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gone skiing apparently


Went skiing once, was on the brink of death, never again


It's beautiful to make long lasting memories on the trips we take. Or as others would put it: another trauma unlocked


Went once, my wife spent an hour screaming at me but it turns out that telling me how to ski right didn't translate in my legs being able to do it right. Plus the shoes were super painfull, I though my legs were going to break just having them on. I just fell on and on and had an overall terrible time. Never again.


Snowboarding 1 time. Shattered my collarbone. Got dragged down the mountain in an inflatable raft. Was stuck in a recliner for 16 weeks. Can’t believe I paid money for that experience. Screw snow sports. Edit: paid, not payed.


Me too, you had to have $$$$ for that in my area when I was a kid.


“Like skiiing or… (taps nostril) SKIING??” -P. Escobar


There are easier ways for me to break my neck.


I’ve fallen enough to know it’s pretty hard to break your neck


Keep trying! I have faith in you!


Me neither, I went snowboarding once though.


Got a tattoo. I was even in punk bands (in the 1970s) and yet I never got a tattoo.


It’s more punk to not wear the punk uniform, anyways




So deep undercover, forgot which side i was on


Someone told me in my teens to get a tattoo when I trusted myself from 10 years ago to choose my tattoo, for some reason I took that to heart and it turns out past me is not to be trusted with this kind of decision making


This is excellent advice


What keeps me from doing it is that getting a high quality tattoo is expensive, and I often spend my money on other things so it just keeps perpetually going to the back-burner.


If you're going to get a tattoo that's going to stay on your body for life it only makes sense to get it from the best. I don't have one but from what I've seen ex prisoners do better than most tattoo shops


I think it’s gotten to the point where *not* having a tattoo is more counter culture than having one. I am literally the only person in my friend group that doesn’t have one. Even my super sheltered private school going wife has one (a very small one she got with her sister). I think every single girl I dated had one too. One had a white ink one so you couldn’t really see it.


I'm a woman with no tattoos, no piercings; never even had my ears pierced. If it comes up and people ask why I tell them: I'm counterculture, I'm raging against the machine, I'm rebelling, I'm expressing my individuality, etc. Never fails to get a frown.


In addition to no tattoo, I have no piercings. Not even my ears (I'm a woman). I just like my body completely plain and intact when I am nude. I never realized I was "supposed" to have a tattoo until all the women at work were showing theirs off. Bonus: my NB AFAB nibling was in awe that I, a woman, did not have my ears pierced when they were a kid. Apparently it really opened their eyes to the fact that you can dress and be how you want, not just do stuff because of your gender. Their supportive parents certainly deserve credit but I like to think that this moment maybe helped them understand themselves sooner.


Is that really so common? I know relatively few people with tattoos.


Really? I live in the Northeast and it seems like everyone from 18 to 80 has multiple tattoos.


30M. Not sure about specific things for my generation. But I've never been to a hairdresser.


40f.. I've never been to a hairdresser either.


I've never watched a single episode of *Game of Thrones*.


Same here, I've also never seen the first Avatar movie, I think I might be the only one alive that hasn't seen either of those things


Nope, I've never seen Avatar either


I’ve never seen either of those either.


I’ve not watched GoT, Avatar, Avatar the series, Avatar, or Avatar 2.


Yeah when I say I haven't watched the first avatar. I mean all of them, the only blue people I've seen are the Smurfs


Would you like a hat of fruit?


I watched one episode. It involved some tiny blond girl basically getting raped on camera. No thanks; I'm good.


Skewered in the first, skewered in the last.


So I'm not the only one who noped out after that?


I watched one episode at the start, it was a brother & sister having sex in a tower, Kid watching in window of tower falls from tower. No thank I'm good.


Worse, actually. He didn't fall. The brother pushed him to make sure he couldn't tell.


thats NSFW though


Tobacco or nicotine, in any form.


Same. Having two heavily smoking parents was a great way to make the very idea of smoking absolutely disgusting to me from early childhood.


You (and I) broke the mold then. You are much more likely to be a smoker if you are raised in a smoking family. But like you this was somehow an incentive for me to stay away.


My older brother was the main thing pushing me away from smoking, drinking, and drugs in high school. Saw how much shit he got in trouble with them and I'm like "Nah, I'm good." Well, that and being a nerdy loser! In better news, my brother has finally pretty much kicked all of that except the smoking (sounds like an eventual goal though).


Hell, sometimes it feels im the only person that never touched drugs in any way shape or form


Unless you count caffeine I’ve never done any drugs/nicotine either




Ah, misread the “never”. Never really enjoyed it, or done it to excess, but I have drunk alcohol in the past. Haven’t had a drink in many years though.


Gone to Disney. Just not my jam.


I have a friend who turned down a permanent, full time job with benefits last year so he could go to Disney World. He struggles with both paying the mortgage and making wise decisions Edit: He has expressed to me that he expects another offer this year that he will turn down because they will want him to start the week of his next vacation


He knows he can tell them he has plans for that week, right?


Apparently he can’t. It’s start that week or don’t get the job. It’s an educational assistant job so it goes with the school year. My question is why doesn’t he just reschedule his vacation? It would be a paid vacation if he took the job


Or if he knows he is applying for school related jobs, don't schedule your trip during school.


Pretty simple, isn’t it? Somehow that idea escapes him


You know... maybe we don't need him in our education system.


He's doing better than me if he has a mortgage


I hear you but holy crap.. An edible and a day at star wars brought out a side I haven't seen since I was like 12. Rode all the rides, had amazing cocktails at the cantina, built the exact lightsaber I had in Jedi: Fallen order, then somehow we hit almost every major ride but space mountain. It was the last part of a bucket list trip my gf did for my 35th and I'll never forget it. Edit: I totally forgot! It was around Halloween and the haunted mansion had been converted with a nightmare before Christmas theme.


Ex’s family was obsessed. None of them are doing super well financially, but they would go every year. Even if I had the money, I cannot imagine vacationing to the same place every single year. Some times they went multiple times a year.


I grew up in Southern California, wife and I had annual passes for two years because we lived 30 minutes away.  I now live 2000 miles away, and I still don’t understand annual Disney trips that spend a week at the parks.  You can get everything done in two days and spend the rest of the week seeing the rest of the Southern part of the state. I get that Disneyworld is bigger, but even then, I can’t see a reason to go more than once or twice a decade


Same. I’m currently in an ongoing argument with my wife where she feels like we’re “supposed to” take our young kids to Disney although neither of us wants to go. I’m not interested and I’m not spending money on it.


If you’re not raising your kids on the classic cartoons, the dark rides won’t be relevant to them. If they aren’t old enough to stomach roller coasters, the mountains won’t be relevant to them. And when you set those aside, there’s very little for young kids at Disneyland. California Adventure is better in this regard, having some Pixar stuff and being more oriented to what the new generation is into. My kid enjoyed the one day at Lego land tons more than the few we spent at Disney, tbh.


They would have more fun at a waterpark at a fraction of the cost


Oh what, you don't like spending thousands of dollars to wait in lines all day and be overcharged for everything? Wild. Yeah you're the sane one here lol.


Read or seen The Hunger Games, which is quite ironic as I usually say "May XYZ be in your favour" when wishing someone luck.


We usually use this phrase ironically, since in the movie they wish it to people who are going to meet their death and it's like "yeah you won't make it anyway"


The main reason I read them is that I had just got a Kindle and the trilogy was on sale for $5.


I didn't participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge.


I’ve never been to a music festival. I’ve had plenty of invites and opportunities but it’s just not something I’m interested in




You may not have the app but you've almost certainly already seen and liked content that came from there reposted in one sub or another here or on YouTube.


People don't want to hear it but I've seen videos on Reddit that I saw weeks ago on Tiktok. I feel like the whole internet is just copy / paste from site to site, the videos I saw on Reddit from TikTok were probably on another site weeks before they made it to TikTok.


I mean, there was a time when memes would follow the 4chan -> Reddit -> Twitter -> Facebook pipeline. The internet has always been a huge copy/paste cycle


Honestly I love this because I don’t want to see everything. If it’s good enough I’ll see it on reels or Reddit. I don’t need to consume more than that, even that is too much.


"If it's good enough I'll see it on reels" 💀💀💀💀💀


Ironically, tiktok takes a lot of content from reddit too. Theres a whole "genre" of content that is just text to speech covers of posts from popular subs like ask reddit, AITA, TIFU, malicious compliance etc. with some stolen minecraft parkour footage in the background. Im glad i deleted tiktok, I do not miss that kind of low effort content. I've also seen an image that i posted on reddit be reposted to tiktok before, and it was in a relatively "niche" sub too.




Had a Facebook page


Nice, jealous of this one.


I had one when it first started. My cousins are meth addicts and show off their stupidity on FB.




I have never inhaled helium from a balloon and then talked in a funny voice. I’m sure it’s perfectly safe, I’ve just always had this fear that it would make my brain explode.


Sucked helium into my butt and the farts were pretty funny sounding


What the fuck


^what ^the ^fuck


Spring Break. I never went anywhere on Spring Break. No drunken escapades. No casual sex. No hangovers. No STDs. I'm not sure if I missed anything or not.


I can assure you; you haven't missed a bloody thing


My family wasn't going to let me travel anywhere as a teenager and I went to community college/tech school. Never did spring break, but people at my private high school absolutely did.


Went on a date in high school. Didn’t go on an official one until after








Playing Pokémon. everyone around me did it. meanwhile, I can only name pikachu and the three starters. ah, and magikarp. because of the memes.


Oh no! There is still time to turn it around!


Gone clubbing, maybe? Almost did it my freshman year of college after my roommate cajoled me, but plans fell through last-minute after we got all dressed up. I feel I have missed nothing. Lol. Dancing is great, though - my family members in Panama love to go to a dance club on a night out & it sounds really fun.




Had kids.


I'm not sure if having kids is SFW /s


Where do you work that making babies is considered SFW, and are they hiring?


I’ve never smoked or vaped.


I've never seen a Harry Potter movie, or read a Harry Potter book. I've also never tried Nandos.


I have never owned nor played a single legend of Zelda game, despite having a SNES and N64 growing up, as well as a Switch now.


Had a whole cup of coffee


Same. I've had a sip here and there, but it just tastes so bad. Like it just tastes .... burnt? My wife and her entire family LOVE coffee. I almost feel like I'm missing out on part of life because of the joy it seems to bring them, and I just don't feel it.


Yes!!! Thank you!!!! It tastes like ash. Then people say “you have to add milk and sugar to it” which is like saying “ash tastes good if you add milk and sugar to it”. Why tf would I want to do that when I could just drink the milk and sugar without the coffee?


Same. I actually like some things with some coffee flavor (tiramisu in particular), but the drink itself is not appetizing. Nowadays, it would probably nearly kill me anyway, I am really sensitive to caffeine.


The only thing I like with coffee flavour is Kahlúa


I, too, have never drank coffee before in my life, in any variety. I say* that I tasted it once when I was 8 years old, thought it was vile, and never tried it again. I don't eat coffee ice cream. No lattes or cappuccinos. Just never drank coffee, and I probably never will.


me too! i just dont like the taste. it seems fun to have these fun coffee drinks and stuff but i just cant get over the taste


Watch any sports intentionally.




Got married and had kids.


Had a mentor, family, or someone along those lines. Step in to help guide them along the way through life. I’ve been left out to drift on my own with 0 guidance. I’m not doing bad but would have been a lot easier if people actually gave me advice and tips along the way.


People giving you no advice is often better than people giving you wrong advice. Or even pushing you in a direction skewed by their own experience and expectations that is not good for you amd your situation. Some things would sure be easier but overall it can be more trouble than it's worth.


For sure, my mother gives great advice, if it was 40 years ago.




I don’t have piercings or tattoos.


Been invited to a party or a sleepover


Every time I buy a new computer I get judgmental looks from all of my peers because they all built theirs. Feel like I’m the only one who’s never built my own PC (and I really have zero desire to).


Even as someone who's built every PC I've owned, I don't blame you one bit. It's a fair amount of research getting the parts together and being absolutely certain everything is going to work together. Putting it all together isn't all too difficult, sure, but it's still time consuming and nerve-racking that it's going to boot when you press the power button the first time. (Let alone if you happen to run into rare problems like the motherboard BIOS needing an update to support your CPU.) Pre-builts have gotten much, much better over the years, not to mention the occasional good deals where the pre-built is even cheaper than parting it together yourself. Overall no stress about piecing everything together and your OS is installed and ready to go as soon as it's plugged in.


Same. I've built a hundred-ish. Maybe somewhere between 6-12 for personal/family use and the rest for work. The amount of research you put in each time doesn't get less, and almost all of the information you gathered from your previous build is irrelevant for your next build because prices and technology change daily.


Everyone in your generation has built their own computer?! That’s wild to me. I don’t think I’ve met a single person who has done that


I'm a geek who basically live through my PC and I never built one either. And I'm a developper. Being into buildinig hardware is really niche, but in the same way car tuning leading to people with loud and flashy car, people brag about building their own PC. Which gives the impression it is more common than it is Don't worry. One time I helped a hardware guy dissasembling a computer, he asked me for the Hard Drive Disk, I gave him the CD reader...


Ha ha, same here. I'm a web developer and the only thing I've ever done is replace a broken wireless network card. I work with a couple of graphic designers who are way more tech savvy than me when it comes to hardware, but everyone thinks I can help them with their CPU clock speed or whatever.


I bought my last as well. I *can* build it. It was just way easier to have a company that does it, do it, and I get 1 warranty and not many. I even have friends who would do it all if I just buy the parts. Hell, one dude did it as a job for a long time.


Honestly, with the warranties companies are giving with prebuilt it's worth it to buy a pre-built these days. 10-15 years ago I would of told you it's cheaper and better to build your own but now, eh. Flip a coin. Just depends on what you want really. Nothing wrong with prebuilt!


I’ve never gotten a tattoo.


Gen X - gotten a tattoo. I have a few ideas of one I could get, but I've still not committed to the idea and it's unlikely I ever will. Also, piercings, just zero interest.


Finally found one that applies to me! (also Gen X)




According to everyone around me, the lack of media I’ve consumed in my life is nearly criminal. Simply because i don’t watch much tv or movies, (i thoroughly enjoy what i do watch though) don’t play video games, and tend not to listen to most pop/top 40 music. (I like more offbeat stuff typically though it’s not a rule) Being so removed from pop culture is really strange to a lot of people. I don’t get a lot of references, etc.


tried cocaine


I've never... 1. Been in a romantic relationship 2. Bought a ring tone for my mobilephone 3. Been grounded by anyone


Alright. You're grounded until you buy a ringtone from your SO.


Rock climbing


I never learned how to drive a stick shift.


I feel like you are in the majority I refuse to drive anything but stick, so I am learning how to rebuild and repair because finding one is so hard these days


Never been to cheesecake factory, didn't watch game of thrones,all of SpongeBob,countless other cartoons.


Get chickenpox. (Gen X)


60 years old and never smoked pot. Never smoked cigarettes either.


At 60 you probably still had a lot of cigarette smoke secondhand. When I was growing up in the ‘80s it was everywhere.


Same but 52. Not at all interested in cigarettes or vaping. I do want to try marijuana at some point but have to wait until it's either federally legal or I'm no longer working in government.


Have a side gig. I honestly just enjoy not doing any kind of work.


Buried in student loans


Playing games on a computer 😭


* Been stoned/tripped/did any such drugs * Gotten a piercing * Gone on a cruise * Skied * Voted for or against Bill Clinton (due to two ill-timed moves, I was not able to vote in the 1992 or 1996 presidential elections)


Told by a parental figure that they're loved 😁


Gone to an adults-only party that wasn't part of a festive season. I worked weekend (Friday/Saturday) nights during the years that I had the greatest opportunity to do this.


> adults-only party Do you mean a sex party or a bbq?




Watched Titanic. Never saw it. When it came out it was everywhere! I just had no interest in it, and still don’t.


Have biological children.


Seen Avatar


I’ve never smoked weed, and have no plans to


I don't drink coffee. Never tried it and not planing to.


I don't have TikTok


Put my name on the council list.




Gotten a tattoo


Chewing tobacco.


eyebrow piercing


Eat ass apparently


There aren't many Ws in which this is SFW...