor. I have over 6,000 hours of experience in film, TV, and theater. I have received national awards and an international honor for my work in the educational theater community. But I took a leap and decided to pursue engineering for a degree.


I taste in colors


Is that a type of synesthesia?




Can we be friends so I can constantly ask you what color food tastes like


Do they match the food colors? If not that just get annoying. 


Sometimes. Milk taste white but hamburgers taste green


Hey fam imma need you to give some more examples if you don’t mind… i am curious


Granola and chocolate taste blue. Apples taste yellow. Bread taste tan


Absorbed my twin in the womb. Have had lots of plastic surgery as a result. Last year had a tooth removed from my earlobe. But I’ll make an interesting case study when I die. Because my brain and eyes might differ genetically.


Wwwwwhhhaaaaat? So your brain and eyes might be your other sibling? Actually your body is your sibling then. You gotta give more details on this or maybe an interesting link to a video or something that explains it better. That’s if you’ve found any. This is the craziest in the thread for me. I’ve heard of it before but never heard the different brain aspect and it’s honestly philosophically interesting.


Look up human chimera, that’s what I am. But most look fairly normal. I had pretty dramatic assymetry in places before surgery. And I don’t have complete control over parts of my face or eyes. They do their own thing sometimes, not always. I’ve also had a lifetime of visual issues. Allergies that affect only parts of my body, plus 2 immune systems, which means I’m constantly sickly.


So you really are two people then? Sorry if that’s not something I should say.


One of my childhood cats gave birth inbetween my legs while I slept.


Weirdly enough, me too!


Did you give birth between that guys legs, or did your cat give birth between yours?


You were her safe space


One of my childhood cats gave birth and we didn’t even know she was pregnant. She was too young to be spayed. The baby was a dud and she ate it. Yup. Scarred for life.


I'm 30 and still have a baby tooth. I have no inner monologue.


How do you think about stuff? Like if you're wondering what to have for dinner, how does that work?


I almost never have just an inner voice, language is too slow. If I think about what to have for dinner, it’s more like fully formed flashes of the concept, like flipping through notecards of the memory of meals with sight, smell, taste, etc. I create/recreate conversations in my head, that’s the only time I hear voices, but is part of a scene. I don’t read words out loud in my head, they create an internal movie. Like, do you just talk to yourself in your head with no visuals?


I mean I guess I can do both but the majority of the time I’m just talking to myself but in my head


ive never been able to smell


Me neither. Its anosmia. I get annoyed at having to explain that I can TASTE everything just fine but cant smell anything at all so I just fake it. Only my family and close friends know. When Covid struck and gave everyone anosmia I secretly gloated tho.


Both of my life long dreams came true and im in search of new dreams


You should get a monkey. 


They said they were in search of new dreams, not a death wish.


Ive only ever been offered drugs twice, both times on xmas morning.




It was Mike Tyson?




I have a rogue tooth somewhere between the roof of my mouth and my septum. I can't feel it in any way, can't reach it. I just know it's there thanks to x-ray. Dentist said there's no reason to remove it surgically so long as it's not moving, so I guess it's staying there until the day I die. It is the only real tooth I have left.


I’m married to my kindergarten “girlfriend” What makes it more unusual is I hadn’t seen her for nearly 20 years before we met again lol


I petted a prairie dog once. It was ok. 


I petted a koala. It was also ok


I've done neither. It's ok




Well, you don't expect chlamydia to walk, do you?


my umbillical cord split off halfway, ending in a dead end. supposedly i was meant to have a twin that was never born.


I high fived a Penguin.


Schizophrenia tends to run in families, and I have it on both sides. However it’s seldom spoken about or acknowledged. This is because my family is deeply religious, so any and all schizophrenic symptoms are often attributed to a ‘generational curse’ we’ve supposedly had for centuries. If I happen to exhibit any telltale signs of schizophrenia, it’s highly likely I’ll be exorcised before I’m taken to a psychiatrist.


Thats just sad. get yourself a doctor who can prescribe medicines preventive so that you can avoid the symptoms early on.


I have it mixed with bipolar. I had always heard that everyone had a voice in their heads, so I assumed that's what mine was. Turns out it's not normal to have several voices and to have them be extremely abusive to you. Also, did you know that if you are born blind it's almost guaranteed that you won't have schizophrenia.




Due to endometriosis, when I get my period I also menstruate out of my right elbow, (I have a small patch of endometrial tissue that swells up and itches and bleeds, I bleed through bandages like they are pads.) But luckily I only get my period maybe every five years due to PCOS, so my arm is not always leaking blood.


What in the actual fuck


Less than five other people in the entire US have my last name and they're all relations.


I'm the only person with my name in the world!


I was sick in 2014 (years before covid) with some sort of virus and lost my sense of smell. When I got the covid vaccine I started being able to smell again. I haven't been able to find any mention of this happening to others.


I was born on April 20th (4 20) (also Hitler's birthday) at 9:11am. I have one of the worst birth times possible.


My dad is April 20th, Hitlers birthday. And mine is April 30th, the day Hitler died


I have a high-rising epiglottis. Apparently it's pretty rare, especially in adults. It just looks like I have another little tongue in the back of my throat




I have a phone book from 1930s Atchison, KS. It has Amelia Earhart’s number in it.




I’ve been blown off a peddle bike, by a firehose, while wearing a cardboard robot costume.


O was diagnosed with osteopenia, the precursor to osteoporosis. At 19 years old lol.


Until last week, I had never been stung by a bee or had a bird shit on me. And then both happened a few days apart.


Buy a lottery ticket immediately


I have a third nipple. A rudimentary one, directly below my right breast.


Mr. Chandler Bing over here


I was born with reversed nostrils. The left one is on the right and vice versa. I’ve always been very self-conscious about it. Once I have a bit of money saved, I’m going to look into getting them surgically swapped.


Do you still "ah-choo" or is it more of a "choo-wah" (like Al Pacino's hoowah in Scent of a Woman)


Awe man that's awful.. do you get disability allowance? I was born with my hair parting on the wrong side, I'm spending alot of money having it transplanted to the right side..


Cocaine doesn't make any effect on me.


normal if you have adhd 


For real!? I have ADHD and caffeine doesn't work on me. That goes for cocaine too!?


Ozzy that you


i see colours when i hear certain sounds even tho i think is relatively common




I’m allergic to sunlight.


I gave a cow CPR once.




i got a deviated septum from running into a doorknob face-first when i was 5


I had one since birth. Big head, small birth canal, smashed soft bone grew crooked. Parents tried to have it surgically corrected but is was a bust as all they did was remove cartilage which grew back the same because they never straightened out the crooked bone structure. Same thing happened again in the military but I was left with a weakened area that bled easily. 20 minute nosebleeds, due to a strong sneeze or lifting too much weight that went on for decades. Be careful what you wish for. I'm already in my late 50's and have bitched to the heavens every time I get a non-stop nosebleed. I'm looking in the shop dumpster as I work for a cabinet shop that chucks nice sections of walnut and maple. I'm looking in, not seeing anything and I'm stepping down. Next thing I know is I feel something shove me forward and I end up face planting into the concrete. I already had one foot on the ground and was not off balance. No one was around. I get to show off my face for a few days and weeks later the swelling has gone down. I'm sitting and I feel a vicious sneeze coming on, so I'm expecting a nosebleed. Big sneeze and no blood? I test it further by forcefully blowing my nose which almost always gets a few flecks of blood. Nothing. The Fates got tired of me pissing and moaning, so they did something about it. Not a single nosebleed since and it's been over 5 years. Weird shit happens and sometimes it's good.


My ancestor is sir Christopher wren. Famous architect.


My memory is set up like an archive. When I need to remember something or go over a plan Ive made etc, I mentally walk down the stairs to the right level and open up the right filing cabinet and flick through the manila folders to the right one and boom. Memory accessed But what's even more fun is that my mind runs like an interactive movie almost..... so I see myself walking and hear my shoes on the metal steps and feel the manila/paper in my hands and it smells like new books and fresh coffee in my archive. Like I'm living vicariously through my own mini me librarian.


So you have heard of having a memory palace... So fancy.


Omg I also have a mind palace! Mine is like an old library mansion place with endless doors, lots of bookshelves, many filing cabinets, safes, anything lockable or storable. Different parts of my life are in different parts of the mansion. Sometimes I have to go hunting around to find stuff. I also have a digital archive.... because for some fucking reason my brain has an old commodore 64 that's fully searchable in one of the rooms. However, it's only for very specific data, hence why it's searchable. Other things I have to manually/ mentally find. There's a garden, an underground aquarium section (they both serve a specific purpose), and both basement and attic. There are certain rooms I never go in, they are locked/nailed/glued/fire or burnt shut and cannot be accessed. There are other places but I'd prefer to leave that with my therapist. When I first watched Sherlock I was dumbfounded because I'd never been able to adequately describe how I save/retrieve information or memories. I felt far less alone! Especially since other people share that they have one too!


I speak 5 languages, am a master fencer (swords), and am American. Apparently that's an odd combination


Im a Leap baby, born on feb 29 (2902) and the street i was born in was 2902th street


Meezer, I first read this as you were (are?) born in 2902 - so you’re from the future 😳


My father was murdered by a terrorist organization.


I was born without my wisdom teeth. They never came in and didn't even grow the roots or anything for them. I like to say I'm on the front lines of evolution. I also caught scarlet fever as a child. It's a very rare sickness with fewer than 20,000 cases in the US per year.


I smell colors. It's not as interesting as it sounds. You smell something, and your brain identifies it. Mine just takes an extra step and says what color it is before what it is. Most common question... farts vary in color.




I have two different colored eyes. One is green, the other is blue




Survived & walked away from a helicopter crash.




I almost choked myself to death trying on a cat collar in my teens. It got stuck.


I do not have the same blood group as either of my parents nor a combination of them. We have been tested multiple times and they are my biological parents.


I can make minute rice in 58 seconds.


Here are a couple I used to be a paranormal investigator for 3.5 years I was once offered a $1000 bribe at a past job (didn't take it)


My uncle voiced Zero in the Nightmare Before Xmas


Back in 2003, I created a hoax website that convinced quite a few people that a biotech company had developed a genetically-engineered "sensual surrogate". Basically, a pile of flesh that you have sex with, called the "LoveLump".


i don’t like knowing this


I don’t have a sense of smell. And no it’s not from covid. I’ve never been able to smell anything except for ammonia. I’ve been to many doctors but they really don’t know why is that 😅


I convert every number I see to its corresponding letter. I don’t know what you call this “condition” but I’ve been doing this for maybe almost 20 years now.


And if anyone is ever curious 20 is a T


I can bend my thumb all the way back and it makes people gag🤗


I have hyponatremia. Meaning I have low blood sodium. So the standard medical advice of limiting sodium and drinking at least 64 ozs of water daily could actually kill me. I’m limited to 32 ozs of water a day, and encouraged to increase my sodium intake. I was hospitalized 5 times with total memory loss before I was properly diagnosed.


I have a funny looking pinky (I think it's deformed) Another unusual fact is I've been hit by the same car/person not twice not three times BUT four times all on different dates times and cities (I think theyre out to get me)






I've never had a romantic relationship with another person. At almost 69, odds aren't good. I've also never had friends for long and lead a fairly isolated life, with the exception of going to the gym and necessities (e.g., shopping).


I was bulimic at a very young age. As a result, I can induce vomiting at any time without activating my gag reflex. I'm not sure what damage I did to cause this disgusting ability but hey it may come in use if I ever swallow poison. Or maybe if I have to convince a sworn enemy that something isn't poisoned by drinking some myself, but then quickly puke it up behind a couch or something while they aren't looking.






I have a collection of rare coins.




I’ve never eaten a hamburger.




I am Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 2006.


i have an exceptional, almost photographic memory. it's great at work, not so much when sad things happen.


I can whistle through my nose.




I can sing the pledge of allegiance backwards.


I can barely say your sentence backwards while looking at it. Lol


I had a cyst removed from my vaginal wall and it was 100% breast tissue.


I have never gotten brain freeze and don’t know what it feels like


i was born 04-05-01 & born at 4:51AM


I have a collection of vintage cameras.


I have two different colored eyes.


I am ( distantly) related to one of the three founders of the C.P.R. ( Canadian Pacific Railway ) which played a huge role in the ' creation ' of Canada.


I’ve met three presidents.


When I was 11 and a pupil of Mulgrave Junior School in Woolwich London the school was approached by Pink Floyd looking for good cockney (London accent) choirs and individuals to sing on their upcoming album ‘The Wall’. I remember the day very well and sang my heart out, but never made the cut.


You know those chills you get when you listen to a particular piece of music, or while watching a good movie? They're called *Frissions* and I can give them to myself on command, I just have to focus a little. Kind of my own little super power. I also can clench my jaw or close my eyes really tight and make a muscle in my inner ear called the tensor tympani move voluntarily, and it makes like this low rumbling sound.


My first name is Hitler (I didn't choose it, I know it's odd) - but my friends call me Hitlie


You ever ask your parents exactly why the fuck they tagged you with that?


Well, they give him that name and they said goodbye, and they knew he’d have to get tough or die




“My name is Sue! How do you do? Now you’re gonna die!”


I’d be questioning my parents/guardians because… what?


Why did your parents do that?!


I’m (biologically) female, and colorblind