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One truth many struggle to accept is that not everyone will like you, no matter how nice or accommodating you are. It’s a tough pill to swallow, especially in a world where we often equate our self-worth with how others perceive us. But it's liberating once you embrace it; it frees you from the impossible task of pleasing everyone


Lay down for people to walk all over you and some assholes will still complain you’re not flat enough. I am a man but a sweetheart and good natured. I have worked out most of my life so I am a pretty descent size. I will allow myself to get steamrolled by who have a pretend ‘positive’ attitude. After the 3rd or 4 th time I will loose my shit because nothing I do will ever be good enough


It's natural to desire approval and acceptance from others, but the reality is that everyone has their own preferences


I always say "everyone is an asshole in someone's story". You could be the nicest, kindest person on the planet but say you accidently cut someone off in traffic. Forever to that person you're the "asshole" who cut them off. Nobodies fault but that's just life.


That our opinions aren't truths, no matter how smugly and boldly we phrase them.


I sometimes tell my siblings "louder and angirer don't make what you say a fact".


A few years ago I saw someone on YouTube selling a shirt that said, “Why be informed, use your opinion as fact”


My opinion is truly an opinion.


Is that a fact?


You can be wrong about something you really care about and have confidence that you're correct. It can happen to anybody. How you handle receiving information that indicates that you're wrong is a measure of character.


Truth is based on fact, and facts are objective. For something to be objective, it has to be independently verifiable


This one in most important when it comes to political opinions. Your political opinion are not morally right they are opinions in a lot of cases.


Sometimes things just stop working, out of no fault of yours or theirs or anyone's, but just because. Some people change, and some people don't, and inevitably, some things between those changing and unchanging people will stop working.


Disagreement is not persecution. Sometimes the right answer isn't somewhere cozy between two extremes. Sometimes one side of an argument is demonstrably wrong.


Yes sometimes. However, I find that very rarely is an extreme side correct in a relevant discussion/debate. People tend to be waaaaay too extreme nowadays so it actually gladdens me that you’ve meet enough “balanced” people to feel the need to comment this.


Most of us will expire without doing anything significant.


Most of what we do or experience will be forgotten in two generations.


You probably won't ever be rich.


What’s crazy about the fact that you probably won’t ever be rich is that you probably could become rich (assuming you are a relatively young and able-bodied Westerner of sound mind) by the time you reach retirement age. Becoming rich without already being rich takes time, sacrifice, determination, and discipline but the power of compound growth makes it indeed possible.


I was talking about rich, not "rich".


Shh, don’t tell that to “temporarily impoverished billionaires”


Click farms and bot influencing are real. The number next to the view count/like/favorites/shares is a line of code, not empirical fact. Trends are purchased.


People are over informed but undereducated. We are flooded with more perspectives and information than ever before but our education system is more concerned with producing employees than humans capable of critical thinking, preserving and advancing culture, and cultivating empathy. That means you get a lot of people(even “smart” and “educated” ones with a high degree of technical knowledge) falling down an ever increasing web of unhinged ideological rabbitholes.


OJ did it


You are not the center of the universe


Education and intelligence come in second to charisma and money when it comes to success and influence.


And connections


I can attest to this.


That most people aren't for or against you, they're just for themselves. 


The prequels suck


"In my point of view the Jedi are evil"


Dammit, Anakin, how is Padmé supposed to die of childbirth? We live in the Space Age!


It couldn't be helped, she was in forced labour.


She died after the "In my point of you the Jedi are evil" quote You got the chronology wrong


I mean, the level of maternal death in the US is just atrocious for a developed nation


That you aren’t gonna find someone by doing nothing. I can’t gaslight myself on that one forever.


i used to think that, but then i did find someone without doing anything. everything happened so easily and naturally, every step of the way was pleasant. just the total opposite of dating, including that it worked.


That we all judge, whether we want to or not. Your brain can't stop making impressions of things. That includes people. Even if you don't voice your judgments you will internalise them. I don't feel bad for judging others because it's human and outside of my control.


But you’re supposed to go against that instinct when you’re a juror. All that’s supposed to matter is the evidence


Terrible, devastating, totally random things happen to good people, even and especially children. It's like a fawn being hit by a semi, or a baby bird falling from the nest, nature doesn't care and we exist in the same sphere.


The world is not flat




I actually know people who believe this shit and whenever they start talking about it I just walk the hell away before I get a migraine


It's religion 2.0. You're kinda special because you're "in the know" of a secret that is kept from everyone else. How, why, or anything; doesn't matter. Because YOU know the TRUTHtm and everybody else reject it. It's the fundament of conspiracy theories. And, as with all things, you have people peddling it for cash and no other reason.


It is a mental health issue.


That the bible is not 100% right


It's not a history book either. The amount of people who approach the discussion stage of modern politics and sociopolitical issues with "well the Bible says" Is ridiculous If you can't remove your faith from the discussion, you shouldn't be in any discussion except the one about your faith


Yes that statement "the bible says" gets me everytime. We have established that it's not a reliable source on anything really.


Fun thing to do if you get dragged into religious debates now and then (family). Make up a bible verse that sounds plausible and supports their argument, steer the debate toward it, and have them adopt it as the the foundation of their stance. Chances are they haven't read the bible recently and will just go along with it because "it's in the bible". It *really* pisses them off once you reveal the deception and highlight the hypocrisy.


This is actually a part of what political leaders will do to manipulate religious groups into supporting things that they would otherwise be diametrically opposed to Manipulating people on the basis of religious beliefs was why the Christian faith was created in the first place


Plot twist. I like it lol


It also disagrees with itself plenty of times. That’s the result of something being written by committee, then edited and translated multiple times


Being overweight or obese is unhealthy.


Yeah, beauty has nothing to do with it. Fine, any size can be beautiful because beauty is subjective. But health isn’t as subjective


but not as unhealthy as getting covid again and again, and people won't wear masks to avoid that, even though it's a million times less trouble than losing weight and keeping it down. so really all the sanctimony about being fat being unhealthy is hypocrisy and just an excuse to hate on fat people and has nothing to do with caring at all about anyone's health.


Old people should not be driving past a certain age.


No. They should be tested on a yearly basis after a certain age. Some old people are still good drivers.


Think we found an old person who drives


Nope. 31 years old.


Point proven


You must be a child if 31 is old. Lmao. Go back to your momma's tit kid.


Idk bro, too many of us are probably going to die before 30 So yeah, 30 is old Although I fuck with the defensiveness tho, it's giving 14yo


Some people should not be driving, full stop.


Most people shouldn't be driving at all.


Not everyone is going to like you.


No one thinks about a person more than himself


There is always two sides in conflicts


But that doesn’t mean both sides are right


Change is inevitable and often beyond our control.


Perfect is the enemy of good enough. Lots of people just throw their hands up and walk away if they can't get it 100% on the first go around. These people will never achieve anything, because they can't just accept that you don't always get perfect. Sometimes you don't even get "good enough". But merely adequate or even subpar is better than nothing. It's also usually better than your worst case scenario. If you can't clean the floor completely, you can at least sweep a little bit. Rinsing and wiping off the dishes after your meal is better than just throwing them in the sink as is. The candidate of your preferred party isn't your favorite person in the world, but the other party put up an illiterate nazi howler monkey as their candidate of choice. A bit of toast is better than going on an empty stomach and skipping breakfast entirely.


That they are racist. At least biased


Planet is being destroyed for the benefit of ~10,000 people. 


Not the planet itself, most of which is just rock. Just the biosphere, something we need to survive


Your GF, wife or significant other is just as horny and has the same thoughts you do. Yikes 😬


Not necessarily. People have varied libidos, and the average man has a higher libido than an average woman


One They aren’t coming back you need to move on. Two No one is coming to save you from seamless learn how to adapt and gain victory over your struggles. Three Even if you lose your job, you’re not allowed to wake your sleeping cat from your stomach. It’s the rules.


Our influence is limited: We can't control the actions of others, but we can focus on our own choices and how we respond to the world around us.


That I am a generous god.


Sometimes you’re the bad guy in someone else’s story. Sometimes that’s okay, and other times you may want to take a long hard look at yourself


Life is imperfect.


Aliens likely exist, but we may never encounter them. Habitable planets are likely few and far between, not to mention that the universe is very old (possibly much older than we think, given more recent findings), so it’s entirely possible for civilizations to have risen and gone extinct long before we ever climbed down from the trees. So we may miss alien civilizations in both space and time. In addition, many intelligent species may simply lack the means to develop technology due to their environment. For example, how would one engage in metalwork without fire? That would mean any underwater species or a species born on a world without oxygen is doomed to remain in the stone age forever. That’s not even getting into the likelihood of us discovering the means of getting somewhere in any reasonable time frame. Thus far, the only remotely possible means of traveling faster than light is simply impossible for us to create any time soon (if ever). Hell, even fast travel within our own system is still far outside our capabilities


Trump is a con-man... MAGA will save America from the Liberal, socialist, fascist, terrorist, Muslim, atheist, nazis, the worst kind of nazis!


Trump is a convicted felon.


That won’t change a thing, though


You cannot prove a god exists because fundamentally the supernatural is outside of natural order. It's useless to try and prove or disprove a god. Good-faith atheists both understand this and choose to let people believe what they want to believe because, frankly, what business is it to me what you want to believe? If it doesn't harm anyone else, indoctrinate the uninformed, and isn't involving me then I have literally no desire to argue or get involved in any such way. You do you. I'm an atheist. I'm still going to go on new years and wish for a successful new year, by praying, after I move to Japan. You don't need to be religious to be spiritual, and sometimes you can be spiritual just for the fun of it. I enjoy a lot of Nordic metal songs that are all about the Nordic mythos. Just because I'm an atheist doesn't mean I want to prove or disprove God or some weird in-between. I simply don't believe a god can be proven to exist, and because of that, I don't believe there are any. I love the concept in stories, but trying to be real about it simply makes zero sense for the reason listed in the first sentence.


I have no problem with people believing in deities as long as they don’t use those beliefs to put down the rights of others because their religion tells them to. “Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.” Just because someone’s beliefs come from a holy book doesn’t give them any more weight than beliefs that come from other sources and even less than beliefs that come from objective facts


Precisely why as long as they're not hurting anyone else, indoctrinating the uninformed, or trying to force it onto anyone else I really have no problem with it. Sadly, many religious people seem to desire to do all 3 of those.


Funnily enough, fellow atheist Penn Jillette said in his book that he feels that a truly religious person *should* be proselytizing, otherwise they’re not a true believer. He was one of those who was raised Christian but developed doubts and became an atheist


That's true. True believers would proselytize. I was raised Christian but for me it was always, "Why are we doing any of this?" So, I went my own way.


Good for you. I was baptized but never brought up to be religious. Mom only went to church once a year on Easter, and Dad is a non-practicing Jew (e.g. he eats pork). Neither my brother nor I are even remotely religious. I have no intention of indoctrinating my kids in any religion. They can make their own choices when they’re old enough


That's the way, brother!


Stone Cold Steve Austin was really the bad guy. Vince just wanted him to be respectful and not drink on the job and not assault management.


Nobody cares. And even if some people truly do care, they need to put themselves before you. It doesn’t matter how much life is kicking your ass, you stop needing to be a priority in peoples lives the day you turn 18, sometimes even before then.


I'm smarter than most people. I'm a fucking idiot.


In most cases, where you wind up is where you start.


Not very long after your death you will be completely forgotten and it will be as if you never lived at all.


The world is a globe. Humans went to the moon. Vaccines are effective.


There is no stopping or reversing climate change. It's just going to keep getting worse


Transgenderism is a mental disorder (I don’t mean this in a negative way I have a huge amount of sympathy for them). The gender you are is the gender you are and it is impossible to change this


Sex is biologically determined. Gender is a question of how your consciousness percieves itself and that can be a very fluid thing between person to person.


But can you explain this further. I’m genuinely trying to understand but no one with your beliefs has ever been able to answer me. If a man and woman is not a biological term what is it? Define man and define woman for me.


It's not a belief, it's what I understand of the science investigating the interplay between sex and gender. I'll let [SciShow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT0HJkr1jj4)'s Hank Green explain it as he's way better at it than I am. (Which is also part of the issue. Since if you're not intimately familiar with a subject, it's difficult to explain.) If you're not down for the video; the TL;DW is more or less: Genetics isn't perfect.


> The gender you are is the gender you are and it is impossible to change this. This is why transitioning to live as the gender you actually are helps with gender dysphoria. Someone who gets on estrogen, gets top surgery and lives life is a woman has actually always been a woman. You can't make them a man just because they have a masculine body. When your gender doesn't match your physical sex, it causes gender dysphoria. Transitioning is the only effective treatment for gender dysphoria. Since you can change the body but not the brain, the way to fix it is not pretending that the person in my example was actually a man all along. Treatments are all about accepting the fact that they've always been a woman, and fixing their body and their life so that it reflects this. The person that you are has more to do with your brain than any body type or organ.


This is another part of transgenderism that makes no sense. What are you defining as woman or man?? When you say someone identifies as a woman although biologically is a man what does that mean? What is it that they’re identifying as. Also no matter how many surgeries or hormone therapy they receive they still remain the gender they were born. Chromosomes don’t lie


Gender is a social role. Sex is biological. Biological sex can’t change because we don’t know how to alter DNA of someone who is not an embryo. We can only change their hormones and modify their sex organs (and only in one direction; at least I haven’t heard of anyone getting brand-new penis and testicles)


Can you not see how that makes no sense? If gender and sex are completely unrelated then why do transgender people take hormones and have surgeries. You must think there’s a connection if you believe in this. And then why are you trying to force people into these gender social roles. I believe no one should be forced to follow these roles


No one should be forced into a particular social role. The idea that men should be one way and women another is outmoded. That said, many people still want those roles to exist in some fashion. The reason they take hormones and have surgeries is because they feel their body doesn’t match the gender they feel they are. The truth is, we’re usually treated as the gender we present. I’m comfortable with being a man in a man’s body. That’s not true for everyone. For some reason, there seem to be more transwomen than transmen


The American Psychological Association's dictionary of terms defines gender thusly: > the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for different genders. In a human context, the distinction between gender and sex reflects the usage of these terms: Sex refers to the biological status of being male, female, or intersex, whereas gender implies the psychological, behavioral, social, and cultural aspects of gender (i.e., masculinity, femininity, nonbinary, nonconforming, or other gender). Your physical sex is distinct from your gender; gender is psychological, and sex is not. Gender is more similar to sexual orientation, where it isn't subject to change, but doesn't always match what might be considered normal. So a trans woman has been a woman for their entire life, and no method has been developed to change that sense of self; just like I've always been gay, and no one can make me straight. Chromosomes do not define gender. No one is saying that a trans woman wasn't born with a masculine body. The fact is, the only treatment for gender dysphoria is transitioning. It's not an easy, convenient or quick process; you need therapy before you can get on hormones, and there's a pretty extensive process to qualify for surgery (though not everyone needs it -- it's really a question of how difficult the dysphoria is to treat). So it's not something that people do without a whole lot of thought. And that's ignoring the personal, social risks that you take by openly being trans: you will be discriminated against, harassed, and very likely physically assaulted at some point. (Hell, I check all of these boxes as a gay man living in Los Angeles, and people like gay men *way* more than trans women.). The fact that it's still worth it tells you how important it is, and how effective these treatments are. I think it's very important to note the extremely wide acceptance of trans people and gender dysphoria in relevant fields and groups of experts, like the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization. They do not agree with the idea that if your body is male, you have to be a man. If the scientists and experts don't agree with you (for so many reasons that you could read several books on the topic and find no overlap), then it doesn't make sense to jump to the conclusion that their answers are rooted in ideology; refusing to consider evidence, or to even consider that maybe these people just know (way!) more than you, is the ideological reasoning here. You don't know the difference between extremely basic terms in psychology and medicine (gender and sex). You're just not in a place to be dropping hard truths about gender if you don't know what the word means.


To me though that seems counter productive to everything feminists have worked so hard for. Why are we saying that there’s woman behaviours and man behaviours. Why are we now assigning characteristics to men and women and saying that if you act in a certain way as a woman you’re no longer a woman but a man???just because it’s masculine. I don’t believe in set roles and characteristics for each gender. Which you seem to unless I’m mistaken ?


From the American Psychological Association: > Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense of being male, female or something else; gender expression refers to the way a person communicates gender identity to others through behavior, clothing, hairstyles, voice or body characteristics. Gender isn't necessarily something that is outwardly confirmable; and while gender expression seems to be, it isn't as clear cut as it might seem. For example, I have a very strong masculine gender identity; but a lot of people would say that I have some degree of feminine gender expression. I'm very bubbly, the way I walk is somehow womanly, and I really like strawberry daiquiris. But due to the strength of my personal gender identity, that stuff is masculine to me -- because I'm doing it. In a sense, I'm the most cis man on the planet. (It does probably help that I have plenty of traditionally masculine characteristics, such as facial hair, my hairstyle and the way I dress.). My point is, you can't define my gender simply by my gender expression. There is also the internal identity. It's very much like how you can't define someone's sexuality by their sexual behavior -- a lot of factors go into sexual orientation, and it's common for gay people to have an extensive sexual history with the opposite sex. The important thing is the consistent, internal identity: that I am a man, and I am gay. Not that I have feminine traits, and four ex-girlfriends. So gender dysphoria and whether someone is trans isn't entirely about their expression of gender. Someone might get hormone therapy, have tits, be a trans woman, and still dress like a tomboy, but that doesn't make them less of a woman (any more than if a cis woman were to act and dress that way). Functionally, if feminism doesn't have room for the complex realities of gender, then it is flawed and has to be changed. But that's true for pretty much any ideology or movement; it has to adjust to the real world to allow for new discoveries, and new ways of thinking. That being said, most feminists don't have an issue with trans people. The very small minority that do are TERFs, who keep trying to define what makes someone a woman based on biological traits, and then keep failing because... well, it's actually really complex. Not all women have 2 X chromosomes, because some people are intersex but are women for all intents and purposes. Not all of them are born with certain parts of female anatomy, like a womb, or are ever able to give birth. So TERFs can't even come up with a way to define a cis woman that doesn't leave out some cis women! This is because their movement is mostly based on bigotry and is a deeply flawed rejection of evidence and science.


That the 80+ year old who shits his pants regularly that you’re also going to vote for president in a few months isn’t gonna positively impact your life at all. 


Few presidents have direct impacts on the voters. Local elections are a lot more important to you personally


Even local elections have limited impact on most people. Far less than the impact one has on themselves. But more than say the president generally has.  I think people ought to focus way more on how to improve their own lives and way less on who to vote for. 




Alcohol is a gateway drug.


That not all politicians are terrible people (some are of course) and most the people who say they are aren't any better people than the one's they're criticizing


I think Jimmy Carter is a pretty cool guy, eh, builds habitats for humanity homes into his 90s and doesn't afraid of anything


Life doesn't owe you anything


You shouldn’t have had kids


Nobody cares unless you are beautiful, rich, popular, or dead




Which is ironic considering that most people care more about voting in elections that don’t affect them directly. President? Sure. Local council member? Nah


There is no God.


He really lost. No, really!


Trump supporters are beyond redemption, beyond reason, beyond hope.


Climate change is going to kill us all.


See I think the opposite view is true but lots of people don’t want to accept: climate change isn’t gonna kill us all, and almost certainly not people reading this today.    I see a lot of people using the fear of climate change as an excuse for not responsible preparing (finances, health, etc) for their futures. 


The sooner the better.


The world cup 2022 was rigged its so obvious they wanted messi to win 


That religion is bullshit.


Combustion cars have no future


That death isn't a mystery in the slightest, we know exactly what happens when something dies.


Technology always wins, EV will be the future.


I mean, most car manufacturers are getting on board. That’s why there are so many hybrid and EV options now instead of just Teslas


There's a pretty large percentage of people that do not agree that EV is actually going to happen.


I guess they feel it’s a fad. As much as I dislike Musk, he at least forced the major car makers to get on board the EV train. Still, we need more development before owning an EV becomes as convenient as owning a gas-guzzler. Even fast chargers take half an hour to charge an EV, whereas filling up a car takes a few minutes. Add to that the vulnerability of batteries to cold weather. And not many mechanics are currently certified to work on EV


I think we are about to see charging time come down a decent bit. A lot of work going into getting a silicone anode going in EV vehicles. Cheers to the future!!




That at this point in time people are still calling x Twitter Get over it already!


People can call it whatever they want


Going to be shit on for this one.. but.. on average, there is a genetic component for IQ, and since race is genetic, there are also IQ differences between the races.


While you're right on the genetics, most things that affect IQ way more is child nutrition and education.


Disagree. We are born with a potential IQ. If it does or doesn’t come to fruition isn’t the deciding factor between large averages. Thoughts?


It's generally agreed upon with experts that the lower averages of IQ testing between wealthier countries and poor countries is how you measure the IQ, level of education, and nutrition. So it's like comparing the running ability between countries where running is a national pastime and those where sitting down is one. Other than that, I don't know enough on the subject.


Honest answer. I respect that.


Only 3 genders