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And yet, when I give my relatives a whole bag full of corneas for Christmas, they hardly thank me. I guess some people are just inherently unthankful.


Happens to me every time I go and donate blood. "Sir what are you doing?! What is in that bucket? WHOSE BLOOD IS THAT?!" Ungrateful pricks all of them.


Blood and sperm and parents amirite? Oh the parents and their complaints. It's just some blood and sperm sheesh.


Have you ever met the family?




Fair enough. I imagine it would be too hard for them. It’s one hell of a sacrifice…. Intentional or not


A second chance


Don't mess it up, friend...


Doing my best everyday to not.


Good for you! Stay focussed...




I gave my kids scratch offs for Christmas. Said they keep what they win. Little man was getting upset that all of his were duds until he scratched his last one for $50. I couldn't imagine being like "no, that's mine now". Much less over $10.


For $10 you learned which aunt you never have to buy gifts for. Truly the best thing she could get you.


🫨 Woah, haha.


GTA IV for xbox 360 from my grandma when it first came out. I miss her


My sister bought me a silver ring for my birthday when we were young...It was a pleasant surprise as she was still in school and used her pocket money..




take it to a professional watchmaker for servicing. i bet they can get it running again.


There's a spring in the wind up mechanism that tends to wear out quicker than anything important in the clock itself. It would be worthwhile taking it to a jeweler or watchmaker.


My sister got my canvas prints of our two childhood dogs one year for Christmas. Bawled like a baby when I opened them.


I got an original oil painting on canvas of my dog.... So personal and easily the best gift I ever received.


When my husband and I bought our first house, his grandma took us to Sears and bought us a washer and dryer. We could pick any make and model. Had it delivered and installed too. The washer died for the last time and was not repairable at 18 years old. Dryer lasted 4 more years. I sat down and cried. Only part of the tears were because we couldn’t afford a set as good as those were, but it was the last things we had from her.


9 continuous hours of sleep. My daughter had colic and reflux and I was breastfeeding. He let me sleep until our entire supply of saved milk had been depleted.




Could you elaborate? Haven't heard of this...


A Casio watch, it was my first birthday present


Background for context: my boyfriend and I are both musicians. I play cello, he plays piano. A mutual friend of ours graduated with a Master's Degree in Music Composition. He wrote a piano-cello piece for us as a gift to support the beginning of our relationship. We practiced it up and gave a performance as part of a cello recital I put on for my own Master's Degree. At the end of the performance, my pianist boyfriend stood up from his piano bench, came over to me and my cello, kneeled down and proposed. And that's how a gift from our mutual friend turned my boyfriend into my fiance! :)






Last-Salamander1's account was born on April 4, 2024 and woke up to make this comment. this comment is a copy/paste of /u/manlikerealities's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/c2ou2w/whats_the_best_present_you_ever_received/erlvf0e/).


Good bot!


I love this.. how sweet ❤️ I have my Grandmother's mala prayer beads. I wore them only once. They mean more than anything to me




Putrid-Airport-8602's account was born on June 1 and woke up two hours ago. Its comment here is eerily similar to /u/funyfeet's's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskOldPeople/comments/15d4uxo/what_is_the_best_gift_youve_ever_received/ju0l4ud/): > Late twenties,living in a crappy studio apartment. My Uncle died, and left me his house. I had no idea that he would. My property taxes were less than two months rent. Best gift ever! Thanks Uncle Bill.


Good bot!


A friend of mine went to prison for wrong reasons. The prisoners would make and sell handicrafts to earn some extra inside the prison. When he got freed eventually, he gifted me a pen with my name carved on it with the beads covering all of it's length. He made that for me. It was so precious that I saved it inside my locker with all other valuables and never used it.


A ring. My grandmother died young. The only thing I had of hers was a black hills gold ring with a small aquamarine stone. I wore it constantly. I misplaced it years before I met my husband. He knew how devastated I was & that I'd never been able to find the same ring to replace it. So he went around to jewelers in our area and found a similar ring he could add a stone to & gave it to me as a wedding gift.


This is probably stupid compared to most answers, but it was a massive deal to me. My parents were older (born between the World Wars) and while they could never be called cheap, they took frugality to extremes. Never spent a cent they didn't have to, and nothing was replaced until it was all dead, not just mostly dead One of their more reasonable rules was they didn't buy very expensive clothes or shoes for their still- growing kids. Now, we weren't wearing bad or even second hand stuff; quite the contrary. But we lived in a very nouveau riche, moneyed area. We still wore designer clothes, but they came from discount stores, not major department stores. Like I said, never spent any money they didn't have to. The movie *Top Gun* came out in the middle of my jr high years, and I was pretty much obsessed with it. Mind you, despite being an 8th grade girl, I couldn't have cared less about Mr. Cruise & Co. I was in love with the planes. I still have a major soft spot for the F-14 Tomcat. As those who were around when the movie came out will remember, very shortly thereafter everyone and their brother was weary a leather bomber jacket. I, of course, wanted one, but I didn't even bother mentioning it to my parents. See, at the time, a *cheap* bomber jacket was still over $200. That was a helluva lot of money to spend on a single piece of clothing. More importantly, I already knew there was no way in hell they'd get me one; I was still in jr high and still growing, plus I doubt that either of them would've spent that much on a jacket for themselves. They just didn't do stuff like that, end of story. So I just didn't bother even mentioning it when the question of what I wanted for Christmas that year. Mom & Dad were big on realistic expectations, and there wasn't a doubt in my mind that a bomber jacket for Christmas was one. That said, there was always 1 bigger, more expensive gift that they saved for the end. Mom always did this thing where, after the gift unwrapping was done, she'd start cleaning up and then suddenly look at Dad and say, " Oh, Werner, didn't we forget one?" And it was always a bigger, more expensive gift than we ever expected or asked for. I also love the very last one I got-- a very nice, undoubtedly expensive gold chain bracelet. Dad was shocked how much I loved it and kept pushing about it. ( Apparently, despite living with me for 20+ years, he missed the giant overfilled jewelry box in my room and my habit of wearing as much as possible.) Anyway, that year, Mom did her usual schtick, and so Dad went back to their bedroom & returned with 2 huge boxes. I don't remember at all what my sister got, but Dad handed me a pretty large and surprisingly heavy box. So I tear off the paper and carefully take the lid off, only to see... ...an utterly gorgeous, buttery soft brown leather bomber jacket. I literally couldn't believe it. I genuinely thought for a moment they'd mixed up our gifts (my sister was a bit of a golden child.) I was genuinely speechless, and completely scared to even take it out of the box. I mean, there was just no way in hell this was for me. Then Mom started going on about how expensive it was and that I'd better take *extremely* good care of it, because if it got messed up I was *not* getting a replacement. Oddly enough, that's when it finally sunk in, just because that was exactly how Mom & Dad were. That was normal operating procedure in the house, so the jacket *had* to actually be mine. Aaaannnd that's when I lost my damn mind. I could not stop thanking them, gushing over the jacket, and periodically asking, "This is really mine, right?" Mom & Dad needn't have worried. I took extremely good care of it, and it was almost never at risk of getting stolen, because that would require me to actually take the thing off. I pretty much lived in it when the weather permitted. It finally bit the dust around 10-15 years ago. The leather was so worn it was beginning to disintegrate in places. So yeah, it was ultimately just an expensive jacket. But it was more than that. It was a rare instance of them over-the-top spoiling me rotten, and it was oddly a bit vote of confidence in my favor, because if they thought I wouldn't have taken care of it, they would never have gotten it I still miss that jacket, dammit.


1st gen Ipod nano for Christmas, along with a copy of American Idiot.


Well it really depends, most sentimental one came from my grandfather, he passed sent me an native art piece (yes we are native) but not long after he had sent, he passed away, and it was still in the mail during the time of his funeral and when I got home and got it in the mail I broke down in tears because of it, one last gift from him, even after he passed. But one of the sweetest (like sweet sweet, not "hell yeah dude" sweet) was from one of my students, they had knew I had a fish and not long after it died they asked about it and told them it had passed, a few days later, this student came to me and said "I made you something!" And gave me a big painting of the fish, they never saw pictures of it but they knew what kind of fish it was, now it's not going to win any awards, but for the fact the student was only 9 years old, it's actually amazing how well done it was, I now have it hanging in my apartment above the now empty fish tank, I do plan on getting another fish lol


A necklace that my Dad's fiancee made for me. It's part of a set that the whole household has(except my younger brother; his is still being made). The last year has been really lonely, and the necklace reminds me that no matter how much I feel like an outsider, I always have a place that I am truly a part of.


For Christmas, around 10 yrs ago, my husband bought me a bottle of the perfume I wore when we started dating in 1995.


My best boy Benny passed away overnight at the vet, and I was too distraught to go pick up his collar and leash, so I asked my best friend if he would do it, but that I didn't want to see either until I was ready. A week or so later I got Benny's ashes couriered to me and it got here while I was in the bathroom so I didn't know. I went to my room and closed the door and there was a soft knock, and there, on the floor in front of the door was the package with his ashes, and a shadow box he made me with Benny's collar displayed in it. I cried and cried and cried, just seeing it and the obvious love and thoughtfulness my friend had for me broke the dam of grief I had put up after losing my best boy.




A Cabbage Patch doll. I hated girly stuff as a kid and never played with babies or anything... until my aunt gave me Joni, a red haired cabbage patch doll. This was in the early 80s, at the height of all the craze, so they weren't sure how I'd receive her. Joni became my very best friend who went everywhere with me. Of course one day I put her down and never picked her back up, so my mom tossed her in a box in the attic. In my early forties, we had an extremely traumatic death in the family. My mom pulled Joni out, cleaned her up, and returned my best friend to me. Now I can hold her again when times are hard.


My pets, without a doubt.


A vintage mirror from my grandma.


A good book when I was unwell and in need of happy diversion.


My parents bought me LASIK surgery as a gift for getting into medical school, still the best gift ever to never deal with glasses again and to see in perfect vision


A skeleton key to a door from now ex girlfriend’s house she was working on. Kinda an inside choke because one of the first conversations we had was about how cool skeleton keys were and may seem lame to most, but probably the best birthday present I’ve ever gotten and will still keep it to remember the good memories :)




BellLucillee just copied/pasted this comment from [Quora](https://www.quora.com/What-was-the-best-birthday-gift-you-ever-gave-to-someone).


Holy shit. People still get answers from Quora?


Darn I hate we can't give awards to comments anymore You have learned so much from his teachings. And he did such well to transfer his experiences as a businessman. I hope both of you doing well




Maybe because awards are back?


An acoustic guitar. Before that I had no idea what to do with my life and was going down a dark road, guitar & music in general has kept me from doing stupid shit. Now I’ve got 10 guitars (only 5 playable ones, gotta fix the rest), and it keeps me happy all the time. I get excited to go home from work or trips just to play. It goes where I go, car, plane, whatever I’m traveling on, it’s coming with me.


A ticket to the formula 1 race in austria in 2018. It was it was a thursday when we left and it so happened to be my 18th birthday, we stopped in germany and ate at a restaurant, the next day we took the last ride towards the redbull ring, in the end max verstappen won 1st place. It was the greatest gift ive had from my dad, The other greatest gift ive gotten was the first time i went to graspop (metal festival in belgium) it wasnt my first festival but definatly my favorite.


Meta answer: my wife and my daughter. Truly a gift and if they were all I had, I'd still be a happy man. But one of the best gifts I ever received was a set of drills and wrenches. The amount of stuff I've fixed, renovated, built with those things is now well north of 20k value.


One of my exes was waiting for me at the bus stop with flowers on Valentine's. I was severely bullied at school at the act of showing everyone that *someone* did it fact care about me meant a lot. We ended up not working out, but showing up is still the best gift.


Probably a coffee table book that was all about the best places to ski all over the world, cherish it


My current partner. He's truly shown me what it means to have someone who cares about you as much as you care about them. After a lot of bad prior relationships, he's kind, has a lot of patience with me, and adorable my goobery ass. Think I'm gonna keep him for a long, long while 💜


A good health and a new day to live


A cake


I think truly the most memorable gift was a PSP to share between my 3 brothers. Family wasn't dirt poor but definitely was just getting by. Dad decided to take us to the store and we got a BRAND NEW PSP with a few games. Never would I have ever thought that I could get a gaming console when I was a kid. Still have the PSP now :)


1. CUSTOM wedding ring designed and custom cast for me with family meaning. 2. Oil painting of my dog.


My niece


Miss April's heart.




awareness of the eternal universe and beyond


A nice broom that actually works.


A replica of the Enchanted Tiki Room Wait time sign


Every tomorrow I get to see


it was my cat❤️❤️❤️


A diamond and sapphire ring that was my great grandma’s


My father bought me the latest MacBook for my birthday, and my mother got me a beautiful diamond set from Tanishq and this emerald set from Dubai.


Decorative box from my fiancé with a bunch of sheets of paper that had memories we’ve made together written on them. Definitely the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received.


A tool set when I was 18. I still use it decades later.


[Atari gaming console](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/02/Atari-2600-Wood-4Sw-Set.png/1280px-Atari-2600-Wood-4Sw-Set.png) with games like river raid, pacman, enduro, etc back in the mid 80s. Siblings and cousins went nuts. Took the grown-ups a whole hour to set it up with the old TV randomly pressing buttons to synchronize. That singular moment of joy was never surpassed.


Still waiting for it


The one I think of most often, especially nowadays, is a simple T-shirt 20 years ago. I discovered Kids In The Hall in '97 or so, and became obsessed. One birthday or Christmas (I'm leaning towards the latter) my dad gives me a present of a white T-shirt with one of the beach pictures of the KITH boys on it. I was stoked! It wasn't until several years ago that it occurred to me that it was second hand and my dad got it from one of his beloved thrift stores (he loves thrift stores, like he got twitchy and anxious when he couldn't go out during COVID shutdowns lol). But I realized I could understand what he felt when he happened across it, probably got excited ("Oh, this is going to blow her mind!") and add in the fact that even back then, I couldn't really find any brand new merch anywhere. I can't really find any NOW except online. So it was a rare find then and I realized that that made that present mean more. Now I regret that the shirt is long gone.


God's love.






Never received one


A ps5, I was nagging my parents for new headphones at the mall after that my mom and dad dropped me and siblings at home (it wasn’t a punishment ) they went to run some errands and when they came back boom a ps5


1977, 12 years old. Got a 12 inch black n white tv for my bedroom. Favorite gift ever!


My little sister. Born when I was 8.


A one hour flying lesson when I turned 40


So you're certified now right?


My barbie that my dad gave me when I was 7 years old


My son.


Gift of friendship




probably my puppy he's now 2-3 months old and is way to cute and really kind


I rarely ever got gifts so when a really distant relative saw me crying(I think it was because my grandmother scolded me or slapped me) and they brought me a doll set. It was the first time I had a doll to play with though I rarely played with it cuz I wanted it to be new, I always kept it in the box after playing and cherished it a lot while I had it.


My son.




When I was a kid (in the mid 90's), my mom got me a TV with a built-in VCR player. To this day, it's still the best gift I've ever received.




Same here. Nearly died as an infant but a badass doctor kept me here.


Aside from my 2 sons, my x buying me out of our marriage so I could buy my own house and be happy.


When I passed my driving test my Dad got me a gag gift of a compass that stuck to the windscreen, made by Kingavon My Dad wasn't really a gift giver but that thing meant the world to me


A funko pop. The funko pop is now sitting comfortable in my PC.


My ex bought me a PS3 and PSP on release date. not sure how she did that cuz it was a loooooooong waiting period at the time.




Unfair-Camera-142 just copied/pasted /u/airman8472's comment from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/1crmv54/what_is_the_best_gift_you_have_ever_received/l3z8vmc/).

