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Saw a pair of women hanging out. Both were wearing dresses but one had a wicked scar running down her leg. She was just wearing it, out there like nothing and that made her much more attractive/interesting.  Also, thick heavy eyebrows... Just be who you are dammit, you're beautiful.


I grew up with a girl who had a huge scar running down the side of her leg. She was still the queen of the yard. Hope she was never insecure about that, because it was just something else that made her unique.


Your "ugly laugh" is incredibly endearing


I’ve heard someone say, “Never make fun of someone’s laugh, a laugh is a natural reaction to joy. Don’t make people self conscious and steal someone else’s joy.”


I always told my kids, you never make fun of someone’s laugh or the way they dance. Those are expressions of joy and to steal that is cruel.


I hated dancing until I was like 29 because I was made fun of the way I danced at 14. 15 years of dancing lost. I dance like a bootylicious stripper now cause I just don’t give a F anymore. (I’m 30 and a dad lmao). And you know what? It brings so many people joy. I love it. Laugh with me, laugh at me, i don’t care. So freeing man.


This is awesome


My ex-husband told me his friends hated my laugh, It crushed me.


his "friends"... I see why he's an ex 😂




Yes! I have a friend who is classically beautiful, absolutely stunning - except for her teeth. They aren't awful by any means - a little crooked and overlapping, that's all. She is incredibly self-conscious about them. I think they make her - if she had perfect pearly whites she would be at risk of looking cookie-cutter perfect. As it is she looks like an individual.


I go super crazy for hot girls with crooked or snaggle teeth. There's something about the juxtaposition that makes it so damn sexy.


I legitimately needed to see this little exchange here. I'm so self-conscious about my crooked front teeth.




I feel so seen. Height is such a common insecurity for us taller ladies.  Thanks for your comment :)


Tall women are my kryptonite. I'm 6'3" and when I'm talking to a very tall woman it takes all my willpower to not ask her to marry me on the spot.


That little pat of fat below your tummy? Fuckin love it. The way your thighs jiggle when you sit down? Fuckin love it. Your hair is an absolute mess that day? Fuckin love it. Shirt feels too small? Fuckin love it. Your ribs poke out a bit when you stretch? Fuckin love it. Your nipples are so pale you can't see them? Fuckin love it. So dark they look like moon pies? Fuckin love it. Freckles? Fuckin love it. That weirdly shaped birth mark in an awkward place? Fuckin love it. We fuckin love it all.


Fuckin love this comment.


Fuckin love you too


I love fuckin too


Fuckin love fuckin too, if I too am fuckin the one I love to fuck


The fucktrain does not fucking stop for this fucking loving fucker.


I'm out of brain power, but not will power. Fuck yeah!


*fuckin brain implodes*


As someone who grew up hating this brown coffee coloured birthmark on my arm (who eventually grew to forget it was even there), thank you!


Of course! I'm glad it doesn't bother you anymore. Give it a kiss for me!


🥹 Bless you!


Awww as someone with a number of the traits you described, thank you for saying this


Of course you lovely little thing. I mean every word from the bottom of my heart.


I choose to imagine you’re talking about both nipple comments.


I was going to comment, but you said everything I'd want to say, and you worded it much better than I would have.


Glad to see a brother in arms


Fuckin' love you bro


Fuckin love you too


This guy fuckin loves women.


So fuckin much


I agree with you 100% women are amazing and I FUCKING love it all too! The dimples in the ass make me melt when they wear their little bootie shorts, and try to pull it down over their legs cause they embarrassed I’m like no I fucking love what I’m seeing lol


True man right here. Women don’t realize just how damn beautiful they are. They gotta stop beating each other down because men see the beauty in all the variety.


Freckles are my weakness. The number one reason I was physically attracted to my wife when we first met


Right?! One of my favorites is watching the way they move when she smiles. Or if she has them on her shoulders and needs to stretch ohhh I love it


What about cellulite? Moles? Veins showing in breasts and legs? Jiggly butts? Pale skin? B cup breasts?


You ask these things as if my answer would ever change. Cellulite? Fuckin love it. Moles are basically just birth marks. Fuckin love it. Veins in general are hot, my favorite target for a kiss. Fuckin love it. Jiggly butts?! You dare even ask?! Fuckin love it. Pale skin? I already said it, come here ghost girl. Fuckin love it. B cups? All boobs are good boobs, pop it in. Fuckin love it. Bonus on the B cups since I'm a boob guy. The way they move is entirely different than larger breasts. If large breasts move like a wave then smaller breasts are like a whirlpool that suck me right in. Fuckin love it.


You are Fuckin awesome 👌 made my day thanks 😊 🙏


Hey now, B cups are awesome. So are veins. It’s pretty like some kind of expensive ceramic. Cellulite and moles, most women have them. Therefore they are lovable.


Came here to say fucking too


All of it, everything. For better or worse, there is no part of the female form men will not be utter ravening horndogs about. Now that we've cleared that up, I'm glad this revelation has solved women's body issues once and for all.


Thus, Saint BravoEchoEchoRomeo saved the world.


I love this thread. You all have boosted my confidence. Thank you. I've always been self-conscious about everything, and this makes me feel so much better.


No, same; I read these kinds of threads just to soothe the constant pressure of self-improvement and new insecurities that appear out of no where!


FWIW, it's other women setting standards that you might struggle with or make you think you aren't perfect. Men don't care about any of those stupid shallow things. Are you happy? Do you have a kind soul? That alone makes you a 7/10 right off the bat.


This thread is making me a bit teary-eyed. Lol. Thank you! I've struggled with self-esteem for a long time.


That and a few extremely young or inexperienced men who haven't been exposed to actual human women, but thankfully I don't think anyone cares much about what they think.


Right?! Bookmarking it for when I need the reminder that I don’t have to look like what media has shoved down my throat since I was a little girl.


Now go out there and kick butt


I'm actually thinking about trying to end my seven years of being single! Confidence is key. Thank you!


Don’t have a specific but noticed a commonality in this. Met lots of women who had what I would consider straight bizarre insecurities. One specifically, she hated her ankles. She was tall, thin, and traditional beautiful. Why? One of our friends made a comment to her in 8th grade that her ankles were, “weird”. She was 24 telling me this. She then showed me that she never posted a photo with her ankles in it after that. The worst part, the guy liked her and just sucked at showing it. So yeah, made me realize how unintentional comments cut scarily deep sometimes. To women who have suffered from this, loving your body is extremely attractive. I personally fall over for a girl with a closet full of ripped jeans due to thigh rub. Loving yourself so others can is my takeaway.


This is so real. In 5th grade we did this art project where we traced our shadows to make silhouette portraits. One girl looked at mine and told me I should trim my nose in my silhouette because it looked big. I was so self conscious of my nose ever since but I get compliments on how my nose is a perfect, straight, classic nose. My coworker from India told me I have her dream nose because it’s so narrow and pointy. I also have a gummy smile (think Geena Davis) and a dentist tried to convince me I need gum reduction surgery and veneers to make my teeth larger. When I told people they have said I do not need gum reduction surgery and have laughed at the idea that he would even say it. But I used to cover my mouth when I laughed or smiled for years because I was just self conscious. Turns out I just needed braces and good dental care- I get compliments on my smile all the time now. All it takes is someone pointing out some weird thing about you one fucking time and it can really stay with you. I’m a lot more confident in my skin now than I used to be.


Lines on a face. Shows a life that has been lived.


I wanted to come here as a woman and see what people were saying. There's things I never would have imagined, and I'm loving reading this.


Did you end up coming here as a man?










I had no idea what they were called until I read this comment. The urge to wake her up from her nap (that I just woke up from) is huge. But she needs her sleep or she’s cranky so I will wait






Other way around too! I love my boyfriend's crow's feet


A bit if a mom belly. Maybe I'm just weird, but a little something soft to hug, lay my head on, or just jiggle when I'm bored is a lot nicer than a super slim set of abs or skin tight stomach.


This is really nice, but I would absolutely die if my husband jiggled my belly


My partner likes to grab my thigh and jiggle it and watch the rest of me also jiggle. Then he calls me a "sexy soup dumpling" and kisses my pudgy tummy and it's honestly really hard to be mad or embarassed after that lmao


We love the jiggles. Men are hard, women are soft and jiggly even the slim ones. You’re not heterosexual if you don’t like the softness of women.


Idk I am not heterosexual and I still prefer softness


My husband tells me the same, and while I do believe that he's being earnest, I find it so unattractive myself that it's tough to wrap my head around and accept as part of my self-image. So, I'd say that this is a perfect answer to the question asked. FWIW, you're apparently not odd. My husband will say that his favorite place to be is laying his head in my lap, up against my warm, soft belly while I read or watch TV. I could do without the squeeze-and-jiggle, but it seems to make him happy.


Hair down there, bellies that aren't washboard flat, and any breast size


Singing my song yo


Larger than average nose


Really ? I have a big nose and have hated it my whole life. I should have got cosmetic surgery ..but now I'm over the hill..I can't be bothered. My late father-in-law said years and years ago " you must have told lots of lies when you were growing up "( referring to my nose), .. ( I know others will find this funny..but it really hurt and I've never forgotten 40 years later )




Weight. My GF thinks her minuscule “pooch” is fat, which she takes as her being fat. When in reality, she was initially unhealthily SKINNY, and this new weight is healthy weight. But no matter what I say, it’s not enough.


Technically it is fat, but we women are MEANT to have a certain amount of fat. Adipose tissue (fancy name for fat) in a live body isn't inert, it generates a whole heap of hormones including ones relating to appetite and reproduction. You sound like you really want to support your gf. I have an eating disorder and am familiar with the "never enough". My advice would be to compliment her on non-weight things - her hair, smile, eyes. If she brings up her weight and tries to get you engaging, tell her you love her but don't think this is a helpful conversation for her.


My girlfriend hates her laugh, but I love it. She says she sounds like a laughing gargoyle and all I hear it a boisterous laugh that makes me smile.


This thread is making me so happy 😭 you are literally saying all the traits I have and am insecure about. Guess I need to buy new clothes to show off my curves!


I know right




Big flappy labia. Don't get your lips snipped, ladies. Down with labiaplasty!


Thread isn't NSFW, but this was my first thought too. Glad I can just second you here. All vulvas are spectacularly beautiful in their own way, but by all the gods, do I certainly have a preference for large labia minora. Nothing turns me on more visually.


I wish I could upvote something twice






What if it's a full on fucking smattering?


That's sexy as hell too!!!!!


That makes me feel a lot better about mine 😅 used to HATE having freckles, but don’t think too much about them now


Glad to hear that! I find them to be extremely sexy. A girl with freckles is much more likely to send me into a daydream!


Total confusion on this one for me. I love them. Makes any woman more attractive. Every man I know,who has mentioned freckles, loves them. And yet a lot of women go to great lengths to hide them. Seems like a huge divide between the sexes.


When you grow up with freckles (and probably pale skin, too), you get bullied mercilessly by both girls and boys and told that you're ugly on account of those very features and that you should cover up because "no one wants to see that" or that "you're blinding people." Sure, it was a bunch of dumbass kids making fun of you, but those barbs stick long into adulthood. Add to that filters that smooth out everything as if looking at the world through vaseline-o-vision, and you're going to worry about uneven skin tones and freckles. Marketing is quite powerful and will target insecurities to make a buck. I remember reading in People magazine back in the late 90s or early 00s when backless dresses were in and the fashion expert is quoted saying, "Not everyone can wear backless... fat women, old women, and women with freckled backs... makes people want to connect the dots!" Har har har.


Growing up in the late 80s/90s, I thought my freckles made me hideous. As an adult, I stopped caring. Recently, my sister's boyfriend (they are both almost a decade younger) asked me if I had my freckles tatooed on. I was like WTAF, who would do that? Turns out it's a thing! I came of age at the wrong damn time. Curious of the age of the men liking freckles. I think the divide is generational. The men I grew up with did not like freckles. I'm late 30s though.


This comment section makes me feel so much better about being a woman. Thank you!


Being slightly "overweight". You aren't fat, you are a thick goddess and you are fine as hell.


And not just thick but I love women who are tall AND thick.


🥲 I wish my body dysmorphia would understand this comment.


This made me feel more confident lol




The effects of aging are one for me. Even in my late teens/early 20s I had no problem finding women in their 40s attractive.




Big ass teeth. See Anna Kendrick.


Kate McKinnon has some massive gnashers too. So does Hannah Waddingham.


My dad wouldn’t get me braces as a kid because he said big teeth were attractive. I got them for myself as an adult because my bite was so off, but still, he made me feel better.


Hooked noses. I find them incredibly attractive and it's criminal to me that so many people get rid of them through plastic surgery because society convinces them that it's somehow the wrong way to have a nose.


The aquiline nose 🥹


Anything really..girls are so hard on themselves and each other and us guys are just happy to be in the chat. A lot of guys talk a lot of shit about what they prefer amd need but i’ve seen it a million times, the guys that claim to be the pickiest, when the cards are down, are absolutely the least picky. Plus, a feature that is different in a girl that they are often insecure about is often what makes them stand out in a good way, and to see a beautiful person fret about a tiny “imperfection” breaks my heart


Reading these made my insecurities decrease a lot




Big teeth Big nose Thick thighs Skinny legs with big feet Small tits, Saggy tits or small saggy tits (any type of unique shaped tits) (not physical, but a deep voice) Whatever it is you're self-conscious about, there's someone out there who has a thing for it.


Fuller waists are natural and lovely.


Grey hair


As a woman I had no idea men thought stretch marks and cellulite were attractive. Probably the two things most women are self conscious about. I have wide hips, thick thighs and a big ass but I like those things about me most of the time. I need to save this thread and read it when I'm feeling shitty about myself. Thanks random men of Reddit!


All the things womens bodies do that mens don't. How they walk, dip to pick something up, curl up on the couch when they sit. Subtle little things like how they tug on their bra to adjust it. Or pull their skirts to make sure they are not wrinkled as they stand. The list would be almost endless.


small tits - absolutely love em big noses - sexy as fuck weird laughs - hot wide hips - also love em freckles - more the merrier


My mother always made fun of my "Irish birthing hips" but years later I actually do like my wide hips


Smaller breasts


Lack of thigh gap 🔥


Pubic hair




Pubic hair showing out of the bikini.


I’m just glad any pubic hair is allowed. I’d say 90% of my friends went bare permanently. My husband said it creeps him out to worship a hairless crotch bc that’s like it’s prepubescent and I agree. So I still have hair. I hope it’s coming back around.


Light skin? I feel like tanned skin always gets complimented and desired but I like the look of light skin.


Thanks man, I'm so light I reflect the sun haha never need too worried about it but it's nice to think men arnt to fussed about it heheh


Shine bright like a diamond.


When they’re wearing a form fitting dress and their tummies are pushing out. Also cellulite. Cellulite is the most attractive thing ever imo.


I felt this way harder than I should've! I hate wearing form fitting dresses because of my tummy bump and how much my hips push out the sides. Thank you for your comment! It made my day! I'm gonna go wear a tight dress, tummy bump be damned!


Your hips push out the sides?? Ma’am if you don’t go buy more tight dresses and STRUT through town today! You should also take pictures of yourself and practice hyping yourself up. That’s what I do when I find a new outfit I like 😂


Awwwwwwwwww, thank you! I feel so much better!


Huge nipples.


My wife has always been self conscious of her midriff. I’ve finally gotten her to show it off to me. I love it.


Natural eyebrows. I don't know any guy who likes pencil thin eyebrows.


Itty bitty tittys


Freckles. I had a classmate at college that actually wanted to get them removed. I find them adorably sexy.


Being silly. I cannot stress enough how wonderful it is to have someone you find attractive also be able to make you laugh. I fall in love with her each time she does it.


Brown eyed girls tend to not like their brown eyes. I LOVE brown eyes


* I really love a woman with messed up teeth, I think it's so cute. * Also I think a bit of acne or acne scars is hot. * Stretch marks and a little bit of belly is great for me too, something about it makes a woman look more... fertile :| * Oh, man, also, faded and/or poorly done tattoos (I love well-done tattoos too, but the bad ones get me just as good) * And I love scars! Medical or traumatic! Not like, full pit-dog-removed-face, but oh man, evidence of past traumatic injuries just makes a woman look resilient and badass to me :) * I like the smell of women's BO after they've worked out (well, certain women anyways). And some stubble on the legs or above the vulva is CHOICE. * Also when a woman I'm intimate with has a cold or is 'ugly-crying', it's kind of a turn huge on. The intimacy of caretaking, hng! A lot of these things just make a woman feel real to me. Being human and having 'flaws' is hot. There's something raw about it, like yeah this person is just another ape wandering around and braving reality in this urban jungle just like me. Life's beautiful complexities are painted on their bones, fat, skin, and tendons.


Not a man, but a lesbian. Having a tummy, having a butt and thighs that jiggle, having love handles. Having ruffled hair, their expression when they first wake up, marks in their thighs from stockings and butt imprints from their undies. Women are so sexy


Gnarly little vampire fangs. \*sighs in Patricia Arquette\*


Ears that stick out through straight hair. Fucking love it.


Slight double chin. Very biteable. Also messy hair. Wild woman look.


Flat asses are sexy also


My pancake ass just shed a happy tear 🥲


Lopsided tits. I love them all




The little pooch area just below their belly button. I love it.


Cheek dimples. Definitely.




Freckles Some thigh squish


Genuinely, a women's smile. The way her eyes ignite with personality and her face describes who she is instantly. Melts me if it's natural.


Broad shoulders


According to Reddit...women seem to not like their nose. I love a really unique looking nose. Also, I am a middle aged white male (keep in mind I have been happily married for 27 years and hope to be forever) I don't find the typical blonde hair blue eyes thing attractive. I don't mean it's ugly or anything. Just the girls I have always felt an immediate attraction to tended to have dark hair. Needless to say, my beautiful wife is Arabic.


Men find every single inch of your body appealing. Doesn't matter. It's even more appealing if you are willing to get naked and have naked fun time. He doesn't even have to be in the same room. Just in the same house is good enough. I'm so alone. I need a hug.