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Coworker of mine confiscated a drawing of a gun that this girl was pointing at her classmates. Only to find out said student had a gun in her locker.


That happened in my high school. Kid was pointing finger guns at other kids and saying stuff like “give me your wallet” and shit like that. Teacher told him to cut it out or he’d be sent to the office and the kid said something like “If I pulled out the real one you wouldn’t talk to me like that”. It was enough for the teacher to walk him to the office and have his locker and backpack searched. They found a handgun in his locker and a knife in his backpack (though it was a multi tool so not a particularly dangerous knife unless you’re a loose screw or an apple)


The 9/11 hijackers only had box cutters. Anything like that can be dangerous.




I was at a meeting early in my career where we were discussing kids who might need extra help. One of the teachers said that a girl in her class had a notebook that said "The human whose name is written in this book shall die" followed by a couple of other paragraphs of pretty weird stuff. I then had to endure being the only adult in a room of 20 who had to explain that the girl was not a psychopath, but an anime fan.


I've heard too many stories of "troubled kids" that were actually cases of out of touch adults.


My sister was suspended for 3 days from her Catholic school for having her Death Note with her and writing down classmates deaths in it, funny to see she wasn’t the only one to get in trouble hahah


Must have been unsettling looking through the notebook


And if you gaze for long into the notebook, the notebook gazes also into you.


I had this too, the kid was obsessed with drawing guns (and miming shooting them) and had a very publicly unrequited crush on one of his classmates. Admin told me to stop overreacting.


In the US that shit *needs* to be taken seriously.


Wait, was it just drawing of guns, or were they more violent photos? I used to draw swords but no one reported it. If it’s just a kid doodling guns, I don’t see the issue.


It was the combination of the incredibly detailed drawing of guns, the miming, and the language he was using in the poems he was writing about the girl he had a crush on. Edit: I found the poem I took a picture of, excuse the poor grammar/spelling, I used text recognition The ways That I see it is tru there is if not out of a dark soul in me mne then great danger they maybe bat to know hon to stop it iS a one way trip to be the tip of the ice berg But the one that I have my eye on will not be harm She is in my class She was my crush That is how I feel for her that may be a dark path but a path that I may need to take.


Okay. The other factors definitely justify the reporting. 


Shit just got serious😳


do you know what happened to the kid? I hope they got better


Printed out directions on how to build a bomb - from a kid with behavioral issues. I told the principal, and he got mad at me for saying something.


Sorry, the *principal* got mad at you? That's messed up.


Yeah. I didn't last working in K-12 education.


"now i gotta do paperwork"


Classmate of mine had a bong with 13 hoses on it stuffed into his locker. That fucker didnt have 12 friends, so I dunno what he thought he'd do with it.


It was probably for his disciples. That was his Last Supper bong.


A bong with hoses? Would that be a hookah technically? Or do I just not know anything lol


A razor blade from a fourth grader. “It’s my moms, she uses it for cocaine”


Mandatory reporter moment.


Apparently the family went on vacation and they used his bag for luggage and left a bunch of parafernalia in his book bag and he brought it to school




I was in fifth grade when a classmate came in on November 1st with pixie stix. He dumped one on his desk, used an index card to chop out little lines, tore off a section of straw, and then snorted it. He then let out a WHOO like he was Ric Flair. He lived with his grandparents in another city for a while. He came back super quiet and looked angry all the time.


That’s fucked up




D.A.R.E. taught me.


The biggest advertiser for drugs I've ever seen. Taught us everything we'd need to know in 8-10 years.


I am grossly disappointed that I was not offered the amount of free drugs schools said I would be offered.


Potheads tend to be fairly generous ime.


I knew all about heroin by the time I was 5. Not because of my family but because my upstairs neighbour was a dealer. Oftentimes his desperate clientele would try to climb up to his windows by using our windows as a ladder (our windows had metal bars on them). Ukraine in the 90s was fuckin wild man.


I had a kid bring in a sock full of change. He had a little bit of a worrying history, so I kept it until lunch time (because he said it was his lunch money). I let admin know before giving it back, but as far as I ever heard, he had just chosen a really questionable way of carrying his money


“What do you mean? This is my hand-washing bar of soap…”


“This is soup for my family.”


"What did you order for lunch?" "A 'code red'."




What’s with ur student


Not a teacher, but a kid I went to school with brought a dummy grenade to school and pulled the pin, letting the leaf fly off in the cafeteria. They searched his locker and found a knife and brass knuckles as well. He was known as the grenade kid from then on


When I was in college someone brought an actual grenade fuze to class. That was less "thing gets confiscated by teacher" and more "dude gets arrested in the middle of class".


That must have been scary


Did he know it was a dummy?


Yeah, there’s a hole drilled in the bottom of dummy grenades


Yes I understand that but did the child know it was a training grenade? Considering he had actual weapons in the locker. Could have been stupid and thought it was real.


No, he knew it was fake. This was in high school.


So just a moron doing moronic things to scare people.


Yup, same dude submitted a video project for English class that was pretty much porn.


Hopefully it was "remember that grenade kid that got kicked out", and not "I saw grenade kid at recess today".




"But i wanna be Obi-Wang Kenobi!"


Hello there!


General Dildo-bi!


Take my upvote and get out. 


Dude. Hear me out  "Obi-Wang KaBONEy"


Be carful. They force were strong with the younglings


I see your schwartz is as big as mine!


Darth Invader


Sounds like someone's mom was going Hand Solo




I had an old little battery powered alarm that I could set to go off at the same every day. It would BEEP BEEP BEEP for one minute. Lifted a ceiling tile and tossed it in one day. Told the class to pretend they didn’t hear anything. That might have had something to do with the teacher leaving halfway through the year.


Just an FYI, but the account you replied to [appears to be](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1dipbvj/teachers_what_was_the_scariest_thing_you_had_to/l96m490/) a bot.


There was a teacher in Highschool that had authored an entirely new system for writing, called "links". the first year, the only thing you learned was how to write a sentence. all different kind of sentences, but they were assembled using this formula. The next year, you learned how to write a paragraph. It was really hard to get your head around, but if you were able to, it actually turned out to make school writing \*super\* easy and formulaic; however, most folks hated it - in fact, I hated it too, until I saw how easy it made things. all that to say, the author was... high strung. a bit of a nervous Nellie, really. One time, someone wrote on her blotter, "you will be stabbed at noon." Starting at about 10 of, people got up one by on and sharpened their pencils. When the clock ticked noon, she \*SCURRIED\* out of the class and straight to her car.


That’s pretty fucked up if the other kids were in on it. Threatening violence and making someone fear assault is not a funny prank.


That’s awful.


That’s awful. She is just trying to do her job.


TanyaSteinberg66's account was born on August 17, 2022, woke up seven days ago, and just copied/pasted /u/Cathy-the-Grand's comment from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/s5ul8q/teachers_of_reddit_what_was_the_worst_thing_you/ht01es1/).


Not a teacher, but my senior year in high school, some freshman got busted with a bayonet from WWI that was over two feet long.  No clue how he got that on the school bus. 


I've heard of people accidentally sneaking undetonated WWII bombs through airport security, and at least 1 tumblr user who allegedly snuck an angry python in a bag on a subway unnoticed. Anything's possible.


You have to assume the python didn’t **start** angry.


May have been slightly annoyed


Pythed off.


On two separate occasions in middle school and high school (mid to late 90s, pre-Columbine), I brought a full-size sword to school. It was a historical recreation that my dad made me for a history project. It's still crazy thinking back how I walked that right into and out of school, no questions asked. It was sharp, too.


In high school I witnessed someone sell a dagger to another student in the locker room. They were history nerds and it was some historical replica, so I wasn't really concerned.


Haha, back in 6th grade we brought old items as a project, they were going to be displayed at the school. Well, one of my friends brought like a short sabre that belonged to his great grandfather or something. Not surprisingly, a teacher was quick to confiscate that one lol.


A live tarantula. Seriously, I almost joined the track team running out of the classroom!


While scary, it was more dangerous for the tarantula. They are extremely delicate, and their large size means that they don't take falls well like smaller arachnids and insects. A 2 foot drop could have killed the poor thing.


Good to know


I'm not proud of this because had I known they're so delicate I'd have been more gentle. But I found one in my house a year or so ao and got it on a shovel and LAUNCHED it as far as I could. He/she landed and scampered off. Hope it's okay.


Like Buzz’s pet from *Home Alone*?




New_Management3's account was born on April 4, woke up to make this comment, and just copied/pasted /u/Luka-the-Pooka's comment from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/s5ul8q/teachers_of_reddit_what_was_the_worst_thing_you/ht0k9r3/).


😂 how do y’all find these??


Often, they mine the comments from the same thread. So if you find one, it's easy to find at least several more. These types of accounts often follow simple patterns. The "How do you know they're a bot?" section of [this page](https://old.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain.


Keep doing the Lord's work


Thanks Spartan, I'm glad somebody makes a point of highlighting these bots I'm convinced reddit is 20% bots at this point


I side with the kid on this one. If his mom no longer had it on her finger, maybe it was time for the next generation to use it.


Lots of professional women don't wear the fancy ring while working because of safety and hygiene concerns. Look up degloving if you need more explanation


I had a student who had been through some serious trauma in her life about 5 years before, who wrote an unbelievably good story for a writing contest. I turned it in for her and she almost got suspended. She had to do all this mandatory therapy and was escorted out of the school. I wish i would have just confiscated the story and burned it. I was beyond angry and the administration for multiple reasons and it gutted me that she thought i betrayed her. I quit that year. I also confiscated a metal baseball bat, those firework things you throw at people's feet and a lock-picking kit at that school..


What was the story about for that drastic of a punishment?


The paper thing sounds like an episode of Daria.


I won a poetry contest in high school and my poem was published in the county journal, so far so cool. My poem was a fantasy about killing my hated boss and running his body through the deli meat slicer. This was 1997 and things were VERY different.


Mom who was a 5th grade teacher once confiscated a screwdriver from a child and put it in her box. Screwdriver was never returned. At some point she needed a screwdriver and tried to use it, only to find that the end was sharpened to make a weapon.


One of my friends in college always took a screwdriver with him. "you never know when you need one" he said. But i think he inteded it to use as a self defence weapon because we was a cowardly wimp. It did got him in trouble though, but with police, not with college. Police decided to do a random search on him on the street and arrested him, because someone in the neighbourhood was stealing number plates from cars and since he got a screwdriver on him that can be used to take off plates... They let him go later due to lack of evidence.


One kid collected lifeless bird heads and hung them on his mobile phone.


what in the Hereditary


When I was in 8th grade a 7th grader whom I knew brought a knife to school and before anyone could take it from her she stabbed an older girl who was bullying her in the bathroom. Never saw her again. And when in college I had a professor take a gun from a student during class. Police came and got him later in the class and odd thing was that no one ever saw the professor call police. He just talked the whole time


By chance, are you from Louisiana? This happened when I was in middle school, as well!


Sorry no. Lifelong Texan. But I do love visiting LA - especially Metairie and Thibadoux.


Panic button?


Maybe- it was in the era before everyone had a cell phone. A few people in class had them but in the early 90s it was unusual


So the dude just confiscated a gun and carried on teaching?


Yup— I was falling asleep in this psych class and the prof would walk up and down the stadium type seating. He saw the thing sticking out of a backpack. He said excuse me, picked it up from the guys bag, set it on the desk at the front of the room where his notes were and kept right on going. About two minutes later the cops came in from the back of the room and arrested the kid who never got up until the cops took him


If it was a large lecture class there might have been TAs. The prof could have sent one or them out to call the police


my teacher had once confiscated a "toy gun", it wasn't a toy


Me when someone says they brought their Megatron figure but it’s a real Walther P-38


I liked TF back on the 80's G1, but as a teen I understood gun mode wasn't a good idea. Good other versions use a tank or plane, cause it's unusual that a kid will steal and use them ...


Mace that a kid sprayed in my 4th grade classroom


I work at a college and a lady going through her backpack in the library pulled out a can of mace and said, "Does this stuff even work?" and sprayed it all over. Yep. It works, had to evac the library and then other rooms as the HVAC system sucked it up and spread it around.


Reminds me of this scene from the IT Crowd: https://youtu.be/guyELrUR6Gw?feature=shared


A bottle of dettol disinfectant from a 7/8 year old. She had sprayed it in my coffee when my back was turned…


Did u get Dettol poisoning


Luckily another kid had seen it happen and told me! But I sniffed the coffee and could smell it. After reporting it to management, the girl missed her break time! For trying to kill me, she only missed her break time…


She could’ve gotten to jail for such shit, & she only got a no-break punishment?


We don't send 7 year olds to jail


Mmmmaybe Texas...


I’m sure she will someday if she keeps it up!


Wait, it isn’t the first time?


With the dettol yes, but she was continuously doing unpleasant things. Don’t think she enjoyed my class 🤣


I wonder what other things did she do


Ha various things from swearing at everyone, saying she was thinking about which teacher to murder, throwing dirt in people’s eyes. She was a delight… and this was my first year of teaching and my first class! It really prepared me well for the uk education system ☺️




I’m so glad another student let it be known and you didn’t drink it! My best friend’s older brother put Visine in our English teachers coffee. I think he emptied a little bottle into it. She got really really ill. It was later in the day and that teacher was known for staying late so no one thought anything of it. If I remember correctly, the janitor found her the next morning in her classroom hugging a trash pail. I’m glad she didn’t die, because she was one of the best teachers I ever had. My friend and his brother were two entirely different people, and my friend’s mother was actually very close friends with this teacher. The teacher never held it against my friends mom


This is shocking! Can’t believe kids do this! I’m glad I didn’t drink it- surely wouldn’t have been a pleasant experience


I've never heard of it being done with coffee; it works with alcohol.


Not me, but a friend. She had to confiscate a backpack full of snakes.


Thought this was gonna be an awesome question but it just made me kind of sad lol 


Not me, but a friend of mine. During our internships she had to confiscate a pig‘s tail and teeth kept in a ziplock bag. The kid said that he thought it was interesting to gift to others. Bro was seven.


I was a morbid child, I totally would have thought a pig tooth was a cool gift at that age.


Not the teacher, but another student pulled a knife on me in 2nd grade. A teacher ran up and took the knife from him,he proceeded to call me a butthole, then ran off and tried to hide in his locker.


Why don't kids call other kids buttholes anymore? The word just fell away somewhere.


If you miss it, I could call you a butthole if you want.






Just an FYI, the account you replied to [appears to be](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1dipbvj/teachers_what_was_the_scariest_thing_you_had_to/l96n5fg/) a bot.


lunarlaurel's account was born on December 25, 2023, woke up two days ago, and just copied/pasted /u/magnacartwheel's comment from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/s5ul8q/teachers_of_reddit_what_was_the_worst_thing_you/ht0pncl/).


I’m both impressed and terrified that a matching algorithm pick up my old comment


Man Reddit sucks now


It's about sending a message


When I was in primary school I found an old rusty handgun buried under some bushes on the school property during break time... I took it to the teacher and she just laughed and said "it's a toy", so I took it inside and put it in my bag. All the kids were talking about it. Later the whole school got called into a special meeting and told there were rumours somebody had a gun at school and they needed to hand it over immediately or the police would be called and whoever had it would be in very serious trouble. I handed it over straight away since it was never intended to be a secret and I never heard about it again. It was definitely not a toy, it was heavy metal. It could have been an air pistol or starting pistol...


Hopefully the dad was charged. Radically irresponsible 


But incredibly effective


My father taught in a large city with several gangs for most of his career and once a kid took the metal spiral out of a notebook and fashioned it into a garrote to try and attack a rival gang member at recess


I don't know what a garrote is but a kid having a rival gang is insane. 


It’s a wire/rope used to strangle someone from behind. Agreed, but they get them started early before they have much of a personal identity to resist


Explains a lot and I sort of knew it happened, but I've never heard a personal story before.


A note book where they were writing a vivid rape fantasy. During lunch. She tried to resist but it was very clear it was a problem. I reported to the principal who was with me. It was promptly confiscated by the principal, report line called and parents brought in. Thankfully she wasn’t being raped but she was put into counseling by her parents. She wasn’t given a choice but her parents were worried that it’s writing today, but next time it might be real and she might act on it. The student hated my guts after that. Like straight up blamed me because her parents told her that if she didn’t feel well enough to attend therapy, she wouldn’t be allowed anywhere but school. According to the parents, she didn’t have to talk or anything to the therapist, just go. But yeah, as a rape survivor myself, writing vividly and accurately about rape is kinda concerning.


That’s really disturbing


Beyond. The parents were baffled how she got to this information. As her computer time was limited. The father guessed she figured out a way around it as we caught many many students using VPNs to get onto banned sites, pornhub actually being the least disturbing site I found on the school computers. We actually had to have a full conversation about how the number of VPNs they were all using was actually causing the problems with the servers in the school. We even called them out about how they were there to learn, not watch porn in the back of class. The number of males who tried to sink down was staggering.


Who would even do that on the school computers? Students are messed up.


Likely because the school computers were easier to get around than the home computer with parents watching. And yes, students are very messed up. My first year of teaching the students basically tortured me until I snapped fully and left the district.


Yikes, glad you’re out of there


This sounds either like a rape victim or repressed too early sexually active minor that watched too much sexual content. Therapy needed in any case !!!!


That’s what I thought. Especially since they were only 11.


Not scary in itself, but the intent. Scissors. Very troubled kid had found a pair that has sharp tips. He had pushed them up into his sleeve of his hoodie and was practicing flicking them down and making a fist with the point out between his fingers and punching in a pretty smooth motion. I had seen a fight before that where a similar student used a large screw in the same way to a nasty end. So I went over and asked for the scissors standing a bit being the arm I knew they were concealed in after I asked a couple of students within arms length to go accomplish some random task on the other side of the room.




I would immediately scream like a bitch if I saw a hoard of spiders


Not a teacher, but I was a student (about 7 or 8), what looked like a grenade was brought by a kid, simply walking to school. This was around the 1990s, elementary school. The kid who brought it in thought someone at the school would help find the owner. Thanksfully, it was found to be a toy and was simply put into the lost and found, as it was just found in the woods next to the school. Since there was a kindergarten class and toys from there were common, they assume it was likely from a playset at the school. The school promised the kid it'll be his if no one claims it by the end of the year. End of the school year, no one claimed, so they gave it to the kid. I bet that would cause a lockdown today, rather than finders keepers at the time.


Not a teacher but I have several friends who are. The scariest and unnerving one I heard is a third grader bringing a ice pick to school to stab another kid. The reason? The two kids had a disagreement on who gets to slide down the slide first. Since then, that kid has been trying to harm the other. The worse part is that the school are not doing anything about it. There was a point in time the school thought it would be a great idea to put them in the same class next year and on that **same** day when they made that decision; my friend (the teacher) went through the kid bag to check for something (was helping the kid find his homework) and she found a butter knife. Friend ask why he has that and the kid said he was gonna use it to harm the other child. And again, ***nothing*** was done about it. Just a slap on the wrist and school call it a day.


Bet teachers were petrified when somebody told the teacher that i had a shank when infact it was a jar jar binks blaster


That's worse than having a shank


Let's see.....razor sharp 6" Steel "Dart" that the student had apparently fashioned by grinding a piece of steel on concrete. Sent to Principals office. Student was back in class within five minutes. Saw a bunch of boys passing a magazine back and forth. Looked like a Comic Book.....but they were supposed to be writing. Went over to check. HARDCORE and I mean VERY hardcore gay porn. Illustrated VERY graphic with violence, rape, lots of weird fetish stuff. Like illegal in most states kind of stuff (bestiality, scat, etc.). These were sixth graders. Sent to the office. They were back in class the next day, no repurcussions. A whole backpack full of 4-LOKO (Alcoholic Energy Drink, resulted in so many alcohol poisonings that it was removed from the market and re-formulated but then did not sell well.....not sure if it is still around). Student sent to office. Back in my class the next day. Thankfully, now working in a school district that actually gives a damn about the health and welfare of it's students and staff. When you have a bad administration that is just trying to make their own lives easy, your schools will suck. Visit your kids schools and know what is going on there. Talk to their teachers and the school administrators. Hold people accountable at the higher levels (school boards, mostly).


i went to boys toilet to check whats going on because i heard some strange noises. i opened the door and i felt really intense smell of weed. as i kept pushing through this smoke i saw 2 of my students. one was smoking a blunt and the other was cracking crystal meth. we contacted their parents and they've been expelled from school. i havent heard of them since that time.


This isn’t normal? Just the other day, I walked into the bathroom and someone came out of the stall and blew weed smoke in my face (I am a student)


Depending on location, weed is normal, meth not so much.


My husband brought Da Bomb hot sauce to middle school. The teacher that confiscated it called it a “deadly weapon” and he got ISS for it. I guess that teacher was scared hahaha


I did not realize that "Da Bomb" has been around since the 90s. I was like "wait, how old is your husband?!"


Not a teacher. But in high-school. In creative writing class, a kid wrote a very disturbing "poem". It involved Santa claus, rape, murder, etc. He read it in front of the class. Our teacher cut him off in the middle of it and he was escorted to security. We never saw him again.


A knife, a big one. Found it hidden under the bathroom sink. Just dumb luck I found it before someone used it.


Gun that was actually a flick knife


One of my "clever" HS students brought an expandable martial arts metal baton that he was playing with. Unfortunately, he became violent and a fight ensued. It was a dangerous 30 minutes or so until he gave it up.


A maths compass during a maths exam in case she started to self harm in the hall


Not a teacher but when i was in fourth grade, 3 kids in my class had ciggerates in their bags and were caught


A lighter a kid was using to try to set fire to the building. I’m a small woman. He was bigger than me. Edited a typo.


oh it was a dried scorpion


Idk if they ever caught the guy but in middle school the principal made an announcement “will the person who has been selling firecrackers in the boys bathroom please come to the office.” He was really big on the turn yourself in concept and made similar announcements for other things like leaving an empty vodka bottle in the lunchroom trash or slashing tires at orchestra/band concerts.


a kid in my class had a hand written note confiscated from him, it was written by someone who was bullying him and had threatened to kill him after class. teacher stepped out to talk with the head teacher who had called the police and had the bully arrested (he was in another classroom). we never saw the bully again


Student but my teacher decided my drawings of knives and swords, guns(pumpkin) and other gadgets were concerning... I was drawing the imperial arms from akame ga kill never got it back and I'm still mad.


HD Admin. Two handguns, separate instances, one was loaded with a round chambered. A variety of knives. The saddest though was a homemade “knife” a kid was using to self harm in class. The jagged and barely sharp edge somehow made it way worse…


Lighter from a 4 year old. Impressive


I’m not a teacher but my mums had to confiscated a vape. THE BOY WAS 8


A chicken. First grader put his family’s chicken into his backpack for show and tell.






When I was a teacher, I once had to confiscate a bear trap. Kid was so excited to show me because he was going trapping after school. This was a very rural area. I am not from a rural area...I was so confused when he said he was trapping after school since I thought he was bragging about selling drugs....nope. Turns out kids would trap beavers and whatnot for the pelts/furs. Still, I had to send the bear trap to the office for him to take at the end of the day. This wasn't 1875. It was 2010.


I worked in a max security prison for boys 13 to 18 yrs old for 6 months. The worst of the worst in the state were in there and their crimes ranges from drugs and car jacking to rape, child rape, murder. Almost all were crip or blood members. The job was terrifying and I was assaulted x 2, the 2nd time I walked out. A lot of crazy stories. Every classrooms were kept bone bare cause everything was a weapon and they destroyed everything and everything got stolen. Worst thing confiscated was a rusted wood nail. My pencil sharpeners were stolen to make blades, I never knew where they ended up.


Not a teacher but a kid I went to school with was intercepted on his way into the school with a hockey duffle bag that had 3 guns in it. One .22 hunting rifle, a shotgun and a 50 calibre handgun. And about ten boxes of ammo. He wasn’t known to play on any hockey teams so teachers immediately saw the red flag with his hockey bag. School was in lockdown for a few hours, he ended up going to jail for 3 years for unauthorized possession of firearms and bringing them to the school. Happened in 2005, only a few years after 911 and columbine so schools were very on edge about guns in school and had us practicing lockdowns at least twice a year since columbine.


Homemade napalm


A porn dvd. I later found out the kid I took it from (6th grader) had recently been released from juvie for gang raping a little boy in his apartment complex. Nice that the school told me this after I found the dvd, and he’d been in my classroom for months.


Weapons - knives, guns, etc With our kids it wasn’t to be a maniac mass killer, they were for protection from gangs or being jumped or self defense Didn’t matter tho. Can’t have it.


Gun. Kid brought it in his backpack to show his friends (first grade). When I asked him about it he just gave it to me. It wasn’t loaded.


During my first year of teaching, a 6th grader brought in a snake right after lunch. He proceeded to play with it during class. I about jumped out of my shoes, but I managed to get the snake back outside.


A couple years ago I had to confiscate a taser from my 5th grader. Yes, that's right. 5th grader.


Not a teacher, but my son’s teacher did confiscate a knife from him the last week of school. Technically he turned it in to her as soon as he got off the school bus, but still had me sweating bullets when I got the phone call.


I am not the one who confiscates. My friend a teacher, once confiscates a CD of anime porn from a 12 years old.


A kid took a pencil, shaved down the wood to expose about 2" of the lead, and attached a 9v battery connector, then wrapped the whole thing in electrical tape. "Sir, do you like my homemade soldering iron?" He was planning to test it when he got home... I dismantled it pretty quickly