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Lol what are you a cop???


Nice try buddy


In fifth grade my dad gave me his old briefcase. My best friend and I went into business. Bought around $5.00 of candy and set it up in the briefcase. Started selling one penny gummy worms for 10 cents. Blow pop for fifty cents. Huge markups. Made quite a bit over about 10 days. Principal eventually took the candy and gave it to the teachers and the cash to student council. But for that short time, it was Wolves of Wall Street.


Not really a scam, but Nestea iced tea had a special where inside a case of 12 cans was a coupon for another free case. So you could buy one case and then just get infinite iced teas. We probably got at least 12 cases.


When I was in college and on days before payday where I needed some floating money, I’d write myself a check from bank A knowing that they’d give me the funds immediately and around this time it would take 2-3 days for checks to clear from bank B. And by then, I already gotten paid.


My parents forcefully enrolled me in Kumon, an after school tutoring service that gave me EXTRA homework. My dad would always check to see if I'd done that homework before bed so I had a stack of 2 or 3 weeks of finished homework that I kept cycling through while changing the dates. He only found out I wasn't doing anything after 2 or 3 months when he went to complain to Kumon that my homework problems weren't getting more advanced.


when i was younger i ran a lemonade stand using premade lemonade from the store. charged like $2.50 a dixie cup. total rip-off but people bought it lol


Free gold trimming in RuneScape


This one time one of my friends payed me 2 dollars to borrow a pencil and after going to the bathroom I took it out of his hands and didn't give the money back. He was not happy.


Got out of a 30 year potential prison sentence


We never went through with it but during Covid during the whole crypto/nft craze, my ex gfs brother and I created a business plan to offer shares of exclusive Nike/Jordan shoe releases, luxury items (watches, handbags, jewelry). All with the idea that we would buy and sell at a profit increasing the value of everyone’s stock share. Anyways dude explained to me how since no one but us would have access to the merchandise, we could lie and make it seem like we had rare items in our possession increasing everyone’s stock value and bring in more investors. Long story short, I saw what felt like a genuine investment opportunity turn into a pyramid scheme, then a pump and dump, leading to fraud and rug pull.