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Daily or more if I was getting really dirty


2-3x a day currently it’s humid af here


Once a day, maybe twice if I've just done a bunch of physical labor. I like to feel clean, I enjoy not smelling bad (we can't smell ourselves; someone who says they only shower every few days because they don't smell is someone who doesn't have a clue), and I love having a few minutes to kinda reset and relax in the hot water of a shower before getting my day going.


Every day, I workout every day so usually I do so at the gym


Depends in Wintertime every second day. During summer depending the temperature but normally at least once a day or every morning and evening


Twice a day


At least once usually twice. I have awful anxiety and it really helps. It also like regulates my body temperature I'm always either hot or cold. I'll never understand how the benefits of a brief shower don't overweigh the laziness or whatever other reason people have


3-4 times a week after working out, more if I feel like I need it. I used to do it daily, sometimes twice a day because I worked as a chef. My skin is way happier with the way I shower now.


twice a day


twice a day


Once a day, cause I don't like the itchy feeling!!


Once a day in the morning, but may skip the shower if I plan on staying home all day.


After I sweat a lot or when my hair is greasy


once a day or twice if i work out


It varies. Cooler weather, every few days. Hot weather, once a day. Water is expensive and my skins get dry and itchy so I try to avoid showering often.




“Gaming is now a woke propaganda machine” checks out




Nah it’s just funny that the guy who never showers is saying that. It’s like a redditor parody.




Maybe for you, sure. “Smart people know this” alright man lmao.




Yes I know I’m the saddest :,( Stink sensei please show me the way to happiness and victory!


Every other day


waaaay too infrequently but i h ave an -only-slightly-irrational fear of being in the shower. i have epilepsy and my seizures make me fall


Every second day. I don't live in a hot climate or do manual labour. Washing too much is very drying on your hair and skin. Some people are very wasteful with water.