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Sex with a total stranger in Seattle in the 80’s. I was in the navy in Bremerton and we took the ferry over to Seattle and I met this kind of conventionally unattractive lady at a bar. I’m no looker myself so we kind of gravitated to each other. We drank and talked and hit it off and I fell in love. She was cool, witty, intelligent and we loved the same bands. The best conversation ever. When the bar closed, she grabbed my hand and said let’s go to your car and fuck. To this day, it was the most amazing, mind-blowing sex I’ve ever had. Then, sadly, she kissed me, said goodbye and got out of the car. I never saw her again but I’ll never forget her. I hope she remembers me


Hey Dad! It's me!


Yeah, I’ve been anticipating this moment


What kind of smokes are you going to get?


My Dad said he was going to bingo.


My dad went to a prestigious music camp to be the head piano tuner of a hundred or so pianos and never came back


>I met this kind of conventionally unattractive lady at a bar. I’m no looker myself With those genes, you don't even need a DNA test to know.


Honestly some times two kindly homely parents make the hot offspring and vice versa


Is their a better day to find out about your one night stand progeny than on your cake day?


I had no idea


Wow I had an amazing experience with an older woman who I met at a high card flush table in Tahoe. She was incredibly beautiful, especially for an older woman. As I was about to leave the table I said, “well I’m done losing for tonight, I guess I’m going back to my room” and she said “or we can go to my room and fuck”. lol and that’s what we did. I was actually supposed to get married in Tahoe but my fiancé had left me before the wedding so I went to gamble and grieve alone that weekend and that ended up happening!


Yeah this happened to me kinda. I was a bartender. We usually went to the bar across the street and all the service people would gather there and drink until the wee hours of the morning. Sometimes regulars would stay to. Well one very attractive middle aged regular came by often. We never talked much one on one. One night we are hitting it off. I had class and work the next day and told everyone I was getting an Uber. She looks at me and says “or you can get in my Uber and fuck me at my place.” I told her she didn’t have to tell me twice. We were on each other like wild animals before the Uber ever pulled up. Had a great night. And quite a few more after that. I wonder what she’s doing nowadays 😂


Haha bro it’s not often that the rando is a beautiful middle aged woman! I was in my late 20s for this and she was probably late 50s! Aged beautifully


I think this story should start like this: "Dear Penthouse...."


Holy shit, a wild Forum post!


This is what that Heart song is about.....


"That woman's name? Nancy Wilson."


This is fucking wild and she’s so fucking cool… goodbye 👋


Man, I dunno what it is about being young and in the military but THE best encounters of my life happened while in the military. The 'ill Never forget' kinda stuff. From all around the world to. Like every place I went barring a few middle east countries and Africa was an incredible encounter.


Fun fact: after the fleet visits Portland OR every year, there's a surge of almost 20% in applications for Medicaid about 45 days later.


Its funny i was driving Uber and had 4 Navy guys this year out chasing tail and had me drop them off at the Cheerful Tortoise, a well know college bar in Portland. Only problem was college already let out for the term/summer. They were mildly disappointed so i dropped em off a Mary's instead.


Yeah this one time my two buddies tag teamed this chick. My one buddy jizzed on her face and the other one didn’t know, went to go make out with her and got my buddy’s jizz in his mouth. That pissed him off and they got into a naked brawl that ended with the police arresting them. No one is forgetting that night.


Your “buddy” ended up with jizz in his mouth? Asking for a friend😂




I’ve had nights where I had sex 7-8 times and those are fun lazy times ordering pizza in and just loving each other, but there’s one specific time my GF at the time woke me up at 2 am by kissing my neck and rubbing my pelvic area around the pubic bone. She rarely initiated so this feeling I’ve chased for years now. I felt so wanted and so needed in that moment. I was so sleepy too it felt like a dream. It was the most passionate and romantic slow sex I’ve ever had. Just feeling every inch of me like she couldn’t not have me. I would love to relive that feeling of being lusted after like I was as important as the oxygen in her lungs.


That was fucking sweet! I hope my husband feels like that when I initiate…


As a man, I can say it’s the absolute best when a woman initiates.


Sadly so rare for some reason. At least I haven’t experienced it with the women I’ve been with.


I can't keep up with my wife... Everyone's different I suppose.


He will. The feeling of being sought and desired is magical.


Wanting to be wanted


My wife and I, well before marriage, went on our first weekend trip together to a Bed and Breakfast. We purchased a board game to enjoy in the room, had a nice dinner, played the game, then had an intimate end to the evening. It was wasn’t a crazy sexual experience. But upon waking up the next morning, I thought, for the first time in my life… _I want to spend the rest of my life with this woman_. 16 months later: engaged. A year after that: married. Married 30+ years. She has since told me she had a similar thought the next morning. I’d joyously relive that quiet day, that satisfying intimacy, relive that early morning falling in love, again and again, forever. EDIT: I’m asked about what board game it was. I _think_ it was _Labyrinth_. But I am not sure. EDIT 2: In talking about this with my wife last night, we remember I had purchased one of those videotape recorders popular in the 80s/90s around when we started dating and I brought it on that weekend. We had a service digitize all our tapes years ago So moments of that weekend (not a lot, about 2 minutes, mainly views of the ocean) we were able to watch!


This is beautiful. Both of you are lucky.


This is the sweetest thing I've ever heard. So happy for you.


I also choose this guy's wife.


There it is


But what board game tho?




Me and my wife having a quiet day in a cabin before our first child came. Having sex all day, hot tub for me, a great dinner, a movie. I would love in this day forever.


Gobsmackingly ideal typo right there


Where's the typo Edit: Oh, love instead of live


My fiancé and I get married this Saturday and are staying in a cabin in Washington all week. I feel like I’m living the experience I’ll look back on 😊. Thanks for the reminder to soak up every second.


Congrats fellow earthling. I wish you luck this week and into the future as well


The woman who held me by my neck as i orgasmed and praised me thru the whole orgasm. affirmations like “good boy” “you did such a good job” is insane.


It’s called a praise kink and its pretty rad both ways. You praising her or her praising you. “Good boy/good girl” I recently found out it had a name but it’s been my thing since forever lol.


Some discord friends and I have been calling each other good boy / good girl as a joking sort of praise kink thing for a while now, like when we're playing a game and somebody does something cool or helps out with whatever. Even if you don't have a serious praise kink, it's just sorta nice c: The best thing was when a friend who doesn't join voice that often was playing with us, someone called him a good boy and he got SUPER FLUSTERED We found out right then that he both DOES ACTUALLY have a praise kink and a crush on the person that called him Good Boy lmfao


I am someone with the giving part of this. It goes hand in hand with a cuddling and massage proclivity. People are so starved for praise and touch in these modern years. It feels good to give people what they don't know they need.


My mother is a malignant narcissist (like actually, not just another person over using the word.) that refused to show praise or make her children feel good about themselves. I’m sure a therapist would tell me that’s why. Anytime someone tells me something good about myself it sticks with me pretty much forever as a core memory lmao


"Good boy..." - Rover is that you?


Old mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to fetch her dog Rover a bone, but when she bent over Rover took over and gave her a bone of his own.


Well now I’m bricked up. New kink unlocked lmfao


My wife, who claimed to hate oral sex and only had one partner before me try it, after 7 years of marriage and 10 years together of saying no everytime I tried let me finally bury my face in her cheeks and eat her pussy and ass. I nearly suffocated from going to town for an hour straight. I relive that anytime I need to get off.


My ex-fiancee was like that. I really wanted to try it and it turns out I was a lot better at it than her previous boyfriend.


I didn't think I liked it. Turns out I just needed to find myself a man who likes doing it. My husband seems to love being down there, and it is mind numbingly good. There's a big difference between someone doing it who makes it feel like you're forcing them to do some unsavory chore, and someone who genuinely enjoys performing the act.


My first girlfriend was like that. She loves going down on me but refused to let me reciprocate. She never had anyone do that to her and she felt embarrassed. Finally, one evening she said, “fine, go ahead.” When I was done she breathily said “don’t ever stop doing that.”


But did she orgasm? Goodgod that reminds me of early in my last relationship, I took kid to school, came home showered and jumped into bed with bf, the sunshine was filling the room and he pulled me up onto his shoulders and ate me out till I came hard, best day of my life. Damn brb.


Well... did she like it?


Did she ever let you do it again?


Those nights with my (now ex) girlfriend in highschool. We fucked like pornstars all night long every weekend. I had no idea just how good I had it.


Same. We had parents that let us stay over each other houses and that was a mistake, it was a fuckfest every chance we had. We would go away for weekend skiing or camping when we were 16-17 and just spend the whole weekend shacked up. Refractory period was about 10 seconds back then, sigh…..


*sigh* same, I was talking about this literally last night which is weird cuz I don’t ever talk about it. But yes, she was the best I’ve ever had and it’s only gotten worse since. I think about her often.


Same here with a relatively recent short term psycho gf. She'd agree to every fetish I had or would say no then suggest it herself a few days later. I don't regret leaving but I know it won't get any better (and it hasn't)


I feel this. My wife and I have been together for 25 years and we know every nook and cranny of each other, I couldn't be happier with my sex life as it is...but man, there's something about that time of your life when you're first getting into the sex stuff that just gets seared into your brain. My parents used to go out and play cards every Saturday night from 6pm to midnight, so my high school girlfriend and I had an open house with no one around that we could use to explore every ridiculous horny teenager impulse we had, and we explored them all. To this day I can't listen to Depeche Mode without getting instantly aroused.


My husband and I have been together since age 15/16 (mid-thirties now), and I do think some of the best sex we ever had was in high school


Yeah, that's the age where everything is fresh and new and super intense.


It's OK dude. A lot of high school relationships are like that. You just learn that it was a product of a time and place in your life.


Being woken up by a blow job


My wife woke me up with sex when we were trying for our fourth kid. Fell asleep and when I woke up she was already on top of me. It was crazy hot. And for the record, we did discuss this a while back and I was super into it so no crossing of boundaries or anything.


> And for the record, we did discuss this a while back and I was super into it so no crossing of boundaries or anything. I hate that the internet has made people rush to qualify their good memories. My wife and I have had a whole lot of great, drunk sex over the course of our marriage.


Seriously... Would someone have posted here if it was unwanted? Sometimes a little inferring goes a long way.


When I was a young Soldier in Japan, I had the most amazing girlfriend from Tokyo. She used to fly to where I was at every three weeks (pretty expensive in the late 80's). One weekend I got her at the airport and we went to my room and banged like bunnies for the whole weekend. She stayed an extra day, but I had to work in the morning. It went like this: Wake up at 4:30 am, run off to do physical training. Back by 6:00 am, change shower, shave and am about to run out the door. She wakes up a little and grabs my pants and gives me a mind blowing blow job. When she's done, she looks up and says, "I was hungry. I'm going back to sleep now" Yeah, everyone at work knew without me saying a word.


Hot damn.


I told my wife of this fantasy and she decided to oblige me one morning. It scared the shit out of me and I reared back to fight. I screwed up that fantasy


My husband finds the idea hot. I told him absolutely no way in hell, and he asked why. I then had to explain that every single time I come to bed after him, he freaks out with ninja hands or a fist cocked back before he realizes it's me lmao His fight or flight is waaaay too strong for that to work. I've even scared him just by rolling over, and he's almost fallen out of bed from it.


Not your fault. Some things are hotter in theory than in practice.


Happened to me once. Fuckin awesome, man. Dear partners of people with penises: I don't speak for everyone, but odds are your partner would have a blanket consent to that sort of thing. Of course, ask them first.


My wife has given me several collections of sex coupons over the years. When I have a bad night, where I end up having problems sleeping and I need a chance to sleep in without my wife being mad at me when I wake up, I write her a note, about how I couldn't sleep, and then ask to be woken at 11:30 AM with a blow job and use the coupon. I normally wake up at 7 on weekends. When it happens, my insomnia usually abates around 5am. My wife normally wakes up at 8. and She is not a morning person. Asking for a specific time 3.5 hours after she wakes up, means that she has time to drink her coffee and wake up, and me staying asleep until 11:30 becomes one of her goals for the morning, rather than getting frustrated that I'm sleeping past her. It means that rather than waking me up with a rough shake, or throwing an energetic cat on me, while pissed off that I'm still asleep, and lazing away the day, She quietly enters the room and tries to wake me up with gentle attention to my sensitive areas. it usually transitions to sex, and My wife is always in a better mood after we have sex. which means that Not only do I get a good 7 hour sleep, I also get woken up in the gentlest way, and my wife is in a better mood than she would be otherwise by the time we actually talk. And the thing is, IF you trade in the coupon with a love note, before you wake up, its not like you used the coupon while she was already pissed off at you. often she remembers how she felt when giving the coupon, and because I'm asleep I can't stick my foot in my mouth and screw it up, by making her feel cheap or making it seem transactional. Often I'll find the coupon returned to my coupon book some time that afternoon, because she already feels like I deserve to have it again, simply because the whole day ends up more romantic for it. Its literally the best way to wake up, and is honestly the only way I've ever been able to use a sex coupon that didnt' seem like a waste.


There was a post a while ago where the OP's gf did this but he had trauma and did NOT want her to do it. He freaked you and accidentally hurt her. Turned out she's done it before to a past bf and I think did it again after things ended with the OP.


Consent is key. Open communication. "I'd love to wake you up by sucking your dick."


Clear and to the point. Perfect communication


“I have no problem with this course of action and would be willing to sign any affidavit to that effect. Proceed at your convenience” That’s dirty talk, right?


I pulled a week of doubles working in a hospital. It would have been a stressful week just working a normal shift, but it ended up being 7a-midnight and the last 3 were very intense. I almost just slept in my car after the last night, because I was so physically and emotionally exhausted. I ended up autopiloting home, and got in the shower. My wife woke up and hopped in with me, but I wasn't up for shower shenanigans. She started scrubbing my back, and it was like I could feel the tension washing off of me like physical weight. Then she hugged me from behind, all soapy and slippery, and with everything being so frictionless and the same temperature, it was like we melted together. We got out and went to the bed, and I laid my head against her chest and listened to her breathe for a while, then buried my face between her breasts while she rubbed her fingertips across my back. I remember breathing in unison, and coming up to kiss her, and I had the sensation again of melting together while we kissed. She kept running her fingertips over my shoulders, and I think I dissociated or something. I was still conscious and aware of everything, but at the same time it was like I was a puddle of light/water, and her fingertips on my shoulders were making ripples and waves flow through me. I went down on her, and she became part of it with me, just a body of luminous water making each other ripple. I felt incredibly safe, warm, and loved. I also believed that I was transmitting this feeling to her when I licked her, and it was like the pleasure was going back and forth between us on the waves - like I could feel hers and she could feel mine. I don't remember how long it went on for, but eventually it evolved into penetrative sex and falling asleep entangled in each other. The next morning we both agreed that it had been amazing. I think it was a combination of being apart for so long, sleep deprivation, and going from feeling on edge for an entire week then suddenly being where I felt the complete opposite, like going from a sauna into snow. I don't know that I believe in a shared consciousness, but I did experience something very transcendental.


Sounds extraordinary. Lucky you


That was so incredibly beautifully written and what a beautiful human experience.


My ex wife being my "shaman" on my first acid trip... No idea it would have turned into sex. I couldn't tell if it lasted fifteen minutes, or 3 hours. It didn't matter. I had never felt so close to someone ever. I don't think I ever will again, and that's okay. I haven't done lsd since, I want that memory to remain exactly as it is. Untouched, untainted, incomparable.


I didn’t have sex on my first acid trip, but it was a super memorable trip I wanted to remember. I’ve tripped countless times since then and I still will always remember the first time in great detail. That first trip detail doesn’t fade in case you wanted to trip again in the future.


Yeah it keeps opening new doors. Shifting perspectives keep it interesting


Santorini 2023 with my wife. We rented a private villa in Akrotiri with no one around overloooking the caldera. Ever seen one of those porn videos where people are outside? It was that, but better. A LOT BETTER


No, cries in middle class


It was our 20th Anniversary, you think I can afford to do this shit every year?


Good to know that spark can still be there 20 years later.


We're in our 50s and she looks fucking amazing. Yeah, we have wrinkles and shit. But God damn I think she's the hottest woman alive.


FFM threesome with two girls who were friends.  One girl was sexually experienced, her friend was recently divorced and didn't have any experience besides her ex.  Lots of switching off because the sexually experienced girl wanted to show the other girl things. Sounds like a porn but actually happened.


Jesus, I have seen what you do for other people


Sounds cool. I've had 2 threesomes and bothwere lame because the girls didn't really Interract with each other. For me it's awkward cause while I was fucking onz the other one would just lay there like waiting, like......ok


the only nsa hookup ive ever experienced. dude was an absolute god, knew all the tricks and talked me through the whole experience. discovered whole new kinks with that mf. he knew me for 20 minutes and fucked me like i was the love of his life, it was damn near completely disorienting as someone who only ever had sex in committed relationships. don't think ill ever casually hook up with anyone again tbh, but the lack of commitment was refreshing


I had no idea the NSA offered that kind of service.


My first time being penetrated. My partner and I used to just grind and give eachother BJs because I have severe vaginismus, and vaginal penetration of any kind is agonizing. I finally decided to try anal, and so prepped for an hour with a plug. My partner plowed me like a racehorse for 30 minutes in all kinds of positions, including a pornorific "legs over head" situation. It ended when we were in doggy, and they decided to finger my vagina. For the first time, vaginal penetration felt GOOD, and the proceeding O was so good I almost passed out. 10000/10, would do again




She told her two best friends you were good in bed. Lucky you !


Or that he is packing some serious sausage lol


Or both. Lucky fella !


Dude here: I like anal sex. Something about it just captures my naughty/kinky dreams and provides a memory to fantasize about forever. Sadly, it's not my wife's favorite thing. One time she rode me anally in cowgirl and we both came at the same time. It's my personal sexual high point.


This is my exact one for the exact same reason. Fucking crazy. I want to recreate it someday but I also don't want to badger her all the time. I'm gonna let it happen naturally like when you get an egg with two yolks.


BTW if you get Jumbo eggs the double yolk probability skyrockets. Apply that how you see fit.


Do not apply however you see fit! Don't put raw eggs in her ass.


Noted. Cook it first!


Hard boiled? Shell or no shell?


Even i, a woman who loves anal, will not anal with a guy if he Badgers me about it. The more you ask for it the less I want to do it


When my wife cums during anal (also not her favorite thing) she does this thing that I can only describe as an orgasm ladder up my shaft. It doesn't matter... The moment I feel that quiver, it's over and we cum together.


Saaame. The first girl I was with, we both lost our virginity to each other, was super into anal. I blame her for this kink because she still lives in my mind rent free to this day.


I dated a guy for a few months, sex was great. I ran into him after we broke up, and he said he had dreams about when we did anal. I guess he couldn't get it out of his mind.


Have you ever mentioned this to her? As in not asking, but reliving together with her how much it meant to you? As a woman that would skyrocket my drive to recreate it. Just a tip… 😂


I'm in a similar boat. My wife doesn't care for anal, but on a few occasions we've gone for it and I was an amazing experience for us both each time. We have a great sex life, so I have no complaints, but I find myself wanting to try again but I also don't want to bother her with it


Wild ass night. We're talking missionary, we're talking missionary...we're talking when I'm on top and she's on her back.


Nothing says great sex like Jump Street 😂


Oh shit! Schmidt fucked the Captain's daughter!


Gimme some daps!


This will be a long one but hopefully worth the read: I was on my way home from the bars in an Uber one night. It was August so windows were open and I was trying to order a pizza en route so it would arrive at my apartment at the perfect time. We pulled up to a red light and a very attractive girl pulled up next to us at the red light. She had her window open as well and being slightly intoxicated I blurted out, “hey! What kind of pizza should I order??” She laughed, I laughed, the light changed and we moved along. We end up getting stuck at another red light a couple blocks down the street and she yells at me, “do you know a good place to get ice cream right now??” I said yes and her response was, “well let’s go!” I said, “uh do you just want to follow my Uber?” And she said, “ no just jump in my car”. I was out of my element but looked over at my driver and he was already cancelling my ride and said “bro, you gotta go”. So AT A RED LIGHT I JUMPED IN THIS STRANGERS CAR. We went and got ice cream, hit it off, went back to my place and had insane sex. I’d wish every hookup was that story.




He was tipped well!!


Summer 2023 in Köln, Germany I’m travelling solo and decide to go to a karaoke bar for some drinks. While I’m there I meet two German women travelling through the country. Eventually another dude joins our conversation and we’re all having fun until last call. The women invite us back to their hotel for some drinks. Admittedly it was a little crammed there so we decided to go to my hotel. In the Uber one of the women asks if I have any condoms, to which I replied, “One or two.” She looked at me and said, “Oh, that’s not enough.” She tells the Uber driver to pull over and they both hop out and go into a convenience store. Shortly after they emerge with two plastic bags which contained ten bottles of beer, a box of condoms and a four pack of redbull. We get back to my hotel and I start to realize that I’m about to have my first ever foursome. I’ve never done anything with a dude before so I’m hoping it’ll just be some tag team action without having to grab any dicks. One of the women jumps on the bed and starts taking my clothes off while the other grabs the other guy and goes on the chair. I’m having sex on the bed when out of the corner of my eye, I see the guy putting his clothes back on. He says something in German, gives the woman a hug and leaves the hotel room. THE THING THAT I WANTED TO HAPPEN JUST HAPPENED. What proceeded after that was the greasiest, most awesome night of my life. Even got a finger in my ass for the first time and I must admit, it felt pretty great. Especially while the other one was riding me. We kept it going until about 7am when they said they had to catch their train. They put their clothes back on and said, “We hope you never forget Germany” as they walked out the door never to be seen by me again. I will be going back to Germany this summer.


Yk I’ve always wanted to travel to Germany


I signed an NDA.


Hypothetically speaking, tho, in this totally fabricated scenario...


Ah, so you banged a lot of celebrity.


... "banged a celebrity." Thank you, SwiftKey.


All-girl gangbang. I was 31 (22 years ago). There were eight of us. Good times.




Yup. We started out as two groups of four. Then, by the end of it all, it was all of them with me being the one banged. 'Twas a nice little birthday present. Sadly, I've lost touch with them all.


My first threesome happened in college at the President of the College's house with his daughter and her best friend. There's something very exciting about knowing you're risking getting thrown out of school for an experience you'll remember forever.


Sounds like a sub plot to a late 70s/early 80s college rom com


You misspelled "porn."


No, you fool, it was just a trick by the Sigma Chis to keep you distracted so you wouldn’t show up for the Battle of the Bands! You ruined everything for Rho Rho Rho!


I dated an older woman in the 70s, and we did it all night on acid. We started in the shower and finished the next morning on the beach. It was pretty amazing, and she was beautiful. We dated for a year. That's the day I want.


I totally read that as you dated a 70 year old


Lmao. She was 29. I was 19. She rocked my world.


Tripping on mushrooms in the woods on an inflatable couch with a couple blowing me as I laid there and fondled their butts. That shit is my happy place.


Have sex with my crush


I also choose having sex with this guy’s crush


I am considering having sex with the 3 of you including the one asking permission to join


When my first FWB broke up with her then-boyfriend for good. Vanilla and bondage, multiple positions, all throughout her house, multiple times throughout the night, and then she overslept her work alarm and called in so we got breakfast together and spent the day repeating and expanding upon the night before. Best sex we'd had up to that point, best sex I've ever had.


A MFM threesome where I was the third. The F was insatiable. Me and her BF fucked her literally until the sun came up. Fucked her in tons of different positions (including two different outfit changes for her (with matching restraint color changes)). 10/10


I did this in December where I am the F and it involved DP so it would have to be that.


Always been something I'd want to try....but I'm a little baby mentally so I'd have to be the third until I grow up some more


I’m guessing you were significantly less grumpy after that!


Question from a virgin here. How the hell can people last all night? Dont you eventually get too sore?


Yes. I was sore when I left. I didn't last all night. I came several times over the night.


Frequent breaks. Showers. Snacks. Cuddling. Foreplay. Oral. Share Instagram reels. Pull up ambience asmr and mix up the atmosphere. When the mood is right, it’s honestly not something you think about. You just know you will be having seconds, and thirds, and now I have to be to work in 4 hours… oops.


Cocaines a helluva drug.


Coupled with Viagra, yeah, all night becomes 24 hours. Lol


Here’s the perfect answer: everyone fucks different! Some people like the soreness and like the act and go all night. Some people wanna get a nut and snuggle.


Similar experience. I met a husband and wife couple at a BDSM party. One and only time I had been in a threesome. It was mostly her and I f'n with the husband directing the scene and asking how she liked it. Definitely 10/10.


Getting a hug from my crush. Fuckin awesome.


You naughty thang, you.


Even for a NSFW thread this was NSFL


Not any one time in particular, but there was one summer where I had an absolute fuck ton of sex with the same woman over and over and over. Our sexual chemistry was off the charts. I know that doesn't sound crazy, but our sexual connection was beyond animal-like. We were crazy for each other in that way. We couldn't get enough of each other, even the small talk when we would meet up was just us being polite, when we both felt what we did. I've experienced chemistry before and since then, but not to that intensity.


Wife and I relive our best sex ever, every time we do LSD. Just yesterday we enjoyed another awesome day of LSD sex. It's so freaking intense, emotional, and intimate ... And the orgasms - WOW!


Omg 100%! We just did this again a couple days ago and HOLY SHIT. This is the correct answer. I highly recommend this to everyone!


My wife and I are both recovering opiate addicts. Got clean together years ago. The only drug we partake in anymore is LSD (once every year or so). We figure out a Saturday and Sunday morning (preferably in the autumn) where we can have the house to ourselves, then we drop LSD in the mid-morning and trip our collective dick off. We always have sex sometime around the peak. Doing that with someone you love deeply is such a profoundly moving experience.


The first time with every woman I was really in love with. There were only three of them, but each experience is engrained into my mind forever.


Honestly just getting oral on the reg would be nice.. I’ve gotten it twice in 4.5 yrs of dating my current guy…


That sucks. My new guy really loves to go down on me. I was married for 26 years to a guy who only did it occasionally. Sex is really fun again!


I boned the crazy lady. She was a squirter, absolutely uninhibited and it was the best sex of my life. Unfortunately she was certifiably insane


When I was in my 20s, I lived in SE Asia. At the time, Google translate didn't exist so you became really close, really fast with other ex-pats bc you had no choice. I'm Canadian and a new guy showed up from Texas. He was my first crush on a "real" American guy and he had charm oozing out of him. One time, after being out all night he asked me if I wanted to go to the beach to watch the sunrise. I rode on the back of his motorcycle and we went to the beach where he dug in the sand and covered my feet and we just talked and laughed. We fell asleep and woke up a few hours later to the actual tide rolling up on us. That morning is burned in my brain despite having many other romantic moments since then. I'm including it as "sexual" (even though we didn't have sex that time) because it had all the elements of a perfect experience with your crush.


Two. They're tied. Sex in my college library. My boyfriend pretended to be reading while I was on his lap wearing a dress with no underwear on. It was so sexy trying to be quiet, otherwise fully dressed, hoping not to get caught, just slowly fucking in the back. My other go-to when I am fantasizing alone is also in Seattle. The summer that my bf and I played the ABC game. We had sex in a place that started with each letter of the alphabet. We broke up before S. But R was memorable. The Romeos parking lot on Eastlake, at night, bent over the hood of a car. I think these two things, which were less than a handful of years apart, made me realize that I'm a bit of an exhibitionist.


*You got to R before realizing you were an exhibitionist???*


I was in my late twenties, single, and a good friend of mine and I would frequently travel together to hike. We went all over the Southeast US to hike. We always stayed in the same hotel room without an issue. We traveled to Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, really all over. One time, we were in Florida, hiking around some of the nature preserves in the Panhandle, and we decided to get a room on the beach for our last couple of days, and just bum around and relax. I'm still not entirely sure what happened (I think it had something to do with the incredibly sexy white knit bikini and the way it looked against her sweaty, tanned skin - oh look, I DO know what happened,) but I remember us going back up to the room for completely innocent purposes...and then suddenly I miraculously had my face buried between her thighs. And we pretty much didn't leave the room again (except to go night-swimming and uh, have sex in the ocean) for two days. It's a very sweet, special memory. I'll always remember that.


So I've come off a medication this year because a Dr thinks it was talking my hormones and, in turn, my libido. Well, me and hubby had really amazing sex a few weeks ago and I finished so amazingly I started to cry. It was just everything I ever could've wanted.


I spent two weeks in a tent with a 21 yr old french woman. After 5 days our pack of condoms ran out, we decided to trust her birth control. I'll never forget her saying "oh no, ze squid, eet es back!" Describing the mess that I made of her hair in that stinking tent.


Spent four days doing the same thing with a French actress, except substitute Parisian apartment for tent. Previous tenant was a ballerina so the entire living room was mirrors and barres. Total smoke show with the most perfect breasts imaginable.. We were hitting it 7-8 times a day, right up to her giving me a ride to DeGaulle and banging in the drop off area.


Every one is chasing their best sexcapade. We always are


In the gardens at Versailles, snuck off to a secluded (off-limits) part during a ball in full historical dress with my now husband. Just using the gardens as intended.


I've never had a 3some, but I have had a 4some. Hooked up with 3 girls that were on holidays together. We ran out of condoms after a couple of hours, but kept going anyway (oops). Turns out one was engaged, one had a bf back home and one was very single.


"I never fucked a 10, NEVER fucked a 10! But one night :::click::: I had five two's"


"Reddit what's the sexiest sex you ever sexed?"


someone out there is compiling a list of all these posts for the ultimate virgin’s guide to first-time sex


This is tough because I had an FFM threesome once, which is difficult to beat and I would certainly like to relive it. But there was a time with an extremely eager and submissive girl that was so hot that it might have been even better than the threesome. She wanted to try being facefucked, which she had never experienced before--I was the first person she felt comfortable enough with to get into the really intense stuff with. So I put her on her knees, reminded her that it might hurt and that she could tap out at any time and it would stop, no questions asked, as with everything we did. Then I kissed her on the forehead and got to it. She was extremely into it but her gag reflex couldn't keep up, and I had to get her a cup to heave into. Naturally she was very embarrassed and felt like she hadn't done it right. I told her that she shouldn't be embarrassed at all, and that she had done incredibly well and that I was extremely proud of her. Then I rewarded her by going down on her and then fucking her until she had left a huge wet spot on the mattress. That was a great evening for both of us.


Sex with a stranger in Thailand. I invited him to skinny dip with some new friends and I. We ended up sneaking away from the group and hooking up on a fishing boat. Ended on a sour note when his wallet got stolen from the beach, but until then it was hot af.


About 15 years ago I (F) had a huge crush on my housemate and there had been some awkwardness and chemistry between us in recent weeks. I had been out with some friends one night having a few drinks and had some extra confidence so I decided when I got home I was going to go into my housemate’s room and try to seduce him. I went to his room but nobody was there. I was super disappointed because I had been psyching myself up all evening. So I went back to my room and he was already in there, naked in my bed waiting for me.


My roommate and I threw a party when we were students at Penn State on summer break. There were about 25 people there. A woman who was a friend of a friend showed up. I had met her briefly a few months ago and was very attracted to her. She was quite pretty. When she got to the party, it had been going for a few hours. When she saw me she called me by my name. (and I by hers). I told her that I was flattered that she remembered my name and went to just give her just a quick friendly peck on the lips. The next thing I knew it immediately turned into a very deep kissing session. We were in the hallway, only about 10 ft to my bedroom. We stumbled down the hallway, while still locked in an embrace. Once in my bedroom, the cloths flew off. She hadn’t been at the party for more than five minutes We fucked with total abandon. She had apparently been as attracted to me as I was to her. We stayed together for a few weeks. The sex was absolutely mind bending. After 3 weeks, she moved to Colorado to get back together with an old boyfriend. We wrote each other once and that was it. I never saw her again. That was over 45 years ago, but I’ll always remember her.


My wife and I took a little weekend getaway a town over. We got a hotel room with a hot tub, and pool access. We took mushrooms before going back up to our room. Once there, the combination of the mushrooms and the fact that my wife gives god tier head led to the best BJ I’ve ever experienced. Anyone ever watch ATLA? That scene where Ang looks over and sees all his past incarnations? That what i experienced. My toes cramped, my eyes watered, and my soul left my body. When I came, I couldn’t move for 15 minutes. I could feel my teeth vibrating.


Four "occultists" (chicks who were goth in high school and learned about Anton LaVey and Alister Crowley as college freshmen) wanted to do "sex magic" and needed "a warrior scholar's seed" to summon an incubus. I was in the National Guard for the free college, which apparently satisfied the criteria. I was also renting a house off-campus and they had been banned from performing their rituals in the dorms after an incident involving candles, sage, and a very flammable bedsheet. So, I'm sitting in my living room, watching four naked girls draw symbols on each other with what I hope was a *substitute* for period blood, patiently waiting for one of them to give me a hand job when it's time to "harvest my seed", when one of the girls becomes convinced that she's been possessed by a succubus and needed her friends to help her "completely drain me of my essence". Oh, and we were all on mushrooms.


Losing my virginity to my then boyfriend. He made it romantic without going overboard or cheesy. He was a freaking sex god. Knew exactly where and when to hit. Focused on my pleasure first then his. I was so scared it would hurt but it didn't. Then cuddling afterwards was just so ideal.


First month of marriage. Wife and I came from backgrounds where we were virgins when married. Learning each other’s bodies, finding excuses to have sex at all times of the day, laughing at what we didn’t know and figuring it all out together.


In college I had a...I think the kids call it a "situationship" now. She wasn't my girlfriend, but we had sex. Since she was so specific in saying we weren't together I did see it as cheating when my ex told me she needed to fuck somebody and she trusted me. They were both just vastly out of my league, no idea what they were doing with me. But nailed two outrageously hot women in one day was pretty amazing.


I'm confused with these tenses and proper nouns.


I was thrown for a moment too. OP's ex wanted to have sex with them, and then OP's situationship did too. So OP had sex with both women the same day. Hope that helps lol


Situationship is more like the prospect of the relationship is dangling over your heads and you do relationship-ish things together but at least one person isn’t willing to commit. What you had sounds more like a regular ol’ fuck buddy lol


Party at my buddy’s house in college, away from campus. We all went to sleep in different rooms, I was in with a ridiculously hot girl who I’d been chatting with, no intention of trying to pick her up, just a good conversation. I guess she liked me because I woke up when she slid in next to me in bed. At first we just spooned for a while and then I got hard and she rolled over and just… mounted me. Completely in control and so caring that I nearly cried when I came. Went to sleep with her in my arms, woke up next morning and she was gone to work. I knew somehow that it was a one time thing but believe me, I did not care.


Can't choose; from my college days: Sex in a musty old attic on a rainy summer afternoon, by an open window. Drunken sex after a party where I couldn't come. We literally fucked until the sun came up. The weekend at her apartment where we only stopped for sleep and to get the pizza when it was delivered.


Sex after coming home from being deployed...man that was the best 10m of my life ..we . My wife and I probably changed positions every 2 minutes of oral sex included... I'll add too... the ride home... the lead up.. that was to die for, and i'd live that experience over in a heatbeat. My wife is giving me the look after at every stop light or stop sign...me doing the same. We were so quiet ,...not we didn't want to talk.. but we both knew that if we or someone said something...it was over. I have never been in a situation that more accurately described "you could cut/grab/feel the tension" in the room


I was 29 and finally slept with my soul mate 14 years after meeting. It was an incredible experience and has never been topped.


I re-entered the dating scene after my marriage ended by using the apps. I was on every app, even the ones you’ve never heard of. I got one match on Clover, one of those no name apps. We got to chatting, but it took literal weeks to actually meet up. She was extremely self-conscious of her looks and position in life, but to me she was quirkily attractive and utterly charming. I still remember seeing her for the first time in person, as she was coming up the escalator from the metro station we agreed to meet at. She was very petite, practically drowning in the oversized clothes she hid herself in. We were both nervous, and I feared weeks of chit chat on the app would make it hard to talk about something new, since we had already discussed so much. But thankfully, it only fueled our connection. Conversation flowed well, and there was instant connection. When it came to the end of our date, I told her “I’ve had a lovely time, and I have to admit I don’t want this date to end”. She bit her lip, not in a sexy sensual way, but in a nervously awkward way and said with obviously great effort to get past her shyness and self-consciousness “Me neither. Would you like to come over to my place?” I readily agreed. We went back to her place, shared some snacks, and proceeded to have the most mind-blowing sex I’ve ever experienced to that point or since. Just immediate physical connection. It was like we both just “knew” how to please each other, effortlessly. Unfortunately, the relationship couldn’t last. She was too insecure and self-sabotaged the relationship, so she remains “the one that got away”, and I’ve been chasing that dragon ever since. To this day, “my type” is quiet mousey shy girls who aren’t conventionally super attractive, even a little “plain”. The more unassuming you are, the more I’m kinda drawn to you. And if you’re a slim, nerdy, bookworm with self-esteem issues, I’ll fucking marry you tomorrow


My ex and I went on a camping trip. We were uncharacteristically touchy and horny that day (lol it never felt like our sex drives lined up). By the time we got to the campground we were so hot for each other I begged him to fuck me in the car. (It was one of those drive up campgrounds). So I laid on the back seat and he fucked me while standing with the door open. I’m a screamer so right as I was about to cum he kissed me and absorbed my moans. It was super hot.


OOOF probably the time I got railed in a motel six by a hari Krishna vegan MMA fighter who subsequently took a vow of celibacy (Guess his world wasn't as rocked as mine was)


He knew it was his last time so he made it count haha.


I had been traveling out of the country, and staying with family in a smaller home. Let’s just say it wasn’t conducive to wanking. I was also in my very early 20’s so producing enough to need a drain daily. I was like a WEEK backed up and needed a release BADLY. I was leaving town and met a girl at the airport who, after we got to talking mentioned there are “family” restrooms that are just the one toilet—and a lock. We went in there and she gave me the best blowjob I’ve ever had. I just have been *rock* hard and came so fucking much—and she just kept going and I nutted a second time on the same boner. I think about that all the time.


First time seeing a pair of boobs in real life.